A LIST of the particulars of HIS MAJESTIES FLEET, as they are divided into SQUADRONS.

[...]ips Names. Capt. Men. Guns.
[...]l Charles Pen 750 80
[...]l Oak Lawson 450 76
[...] James L. Malborough 380 68
[...]sure Berkly 380 60
[...] George D. Buckingham 360 60
[...]rfax Sahnan 300 58
Mary Smith 300 58
Glubcester Clark 280 58
Plimouth Allen 280 56
[...]eopard Beach 240 54
Yarmouth Eliffe 190 52
Happy Return Lambert 190 50
Portsmouth Moon 200 48
Bristol Hart 200 48
Convertine Price 180 48
Diamond † Golding, King 180 46
Antelope Chichley 180 46
Dover Peirce 170 46
Royal Exchange Brown 120 46
Hendra Thompson 200 44
Bona Adventure Leburn 160 40
George Haylop 180 40
Saphier Hide 160 38
Amity Parker 160 36
Ginny Ableston 150 26
Post Frigot Lawson 150 34
Loyal George Earl 190 32
Success Groves 130 30
Fountain Dutel 130 30
Mermaid King 120 28
Norwich Wetwang 110 24
Coventry Hill 100 20
Martines Tickle 65 14
Drake Pool 85 12
Little-Mary Mary 75 12
Satisfaction May    
K. Ferdinando      
Co Ketch      
Eaglet 7 Fire-ships and ketches.
St. George      
Ships Names. Capt. Men. Guns.
Royal James P. Rupert 500 78
Triumph Mims 430 78
Resolution Sanson 290 58
S. Andrew Pine 360 60
Rainbow Hannom 320 56
Henrietta Wood 300 58
Anne Brown 280 58
Revenge Holms 280 58
Monck Penrose 260 54
Lion Spragg 260 52
New Castle Page 200 58
Mary Rose Reeves 190 48
Kent Ewens 180 46
Portland Ayloffe 180 46
Ruby Gennings 180 46
Advice Poole 170 40
Preserve Haywood 170 46
Assurance [...]'s 150 32
Expedition [...] 140 90
Bear Waterworth 170 42
Milford Seale 130 28
Colchester Healing 120 28
Speedwell Lightfoot 110 26
Garland Talbot 120 28
Hecter Castle 100 22
Paradox Guy 85 14
East-India Merchant   180 44
Bendish Taylor 180 42
Return Hubord 180 40
Exchange Wentworth 170 36
Constant Katherine Sanders 180 36
Sea Adventure      
Elizabeth Nixson 180 46
Little Sampson      
Will. & Mary 7 Fire-ships and Ketches.
True Love      
John and Abigall      
Hind Ketch      
James Ketch      
Ships Names. Capt. Men. Guns.
Prince Cutins 700 90
Henry Sir G. Askew 430 70
Royal Katherine Titheman 450 70
Unicorn Tithinnan 320 56
Mountague Fen 350 58
York Swanly 280 58
Drednoughe Terne 280 58
Essex Utbert 260 52
Dunkirk Taylor 260 52
Princes Swanly 230 52
Jersie Hide 190 48
Centurion Moulten 180 46
Swallow Hodges 180 40
Breda Kirby 180 46
Assistance Owen 170 40
Dragon Loyd 160 38
Hampshire Batts 160 40
Adventure Young 150 36
Providence Turwit 140 2
Gernsey Conisly 120 2
Forster Cotterel 120 28
Pembrook Parry 120 28
Oxford Bacon 110 24
Paul Foot 120 28
Lyzard Andrew 90 20
Little Gift Johnson 85 16
Blackamore Barton 65 14
Good Hope Archer 130 30
Hambro Merchant Cadman 170 36
In o and Th o Dawes 180 44
Castle Frigot   160 36
Mervil and Merchant Anslea   160 44
Golden Phenix      
Tho and Rebecka Fire Ships and Ketches.
In o Smack      
In o Hoy      
Two Sisters      

Printed at London, and Re-printed at Edinburgh, 1665.

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