The last Newes from France.

Being a true Relation of the escape of the King of Scots from Worcester to London, and from London to France, who was conveyed away by a young Gentleman in womans apparrell: The King of Scots attending on this sup­posed Gentlewoman in manner of a Servingman.

The tune is, When the King enjoyes his own again.
ALL you that do desire to know
what is become of the King of Scots
I unto you will truly show,
after the fight of the Northern Rats
Twas I did convey
His Highnesse away,
And from al dangers set him free,
In womans attire,
As reason did require
And the King himself did wait on me.
He of me a service did crave,
and offer-times to me stood bear,
In womans apparrel he was most brave
and on his chin he had no hare,
Where ever I came
My spéeches did frame,
So well my Waiting-man to frée,
The like was never know,
I think by any one.
For the King &c.
My Waiting man a I well had,
Which I for want o [...] Mony sold,
Because my Fortune was so bad,
wée turn'd our Iew [...]ll into Gold,
A good shift indéed,
In time of our need.
Then glad was I and glad was be,
Dur cause it did advance.
Untill wee came to France,
And the King, &c.
Wee walked through Westminster-hall,
where Law and Iustice doth take place
Dur grief was great our comfort small,
wee lookt grim death all in the face.
I looked round about,
And made no other doubt.
But I and my man should taken be.
The people little knew.
As I may tell to you.
That the King himself did wait on me.
FRom thence we went to the fatall place
where his Father lost his life.
And there my man did weep apace.
and sorrow with him then was life.
I bid him peace.
Let sorrow cease.
For fear that we should taken be.
The gallants is in Wh [...]teahll.
Did little know at all.
That the King himself did wait on me.
The King he was my Servingman,
and thus the plot we did contrive,
I went by the name of Mistresse Ann
when we took water at Queen hive,
A boat there we took,
And London forsook.
And now in France arrived are we,
We got away by stealth,
And the King is in good health,
And he shall no longer wait on me.
The King of Denmarks dead they say,
then Charls is like to rule the Land,
In France he will no longer stay
as I do rightly understand.
That Land is his due
If they be but true.
And he wi [...]h them do well agree,
I heard a Bird sing.
If he be once their King,
my man will then my Master be.
Now heaven grant them better successe
with their young King then England had
Free from warr and from distresse,
their Fortune may not be so bad.
Since the case thus stands
Let neighbouring Lands
Lay down their arms and at quiet be
But as for my part
I'm glad withall my heart
That my man must now my Master be.
And thus I have declar'd to you
by wha [...] means wee esc [...]p'd away
Now wee bid our cares adiew
though the King did loose the day
To him I was true,
And that well he knew
Tis God that must his comfort be
else all our policy
had bin but foolery
For the King no longer waits on me.

Printed for W. Gilbertson.

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