By the King and Queen A PROCLAMATION.

William R.

FOrasmuch as it hath pleased God to Call Us to the Throne, and that thereby it is Incumbent upon Us to Prevent any Inconveni­ence to Our Subjects that may arise by not Executing the Laws Necessary or Conducing to the Peace and better Government of Our People. We therefore do hereby Declare Our Royal Pleasure to be, That all Persons being Protestants, who upon the first day of December last past, were in the Offices of Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, Collectors, Receivers, and other Offices and Places concerning the Collecting, Receiving, and Paying of the Revenue of this Kingdom, shall be, and shall hold themselves continued in the said Offices and Places respectively, untill Our Pleasure be further known. And that they and every of them do take on them the Execution of their said respective Offices and Places; and that all Our Loving Subjects do give their due Obedience, [...]nd be Aiding and Assisting unto them therein.

GOD Save King WILLIAM and Queen MARY.

London, Printed by John Starkey and Awnsham Churchill, and Re-printed at Glasgow, Anno Dom. 1689.

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