[City of London coat of arms]

By the Mayor.

WHereas by an ancient Law and Statute of this Realm, It is provided, That no Fairs or Markets be kept in Church­yards, Nevertheless in the late times of Disorder, the Church­yard belonging to the Cathedral of Saint Paul London, hath, contrary to the said Statute, been made a Market-place, and a Market there kept; Now Forasmuch as at a Common-Councell holden in the Chamber of the Guild-hall London, the nineteenth day of October, in the thirteenth year of the happy and blessed reign of our Sovereign Lord CHARLES the Second, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. that now is, It is ordered by the right Honourable the Lord Maior, and the right Worshipfull the Aldermen, and the Commons of the City of London in the said Common-Councell assem­bled, That the said Market be forthwith removed, and no Market thenceforth kept in the said Church-yard; And for the ease and benefit of such of his Maiesties Subiects with in this City and Liberties, who have occasion to sell or buy Rootes, Hearbs, Fruit, or other Garden commodities, two places onely, namely Broadstreet and Al­dersgatestreet London, are by the said Common-Councel appointed for a Market to sell the same wares in; and that only on the Market daies, and times usual within this City, and on no other daies or times: These are therefore to give Notice of the Premisses, And in his Maiesties name streightly to charge and command, that no person or persons whosoever resorting to this City with such or any other wares, presume to pitch down, or stand with any Roots, Hearbs, Fruits, or any other Market Commo­dities, or keep any Market in the same Church-yard, And also that all such persons at any time here­after resorting to this City or Liberties to sell such Garden commodities, do not pitch down or stand with to sell the same in any other place or places within this City or Liberties, saving only in the said places of Broadstreet and Aldersgatestreet, upon pein that all and every such person and persons who shall offend against any the Premises, shall be severely dealt withall & punished according to Law.

God save the King.

Printed by James Flesher, Printer to the Honourable City, of London.

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