Whitehall, June 7. 1697. The Mail from Holland of Friday last arrived this Afternoon; tho' that of Tuesday the first of this Month is not yet come in.

Published by Authority.

Geneva, May 26. N. S.

THe last Advices we have received from Provence give an account, That 12 Men of War lay ready at Thoulon, and 32 Gallies at Marteslies, being all ordered to fail towards Barcelona. The Cardinal of Bouillon, who came in one of the Great Dukes Gallies from Marseilles, landed two days ago at Savona, and arrived have yesterday in his way to Rome.

Venice, May [...]1. The Ban of Cro [...] has sent to Sig­m [...]r Mocenigo, who commands the Venetian Forces in Daimatis, to acquaint [...]m, that in pursance of the Or­ders he had received from the Emperor, he was upon his march with an Army of 24000. Men to Be [...]ege the Fornes [...] of Biharz, and to desire him to give the Turks at the same time a Diversion on that Frontier. We have no fresh Letters from the Levant.

Madrid, May 29. The King of Spain continues in ve­ry good Health; and the Queen is recovered of her late Illness. We have an account from Barcelona, That the French Army Rendevouses near Gironne, 28000 strong. The Spaniards are about 18000. Count Harach the Em­peror's Envoy is arrived here.

Corunna, June 8. On the 22th of the last month came into this Port the Elizabeth and Katherine, and the Speedwell, the first bound to Barbadoes, and the other to Nevis, who came out with the West-I [...]a Fleet; and the 26th they failed again. On the 30th were seen off Cape Prior 14 great Ships standing to the Westward.

Vienna, June I. The last Letters from Croatia give an account. That the great Rains which had fallen in that Country had for several days retarded the Siege of Bihatz, but the weather growing fair again, the Troops were on their march, and they intended to invest the place the first of this month. General Staremberg is forming a Camp near Verismarton. We have Advice that the Town of Baya is burnt down, with the Magazine of Forage laid up there; every body be­lieves 'twas occasioned by Treachery.

Francfort, June 9. The Forces of the Allies continue in their Camps formerly mentioned; The Regiments who have not yet joyned them are on their march; 'tis believed they Will in 3 or 4 days be all formed in one Body; And Pri [...]ce Lewis of Baden, who is at present at Ausburg, intends to go thence to morrow to the Army. The Marechal de Choiscul is marched from his Camp at Neuistar nearer to Mentz; His Army is about 30000 Men.

Mentz, June 10. The Forces of the Allies, which lay at [...]nglmgen, marched from thence yesterday to Cost­ [...]; where they are to pass the River Man [...]e, and af­ter [...] the Rhine, near this City, in order to Post them­ [...] in our Neighbourhood. The French Army moves [...] way; Were yesterday at Lampensheim; and it's [...]ght they ins to posiess themselves of their old [...] at Ne [...].

Cologne, Jan 11. Ten B [...]talions of the Lunenbu [...]g [...] pa [...] the Rhine at Son and Lintz the [...]th and [...], and are marched towards Brabant; [...]d the [...] the Lunen [...]urg Tr [...], and those of [...] intend pass the Rhine tomorow [...] [...]and to continue their march like­wise to [...]. They write [...] That P [...] [...] was expected in the Cont [...] [...] on the [...] or 12th o [...] this [...] which [...] then march [...]ds the [...] she [...] no other design [...]

[...] the Danish Forces, to the [...] Holmen Fort [...]lon [...]g to the [...] not yet made use or A [...]ry against the [...] mean time the Ende [...] are [...] ters. Three Ambassadors from the Czar of M [...] fcovy ar­rived at Coningsberg the 27th past with a nu [...]us Ketibenue, and had Audience of the Elector or [...]and [...]ourg on the first instant; and from thence they are to go to Vienna. The last Letters from Poland lay, the [...]r had not yet made choice of a Marshal, but in the mean time had appointed a Gentleman, who was Marshal of the last Diet, to preside in their Assembly; tho' nothing of great moment would be done till all the Gentry were [...]r [...]ed.

Paris, June 10. Yesterday arrived here an [...]press from the French Army in Catalonia, whence he parted on the [...] of this month, and brings an account, That the Spaniards upon the march of our Troops had put 6000 of their best Men into Barcelona; and that the Duke de Vendo [...]me had invested that place; That the Count [...]d Estree lay before the Port with a Squad [...]n of Men of War from [...]on; and the Gali [...]es, who had been stop [...] by bad weather at Balam [...]s, were daily expected, They begin to have here but [...] hopes of the Prince of Con [...]i's succeeding in his Prete [...]ions to the Crown of Poland; though tour Mans of Lives have been al­ready spent to promote this design and [...] more are pro­mised after the Election. An O [...]cer arrived here the 7th at night with the Arti [...]es [...] the Surrender of Ath, which were signed the 5th of this month.

B [...]ussels, June 12. The Garison of Ath, after the French had taken the Ravelin, and made two Breaches in the Walls of the Town, and were preparing for a General Assault, Capi [...]ulated the 5th in [...] in the Evening, and the Articles after some dispute being signed, the Garison marched our the 7th in the morning with Arms and Bag­gage, Drums Beating, Colours Flying, and other Marks of Honour, and were conducted to Dendermond; but Mareschal Catinat caused the Prince de Chimay Colonel of Ho se, Lieutenant Colonel Catoire, a Major and two Cap­tains to be made Prisoners, on pretence of making Repri­zi [...]s for the Hostages that were stopt by the Allies at Na­mor [...]or Payment of the Debts the French had contracted in that Town.

From His Majesty's Camp at Promelles, June 13. The Enemy remain still in their Camps near Ath; O [...] Tuesday they fired all their Cannon for the taking of that Place. His Majesty saw put of the Army drawn our yesterday and will continue the Review tomorrow. Brigadier Spar is sent with 4 Regiments to rei [...]f [...]rce the Garison of Audenarde, which contained of 3 before. The Tro [...]ps of Lunenburg are come as far as M [...]c [...]triche and may join us the next week, several Dragon and Fush [...]rs who have Deserted the F [...]e [...]ch Army within these 2 [...]r 3 days, are come hither with their Horses and Accoun [...]ments.

Hague, June 14. N. S. His Excellency Sir Joseph Williamson being arrived here from Ro [...] erdam, assisted on Wednesday at the Conference a [...] Ryswick. On Thursday [...]ait [...]ent out of the Texell [...]on Dutch Men of War with the Mere [...]r Ships bound to Sp [...]in and Portugal, VVe have Advice that cu Barr designs in few days to fall with his Squadron from [...] kirke.

Plimouth, June 4. Yesterday came in the Lion of London, William. Sexton Master from Antegoa, who re­ports, That before their leaving that Island, they had an Account from Barbadoes, That Vice Admiral Nevill and Commadore M [...]s were both come thir [...], and joyned on Saturday the 24th of April, being then 18 Men of War, who [...]er two days stay at Ba [...]es, were to fail for [...]at, and there to meet and Joyn two other [...]h Men of War, and [...] that they would proceed [...] to look for [...] Squadron. And he [...]dds, That the [...] of t [...] Islands, as [...]at [...]ama [...] under no a [...] [...] of the French, [...] was [...] to be against the Spanish [...] at [...].

[...], with His Majesty's [...] Wal [...]ward.

Printed by Edw [...] in the S [...]voy. 1697.

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