At the General-Sessions of the PEACE, held at St. Johnstone the first Tuesday of May, 1656. By his Highnesse the Lord Protectors JUSTICES of PEACE for PERTH-SHIRE.
THe Justices of his Highnesse Peace for the said Shire, in pursuance of that Trust reposed in them for on carrying, preserving and maintaining the Peace there, do judge it their duty to make the Acts and Resolutions of this and the former Sessions known to all the Shire, that such as transgresse, and commonly plead ignorance, may be inexcusable. And because provoking Sins undetected and punished will undoubtedly prove a continual trouble of our Peace. Therefore it is Ordained,
That the Clerks of the Kirk-Sessions of ilk Paroch within the Shire, in all time coming, aswell as since the first of January, 1651. give a true Extract to the Clerk of the Peace, of the Names of all Persons in the Paroch convict of Blasphemy, Incest, Adultery, Fornication, Swearing or Cursing, Breach of the Sabbath, Reproaching or mocking of Piety, Drunkennesse, Tipling or such like Crimes, That every Transgressor since that time, who hath not been censured conform to the Instructions by the Judicatories competent, may be punished, and such wickednesse; supprest and crusht for the future.
That the Overseers (who are to be the most pious and understanding men in the Paroch) and Constables, give up to the Clerk of the Peace a List of every Alehouse-keeper who sell Ale or Strong waters, &c. at unlawful times, or who keep not good order in their houses, or who harbour or entertain lewd, profane, or idle men or women, sturdy Beggars, Tinkers, Gamsters, or masterless people; that all such Ale-sellers, &c. may be punished as the cause requires.
That all persons who are not in present service with a Master, or who are not Land-labourers, or who have not a Trade, Calling, or Revenue to maintain them; be reputed Vagabonds, and their Names sent by the Overseers and Constables in ilk Paroch, to the next Justice, or to the Clerk of the Peace, that they may be presently punished as such.
That no Housekeeper whatsoever, recept, harbour, give or send entertainment to any Vagabond, Thief, Gypsie, unknown and suspect person, under the pains and penalties contained in the Acts of Parliament anent Resetters.
That if any Paroch wherein a Robbery is committed, do not answer the Hue and Cry raised on committing thereof, and follow the Constable on the pursuit till he return, such Paroch shall be liable in payment of the Robbery.
That all Overseers take strict care not only to put all such Beggars or poor people who belong not to the Paroch, and want a sufficient Passe or Testimonial out of the Paroch, But also to keep all such out, by sending such as return, to Prison; and presenting those who either harbour or give them any entertainment, that they may be punished therefore.
That no person make any Linnen-Cloath to sell under an Ell in breadth, if the price of the Ell be above ten shillings; And under three quarters in breadth, if the price of the Ell be under ten shillings: And that no person bleitch any Linnen with Lime, under the pain of forfeiting all the Cloath of lesse breadth, or so bleitch't: The one half whereof to any who after Midsummer 1656. discovers the same.
That no person take Salmond, or their Fry, with an Angle-wand in another mans Waters, without the owners leave, under six pound Scots ilk fault.
That as the General-Sessions for the Peace are to be kept the first Tuesdayes of February, May, August, and the last Tuesday of October yearly; So, special Sessions are to be kept in ilk Sub-division of the Shire, The first Tuesdayes of March, June, September and December yearly, where all differences betwixt Masters and Servants, and such other things as may be judged out of the General-Sessions will be determined; And every Master who rests any Fee to his Servant, will at the General Sessions be compelled to pay the same, if the Servant sue therefore.
That during the scarsity of Money and cheapnesse of Victual, no person give or take more Fee or Wages then what is after-specified, To wit, A common able Man-servant, nine Merks Scots termly, with a pair of double-soal'd Shoes, two Ells of Scots Grays, and three Ell of Hardin, as his Bounteth; or in stead therof, one pound four shillings for the shoes, one pound four shillings for the Hardin, and one pound sixteen shilling for the Grays.
A common able Lad-servant, four Merk and a half termly, with the like Bounteth, or Money proportionably therefore.
A common able Woman-servant, four Merk and a half termly, with a pair of double-soal'd Shoes, three ell of Plaiding, three ell of Hardin, and one ell of Linnen, as her Bounteth; or in stead thereof one pound for her Shoes, one pound seven shillings for the Plaiding, one pound four shillings for the Harden, and twelve shillings for the Linnen.
A common able Lasse-servant is to have two Merk and fourty penies termly, with the like Bounteth, or Money proportionably therefore.
The Harvest-fee of the able Man shearer is not to exceed six pound, or six shillings ilk dayes work: And the able Woman-shearer four pound, or four shillings for ilk dayes work.
That all Servants give their Masters a quarters warning before their removal; And that no Servant pane out of, or come in to any Paroch, without a Testimonial under the Minister and Overseers hands of the Paroch where they last dwelt, under the pain of being punished as Vagabonds, besides fining their Resetters.
That no Servant leave his Master at the Whitsundayes Term, if his Master be willing to keep him till the Mertimasse following upon the former Terms conditions, unlesse such Servant show lawful cause for his departure, to some uninterested Justice in that Division where he dwelleth.
Shomakers are not to exceed two shillings six penies the Inch of measure for the pair of double-sol'd Shoes from eight Inches upward; And two shillings the Inch from eight Inches downward: And for the pair of single-soal'd Shoes, one shilling six penies the Inch above eight Inches of measure; and one shilling four penies the Inch from eight Inches downward: Providing alwayes the Leather be well tann'd, and the Shoes sufficient Mercat ware.
Weavers are to weave ilk Ell of Linnen, for one peny half-peny out of ilk twelvepence that the Ell of green Linnen is worth: Plaiding for an half-peny the Ell, with a peck of Meal to the stone: Grays and Secking for twelve penies the Ell: Tycking and Dornock Napery for two shillings the Ell; And Dornock Table-Cloath for four shillings the Ell.
Wackers are to take for the ell of Hosen, one shilling four penies only: And for ilk ell of Grays or Plaiding, four penies the ell only, and no more.
Masons, Slaters, and Wrights, are not to exceed a Merk Scots without, and half a Merk with meat, for the dayes work, from March first to October first; And thereafter to abate in their dayes Hire proportionably, except they work with Candle-light.
Taylors and Shoe-makers are not to exceed four shillings a day and their meat, when they work abroad for daily hire.
Malt-makers are not to take above one peck of Malt for making the Boll of Beer in Malt.
Makers of Peny-Bridals are not to exceed eight shillings a-piece for the ordinary of ilk Man and ilk Woman, at Dinner or Supper.
That as thir Rates, Fees and Prices, &c. are not intended in the prejudice of those Masters who usually hire their Servants, and have their Work wrought cheaper; so all other persons are to conform themselves to the foresaid Prices, under the pain of paying a Terms Fee, or ten dayes Hire, the one half to the Discoverer, and the other half to Prisoners and the Poor in the Paroch.
That the Constables at ilk general Sessions faithfully present all Contraveeners of any of the above-written Acts; All Forestallers or Regraters; All keepers of, or sellers with false Weights, Mets or Measures; And all other Misdemeanors that shall come to their knowledge betwixt the Sessions.
That whatever person assists not the Paroch-Constables in executing their Offices; And whatever Constable, Overseer, or other person assists not, and gives obedience to the High-Constable of ilk of their Sub-divisions, in the execution of any Orders of Session directed to him, shall be imprisoned and fined as the Justices think fit.
That all Overseers give notice to the next Justice in that Division where he dwelleth, before the first of June yearly, of such Highwayes or Bridges within the Paroch as are out of repair, or fit to be made, that the same may be mended and made that summer, as the special Sessions the first Tuesday of June shall direct, under the pain of six pound Scots for ilk failye.
That any person who shall inform against the Breakers of any of the above-written Acts, and make it appear that the person or persons informed against, are guilty, shall be sufficiently rewarded for ilk Discovery: And if it be made appear that any Constable or Overseer shall connive at, or compound with any Transgressor of the foresaid Acts, such Constables and Overseers shall be forthwith imprisoned, and fined, as the Justices think meet.
That as the Dues of the Clerk of the Peace here, are not to exceed those of the Clerks of the Peace of Mid-lowthian and Fise-shires: So the Dues of the Justices Clerks here are only: For all the Recognizances written in one Action, twelve shillings Scots, payable by the party succumber: For all Warrants or Summons to compear anent one Action, six shillings only, payable by the party aforesaid: For writing ilk Witnesses Deposition, two shillings, payable by the party aforesaid: For every Absolvitor before a particular Justice, six shillings: And for every Mittimus, eight shillings Scots.
That Correspondence be kept with our neighbour Shires, for the joynt oncarrying of the Work of the Peace, and punishing all Contraveeners of the Acts and Ordinances made in any of the said Shires.
That the Constables cause read thir Presents at every Paroch Kirk in the Shire, after the first Sermon; and thereafter affix and set up the same on the most patent Door thereof.