A LIST of Their Majesties Royal Forces, viz. Horse, Dragoons and Foot, now Actually in Service, for the Year 1691.

HORSE. Tr. Men Payment p. An.
E. Scarborough, First Troop of Guards 1 260 21921 5 10
D. Ormond, Second Troop of Guards 1 260 21985 3 4
E. Marlebrough, Third Troop of Guards 1 260 21921 5 10
E. Drumlanrig's Troop, Scots Guards 1 118 9687 14 2
E. Oxford's Royal Regiment of Horse 9 450 301 [...]3 15 10
Sir John Lanier 9 450 30398 8 4
Coll. Villiers 6 300 20634 13 4
L. Collonel Colchester 6 300 20634 13 4
Collonel Russel 6 300 20634 13 4
Collonel Godfrey 6 300 20634 13 4
Collonel Coy 6 300 20634 13 4
Collonel Langston 6 300 20634 13 4
Collonel Byerley 6 300 20634 13 4
Count Scomberg 6 300 20634 13 4
D. Scomberg's French Regiment 9 450 3039 [...] 8 4
Collonel Wolsley 12 600 40207 15 10
Mr. Harbord's Independent Troop 1 55 3245 11 8
Dines Baron Jewel 6 270 22076 8 4
Dines Collonel Donep 6 270 22076 8 4
Dines Collonel Shested 6 270 22076 8 4
L. Overkirk's Dutch Troop of Guards 1 179 16126 4 0
E. Portland's Regiment of Guards 6 480 30051 8 0
Marq. de Mountpovillian 3 213 13078 18 0
Major General Scravenmore 3 213 13078 18 0
Liutenant General Ginckel 3 213 13078 18 0
Van Oyen 3 213 13078 18 0
Major General Zuylestey 3 213 13078 18 0
Sack 3 213 13078 18 0
Nieuenhousen 3 213 13078 18 0
Boncour 3 213 13078 18 0
Reiddessel. 3 213 13078 18 0
Total Horse 144 8687 605093 14 10
Collonel Matth's Royal Regiment 8 480 20226 13 4
Collonel Leveson 6 360 15999 3 4
L. Fitzhardings 6 360 15999 3 4
Sir Thomas Livings;tone's Scots Royal Regiment 6 360 15999 3 4
Collonel Richard Cunninghame 6 360 11020 16 0
Collonel — 6 360 11020 16 0
Collonel Hefford 6 360 15999 3 4
Collonel Barkclay 6 360 15999 3 4
Sir Albert Cunninghame 8 480 20707 13 4
Collonel Wynn 8 480 20707 13 4
Coll. Epinger's Dutch Royal Regiment. 10 920 32469 8 0
Total Dragoons 76 4880 196148 16 8
FOOT. Co. Men. Payment p. An.
L. Sidney's Royal Regiment of Guards 28 2140 48030 19 2
Coll. Talmash, Second Reg. of Guards 14 1120 24372 17 6
Lieut. General Dowglas, Scots Guards 14 1520 20966 4 2
D. Schomberg's Royal Regiment of Scots 26 1760 31712 8 4
E. Marleborough's Fuzeeliers 13 780 16145 3 4
Major General Kirk 13 780 16145 3 4
Sir Henry Bellasis 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Churchill 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Trelawny 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Beaumount 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Stewart 13 780 16145 3 4
Sir John Hanmer 13 780 16145 3 4
E. Bath 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Brewer 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Hastings 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Beveridge 13 780 16145 3 4
Sir James Lesley 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Hales 13 780 16145 3 4
FOOT. Co. Men. Payment per An.
Coll. Offerel 13 780 16145 3 4
Sir David Collier 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Fitzpattiek 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Hodge 13 780 16145 3 4
E. Monmouth 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Lutteril 13 780 16245 3 4
Coll Foulks 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Gustavus Hamilton 13 780 16145 3 4
Sir George St. George 13 780 16145 3 4
D. Boulton Hamphsh. 13 780 16145 3 4
D. Boulton North 13 780 16145 3 4
E. Meath 12 720 14968 0 1 [...]
L. Castleton 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Herbert 13 780 16145 3 4
Lieutenant General Dowglas 13 780 16145 3 4
L. Lisburn 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Dering 13 780 16145 3 4
E. Drogheda 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Earl 13 780 16145 3 4
French Coll. Lo. Melonier 13 780 16145 3 4
French Coll. Du. Cambon 13 780 16145 3 4
French Coll. Belcaster 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Tiffin 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Hamilton 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. St. John 13 780 16145 3 4
L. George Hamilton 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Michaelburn 13 780 16145 3 4
Capt. Minor Upnor's Company 1 50 863 16 8
Company of Miners 1 50 1733 15 0
Company of Fuzeeliers 1 60 1195 7 6
Coll. Slaughter, Captain King N. York Company. 2 120 2354 2 6
Coll. Hill's Independent Com­pany 1 60 1177 2 6
Danes King's Battallion of Guards 7 700 14207 12 6
Danes Queens Battallion 6 600 12288 6 4
Danes Prince Frederick's Battallion 6 600 12142 6 8
Danes Prince Christian's Battallion 6 600 12142 6 8
Danes Prince Go [...]'s Battallion 5 500 10095 5 10
Danes The Zealand Battallion 6 600 12142 6 8
Danes The Jutland Battallion 6 600 11978 1 8
Danes The Finland Battallion 6 600 11978 1 8
Danes The Oldenburgh Battallion 6 600 11978 1 8
Count Solm's Dutch Regiment of Guards 27 2634 56851 13 6
Coll. Babington 12 840 15097 0 0
Coll. Loyd 12 840 15097 0 0
Coll. Cutt 12 840 15097 0 0
Count Nassaw 12 846 16171 8 0
Prince Brandenburgh 12 840 15171 8 0
Coll. Groobin 12 840 15171 8 0
Major General Mackay 12 1200 19933 0 0
Coll. Ramsey. 12 1200 19933 0 0
E. Leven 13 780 16145 3 4
[...]. Argyle 13 780 16145 3 4
E. Angus 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Lauder 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Hill 1 1000 17161 12 0
Coll. Buchan 13 780 16145 3 4
Lieut. Coll. Lumsden Independent Companies. 1 100 1148 8 0
Major Wishart Independent Companies. 1 100 1148 8 0
Major Monro Independent Companies. 1 100 1148 8 0
Captain Murray Independent Companies. 1 100 1148 8 0
Captain Mackay Independent Companies. 1 100 1148 8 0
Companies of Foot, 880 59680 1194386 3 4
Troops of Dragoons 76 4880 196148 16 8
Troops of Horse, 144 8687 605093 14 10

Men in all, 73247: 1995628:14:10

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to Their most Excellent Majesties, Anno DOM. 1691.

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