I. THe Crown of France for the Foundation of a future Peace, will ob­serve the Westphalia and Nimeguen Treaties.

II. Notwithstanding the said Crown intended to keep Strasburgh and Luxemburgh, and give for an equivalent Friburg, in the State it is in at pre­sent, with its Dependencies: And also Brisack, with all its Fortifications, ex­cept those of the new City, the Fort of Esch and the Fort of Ryne, to be de­molished: Nevertheless upon the Allies refusing to accept them, the said Crown promises to give up the City of Strasburgh only in the Condition it was in when taken.

III. To deliver up Philipsburgh to the Bishop of Spire.

IV. To raze the Fort of Kiell, and other Forts made on the Rhine.

V. As also Fort-Louis and Huninghen.

VI. To raze Montroyal and Roseback, provided the Allies will be obliged not to re-fortifie them.

VII. To restore to the Elector of Pallatine, not only his Electoral Lands, but also the Dutchies of Simmeren and Lauteren, and the County of Span­heim, with all other Places whereof his Ellectoral Highness has been dispos­sessed to this present time.

VIII. Madam the Dutches of Orleans will not proceed by force on her Pro­testant Subjects, but will prosecute her Right only before a competent Judge in relation to the Elector.

IX. To give Satisfaction to the other Crowns, in relation to other Reve­nues; that is to say to the Crown of Sweeden, for the Dutchies of Deux-ponis; and all its dependencies.

X. To the Count of Valdentz, for his Town and Castle of Valdentz.

XI. To restore Bischweiter to the Count of Hanow.

XII. To the Count of Obersteine the County Delamoets.

XIII. The Signory of Salme, and that of Salstein, to the Prince of Salme, or to whom they Lawfully appertain, since there is still a dispute about it.

XIV. The Signory of Lustenstein, and that of Altsheim, to those to whom they belong.

XV. Obsworter to the House of Nassaw.

XVI. To the House of Wirtemburgh, the County of Montraband, Herri­court. Blamont, and Chastillet.

XVII. Germersheime to the House of the Elector Palatine; notwithstanding former Treaties.

XVIII. Stadez. and Landeburgh to the Count de Valitz.

XIX. To restore all that has been taken since the Peace of Nimeguen:

XX. As to Lorrain. this Crown would have it referred to the General Treaty of Peace; and in the mean time, France promises to offer more on this subject than she has ever hitherto done.

XXI. To restore to the Bishop of Liege, Dinant, in the State it was in when she possessed her self of it.

XXII. That to all other Princes, whether comprehended in the Alliance or not, their Pretensions shall be respited; and that France obligeth her self to give them satisfaction in the time of the Negotiation.

XXIII. That this Crown will acknowledge WILLIAM the third for Lawful King of England, without any Reserve or Restriction, tho' not before the Conclusion of the Peace; since if this Crown should do it at present, and the Peace should not be concluded, it would be necessary for her to retract it, an inconvenience she would avoid.

Printed at London, and Re-printed in the Year, 1696.

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