The OATH Of Allegiance.

I A. B. do sincerely Pro­mise and Swear, That I will be Faithfull, and bear true Allegiance to their Ma­jesties, King WILLIAM and Queen MARY.

So help me God, &c.

The OATH Of Supremacy.

I A. B. do Swear, That I do from my Heart Ab­hor, Detest, and Abjure, as Impious and Heretical, that Damnable Doctrine and Po­sition, That Princes Excom­municated or Deprived by the Pope, or any Authority of the See of Rome, may be Deposed or Murthered by their Sub­jects, or any other whatsoever.

And I do Declare, That no Foreign Prince, Person, Pre­late, State, or Potentate, hath, or ought to have any Jurisdiction, Power, Superi­ority, Preeminence, or Au­thority Ecclesiastical or Spi­ritual within this Realm.

So help me God, &c.

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