WHereas His Excellency by His Proclamation of the fifth day of November, 1650. heretofore publi­shed (remaining still in force) Requiring plenary satisfaction for Goods, and Life for Life taken from any of the English Army, of those Pa [...]ish and Places where the Fact should be committed, un­lesse they should discover and produce the Offender. And whereas the Commissioners appointed for Administration of Justice, have lately pub [...]ished their Proclamation of the fourth of July last, for the suppressing Vagabonds and Masterfull B [...]ggars: Notwithstanding which Proclamation, ma­ny Thefts, Robberies, and Murders are [...]requ [...]n [...]ly committed (upon both English and Scots) by the gathering together of many desperate, rebellious, and br [...]ken people upon the Breas of the Highlands, and in some other parts of the Nation. For prevention whereo [...], and for the preservation of the Peace for the time to come:

These are strictly to require all Magistrates and Offi [...]ers, aswell Civill as Military, and all other persons whatso­ever, to take care, That no suspected person or person, travail, or abide within their Bounds or Jurisdictions, without calling them to accompt for the same; And if they shall not give good accompt of themselves, to cause them to be secured: And if any of the said Rebellious persons, or any person suspected belonging to them, or travailing to joyn with them, or coming from them, or any Spy or Intelligencer of theirs shall come within any Burgh or Parish, such Burgh or Parish are hereby strictly required either to apprehend them and keep them in safe custody, or cause timely notice to be given to the next adjacent Forces of the English Army; who are hereby required in like manner to apprehend and secure them; And such person or persons as sh [...]ll be so apprehended and secured, notice thereof is to be given in writing to the Judge-Advocate of the Army, and Advocate-Generall of the Commonwealth, whose Order for their further disposall, by the direction of my self, or Civill Judges is to be observed: Or if any person or per­sons shall refuse or neglect His or their duty in the premisses, they shall be adjudged, deemed, and taken as dis-affe­cted to the Peace of the Commonwealth, and proceeded against accordingly.

And if any shall at any time furnish the aforesaid Rebellious persons with Moneyes, Horse, Arms, Ammunition, Victuall, or any kind of Necessari [...]s or Provisions whatsoever, or be any wayes aiding, abetting, assisting, or counte­nancing them by Advice, Counsell, Intelligence, Connivance, or any other Correspondencie whatsoever, such person and persons shall be adjudged, deemed, and taken as Enemies to the Commonwealth, and proceeded against accor­dingly.

And for the encouragement of all such as shall apprehend any of the aforesaid persons, or shall bring or give time­ly Intelligence to the next Forces, as aforesaid, of any Parties falling from the Highlands into the Lowlands, or of any Persons hereby intended, or of any Person or Parish, who shall neglect his or their duty in pursuance of this Proclamation, such person and persons shall be lookt upon as friends to the Peace of this Nation, and gratified and rewarded for his or their good service done therein.


To be proclaimed at the Mercat Crosse in each Burgh, according to the usuall manner.

Printed at Leith in the Year 1653.

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