A List of the Names of the Knights Citizens Burgesses and Barons of the Cinque Ports of England and Wales for the Parliament begun at Westminster the 25th. day of April in the year 1660. as they were returned into the Crown Office.

  • SIR Harbottle Grimsten, Knight & Bar: Speaker.
  • Robert Lord Bruce.
  • Sam Brown, Serjeant at law.
Town of Bedford.
  • Sir Samuel Luke, Knight
  • Humphry Winch, Esq
  • Sir Robert Pye Knight
  • Richard Powle, Esq
Borough of New Windsor.
    • Alexander Baker Esq
    • Roger Palmer Esq
    by one Inden.
  • Richard Winwood, Esq by a­nother Indenture
Borough of Reading.
  • Thomas Rich.
  • John Blagrave, Esq
Borough of Wallingford.
  • Robert Packer, Esq
  • Hungerford Dunch, Esq
Borough of Abingdon.
  • Sir John Lenthall, Knight and Baronet by one Indent.
  • Sir John Stonehouse, by ano­ther Indent.
  • Tho. Terryll Serja. at Law, one of the Lords Commissioners
  • William Bowyer, Esq
Borough and parish of Buck;
  • Sir Richard Temple, Baronet
  • John Dormer, Esq
Borough of Chepping Wiccombet
    • Edmond petty, Esq Recorder
    • Richard Brown,
    by one Indenture.
    • Thomas Scot, Esq
    • Edmund Petty,
    by ano­ther
Borough of Alesbury.
  • Richard Ingoldsby, Esq
  • Thomas Lee Esq
Borough of Agmondesham.
  • Charles Cheyne, Esq
  • Thomas Proby, Esq
Borough of Wendover.
  • Rich: Hampden, Esq
  • John Baidwin, Esq
Borough of great Marlowe.
  • Peregrine Hoby, Esq
  • VVilliam Borlace Esq
  • Thomas Wenday, Esq
  • Isaac Thornton, Esq
University of Cambridge.
  • General George Monck;
  • Thomas Crouch, Mast, of Arts.
Town of Cambridge.
  • Sir Dudley North, Knight of the Bath.
  • Sir Thomas Willis, Baronet.
  • Sir George Booth, Baron.
  • Thomas Manwaring. Esq
City of Chester.
  • John Ratchff Esq Recorder.
  • William Ince, Esq
  • Col: Lord Charls Howard.
  • Sir Wilfrid Lawson Knight.
City of Carlisle.
    • William Brisco
    • Jeremy Tolhurst
Borough of Cockermouth.
    • Richard Tolson
    • Wilfrid Law son
  • Lord General Monck.
  • Sir John Northcott, Baronet.
City of Exeter
    • John Maynurd Ser­jeant at Law
    • Tho, Bampfield Esq
    by one Indent.
    • Tho Bampfield Esq
    • Rich. Ford Merch.
    by ano­ther Indent.
Borough of Totnes
  • Thomas Chafe Esq
  • Thomas Clifford Esq
Borough of Plymouth
    • John Maynard Ser­jeant at Law
    • Edmond Fowel Esq
    by one Indent
  • Wiliam Moris Esq by another
  • Samuel Trelawny Esquire
Town & Borough of Okehampton
  • Josias Calmady Esq by one ind.
  • Edward Wise Esq by another
  • Robert Reynolds by another
Borough of Barnstaple
  • John Roll Esquire
  • Nicholas Dennie Esquire
Borough of Plymton.
    • William Stroud Esq
    • Christopher Martyn
    by one Indent.
Borough of Honyton
  • Sir John Yonge Knight
  • Samuel Serle Esquire
Borough of Tavestock,
    • William Russel Esq
    • George Howerd
    by one Indent
    • William Russel
    • Elize Grines Esq
    by ano­ther.
Borough of Ashburton
  • Sir William Courtney
  • John Fowel Esquire
Borough of Cliston. Dartmouth and Hardnes
  • John Hale
  • Alderman Fredrick Esquire
Borough of Beralston
    • Jo: Maynard jun.
    • George Howard
    Esqs by one Indent
  • Sir Francis Drake Barronet by another
Borough of Tiverton
  • Thomas Bampfield Esquire
  • Robert Shapcot Esquire
    • John Fitzjames
    • Robert Coker
Town of Poole
  • Sir Walter Earl
  • George Cooper, Esquire.
    • Denzil Hollis
    • John Whiteway
Lyme Regis.
    • Walter Young
    • Thomas Moor
    • Gen: Ed: Mountag.
    • Sir William Pen, Kt.
    in the Indent.
Melcomb Regis.
    • Hen. Waltham, Merch.
    • Sam: Bond Esq Record.
    in one
    • Henry Waltham
    • Peter Middleton
    Merchants in another.
    • John Drake'
    • Henry Henly
  • Thomas Grove, Esq
  • James Baker, Gent.
    • George Pitt
    • Robert Colleford
  • Ralph Banks
  • John Tregonwel, Esquires.
  • John Bramston Esquire
  • Edward Turner Esquire
Borough of Colchester
  • Sir Harebottle Grymstone Bar.
  • John Shaw Esquire Recorder.
Borough of Malden
    • Edward Harris Esq
    • Henry Mildmay Esq
    by one Indent
  • Tristam Conyers Recorder by another
Borough of Harwich
  • Capel Luckyn Esquire
  • Henry Wright Esqaire
  • Rowland Litton Esquire
  • Henry Caeser Esquire
Borough of Saint Albans.
  • Richard Jennins Esquire
  • William Foxwist Esquire
Borough of Hertford
  • James Cooper Esq
  • Arthur Spark Esquire
  • Robert Lord Mandevil
  • Henry Cromwell Esquire
Borough of Huntington
  • John Bernard Esquire
  • Nicholas Pedley Esquire
  • Edward Harley
  • Will: Hinson al. Powel, Esqs
City of Hereford.
  • Roger Bosworth Dr. in phys.
  • Herbert Westfaling, Esq
  • John Birch,
  • Edward Pytt, Esquires.
  • James Pitts,
  • Richard Weston, Esquires.
Kent City of Canterbury
  • Sir Anthony Archer Knight
  • Heneage Finch Esquire
City of Lincoln
  • John Monson Esquire
  • Thomas Meeres Esquire
Com. Lincoln.
  • Edward Roscetter, Esq
  • Sir Geo: Saunderson, Baronet.
  • Lord Viscount Castleton.
  • Sir Arthur Irby, Knight.
  • Thomas Hatcher, Esq
  • William Wray,
  • Edward King, Esquires.
    • John Hatcher, Esq
    • John Weaver, Esq
    by one
    • John Hatcher, and
    • Fr: Wingford, Esq
    by ano­ther
    • William Ellis,
    • Francis Skipwich Esqs
    by one.
    • Tho: Skipwith
    • John Newton, Esq
    by an­other.
County of Leicest.
  • Thomas Merry,
  • Matthew Babingcon Esquires.
Bor: of Leicest.
  • John Grey of London Esq
  • Tho: Armston, Esq
  • Sir willam Waller Knight
  • Lancelot Lake Esquire
City of Westminster
  • Gilbert Gerard Esquire
  • Thomas Clergies Esquire
  • William Wild Esq Recorder
  • Major General Brown
  • John Robinson Alderman
  • William Vincent Esquire
  • Henry Lord Herbert
  • William Morgan, Esqu;
Borough of Monmouth
  • Sir Trevor Williams, Baronet
Com: Northampton.
  • Sir Henry Yelverton, Baron:
  • John Crew, Esquire.
  • phumprey Orme,
  • Francis St. John, Esq
  • Francis Harvy,
  • Richard Raunsford, Esquires.
  • Thomas Crew,
  • Will: Lisle the younger, Esq
  • Edward Harby, Esquire.
  • Sir Horatio Townsend Barronet
  • Tho Richardson Baron of Cra­mond
City of Norwich
  • William Barnham
  • Thomas Rant Esquire
Town of Kings-lin
  • Sir Ralph Hare Baronet
  • Edward Walpoole Esquire
Town of great Yarmouth
    • Sir John Palgrave Baronet
    • Miles Corbet Esq
    by one Indent.
    • John Pots Knight and Baronet
    • Sir William. Doy­ly Knight
    by ano­ther
Borough of Thetford
  • Sir Philip Woodhouse Baronet
  • Robert Paston Esquire
Borough of Castlerising
  • Sir John Holland Baronet
  • John Spelman Esquire
Town of Barwick upon Tweed
  • Sir Tho. Widrington one of the Lords Commissioners the great Seal of England
  • John Rushworrh of Lincolns Inn Esquire
  • William Pierepoint Esquire
  • Gilbert Lord Haughton
Town of Nottingham
  • Arthur Stanhope Esquire
  • Col. John Hutchinson Esquire
Borough of Estretford
  • William H [...]ckman
  • Wentworth Fits Gerard Earl of Kildare
County of Oxford.
  • Sir Tho: Wenman Kt. Viscont
Ʋnivers: Oxford.
  • Tho: Clayton Dr. of physick.
  • John Mills Dr. of Laws.
  • Henry Carew Vise Faulkland.
  • James Harley, Esq
  • Sir Thomas Spencer, Baronet.
  • Edward Atkins, Esq
  • Sir Anthony Cope, Baronet.
  • Philip Sherard, Esq
  • Samuel Brown, Esq
Com: Salop.
  • Sir William Whitmore, Bar:
  • Henry Vernon, Esq
  • Samuel Jones,
  • Thomas Jones, Esquires.
  • Walter Acton,
  • John Bennet, Esquires,
  • Timothy Littleton, Esq
  • John Charlton, Esq
  • Sir Francis Lawley, Baron:
  • Tho: Whitmore Esq Record.
  • William Oakley,
  • Edmund Waring, Esquires.
  • Sir Henry Felton, Baronet.
  • Henry North, Esq
Borough of Ipswich.
  • Nathaniel Bacon,
  • Francis Bacon, Esquires.
Borough of Dunwich.
  • John Rowe,
  • Henry Beddingfield, Esquires.
Borough of Oxford.
  • Walter Devereux,
  • Allen Broderick, Esquires.
Borough of Aldborough.
  • Robert Brook,
  • Thomas Bacon, Esquires.
Borough of Sudbury.
  • Robert Cordel Esq
  • John Gurden, by one Indent.
  • Joseph Brand Esq by another.
Borough of Eye.
  • Charls Cornwallis,
  • George Reeve, Esquires.
St. Edmonds Bury.
  • Sir Henry Crofts, Knight.
  • Sir Iohn Duncomb Kt. by one.
  • Thomas Chaplin,
  • John Clark, Esqs by another
  • George Horner Esq
  • Hugh Smith Esq
City of Bath.
  • Alexander Popham, Esq
  • William Pryn, Esq
City of Wells.
  • Thom: White Esq, Recorder
  • Henry Bull, Esq
Borough of Taunton.
    • William Windham
    • Thomas Gorger
Borough of Bridgwalter.
  • Sir Thomas Wroth, Knight.
  • Francis Roll, Esq
Borough of Mynhead.
    • Francis Luttrel
    • Charls Pyne
Borough of Ilchester.
    • Robert Hunt
    • Henry Dunster
Borough of Milborn-port.
    • William Milborn
    • Michaell Mallet
Town of Southampton.
  • William Stanley.
  • Robert Richbell.
  • Edward Bagot, Esq
  • William Snead, Esq
Borough of Stafford.
  • Sir Charls Wolsley Baronet.
  • John Swinfen, Esquire.
Borough of Newcastle under Lyne.
    • John Bowyer
    • Samuel Terrick
  • Francis Angier Baron of Langford
  • Daniel Harvey Esquire
Borough of Southwark
  • John Langham Esquire
  • Tho. Bludworth Esquire
Borough of Bleckingley
  • Sir John Evelin Knight
  • John Goodwyn Esquire
Borough of Ryegate
  • John Hele Esquire
  • Edward Thurland Esquire
Borough of Guildford
  • Sir Richard Onslow Kt.
  • Arthur Onslow Esq
Borough of Gatton
    • Tho Turgis Esq
    • Will. Oldfield Esq
    by one Indent
  • Roger James Esq by another
    • Roger James, Esq
    • Rob, Wood Esq
    by ano­ther
Borough of Hastlemore
  • John Westbrook Esquire
  • Richard West gent,
  • Sir John Pelham
  • Henry Goring Esquire
City of Chichester
    • Henry Peckham
    • William Cawly Esq,
    by one Indent.
    • Henry Peckham Esq,
    • John Farrington, Gen
    by ano­ther
Borough of Horsham
  • Robert Springet Esq
  • Edward Blaker Esquire
Borough of Midhurst
  • William Willoughby Esquire
  • John Steward Esquire
Borough of Lewes
  • John Staple Esquire
  • Nisel Rivers Esquire
Borough of New Shorham
  • Thomas Middleton Esquire
  • Hall Ravenscrot Esquire
Borough of Bramber
  • John Byne
  • Edward Eversfield Esquire
Borough of Stayning
  • Henry Goring
  • John Fagg Esquire
Borough of East Grimstead
  • Marmaduke Gresham Esquire
  • George Courthop Esquire
Borough of Arrundell
  • Roger Lord Broghil
  • Henry Viscount Falkland
Warwicke. City of Coventry.
    • John Beake
    • Richard Hopkins
City of Worcester.
    • Thomas Street
    • Thomas Hall
  • Sir Anthony Ashley Coopet
  • John Ernely Esquire
City of New Sarum.
  • Henry Eyre Esquire Recorder
  • Edward Tooker Esquire
Borough of Wilton.
  • Francis Swanton Esquire
  • William Hewes Esquire by one
  • Francis Swanton
  • Richard Grobham-How Esq by another
Borough of Hindon.
  • Edrnand Ludlow Esquire
  • George Grobharm-How Esq by one
  • Sir Tho. Thym Knight
  • George Gobham-How Esq by another
Borough Heynesbnry.
  • Thomas Moore Esquire
  • John Jolliff Esquire
Borough of Westbury.
  • Richard Lewes Esquire
  • William Brunker Esquire
Borough of Calne.
  • Edward Bainton Esquire
  • William Ducket Esquire
Borough of the Devizes.
  • William Lew is Esquire
  • Robert Aldworth Esquire
Borough of Chippenham.
  • Edward Hungerford of Farle Castle Esquire
  • Edward Poole Esquire
Borough of Malmsbury.
  • Jeffery Daniel Esquire
  • Henry Hungerford Esquire
Borough of Crickedale.
  • Hungerford Dunch Esquire
  • Nevill Maskelyne Esquire
Borough of qreat Bedwine.
  • Sir Walter Saint John Baronet
  • Sir Ralph Varney Kt. by one
  • Robert Spencer
  • Tho. Gape Esquire by another
Borough of Lingersall.
  • William Prynn of Lincolns Inn Esquire
  • Sir John Eveline Esq by one.
  • William Pryn
  • William Thomas Esq by ano­ther
Borough of Old Sarum.
  • Seymour Bowman Esqs by one
  • John Norden.
  • Algernon Cecil Esq by another
Borough of Wootton Basset.
  • John Pleydell Esquire
  • Henry Lord Herbert of Ba­dington
Borough of Marlborough,
  • Henry Hungerford
  • Jeffery Daniel
Borough of Downton.
  • Tho. Fitz james Esqs by one
  • William Coles by one
  • Gyles Eyres the younger gent.
  • John Eliot Gent. by another
  • Sir John Lowther, Baronet.
  • Sir Tho.Whart. Kt. of the Ba:
Borough of Apelby.
  • Sir Henry Cholmly Kt.
  • Christopher Clapham, Esq
  • Henry Bromly,
  • John Talbot, Esquires.
Borough of Droitwich.
  • Samuel Sandys,
  • Tho: Coventry, Esquires.
Borough of Evesham.
  • John Egioke, Esquire.
  • Sir Thomas Rous, Baronnet.
Borough of Bewdly.
  • Thomas Foley, Esquire.
Wales. Anglesey.
  • Robert Lord Viscount Bulkley
Town of Beaumaris.
  • Griffith Bodurda, Esq
  • John Glyn Serjant at Law.
Town of Carnarvon.
  • William Glyn, Esq
  • Sir Thomas Midleton Knight
Town of Denbigh.
  • Sir John Carter of Kimuel Kt.
  • Edmund Merrick, Esq
  • John Pursell, Esq
Town of Montgomery
  • Thomas Middleton, Esq
  • George Gwyn Esquire
Town of Radnor
  • Robert Harley Esquire
  • Sir Ed. Mauasel of Morg. Bar.
  • Sir William Lewis, Baronet.
Town of Brec on.
  • Sir Henry Williams.
  • John Lloyd, Esq
  • Bussey Mansel Esquire.
Com: Pembrock.
  • Arthur Owen, Esquire.
Town of Pembrock.
  • Sir Hugh Owen, Kt. & Baron.
  • Tho: Lord Fairfax.
  • John Dawney, Esq
Borough of Knaresborough.
  • Willi: Stockdale, Esq
  • Henry Bethell.
Borough of Scarborough.
  • Luke Robinson, Esq
  • John Legard, Esq
Borough of Rippon.
    • Henry Arthington, Esq
    • Edmund Jenings, Esq
    by one
  • John Lambert, Esq by another
Borouqh of Hydon.
  • Coll: Hugh Bethell
  • John Clocberry, Esq
Borough of Richmond.
  • James Darcey, Esq
  • Sir Christopher Wivell, Baronet
Borough of Barowbrig.
  • Conyers Darcy, Esq
  • Henry Stapleton, Esq
Borough of Malton.
  • Philip Howard, Esq
  • Tho: Heblethwayte, Esq
Borough of Thirske.
    • William Stanley, Esq
    • Barring: Bonrchier, Esq
    by one
    • Barr: Boucher, Esq
    • Tho: Harison, Esq
    by ano­ther.
Borough of Aldeborough.
  • Solomon Swaile, Esq
  • Francis Goodrick, Esquire.
Burough of Beverley.
  • Sir John Hotham, Baronet
  • Sir Hugh Bethell.
Brrough of Allerton.
  • Fran; Lascells, Esq
  • Tho: Lascells, Esq
Borough of Pomfret
    • John Heley, Esq
    • Lyonell Copeley
    by one Indentu.
    • Sir George Savill
    • John Hewley Esq,
    by ano­ther
    • Sir George Savile
    • Will: Lowther Es.
    by ano­ther
Barons of the Cinqueports Port of Hastings.
  • Denny Ashburnham Esq
  • Nich: Delves, Esq
Town of Winchelsey
  • William Howard second son of Edward Lord Howard of Estrick
  • Samuel Gott Esquire
Town of Rye
  • Herbert Morley Esquire
  • William Hay Esquire
Port of New Rumney
  • Sir Norton Knatchbull Bar,
  • John Knatchbull Esq
Port of Hyeth
  • Phillip Lord Viscount Strang­ford
  • Phinehas Andrews Esquire
Port of Dover.
  • Edw: Mountague, one of the Generalls at Sea.
  • Arnold Braimes Esq
Port of Sandwich.
  • Henry Oxenden, Esq
  • James Thurbarne, Gent.
Port of Seaford.
  • Sir Thomas Dike
  • George Parker, Esq

London, Entred, and Printed for Robert Pawley, and are to be sold at the Rain­bow in Fleetstreet. 1660.

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