THE LIFE AND ACTS Of the most famous and valiant CHAMPION, Sir William Wallace, Knight of Ellerslie.

Maintainer of the Liberty of SCOTLAND.

With a Preface containing a short [...] of the History of that time.

EDINBƲRGH, Printed by a Society of Stationers, 1661.


INvida Mors tristi Gulielmum funere Vallam
Quae cuncta tollit, sustulit.
Et tanto pro cive, cinis: profinibus urna est:
Frigusque pro lorica obit.
Ille quidem terras, loca se inferiora, reliquit,
At fata factis supprimens,
Parre suit meliore solum, Coelumque pererrat
Hoc, spiritu, illud gloria.
At tibi si inscriptum generoso pectus honesto
Fuisset, hostis proditi
Artibus Angle tuis, in poenas parcior isses:
Nec oppidatim spargeres
Membra viri sacranda adytis. Sed scin quid in ista
Immanitate viceris?
[...] vall [...] in cunctas oras spargantur & horas
Laud [...]s; tuumque de decus.

The Printer to the Reader.

THis Historie of Sir William Wallace, with the other of the valiant King Robert Bruce, which followeth upon the end of it, (the former written in Latine by Master John Blair, Chaplain to Wallace, and turned into Scots Meeter by one called blind Hary, in the dayes of King James the fourth? The other written by Master John Barbor Atchdean of Aberdean, a learned man in the days of [...]ing David Bruce and Robert Stewart) contain the relation of [...]e most famous War that ever fell our in the Yle of Britain, [...]ughten most valiantly for the space of fourty years, betwixt [...]e two Realms of Scotland and England, the one unjustly [...] ­ [...]ing, the other constantly defending the liberties of this Co [...] ­ [...]y: During which broiles, there happened great alteration [...] ­ [...]th in the general sta [...]e of this Kingdom, and in the over [...] [...]d advancement of particular Families, the one for betraying [...]e other for maintaining their Countries freedom and wo [...]re. That the whole History may be the more clear, we have [...]ought good in a short Preface to set down the causes, occa [...], and the most memorable passages of this War. In the year [...] 5. Alexander the third King of Scotland being pitifully ta­ [...] away by a fall off his horse at Kinghorn, without any issue [...]is body, and in him the whole posterity of his father Alex­ [...]er her the second, and grand-father William the Lyon being ex­ [...], the right of the Crown fell to the he [...]rs of David [...]arle of [...]ntingtown and Garioch youngest brother to William the Lyon. [...]had left three daughters, the eldest Margaret, maried to [Page] Allan Lord of Balloway, the second Isabel, to Robert Bruce ( [...] named the Noble) Lord of Annandale and Cleveland: [...] youngest Ada married Henry Hastings, an Englishman: who [...] ­ing no just tittle to the Crown, the content on rested betw [...] the posterity of the two elder Daughters: For Allan Lord [...] Galloway leaving no sons by his wife Margaret; his eldest dau [...] ­ter Dornagilla of Galloway married John Balliol, a man of g [...] power and lands, both in Scotland, England and France, and b [...] to him John Baliol, afterwards King Robert Bruce by his w [...] Isobel of Huntington had Robert Bruce Earle of Carrick ( [...] marriage of Martha heretrix thereof) who contended with J [...] Baliol, and died in the time of Wallace Wars, His eldest son [...] ­bert Bruce succeeded King of Scotland,

Dornagilla of Galloway claimed the Crown as heir to Ma [...] ­ret eldest Daughter to Prince David, Robert Bruce Earle of [...] ­rick, albeit son to Isabel the second daughter, yet conte [...] that in feudal succession, the first male ought to succeed be [...] a woman standing in the same degree, as a son excludeth hi [...] [...] ­ster from succession, although she be elder: And therefore [...] and Dornagilla of Galloway, standing in the second degree f [...] Prince David, he ought to be preferred before her: As for [...] son John Baliol, he could claim no right but by her: And [...] wise was a degree further off from Prince David, The like [...] ­stike had fallen forth some ten years before in Hugh the fo [...] [...] Duke of Burgunday, whose eldest son Hugh (dying before [...] father) left a daughter Ioland Countesse of Nevers, who claim to succeed to her grand father Hugh the fourth, notwithstan [...] Robert second son to the same Hugh the fourth, was prefe [...] to her, and succeeded Duke of Burgunday, if then the second [...] in feudal inheritance succeed before the eldest sons daugh [...] far more ought the Nevoy to succeed before the Nice. The [...] of succession being thus made doubtful, the competitours [...] so powerful, that they drew the greatest part of the King [...] in two equal Factions; so that it seemed impossible to sett [...] controversie at home, without running into a most pern [...] Civil War.

The States of Scotland to prevent this mischief thought it [...] to submit the arbitrement of the plea to Edward the firs [...] named Longshanks King of England: and that upon [...] [Page]weighty reasons: For he and his Father King Henry the third being joyned by many allyances of bands and friendship to the two last Kings of Scotland, had lived in great amity and concord with them, receiving and interchanging many favours and kind duties. The two compititours also Bruce and Baliol had also great lands in England as in Scotland: so that he (and he only) was able to make them to stand to reason. Finally, the States of Scotland not being able to determine the plea, there was no Prince beside more powerful, and (in appearance) more like to compose the controversie without great blood-shed. This mo­tion was (in secret) very greedily imbraced by King Edward; [...]hoping in so troublesome water to find a gainful fishing, either by drawing the Kingdom of Scotland under his direct subjection, [...] at least under his homage as Lord Paramont and Superiour, [...]onsidering the difficulty to determine the question at home, [...]nd the interest he had in both the parties being (for a great [...]art of their Estates) his Vassals and Subjects: His great [...]ower also, having (beside Ireland) a great part of France [...] ­ [...]er his dominion, and the Low-Countries his assured Consede­ [...]ts, gave him great encouragement: Neither wanted he great [...]iendship in Scotland, having at that time many of the greatest [...]oble men in Scotland Vassals and Feodaries to himself for ma­ [...]y lands which they held in England, partly for great services [...]one to himself and his father, partly lying withing Northumber­ [...]nd, and the border Shyres then holden by the Scots in fee of [...]ngland: partly also by interchange of marriages and successi­ [...] [...]s betwixt the two Nations, which for a long time had lived [...] perfect amity as if it had been one Kingdome. And to make [...]e controversie more fearful, he stirred up eight othr Compe­ [...]ours beside Bruce and Baliol: Florence Earle of Holland (de­ [...]ended of Ada sister to William the Lyon) Patrick Dumbar, [...]rl of March. Sir Walter Rosse, Sir Nicolas Soules, Sir Roger [...]andevile, Sir John Cumine of Badenach (these five were de­ [...]nded of younger daughters of Alan Lord of Galloway) Sir [...]illiam Vescie, begotten upon King Alexander the second his [...]tard daughter, but pretended to be reabled, and Iohn Hasting, [...]rd Abergeveny descended of Ada youngest daughter to Prince [...]vid of Huntingtoun.

Having thus prepared matters, he came to Berwick, and [...] [Page]with the States of Scotland, to whom he promised to decide [...] controversie according to equity, Which that it might se [...] more likely, he had brought from France sundry of the most [...] ­mous Lawyers of that age; He choosed also out of the States Scotland assembled, twelve of the wisest and most honourab [...] to whom he joyned the like number of English, as Assessours [...] him in this arbitrement. At this meeting by the doubtful answ [...] of the Lawyers, and number of new pretendents, he made [...] matter more difficult, and appointed a new convention at N [...] ­ham in the borders the year following.

Difficulties thus increasing, and the Earl of Holland have [...] on foot a great Army to take the Crown of Scotland by fo [...] [...] (Which their own Stories affirm to have landed in Scotland [...] and to have intercepted some strengths) At the meeting [...] Norham King Edward dealt secretly, and by fit Agens with [...] States of Scotland, for eschewing of imminent mischiefs, to [...] come his Subjects: he being descended of King Davids sis [...] ­ [...]nd so but two degrees further from the Crown of Scotland, t [...] [...] Bruce and Badiol were. This being flatly refused by all, he [...] took himself to his other design: And first dealt secretly w [...] [...] Robert Bruce, promising to decern in his favours, if he we [...] take the Crown of Scotland holden of him, and do him hon [...] for it. But he stoutly refused to subject of free Nation to [...] overlord, whereupon King Edward called for John Baliol: [...] knowing that he was not so much favoured of the States [...] Scotland, easily condescended to King Edwards desire: and b [...] [...] by him declared King of Scotland, the States desirous of pe [...] conveyed him to Scoon, where he was crowned Anno 1291. [...] all, except Bruce, swore to him obedience, shortly there [...] Duncan Mackduff Earle of Fife was killed by the Lord Ab [...] [...] ­ [...]ie (a man of great power in these times, allyed both wit [...] [...] [...]nes and Baliol) The Earls brother finding the King [...] administration of justice, summoned him to compea [...] [...] ­s [...]e the King of England in Parliament: Where he being [...] and sit [...] beside King Edward (after he had done [...] homage) w [...] he was called upon, thought to answer [...] Pro [...]e [...]or: But he was forced to rise, and stand at the [...] This indignity grieving him greatly, he resolved to free [...] [...]elf of this bondage. At the same time War breaking on [...] [Page]twixt England and France, King Edward sent E [...]dors to the Parliament of Scotland, to send aid to him, as now being their overlord: There came also other Embassadors from France, desiring the ancient league to be renewed. The King and State of Scotland renewed the league with France, which had remain­ed unviolably kept for the space of five hundred years before. The King of Englands sute was rejected, because the pretended surrender and homage was made by Iohn Baliol privatly without the consent of the Parliament. A marriage also was concluded betwixt Prince Edward Baliol, and a daughter of Charles Earl of Valoys brother to the French King Philip. Edward having fore­seen all these things, had drawn Robert Bruce Earl of Carricke, with his friends (enemies to Baliol) and diverse Noblemen of Scotland, who held lands of him in England, to bring such forces as they could make, to assist him in the French War. But withal, taking truce with the French for some moneths, he suddenly turned his Forces, destinate against France, toward Scotland. His Navie was vanquished at Berwick, and eighteen of his Ships taken. Yet his land hoast by means of the Brussian Faction, and the Englized Scots Noblemen, took the town of Barwick with great slaughter, and shortly thereafter, Dumbar, Edinburgh, and Strivling. In and about these Castles, he had killed or taken captives the greatest part of the Scots Noblemen: so that cros­ing Forth, the blow being so sudden, he found no preparation for resistance. Baliol rendred himself to King Edward at Mon­trose, and was sent by sea into England where he remained cap­tive, till such time as by intercession of the Pope he was set at [...]iberty, swearing and giving hostages never to return into Scot­land. King Edward came to Scoone and took upon him the Crown of Scotland, as forefeited by the rebellion of his homage Baliol. He sent for the Nobles of Scotland, who remained that they with such as were his captives might sweare homage to him as to their Leige Lord, and King. These who refused were He tained prisoners.

King Edward thinking that now all was sure for him in Scot­land, left Iohn Platagenet (some call him Warra [...]) Earl of [...]ur­ [...]ie, and sir Hugh Cressingham Thesaurer, and returned [...]o [...] ­secute the French war, taking such of the Nobility of [...] [...]s he fea [...]ed, a long in his Army, with their so flowers. The [...]t [Page]men of Scot [...] [...]eing in this manner, either imprisoned by Ki [...] Edwards, o [...] Tworn to his obedience, and tyed thereto by reas [...] of their lands holden of the Crown of England, the rest eith [...] fled into the Yles and Highlands, or thought it sufficient to [...] fend their own while better times

But while man of power neglected the publike cause of the berry of Scot land, William Wallace, a youth of honourable bir [...] (being son to Malcome Wallace of Ellerslie) but of mean po [...] er, having first in private killed many Englishmen of the Ga [...] sons as he could overtake them, by these exploits became so [...] couraged (being a man of invisible hardiness incred [...]ble streng [...] of body, and withall very wise and circumspect) that he g [...] thered his friends and neighbours, and by jeopardies and st [...] tagems, diverse times cut off great numbers of the enemi [...] The report thereof drew to him such as affected the liberty an [...] weal-fare of their Countrey, and had courage to hazard the [...] selves for vindicating thereof. As namely, the Earle Malco [...] Lennox, the Lord William Dowgl [...]s (who had been taken ca [...] tive at the winning of Berwick, whereof he was Captain, a [...] sent home upon assurance) Sir John Grahame, Sir Neill Ca [...] bel, Sir Christopher Setoun, Sir John Ramsay, Sir Fergus B [...] clay, Andrew Murray, William Oliphant, Hugh Hay, Rob [...] Boyd, John Johnstoun, Adam Gordon, Robert Keith, Reinald Cra [...] furd younger, Adam Wallace, Robert Kilpatrick, Simeon a [...] Alexander Fraser, James Crawfurd, Robert Lawder, Scrimg [...] Alexander Auchinleck, Ruthven, Richard Lundie, Wi [...] am Crawfurd, Arthur Biset, james and Robert Lindsay; J [...] Cleland, William Ker, Edward Little, Robert Rutherfoord, T [...] mas Haliday, John Tinto, Walter Newbigging, Jard [...] Barde, Guthrie, Adam Currie, Hugh Dunda [...] John Scot, Steven Ireland, Master John Blair, Master Tho [...] Gray, and other Gentlemen with their friends and servan [...] who (after some valiant exploits happily atchieved, and Army of ten thousand men led by Thomas Earle of Langcaster assist the Earl of Warren defeat by Wallace at Bigger) hold [...] an Assembly at the Forrest Kirk, choosed Wallace to be Ward [...] of Scotland and Viceroy in Baliols absence. In which office [...] so valiantly behaved himself, that in a short space he recove [...] all the strengths on the Borders, and brought the South part [...] Scotland to good quiet.

The English fearing the losse of all, subtilty [...]ook truce with [...]allace for one year, beginning in February. In June following [...]ey proclaimed a Justice Air to be holden at Glasgow and A [...] [...]e eighteenth of that moneth: thinking to entrap Walla [...] and all his friends, and under collour of Law to cut them off at the day appointed. All landed men, according to the custom as­ [...]mbling to this Court, the Englishmen condemned them of fel­lony, and hanged them presently: among the reft, Sir Rainald Crawfurd Sheriff of Aire, Uncle to VVallece, Sir Brice B [...]air, Sir Neil Montgomery, and many of the Barrons of Kyle, Cuningham, Carrick and Cliddisdail. These that escaped by flight adverti­sed Wallace, who chansed to come later nor the reft. He as­sembling such of the Countrey, as detesting so horrible a fact, extreamly hated the authord thereof, in the beginning of the night secretly entred into Aire, set fire into the place, where [...]e Englishmen after that fact were securely sleeping, and suffer­ [...] none to escape. The Garison of the Castle ishing forth to [...]ench the fire, an ambush laid for the purpose, entred the [...]use and made it sure. The next morning Wallace came to [...]lasgow where the Lord Henry Persie had retired from Aire the [...]y before, whom he expulsed thence with great slaughter. [...]is victory he so hotly pursued, that immediatly thereafter took the Castle of Strivling, recovered Argile and Lorn with [...] town of Saint Johnstoun, and the Countrey about; thence he [...]vailed through Angus and Merns, taking in all the Strengths [...]il he came to Aberdene, which he found forsaken of the [...]lish, who had fled by sea with the Lord Henry Bewmount, an [...]lish Lord, who had maried one of the Heretrix of the Earl­ [...] me of Buchan, named Cumine. Thus all the North Countrey [...] reduced to the obedience of Wallace, except the Castle of [...]die. While Wallace lay at the siege hereof, news came of approach of the English Army, led by John Earl of Warren Surry, and Sir Hugh Cressingham, with a great number of Nor­ [...]berland men, and such of the Scots as held with England [...]he number of thirty thousand. Wallace (having with him thousand men hardned in Arms) met them beside Strivling [...]he North side of Forth, which having no Foords, at that [...]e, was passable only by a wooden bridge. This Wallace of pose had caused to be weakned, so that the one half of the [Page]hoast being, past (led by Cressingham) the Bridge broke with great weight of their Baggage. These who were come o [...] VVall [...]e charged suddenly before they were put in order, cu [...]he most part of them in pieces with their Leader Cre­ [...]ham: The [...]est seeking to escape, drowned in the water Earl of Warran with these who escaped, was assailed by E [...] Malcome Lennox Captain of Strivling Castle, and being ho [...] persued by VVallace, hardly escaped himself, flying into D [...] bar, a Casile then belonging to Patrick Earl of March. In battel fough [...]en the thirteenth of September 1297. there pe [...] ­ed no Scots men of remark, but Andrew Murray of Bothwel: English Garisons hearing of this discomfiture, fled from places, so that before the last of September, all the Strength Scotland was recovered except Berwick and Roxburgh.

After these Victories, Wallace held a Parliament in Sa [...] Johnstown, as Warden of Scotland, and setled the whole C [...] [...]rey, causing the Nobility to swear to be faithful to the S [...] till such time as they might condescend who should be [...] Earl Patrick of Dumbar refusing to acknowledge the Auth [...] ­ty of this Parliament, was chased out of Scotland: and bee [...] they ears by past the ground had not been manured, and famine threatned the land, Wallace assembled a great hoa [...] [...] enered in England, where he remained all the Winter, and s [...] following, living upon the enemies, and enriching his sou [...] by their spoil: During which time the English durst [...] encounter him in open field: onely at his first entry Ki [...] ward with a great Army of raw Souldiers came against h [...] the plain of Stane-moor: But perceiving the discipline an [...] die resolution of Wallace Hoast, before they came neare [...] half a myle, drew back his Army, and retired, VVallace fo [...] of ambush, keeped his souldiers in order and pursued the [...] Thus King Ed [...]ard left his Coutrey to the mercy of a pr [...] ­ed Enemy, and (notwithstanding that he promised B [...] yet.) keeped himself close, till a peace was concluded f [...] years: Bermick and Roxburgh being rendred to the Scots

Scot Land thus enjoying perfite Liberty, Wallace bein [...] nestly requested by the French King, to the end that his Captains might be kept in Military exercise during the sailed over into France with fifty valiant men in his com [...] [Page] [...]e was encountered on the way by Thomas of Charters (com­ [...]only called Thomas of Longovile) who with sixteen sail in­ [...]sted the seas: But boording VVallace ship, he was taken by [...]im, and thereafter fought most valiantly under him and King [...]obert Bruce for the liberty fo Scotland. VValla [...]e after his [...]nding in France, was imployed in war against the English, who [...]t that time possessed the Durchie of Guian and Burde [...]: them [...]e defeat in sundry skirmishes. But in few dayes he was called [...]ome by his friends in Scotland; for king Edward understand­ [...]g Wallace absence, and pretending that he had broken the [...]eace in Guian, dealt with Robert Bruce Earl of Carrick and his [...]iends, and with such Noblemen of Scotland as held lands in [...]ngland, or envyed Wallace glory, shewing that it was a shane or them to suffer VVallace, a mean Gentleman to rule Scot­ [...]nd, while any of the blood Royal did remain, so promising [...]is assistance to Robert Bruce, he sent a great Army into Scot­ [...]nd, and by the help of the Brussian faction and Englized Noble­ [...]en, he easily obtained the greatest Strengths of Scotland. [...]allace returned the next Summer, secretly amassing a number [...]f his special followers (who had lurked till his back coming) [...]n a sudden surprised Saint Johnstoun by a stratagem: and pur­ [...]ing his victory hotely, chased the English our of Fife. Upon [...]e report thereof, all the rest of his followers came from their [...]rking hols, by whose assistance he recovered divers strengths. [...]he Lord VVilliam Dowlas took the Castle of Sanquhair by a [...]atageme, and finding the English Captaines of the n [...]st [...]arisons to come to besiege him, he sent secretly to VVallace, [...]ho comming with his power, not only raised the siedge, but [...]ased also the whole English Garisons out of these quarters. [...]rom thence he came to the North parts, which he recovered [...]ith small difficulty, except the strong Castle of Dundie. [...]o [...]hich he laid a siedge.

The King of England grieved at this fortunate successe of [...]allace, and understanding that he was highly envied by the [...]rl of March, the Cumines (the grearest surname then in, Sear­ [...]nd) and diverse ancient Noblemen (to whose hono [...]r Wallace [...]own seemed to derogate) he stirred up Robers Bruce elder. [...]d his faction, perswading them that Wallace was Bruoel only [...]mpetitour for the Crown. Having so made a strong party [Page]for himself in Scotland, the next spring he came with an Ar [...] of fourty thousand men Scots and English to the Fawkirk, myles beneath Strivling. The Scots Army was very great ( [...] ­ing thirty thousand strong) if they had been all of one m [...]. For John Cumine Lord of Cubernald (who had an eye to Crown) had perswaded the Lord John Stewart of Boot be Tutor and Grandfather by the Mother to the Children, of [...] Lord James Stewart of Ranfrow lately deceased) to conte [...] with Wallace for the leading of the vaneguard, alleadging, same belonged to the Lord Stewarts house by ancient pri­ledge. Wallace refusing this, they parted one from another, an high chaff, there remaining with VVallace no more but [...] thousand of his old souldiers. Cumine with ten thousands his followers, after a small show of resistance, fled treasonable leaving the valiant Stewart inclosed by two battels of the Eng­lish, by whom (after he had foughten valiantly for a long time he was cut off with all his followers. VVallace with his ba [...] defended themselves valiantly, until they were safely reti [...] beyond the river of Carron, losing (beside some others) t [...] noble sir John Grahame, the most valiant Worthy of Scotland next unto VVallace: Bruce (whom the King of England [...] brought with all his friends to the field, pretending to assist [...] for recovery of his right, from the Usurper Wallace) perceiv­ing Wallace on the other side of Carron, desired to speak w [...] him, to whom he upbraided so foolish an usurpation of Kingdom of Scotland, against so powerful a faction at ho [...] assisted by so mighty a King abroad. I (answered Wallace) in­tended never to reign in Scotland: But finding my native Coun­try abandoned by you and Baliol who have the right to [...] Crown, have set my self to defend my friends and neighbour from the unjust tyranny and usurpation of the King of [...] land, who setteth you forth most unnaturally to tear the b [...] ­els of your mother with your own hands. After diverse [...] ­ches to this purpose, the Bruce perceiving the fraudful an [...] ­rannous dealing of King Edward, returned to the hoast. [...] next morning Wallace understanding that the English A [...] weakly entrenched, and in great security, amissing with his Army such as had escaped, set upon them in the dawning [...] ­fore they could be arrayed, and killed many. So that [Page] English King returned at that time without any further ex­ [...]oyt. Bruce (remembring what he heard of Wallace) desired [...]ng Edward according to his former promises to put him in possession of so much of the Kingdom of Scotland as then was [...]der his power, to whom he answered in the French tongue, [...]ave we no more ado, but conquere Kingdomes for you? By [...]is speech the Lord Bruce conceived so great grief and anger, [...]at within few dayes he departed this life without seeing [...] eldest son Robert Bruce (afterward King) being kept for assurance of his fathers obedience) in Calice Castle in France.

After this unhappy battel, Wallace striving to recover such [...]siles and strengths, as King Edward had intercepted, found [...]ch opposition and backwardnesse, by his envious emulatours, that he returned to Saint Johnstoun, and in an Assembly of the [...]ates resigned his charge of Warden, and with eighten men [...]ssed again into France, according to a promise at his last re­turn therefrom: This fell out in the end of the year 1300. The opposite faction having gained their desire, choosed John Cumine Governour: the rather because King Edward had pro­mised to assist him to the Crown of Scotland. But he found him as great an enemy as he had been to VVallace. For after even moneths truce (obtained by means of the French King) Edward sent sir Ralph Gonfray with a great Army to subdue the [...]ts, and to put an end to the war: which they expected [...]ould be easie, VVallace being now out of the way, John Cum­ine joying with the Lord Simon Fraser, making some eight [...] nine thousand men, came to resist the English, who having [...]sted the Countrey as far as Rosling, (about five myles from Edinburgh, expecting no resistance, divided themselvs into three [...]tels, that they might spoil farther in the Countrey. The [...]ts embracing the occasion, set upon the first battel, and ea­ [...]y discomfite them: the second also (albeit stronger by the [...]ning of these who had fled) was after a long conflict put to [...]ut. By this the third battel comming to the revenge, put [...]e Scots to a great strait, as being sore wounded, wearied, and [...]akened in the two former battels, and having to withstand [...]esh enemy of far greater number; hereupon they were forced [...]kill all the captives (lest they should assist the enemy) and [Page]with their weapons to arme their Baggage-men: and s [...] forward born with courage and necessity (seeing no es [...] after a long and hard fight, they put the enemies to flight. [...] was the 24 of March 1302.

King Edward sore incensed by his evil successe, sent fo [...] [...] ­bert Bruce younger out of Calice: whom he perswaded, [...] he had for a long time against Wallace, defended his fa [...] right to the Crown of Scotland: that having put Wallace of the way, he found the Cumines as great enemies: notwith­standing he intended yet once more to put that enemy o [...] the way, and so to settle him in his Kingdome. The yo [...] Prince believing him, caused all his friends and favoure [...] Scotland to joyn with him, and entring the borders, spoiled Countrey, and took divers Castles as far as Dowglas. Some [...] ­port that the Lady Dowglas (named Ferrars an English would betrayed that Castle to the Bruce, who took the Lord VVilliam Dowglas captive with all his children and goods. The [...] himself was kept prisoner in Barwick, and thereafter in Y [...] while he died. Mean time King Edward had prepared a n [...] ­ry Army both by land and sea, with which he entred Scotland and subdued all before him while he came to Trivling, ke [...] then by sir William Oliphant: who after a long siege, know [...] of no relief, yeelded the Castle upon condition, that him [...] and all that were with him should passe with their lives [...] notwithstanding K. Edward keeped still all the Noblemen, to­gether with the Captain sir William Oliphant: and such [...] would not swear homage to him (pretending to be prote [...] of Robert Bruces right) he sent prisoners to London. Having this Castle intercepted divers of John Cumines friends, he [...] ­cured them to draw him to a Parly with him, in which h [...] blinded him with hopes of the Kingdome, and with fe [...] utter undoing, that he joyned himslef and his friends to [...] English, who by this accession easily passed forward with [...] course of victory, as far as the outmost bounds of Rosse: [...] in his back coming, carried away with him into England Books, Registers, Histories, Laws and Monuments of the King­dome: and amongst other, the Fatal Marble Chair, where [...] the former Scots Kings used to be crowned at Scoon: on w [...] was engraven a prophesie, bearing that, Where ever this [...] [Page]should be transported, the Scots should command there. He carried [...] with him all the Learned men and Professors of Scotland [...]ong other, the famous subtile Doctor John Duns, surnamed [...]) thinking hereby so to discourage and effeminate the [...]ds of the Scots, that they should cast off all care of recover­ [...] their Liberty; the memory thereof being drowned in ob­ [...]on. At his return into England, he left his Cousing sir [...]ner de Valence, Earl of Pembroke Viceroy, having fortified Castles with strong Garisons.

The Scots who stood for the liberty of the Countrey, being Taken by John Cumine, sent earnest letters to France to move Wallace to return: He was then making war with the Eng­l [...] in Guyan. But hearing the mischiefs of his Countrey, ob­ [...]ned leave of the French King to return, and secretly amassing [...]e of the remainder of his old friends, recovered diverse [...]stles and Towns in the North, and having greatly increased [...] Army, besieged S. Johnstoun till it was rendred: But as he proceeded in the course of his Victories, he was betrayed by [...] familiar friend sir John Monteith, to the Lord Aymer Val­ [...]ce, who sent him into England, where by King Edwards command he was put to death, and his body quartered and [...] into the principal Cities of Scotland to be set up for a ter­ [...] to others.

Notwithstanding, this cruelty prevailed little for the assir­ [...]g of King Edwards conquest. New enemies arising whence [...] cast expected: For as he returned from his last journey in [...] Scotland, Iohn Cummine and Robert Bruce meeting together, [...]er long conference of the state of their Countrey, perceived [...] notwithstanding he had promised to each of them a part [...]his help to attain the Crown of Scotland, yet his intention [...] only to use their assistance to conquer and assure it to him­ [...]: as he well declared by spoiling the Countrey of all Mo­vements publike and private. Hereupon they agreed that Cumine should quite all his right to the Crown in favour of [...]ce, and that Bruce should give him all his lands for his assi­stance. This Contract written and sealed by both parties, [...]ce returned into England with the hoast, waiting for a [...] [...]e to escape from King Edward: In the mean time Wallace [...]urning, and recovered many places in Scotland, se [...]t privily [Page]for Bruce, to come home and take the Crown, and to the Edward Bruce, a most valiant youth, who comin Ireland, took sundry strengths in Annandale and Gallow­mine who had kept old enmity with Wallace, not e [...] that Bruce by his means should come to the Crown, r [...] the Contract betwixt him and Bruce to King Edward: first delayed to cut off Robert Bruce, till such time as he get the rest of his brethren in his hands. Bruce advert his danger by the Earl of Glocester (some call him the E [...] Montgomery) his old friend, who had sent him a pair of spurs and some crowns of Gold, as if he had borrow same, guesing the meaning of this propine, caused by night three horse backward, and posted away from the Court two in his company, and on the fifth day (the way being in winter: arrived at his own Castle of Lochmabane, wh [...] found his brother Edward, with Robert Fleming, Iames Li [...] Roger kilpatrick, and Thomas of Charteris, who told him Wallace was betrayed by sir Iohn Monteith, and the Cumi [...] a­ction, a few dayes before. Immediatly thereafter they cepred a messenger with letters from Cumine to King Ed [...] defiring that Bruce should be dispatched in hast, lest (be Nobleman much favoured by the commons) he should greater sturs. The trachery of Iohn Cumine before on [...] ­pected, was hereby made manifest, which so incensed the Bruce, that ryding to Dumfreis, and finding Cumine at the in the Grayfries, after he had shown him his letters, in [...] ­tience he stabbed him with his Dagger: the other who about him doing the like, and not only dispatching him also his Cousing sir Edward Cummine and others who him. This slaughter fell out on the ninth of February beginning of the year 1306 as we now account.

The Bruce thus rid of one enemy, found a great number were rising out of his ashes, even the whole puissant n [...] Cumine, with their allyes, the Earl of March, the Lord o [...] the Lord Abernethy, the Lord of Brechin, the Lord Soules most part of the North and all Galleway followed the C [...] the Lord of Lorn was of great power in the Highlands. Earl of March and Lord William Soules commanded the with Berwick and the Borders: All which they yeel [Page] Edward, and maintained against Robert Brace, At the same his two brethren Thomas and Alexander Bruce with Rei­ [...] Crawfurd younger, secretly landing in Galloway, were taken Duncan Mackdugal a great man in Galloway, and sent to King [...]ard, who caused them all three to be hanged. On the other assembled to him (besides these above-named) the young James Dowglas (who hearing of his fathers death, had re­ed from France, where he was at Schools, and stayes a time his kins-man William Lambert Bishop of St. Andrews.) Earst come Lennox, Earled Iohn of Athole (although f the Cumines [...]ed, yet being father in Law to Edward Bruce) sir Neil Camp­sir sir Gilbert Hay, sir Christoper Setoun, sir Thomas Randal. sir [...]h, Hay, Iohn Somervale, David Barclay, Alexander and Simon [...]er, sir Robert Boyd, sir William Haliburton, with sundry who with Wallace before. With this company he past to Scoon, took upon him the Crown of Scotland in Aprile 1306. After be gathered an Army, minding to besiege Saint Johnstoun: finding his power too weak, heretired to Methven, where was unexpectedly assaulted, and discomfited by sir Aymer de [...]nce: but with small losse of men, except some who were ta­ [...] who were constrained to swear homage to King Edward. commons discouraged with this hard successe, fearing the [...]ish, forsook the new King, who had a few company of Gentle­about him: with whom he travelled towards Argile, mean­ [...]o lurk for a time with his brother in law sir Neil Campbel. [...]ne was encountred by the war by Iohn of Lorne cousine to Cumine, and constrained to flee, albeit with small slaughter [...]en (being daughter to Gratney Earle of Mar) with his bro­sir Neil Bruce, and Iohn Earle of Athole to the Castle of [...]rimmie in Mar. The King of England sent his son Prince [...]ard with a mighty hoast to besiege this Castle. The Queen took her and her daughter and sent them captives into Eng­ [...]

The Castle of Kildrimmie was traiterously burnt by one Garison, all that were within it taken and hanged at com-of the English King.

Robert seeing Winter approach, and finding no retreat [Page]in the main land, retired with his most entire friends to friend Angus Lord of the Yles, with whom he stayed time in Kintyre, and thereafter sailed over into the Ranghrine where the lurked all the winter, every man es [...] him to be dead. The next spring he landed quterly in C [...] and on a suddain intercepted his own Castle of Turmbe Lord Persie flying home out of it into his owne Countre James Dowglasse departing thence secretly, came into Do­dale, and by means of Thomas Dickson an old servant of [...] ­thers; he recovered his own castle of Dewglasse, and cast once and again: Therefore he returned to King Robert nock, shewing him that Aymer de Valence and John with an Army were coming against him. The King w [...] hundred valiant men keeped themselves in a strong place [...] ­ing while sir Aymer should invade; but took no heed to Lorne, who fetching a compasse set upon his back with eig [...] dred Highland men, and had well nigh inclosed him The King perceiving the danger, divided his men in three appointing where they should meet at night, fled three wayes. John of Lorne having a Slouth-hound pursued st [...] the King, who purting away all that were in his compan [...] one man, fled into the next wood, and with great d [...] escaped the Slouth-hound. Sir Aymer disappointed of this prise, shortly thereafter with fifteen hundred chosen men nigh surprized the King in Glentrole wood, but the King his men taking courage so resolutely, defended the place very strong) and killed diverse of the first who assaulted that the fields, and reduced Kyle and Cunyghame to h [...] ­ence. Sir Iames Dowglasse also with threescore men lyi [...] ambum at a strait place in Cunyghame called the Net [...] where sir Philip Monbray was passing with one thousand against the King (being them in Kile) killed many of them the rest to flight. One the tenth of May following, sir Ay [...] three thousand men came against the King, then lying at Kyle. King Robert hearing of his coming (albert he c [...] not six hundred men) came forth against him at a plac [...] Lowdoun hill: which he [...]o fortified on either hand with and Fowsies, that the enemies could not enclose him [Page] [...]: and so by the stout and resolute valo [...] of so few, sir [...]er was put to flight: which he took so sore to Heart, that [...]etired into England, and gave over his office of Warden or [...]troy, Iohn of Britain Earle of Richmond being sent into Scot­ [...] in his place.

[...]ing Robert after this past into the North, leaving sir Iames [...]glasse on the borders: who taking his own Castle of Dow­ [...]se by a straregen, razed it to the ground, and in sew dayes [...]ed all the English our of Dowglasse-dale, Attrick forrest, and [...]urgh forrest, and took sir Thomas Randal the Kings sister son [...]no had followed the English ever since his captivity) and sin [...]cander Stewart of Bonkle, Sir Alexander and Simon Fraser [...]ting King Robert in the North, shewed him how Iohn Cu­ [...]e Earl of Buchan, David Lord Brechin, sir Iohn Moubray and rest of the Cuminian faction, were gathering an Army against Mean while by the assistance of his friends in these quar­ [...], on a sudden he surprised the Castle of Innernesse, the fame which victory caused many other strengths to yeels (all [...]ich he overthrew) and greatly increased the number of his [...]nds. In his returing taking sicknesse at Innerary, Cumine [...]ing upon him: The King after his friends had for a time [...]ended him, convalescing somewhat, went out to the field, [...] so hardly assaulted his enemy at old Meldrom. that (albeit [...]ir number was sar greater) yet they took the flight: with [...] like successe he set upon the King in Glenesk in Angus, [...]ere being shamefully put to flight, he fled into England [...]h sir Iohn Moubray, and died there shortly. Lord David [...]echin fortified his own Castle: But David Earle of Athole [...]ced him to yeeld it and himself to the King. Mean time [...]lip Fraser took the Castle of Forfar: And the King pur­ [...]ing this victory, reduced all the North to his obedience: and [...]ming with Lord Iames Dowglasse returning from the South [...]th his two captives, he took S. Iohnstoun by surprisal: from [...]mee he past into Lorn: the Lord whereof had embushed two pusand men on the side of an high sleep hill, where the King noved to enter through a narrow passage: But sir Iames Dow­ [...] with sir Alexander Fraser, and sir Andrew Gray climbing [...] hill, came suddenly on their backs, and put them to flight. [...]n of Lorn fled into England by sea, His father Lord Alexan­der [Page]Mackdugal yeelded himself, and the Castle of Dunst [...] to the King.

By this means all on the North side of Forth was redu [...] obedience, Sir Edward his brother in the mean time wi [...] and hard fighting had conquered Galloway: Iames Do [...] by a straragem surprised the strong Castle of Roxburgh [...] Fastings even, while all the Garison (after the custome [...] time) were feasting and playing the ryot. The report w [...] so wheted the courage of the valiant Thomas Randal (new stored to his Uncles favour, and made Earle of Marray) having besieged the Castle of Edinburgh for some moneth set himself by all means to carry the same: which he ob [...] by a narrow passage up through the Rock discovered to [...] by which he and sundry stout Gentlement secretly passed u [...] scaling the wall, after long and dangerous fighting made [...] selves masters of the place. The Garrisons of Ruglan, L [...] Dumfreis, Aire, Dundie and Boot, hearing this, yeeld [...] these Castles, which were all razed. The Yle of Man also turned to the obedience of the Crown of Scotland, Sir Ed [...] Bruce having besiedged Striviling Castle, three month ag [...] with the Captain Sir Philip Moubray, that if the King of [...] ­land did not rescue him within twelve moneths thereafter, [...] Castle should be yeelded to K. Robert. Albeit this seemed a [...] provocation of so mighty a King Edward the second (who [...] seven years before had succeeded his father Edward Long-s [...] but far degenerat from his valour) having not only England Ireland, and many Englized Scots, with the Dutchie of G [...] Bourdeaux, and other parts of France subject unto him [...] also the Low-countreys strictly confederat with him: Yet [...] Robert prepared himself to encounter him in the fields, ans [...] thered some five and thirty thousand men, few but valiant. King of England had above an hundred thousand foot, an [...] thousand horse: with which multitude intending to destro [...] whole inhabitants of Scotland, and to divide the land to his lowers, he came to Bannokburn (some two myles beneath S [...] ­ling) where on the twenty one of Iune 1314. He was en [...] ­tered by the Scots, and after long and hard fighting, his [...] Army put to rout: himself with a small company fleeing Dumbar, was sent by the Earle into England in a fisher [...] [Page] [...]ing two hundred Noblemen and Gentlemen killed by the [...], and as many taken: the number of the commons slain [...] taken, was increadible: of Scots was slain two Gentlemen of [...], Sir William Wipont, and Sir Walter Rosse, with four thou­ [...] common Souldiers.

[...]fter this victory, Strivling being yeelded, and Dumbartane [...]en by composition, the Earl of March, the Lord Soules, and [...]nethie, and others of the Cumines allyes were reconciled to King: who past into the Isles and brought them to obedience, [...]ng John of Lorn captive, who died in prison in Lochlevin. [...] Scotland was freed of the bondage of England, except Ber­ [...] which was recovered four years thereafter 1318. and the [...] making diverse incursions into England under the leading [...]arle Thomas Randal, and James Lord Dowglasse requited [...]harmes received from them before, and enriched themselves [...] spoil.

[...] for the Authority of these two Histories, although they [...]bly erre in some circumstances of time, place, and number names of men, yet generally they write the truth of the Story these times both at greater length, and upon more cer­ [...] [...] information then these who have written our Chronicles. [...] committing them to thy diligent perusal (gentle and cour­ [...]s Reader) I wish you profit thereby, and all happinesse from [...] D, Farewell.

A Table of the Contents this Book.

  • THe Genealogy of Wallace.
  • Berwick and Dumbar taken.
  • Baliot desposed.
  • Wallace billeth Selbie.
  • Wallace fisheth in Irwine.
  • Wallace slew the Churle in Aire.
  • Wallace slew Lord Persies Stewart.
  • Wallace imprisoned in Aire.
  • Battel of Lowdown hill.
  • Wallace revengeth the slaughter of his Father Brother on Lowdoun hill.
  • Englishmen took peace with Wallace.
  • Wallace slayeth the Buckler player in Aire.
  • Wallace wan the Peel of Gargunnock.
  • Wallace passeth to S. Johnstoun, and slew the Ca [...] and wan Kinclevin.
  • Wallace passeth to Shortwood Shawes.
  • Wallace sold to the Englishmen by his Lemman.
  • Wallace escaped at Elcho Park, and killeth don.
  • [Page] Wallace passeth to Lochmabane. 85
  • Wallace winneth the Castle of Crawfurd. 96
  • Wallace marieth, Hesilrig slew his wife in Lanern,
  • Wallace slew Hesilrig for the same. 99
  • [...]e battel of Bigger. 109
  • Wallace burnt the Barnes of Aire, and slew Lord Persie. 127
  • Wallace slayeth Mackfadyean. 146
  • Wallace winneth S. Johnstoun. 154
  • [...]e battel at Strivling Bridge. 158
  • Wallace putteth Corspatrick out of Scotland. 165
  • Wallace gave Corspatrick, Bishop Beik, and Robert Bruce Battell. 171
  • Wallace abideth three quarters of a yeare in Eng­land, and commeth home without Battell. 179
  • [...]e siedge of York. 188
  • [...]ace taken with England. 201
  • Wallace passeth into France. 214
  • Wallace fought with the Red-River, and vinquisht him. 218
  • Wallace passeth in Guian. 230
  • Wallace wan S. Johnstoun. 238
  • [...]ack-Ironside Forrest. 241
  • Wallace winneth Lochleven. 251
  • [...]e winning of Airth. 255
  • Wallace burnt the Englishmen in Dumbartane. 258
  • Wallace rescueth Sir William Dowglasse in San­ [...] quhair. 263
  • [...]e Battell of Fawkirk. 275
  • [Page] Wallace hi [...]eth John of Lyn upon the sea.
  • King Edward subdueth Scotland.
  • Wallace conquereth Guyan.
  • Wallace slayeth two Champions.
  • Wallace killeth a Lyon in the Barrice.
  • Wallace returneth from France: at the Batt [...]d Elchock Park.
  • Wallace besiegeth S. Johnstoun.
  • Wallace is betrayed by Sir John Menteith, martyred in England.

The end of the Table.

The First Book.

Chap. I.

[...]ur Anl [...]essours of whom we should oft read.
[...]d hold in mind their fame and worthy deed,
[...], through very, s [...]oathfulness
[...]nd [...] us [...]v [...]r to other business
On vain gaming is s [...]t our whole intent,
[...]hi [...]h h [...]th [...], seen in these [...] by-went;
[...] neighbours that came of Brutus blood
[...] to Scots wi [...]h [...] little good;
[...]hough now of l [...]fe God turnd their mind Owill
[...]ha [...] great kindnes, they [...] shourn us untill
[...]he hearly [...] p [...]ple, th [...] Lord hath in his hand
[...] may them rude and gui [...] at his Command
[...]d [...] [...]ll m [...]n, would hav [...] this land in thrall.
[...]on his power. God can against them all
[...] hav [...] [...] in our [...] before
[...] now I [...] no more
W [...]ad fo [...] right famous in ren [...]wn
[...] reign'd in this Region
[...]nd [...] [...]orth [...] I will [...] hold
William Wallace as wh [...] heard it told
[...] then who like to under land,
[...] of [...] blood of Scotland.
Ra [...]ld Crawfurd righ [...] Sheriff of Aire,
[...] in [...] [...]h [...] Da [...]gh [...] [...].
[...] yo [...]g S [...] Rannald [...]
[...] good [...]:
[...] Wallace [...]
That Ellers [...]ie then had in Her [...]age
Auchinbothie and many other place
The second Uve he was to good Wallace.
The which Wallace full hardily had wroug [...]
When Walter heir of Wallace [...] him, sought
Who likes to hear more knowledge in that
Go read the lineage of the first Stewart.
Now Malcom Wallace got with his Lady br [...]
Malcom Wallace a good and gentle Knight [...].
And William [...] as Chronicles bea [...] on hand
Who after was rescuer of Scotland.
When it was lost with Treason and falsness
Overset with F [...]es, it fred through Gods Gra [...]
Alexander our worthy King forlorn
By aventur [...] his li [...] lost at Kinghorn
Three years still the realm stood desolate
Where through there rose a full grièvous debain
Our Prince David Earl of Hunting towning
Three Daughtons had of great fame and ren [...] is
Two of these three desired to be king
The Baliol claimed of first gree lineally
And Bruce the first male of the Gree by Gree
To Edward soon into England they send,
Of this great strife they thought he should ma [...]
Folly it was sindeed it happened so)
Succour [...]o seek of their old mortal Fo.
Edward Long-shanks had now begun his W [...]
Upon Gafroign into an aweful Fear
The Land which he claimed stood in such ca [...]
He thought, full soon to make a full Conque [...]
To Northam Kirk [...] came withoutem mai [...]
[...]he C [...]ncil th [...]n of Scotland me [...] him there
[...]ull, Subtilly he charged them in Bandowa
[...] their over-Lord to hold of h [...]n the Crown
[...]ishop Robert in this time right worthy
[...] Glasgow Lord, said, that We do deny
[...] [...]ver-Lord, but the great God above
The King was wroth, and home he did remove,
[...] John Baliol followed on him so fast
[...]o h [...]ld of him [...] granted at the last,
[...]nd c [...]ntrarie right, a King he made him there
[...]here thro' Scotland repented it, full fair
[...] Baliol our Lords would not consent
[...]dward, forth with set down a Parliament
[...]e call [...]d Baliol to answer for Scotland
[...]he wise Lords Gen caused him break that Band
[...], and gave over his allegiance
[...]ing Edward then took it in great griévance
[...] is Host he raised & came to wark on Tweed
[...]ut. [...]er [...]o fight is then he had great dread,
[...] Corspatrick of Dunbar, soon he send
[...]is Counsel a [...]k [...], for he the Country kend
[...]here h [...] was brought in presence of the King
[...]y subtil Band the pocked up this thing.

Chap. II. The Battel of Berwick.

Earl Patrick th [...]n to Berwick can pursue
[...]ceived he was, and trusted very true;
[...]he King followed with his m [...]n of renown
[...]fter midnight [...] was all the Town
Corspatrick rose the Keys well be knew
Let Bridges down and Port cullises they dn
Edward entred and caused stay hastily
Of Men and Women eight Thousand and
And Children too by this f [...]sse Adventure
Of true Scots escaped no Creature
A Captain there this false King hath m [...]
Toward Dumbar without resting they r [...]

Chap. III. The Battel of Dumbar.

Where gathered was great P [...]wor of Scotla [...]
Against Edward in Battle for to stand
The three Earls was entred in that pla [...]
Of Mar. Mon [...]eith, and Athol upon cas [...]
In the Castle the Earl gart hold them u [...]
That to their Men without they could not
Nor yet to them supplying for no mo.
The Battels then together fast they go
And many stain there was without ma [...]
Of true Scots overset with Subtilly
Earl Patrick then when the fighting was fo [...]
To our so turned and harming did us m [...]
T [...] none in World that shaithes may do ma [...]
Then well trusted aborn Familiare
Our Men are [...]ain without redempt [...]
Through these deeds whole, [...]int was this Re [...]

Chap. IV. Cospatrick came to Scoon and deposed [...] Baliol.

[...]ing Edward past and Corspatrick to Scoon
[...]nd there he got the homage of Scotland soon
[...]or none was left the realni for to defend
[...] John Baliol then to Montrose they send
[...] him depri [...]ed for a [...] of his Kingrike
[...] Edward himself was culled a Royal Kite
[...] Crown he took upon the self same stane
[...] Gathelus sent with his Son from Spain
[...] Ther Scot [...]rd into Scotland came
[...]hat Kenneth King the Second of that name
[...]rought i [...]o Scoon and gatt it stable thair
[...] Kings were Crownd eight hundred years & mair
[...]efore the time that king Edward it fand
[...]es [...]ewds he gart turle into England.
[...] London e [...]in Witness of that thing
Conquest then of Scotland made him King
Th [...] that Stone, stands Scotland should master be
[...] choose the time for Margarets Heirs to see
[...]ight Score they led of greatest force they sand
[...] with them and Bruce out of Scotland
[...]at office then [...]e keeped but short time
may not now put all the Deeds in Rime
Chronicles why should I tarry lang
Wallace again now briesty will I gang
[...]tland was lost when he was but a Child
[...] [...]erset with ur Enemies wild.
His Father Malcom in the Lennox fled
His eldest Son thither with him he led
His Mother s [...]ed with him from Ellerstie
To Gowry pa [...]t and dwelt in Kilspindie
The Knight his Father thither hath him
Unto his Uncle with a great intent
In Gowry dwelt and had their living th [...]
An aged Man which receiv'd them suir.
Then to Dundce, Wallace to School they seno [...]
While he of wit, full worthilly was kend
Thus he continued in his [...]der age
In arms than did many Vassalage
When Saxon Blood in this Region could re [...]
Marking the Will of that unrighteous King
Many great wrongs they wrought in this Regu [...]
Destroyd our Lords and brake our buildings
Both Wives Widows they took at their own n [...]
Nuns and maidens whom they liked to Spill
King Herods part they playd here in Scotland
Of young Children that they before them, sand
The Bishopricks that was greatest of vail
They took in hand of their Archbishops hail
Not for the Pope they woold no I [...]rk for bear
But gripp [...]d all through violence of wear
Glasgow they gave as at their Vaile was k [...]
To Diocie of Durham to a Commend
Small Benefices they would not pursue
But for this thing sull many other they slew
[...]anged Barons and wrought full miekle care
It was well known within the Barns of Aire.
There eighteen score was put to Fellon dread
But God about hath sent us some Remead
It is remembred farther in the Tale
I will follow upon my pur [...]ve haile
William Wallace are he was man of Arms
[...]pily thought Scotland that [...]k such hurms
Mickle dolour it did him in his mind
For [...] was wise right worthy weight and kind
Gowrie dwelt still with this worthy Man
As he increast and with a bondan than
Into his heart he had full meikle care
He [...]aw the Sutheron multiply mair and mair
And to him self he oft would make his moun
Of [...]is good R [...] they had, stain many one
[...]e he was then seemly strong and bold
[...] he of age was Seventeen Winters old
Veapons he bare either good Sword or Knife
For he with them hapned full o [...] to Strife
Where he found [...]ne out of others presence
If [...] [...]o Scots they did no more offence
To cut his Throat or stick him suddenly
He cared not found he them anerly
Sundry wanted but none knew what way
For as to him there could no man ought lay
Little of Speech was courteous and benigne
Sad of Countenance he was both hold and ying

Chap. V. How Wallace slew Selbie the Constables Son Dundie.

Upon a day to Dundic he was send
If cruelness full little he was kend
The Constable was a fellon Man of wear
And unto Scots he did full meikle dear
Selble he height des [...]iteous in outrage
A Son he had near Twenty years of age
Into the Town he used every day
Three Mon or sour thereto with him to play
An hidy Shron wanton in his intent
Wallace he an and towards him he went
Seemly he was right big and well beseen
Into a Weed of goodly gaming green
He called on him and said, thou Scot abide
What Devil said he thee graieth in so good Weed
An Horse Mantle it was thy kind to wear
A sharp Whittle under thy Belt to bear.
Rough Rulzions upon t [...]ne Har [...]ols feet
Give me thy Knife what doth thy Gear so meet
To him he went his Knife to take him fra
Fast by the Collar Wallace gan him [...]á
Under his hand his Knife be braided out
For all his men that sémbled him about
But help himself he knew of no Remead
Without resiue he sticked him to dead,
The Sqyer fell of him there was no more
His men follon'd on Wallace wonder sore
The prease was thi [...]h and commored them fu [...]
Wallace was speedy and greatly alls agast
The bloody was drawn in his hand
He spared none that he before him stand.
[...]e house he knew his e [...]ne he lodged in
[...]ither he fled farther he might not win
[...]he gude Wife, there within the Close san he
[...]d help he cry'd for him that dyed on Tree
The young Captain hath fallen with me at strife
In at the door he went with this gude Wife
A russet Gown of her own she him gave
Above his Weed which cover'd all his lave
A sudded Courch over head and neck let fall
A worn white hat she breased on with all
For they should not long harry in that Inn
Gave him a Rook and then sal down to spinn
The Sutheron sought where Wallace but dreed
They knew not well at what gate he in yeed
In that same house they sought him busily
For he sat still and span right cunningly
As of his time he had not learned lang
They left him so and forth their gates can gang
With heavy cheer and sorrowful in thought
No wit of him as then get could they nought
The Englishmen all then in barrel bown
Bude [...]ire all Scots that were into the Town
Yet this gude Wife held Wallace until night
Made him gude chear and put him out of sight
Thro a dark gate she guided him full fast
In [...]vert went syn by the water past
[...]ur bure the Gate for Watches that were there
His Mother was into a great Dispare
Then she him san she thanked heavens King
And said dear Son so long where hast thou been.
He told his Mother of that sudden case
Then weeped she and said full of alas
Ere that thou cease thou will be slain with
Mother he said. God rules is of all
Unsufferable are the people of England
Part of their yre methinks we should gainstan
His one he knew that he the Squyer slew
For drede thereof he in great languor grow
This passed [...]vo [...] while divers day were gan [...]
The gude man dread that Wallace should be ta [...]
The Sutheron are full subtil every man
Agreat Ditty for Scots ordained they than
By the Law days in Dundie set an aire
Then Wallace would no longer sojourn then
His Mother graithed her in a Pilgrins Weed,
Himself disguised syn gladly with her yeed
A short Sword under his Weed bare he
In all the Land full many a Fo [...]had he
Both on their foot with them more took they [...]ou [...]
Who spired she said to St Margaret they sought
Who served her full great friendship they fan [...]
With Sutheron folks for she was of England
Besides Lundores the Ferry over they past
Then thro' they Ochel sped they wonder fast
Into Dumferling they lodged that night
Upon the morn when that the day was light
With Gentlewomon happened them to pass
Of England born in Linlithgow winning [...]o [...]
The Captains Wife in Pilgrimage had been
When she them met had good Wallace seen
[...]od cheer they made for he was wonder fair
[...] large of tongue well taught and debonair
[...]th talking thus of mattors that were wrought
While South over Forth with her son she him brought
Into Linlithgow they woud not tarry long
Their leive they took to Dunnipace they gang
There dwelt his Erne a Man of great riches
I mighty person hight to name Wallace.
Made them gude cheer and was a ful gude man
[...] [...]om'd them fair and to them told he then
[...]id him to wit the Land was all on stair
[...]reated them well and said my Son so dear
Why Mother and thou right here with me shall bide
While better be thy chance what may befide
Wallace answer'd, Wester more we will
[...]ur [...]in is Slain and that me liketh ill
And other many worthy in that art
[...]ive I will God, me shall us wreck on part
The Parson sigh'd and said my Son so free
[...] cannot know how that redress may be
What should I speak of frustrate al this tide
For gift of good he would not with him bide
His Mother and he to Ellerslie they went
Upon the morn she for her Brother sent
[...]n Corshie dwelt and was Sheriff of A [...]re
His Father was dead that liv'd a long time there
[...]or eldest Son that meikle was of main
[...]or Husband als at Lochmabane was slain
[...] Malcorn Wallace his name was but lies
[...] [...]ough Sinews were cutted in that preass.
On knees he fought fell English men hesle [...]
To him then sought more sighters than e [...]
On either side with Spears the bare him d [...]
Their sticked they that gude Knight of re [...]
Unto may [...]ale I left at Ellerslie
S r. Rannald came into his Sister free
Wellcomed them and asked of their inten [...]
She pray'd that he to Lord Percie would we [...]
She irked of War she would no further [...]le [...]
Th purchase in rest that, he might be
S r. Rannald and the Percies Protection
As for all part to take remission
Then he caus'd write to his Sister that tide [...]
In that respite Wallace would not abide
His mother he left she wept with heart full sa [...]
His leave he took then from his Eme can fa [...]
Young he was and to Sutheron right Sava [...]
Great room they had despite and eke coura [...]
S r. Rannald durst not then hold Wallace then
For great peril he knew appearing were
For they had whole the strengths of this Lan [...]
What they would do durst none against them
Sheriff he was and used them among
Full sore he dread that Wallace shoud take
For he and they could never well accord
He gat ablow though he was Lad or Lor [...]
That proffered him any lightliness
But they repair'd ore meikle to that pl [...]
Alls English Clerks in prophesie it fand
How one Wallace should put them fra Scotl [...]
S r. Rannald knew well a more quiet st [...]e [...]
[...]ere William might be better from their feed
[...] his Uncle William of Richertoun
Richard hight that gude Knight of renown
These Lands whole then was his Heretage
[...]ut blind he was so happened thro' courage
[...]y English men that did him meikle dear
[...] his rising he worthy was in wear
Thro' [...]uri of Veins and minishing of blood
[...]et he was wise and of his counsel good
[...]n Februar Wallace was to him send
[...]nto April he bown, from him to wend
[...]ut good Service he did him with pleasance
[...]s in that space was worthy to advance

Chap. VI. How Wallace passed the Irvin to fish.

[...] on a time he desired to play
[...]to April the three and twentieth day
[...]o Irvin Water fish to take he went
Such fantasie fell into his intent
To [...]d his Net a Child with him there yeed
But he ere noon was in a fellon dread
His Sword he left so did he never again
[...]t did him good altho' he suffered pain
Of that labour as then he was not slie
Happ [...]e he was took fish abundantly
Ere of the Day ten hours could [...] or pass
[...]iding there came near by where Wallace was
The Lord Persie that were Captain of Aire
From him he turned and could to Glasgow fare
Part of the Court had Wallace labour seen
To him they rode five cled in garment g [...]
S r. Martins Fish said Scot now we would
Wallace again then meekly answer gave
It were reason methink ye should have p [...]
Waith should be dealt in all place with free
He bade his Boy give him of his waithing
The Sutheron said as now of my dealing
We will not take thou wouldst give us over sm [...]
He lighted down and from his Boy took a [...]
Wallace said then Gentlemen if [...] ye be
Leave us some part we pray for Charit [...]
An aged Knight serves our Lady this day
Good friend leave part and take not all
Thou shalt have leave to fish and take thee [...]
All these surely shall be our flitting fare
We serve a Lord these Fish shall to him gang
Wallace answering said thou art in the wr [...]
Whom thoust thou Scot in faith thou servest a [...]
To him he ran and out a Sword can dra [...]
Wallace was he he had no weapons there
But a Pault Staff which in his hand he b [...]
Wallace with it fast on the Cheek him took
With so good will while off his feet him sh [...]
The Sword flew from a foot broad on the L [...]
Wallace was glad and caught it soon in h [...]
And with the Sword an awkward stroke him
Under the Head his Craig in sunder dra [...]
By that the rest lighted about Wallace
He had no help but only on Gods Grace
[...]ther side full fast on him they dang
[...]at peril was if they had lasted lang.
[...]n the head in great yre he stroke one
[...]e Sheering Sword [...]ut to the Collar bone
[...]th [...]r he [...]i [...] on the Arm hastilly
[...]ile hand and Sword both on the land can lye
[...]e other two fled to their Horse again
[...] s [...]icked him that was last on the plain
[...] slew he there, two fled with all their might
[...] their Lord but he was out of Sight
[...]ing the Mure ere he and they could twin
[...] him the rode anon ere they could blin
[...]nd cryed abide your Men are martyr'd down
[...]ight cruelly in this false Region
[...] of your men here at the water bade
[...]sh you to bring though it no profit made
[...]e are escaped, but in field slain are three
The Lord asked, how many may there be?
[...]e s [...]th but one that hath o'er come us all
Then l [...]ugh the Lord and said shame on you [...]all
[...]ince one you all hath put to confusion
[...]ho mones it most the Devil in Hell him drown
This day for me, in faith, he's not be sought
Then Wallace thus the worthy work had wrought
Their Horse he took and Gear that was left there
[...]we over the craft and went to fish no mare
[...]ent to his Eme and told him of the Dead
And he for wo near swelt out of his Weed.
And said Son these sidings [...]i [...]s me sore
I they be known thou may get sk [...]ith the [...]
[...] he said no longer will I bide
These Sutherons Horse let see if I can rid [...]
Then but a Child in Service, for to make [...]
His Eme's Son with him he would not [...]
This gude Knight said dear [...]ousen I pray
When the [...] wants good come fetch enough fr [...]
Silver and Gold he caused one to him give
Wallace then kneeled and lonely took his [...]
The end of the first Book.


[...]w Wallace slew the Churle, with his own staffe in [...] Aire.

YOung Wallace then fulfilled of hie courage.
In prise of armes desirous of vassallage;
Thy vassallage may never be forlorn,
[...]hy déed is known, though all the world had [...],
[...]or thy whole mind, labour, and businesse,
[...]as set in war, and very righteousnesse:
[...]nd full great losse of thy great worthy kin,
[...]he rancour more remains thy mind within,
[...] was his life, and most part of his find.
[...]o sée them shed the birning Sutheron blood:
[...]o Ochterhouse withoutten more he [...]ode,
[...]nd but short time in peace there he bode.
[...]here was one Wallace that welcommed him well▪
[...]ough Englishmen thereof had little fél:
[...]oth meat and drink at his will had he the [...]e,
[...] Langlan wood, when that he made repair.
he gentleman, full oft was his reset,
[...]ith stuffe of house full oft he can him b [...]t:
he desir'd the town of Aire to sée
[...]s childe with him, and then no more took he.
[...]e next the wood Wallace causde leave his horse,
[...]hen on his foot went to the market C [...]oss [...],
[...]e Perfie was in the Castle of Aire,
[...]i [...]h Englishmen, great number and repair.
[...]nd all the town ruleing on their own wise,
[...] many Scots they did full great suppresse:
All but abasing Wallace among them yéed
The rage of youth made him to have no dre [...]
A Churle they had, that great burdens did be [...]
Excéedingly be would lift meikle maire
Then any thrée that they among them fand:
And als by this one sport be took in hand.
He bare a sting into a busteous pole,
On his broad back, if any would it thole:
But for a groat as fast as he might draw,
When Wallace heard speak of that merry saw
Then he destred at that market to be,
For one stroak he hade him groats thrée:
The Churle granted, of that profer was fain,
To pay that silver Wallace was full bane.
Wallace that sting took up into his hand,
Full sturdily before him could he stand:
Wallace with that upon the back him gave,
While his rig-bone all into sunder drave.
The Churle was dead, of him I speaks na mair
The English-men assembled on Wallace there.
Fell on the field of folks fighting fast,
He unabased, and not greatly agast:
Vpon the head one with the sting hit he,
While bone and and brain he made in pieces flée.
Another he stroak on the vaisnet of stéel,
The trée then rave, and frushed every deale:
The trée was lost, the English man was dead,
For his craig-bone was broken in that stead.
He drew a sword that he lped him in néed,
Throughout the thickest of the preasse be yéed▪
And at his Horse full fain he would have béen,
Two griev'd him most that cruel were and k [...]
Wallace returned as man of meikle main,
And at one stroak the formost hath be stain:
A full sore stroak the other got that tide,
[...]th his good sword, he made him there, abide.
[...]at the Corslet brimly he him bare,
[...] grounden sword out through his body share:
[...] slew he there, ere he past from the Town,
[...]ot his Horse, to Langlane made him bown:
kéeped the childe, and let him not abide,
[...]ped thus, he can to Langlane ride,
[...]e followed him on Horse, some upon foot,
[...]ake Wallace, as then it was no boot.
trées were thick, that kéeped him full well,
there to bide, be could never a deal.
[...] ordinance that effeired for his estate,
custome was at all times ere and late:
Squyre Wallace in Ochterhouse that was
[...] bed and meat, for him they made to passe.
[...]or that time that he remained there,
[...] fore be longed to sée the Town of Aire:
[...]ther he past upon a market day,
[...]ld God as then, that be had bidden away.
Emes servant for to buy fish he sent,
Reynald Crawfurd the Shyriff then was kent.

CHAP. II. [...] Wallace slew Lord Persies Stewart, and was prisoned in Aire.

WHen be had tane such good as he had bought,
The Perfies Stewart right sadly to him sought
said, Thou Scot, to whom buyes thou this thing?
[...]e Sheriff he said: By heavens King,
Lord shall have it, syne go fetch thee mair,
[...]ce by chance was near by going there.
[...]ent to him, and said, Friend I pray thée,
Theriffs servant that thou would let him be.
[...]ly man the Stewart was of blood,
Thought Wallace him charged in termes wide:
Go hence [...] Scot, the meikle devil thée spéed,
At thy Sheriff [...]use thou weens us for to lead.
An bunting staff into his hand he bare.
Therewith he smote on William Wallace there.
But with his trée little sunzie he made,
Fast by the coller him caught withoutten bade.
A full great knif fast to his heart stroak he,
Then from him dead shot him right suddenly:
Cater senfyne I trow he was na maire:
The English men assembled Wallace there.
Fourscore were set in armour birnest bown,
On market day for Scots to keep the town.
Wallace holdly he drew a sword of warre,
Into the brime the formost couth he bear.
Out through the body sticked him to the dead
And sundry moe, ere he past from that stead.
An acward stroak another took he there,
Vpon his knée the bone in sunder share.
The third he stroak on a peasant of mailzie,
His craig in two, no weeds might availzie:
Thus Wallace fared as wood as a Lyon,
The Englishmen that were on bargan bown,
They keept the gate with spears rude and lang,
For dint of sword might no man to him gang:
Wallace was harnest on his body well,
At him they sought with sharp swords of steel.
And from his strength environed him about,
Out through the prease on a side he brake out:
Vnto a wall that stood by the sea side,
For wèll or woe there must be need abide,
Part of their spears in pieces there he share,
Then from the Castle other help came mair:
Out over the dyke they glaid on every side,
Brake down the wall, no succour was that ty [...]
[...]hen Wallace knew of no ween, but to die
To win his death amongst them thus went he:
[...]ther part in great yre he wing fast,
[...]is birnist brand it bursted at the last.
[...]rake in the hilts, away the blade it slew,
[...]e wist no ween, but forth his knife he drew:
The first he slew which him in hand hath hint,
And other two be sticked with his dint.
The remnant to him with spears hath tought.
[...]are him to ground, no further might be nought:
The Lords bade that they should not him sla,
To pine him more they charged him to t [...],
[...]nto their Innes, although that he had sworne,
[...]ut of the gate by force they have him borne:
Thus good Wallace with Englishmen wa [...] cane,
[...] fault of help, for he was his alone.
[...]e could not cease, his courage so him bare,
[...]rivole fortune hath brought him in the snare.
These false gods full of unrighteousnesse,
[...]nd false Juno full of deceitfulnesse.
These feigned gods Wallace never yet knew.
[...]reat righteousnesse him ay to mercy drew.
[...]is Kin might not get him for no kind of thing.
[...]ight they have payed the ransome of a King.
[...]he more they bade; the more it was in vain,
[...]f their best men that day seven hath he stain:
They caused fe [...] him in a prison fell,
[...]f his torments great pity was to tell.
[...]vil meat and drink they causde unto him give.
[...]reat marvel was it be might long them live.
[...]nd eke thereto he was in prison law,
While they thought time on him to hold the La [...].
[...]eave I him thus into this painfull stead,
While God above do send him some remead.
[...]he plain complaint, and piteous lamenting;
The wofull weeping that was for his taking.
The tormenting of every creature,
Alace, they said: How shall our life endure:
The flowre of youth into his tender age,
Fortune of Armes hath left him in thirlage:
Living this day a Chistain have we none
Durst take in hand, but yong Wallace alone:
The land is lost, he is caught in the snare,
The A-per-se of Scotland is in great care.

CHAP. III. Now Wallace was imprisoned in Aire, and escaped

BArreld hairing and water they him gave,
Where he was set into that ugly cave,
Such food for him was féeble to commend,
Then said he thus, Good God me now receive
My pitteous sprite and soul over all the lave,
My carefull life, I may not now defend.
Over few Sutheron unto the death I drew,
And that I rue indeed, and very true.
For soon I will out of this world wend,
If I should now in prison make an end.
Eternal God, why should I thus wise die,
Since my belief all whole remains on thée?
And thine own hand full worthily have wrought
But thou remead, no life they ordain me,
Mine only Saviour that died on the trée,
From hels prison with thy bloud hath me boug [...]
Why wilt thou give thine handy-w [...] for no [...]
And many other in great pain that I sée,
For of my life, nothing else I rought.
O waried sword, of temper never true,
Thy frushing blade in prison soon me threw:
And Englishmen over little harmes hath tane
Of us they have undone moe than anew:
[...]y faithfull Father despite fully they [...]
[...]y brother als, and good men many o [...]le,
This is the date shall us overcome each one:
Of this Kingrick, dear God when shalt thou rue,
[...]ince my power thus suddenly is gone.
All worthy Scots, Almighty God you lead.
[...]ince I no more in worship may you spéed:
[...]n prison here me worthes to mischieve:
[...]ow stilie Scotland, that of help hath great need,
[...]hy Nation stands into a felion dread.
Of worldlinesse right thus I take my leave,
Of other pains God let you never preave.
[...]hough I for we out of wits should wend,
[...]one other gift I may now to you give,
Adue Wallace, sometime was strong and sture,
[...]hou must of need in prison long endure,
[...]y worthy Kin may not thée save for gold,
[...]dies wéep, that were both milde and mure,
[...] furious pains thy mother that thée hure:
[...]r thou to her was dearer than the gold:
[...]er most destre was to thée under mould,
[...] worldlinesse why should any assure:
[...]r thou wert formed forcy on the fold.
Complain ye poor, thus as your scedell tels,
[...]omplain to heaven with words that never failed,
[...]mplain your voice to the great God above,
[...]mplain for him that sits in spytful Cells,
[...]mplain his pain that thus in dolour dwels:
langour lyes, for losing of their love,
[...]s furious pain was fellon for to prove.
[...]mplain also ye birds as blyth as Bells,
[...]me happie chance may fall for your behave.
Complain ye Lords, complain ye Ladies bright,
[...]mplain for him that worthy was and wight:
Saxons son that suffered meikle dear,
Complain [...] him that is in prison dight,
And for no cap [...]e (Scotland) but for thy right,
Complain also ye worthy men of wear,
Complain for him who was your Asper spear,
Few Englishmen yet to the death he dight,
Complain for him your triumph had to bear.
Cellinus his master Iayleour was now,
In Englishmen, alas, why should vve trow,
Our Worthy Kin are pyned on this wise,
Such rule but right is little till allow.
Me thinks we should in barret make them bow,
At our power, and so we do feill syse,
From their danger God make us for to rise,
That well hath wrought before these times now
For they mark ay to wait us with suppresse.
What would I more of Wallace torments tell,
The Flur he took into that prison fell.
Near to the death likely he was to draw:
They charged the Iayelour there be should not d [...]
But bring him forth soon of that ugly Cell:
In iudgement where that he should thole the La [...]
This man went down and suddenly he saw:
As to his sight, Death had him snapped well sn [...]
Then said to them, He hath payed that he aw.
When they presumed he should be very dead,
They causde servants vvithoutten longer plead,
With short advise unto the vvall him bare,
They cast him over out of that bailful stead:
Of him they trowed there should be no remead.
In a draffe-midding, where he remained there,
His first Nurse of the new town of Aire,
To him she came, vvhich vvas full vvell of read,
And purthast leave, away with him to fare:
Into great yre they granted her to go,
She took him up vvithoutten vvords moe:
And on a Cart unséemly they him cast,
Out over the vvater they led him with great wo,
To her own house withoutten any hoe:
She vvarmed vvater, and als her servants fast,
His body vvasht, vvhile filth off him vvas past:
His heart vvas vvight, and flightered to and fro,
And his two eyes at last cast up also,
His Foster-mother him loved attouer the lave,
[...]ot milk to vvarm, his life if she might save.
With all her cure great kindnesse could him kyth.
Her daughter had of twelve vvéeks a knave,
Her childes papes in Wallace mouth it gave,
The vvomans milk comforted him full swyth:
Then in a bed they brought him for to lyth.
And coverfly they kept him in that cave,
Him for to save, well secretly they might.
In their chamber they kéeped him that tide,
She causde grath up a buird in the house side.
With tapestrie cloaths honoured vvith great slight,
And that the voice on every land should light
That he were dead, throughout the Land so vvide,
In presence ay she vvéeped under sight,
But goodly meats she graithed either night.
And so befell in that self same tide,
While farthermore that Wallace worthed vvight.
Thomas Rymer withoutten fail vvas than,
With the Minister, which vvas a vvorthy man:
He used oft to that religious place,
The people déemed of méekle vvit he can,
And so he did, although they blesse or ban:
Which happpened sooth in many diverse place,
I cannot say, by wrong, or righteousnesse,
In rule of war, whether he tint or wan,
It may be déem'd by division of grace.
This man that day at the market had béen,
Of Wallace knew this carefull case so keen.
His Master asked, What tydings that he saw.
His man answered, Of little heard I meene:
The Minister said, that hath been seldom seen
Where Scots and English assembled on a row,
Was never yet so far as I could know.
But either a Scot would do a Sutheron teene,
Or he to him, as aventure might faw.
Wallace ye know was tane into that stead,
Out over the wall I saw them cast him dead:
Out of their prison famisht for want of food,
The Minister said, with heart heavy as lead,
Such deed to them, me think should foster feed:
For he was wight and come of gentle bloud.
Thomas answered, These tydings are not good:
If that he sooth, my self shall never eat bread,
For all my wit here shortly I conclude.
A woman then of the new town of Aire.
To him she went when he was lying there:
And on her knees right lowly them besought,
To purchase leave, she might hence with him fa [...]
In lightlinesse they granted to her there,
And over the water into her house him brought,
To bury him as goodly as she mought.
Then Thomas said, Yet shall I live na mair,
If that he true, by God that all hath wrought,
The Minister heard what Thomas said in plain [...]
He charged his man to speed him fast again:
To see the house, and warily to espy,
What words he heard amongst them buffly;
The man went out, at bidding was all baine,
To the new town to passe, he did his pain:
To that ilk house, and went in suddenly:
About he blinked unto the boord him by.
The woman rose, in heart she was not fain,
[...]o lyes here, he did demand in plain [...]
[...]ace she said, full worthy that hath been,
[...]en wéeped she, that pity was to séen.
[...]e man thereto great credence gave he nought,
[...]wárd the boord he bowned as he best thought.
[...] knées she fell, and cryed for Iesus shéen,
[...] stander be, and from your thought it sléem.
[...]e m [...] answered, By him that all bath wrought,
[...]ould his well-fare, and cast into his thought:
[...]ght I on life once sée him with mine éene,
[...] should be safe though England would him sléem,
[...]e led him up to Wallace by the grées,
[...] spake with him then fast again can prease,
[...]ith glad bodward their mirths to amend,
[...]d came again, and told them whole to end.
[...] told to them, the first tydings was lies,
[...]en Thomas said, Forsooth ere he deceise:
[...]ny thousand on field shall take an end,
[...]om this Region he shall the Sutheron send,
[...]d Scotland thrise he shall bring to a peace,
[...]to this Region great God shall send him grace,
All worthy men that have good wit to waill,
[...]ware that ye do not misdéem my tale.
[...]rchance ye say, to Bruce was none suth like,
[...] was as good where déeds were to assail,
[...] of his hands, and Bolder of Battel,
[...]t Bruce was known right heir of his King rick:
[...]r he had right, we call no man him like,
[...]t Wallace thrise this King rick conquest hail,
England far sought battel on that [...]ike,

CHAP. IV. The Battel of Lowdoun-hill.

Will return to my purpose again,
When Wallace was relieved of his pain.
The Court [...]; déem'd all whole that he was,
His deare [...] knew not of his remead:
While whose he was, likely to go and ride,
Into that place he would no longer bide.
His true keeper he sent to Ellersly,
After him there he durst not let her be.
Her daughter als, her servants and her childe,
He made them passe unto his mother milde,
When they were gone, no weapons there [...]
To help him with, what eventure might faw:
A rousty sword in a nook he saw stand,
Withoutten belt, bose, buckler, or yet brand.
Long time before it had béen in that stead,
An aged man it left, when he was dead:
He drew the blade, and found it would well byt [...]
Though it was foul, he took it with him tyte,
God help his man, for thou shalt go with me,
While-better come, will God soon may that be,
To sir Rannald as then he would not fare,
Into that passage, for Sutheron made repare,
At Richarton full fain he would have béen,
To get him horse, and part of armour shéen,
Then afterward as he bowned to fare,
Thrée Englishmen he met riding to Aire.
At their voyage in Glasgow forth had béen,
One Long-Castle, that cruel was and kéen:
A bold Sqyuer, with him good Yeomen two.
Wallace drew by, and would have let them go,
To him they ride, and said despitefully,
Thou Scot abide, I trow thou be a spy:
Or else a chief, from presence would thée hide,
Then Wallace said with sober words that tide:
Sir, I am sick, for Gods love let me go,
Long-castle said, Forsooth it bées not so:
A fellon freik thou seemest in thy fare,
[...]hile men thée know, thou shalt with [...]; to Aire,
[...]nt out his sword that was of noble [...];
Wallace with that at his lighting him threw.
[...]on the crage with his sword hath him tane,
[...]rough brain and lyre, in sunder brake the hane:
[...]y he was fallen the two were lighted down,
[...]o venge his death, on Wallace made them bown.
[...]he one of them upon the head he gave,
[...]he cousty blade unto the craig him clave:
[...]he other fled, and durst no longer byde,
[...]ith a rude step Wallace could after glyde.
[...]ut through the ribs a sicker stroak gave he,
[...]hile liver and lungs men might at once it sée.
[...]he horse he took, both weapons and armour,
[...]en thanked God with glad heart in that hour:
[...]iber they had, all with them hath he tane,
[...]m to support, for spending had he nane.
[...] to great haste he rode to Richartoun,
[...] glad sembly was at his lighting down:
When Wallace met with Sir Richard that Knight,
For him had mourned, while féeble was his sight.
His two sons of Wallace was full fain,
They had him lost, yet God him saved again.
[...]is Eme Sir Rannald to Richartoun came fast:
The woman told, vy Corsby as she past
[...]ow Wallace escaped, then on their way yéed,
Sir Rannald yet was in a fellon dread.
While he him saw, in heart he thought full long,
[...]hen suddenly in armes he him throng.
[...]e might not speak, but kissed him tenderly,
[...]is troubled sprite was in an extaffe:
The glad tears brast from his eyes two,
Are that he spake a long time held him so:
And at the last, right friendly said he,
Welcome Nevoy, welcome dear-son to me:
Thanked [...] [...]e that all the world hath wrought [...]
That fairly thée out of prison hath brought.
His mother came, and other friends anew,
With full glad will to sée these tydings true,
Good Robert Boyd, that worthy was and wight,
Would not them trow, while he them saw with [...]
From sundry parts they came to Richartoun,
Féel worthy folks, that were of great renown:
Thus leave I them in mirth, gladnesse, and please [...]
Thanking great God of this so happy chance.
The end of the second Book.


CHAP. I. How Wallace revenged the slaughter of his Father, and his brother on Lowdoun-hill.

IN ioyous July, when the flowers are swéet,
Digestable, engendring with the heat,
Both flowre and fruit, bushes and boughs bra [...]
Abundantly in every stonk and staid,
All beastial their right course to endure,
Well helped are by working of Nature.
On foot ascending to the heavens hight,
Conserved well by the Maker of might:
Fish in the flood restorteth really,
To mans food, the world to occupy.
But Scotland so was wasted many a day,
Through war, such skaith, that labour was away [...]
Vittail grew scant, ere August could appear,
Through all the land the food happened full dear.
But Englishmen that riches wanted [...],
By carriage brought their vittail in good wane,
[...]tuffed houses with wine and good vernage,
Enioy'd this land as their own heritage:
This King rick whole they ruled at their will,
[...]essengers then such tydings told them till.
And told the Persie that Wallace living was,
And from their prison in Aire escaped hes.
They trowd it well, that Wallace past that stead,
For Long-castle and his two men were dead:
They waried the chance that Wallace was so past,
[...]n every part they were full greatly agast.
Through prophecie that they had heard before,
[...]ord Persie said, What néed words more:
But he be fast, he shall do great marvel:
[...]t were the best for King Edwards avail:
[...]ight he him get to be his stedfast man,
For gold or land, his conguest might stand then.
We think by force be may not gotten be,
Wise men forsooth by his escape may see,
Thus déem they him in many diverse case,
We leave them thus, and speak of good Wallace.
[...]n Richartoun he would no longer hide,
For friend counsel, or ought that might betide.
And when they saw that it awailed nought,
His purpose was to venge him if he mought:
On Sutheron bloud, that had his elders stain,
They let him work his own will into plain.
Sir Richard had thrée sons, as I you told,
[...]dam, Richard, and Simon that were bold.
[...]dam eldest, was grown into courage,
Forward, right fair, and eightéen years of age.
Large of person, right hardy, wise and wight,
Good King Robert in his time made him Knight,
Long time after in Bruces ware abdde,
On Englishmen many good iourney made.
This good [...]quyer with Wallace bowned to [...]
And Robert Boyd, which would no longer bid
Vnder thirlage of steges of England,
To the false king he never had made hand.
Cleland was there, near cousing to Wallace.
Then bode with him in many perilous place.
And Edward Little his sister son so dear,
Full well graithed into their armour clear:
With their servants to Richartoun they rode,
To Marhline, Moore, and short time there ab [...]
For friends them told was bounden in thirlag
That Fenwick sent was for the carriage:
Within short time be will bring it to Aire,
Out of Carleit they had received it there.
That pleased Wallace in heart right greatum [...]
Wit ye they were a goodly company.
Toward Lowdoun they bowned them to ride,
And in a shaw, a little there beside,
They lodged them, for it was near the night,
To watch the way as goodly as they might:
A good true Scot which Hostler house held ther [...]
Vnder Lowdoun, mine authour can declare.
He saw them come, he vvent to them on bye,
Both meat and drink he brought them privily.
And to them told the carriage men in plain,
Their fore-rider to Aire vvas past again.
Left them to come vvith power of great avail,
They trowed by then they were in Anandail.
Wallace then said, We vvill not soiourn here,
Nor change no wéed, but our each dayes gear.
At Corssintoun the vvay vvas spilt that tide,
For that same way behoved they to ride.
And from the time that he off prison fare,
Good Summer wéed, daily on him he bare:
light harnesse from that time us [...] ever,
sudden strife, from it he would not sever:
Habergion under his Gown he bare,
[...]ood stéel cap in his Bonnet but maire:
[...] gloves of plate, vvith cloath vvas cobered well,
[...]is Doublet a close coller of stéel.
face he-kéeped, for it was ever bare,
[...]th his two hands, the which full worthy were.
[...]s his wéed, if he came in a thrang,
[...]s no man then on foot might vvith him gang.
grown of strength, of power strong and sture,
terrible dints were fearful to endure.
[...]ey trusted more of Wallace him alone,
[...]n an hundreth of England might be tane.
ese vvorthy Scots made there no tarrying,
Lowdoun bill past in the day dawning.
[...]ised the place and put their horse away,
[...] thought to win, or never home to ga.
[...]o scourriour sent to visit vvell the plain,
[...]t they right soon returned in again:
Wallace said, That they vvere coming fast.
[...]en to the ground all knéeling at the last:
[...]th humble hearts Maying with all their might,
God above to help them in their right.
[...]ey graithed them in Harnesse hastily,
[...]ere sonzied none good of that company:
[...]en Wallace said, Here was my Father slain,
[...]d my brother, which doth me meikle pain,
shall my self, or venged be but dread,
[...]e traitour is here, the causer of the déed:
[...]en bright they all to bide with heartily will,
that the power was taking Lowdoun hill.
[...]e Knight Fenwick convoyed the carriage,
had on Scots made many shrewd voyage:
[...]e Sun was risen leiming over [...]ands light,
The Englishmen saw that they came to th [...]
Near him they rode, and soon the Scots saw,
He told his men, and said to them on raw:
Yonder is Wallace that escaped our prison,
He shall again he drawn through the town.
His head I know might better please the [...]
Than gold, or land, or any earthly thing:
He made his servants bide with the carriage
Thought to demain the Scots at their own b [...]
Ninescore he led in harnesse birnest bright,
And fifty were vvith Wallace in the right.
Vnreduted the Sutheron were in wear,
And fast they came full awful in effeir.
A manner of dyke of stones they had made,
Narrowed the dyke where through the thick
The Scots on foot took the gate them before,
The Sutheron saw their courage vvas the mor [...]
In prideful yre they thought ov'r them to ti [...]
But otherwise it happened in that tide.
On either side together fast they glad.
The Scots on foot great room about them m [...]
With prunzing spears through plates of fine
The Englishmen that thought to venge them
On harnest horse about them rudely [...]ade,
That with unease upon their féet they bade.
Wallace the formost in the birn he bare,
The grounden spear throughout his body share
The shaft he shook it off the frushing trée,
Devided it soon, since no better might be:
Drew swords then, both heavy, sharp and la [...]
On either side full cruelly they dang.
Fighting at once into that fellon doubt,
The Englishmen environed them about.
Through force they thought out through the
The Scots on foot that boldly could abide:
[...]ith swords share through halse and [...]rick good,
[...]on the fields shot out the Sutheron [...].
[...]om horse and man, through harnesse birnest béen,
[...]ore assailzie forsooth there might he séen:
[...]ey trusted no life, but to the latter end,
so few folk, great noblenesse might be kend:
together bade defending them so fast,
[...]rst none dissever, while that the preasse be past:
[...]e Englishmen, that were right wise in wear,
force ordained in sunder them to bear.
[...]eir chief captain as fierce as any Boar,
[...]rough maltalent and very proper care.
a great Horse into his glistering gear,
[...]t over casts a fellon Asper spear:
[...]e Knight Fenwick, that cruel was and kéen,
Wallace father he at the death had béen,
of his brother that doughty was and dear,
[...]hen Wallace saw that false knight was so near:
courage grew in ire as a Lyon,
[...]him he ran, and frieks field bare down.
[...]he rode by, and acward stroke him ta,
[...]h thigh and arson in sunder made he ga.
[...]m the Courser he fell on the far side:
[...]th a sharp sword he stroak him in that tide:
he was dead, a great prease came so fast,
[...]r him to ground they bare Boyd at the last.
[...]ace was near, and turned in again,
[...] to rescue, while he rose off the plain,
[...]ghtly did him wear while he a sword have tane,
[...]oughout the stowre these two in fear are gane
remnant upon them followed fast,
their passage feill Sutheron made agast,
[...] Wallace, the heir of Richartoun
[...]ake on Bewmount, a Squer of renown.
the pesant, with his sword birnisht bare,
The birn [...] blade his halse in sunder share.
The Englishmen saw their Chiftane was slain,
Boldly abode, as men of meikel main.
Rich Horse ramping rushed trieks under féet,
The Scots on foot made many lose the swéet:
Wight men lighted themselves for to defend,
Where Wallace came their dead was little kend▪
The Sutheron part sore frushed were that tide,
That in that stoure they might no longer bide,
Wallace indéed he wrought right worthily,
The Squyer Boyd, and all their Chevalry.
The Englishmen took plain part for to flée:
Little and Cleland made of their enemies die.
On horse some part to strengths can them foun [...]
To succour them with many working wound.
An hundred dead in field was leaved there,
And thrée Yeomen of Wallace dead but mair.
Two was of Kyle, and one of Cunning hame,
With Robert Boyd to Wallace came from hame.
Fourscore escaped from field on Sutheron side,
The Scots in place that boldly could abide:
Spoiling the field of gold and other gear,
Harnesse and horse, which they néeded in wear,
The English knaves they made the carriage le [...]
To Clyds Forrest, while they were out of dre [...]
And band them fast with widdies sad and fair,
On bowing trées, then hanged they them the [...]
He spared none that able was for war,
But women and Priests he made them ay forb [...]
When thus was done, to Dinner soon they we
Of stuff and wine that God had to them sent.
Ten-score of horse they wan that carriage bar [...]
With victual & wines as meikel as they might
And other stuffe, that they of Carleil led,
The Sutheron part out of the field they fled:
With sorrow sought to the Castle of Aire,
Before the Lord, and told him of that care:
What good they left, and who in field were slain,
Through wight Wallace, that was of meikel main,
And how he had made all his servants hang,
The Persie said, If that Squyer last lang,
Out of this land he shall exile us clean,
[...]o despightful in world was never séen.
In our prison here last when that he was,
Ov'r sloathfully our kéeper let him passe.
Then this our hold I find well may not be,
We must make bring our victually by sea.
But losse our men it helpeth us right nought,
Our kin may ban that ever we hither sought.
[...]eave I them now blaming their sory chance,
[...]nd more to speak of Scots-mens governance.
When Wallace had well vanquisht into plain,
That false tyrant, that had his father slain:
[...]is brother als, which was a doughty Knight,
[...]ther good-men before to death had dight:
[...]e causde provide, and parted their victual,
With stuff and horse that was of great avail.
[...]o friends about right privily they send,
[...]he remnant full gladly there they spend,
[...]n Clyds wood they soiourned there thrée dayes,
[...]o Sutheron was that durst persue those wayes.
[...]ut he tholed death that came in their danger,
[...]he word of Wallace walked far and near:
Wallace was known on life living again,
[...]hough English-men thereof had meikel pain.
[...]he Lord Persie to Glasgow could he fare,
With wise Lords, and held a councel there.
[...]hen they were met, moe than ten thousand,
[...]o Chiftain was that time durst take in hand:
[...]o lead a Range on Wallace to assail,
Asked about, What was their best counsel?
Sir Aimer Wallange, that false traitor and strong,
In Bothwel dwelt, and then was them among:
He said, my Lords, my counsel I will give,
But do ye not, from skaith ye may not live.
Ye must take peace withoutten tarrying,
As for a time, we must send to the King:
The Persie said, Of our trewes he will none,
An awful Chiftain truely he is one.
He will do more in faith ere that he blin,
Sutheron to stay, he thinks it is no sin:
Sir Aimer said, trews it behoves you take,
While afterward for him provision make:
I know he will do meikel for his Kin,
Gentrice and truth ay rests him within.

CHAP. II. How the Englishmen took peace with Wallace.

HIs Vncle Sir Rannald may make the band,
If he will not recognose all his land.
Vnto the time that he the work have wrought,
Sir Rannald was soon to their counsel brought:
They charged him to make Wallace at peace,
Or he should passe to London ere he cease.
To King Edward, and bide in his prison,
While they ask to have peace for his ransome:
Sir Rannald said, Lords, ye know right vvell,
At my counsel he will not do a deal:
His vvorthy Kin defpightfully ye slew,
In prison then near to the death him drew?
He is at large, and vvill not do for me,
Though ye therefore, should now make me too
Sir Aimer said, These Lords counsel to send
Me to the King, to make a final end
Of his conquest, forsooth he vvill it have,
[...]allace nor thou might not this countrey save.
[...]ight Edward king get him for gold or land,
[...]o be his man, then might he kéep Scotland:
[...]he Lord bade cease, thou failest to that Knight,
[...]ar more in truth, then it is any right.
[...]he wrong conquest our King desireth ay
[...]f him and us, it shall be séen on day.
Wallace hath right, hoth force and fair fortune,
[...]e heard how he escaped our prison.
[...]hus said the Lord, and prayed Sir Rannald fair,
[...]o make this peace, thou Sheriff art of Air,
[...]s for a time vve may advised be,
[...]nder my seal I shall he bound to thée.
[...]he Englishmen, that they shall do him nought,
[...]or to no Scots, but it be on them sought.
[...]ir Rannald knew he might not them gain-stand,
[...]f Lord Persie he had received that band:
[...]ersie vvas true, and ay of great avail,
[...]ober in peace, and cruel in barrel.
[...]ir Rannald him bowned on the morn but bade,
Wallace to séek in Clyds Forrest he rade:
[...]o he him fand bowning to his Dinner,
When they have séen this good knight coming near
Well he him knew, and told them vvhat he vvas,
[...]arvel he had vvhat made him hither passe.
[...]ade him good chear, of meats good and fine,
[...]ing Edwards self could not get better vvine:
[...]hen they had their vernage and venison,
Of beastial into great fusion,
[...]hen after meat he shewed them of this déed,
[...]ow he had béen into so meikel dread:
[...]evoy he said, vvork part of m [...]sel,
[...]ake peace a vvhile, and for th [...] [...] avail:
[...]ut thou do so, forsooth thou hast [...] sin,
[...] or they are set to undo all thy kin.
Then Wallace said to good men him about,
I will no peace for all this fellon doubt.
But if it please better to you than me,
The Squyer Boyd him answered soberly,
I give my counsel, ere this good Knight be slain,
Take peace a while, although it do us pain,
So said Adam, the heir of Richartoun,
And Cleland als to their opinion.
With their consent Wallace this peace hath tane,
As his Eme wrought, while ten moneths were gas
Their leave they took with sad comfort in plain,
Fand God to brogh they should méet whole again
Boyd and Cleland past to their places hame,
Adam VVallace to Richartoun by name:
Forth with Sir Rannald can William Wallace ride
In his houshold in Corsbie for to bide.
This peace was cryed in August moneth milde,
These gods of battel furious and wilde.
Mars and Juno ever doth their businesse,
Causers of war, ay worker of wickednesse.
And Venus als which goddesse is of love,
And old Saturne his course for to approve,
These four showes of diverse complexion
Battel, Debate, Envy, and Destruction.
I cannot déem of their melancholy,
But Wallace could not well in Corsbie lye.
Him had rather in travel for to be,
Right sore be longed the town of Aire to sée.

CHAP. III. How Wallace slew the Buckler player in the To [...] of Aire.

SIr Rannald [...] home upon a day,
Fifetéen he [...], and to the town went they:
Cobered bis face, that no man might him knaw,
Bothing he cared how few enemies him saw,
In sober wéed, disaguised well were they,
An Englishman on the gate saw he play:
At the Scrimmage, a Buckler on his hand,
VVallace near by in fellowship could stand.
Lightly he said, Scot, darest thou not prieve:
VVallace said, yea, so thou dare give me lieve.
Smite on he said, I defie thy Nation,
VVallace therewith hath tane him on the crown:
Through buckler, brand, and through the barns also,
Vnto the shoulder the sharp sword made he go.
Lightly returned to his own men again,
The woman cryed, Our Buckler-player is slain,
The man is dead, what néeds words mair?
Feill men of arms about him sembled there,
Eightscore at once upon sixtéen they set,
But VVallace soon with the formost hath met:
With yre and will on the head hath him tane,
Through the bright helm in sunder brust the bane,
Another breathly on the breast him bare,
His birnisht blade throughout his body share.
Great room he made, his men was fighting fast,
And many a groom they made full sore agast,
For they were wight, and well used in wear,
Of Englishmen right boldly down they bear:
On their Enemies great martyrdom they made,
Their hardy Chiftain, so well among them gade,
What Englishmen that bade into his gate,
Contrare to Scotland made never more debate,
Feill fréeks on fold were felled under féet,
Of Sutheron blood lay sticked on the stréet:
New power came from the castle that tide,
Then VVallace fled, and drew toward a side.
With right good will he would eschew surprise,
For he in war was worthy, wight, and wise.
Harns and heads in sunder hewd he fast.
By force out through the thickest prease he past.
Wallace returned behind his men again,
At the rescue feill Sutheron hath he slain.
His men all then be out of peril brought,
From their enemies, with all the power he mou [...]
Vnto their horse they went but more abode,
For danger then to Langlane wood they rode,
Twenty and nine they left into that stead,
Of Surtheron men, that brittined were to dead.
The remnant again turned that tide,
For in this wood they durst not him abide:
Toward the town they drew vvith all their main
Cursing the peace they took before in plain.
The Lord Persie in heart was greatly grieved,
His men suppressed again to him relieved.
And feill vvere dead into their armour clear,
Thrée of his Kin that were to him full dear,
When he heard tell of this their great grievance
Their self was cause of this mischievous chance,
Mourning he made, though few Scots it kend,
An Herauld then to Sir Rannald be send.
And to him told of their full sudden case:
And charged him to take soverance of Wallace:
He should him bold from Market, town and fair,
Where he might best be, out of their repair.
The Sutheron knew that it was wight Wallace,
That them overset into that sudden case:
Their trews for this they would not break a de [...]
When Wallace had this chanse eschewed well:
Vpon a night from Laglane home he rade,
In chamber soon their residence they made.
Vpon the morn when that the day was light,
With Wallace forth went Sir Reynald the knig [...]
Shew him the writ that Lord Persie had sent.
[...]r son, he said, this is my whole inta [...]t,
[...]at thou would grant while that this trews were worn
[...]skaith to do to any in England born.
[...]t where I passe dayly thou bide with me,
[...]lace answered, Good Sir, that may not be,
[...]bt loath I were dear Vncle you to grieve,
[...]all do nought, while time I take my leave.
[...] warn you als or that I from you passe,
[...] Eme and he on this accorded was.
[...]lace with him made this continuance,
[...] wight was blyth for to do him pleasance.
[...] Corsbie he rested them among,
[...]ese seventéen dayes, suppose be thought it long
[...]ough they him pleas'd as a Primate or King,
[...]o his mind remained another thing:
[...] saw his enemies masters in this Region,
[...]ght not him please, though he were king [...] ceown
[...]us leave I him with his dear friends still,
Englishmen now speak some part I will.
The end of thd third Book.


CHAP. I. How Wallace wan the Peel of Gargunnoke.

[...]N September, that humble moneth swéet,
When by past was of the Summer the heat,
Vittail and fruit are riped in aboundance,
God ordained to mans sustenance,
[...]itarius with his Asper Bow
[...] each Sign the verity to know:
[...]e changing course which makes a great difference
[...]d leaves had lost their colour of pleasance:
All worldly thing hath nought but a season,
Both herb and fruit must from the height ca [...]
In this ilk time a great counsel was set,
In Glasgow town, where many Masters méet
Of Englsh Lords, to statute this Countrie,
And charged they all Sheriffs there to be.
Sir Rannald Crawfurd behoved that time be th [...]
For he through right was born Sheriff of Air [...]
His dear Nevoy with him that time he took,
William Wallace, as witnesse bears the Books,
For he no time should far be from his sight,
He loved him with heart, and all his might:
They graithed them without longer abode
Wallace some part before the Court out rode.
Overtook the Childe, Sir Rannalds sum should
With him two men, that worthy were indée
Softly they rode, while they the Court should
So suddenly that time himself he saw,
The Persies sum in which great riches was,
The horse was tyred, and might no further p [...]
Five men were charged to kéep it well that ti [...]
Two were on foot and thrée on horse can ride:
The Master man at their servant can spear,
Who awe this sum? the truth to me you lear:
The man answered withoutten words mair,
My Lord, he said, It is the Sheriffs of Air,
Since his it is, this Horse shall with me gan [...]
To serve our Lord, or else I think great wra [...]
Though a subiect indéed, would passe his Lord
It is not leisome by no righteous record.
They cutted they brace, and let the harnesse f [...]
Wallace was near when he such robbery saw.
He spake to them with manly countenance,
In fair form, he said, but variance:
Ye do us wrong, and it is time of peace,
[...]uth rovberie it were good time to c [...]
[...]; Sutheron shrew in yre answer'd him to,
[...]hall be wrought as thou mayst sée us do.
[...]u gets no mends, what néeds words mair,
[...]y advised, Wallace remembred there.
[...]he promise he made his Eme before,
[...]son him ruled, as then he did no more.
[...] past away to méet his Eme again;
[...]ing this reaff, was moved with great pain:
[...]e horse yet took they, for aventure might fall,
[...]nd on the sum, then forth the way can call.
[...]eir tyred summer they left their on the plain,
[...]ace returned toward the Court again.
[...] the Mure side soon with his Eme he met,
[...]d told how they the way had for him set:
[...]; were not I was bound in my leadgeance,
[...]; parted not thus for all the gold in France,
[...]e horse they rest, which should your barnesse bear,
[...] Rannald said, that is but little dear:
[...]e may get horse, and other things in plain,
[...]men be lost, we get them never again.
[...]lace then said , as wisely God me save,
[...] this great misse amends shall I have.
[...]d neither let for peace nor yet pleasance,
[...]ith witnesse here I give up my leadgeance:
[...]r cowardly you are like to losse the right,
[...]n after then your own death will be dight.
[...] wrath therewith suddenly from him he went,
[...] Rannald was wise, and cast in his intent,
[...]d said, I will bide at the Meirns all night:
Englishmen of us shall déem no unright:
[...] any be dead before us upon case,
[...]en we in law may bide the righteousnesse,
[...]s lodging took, at the Meirus still he bade,
[...]ll great mourning for his Nevoy he made.
But all for nought, what might it him avai [...]
As into war he wrought not his counsell.
VVallace rode forth with his two Yeomen past
The summer man he followed wonder fast:
By Cathcart he over-hyed them again,
Then knew they well that it was he in plain
By horse and wéed had argued them before,
And then to them returned withoutten more.
Wallace to ground from his Courser can giyd [...]
A birnisht brand he braided out that tyde:
The master-man with so good will stroak he,
Both hat and head in sunder made he flée,
Another fast upon the face he gave,
To dead on ground but mercy soon him drave:
The third he hit with great ire in that stead:
Fey on the field he hath him left for dead:
Wallace slew three, by that his Yeomen wight,
The other two dersly to death had dight:
Then spuilyed they the Harnesse or they wend [...]
Of stiver and gold they got enough to spend.
Iewels they took the best were chosen there,
Good horse and gear, then on their may can f [...]
Then Wallace said, At some strength would I [...]
Over Clyde that time was a good Bridge of trée
Thither they past in all their goodly might,
The day was gone, and comming was the nig [...]
They durst not well near still by Glasgow bide,
In the Lennox he took purpose to ride.
And so he did, then lodged there that night,
As they best might, while that the day was li [...]
To an Distillary he went, and soiourn'd the [...]
With true Scots that his near friends were:
The councel met right gladly on the morn,
But feil tydings were brought to Persie befo [...]
His men were stain, his treasure als was ro [...]
[...]th feil Scots, and them no Iewels left:
[...]y déemed about of that derf doubtfull case,
[...]; Sutheron said, forsooth it is Wallace:
[...]; Sheriffs Court was coming to the town,
[...]; he was one for Scot of most renown,
[...]y gart séek Sir Rannald in that rage,
[...] he was still then at his Harbarage.
[...]e wise men said, thereof nothing he kend,
[...]e men were slain here at the towns end.
Rannald came by nine hours of the day,
[...]ore the Persie, and his men brought were they.
[...]ey followed him of fellony that was wrought,
[...]e assyse to him of this could say right nought.
[...]ey deemed about thereof that fellon case,
[...]ore the Iudge there he denyed Wallace,
[...]d so he might, he wist not where he was,
[...]m this councel my purpose is to passe.
[...]F Wallace to speak in wildernesse so wide,
The Lord God be his governour and guide.
[...]ll at that place four dayes he soiourn'd haile,
[...]hen tydings came to him from that councel.
[...]en statute they in each stead of the West,
[...] these bounds VVallace should have no rest
[...]s dear Vncle a great oath made him swear,
[...]at he but leave, no friendship should him bear.
[...]d many other full woe was that day,
[...]d Robert Boyd stole off the town away:
[...]d Cleland als, before with him had béen,
[...]ey had far rather sée him with their éene,
[...]ing on life, as they knew him before,
[...]an of pure gold, a million and more.
[...]d wéeped fore, and said our Lord is gone,
[...]ongst his foes is set all him alone.
[...]en Cleland said, False fortune changes fast,
Great God since we vvith him had ever past,
Edward Little to Annandail is went,
And wist right nought of this new iudgement,
Adam Wallace bode still in Richartoun,
So fell it thus with Wallace of renown:
He with his power parted marvellously,
By fortune of chance over-turns doubly,
Their pitious moan as then could not be bet,
They wist no whit vvhere that they should hi [...],
He lest the place vvhere he in lodging lay,
To Earle Malcome he vvent upon a day:
The Lennox vvhole he held into his hand,
To king Edward then had be not made hand:
The land vvas strait, and masterful to vvin,
Good men of armes that time was it within,
The Lord vvas traist, the men sicker and true,
With vveak power they durst him not persue,
Right glad he vvas of Wallace company,
Welcommed him fair with morship reverently,
At his own will destred if he vvould,
Is bide there still master of his houshold,
Of all his men he should vvhole Chistane be,
Wallace answered, it vvere enought for me,
I cannot bide, my mind is set on plain,
Wzoken to be, or else to die in pain.
Our vvest Country, their stature is so strang,
Into the North my purpose is to gang:
Steven of Ireland into the Lennox vvas,
And vvight Wallace he ordained him to passe:
And others als, that born vvas of Argile,
Wallace still there made residence a vvhile.
While men it vvist, and sembled soon him till,
He charged none, but at their own good vvill.
Though they were strangers he could not shen,
But received them all in his vvars to lead.
[...]me part of them was then in Ireland [...];
[...]at Mackfadzean had exiled out beforn:
[...]ng Edwards man he vvas sworn of Ireland,
[...] right low birth, suppose he took in hand.
[...] VVallace there came one that height Fawdoun,
[...]F me lancholy, and evil of complexion,
[...]aby of stature, and dour countenance,
srowful vvas ay, in dread vvithout pleasance.
Wallace received vvhat men vvould come him till,
[...]he bodily oath they made him vvith good vvill.
Before the Earle all in one concord,
And him received as their Captain and Lord.
[...]s special men that came with him from hame,
[...]he one height Gray, the other Keirly by name:
[...]n his service came first in all their main,
[...]o Lowdoun Hill, where that Fenwick was stain,
[...]e them commanded ay next him to persue,
[...]or he them kend right hardy, wise and true.
[...]is leave he took right on a fair manner,
[...]he good Earle then he bade him gifts feir:
Vallace would none, but gave of his feill syse,
[...]o poorz and rich on a goodly wise,
[...]umble he was, bardy, wise and frée,
[...]nd of riches he held no property.
[...]f honour and woorship he was a mirrour kend,
[...];s he of gold had aboundantly to spend:
[...]pon his foes he wan it worthily,
[...]hus VVallace past, and his good Chebalry,
[...]rty he had of likely men at wage,
[...]hrough the Lennox he led them with courage.
[...]hout Lekkie he lodged them in a vail,
[...]strengh there was which they thought to assail.
[...]n Gargunnoke there bigged was a Peill,
[...]bat stuffed was with men and victual weill.
Within a dyke close chamber, and an hall,
Captain thereof to name height Thirlwall.
They led Wallace where that this bigged w [...]
Thought to essay, further ere be would pas [...]
Two spyes he sent to viste all the land,
Right loath he was to take the thing in han [...]
The which by force that should go him again [...]
Rather he had through adventure be stain:
Their men went forth when it was large mi [...]
About the house they spyed all at right.
The watchmen heavy were and fallen on slée [...]
The bridge was drawn, that the entry shoul [...]
The labourers late reklesly went in,
These men returned withoutten noyse or di [...],
To their Master and told what they had seen
Then graithed he soon these men of armes [...]
Sadly on foot unto the house they sought,
And entred in, for letting had they nought,
Wight men essayed with all their buste cure,
A locked bar was drawn athort the door.
But they might not it break out of the wa,
Wallace was grieved, when he such tarry saw
Some part annoyed wrathly to it he went
By force of band it raised out of the sprent.
Three ells of breadth als of the wall pulled o [...]
Then marvelled all his men that were about,
How he did more then twenty of them might
Then with his foot the gate he strake up right,
White brace and bands he hursted all at anes,
Frayedly they rose that were within those [...]
A watch man had a fellon staff of stéel,
At Wallace stroak, but he kept him right well,
Rudely from him he reft it in the throng,
Dang out his brain, then in the Dyke him s [...]
The remnant by that were within those wan [...]
Thus VVallace soon can with the Captain m [...]
[...]e staffe he had heavie, and forged [...]
[...]ith that Wallace upon the head bir [...] [...]
[...]hile bone and brain all in sunder [...].
[...] men entred that worthy were indée [...]:
[...]ands hint, and sticked all the labe,
[...]ace commanded they should no weasmen sabe:
[...]enty and two they sticked in that stead.
[...]omen and Bairns, when that the men were dead
[...]caus'd be tane, and kept in close full well.
[...]at they thereout might have thereof no Feill:
[...]e dead bodies they put soon out of sight,
[...]is up the bridges ere that the day was light,
That place bode four dayes ere he would p [...]sst,
[...]st none thereout how that the manner was:
[...]yled that stead, and took them gaining gear.
sels and gold away with them they bear.
[...]en he thought time they ished in the night,
[...] the next wood they went with all their might,
[...] Captains wise, women and children thrée,
[...] where they would, for Wallace set them thrée.
That forrest he liked not to bide,
[...]y bound them over Forth for to ride:
[...] Mosse was strong, to ride it was no boot,
[...]ace was wight and lighted on his foot.
[...] horse they had, little thereof they rought,
[...]ave their libes feill strengths oft they sought.
[...]n of Ireland was there guid that night.
[...]ard Kinkardin, syne rested thereat right,
[...]hat Forrest which was both long and wide,
[...]ith from the mosse grew to the water goe:
[...]er the Sun, Wallace walked about,
[...]n Teth side where he saw many a rout,
[...]wilde beasts wavering in wood and plain,
[...] at a shot a great Part hath he stain,
[...]n fire of flint, and graithed thereat right,
Suddenly their fresh Vennison they dight,
Victual th [...] had, both bread and wine so clea [...]
With other stuff enough at their denneir.
The staff of stéel he gave Keirly to kéep,
Then past they over the water of Teth so déep,
Into Strathern they entred suddenly,
In covert past, or Sutheron should them spy:
Whom that they found of Scotlands adversurs,
Without respect was come their fatal hours.
Whom ever they met, was at the English fay,
They slew all down, withoutten more delay.
They spared none that was of English blood,
To death he yéed, though he were never so goo [...]
This was the grace that Wallace to them gav [...]
They saved none, Knight, Squyer, nor yet [...]
But wasted all by worthinesse of wear,
Of that party that might bear how or spear.
Some part by slight, some part by force they [...]
But Wallace thought they never wasted anew.
Silver they took, and als gold as they sand,
Other good gear full lightly red from hand.
Cutted throats, syne in Peit-posts them cast,
Put out of sight, for that they thought was [...]
At the Black-furd as they would then passe ov [...]
A Squyer came, and with bim beirns four:
To Downe should ride, and wend that they had
All Englishmen, that he before had séen:
Lydings to speir, he boved them among,
Wallace there with a good sword out he swong:
Vpon his head he stroak with so great yre,
Through bone and brain in sunder stroak the
The other four in hands sóon were hint,
Derfly to death sticked or they would stint.
The horse they took, and what they liked h [...]
Spolled them bare, syne in a Bog them ke [...]t.
[...]f this matter no more tarry they made,
[...]ut forth their way passed without above.
[...]heir warlicke Scots all with one consent:
[...] North over Erne out through the land they went
[...] Methwin wood their lodging took that night,
[...]on the morn when that the day was light,
[...]allace rose up, and went to the Forrest [...]de,
[...]here that he saw full wilde beast & abide.
[...] wilde and tame walking abundantly.
[...]en Wallace said, this countrey liketh me.
[...]ear men may do with food that they should have,
[...]t want they meat, they rek not for the lave.
[...] dainty fair Wallace could never sléep.
[...]t as it came, welcome was ment and sléep.
[...]merime he had great sufficiency within,
[...]w want, now have, now losse, now sometime win:
[...]w light, now sad, now blyth, and now in bail:
[...] haste, now hu [...]t, now forrow, and now bail.
[...]w vvail and well, now cold vveather, now heit:
[...]w moist, now drouth, & vvavering vvind, now wef [...]
[...]sares vvith him for Scotland rightfull even,
[...] fell debate, seven years and moneths seven,
[...]hen he vvan peace, and left Scotland in plain,
[...]en Englishmen made new conquest again,
[...] frustrate terms I vvill not tarry lang,
[...] lace again unto his men can gang,
[...] said, Here is a land of great aboundance,
[...]nked be God of his hie purveyance.
[...]en of you feires, graith soon, and go with me,
[...]ht sore I lang Saint Johnstoun for to sée.

CHAP. II. Wallace past to Saint Johnstoun, and slew the Captain, [...]d wan Kinclevin.

[...]even of Ireland, as God of heaven thée save,
Paster and leader, I make thée of the lave:
Kéep well my men, let none out of thy sight
While I gang hither, and come with all m [...]
Bide we seven daye [...] into this. Forrest str [...]
Ye may get food suppose I dwell so long,
Some part ye have, and God will send you m [...]
Thus turned he and to the town can fare:
The Maire kéeped the Port of the village,
Wallace knew well, and sent him his message
The Maire was brought, saw him agoodly [...]
Kight reverenthy he hath received them than
At him he asked, All Scots if that ye be,
Wallace said, Yes, and it is peace trow me.
I grant he said, that likes us wonder well,
True men of pence must ay soom friendship [...]
a [...] at is your name, pray you tell me is,
William Malcome, he said, since you would wi [...]
In Etrick Forrest hath my winning béen,
There was I born among the shawes sheen.
Now I destre this Northland for to sée,
Where I m [...]t find better dwelling for [...]
The Maire said, Sir, I ask it for none ill,
But feill tydings oft times is brought us [...]
Of one Wallace, that born was in the west,
Our kings men he holds at great unrest.
Mart [...]res them down, great pity is to sée,
Out of the trews forsooth I trow he be:
Wallace said then, we hear speak of that [...],
Lydings to you of him tell nought I can [...]
For him he gart an Innes well graithed be [...],
Where none should come, but his own men
The Stewart Keirly brought then in fusion,
Good thing enough the best was in the town
Als Englishmen to drinking would him ca [...]
And commonly he dealt not there with all.
In their presence he spended reasonably.
[...]et for himself he payed aboundantly,
[...]n Scots men he spended meikel good,
[...]one with his will upon the Sutheron blood:
[...]on he conceived in his wit privily,
[...]to that town who was of most party.
[...]r James Butler an aged cruel Knight,
[...]ped Kinclevin, a Castle wonder wight.
[...]s son Sir John that dwelt into that town,
[...]nder Captain to Sir Gerrard Heroun:
[...]he women als he vistt at the last,
[...]nd so on one his eyes began to cast:
[...] the South gate a fellon ferlie fair,
[...]allace to her made privately repair.
[...] fell it thus, from the town ere be past,
[...] an accord they happened at the last.
[...]allace with her in secret made him glad,
[...]theron wist not that he such pleasance had:
[...]ft on the night he would say to himself,
[...]his is far worse than any pain of hell.
[...]hat thus with wrong these devils brook our lard,
[...]nd I with force may not against them stand:
[...]o take this town my power is too small,
[...]reat peril als of my life may befall.
[...]et it on fire, it will undo my sell:
[...]r losse my men, there is no more to tell.
[...]he gates are closed, the dykes are déep withall,
[...]hough I would swim, forsooth they cannot all,
[...]his matter here therefore I will let slide,
[...]or at this time I may no longer bide:
[...]ll men him told the Captain was to passe,
[...]ome to Kinclevin, whereof right glad he was.
[...]is leave he took at heirs of the town,
[...]o Methwin wood right gladly made them bown.
[...]is horn he hint, and blithly bowned to blaw,
[...]is men him heard, and there soon can they draw:
Right blyth he was, for they vvere hail and fe [...]
Many at him for tydings would not speir.
He them commanded for to make ready fast,
In good aray out of the vvood they past.
Toward Kinclev [...] [...]y downed them that tid [...]
Then in the vail that near was them beside:
Fast upon Tay his hush ment can he draw,
In a dern wood he stelled them on a raw.
Set Scurrions out, the Countrey to espy,
But soon or noon there came fore-riders by.
The warth turned to sée what was his will,
He them commanded in covert hold them still
And we skail forth, the house will knowledge
And that may soon be warning to the lave.
All force in vvar doth nought but grievance,
Wallace was few, but happy was his chance:
Made him feill syse his adversours to vvin.
My that the court of Englishmen came in:
Fourscore and ten well graithed in their gear
Harnesse on horse, as likely men of vvear:
Wallace saw vvell that number was-na ma,
He thanked God, and then the field can ta.
The English marvel greatly what they should [...]
But fra they saw, they made them for mellie [...]
In rest they cast sharp spears in that tide,
In over they thought, out over the Scots to ri [...]
Wallace and his vvent over them again,
At the first rush feill Sutheron vvere stain:
Wallace stroak on vvith his goad spear of stéel,
Throughout the coast that shaft frushed ilk [...]
A birnisht brand in haste then hint he out,
Thrise upon foot he throng through all the r [...]
Stern horse they sticked, should men of arms
Fey under foot was foyled men of wear.
Butler lighted, himself for to defend,
[...]ith men of armes, which were full worthy kend.
[...] either side feill freiks vvere fighting fast,
[...]e Captain bade, though he vvas fore agast:
[...]rt of the Scots through vvo [...]thinesse they slew,
[...]llace vvas vvoe, and toward [...] be drew:
[...] men then dred, the Butler bold and keen,
[...] him he sought, with yre and proper téen:
[...]on the head he stroak in matalent,
[...]e birnisht blade throughout his basnet went.
[...]th bone and brain be bursted through his weed,
[...]us Wallace hand delivered them of that dréed.
[...]t feill on fold was fighting fellonly,
[...]ven of Ireland, and all the Chevalrie,
[...] to that stour did worthily and well,
[...]d Keirly als with his good staff of stéed.
[...]e Englishmen fra their Chiftain was stain,
[...]ey left the field, and in all their main,
[...]ree score were stain, ere they would leave the stead.
[...]e flae and folk they wist of no remead.
[...]t take the house, they fled in all their might,
[...]e Scots followed that vvorthy vvere and vvight.
[...]w men of fence was left that place to kéep,
[...]omen and Priests upon the wall can wéep,
[...]r vvell they vveined the flée ars vvas their Lord,
[...] take them in, they made them ready ford:
[...]t down the bridge, cast up the gates wide,
[...]e frayed folk entred that durst not bide,
[...]od Wallace ever followed them so fast,
[...]hile in the house-he entred at the last.
[...]e gats he wore, while coming was the rout,
[...] English and Scots he held no man thereout.
[...]e Englishmen that winned in that stead,
[...]ithoutten grace they brittened them to dead.
[...]e Captains wife, women, and Priests two,
[...]d young Children, forsooth they sabed no moe.
Held them in close, after this sudden case,
Or Sutheron men should siege them in that pl [...]
Look up the Bride, and gates closed fast,
The dead bodies out of sight they caused rea.
Within the house and outwith that wers d [...]
Five of his own to bury he caused lead.
In that Castle seven dayes still bode he,
In every night they spoiled bustly.
To Short-wood shaws led wines and victual w [...]
And houshold year, both gold and silver brig [...]
Women and they whom to he granted grac [...]
When he thought time, they put out of the [...]
When they had tane, what liked them to ha [...]
Strake down the gate, and set on fire the la [...]
Out of the windows the Stancheours all th [...]
Full great yron-work into the water threw.
Buirden doors and locks in their yre,
All work of trée they burnt into the fire.
Spilt what they might, brak bridge & bulw [...]
To Short-wood shaws, in hast they made the [...]
Choosed a strength, where they their lodgin [...]
In good effeir a while still there he bade.
Yet in the Lown of this no wit had they:
The country folk, when it was light of day
Great smoak saw rise, and to Kinclevin they. [...]
But wals & stone, more good there found they [...]
The Captains wife S. Johnstoun town she y [...]
And to Sir Gerrard told this fellon déed,
Als to her Son what hapned was by case,
Then déemed they all-that it was wight Wal [...]
Before time there he soved had the towns,
Then charged they, all should be ready bo [...]
Parnest on horse into their arinour clear,
To soon VVallace, they went all forth in fear
[...]ousand men well garnisht for the weir,
[...]ward the wood, right awfull in effeir.

CHAP. III. Short-wood shawes.

[...]O Short-wood shaw, and set it all about,
With five stailes, that stelwart were and stout
[...]e sixt they made a fellon range to lead,
[...]here VWallace was, full worthy ay indéed.
[...]e strength they took, and bade them hold it still,
[...] every side assailyie who so will.
[...] John Butler into that Forrest went,
[...]ith two hundred sore moved in his intent,
[...] fathers death to venge him, if he mought,
[...] Wallace soon with men of armes sought,
Cleugh there was, whereof a strength they made,
[...]ith thortour trees, and boldly there abade:
[...]om the one fide they might ish to the plain
[...]en through the wood to the strength passe again.
[...]enty he had that noble Arthers were,
[...]ainst seven score of English bow-men faire:
[...]rescore of spears near hand them bo [...]e full right.
Scots issued to help them at their might:
[...] Wallace set a bicker bold and kéen,
[...]ow he bare, was big, and well beseen:
[...]d arrows als, both long and sharpe with [...]aw,
[...] man there was that Wallace Bow could draw,
[...]ght strong he was, and in full sober gear,
[...]ldly he shot among those men of wear.
[...] angle head into the books he drew,
[...]en at one shot the formost soon he slew.
[...]glish Archers, that hardy were and wight,
[...]ainst the Scots bickered with all their might.
[...]eir awfull shot was fellon for to bide:
[...] Wallace men they wounded feil that tide:
Few of them vvas sicker of archery,
Better they were, and they got even party;
In field to bide, either with sword or spear,
Wallace perceived his men took meikle dear:
He gart them change, and stand not in that
He cast alwayes to save them from the dead:
Full great travel upon himself took be,
Of Sutheron Archers feil men gart he die.
Of Longcastle Shire, bow-men were in that,
A sore archer ay waited on VVallace:
At an open where be used to repair,
At him he drew a sicker shot and sair.
Vnder the thin through a coller of stéel,
On the left side, and hurt his halse some deal
Astonied he was, but not greatly agast,
Wallace him saw, and followed him full fast.
And in the turning with good will bath him ta [...]
Vpon the craig, in sunder broke the bane.
Then feil of them no friendship vvith him [...]
Fiftéen that day he shot dead vvith his hand:
By that his arrows vvasted vvere and gone:
The English Archers forsooth they vvanted:
Out-with they vvere their power to renew,
On every side they could to them pursue.
William Lorane came vvith his bousteous stail,
Our of Gowrie on Wallace to assail.
Nevoy be was as it was known plain,
To the Butler before that they had stain:
To venge his Eme, he came vvith all his m [...]
Thrée hundreth led of men in arms bright.
To lead the range, on foot he made him for [...].
Wallace to God his confidence couth remor [...]
Then comfort them vvith manly countenan [...]
Ye sée, he said, good sirs, their ordinance:
Here is no choise, but either do or-die,
[...] have the right, the happier may it be.
[...]at vve shall scape by grace out of this Land.
[...]ne by that vvas ready at his hand:
[...] this it vvas after noon of the day,
[...] men of vvit, to counsell soon yeed they.
[...]e Sutheron cast sharply on every side,
[...] saw the wood was neither long nor wide.
[...]btly they said, He should it hold so long,
[...]e hundreth made on foot through it to gang.
[...] men of armes, that eager were of vvill,
[...]ut the Scors vvith many shout full shill.
[...]th Bow and spear, and swords stiffe of stéel,
[...] either side no friendship could they féel:
Wallace in yre a buirly brand can draw,
There feil Sutheron were sembled on a raw,
[...] fend bis men vvith his dear vvorthy hand,
[...]e folk vvere fey that he before them fand:
Though the thickest of the great preasse he past,
[...]on his enemies he went wonder fast:
Against his dint no vveeds might avail,
[...]hom so he hit, vvas dead vvithoutten fail.
[...] the fiercest full braithly dang he down,
[...]fore the Scots that vvere of great renown.
[...] hold the strength, they preast vvith all their might
[...]en Englishmen that vvorthy vvere and vvight:
[...] John Butler relieved in again,
[...]dered the Scots and did them meikle pain.
[...]e Lorane als that cruel vvas and keen,
[...]ore essay forsooth their might be seen,
[...]en at the strength they might no longer bide,
[...]e range so strong came upon either side.
[...] the thickest vvood they made their self defence,
Against their foes so full of violence:
[...]ht feil Sutheron there left their life in vved,
[...] a new strength Wallace and his men fled:
On his adversares they made full fell debate.
To help themselves, none other succour they
The Sutheron als vvere sundred then in twin,
But they again together soon can vvin.
Full subtilly their ordinance they made,
The range again they bowned but more abade [...]
The Scots vvere hurt, and part of them were:
Then Wallace said, We labour all in vain:
To stay commons it helps us right nought,
But their Chistains that have them hither [...]
Might vve work so, that one of them vere stai [...]
So sore essay they could not get again:
By this the boast approaching was full near,
Thus they them held full manly upon stear,
Then Wallace saw the Sutheron vvere at hand,
Him thought no time longer for to stand.
Right manfully he graithed bath his gear,
Sadly he vvent against these men of wear:
Throughout the stour full fast fighting he sough [...]
With Gods grace to venge him if he mought:
Vpon the Butler awfully stroke he,
Safeguard he gote under a bowing trée.
The branch in two he stroke above his head,
Als to the ground he felled him in that stead.
The whole power upon him came so fast,
That they by force rescued him at the last.
Lorane vvas vvo, and thither fast can draw,
VVallace returned, so suddenly he him saw:
Out at a side full fast to him he yéed,
He got no girth for all his burnisht wéed:
With yre him stroke on his gorget of stéel,
The trenching tiyde it pierced every deal:
Through pra [...] and stuff might not against it
Derfly to death he left him on the land:
Him have they lost though Sutheron had it [...]
[...]or his craig-bone was all in sunder shorn.
[...]he vvorthy Scors did nobly that day,
[...]out VVallace while he vvas vvon away.
[...]e took the strength against their [...]ves will,
Abundantly in bargan bade them still.
[...]he cry soon rose the bold Lorane was dead,
[...]it Gerrard Heroun tranoynted to that stead,
[...]nd all the hoast assembled him about,
[...]t the north-side then VVallace issued out,
With his good men, and bowned them to go,
[...]hanking great God that they vvi [...] parted so:
[...]even of his men that day to death vvere dight,
To Gargil wood they went that selfcaine night.
[...]n the field left of the Sutheron stre [...]e,
[...]nd Lorane als that mourning vvas the more.
The range in hast they raised soon again,
[...]ut when they saw their travel was in vain.
When it vvas past, full meikil moan they made,
To ride the vvood, both vale, stonk and staid.
[...]or Butlers gold VVallace took care before,
[...]ut they found naught would they séen evermore.
[...]is horse they got, but nought else of him gear,
With doleful moan return'd these men of vvear.
To Saint Johnflou [...], with sorrow and great rare,
Of VVallace forth, me likes mispeak [...] mare.
The second night the Scots could them draw,
[...]ight privately again to Short-wood-shaw.
Took us their good which was put out of sight,
[...]loathing and stuff, both gold and [...]ther bright,
Vpon their féet, for horse was tarre them [...]ro,
[...]re the Sun rose to Methwen-wood they go,
The two dayes over their lodging still they made,
On the third night they moved but more abade.

CHAP. IV. How Wallace was sold to the Englishmen by man.

TO Elcho Park full suddenly they went,
There in that strength to bide was his i [...]
Then Wallace said, He would go to the town.
Arrayed him well into a Priests gown:
Into Saint Johnstoun disguised can he fare,
To this woman, the which be spake of aire
Of his presence she right reid yced was,
And ay in dread how he away should passe.
He soiourn'd there from noon was of the day.
While near the night ere that he went his [...]
He trysted her when he should come again,
On the third day, then was she wonder sain:
Yet he was séen with enemies as he yéed,
To Sir Gerard they told of all his déed?
And to putler that would have wroken béen.
Then they causde take that woman fair and [...]
Accused her sore of reset into that place,
Full oft she swore, that she knew not Wallace.
Then Butler said, We wot well it was he,
And but thou tell, in bail fire thou shalt die:
If thou vvilt help to bring you Kebald down,
We shall thee make a Lady of renown.
They gave to, her both gold and silver bright.
And said. She should be wedded to a knight
Whom she deffred, that was but marriage,
Thus tempted they her throgh counsel & g [...]e [...]
That she them told vvhat night he should he
Then they vvere glad, for they desir'd na m [...]
Of all. Scotland but Wallace at their vvill,
Thus ordained they that pointment to fulfill,
[...]il men of Arms they graithed hastily,
[...] kéep the gates wight Wallace to espy,
[...] the set tryst he entred in the town.
[...]itting nothing of all this false treason.
[...] her chamber he went but more abade,
[...]e welcomed him, and full great pleasance made.
[...]hat that they wrought, I cannot graithly say.
[...]ght unperfit I am of Venus play.
[...]t hastily he bowned him to gang,
[...]en she him took, and askt, if be thought lang?
[...]e asked him, that night with her to bide,
[...]on he said, nay, for chance that may betide:
[...] men are left at misrule all for me,
[...]nay not sléep this night while I them sée,
[...]en wéeped she, and said full oft, Alace?
[...]at I was made, wo with the cursed case,
[...]ow have I lost the hest man living is,
séeble minde, to do so soule a misse.
waried wit, wicked, and varsance,
hat me hath brought in this misschie bous chance:
[...]ace, she said, in world that I was wrought,
[...] all this pain on my self might be brought:
[...]ave served to be burnt in a glied,
[...]hen Wallace saw she near from wit couth weid:
[...] his armes he caught her soberly,
[...]hs hath done ought, be said, dear heart? have I?
[...], I quoth she, have fasly wrought this train,
[...]ave you sold, right now ye shall be Rain:
[...]e told him her treason to an end,
[...] I have said, what néeds more legend.
[...] her be askt, if she fore-thought it sore?
[...]a, Sir, she said, and shall do evermore.
[...]y vvaried vveird in vvorld I must fulfill,
[...] mend this misse, I would burn on an hill:
He comfort her, and bade her have no dread,
I will he said, have some part of thy v [...]éed:
Her Gown on him he took, and courches als,
Will God I shall escape this treason false.
I thée forgive withoutten words mair,
He kissed her, then took his leave to fare:
His buirly brand helped him oft in néed,
Kight privatly hid it under his wéed.
To the South gate the gainest way he drew,
Where that he found of Armed men anew.
To them he told dissimulate in countenance,
To the chamber, where he was in perchance:
Spéed fast he said, Wallace is locked in,
For him they sought withoutten noise or din.
To that same bouse about they can him cast,
Out of the gate then Wallace got full fast.
Kight glade in heart, when that he was with.
Kight fast he yéed, a sture pace and stout:
Two men beheld, and said, We will go sée,
A stalwart Quean, forsooth, yond séems to be.
They followed him through the south inch the.
When Wallace saw with them their came no [...]
Again he turned, and hath the formost slain:
The other fled: then Wallace with great mai [...]
Vpon the head with his sword hath him tan [...]
Left them both dead: then-to the strength is
His men he got, right glad when they him say
To their defence in baste be causd them draw,
Devoyded him soon out of the womans wéed.
Thus scaped he out of this fellon dread.
The end of the fourth Book.


CHAP. I. [...]w Wallace escaped out of Saint-Johnstoun, and past to Elchok Park, and how he slew Fawdown.

THe dark Region appeared wonder fast,
In November, when October was past:
The dayes fall through right course wared short,
[...]o banisht men, that is no great camfort,
With their power to seir place that worths gang,
[...]eavy they think when that the night is lang:
[...]hus Wallace saw the nights messenger.
[...]oebus had lost his fiery brands clear:
[...]ut of the wood they durst not turn that tide,
[...]or adversaries that in their way would bide:
[...]allace then told anew were on his hand,
[...]he Englishmen were of the town command:
[...]he door brake where they trow'd Wallace was,
[...]hen they him missed, they bowned hence to passe,
[...] this great noise the woman got away,
[...]ut to what stead I cannot graithly say:
[...]he Sucheron sought right sadly for, that stead,
brough y e South inch and found two men were dead
[...]hey knew by that Wallace was in the strength,
[...]out the Pack they set on breadth and length.
[...]ith sir hundreth well graithed in their armes,
[...] likely men to wreak them of their harmés:
[...] hundreth men charged in armes-strong,
[...] kéep an Hound that they had them among:
[...] Gelderland there was that bratchet bred,
Sicker of sent, to follow them that fled:
She was so used in Esk and Liddisdail,
While she had blood, no fléeing might avail:
Then said they all, Wallace might not away,
He should be theirs, for ought that he do may.
The host they left in diverse parts that tide,
Sir Gerrard Heroun in the stail can bide:
Sir John Butler the range he took him till,
With thrée hundred that were of hardy will:
In to the wood upon Wallace they yéed,
The worthy Scots that were in meikle dread,
Sought to a place for to have issued out,
And saw the stail environed them about.
Again they went with hideous stroaks and stron [...]
Great noise and din was raised them among:
Their cruel death right marveilous to ken,
Where fourty march'd against thrée hundred m [...]
Wallace so well upon him took that tide,
Through the great preasse a way he made full [...]
Helping the Scots with his dear worthy hand,
Feill foe men he left fey upon the Land:
Yet Wallace lost fiftéen into that stead,
And fourty men of Sutheron there were dead:
The Butlers folk so frushed were indéed,
The hardy Scots to the strength through they,
Vpon Tay side they hasted them full fast,
In will they were the water to have past.
Better him thought peril for to be,
Vpon the land than wilfully to sée
His men to drown, where rescue might be non
Again in yre to the field are they gone.
Butler by then had put his men in array,
On them he set with hardy and awful essay,
On either side with weapons stiff of sléel,
VVallace again no friendship let them féel,
[...]ut do or die they wist no mort succour,
[...]hus fend they long into that stal ward stour.
[...]he Scots Chiftane was young and in a rage,
[...]sed in war, and fights with high courage:
[...]e saw his men of Sutheron take such wrong,
[...]hem to revenge all dread lesse he did gang:
[...]or many of them were bléeding wonder fare,
[...]e could not sée none help appearing there,
[...]ut if their Chiftain were put out of their gate,
[...]he brim Butler so boldly made debate:
[...]hrough the great preasse right fast to him he sought
[...]is awful déed avenge it if he mought.
[...]nder an Oke with men about them set,
[...]allace might not a graith stroak on him get,
[...]et shed he them: a full rude step he made,
[...]he Scots went out, no longer there they hade:
[...]even of Ireland that worthy was and wight,
[...]o help Wallace he did full preasse and might:
[...]aith true Keirly, doughty in many déed,
[...]pon the ground feill Sutheron they gart bléed.
[...]rty were slain of Englishmen in that place,
[...]nd nine of Scots were tint into that case:
[...]elers men were destroyed that tide,
[...] to the stour they would no longer bide.
[...]o get supply, he went into the stail,
[...]us lost he there an hundred of great avail,
[...]s they were best arraying Butlers rout,
[...]twirt parties then Wallace issued out.
[...]rtéen with him they graithed then to go,
Fall his men he had leaved no mae.
[...]he Englishmen have missed him, in by
[...]he hound they took and followed hastily,
[...] the Gaskwood full fain they would have béen,
[...]ut this Slouth-houns that cruel was and kéen,
[...]n Wallace foot he sollovoed wonded fast,
While in their sight approached at the last,
Their horse was wight, and soiourned right [...]
Lo the next wood they had two miles to gang,
Of upward ground they yéed with all their mi [...]
Eood hope they had, for it was near the night.
Fawdoun he tyred, and said, He might not gang,
Wallace was wo to leave him in the thrang:
He hade him go, and said, The strength was ne [...]
But he therefore would not the faster stear:
Wallace in yre on the craig can him ta,
With his good sword, and stroak his head in twas
Dreadlesse to ground he dushed to the dead.
From him he lap, and left him in that stead;
Some deems it to evil, and some to good,
But I say here into these terms rude:
Better it was he did, as thinks me,
First, to the Hound it may great stopping be.
Als Fawdouh was holden of great suspition,
For he was holden of bruckle complexion.
Right strong he was, and had but little gone,
Thus Wallace wist, had he been left alone:
And he were false, to enemies he would ga,
If he were true, the Sutheron would him sla.
Might he do nought, but losse him as it was?
From this question now shortly will I passe.
Déem as ye list, ye that can best, and may,
But I rehearse, as mine Author doth say,
The stars as then began for to appear,
The Englishmen were coming wonder near,
Five hundreth whole were in scheir Chivalry,
To the next strength then Wallace can him bye
Steven of Ireland unwitting of Wallace,
And good Keirly bode still near hand that place.
At the Mure side into a [...]corgie staid,
By east Duplin, where they chis tarry made,
[...]awdoun was lest bestoe them on the land,
The power came, and suddenly him fand:
For their Sleuth-hound the graith way, to him yéed,
Of other tréed as then she took none héed.
The Sleuth stopped at Fawdoun, still he stood,
[...]o further would, from time she found the blood,
The English déem'd, for other they could not tell,
[...]ut that the Scots had foughten among them sell.
[...]ight woe they were, for lossed was their sent,
[...]allace two men among the Host in went:
Dissembled well, that no man should them ken,
[...]ight in effeir, as they were Englishmen,
[...]irly beheld unto the bold Heroun,
Vpon Fawdoun as he was looking down:
[...] subtil stroak upward him took that tide,
Inder the cloak the grounden sword can glide:
[...]y the good Malzie, both craig and halse-bane,
[...]n sunder stroak, thus ended that Chiftain:
To ground he fell, feil folk about him throng,
[...]reason they cry'd, a traitour us among,
[...]eirly with that fled out at the Host side,
[...]is fellow Steven thought it no time to bide:
[...]he fray was great, and fast away they yéed,
[...]oth toward Erne, thus scaped they that dread:
[...]utler was woe, of wéeping might not stint.
Thus reklesly this good knight have they tint,
[...]hey déemed all that it was Wallace men,
[...]r else himself, though they should not him ken,
[...]e is right near, we shall him have but fail,
[...]he féeble wood may little him avail.
[...]ourty their past again to S. Johnstoun,
With dead corps to burying made them bown.
[...]arted there men, and diverse wayes yéed,
[...] great power at Duplin still there have:
[...]o Dalreach the Butler past but let,
At sundry parts the gate was unbeset:
To kéep the wood while it was day they thought
As Wallace thus in the thick Forrest he sought
For his two men in mind he had great pain,
He wist not well if they were tane or stain:
Or scaped whole by any ieopardie:
Thirtéen were left, with him no moe had he:
In Gask-hal there lodging have they tane:
Fire they got soon, but meat then had they [...]a [...]
Two shéep they took beside them in a fold,
Ordained their supper into that seéemly hold:
Graithed in haste, some meat to them was dight
So heard they blow rude horns upon hight:
Two sent be forth to sée what it might he,
They bode right long, but no tydings get he,
But bousteous noise, so brimly blowing fast,
So other two into the wood forth past:
None came again but bousteously blow,
Into great yre he sent them forth in row:
When that alone Wallace was leabed there,
The awful blast abounded meikle mare:
Then trowde he well they had his lodging séen,
His sword he drew of noble mettel kéen.
Then forth he went where that he heard the ho [...]
Without the door Fawdoun was him beforn,
As to his sight, his head into his hand,
A crosse he made, when that he saw him stand:
At Wallace in the head be swaked there,
And he in hast soon hint it by the haire,
Then out again at him could it cast,
Into his heart he was greatly agast.
Right well be trowed it vvas no sprit of man,
It vvas a devil, that such malice began,
He vvist no avail, there lo [...]ger to avide,
[...] through the hall this wight VVallace can g [...]
[...]o a close stair, the buirds raif in twin,
Fiftéen foot long he lap forth of that In [...]:
[...]p the vvater then suddenly can he fare,
[...]gain he blenked vvhat appearance vvas there:
[...]im thought he saw Fawdoun that ugly syre,
Vpon the house, and all the rest on fire.
[...] great roof trée he had into his hand,
Wallace as then no langer he would stand:
Of his good men full great marvel had he,
[...]ow that they vvere tint through his fantasie.
[...]rusting right well all this vvas sooth indéed,
[...]uppose that it be no point of the Créed.
Power they had vvith Lucifer that fell,
That time that he parted from heaven to hell.
By such mischief if his men might be lest:
Prowned or stain amongst the English host:
Or what it was in likenesse of Fawdoun,
Which brought his men to such confusion.
Or if the man ended in evil intent,
Some vvicked sprite again for him vvere sent.
I can nought speak fo such divinity,
To Clerks I will let all such matters be.
But of Wallace on forth I vvill you tell,
When he vvas vvent, out of this danger fell.
[...]et glad he was that he escaped sa,
But for his men great mourning can he ma.
Flait by himself to the maker above,
Why he suffered his soul such matters prove.
He vvist not well if it vvere Gods vvill,
Right or wrong his Fortune to fulfill:
[...]ad it pleased God he trowed it might not be,
He should be set in such perpleritie:
But great courage in his mind ever drave,
On Englishmen thinking a mends to have.
As he was thus walking by him alone,
Vpon Erne side, making a piteous moan:
Sir John Butler to watch the Furds right,
Out from his men of Wallace had a sight,
The mist was went, and to the mountains go [...]
To him he raid where that he made his moan:
On loud he speired, What art thou walks this g [...]
A true man, Sir, though my voyage be late:
Erands I passe from Down unto my Lord.
Sir John Psewart the right who will record:
In Down is now, new commed from the King,
Then Butler said, this is aselcouth thing
Thou leid he said, thou hast béen with Wallace,
I shall thée know, ere thou came from this place:
To him he start the Curser wonder wight,
Drew out his sword, then made him for to fight.
Above the knée good Wallace hath him tane,
Through thigh and brain in sunder strake the ban [...]
Derfly to ground the Knight fell on the land,
Wallace the horse soon seised in his hand.
An acward stroak then took him in that stead,
His craig in two, thus was the Butler dead.
An Englishman saw their Chiftain was stain,
A spear in rest he cast with all his main,
On Wallace or the from the borse him to bear,
Warly be wrought as worthy man of wear.
The spear he man withoutten more abaid,
To Dalreach then he knew the Furd full well,
Before him came feill stuffed into stéel.
He strake the first but bade in the blasoun,
While horse and man all fleit the water down,
Another soon down from the horse he bare,
Stramped to fround and drown'd withoutten ma [...]
The third he hit on the harnesse of steel,
Throughout the coast the spear it raif ilk deel:
[...]e great power after him then can ride,
[...] saw no wisdom there longer to abide:
[...] birnisht brand, braithly in hand he bare,
[...]om he hit right, they followed him na mare,
[...] stuffe the chase feil frée [...]s followed fast,
[...] Wallace made the gayest ay agast.
[...]e Mure he took, and through their power rade,
[...]e horse was good, but yet he had great dread,
[...] ailing him, ere he wan to a strength,
[...]e chase was great stailed on breadth and length:
[...]rough strong danger they had him ay in sight,
[...]he Black-furd there Wallace down can light.
[...]e horse stuffed, the way was déep and lang.
[...]rge long while wightly on foot can gang.
[...]he was horsed, riders about him cast,
[...] saw full well long time he might not last.
[...] men indéed upon him can renew,
[...]thout recovery twenty that night he slew:
[...]e fiercest ay rudely rebuted he.
[...]ed his horse, and right wisely can flée.
[...]ile that he came the mirkest Mure amang,
[...]e horse gave over, and would no further gang.
[...]lace on foot tooke him with good intent,
[...]e horse he slew, or that he further went.
[...]at Englishmen of him should have no good,
[...] left on foot, for well he understood:
[...]e Sutheron men on him should have no sight, sought
[...]igh hather he Past with all his might.
[...]rough the darke Mure then from them hath he
[...]t suddenly there came into his thought:
[...]at power did walk at Striveling bridge of trée,
[...]hing he said, no passage is for me.
[...]e fault of food, and I have fasted lang,
[...] war-men now me thinks no time to gang,
Cumbeskenneth I shall the water till,
Let God above do vvith me vvhat he vvill.
Into this land I may no longer vide,
Tarry he made some part on Forths fide,
Took off his vvéed, and graithed him but ma [...]
His smord he bound, that vvonder sharply sha [...]
Among his gear, on his shoulders aloft,
Thus in he vvent, to great God praying oft,
Of his good grace his cause to take in hand,
Over the vvater be swam to the south land,
Arrayed him vvell, the season vvas right cold
For Pisces vvas into his dayes old.
Overthart he cast, to the Torwood he yéed,
A vvidow dwelt whith helped him in néed,
Hither he came or day began to daw,
To a vvidow and privily can caw:
They spiered his name, but tell them wo [...]
While she her self near to his language sough [...]
From time she knew that it vvas vvight Walla [...]
Reioyced she vvas, and thanked God of grace
She speared soon, If he vvas his alone,
Mourning he said, As men now have I none
She speared soon, where that his men shoul be
Fair Dame, he said, Go get some meat to me
I have fasted since yesterday at morn,
I dread full sore my men they he forlorn.
Great part of them I saw to the death brought
She got him meat in all the haste she mought,
A vvoman he called, and als vvith her a child [...]
And bade them passe away these vvayes vvilde
To the Gaskhal, tydings for to spear,
If part vvas left of his men into fear,
And she should find an horse soon in her gate,
He bade them sée if that place stood in state,
Thereof to hear he had full great destre,
Because he thought it vvas all into fire.
[...]y passed out withoutten tarry mair,
[...] for to rest, Wallace remained there.
[...]e shed he vvas vvith meat and drink, and heat,
[...]ich caused him through natural course to stéep.
[...]ere he should stéep at the vvoman he speared,
[...]e vvidom had thrée sons that vvere leared:
[...]st two of them she sent to kéep Wallace,
[...]gart the third go soon to Dunipace:
[...] tell his Eme, that be vvas hapned there:
[...]e Parson came to sée of his welfare,
[...]lace to sléep vvas laid in the vvood side,
[...]e two young men vvithout him near could vide.
[...]e Parson came near hand, the manner saw,
[...]ey beckened to him what stead he should draw.
[...]e Rone vvas thick that Wallace steeped in,
[...]out be vvent and made but little din.
[...]at the last of him he had a sight,
[...]ll privately where that his bed vvas dight:
[...] him beheld, then said unto himsell,
[...]re is a marvel vvho likes it for to tell:
[...]is is a person of vvorthinesse of hand,
[...]owes to stop the power of England.
[...]w false Fortune the mis-worker of all,
[...] even ture hath given him a fall:
[...]at he is left without supply of ma,
[...]ruel vvife vvith vveapons might him sta.
[...]allace him heard, vvith that the stéep ov'rpast,
[...]ercely he rose, and said to him als fast:
[...]ou liest false Priest, were thou a foe to me,
[...]ould not dread such other ten as thée.
[...]ave had more since yesterday at morn,
[...]en such sixty assembled me beforn:
[...]s Eme him took, and went forth vvith VVallace,
[...] told to him all his most painful case:
[...]is night he said I was left alone,
In fell debate, with enemies many one:
God at his will hath ay my life to keep,
Over Forth I swam, that awfull is and dée
What I have had in war before this day,
Prison and pain (to this night) is but play.
So beat I am with stroaks sad and sore,
The shrill water then burnt me meikel more
After great blood, through heart & cold was [...]
That of my life almost nothing I rought.
I mean far more the tinsel of my men,
Nor of my self might I suffer such ten:
The Parson said, Dear son thou mayest sée w [...]
Longer to strive it helpeth never a deal.
Thy men are lost, and none will with thée ri [...]
For God his sake make as I will devise:
Take a Lordship whereon thou mayest live,
King Edward will great lands to thée give:
Vncle, he said, of such words na mare,
This is nothing but eeking of my care:
I like better to sée the Sutheron die,
Than gold or land, that they can give to me:
Trust thou right well of war I shall not cease
Vntill the time I bring Scotland to peace:
Or die therefore the plain to understand,
So came Keirly, and good Steven of Ireland:
The widows son to Wallace he them brought,
From they him saw, of no sadnesse they rought
For perfect idy they wée ped with their éene,
To ground they fell, and thanked heavens ki [...]
Als he was glad for rescue of them two,
Of their feirs living were left no moe.
They told to him that Sir Gerrard was dead,
How they had well escaped of that stead.
Through the Ochel they had gone all that nig [...]
To Airth Ferry when that the day was light
[...]a true Scot through kindnesse of Wallace,
[...]ght them soon over, then kend them to the palce
[...]eirly wist if Wallace living were,
[...] Dunipace that he should find him there:
Parson gart good purve yance for them dight,
Tor-wood they lodged all that night.
[...]e the woman that Wallace north had send,
[...]rned again and told him to an end.
[...]at Englishmen in the way she saw dead,
[...] was fallen fay in many sundry stead.
[...] horse she saw, that VVallace had, hereft,
[...] the Gaskhal standing as it was left:
thoutten harm, nor touched of a stone,
[...] of his men, good tydings got she none.
[...]refore be grieved greatly in that tide,
the Forest be would no longer bide.
[...] Widow gave him part of silver bright,
[...]o of her sans that worthy were and wight:
[...]e third he left, because he lacked age,
wear as then might not win vassalage.
[...]e Parson then got them good horse and gear,
[...]t woe he was, his minde was soon in wear:
[...] us took he leave without longer abode,
Dundaffe Mure the samine night the rade,
John the Grahame, which Lord was of that land,
[...] aged Kinght, had made none other hand:
[...]t purchast peace in rest he might hide still,
[...]ibute be payed full sore against his will.
[...]on he had, both wise worthy and wight,
[...]ng Alexander at Berwick made him Knight.
[...]here showing was of battel to have béen,
[...]etwixt the Scots and the hold Persie keén,
[...]his young Sir John right noble was in wear,
[...]n a broad sword his father gart him swear:
[...]e should be true to VVallace in all thing,
And he to him while life in them might [...]
Three nights there VVallace vvas out of dre [...]
Rested him vvell, so had he meikel néed:
On the fourth day he would no longer bide,
Sir John the Grahame bowned vvith him to [...]
And he said nay, as then it should be,
A plain part yet I will not take on me.
I have tint men through mine own reklesse [...]
A burnt childe als more sore the fire should
Friends some part I have in Cliddisdale,
I will go sée what they may me avail.
Sir John answered, I will your counsel do,
When ye think time send privately me to:
Then I shall come with my power in hast,
He him be taught unto the holy Ghaist,
S. John to borgh they should méet whole and
Out of Dundaff he and his four couth found:
In Bothwel Mure that night remained he,
With one Crawford that lodged him privily.
Vpon the morn to the Gilbank he went,
Received be was of many with glad intent:
For his dear Eme young Auchinleck dwelt th [...]
Brother he was to the Sheriff of Aire.
When old Sir Rannald to his dead was dight,
Then Auchenleck wedded that Lady bright:
And children got, as stories bear record,
Of Lesmahago, for he held of that Lord,
But he was slain, that pity was the mair,
With Persies men into the town of Air.
His son dwelt still, then ninetéen years of a [...]
And brooked whole his fathers heritage:
Tribute be payed for all his lands bread,
To the Lord Persie, as his brother had made,
I leave Wallace with his bear Vncle still,
Of Englishmen yet something speak I will.
[...]essenger soon through the Countrey yéed,
Lord Persie, and told his fellon déed,
[...]evin was burnt, broken, and casten down,
[...] Captain dead of it, and S. Johnstoun.
[...] Lorane als in Short-wood-shawes shéen,
[...] the land great sorrow hath béen séen.
[...]ough wight Wallace that all this déed hath done,
[...] town he spied, and that for thought us soon:
[...] is slain with daughty men and dear,
[...]sper speach the Persie then gan spear,
[...]at word of him, I pray thée graithly tell,
[...] Lord, he said, Kight thus the case befell:
[...] know for truth he was left him alone,
[...] as he fled he slew full many one.
[...] horse we found, that him that gate could bear,
[...] of himself no other word we hear.
[...]triveling bridge we wot he passed nought,
[...] death in Forth he may for us be brought.
[...] Persie said, Now truely that is sin,
[...] good of hand he is this world within.
[...] he tane peace, and béen our Kings man,
[...]s whole Empire he might have conquest than.
[...]at harme it is, our Knights that are dead,
[...] must gare sée for others in their stead:
[...]ow not yet that Wallace lossed he,
[...] Clerks sayes, He shall gar many die.
[...] Messenger sayes, All that forsooth hath béen,
[...]ny hundreth that cruel was and kéen,
[...]ce he began, are lossed without remead,
[...]e Persie said, Forsooth he is not dead.
[...]e Crooks of Forth he knows wonder well:
[...] is on live that shall our Nation feill.
[...]en he is stressed, then can he swim at will,
[...]eat strength he hath, both wit and grace there til,
[...] [...]essenger the Lord charged to w [...]d,
And his command in writ he with him so [...]
Sir John Psewart great Sheriff then he mad [...]
Of S. Johnstoun, and all the lands brade:
Into Kinclevin there dwelt none there again
There was nought else, but broken wals in [...]
Leave I them thus ruling the lands there,
And speak I will of VVallace good-well fare [...]
He send Keirly unto Rannald that night,
To Boyd and Blair, that worthy were and w [...]
And Adam als, his Cousen good VVallace,
To them declared he of this painful case,
Of his escape out of that company,
Right wonder glad was that good Chivalry.
From time they knew that Wallace living w [...]
Good diligence they made to him to passe,
Master John Blair was one of that message,
A worthy Clerk, both wise and als right sag [...]
Learned he was before in Paris town,
Amongst Massers in Science of good renown.
Wallace and he at home in School had béen,
Soon afterwards as verity was séen:
He was the man that chiefly undertook,
That first compyled to dyte the Latine Book.
Of Wallace life, right famous of renown,
And Thomas Gray Parson of Libertoun.
With him they were, and put in historiall,
Oft one or both meikel of his travel,
And therefore hereof them I make mention,
Master John Blair to Wallace made him bown.
To sée his health, his comfort was the more,
As they full oft together were before.
Silver and gold they gave him for to spend,
So did he them fréely when God it send.
Of good wel-fare as then he wanted none,
Englishmen wist he was left him alone:
[...]here he should be, none of them cauth say,
[...]owned or slain, or else escaped away.
[...]erefort of him they took but little héed,
[...]ey knew him not, the lesse he was in dread.
[...] true Scots great favour to him gave,
[...]hat good they had, he néeded not to crave.
[...]e peace lasted that Sir Rannald had tane,
[...]ose three moneths it should not be out-gane:
[...]hole Christmas then Wallace remained there,
[...] Lanerk oft to sport he made repare:
[...]hen that he went to Gilbank from the town,
[...]he found men was of that Nation,
[...] Scotland they did never grievance more,
[...]e sticked they, some throats in sunder shore.
[...]ll were found dead, but none wist who it was,
[...]hom be handled, he let no further passe.
[...]ere Hesilrig dwelt, that cursed Knight to wail,
[...]eriff he was of all these lands hail:
[...]fellon out-rage despitefully in his déed,
[...]ny of him therefore had meikel dread.
[...]rvel he thought who durst his people s [...]a,
[...]thout the town he caus'd great numbers go.
[...]en VVallace saw that they were moe then he,
[...]en did he nought but salust courteously.
[...] his four men bu [...]e them so quietly.
[...] Sutheron could déem them unhonestly:
[...] Lanerk, a gentle woman there,
[...]aiden milde, as my Book will declare.
[...]htéen years ald, and little more of age,
[...] born she was to part of heritage.
[...] father was of worship and renown.
[...] Hew Braidfure he height of Lamingtown:
[...]eill were then into the Countrey calde,
[...]fore time they Gentlemen were of alds:
[...] this good man and als his wise was do [...],
The Maiden wist then of no other remead,
But still she dwelt in tribute in the town,
And purchast had King Edwards protection:
Servants with her, of friends at her will,
Thus lived she without destre of ill.
A quiet house, as she might hold in wear,
For Hesilrig had done her meikel dear.
Slain her brother, which eldest was and heir,
All suffered she, and right lowly her bare.
Amiable, so benign, ware and wise,
Courteous and sweet, fulfilled of all gentrice.
Well ruled of tongue, right hail of countenan [...]
Of vertue she was worthy to advance,
Humbly her held, and purchast a good name,
Of every wight she keeped her from blame.
True religious folk a great favour her lent,
Vpon a day to the Kirk as she went;
Wallace her saw as he his eyes can cast,
The print of love him prunzied at the last.
So asperly through beauty of that bright,
With great unease in presence bide he might
He knew full well we kindred of her blood.
And how she was in honest use and good:
Whiles would he think to love her over the [...]
And otherwhile he thought on his dissave:
How that his men were brought to confusion,
Though his last love, he had in S. Johnstoun.
Then mould he think to live and let overslide.
But that thought long could not in heart abi [...]
He told Keirly of his new Iust and haill,
Then asked he him of his true counsel?
Master he said, As far as I can féel,
Of like linesse it may be wonder well:
Since so ye love, take her in Marriage,
Goodly she is, and als of heritage:
[...]ppose that ye in loving feel amisse,
[...]eat God forbid it should he so with this.
[...] marry thus I cannot yet attend,
[...]ould of war first see a final end:
Will no more alone to my love gang,
[...]he héed to me, for dread I suffer wrong:
[...] proffer love thus soon I would not brieve,
[...]ght I leave off, in war I think to live.
[...]hat is this love? Nothing but foolishnesse,
[...] may reave me both wit and stedfastnesse:
[...]en said he thus, this will not graithly be,
[...]hours and wars at once to reign in me.
[...]ght sooth is it, stood I in blisse of love,
[...]here deeds were, I should the better prove.
[...]t well I wot, where great earnest is in thought,
[...]etteth war, that in wise men is wrought.
[...]lesse it be, but onely till on déed,
[...]en he that thinks of love for to spead.
[...] may do vvell hath the Fortune and grace,
[...]t this stands all into another case:
[...] great kingdom with feil foes overset,
[...]ght hard it is any mends for to get.
[...]ainst them, and keep the observance,
[...]hich be longs to love, and all her frivol chance.
[...]ample I have, which me forthinketh sore,
[...]ope in God it shall be so no more.
[...]e truth I know of this, and her linage,
[...]now nought her, therefore I losse a gage: I
[...] Keirly he thus argued in this kind,
[...]t great desire remained in his mind:
[...]r to behold that fréely of fassoun,
[...] while he left, and came not in the town.
[...] other thing did make his wit to vain,
[...]oving that he might of that labour slain:
[...]hen Keirly saw he suffered pain for thy,
Dear sir, he said, Ye live in sluggary:
Go see your love, and ye shall get comfort,
At his counsel he walked for to sport.
Vnto the Kirk, where she made residence,
She knew him well, but as for Eloquence:
She durst not well in presence him to kyth,
Full sore she dread that Sutheron should her m [...]
For Hesilrig had a matter new begun,
And her desired in marriage to his son:
With her Maiden this VVallace she besought,
To dyne with her, and privately she him bro [...]
Through a Garden, she had gart work anew,
So Englishmen nought of their meeting knew
He kissed this Maid, with gladnesse and pleas [...]
Soon her be sought right hartly acquaintance.
She answered him, vvith humble vvords and [...]
Were mine acquaintance worthy for to prise?
Ye shall it have, as God me save in saul,
But Englishmen do gar our power fail:
Through violence of them, and their bairnag [...]
That hath well near destroyed our Linage.
When Wallace heard her complaint piteously,
Grieved in heart he was right greatumly.
Both yre and love him set into a rage,
But nought for thy he sobered in courage.
Of this matter he told as I said aire,
To that goodly how love constrained him saire [...],
She answered him reasonably again,
And said, I shall to your service be bane:
With all pleasance in honest causes bail,
And I trust nought ye would set to assail.
For your worship, to do me dishonou [...],
And I a Maid, and stand in many a stour.
From Englishmen to save my woman-heid,
And coast have made to kéep me from their [...]
[...]ith my good will I will no Lemmen be
[...] no man born: therefore I think should ye
[...]sire me not, but into goodlinesse,
[...]rchance ye think I were too low percase:
[...]r to pretend to be your righteous wife,
[...] to your service I would use all my life.
[...]re I beséech for your worship in armes,
[...] charge me not with no ungodly harmes.
u [...]t me defend for worship of your blood,
[...]hen Wallace well her true tale understood,
[...] in a part him thought it was reason,
[...] her desire therefore to conclusion:
[...] thanked her, and said, If it might be,
[...] brough Gods will that our Kingdom be frée,
[...] vvould you vved vvith all hearty pleasance,
[...]ut at this time I may not take such chance.
[...]d for this cause none other now I crave,
[...] man in war may not all pleasance have.
[...]f their talk then, can I tell you na mare,
[...]o my purpose what band that they made there.
[...]onclude they this, and to the dinner went,
[...]he sore grievance remained in his intent,
[...]sse of his men, and lusty pain of love,
[...] is leave he took, at that time to remove.

CHAP. II. [...]w Wallace past to Lochmabane, and how they cutted his horse tails, and how he shave the blood-letter.

THen to Gilbank he past ere it was night,
Vpon the morn with his four men him dight,
[...]o the Corhead without resting be rade,
Where his Nevoy Thom Haliday him abade.
[...]nd Edward Little als, his Cousen dear.
Which was so blith, when he wist him so near,
[...]hanking great God he sent him safe again,
For many dreamed he in Strathern was slain.
Good chear they made, all out those dayes thre [...]
Then Wallace said, that he destred to see
Lochmabane town, and Englishmen that were the [...]
On the fourth day they bawned them to fare,
Sixteen he was of goodly Chevalrie,
In the Knockwood he leaved all but thrée:
Thomas Halidy went with them to the town,
Edward Little and Keirly made them bown,
To an Ostler Thomas Halidy led them right,
And gave command their dinner should be dight
To hear a Masse in good intent they yeed,
Of Englishmen they thought there was no dread,
One Clifford came, was Emes son to the Lord,
And thrée with him, the truth for to record:
To their Innes soon, after VVallace was past,
Who ought these horse: in great hathing he a [...]
The Good-wife said for to have pleased him best,
Three Gentlemen are come out of the west:
Who devil them made so gayly for to ride?
In faith with me a wed there must abide:
These lewd Scors have learned little good,
Loe, all these horse are shent for fault of blood:
Into great scorn witheutten words more,
The tails all of these three horse they shore.
The Good-wife cry'd, and piteously can greet,
So VVallace came and could the Captain meet:
A woman told him, they had his horse shent,
For proper yre he grew in matalent,
He followed fast, and said, Good friends abide,
Service to take for thy craft in this tide.
Marchel thou art without command of me,
Reward again me thinks I should pay thee:
Since I of late new come out of the west,
In this countrey a Barbour of the best:
To cut and shave, and that one wonder good,
Now shalt thou feel how I use to let blood:
With his good sword the Captain hath he tane,
While horse again he marshelled never ane:
[...]nother soon upon the head strake he.
While shafts and cheeks upon the gate can flée.
[...]y that his men the other threée had slain,
Their horse they took, and graithed them full bane.
Out of the town for Dinner had they none,
The wife she prayed that made so piteous moan.
Then Englishmen fra their Chiftain was dead,
[...]o Wallance sought from many sundry stead:
From the Castle came cruel men and kéen,
When Wallace hath their sudden sembly seen,
Toward some strength he bawned him to ride,
For then he thought it was no time to bide:
His horse bled fast, that gart him dreading have,
Of his good men, he would have had the lave.
[...]o the Knockwood withoutten more they rade,
But into it no soiourning he made:
That wood as then was neither thick nor strang,
His men he got, then lighted he to gang,
Toward an hight, and led their horse a while,
The Englishmen were then within a mile:
On fresh horse riding full hastily,
Senvenscore as then were in that company.
The Scots lap on, when they that power saw,
Toward the South they thought it best to draw:
Then Wallace said, It was no wit in wear,
With our power to bide them bargain here.
You are men good, therefore I will that we.
Innermore séek, while God send us supplie.
Haliday said, We shall do, your counsel,
But sore I dread that these hurt horse will fail.
The Englishmen in birnisht armour clear.
By then to them approached wonder near.
Horsed Arthers shot, and would not spare:
Of Wallace men they wounded too full sair.
In yre he grew, when that he saw them bleed;
Himself he turned, and on them soon he yeed:
Sixteen with him that worthy were in wear,
Of the formost right sharply down they hear:
At that returnfiftéen in field was slain,
The lave they fled into their power again:
Wallace followed with his good Chevalrie,
Thomas Haliday in vvear vvas full busse:
A busbment saw that cruel vvas and keen,
Two hundred bail of vvell graithed Englishmen,
Vnkell he said, our power is too smaw,
From this plain field I counsel you to draw.
To few vve wer against you fellon stail,
Wallace returned full soon at his counsel:
At the Cor-head full fain they wwould have been,
But Englishmen have vvell their purpose seen:
In plain battel them followed hardily,
In danger thus they held them awfully:
Hew of More-land on wallace followed fast,
He had be fore made many Scits agast.
Holden he was of wear the worthiest man,
In Horth England was with him living than.
In his armour well forged of fine stéel,
A nobléCursour hare him both fast and well:
Wallace returned bestde abuirly Dake,
And on him set a fellon steker stroak.
Both coller bone and shoulder blaid in two,
Through the mid coast, the good sword gart he go [...]
His spear he wan, and als his Courser bright,
Then left his own, for losed was his might.
For lack of blood he might no further gang,
Wallace on horse the sutheron then among.
[...]is men relieved that doughty were in deed,
[...]im to rescue out of that fellon dread:
[...]ruel stroaks forsooth there might he séen,
[...]n either stde till blood ran on the gréen.
[...]ight perilousty the sembly was to sée,
[...]aroly and hote, continued the maillie.
[...]hewing rescue of Scots and English als,
[...]ome carved bone in sunder, and some the hais,
[...]ome hurt, some hint, some dung into the dead,
[...]he hardy Scots so stirred in that steed:
Hith Haliday on foot that holdly abde,
[...]mo [...] the sutheron a full great rowm they made.
[...]allace on horse, hint him a noble spear,
[...] through them rade, as good Chiftain in wear.
[...]rée slew he there ere that his spear was gane,
Thus his good sword in hand then hath he tane:
[...]ang on derfly with strokes sad and sore,
Whom that he hit, grieved the Scots no more.
[...]ra Sutheron men by natural reason knew,
[...]ow with a stroak a man ay he slew:
[...]hen marvelled they he was so meikle of main,
For their bbest men in that kind had be stain.
That his great strength again helped him nought,
For none other in contrare Wallace sought.
Then said they all, Live he the strength untane,
The whole Kingdom he will win him alane:
They left the field, and to their power fled,
[...]nd told their Lord, how evil the formost sped.
Which Graystock heght, was new come in the land,
The refore he trowed none durst against him stand:
Wonder he thought when as he saw that fight:
Why his good men for so few took the flight.
It that return twenty in field were tint,
[...]nd Moreland als therefore he would not stint:
But followed fast with thrée hundreth but dread,
And swore he would be venged on that déed.
The Scots wan horse because their own did f [...]
In fléeing then choosed the most avail:
Out of the field this wight Wallace is gone,
Of his good men he had not lossed one:
Five wounded were, but lightly forth they r [...]
Wallace a space behind them ay abode,
And Haliday proved well in many place,
A sister son be was to good Wallace,
Warlike they rode, and held their horse on e [...]
For they trow'd well the Sutheron would offe [...]
With whole power at once upon them set,
But Wallace cast their purpose for to let:
To break their ray, he visit them full fast,
The Englishmen so greatly were agast:
That none of them durst rush out of the stail,
All in a row together held them hail.
She Sutheron saw how that abundantly,
Wallace abode near their Chevalry:
By Morelands horse they knew him wonder we [...]
Past to their Lord, and told him everilke deal,
Loe, Sir, they said, forsooth this same is he,
That with his hands caused so many die.
Hath his horse grace upon bis féet to bide,
He doubts not through five thousand for to ride.
We reed you cease, and follow him no more,
For dread that we repent it syne full sore:
He blamed them, and said, Men may well sée,
Cowards ye are, that for so few would flee:
For their counsel yet leave would be them no [...]
Into great yre be sadly on them sought:
Wailing a place where be might bargain ma [...]
Wallace was woe upon him for to take:
And he so few to bide them on a plain:
At Quinsberry he would have béen full fain:
[...]ou himself be took so great travail,
[...] fend his men, if that might him avail:
sword in hand, right manly him to wear,
[...] waiting fast, if he might get a spear:
[...]ow here, now there, before them to and fr [...],
[...]s horse gave over, and might no further go:
[...]ght at the skirt of Quinsberry befell,
[...]ut upon grace, as mine Au [...]hor will tell:
[...]r John the Grahame that worthy was and wight,
[...]o the Corhead came on the other night:
[...]irty with him of noble men at wage,
[...]he first daughter he had in marriage.
[...] Haliday, was Nevoy to Wallace,
[...]dings to spear Sir John passed off that place:
[...]ith men to speak, where they a trist had set.
[...]ght near the stead where Scots and English met:
[...]o Kirkpatrick that cruel was anf keen,
[...] Eskdale wood that half a year had been:
[...]ith Englishmen he could not well accord,
[...]f Torthorwald be Baron was and Lord:
[...]f kin he was to Wallace mother deir,
[...] Crawfurd side, that meikle had to steir.
[...]wenty he had of worthy men and wight,
[...] then Wallace approached to their sight:
[...]r John the Grahame when he the counter saw,
[...]n them he rade, and stood but little aw.
[...]s good-father he knew right wonder well.
[...]st down his spear, and sunzseit not a deill:
Kirkpatrick als with worthy men of wear,
[...]fty in front at once down they bear.
[...]hrough the thickest of thrée hundreth they rade,
[...]n Sutheron side full great slaughter they made:
[...]hem to reskew that was in fellon throng,
Wallance on foot the great pawer among:
[...]ood rowm he got through help of Gods grace,
The Sutheron fled, and left them in that place
Horses they wan, to stuff the chase good spéed,
VVallace and his that doughty were indéed.
Graystock took flight, on stern horse and stout,
An hundreth held together in a rout.
Wallace on them full sadly can persue,
The fléeing well of Englishmen be knew.
That ay the best would passe with their Chift [...]
Before him fand he good Sir John the Graham,
Ay stryking down whom ever he might by,
Then VVallace said, This is but wast folly.
Commons to slay vvhere Chiftains goes away,
Your horse are fresh, therefore do as I say,
Good men ye have are yet in noble state,
To you great rout, for Gods love hold your ga [...]
Sunder them soon, we shall come at your hand:
When Sir John had this tale well understand,
Of none other, from thence forth took he héed,
To the formost he followed well with spéed.
Kirkpatrick als considered this counsel,
They charged their men ay followed on the stail
At his command full soon with them they wet,
Sad stroaks and sore sadly upon them set.
His Vncle als he knew right wonder well,
Cast down his spear, and sounzied not a deal.
Kirkpatrick als with worthy men of wear,
Thirty on front at once down they bear:
Through the thickest Sir John the Grahame rad [...]
On Sutheron side full great slaughter they made,
Good rowm he got through help of Gods grace,
The Sutheron fled, and left them in that place.
Horses they wan to stuff the chase good spéed,
Wallace and his that doughty vvere indéed,
Graystock fled fast on stern horse and stout,
An hundreth held together in a rout.
Wallace on them sadly could persue,
[...]he fléeing well of Englishmen he knew.
Wallace on horse he hint a noble spear,
[...]nd followed fast as good Chiftain in wear.
Thrée slew he there ere that his spear was gone,
Then his good sword in his hand hath he tane,
[...]ang on derfly with stroaks sad and sore:
Whom that he hit, grieved the Scots no more.
Vpon the lave fighting full wonder fast,
[...]nd many groom they made full sore agast.
[...]he Englishmen that bufie were in vvear,
[...]ssailed sore them from the Mosse to bear,
[...]ight perillous the sembly was to sée,
[...]ardy and heat continued the mellie,
[...]howing the rescue of Scots and English als,
[...]ome carved bones in sunder, some the hals:
[...]ir John the Grahame to Graystock fast he sought,
[...]is pensane then it helped him right nought.
[...]pon the craig a graith stroak gave him right,
[...]he burely brand was braid, and birnisht bright:
[...]n sunder carved the mailzies of fine stéel
Through brain and bone it rushed ever ilk deal.
Dead with that dint to the ground down him drave.
By that Wallace assembled on the lave.
[...]erfly to death feill frieks there he dight,
[...]ose never again, whom ever he hit right:
[...]irlpatrick came, Thom H [...]day, and their men,
Their doughty déeds were noble for to ken:
At the Knockhead the bold Graystock was stain,
And many moe which were of meikle main:
To save their lives part in the wood they past,
The Scottishmen they ran together fast.
When Wallace with S. John the Grahame had met,
Right goodly he with humblenesse him gréet:
Pardon he asked of the [...]prove [...],
Into the chase, and said he should no more:
Information make to him that was so good,
When that Sir John Wallace well understood
Do away, he said, thereof as now na mare,
Ye did full right, it was for our well fare:
Wiser in war ye are all out than I,
Father in armes ye are to me for thy,
Kirkpatrick then that was his Cousen dear,
He thanked him right on a good manner.
Eightscore were slain, or they would leave th [...]
The fleeing folk they knew of no remead.
Not one was lost of all their Chevalry,
Sir John the Graham to them came happily.
The day was done, approaching was the night
At Wallace then they asked counsel right:
He answered thus, I speak but with your leave
Right loath I were any goodly men to grieve.
But this I say in terms short for me,
I would assail, if ye think it may be:
Lochmabane house which now is left alone,
For well I wot that power in it is none.
Carlaverock als yet Maxwel hath in his hand,
And we had these, they might be both a wand
Against Sutheron, that now hath our Countrey,
Say what ye will, this is the best thinks me:
Sir John the Graham gave first his good consent,
Then all the lave right with a whole intent:
To Lochmabane right hastily they ride:
When they came there not half a mile beside:
The night was dark, to councel are they gone,
Of moon or star appearance was there none:
Then Wallace said, We think this land at rest,
Tom Haliday, thou knowest the Countrey best.
I hear no noise of feil folks here about,
Therefore I trow we are the lesse in doubt,
[...]day said, I will take one with me,
[...] ride before the Countrey for to sée:
[...]son he called, with me make thée bown,
[...]th them thou wast ay neighbour in this town,
[...]rant I was with them against my will,
[...] mine intent was ay to do them ill:
[...]to the gate peartly they two forth rade,
[...]e Porter came without longer abode:
[...] John Watson then tydings could he spear,
[...]en he bade, the Captain cometh near.
[...]e gate but more unwisely up he drew,
Tom Haliday soon by the craig him threw:
[...]d with a knife he sticked him in that stead,
[...] a dark hole drown dreadlesse cast him de [...]
John Watson hath hint the keys in his hand,
[...]e power then with Wallace was command:
[...]ey entred in, before them found no mo,
[...]cept women, and simple servants two:
[...] the Kitching long scudlers had they béen,
[...]on they were slain. When the Lady had séen:
[...]e cryed for grace, for him that died on trée,
[...]en Wallace said, Madame your noise let be:
[...] women yet we do but little ill,
[...]nd young children we like not for to soill:
Would have meat, Haliday, what sayes thou?
[...]or fasting folk to dine good time were now,
[...]reat purveyance was ordained them before,
[...]oth bread, and ail, good wine and other store.
[...] meat they bowned, for they had fasted lung,
[...]ood men of Armes into the closse caus [...]e gang
[...]rt fleeing folk on foot they from them glad,
[...]n the Knockhead, where great mellie was made:
[...]y as they came, John Watson let them in:
[...]d done to death withoutten [...]ise or din.
[...]o man left there that was of England born.
The Castle well they viewed on the morn:
For Johnstoun sent a man of good degree,
Second daughter forsooth wedded had he,
Of Halidayes dear Nevoy to VVallace,
Great Captain then they made him of that p [...]
They left him there into a good array,
They is [...]ed forth upon the other day:
Women had leave in England for the fare,
Good Wallace and Sir John the Graham could c [...]
To the Corhead, and lodged there that night,
Vpon the morn the Sun was at the hight:
After dinner they would no longer bide,
Their purpose took in Crawford Mure to ride,
Sir John the Graham, with Wallace that was h [...]
Tom Haliday again returned right,
To the Corhal, and remained but dread,
No Sutheron wist principal vvho did this déed
Kirkpatrick past to Eskdail woods vvide.
In safety there he thought be should abide.
Good Wallace and Sir John the Graham in fea [...],
With them fourty men of Armes clear.
Through Crawfurd Mure as they then took their
On Englishmen their mind remained ay.

CHAP. III. How Wallace wan the Castle of Crawfurd, and [...] Captain thereof.

FRom Crawfurd-John the vvater down they r [...]
Near hand the night, they lodged upon Clid [...]
Their purpose took into a quiet Vail,
Then VVallace said, I would we might assail:
Crawfurd Castle with some good ieopardy,
Sir John the Graham, How say ye best may be:
This good Knight said, If the men were vvi [...]
To take the house there is but little doubt:
[...]quyer then ruled that Lordship hail,
Cumberland born, his name was Mortindale.
[...]en VVallace said, My self [...] passe in [...]eat,
[...] one with me, of harvery for to spier:
[...]low on drig [...] of that we mister ought,
[...]vard Little with his Master forth sought,
[...] an Ostellary, and with a woman met,
[...]e told to them that Sutheron there wire set.
[...]ye be Scots I counsel you passe by,
[...] if they may, ye will yet evil harvery.
[...]rink they are, so have they been right long,
[...]eat word there is of VVallace them among:
[...]ey trow that he hath [...] men again,
Lochmabene feil Englishm [...] are stain:
[...]e house is lost, that makes them be full we,
[...]ope in God that they shall soon tyne moe:
Wallace spiered of Scotland if that she be:
[...]e said, Yea, and think [...] see:
[...]row on them, through help of Gods grace,
[...] asked her, Who was into that place?
[...] man of fen [...]r was left that house within,
[...]enty are here making great noise and din:
[...]s, she said, If that I might once see,
[...]e worthy Scots in it most master be.
[...]th this [...]ouran be would no longer stand,
[...]eaken be made, Sir John came at his hand.
Wallace went in, and said, Benedicitie,
[...]word; Captain spier'd, what bellamy may thou be:
[...]at contes so grim, some tydings to us tell,
[...]ou art a Scot, the devil thy Nation quell:
Wallace braid out a sword, withoutten more,
[...] to the braist, the brime Captain he bore:
[...]roughout the Caste, sticked him to the dead,
[...]other he hit acward upon the head:
[...]om ever be strake, he bursted bone and lyre,
Feill of them dead fell flatling in the [...],
Hasty payment be made them on the floor,
And Edward Little h [...]ed well the door,
Sir John the Graham full fain would have bée [...]
Edward him bade at the Castle begin:
For of these folk vve have but little dread,
Sir John the Graham fast to the Castle yéed:
Wallace rudely such routs on them gave.
That twenty men de [...]y to death he d [...]ave:
Fiftéen he streak, and fiftéen hath he slain,
Edward flew five which was of meikle main [...]
To the Castle Wallace had great desire,
By that Sir John had set the house on fire:
None was there in that great defence could
But women sore fast wéeping into that.
Without the place a bold [...]ulwark was made
Wallace went over withoutten longer bade:
The vvomen soon he saved from the dead,
Weak folk be put and children from that stea [...]
Of purveyance he found little or none,
Before that time their virtual was all gone
Yet in that place lodged they all that night,
From Ostlarie brought such good as they mi [...]
Vpon the morn bóusen they spoiled fast,
All things they dought, out of that plate [...];
Trée-wark they burnt, that was within [...]
And wals brake down, that sta [...]wars were [...]
Spoil'd what they might, then would no [...]
Vnto Din [...] the same night they did ride.
And lodged there with all mirth and pleasance
Thanking great God that sent them so good
The end of the fifth Book.


CHAP. I. Of the Spousage of Wallace, and how Hesilrig slew Wallace wife in the Town of Lanerk, and how Wallace slew He­silrig for the same cause, and put the Englishmen out of Lanerk.

THen passed were the Octaves of Februar,
And part of March by right degestion,
Appeared then the last moneth of Ver:
The sign of Summer, with his sweet season,
By that Wallace from Dundaff made him down,
His leave he took, and to Kilbank can fare,
The rumour rose through Scotland up and down,
With Englishmen that VVallace living were.
Into April when cloathed is but wéen,
[...]he able ground through vvorking of Nature,
And woods have on their worthy wéeds gréen.
When Nymphis in building of her hour.
With oyl and balm fulfilled of sweet odour.
Taneittis in trace as they vvere vvont to gang,
Walking their course in every casual hour,
To glad the hunters with their merry sang.
In this same time to him approathed new,
His lusty pain of which I spake of air:
By loves case he thought for to persue.
[...]n Lanerk, and hither can be fair:
[...]t residence a while remained there,
[...]n her presence, as I have said before,
Though Englishmen grieved at his repaire,
Yet he delighted the thing that set him sore.
The fire of Love him ruled at such wise.
He liked well with that goodly to be:
Whiles he would think of dangers for to rise,
And other whiles out of her presence flée,
To cease of war it were the best for me.
Thus win I nought but sadnesse on like side,
Shall never man this cowardnesse in me sée.
To war I will, for chance that may betide.
What is this love? It is but great mistha [...]
That me would bring from armes verily:
I will not change my worship for pleasance,
In war I think my time to occupy,
Yet here to love I will not let for thy,
More I shall desire my worship to reserve,
From this day forth, then evermore did I,
I fear of war whither I leave or sterve.
What shall I say, VVallace was plainly set,
To love her best in all the world so wide.
Thinking be should of his desire to get,
And so befell by concord on a tide:
That she was made at his command to bide:
And this began the stinting of this strife,
The band began with graith witnesse beside,
Mine Author sayes, she was his wedded wife.
Now live in peace, now live in good concord:
Now live in play, now live in whole pleasance,
For she by chance hath both her love and Lord
He thanks love, that did him so advance,
So evenly held by favour the ballance:
Then he at will may lay her in his armes,
She thanked God of her happy chance,
For in his time he was the flowre of Armes.
Fortune him shew her double figured face,
Feill syse or then he had béen set above:
In prison now, delivered now through grace,
Now at unease, now at unrest, and rufe,
Now well at will, willing is pleasant love.
And thought himself out of adversitie,
Desiring ay his manhood for to prove,
In courage set upon the staiges hie.
The very truth I cannot graithly tell,
Into this life how long that they had béen:
Through natural course of generation fell:
A childe was cheved these two lovers betwéen,
Which goodly was a Maiden bright and shéen,
So farther forth became time to her age:
A Squyer shaw that then full well hath séen,
This life lait man got her in marriage.
The other Maid wedded a Squyer wight,
Which was well known come in of Balliols blood:
And their heirs by line succéeded right:
To Lamingtoun and other lauds good,
Of this matter the right who understood,
Hereof as now I will no more procéed,
Of my sentence shortly to conclude,
Of other thing my purpose is to réed.
Right goodly men came of this Lady ying,
Further of them as now I speak na mair,
But Wallace forth into his war can reign,
He might not cease great courage so him bear,
Sutheron to stay, for dread be vvould not spair [...]
And they oft syst still causes to him wrought,
From that time forth which moved him so sair,
That never in world out of his mind was brough
Now leave & mirth, now leave thy vvhole pleasa [...]
Now leave thy blesse, now leave thy childish age
Now leave thy youth, now follow thy hard chance
Now leave thy lust, now leave thy marriage,
Now leave thy Love, or thou shalt tine a gage,
Which never in earth shall be redéemed again,
Fellon Fortune, and all her fierce outrage,
Go live in wwar, go live in cruel pain.
Fye on Fortune, fye on thy frivole vvhéel.
Fye on thy trust, for here it hath no lest,
That so transfigured wallace out of his vvéel,
When he trusted for to have lived best,
His pleasance here to him is but a iest,
Through thy fers course that hath none hap to hée,
Him thou overthrew out of his liking rest,
From great pleasance, in vvar, travel and vvoe,
What is Fortune, vvho draws the dait sa fast,
We vvot there is both well and vvicked chance,
But this false vvorld vvith many double cast,
In it is nought but very variance:
It is nothing to heavenly governance:
Then pray vve all to the Maker above,
Which hath in hand of Iustice the Ballance,
That he us grant it of his dear lasting Love.
Hereof as now further I speak na [...]mare,
But to my purpose shortly will I fare.
TWelve hundreth year there to ninety and seven
From Christ vvas born the righteous king heaven:
Wlliam Wallace into good liking goe [...],
[...] Lanerk town among his mortal foes,
[...]he Englishmen that ever stout hath [...],
With Hesilrig that cruel vvas and kéen:
[...]nd Robert Thorn a fellon subtil knight,
[...]ath found the vvay by what means bést he might,
[...]ow that they should make contrare to wallace,
[...]y argument, as be came upon case.
[...]n from the Kirk that vvas vvithout the town,
[...]hile their power might be in armes bown:
[...]ir John the Graham that vvorthy vvas and true,
[...]o Lanerk town good wallace could persué,
[...]f his welfare as he full oft hath téen,
[...]f men be had in company fiftéen:
[...]nd Wallace nine, they had no feirsmoe,
[...]pon the morn unto the masse they go:
[...]hey and their men graithed in goodly gréen.
[...]or the season such use full long hath béen.
When sadly they had said their devotion,
[...]ne argued them as they went through the town:
[...]he strongest man that Hesilrig then anew,
[...]nd als he had of lightly words anew.
[...]e salust them as it were but in scorn,
[...]ew gaird, good day bone Senzour, and good morn:
Whom scorns thou (quoth Wallace) who leated thée?
Why Sir (quoth he) came ye not over the sea,
[...]ardon me then, for I wend you had been,
[...]n Ambassade to bring an uncouth Queen.
Wallace answered, Such pardon as we have,
In us to give, thy part thou shalt not crave,
Since ye are Scots, yet saluted shall ye be,
Good even daucht Lord Ballauch Benochadie:
More Sutheron men to them assembled near,
Wallace as then was loath to make a steir:
One made a tit, and scrip at his long sword,
Hold still thine hand (quoth he) and speak the [...]
With thy long sword thou makes meikle hoa [...]
Thereof (quoth he) thy Dame made little co [...]
What hast thou to wear that goodly green?
My most cause is, but for to make thee teen:
What should a Scot do with so fair a knife?
He ai [...] the Priest that langled thy wise:
That woman long hath called him so fair,
While that his childe worthed to be th [...]ne heir,
Me think (quoth he) thou drivest me to scorn,
Thy Dame was iaded ere ever thou wast born.
The pow [...]the [...] assembled on him about,
Two hundred men that stalwart were and stout
The Scottish saw their power was command,
Sir Robert Thorn and Hesilrig at hand.
Creat multitude with weapons hirnisht béen,
The worthy Scots that cruel were and kéen:
Among the Sutheron such dints gave that tide,
Whily blood on bried bursted from waunds wide
Wallace in stour was cruel fightand,
Of a Sutheron be smote off the right hand,
And when the Carle of fighting might na mare
With h [...]s le [...]t hand in pre held a Buckler,
Then fro [...] the stump the blood sprang out full fall
In Wallace fare abundantly can it cast:
Into great part it marred him of his sight,
Sir John the Grahame a stroake hath tane him rig [...]
With his good sword upon the Sutheron syre,
Derfly to death drove him into that pre:
The berill was right aw [...]ll, hard and strong,
The stou [...] endured marveilous and long:
The Englishmen yet gathered wonder fast,
The worthy Scots the gate left at the last.
When they had slain and wounded many one,
To Wallace Innes the gainest way are gone,
Then passed soon, defended them right well,
[...]eand Sir John with swords of tempred steel:
[...]e [...]ind their men, while they the gate had rane,
[...]he woman then which was full well of wane,
The p [...]rill saw with fello [...] n [...]ise and din,
Set up th [...] gate, and let them enter in.
Through to a strength, they passed off that stead,
[...]i [...]tie Sutheron upon the gate lay d [...]ad.
This fat woman with businesse and might,
The Englishmen did tarry with a slight:
While that Wallace into the wood was past,
Then Cartlane Craig & they persued full [...]ast.
When Sutheron saw that chaiped was Wallace,
Again they tur [...]ed, the woman took on case,
But her to death, I cannot tell you how,
Of such matters I may not tarry now,
Where great dule is but redéeming again,
[...]enewing of it is but éeking of pain.
[...] true woman had served her full lang,
[...]ut of the town the gainest way can gang,
[...]o Wallace told how all the deed was done,
The painful wo sought to his heart full soon:
Were not for shame he had shot to the ground:
For bitter bail that in his breast was, hound:
[...]r John The Graham both wise gentle and frée,
Sreat mourning made, that pity was to sée:
And als the lave that were assembled there,
For poor forrow with heart wéeped full fair:
Then Wallace felt their courage was so small,
He fenzied him for to comfort them all.
[...]ease men he said, this is a dootlesse bain,
For we cannot chevis her life again.
[...]nease a word he might hring out for téen,
The bailful tears brust braithly from his éen:
[...]ighing he said, Shall never man me sée,
Rest into ease while this dead wroken be.
The sake lesse slaughter of her, both blith and
That I avow to the Maker of might:
Of all that Nation I shall never forbear,
Young nor old that able is to wear.
Priests nor women I think not for to stay,
In my default, but if they causing mae:
Sir John he said, let all this mourning be,
And for her sake there shall ten thousand die,
Where men may weep, their courage is the le [...]
It s [...]aiks the yre of wrong they should redresse,
Of their complaints as now I speak na mair,
Of Auchenleck in Kilbank dwelling there.
When he heard tell of Wallace veration.
To Cartland wood with ten men made him bow
Wallace he fand some part within the night,
Lo Lanerk town in the bast they them dight,
The watch as then of them had little dread:
Parted their men then diverse wayes they yée [...]
Sir John the Grahame and his good company,
Vnto Sir Robert Thorn full fast they by:
Wallace and his to Hesilrig they past,
In an high house where he was steeping fast,
Stroak at the door with his foot hardily,
While har and braies in the floor gart he ly.
The Sheriff c [...]y'd who makes this great deray,
Wallace he said, which thou hast sought this day.
The womans death will God thou shalt dear by,
Hesilrig thought it was no time to ly.
Out of the house full fain be would have been,
The night was mirk, yet Wallace hath him séen
Fiercely him strake as he came in great yre,
Vpon the head br [...]it through bone and lyre.
The shearing sword, glaid to the shoulder bone,
Out over the stair among them he is gone.
[...]d Auchinlek trowed not that be was dead,
[...]ise with a knife he strake him in that stead:
[...] scry about rose rudely in that stréet;
[...]l of the lave were sulziet under féet:
[...]ng Hesilrig and wight Wallace is met,
[...]er strake Wallace hath on him set:
[...]ly to death over the stair dang him down,
[...]y that night be slew in Lanerk town.
[...]e griesses lap, and some sticked within,
[...]ired they were with hideous noise and din.
John the Grahame had set the house an fire,
[...]ere Robert Thorn was burnt up bone and [...]ire:
[...]elve score they slew that were of England born,
[...]men they lived, and priests on the morn,
[...]passe their way of blisse and goods bare,
[...] swore that they again should come no mare:
[...]en Scots heard these fine tydings of new,
[...] of all parts to Wallace fast they drew:
[...]isht the town, which was their heritage,
[...]s Wallace strave against that great barnage.
[...]e began with strise and stalwart hand,
[...]eveis again some rowms in Scotland,
[...] worthy Scots that sembled to him there,
[...]sed him for their chief their Captain and leader.
[...]er Wallenge á fellon tyrant Knight,
[...]othwel dwelt, King Edwards man full right.
[...]ay was out, though be was righteous Lord,
[...]ll that land as true men will record:
[...] Arrane he was dwelling that tide,
[...] other men in this land durst not bide.
[...] this false Knight in Bothwel biding was.
[...]an he gart soon to King Edward passe:
[...] told him whole of Wallace ordinance:
[...] he had put his people to mischance:
plainly was rising again to reign,
Grieved thereat right greatly was the king
Through all England he gart his doers cry,
Power to get, and said he would plainly
In Scotland passe, that Realm to statute ne [...]
Feill men of war to him right fast they drew
The Queen felt well how that his purpose [...]
To him she went, on knées then can she passe,
He would desist and not to Scotland gang,
Ye sould have dread to work a fellon wrang:
Christned they are, yon is their beritage,
To reave their Crown, it is a great outrage:
For her counsel at home he would not bide,
His Lords him feit in Scotland for to ride.
The Scots man that dwelt with King Edward,
When he beard tell that Wallace took such part,
He stoll from them as privily as he may,
In Scotland then he came upon a day,
Seeking Wallace be made him ready bown,
This Scot was born in Kile at Richartoun.
All England coast he knew it wonder well,
From Hull about to Bristow every deal.
From Carlil through Sandwich that royal stead,
From Dover over unto Saint Bayes head,
In Pickardie and Flanders hath he béen,
All Normandie and France hath he séen.
A Pursevant to king Edward in wear,
But he could never gar him armes bear:
Of great stature, and some part gray was he,
The Englishment called him but Grymisbie.
To Wallace came, and into Kyle him sand,
He told him whole the tydings of England:
They turned his name from time they him ki [...]
And called him Jop, of ingine he was true.
In all his time good service in him sand,
Gave him to hear th [...] armes of Scotland,
Place again in Cliddisdail soon he rade,
[...] his power sembled withoutten bade.
[...]gart command who would his peace take,
Free remit he should gar to him make,
[...]r all kin deed that they had done beforn,
[...]e Persies peace, and Sir Rannalds was worn.
[...]ill to him drew that holdly durst abide,
[...] Wallace kin of many diverse side.
[...]r Rannald then sent him his power hail,
[...]mself durst not be known into battail,
[...]ainst Sutheron: for be had made a band,
[...]ng time before, to hold of them his land:
[...]am VVallace past out of Richartoun,
[...]d Robert Boyd, with good men afrenown:
[...] Cunninghame and Kyle came men of vail,
[...] Lanerk sought on horse a thousand hail
[...]r John the Graham, and his good Chevalrie,
[...]r John of Tinto with men that he might hie:
[...]nd Auchenlek, that Wallace Vncle was,
[...]any true Scots with their Christain could passe:
[...]rée thousand whole of likely men of wear,
[...]d feill on foot which wanted horse and gear,
[...]he time by this was coming upon band,
[...]e awfull host with Edward of England.
The Eateel of Bigger.
TO Bigger came with sixty thousand men,
In war wéeds, that cruel was to ken.
They planted their feill tents and pa [...]lions,
Where Clarisus blew with many mighty sounds,
[...]lenisht that place with victual and wine,
[...]n Carts brought their purveyance full fine.
This awfull king gart two Heraulds he brought,
[...]ave them command in all the haste they mought,
To charge Wallace that he should come him
Without promise, and put him in his will
Because I wot he is a gentle man,
Come in my grace, and I shall save him th [...]
As for his life, I will upon me take:
And after this, if he will service make,
Shall have wage that may him well suffice
That Revald wéens, for he hath done supp [...]
To my people, oft upon adventure,
Against me, that he may long endure,
To this profer gain-standing if he be,
Mere I avow, he shall be hanged hie.
The young Squyer was brother to Fehew,
Thought he would go disguised to persue.
Wallace to sée that took so high a part,
Born sister son he was to King Edwart.
A coat of Armes he took on him but made,
With the Herauld full privily forth rade,
To Tinto hill without ten residence,
Where VVallace lay with his folk at defence
A likely hoast, as of so few they fand,
To him they sought, and would no longer [...]
If ye be he that ruleth all this thing,
Credence we have brought from our worthy
Then VVallace caus'd thrée Knights unto him
Then read the writ in presence of them all.
To them he said, Answer ye shall not crave,
By word or writ, which likes you best to ha [...]
In writ they said, it were the likeliest,
Then VVallace thus began to dyte in haste.
¶ Thou river king thou chargest me through case
That I should come, and put me in thy grace:
If I gain-stand, thou heightest to hang me,
I vow to God, and ever I may take thee,
[...]ou shalt be hanged an example to give,
[...] King of reif, as long as I may live.
[...]ou proffers me, of thy wages to have,
[...]hee defie, power and all the leave.
[...]hat helps thee here of thy stout Nation,
[...]ill God thou shalt be put from this Region.
[...] die therefore, contrare though thou handst sworn,
[...]ou shalt us see before nine hours to morn,
[...]ttel to give, mauger of all thy kin,
[...]r falsly thou seekest our Realm within.
This writ he gave the Herauld but mare,
[...] good reward he gart deliver him there,
[...]ut Jop knew well the Squyre young Fehem,
[...]nd told VVallace for he was very true.
[...] then commanded, that they should him take,
Himself began sore accusing to make.
[...]quyer he said, since thou hast feined Arms,
[...]n thée so shall fall some part of these harmes.
[...]ample to give to thy stout Nation,
[...]pon the hill be gart then set them down.
[...]troak off his head, ere be would further go,
To the herauld, said then, with [...]urten hot,
Because to armes thou art fals [...], and man sworn,
Throught thy chéek thy tongue shall be out-shorn.
When that was done, then to the third said he,
[...]mes to iudge thou shalt never graithly sée:
[...]e gart a Smith with a turkesse right there,
[...]ull out his eyes, then gave him leave to fare,
[...]o your salse King, thy fellow shalt thee lead,
With this answer, turse him his Nevoyes head.
Thus sore I dread, the King, and all his heast,
[...]is d [...]nb fellow [...]ed him into the b [...]ast.
When King Edward his Heraulds thus had séen,
[...]n proper [...] he grew near wood for [...]éen.
That he wist not in what wise him to wrake [...]
For sorrow almost, on word he could not sp [...]
A long while he stood, writhing in a rage,
On loud he said, This is a fell outrage.
This déed to Scots full it sore shall be bought
So despightfull in world was never wrought,
From this Region I think not for to ga [...]g,
Till time that I shall see this Rebel hang,
I let him thus insyte and sorrow dwell,
Of the good Scots shortly I will you tell.
Forth from his men then VVallace talked [...]
To him he called Sir John Tinto the Knif [...]
And let him wot to visie he would go,
The English boast, and bade him tell no mo [...]
What ever they spiered, till that he come ag [...]
Wallace disaguised, thus bowned he over plai [...]
Betwixt Cutler, and Bigger as he past,
He was [...] where a work man came fast,
Priving a Mare, and Pitchers for to sell,
Good friend, he said, in truth wilt thou me [...]
With this Chauffray where p [...]sselt thou tr [...]
To any place, who liketh for to buy.
It is my craft, and I would sell them fain, [...]
I will them buy, to God me help from pain [...]
What price, let bear, I will have them ilk an [...]
But half a mark, for such price have I taner a [...]
Twenty shillings, VVallace said, thou shalt ha [...]
I will have have Mary, Pitchers and all the lave [...]
Thy Gown and Hose, in hast pur thou off syn [...]
And make of change, for I shall give thée mine
And thine old Hood, because it is thrée bare,
The man wéen'd well he had scorned him th [...]
Thou tarry nought, it is sooth that I say:
The man cuist off his feeble wéed of gray,
And VVallace his, then payed silver in hand,
[...]asse on, he said, thou art a had Merchand,
[...]he Grown and Hose, the clay that clagged was,
[...]he bood hekled, and then made him to passe:
[...]he whip he took, and forth the Mare can call,
[...]tour the Bray the upmost pot gart fall:
[...] take on the ground: the man lengh at his fare,
[...]ut thou beware thou tines of thy Chauffare:
[...]he Sun by that was passed out of sight,
[...]he day was gone, and coming was the night,
[...]ongst the Sutheron full busily be past,
[...] either side his eyes he can well cast:
[...]w Lords lay and had their lodging made,
[...]e pavilion where that the Leopards bade:
[...]ying full fast where his avail might be:
[...] could well wink, and look up with one eye,
[...]me scorned him, some glayd carle call'd him there,
[...]rieved they were of their Heraulds misfare.
[...]me asked of him, How he sold of the best,
[...] four pennies, he said, while they may lest.
[...]me brake a part, some pricked at his eye,
[...]lace slaid out privately, and let them be,
[...] to the hoste again he passed right,
[...] men by then had tane Tinto the Knight:
[...] John the Graham gart bind him wonder fast,
[...] he wist well he was with Wallace last.
[...]ne bade burn him, some hang him in a cord,
[...]ey swore that he deceived had their Lord:
[...]lace by this was entred them among,
[...] him he yéed, and would not tarry long:
[...]en he gart lowse him out of these bands so new,
[...] said, he was both sober, wise, and true.
Supper soon bowned, but more abade,
[...] told to them what market he had made.
[...] how that he that Sutheron saw full well.
Sir John the Graham displeased was some dear,
And said to him, Nor Chistain-like it was,
Through wilfulnesse in such perill to passe.
Wallace answered, ere we win Scorland frée,
Both ye and I in perill more must be,
And many other, the which full worthy is,
Now of one thing we do some part in misse:
A little sleep I would fain that we had,
With you men then look how we may us glad:
The worthy Scots took good rest while near day
Then rose they up, t'array soon ordained they,
The hill is left, and to a plain are gane,
Walace himself the vanguard first hath tane:
With him was Boyd and Auchinleck but dread,
With a thousand of worthy men in wéed.
As many then in the middle ward put he,
Sir John the Graham he gart their leader be.
With young Adam the Lord of Richartoun,
Which doughty was, and als of great renown.
The third thousand in rere-ward he dight:
To Walter gave of Newbigging the Knight.
With him Tinto that doughty was indéed,
And David, son to Sir Walter to lead:
Behind them near the Foot-men gart he be,
And bade them bide, while they their time mi [...]
Ye want weapons, and harnesse in this tide,
The first counter ye may not them abide:
VVallace caus'd soon the Chiftain to him call,
His charge he gave, for chance that may be fall
To take no heed to gear, nor yet pillage,
For they will flée as vvood men in a rage:
Win first the men, the goods then ye may [...]
And take no tent of covetise to crave:
Through covetise men lose both goods and [...]
I you command forbear such in our strife:
[...]ok ye save none, Lord, Captain or yet Knight,
[...]or vvorship vvork, and for your Elders right:
[...]d blesse us all, that vve in our voyage,
[...]t this stour folk out of our heritage:
[...]hen they inclined all vvith a good will,
[...]s plain command they height it to fulfill:
[...] the great hoast the parties can forth draw,
[...]ming to them out of the South they saw,
[...]ree hundreth men into their Armour clear,
[...]e gainest way to them approached near:
Wallace said soon, these are no Englishmen,
[...]r by this hoast the gates full well they ken:
[...]m Haliday those men he guided right,
[...]m Annandale he had led them that night.
[...] two good sons Johnftoun and Rutherfurd,
Wallace was blyth when that he heard that word:
[...]bbas vvas the lave of that good Chevalry,
[...]ane came there into their company,
[...] Kirk-patrick before in Eskdale was:
[...]ing they vvhere in VValace hoast to passe:
[...]e English watch that might had béen on steir,
[...]w to their horse, right as the day can peir:
[...]ace knew vvell (for he before had séen)
[...]e Kings pavilion, where it had busked béen:
[...]n with rich horse the Scots upon them rade,
[...]he first counter so great abasing made,
[...]t all the hoast astonisht at that sight,
[...] many one derfly to death they dight:
[...]l of them then were out of their array,
[...] more awful, and hasty was the fray:
[...] noise was hudge, through stroaks that they dang,
[...] rumour rose so rudely them among:
[...]t all the hoast was then in point to flée,
[...] wise Lords, from they the perill sée:
[...] fellon fray als raised was about,
And how their King stood in so meikle doubt.
To his Pavilion full many thousand sought:
Him to rescue by any way they mought.
The Earle of Kent that night waking bad béen,
With five thousand of men in armour kéen.
About the King full suddenly they gang,
And trust him well the assaylie was right stran [...]
All Wallace folk in use of war was good,
Into the stour soon lighted where they stood:
Whomsoever they hit no harnesse might them
Fra they on foot assembled with swords dint:
Of manhood they in hearts full cruel was,
They thought to win, or never hence to passe
Feill Englishmen before the King they slew,
Sir John the Graham came with his power new
Among the hoast, vvith the middle-ward he r [...]
Great martyrdome on Sutheron men they made
The Kere-ward they set on so hardily,
With Newbigging, and all their Chevalry.
Pavilion ropes they cutted all in sunder.
Born to the ground, and many smoored under.
The foot-men came, the which I spake of aire
On frayed folk vviwth stroaks fad and sare.
Though they before vvanted both horse and [...]
Enough they got, vvhat they vvould weal to
The Scots power then altogether were,
The Kings pavilion brimly down they bear
The Earle of Kent with a good Are in hand,
Into the stour full stourly he could stand,
Before the King, making a great debate,
Who best did then, he had the highest state.
The fellon stour so stalwart vvas and strong
Thereto continued marveilous and long.
VValace himself full sadly could persue,
And at a stroak the chief Captain he stew.
The Sutheron folk fled fast and durst not bide,
Norsed their King, and off the field can rice,
Against his will, he vvas full loath to flée,
Yet in that time he had no vvill to die.
Of his best men thrée thousand there vvere dead,
Ere he could find to flée, and leave that stead:
Twenty thousand fled vvith him in a stail,
The Scots got horse, and followed the battell:
Through Culter hope, before they wan the hight,
Feill Sutheron folk were marred in the night.
Plain by the gate, as their King fled away,
But fair and bright, and right clear vvas the day:
The Sun risen, shining over hill and dale,
Then VVallace cast what vvas his best avail:
The fléeing folk that off the field first past,
Into their King again assembled fast:
From either side so many assembled there,
Then VVallace would not follow them na mare:
Before he rade, gart his folk turn again,
Of Englishmen seven thousand there were slain:
Then Wallace Hoast again to Bigger rade,
Where Englishmen great purveyance had made:
The Iewalrie as they wee hither led,
[...]abilions and all they left when as they fled.
Th e Scots got gold, good gear, and other wage,
Believed they were that parted that pillage.
[...]o meat they went with great mirth and pleasance
They spared not King Edwards purveyance:
With solace then a little sléep they took,
Private watch he gart among them look.
Two Cooks there sell, their lives then for to save,
With dead Corses, which lay about the grave.
When they saw well the Scots-men were at rest,
Out of the field to steal, they thought it best.
[...]ll low they crapt, till they were out of sight,
After the Hoast, then ran in all their might:
When that the Scots had ssée ped but a vvhile,
Then rose then up, for Wallace dreaded guil.
He said to them, the Sutheron may persue,
Again to us, for they are folk anew:
Where Englishmen provision make in wear,
It is full hard to do them meikle dear.
On this plain field we will no them abide,
To some good place my purpose is to ride:
The purveyance that left was in that stead,
To Roppis Bogge he gart servants it lead.
With ordinance that Sutheron brought on there,
He with his Hoast to David Shaw can fare:
Where they remained a great part of the day,
Of Englishmen yet something will I say:
As King Edward through Cutler hop is sought,
When he perceived the Scors followed nought.
In Johns Grave he gart his boast bide still,
Feill fleeing folks assembled soon him till.
When they were met, the King near wared m [...]
For his dear kin, that he there losed had,
His two Emes into the field were stain,
His second son that meikle was of main:
His brother Hew was killed there full cold,
The Earle of Kent that cruel was and bold:
With great worship took dead before the King,
For him he mourned so long as he might reign:
At this sembly as they in for row stand,
The two Cooks soon came in at his hand:
And told to him how they escaped were,
The Scots all as swyne lyes drunken there.
Of your vvight vvine ye gart us thither lead,
Full well ye may be venged of their dead:
Vpon their lives, is sooth that vve you tell,
Keturn again, ye shall find them your sell:
He blamed them, and said, No vvit it vvas,
That he again for such a tale should passe.
Their Chiftain is right marveilous in vvear,
From such perill he can them vvell forbear:
For to seek more as now I vvill not ride,
Our meat is losed, therefore vve may not bide:
The hardy Duke of Longcastle and Lord,
Saveraign, he said, to out counsel concord:
If this be true vve may the more avail,
We may them vvin, and make but light travel:
Were yon folk dead, that now against us stand,
Then néed vve not for meat to live the land:
The King answered, I vvill not ride again,
As at this time, my purpose is in plain:
The Duke said, Sir, if ye determined be,
To move you more effeirs not unto me:
Command your power again vvith me to vvend,
And I of this shall sée the final end.
Ten thousand vvhole he charged for to ride,
Here is the strength, all night I shall you bide,
We may get meat of bestial in this land,
[...]eod drink as new vve may not bring in hand.
Of Westmurland the Lord had met him there,
On with the Duke he grai thed him to fare:
At the first stroak with them he had not béen,
With him he led a thousand well beseen:
And Pickard Lord was with a thousand bown,
Of King Edward he kéeped Calice town.
These twelve thousand into the town can fare,
The two Captains soon met them at Bigger,
With the whole stuff of Roxburgh and Berwick,
Sir Rauf Gray saw that they were Sutheron like,
Out of the south approached to their sight,
He knew full vvell vvith him it vvas not right.
Aymer Wallange with his power came als,
King Edwards man, a tyrant knight and false.
When they were met, they found not else then
But dead Corses, and they were spoiled bare:
Then marvelled they where the Scots should be,
Of them about appearance they could not sée.
But spyes them told that came vvith Sir Aymer,
In David shaw they saw them make repare.
Then feill Sutheron soon passed to that place,
The watch was ware, and told it to VVallace.
He warned the Hoast out of the town to ride,
In Ropis Bog he purposed to bide.
A little shaw upon the one side was,
That men on foot out of the Bog might passe.
The horse they left into that little hold,
On foot they thought the Mosse that they should h [...]
The English hoast had well their passage seen,
And followed fast with cruel men and keen.
They trow'd that Bog might make them little v [...]
Grown over vvith risp, and all the swaird vvas [...]
On them to ride they ordained with great yre,
Of the formost a thousand in the myre.
Of horse with men are plunged in the déep,
The Scots of their coming took good kéep.
Vpon them set with stroaks sad and sare,
Yéed none away of all that entred there.
Light men on foot upon them derfly dang,
Feill under horse was smoored in that thrang.
Stamped in Mosse, and with rude horse ov'rgane,
The worthy Scots the dry-land then have tane.
Vpon the leave fighting full wonder fast,
And many groom they made full sore agast,
The Englishmen that busie were in wear,
Assayled sore them from the Mosse to bear.
On either side, but then it was not boot,
The strength they held right awfully on foot:
To men and horse gave many grievous wound,
Feil to the death they sticked in that stound:
The Pikard Lord assyled sharply there,
Vpon the Grahame with stroaks sad and sare:
[...]ir John the Graham with a stiff sword of stéel,
His bright byrneis he peirced every deal:
Through all the stuff and sticked him in that stead
Thus o his oint the bold Pikard was dead:
The English boast took plain part for to flée,
In their returning the Scots gart many die.
Vallace would fain at the Vallange have béen,
Of Westmoreland the Lord was them betwéen.
Vallace on him he set an awful dint,
Through Basnet & stuff, that no stéel might out stint,
[...]efly to death be left him in that place,
[...]o that false Knight escaped through this case:
Godd Robert Boyd hath with a Captain met,
Of Berwick then, an sad stroak on him set:
Overthort the craig, and carved the pesane,
Through all his wéed in sunder strake the bane.
Feil horsemen fleed fast and durst not adide,
[...]ebuted evil, unto the King they ride,
The Duke him told of all his iourney hail,
[...]is heart for yre boldned in bitter bail.
[...]ighly he thought he should never London sée,
[...]n Wallace, déed, while he revenged be,
[...]r lose his mén again, as he did aire,
Thus south he sought with great sorow and care:
Then at the Kirk a little tarry made,
Then through the land over Sulway fast the rade:
The Scots hoast a night remained still,
Vpon the morne they spoiled with good will,
The dead corps carried to Braidwood was with care
[...] a Counsel three dayes they soiourn'd there,
[...]t the Forrest Kirk a méeting ordained he,
They choosed Wallace Scots warden for to be:
Trusting he should their painfull sorrow cease,
He received all that would come in his peace.
Sir William came that Lord of Dowglas was,
Forsook Edward, at Wallace peace can ask:
In that thirlage he would no longer be,
Tribute before to England payed he.
In contrare Scots with them he never rade,
Far better chear Wallace therefore him made:
Thus treated he and chirist wonder fair,
True Scotrishmen chat fewry made him there.
And gave full greatly feill goods that he wan,
He spared it nought to no good Scottishmen,
Who would revel, and go contrare the right,
He punisht sore were be Squyer or Knight,
Thus marveilously good Wallace took in hand,
Likely he was, right fare and well farrand,
Manly and stour, and there with liberal,
Pleasant and wise in all good general.
To slay forsooth Sutheron be spared nought,
To Scottishmen full great profit he wrought,
In to the South forsooth then passed he,
As him best thought he ruled that Countrey.
Sheriffs he made that cruel was and kéen,
And Captains of true wise Scots men,
From Gamylispath the land obeyed him hail,
To Ur water both strength for rest and dail,
Against him in Galloway house was none,
Except Wigtoun bigged of lyme and sto [...]e,
That Captain heard the rule of Wallace,
Away by sea he stole out of that place:
Leaved all waste and could to England wend,
But Wallace soon a kée per to it send:
A good Squyer, and to name he was cald,
Adam Gordoun, as the story me tald.
A Strength there was at the water of Cree,
Within a Rock right stalwart wrought of trée,
[...] gate before, no man might to it win,
But the consent of them that dwelt therein.
[...]n the backside a rock and water was,
[...] strait entry forsooth there was to passe:
To vi [...]e it Wallace himself soon went,
[...]ra he it saw, he cast in his intent
[...]o win the hold, he hath chosen a gate,
[...]hat they within should make little debate,
[...]is power vvhole he gart bide out of sight,
[...]ut thrée with him, while time that it was night,
Then took two vvhen that the night was dim,
[...]even of Ireland, and Keirly that could clim:
[...]p soon they went against that Rock so strong,
Thus entered they the Sutheron men among:
The watch before took no héed to that side,
These thrée in feir soon to the Porter glide:
[...]ood Wallace then stroak the Porter himsell,
[...]ead over the Rock into the Dyke he fell:
[...]et down the bridge, and blew the horn on hight,
The bushment brake, and came in all their might:
[...] their own will soon entred in that place,
[...] Englishmen they did full little grace.
[...]xty they slew, in that place was no mo,
[...]ut an old Priest, and simple women two:
[...]reat purve yance vvas in that Rock to spend,
Wallace staid still while it vvas at an end.
[...]ak down she strength, both bridge and bulwark all,
[...]at over the rock they gart the timber fall:
[...]nder the gate, and vvould no longer bide,
[...] Carrick then they bowned them to ride:
[...]sted them not but soberly can fare,
[...] Turneburie: that Captain was of Aire.
With Lord Persie to take his counsel hail,
Wallace purpose that place for to assail:
A woman told when the Captain was gone,
Good men of fence into that stéed was none:
They filled the dyke with earth and timber hail
Then fired the house, no succour might avail:
A Priest there was, and gentle women therein,
Which in their manner made hideous noise and
Mercy they cryed, for him that died on trée,
VVallace gart slaik the fire and let them be.
To make defence, no moe was leaved there,
He them commanded out of the land to sare:
Spoiled the place, and spilt all that they mought
Vpon the morn to Cumnok soon they sought.
To Lanerk then, and set a time of Aire,
Misdoers feil he gart be punisht there.
To the good true men be gave a noble wage,
His brothers sons put to their heritage.
To black Craig of Cumnok past again,
His houshold set with men of meikle main.
Thrée moneth there he dwelt into good rest,
The subtile Sutheron found well it was the best,
Trews to take for to eschew a chance,
To further this they sent for Knight Wallange:
Bothwell yet that treature kee ped still,
And Aire all whole was at Lord Persies will.
Through great supply of the Captain of Aire,
The Bishop Beik in Glasgow he dwelt there:
Earle of Standfurd was Chancellar of England,
With Sir Aymer this traiture took on hand:
To procure peace by any manner of case,
A safe conduct they purchast of VVallace:
In Ruglane Kirk the tryst there qave they set,
And promise made to méet Wallace but let,
The day of this approached wonder fast,
The great Chancellar and Aymer thither past.
Then VVallace came, and his men well beseen,
With him fifty arrayed all in gréen:
[...]ik ane of them a how and arrow bare,
With long swords, the which full sharply share,
Within the Kirk so soon he entred had,
Into his prayer he past but more abade::
Then up he rose, and to his tryst he went,
And his good men full cruel of intent,
[...]n yre he grew that traitour when he saw,
The Englishmen of his face stood great aw:
Wit ruled him, that he did none outrage,
The Erle beheld fast to his hie courage:
For thought some part that he came to that place,
Greatly abased for the volt of his face:
[...]ir Aymer said, This spéech ye must begin,
He will not how to no Prince of your Kin.
[...]ll ordered ye are, I trust ye may speak well,
For all England he will not break a deal.
His safe conduct where he makes a band,
The Chancellar then profered him his hand:
Wallace stood still, and could no hands take
Friendship to them no likelinesse would make:
[...]ir Aymer said: Wallace ye understand,
This is is a Lord, and Chancellar of England,
To salute him ye may by proper skill:
Without short advise he made him answer till.
[...]uch saluting I use to Englishmen,
[...]o shall they have where ever I may them ken:
Tt my power, that make I God avow,
Out of the conduct if that I had him now:
But for my life and all my land so braid,
[...] will not break the promise that is made:
[...] had rather at mine own will have thée,
Without conduct, that I might wroken he,
Of thy false déed, thou doest in this Region,
Than of pure Gold, a King vvith his ransome,
But for my band I will as novv let be:
Chancellar, say forth, what ye desire of me,
The Chancellar said, the most part of this thing.
To procure peace, I am sent from the King.
Wit the great seal, and voice of his Parliament
What I bind here, our Barnage shall consent.
Wallace answered, Over little mends we have,
Then of our right ye occupy the lave:
Quite-clame our Land, and vve shall not deny,
The Chancellar said, of no such charge have I.
We vvill give Gold, ere our purpose should fail,
Then Wallace said, in vvaste is that travel:
We ask no Gold by favour of your Kin
In vvar of you we take vvhat vve may vvin,
Abased he vvas to make answer again,
Wallace said, Sir, vve iangle all in vain:
My counsel gives, I vvill no fable make,
As for an finall peace now to take.
Not for my self, that I bind your seal,
I cannot trow that ever you vvill be leal.
But poor folk that greatly have béen supprised,
I vvill take peace, while further ye be advised.
Then bound they thus, there should be no debate,
Castles and towns should stand in their ilk state:
From that day forth, while a year was at end,
Sealed this peace, and took their leave to wend.
Wallace from them passed into the West,
Made plain repare where that him liked best:
Yet sore he dread that they should him deceive,
The Indentour to Sir Rannald he gave.
His dear Vncle, where it might kéeped he,
In Cumnock then to his dwelling vvent he.
The end of the sixth Book.


CHAP. I. How Wallace burnt the Earnes of Aire, and put Bishop Beik out of Glasgow, and slew the Lord Persie.

IN Frebruare befell the samine case,
That Englishmen took trews with Wallace:
This passeth over, till March away was sought,
The Englishmen cast all the wayes they mought,
With subtile and vvicked conclusion,
The worthy Scots to put to confusion.
Vnto April the King of England came,
[...]n Cumberland, to Pumfret from his home:
Vnto Carlil to a counsel he yéed,
Whereof the Scots might have full meikle dread:
any Captains that were of England born,
[...]hither they past, sembled the King besorn,
[...]o Scots man to counsel was there cald,
[...]ut Sir Aymer that traitour was of ald:
[...]him they spiered, How they should take in hand,
[...]he righteous blood to stroy out of Scotland:
[...]r Aymer said, their Chiftain can well do,
[...]ght wise in war, and bath great power too?
[...]nd now this trews gives them such hardement,
[...]hat to your faith they will not all consent:
[...]ut would ye do right as I can you lear,
[...]his peace to them it should be sold full dear.
[...]en déemed he the fierce Sutheron among,
[...]w they best might the Scots Barons hang:
[...]ur great barns at that time stood in Aire,
[...]rought for the King, when his bigging was there,
Bigged about that no man enter might,
But one at once, nor have of other sight:
A Iustice made which was o [...] meikle main,
There ordained they these Lords should be slai [...]
The Lord Persie of this matter they laid.
With sad advise again to them he said,
These men with me have kéeped truth so lang,
Deceitfully I may not sée them hang:
I am their foe, and warn will I them nought,
So I be quite, I care not what be wrought:
From thence I will, and toward Glasgow draw.
With our Bishop to hear of his new law.
Then choosed they a Iustice fierce and fell,
Which Arnulf height, as mine Author will tell
Of South-Hampton he height both heir and Lord,
He undertook to pine them wich a cord:
An other Air in Glasgow ordained they,
For Cliddisdall men to stand the self-same day.
Then charged them in alwayes earnestly,
By no kin mean Wallace should scape them by:
For well they wist, and these men were overt [...]
They might at will brook Scotland as their ow [...]
This Band they closed under their Seals full
They sought over mure again King Edwards p [...]
The new Iustice received was in Aire,
The Lord Persie can unto Glasgow fare:
This Air was set in June the eightéen day,
And plainly cryed, no frée men were away.
The Scots marvelled, and peace tane in the la [...]
Why Englishmen such ma [...]tery took in hand:
Sir Rannald set a day before this Air,
At Monktoun Kirk, his friends to méet him the
William VVallace unto the tryst can passe,
For he as then Warden of Scotland was,
Thus Master John a worthy Clerk was there.
[...] is Kin he charged to bide from that Air,
[...]ight vvell he vvist fra Persie left that land,
[...]reat perill was to Scots appearand.
Wallace from them into the Kirk he yéed,
[...]ter noster he said, and als a Creed:
[...]hen to the Grece leaned him soberly,
[...]pon a sléep he fell full suddenly:
[...]eland followed, and saw him fall on sléep,
[...]e made no noise, but vvisely couth him keep:
[...]n that slumber coming he thought he saw,
stalward man that toward him couth draw:
[...]on by the hand he hint him hastily,
[...] am he said in voyage charged to shée:
sword him gave of burely burnisht steel,
[...]ood son, he said, this sword thou shalt-brook vvell.
[...]f Lopaston he thought the Plummat vvas,
[...]oth hilt and all glittering as the glasse:
[...]ear son he said, vve carry here too long,
[...]hou shalt go sée vvhere vvrought is meikle vvrong.
[...]hen he him led to a mountain on hight:
[...]he vvorld he thought he might sée at one sight:
[...]e left him there, and then from him he vvent,
[...]hereof VVallace studied in his intent:
[...]o sée him there he had full gréat desire,
[...]herewith he saw begin a fellon fire,
Which braithly burnt broadly out through the land,
[...]otland all over, from Rosse to Sulwaysand.
Then soon to him descended there a Queen,
[...]luminate, light, shining full bright and sheen.
[...]n her presence appeared so meikle light,
That all the fire she put out of his sight:
[...]ave him a vvand of colour red and green,
With a Saphyre sayned his face and éene:
Welcome, she said, I choose thee to my love,
Thou art granted by the great God above:
To help people that suffer meikle wrong:
With thée as now I may not tarry long.
Thou shalt return to thine own Hoast again,
Thy dearest Kin are here in meikle pain.
This right Region thou must redéem it all,
Thy last reward on earth shall be but small:
Let not therefore, take redresse of this misse,
To thy reward thou shall have heavens blisse.
Of her right hand she betaught him a book,
Humbly thus her leave then she took:
Vnto the clouds ascended out of sight,
Wallace took up the book in all his might:
In thrée parts the Book well written was,
The first letters were grosse letters of Brasse,
The second Gold: the third fine Silver shéen,
Wallace marvelled what this writing should me
To read the Book he busted him so fast,
His sprit again to weakening mind it past:
And in the rose, then suddenly forth went,
This Clerk he found, and told him his intent,
Of him vision, as I have said before,
Compleatly forth, what néeds words more:
Dear son, he said, my wit unable is,
To ratifie such for dread I say a misse:
Yet I will déem, though my cunning be small,
God grant that no charge after my words fall,
That stalward man gave thée that sword in ha [...]
Fergus it was, first winner of Scotland.
That mountain is where he thée had on hight,
Knowledge to have of wrong which thou must,
That fire shall be feill tydings ere ye part,
Which will be told in many sundry Art:
I cannot wot what Quéen that, that will be,
But it be Fortune, a Lady whiles right frée:
The pretty wand, A trow by mine intent,
[...]tokens rule, and cruel Chastisement.
[...]e red colour who graithly understood,
[...]tokens all to great battel and blood:
[...]e gréen, Courage, that thou art now among,
[...] trouble and war thou shalt continue long:
[...]e Saphyre stone she blessed thée withall,
[...] happy thance, will God shall to thée fall.
[...]e thrée fold Book is but this broken land,
You must redéem by worthinesse of hand,
[...]e brasse letters betoken but to this,
[...]e great oppresse of war, and meikle misse:
[...]e which thou shalt bring to the right again,
[...]t thou therefore must suffer meikle pain:
[...]e Gold betokens honour and worthinesse,
[...]or in armes, manhood in noblenesse:
[...]e silver shows clean life and heavens blisse
[...] thy revbard, that mirth thou shalt not misse.
[...]ead not therefore, be out of all despair,
[...]rther as now hereof I can no mair:
[...] thanked him, and thus his leave hath tane:
[...] Corsbie then with his Vncle rade hame.
[...]ith mirths thus all night soiourned there,
[...]on the morn they graithed them to the Air,
[...]d forth they rade, till they came to Kincace,
[...]ith dreadful heart thus speired good Wallace,
[...] Sir Rannald for their Charter of peace,
[...] boy, he said, these words are no lies:
[...]s leaved at Corsbie in the Kist,
[...]bere thou it laid, thereof none other wist:
[...]llace answered, God we it here to shaw,
[...]d they be false, we shall not enter aw:
[...]ar son, he said, I pray thée passe again,
[...]ough thou would send, thy travel were in vain.
[...]t thou or I, none can it bring this tide,
[...]eat grace it was made him again to ride.
Wallace returned, took none with him but
None of them knew of this Indentour but
Vnhap him led, forbid him could he nought
Of false deceit this good Knight had no thou
Sir Rannald rade but resting to the town,
Witting nothing of all this false treason:
That wicked Sign so ruled that Planet,
Saturn as then was in his highest state.
Above Juno in his melancholy,
Jupiter and Mars ay cruel of envy:
Saturn as then advanced his nature,
Of tyrannie he power had and cure:
Rebels rules in many frée Nation,
Troublous weather makes many ships to dr [...]
His dreiching was with Pluto in the sea,
As of the land full of iniquity.
He wakens war full of Pestilence,
Filling of vvals vvith cruel violence:
Poyson is rife amongst those other things,
Sudden staughter of Emperours and Kings.
When Sampson pulled to the ground the pillar
Saturn was then into his highest Sphear.
At Thebes als of his power they tell,
Amphiaraus sank through the earth to hell:
Of the Trojan he had full meikle cure,
When Achilles at Troy slew good Hecture,
Burdeous shent, and many Cities moe,
His power yet hath no hap to hoe:
In broad Britain feill vengeance hath béen s [...]
Of this, and more, ye vvot vvell vvhat I m [...]
But to this house that stalwart was and str [...]
Sir Rannald came, and might not tarry lon [...]
A balk was knit all full or ropes kéen,
Such a Toll-booth since then was never sée [...]
Strong men were set the entry for to hald,
[...]one might win in, but one as they were cald:
[...]r Rannald first, to make fewty for his land,
[...]e Knight went in and would no langer stand.
[...]unning cord they stipped over his head,
[...]rd to the balk, and hanged him to the dead.
[...] Brice the Blair next after in he past,
[...]nto the death they hasted him full fast:
[...] he had entred, his head was in the snare,
Sit to the balk, hanged to death right there,
[...]e third entred, great pity was for thy,
[...]gentle Knight, Sir Neill Montgomery:
[...]d other feill of landed men about,
[...]any went in, but no Scots man came out.
[...] Wallace part they put to that derf dead,
[...]any Crawfurds, so ended in that stead:
[...] Carrick men Kennedies they slew als,
[...]d kind Campbels that never had bée false.
[...]ey rebelled not against their righteous Crown,
[...]heron for they put them to confusion.
[...]kleys, Boydes, and Stewards of good kin,
[...] Scot escaped that time that entred in:
[...]on the balk they hanged many pair,
[...]stde them dead, in a nook cuist them there:
[...]nce the first time that any war was wrought,
[...] such a death so many yéed there nought.
[...]on one day through cursed Saxons séed,
[...]ngeance of this out through the Kinred yéed:
[...]anted it was from the great God of heaven,
[...] ordained that law should be there steven,
[...] the false Saxons, for their false iudgement,
[...]heir wichkednesse over all the world is went:
[...] noble men that are of Scottish kind,
[...]eir piteous death ye kéep it in your mind,
[...]d us revenge, when we are set in throng,
[...] loue it is hereon to tarry long.
Thus eightéen score derfly to death they dight
Of Barons hold and many worthy Knight:
When they had slain the worthiest was there,
For weak people no longer they would spare,
Into the gairth cust them out off that stead,
As they were born, spoiled bare and dead.
Good Robert Boyd into the Tavern yéed,
With twenty men that doughty were indéed,
Of Wallace house, full cruel of intent,
He governed them, when Wallace was absent:
Keirly returned with his Master again,
Cleland and Boyd that meikle was of main.
Steven of Ireland went forth into the stréet,
A true woman full soon with him could méet:
He spiered at her, What happened in the Aire,
Sorrow she said, is nothing else there,
Fearedly she said, Alace, where is Wallace?
From us again he passed at Kincace.
Go warn his folk, and charge them off the town,
To kéep himself I shall be ready bown.
With her as then no more tarry he made,
To his fellows he went withoutten bade:
And to them told of all this great misfare,
To Laglane wood they bowned withoutten maire.
By that Wallace was coming wonder fast,
For his friends he was full sore agast:
Vnto the Barn sadly he could persue,
To enter in, for he no peril knew:
This true woman upon him loud can call,
O feirs Wallace, feill tempest is be fall.
Our men are slain, great pity is to sée,
As bestial hounds hanged over a trée:
Our true Barons by two and two past in,
Wallace wéeped for great Iosse of his Kin:
That with unease upon his horse be bade,
[...]ore for the speir to this woman he rade:
[...]ear Nice, he said, if thou the truth can tell,
[...]s mine Eme dead, or how the case befell:
Out of you Barn forfooth I saw him born,
Naked lay, low, and cold earth him befoen:
[...]is frosty mouth I kissed in that stead,
[...]ight now manlike, now bare and brought to dead:
And with a cloath I covered his Lichame,
For in his life he did never woman shame.
[...]is sister son thou art, worthy and wight,
[...]evenge his death, for Gods sake at thy might:
[...]ls I shall help, as I am woman true,
[...]ear wight he said, great God if that thou knew,
Good Robert Boyd, where ever thou can him sée,
William Crawford als if he living be,
Adam Wallace would help me in this strife,
I pray to God to send them all on life.
For Gods sake bid them soon come to me,
The Iustice Innes thou spy for charity:
And in what feir that they their lodging make,
Soon after that we shall our purpose take:
Into Laglane which hath their succour béen,
[...]due Market, and welcome woods gréen:
Hereof as then to her he spake na mare,
His bridle turned, and from her can he fare.
Such mourning made for his dear worthy Kin,
He thought for bail, his breast near burst in twin.
As he thus rade in great anger and téen,
Of Englishmen there followed him fiftéen:
Wight wailed men, that toward him could draw,
With a Macer to teach him the Law:
Wallace returned in grief and matalent,
With his sword drawn, among them soon be went:
The middle of one he manked soon in two,
The other thereupon the head can ta.
The third he stroak, and through the cost him
The fourth to ground right derfly down he d [...]
The fift he hit in great yre in that stead,
Without rescue dreadlesse he left them dead.
Then his thrée men had slain the other five,
From them the lave escaped with their life.
Fled to their Lord, and told him of this case,
To Laglane wood then rode wight Wallace:
The Sutheron said, What one he hit right,
Without mercy dreadlesse to death was dight.
Marvel they had such strength in one should be,
One of their men at each stroak he gart die.
Then déemed they it should be Wallace wight,
To their language then answered an old Knight,
Forsooth he said, be he escaped this Air,
All your new déed is éeking of your care:
The Iustice said, when there such rumors rose,
Ye would be feared, and there came many foes,
That for one man, me think ye like to flée,
And wots not yet indéed if it be he:
And tho it were I count him but full light,
Who bides here, each gentleman shall be Knight
I think to deal their lands whole the morn,
To you about that are of England born.
The Sutheron drew to their lodging but mare,
Four thousand whole that night was into Aire.
In great Barns bigged without the town,
The Iustice lay with many hold Barron.
Then he gart cry about these waines wide,
No Scots Bearn among them there should bide:
To the C [...]stle he would not passe for ease,
But soiourned there [...]oo things that might him pl [...]
Great purveyance by sea was to them brought,
With Wine and Ale the best that could be boug [...]
No watch was set because they had no doubt,
[...]f Scots men that living was without.
[...]boured in mind they had béen all that day,
[...]f Ale and Wine chosen enough had they:
[...]s beast like folk took of themselves no kéep,
[...] their veins soon slaid the sloathful sléep:
[...]hrough foul gluttony in swair swapped like swine,
[...]heir Chiftain was great Bacchus god of wine:
[...]his vvise vvoman long time among them was,
[...]eill men she vvarned, and gart to Laglane passe,
[...]er self formost: when they with Wallace met,
[...]ome comfort then into his heart vvas set:
[...]hen he them saw be thanked God of might,
[...]ydings he asked, the woman told him right,
[...]eeping as swine are all you fierce meinie,
[...]o Scots man is you companie.
[...]hen Wallace said, If they all drunken be,
[...]all it best with fire them for to see.
[...]f good men three hundreth to him sought,
[...]he woman told thrée true Burgesses that brought,
[...]ut of the town both noble Ail and Bread,
[...]nd other stuff as meikle as they might lead:
[...]hey eat and drank the Scots men that mought,
[...]he Nobles then Iop hath to Wallace brought:
[...]dly he said, Dear friends now ye see,
[...]ur Kin are slain, therefore is great pity.
[...]hrough foul murther, the great despite is more,
[...]ow some remeed I vvould vve set therefore:
[...]uppose that I vvas made Warden to be,
[...]rt are away such charge is put to me.
[...]d ye are here come in of als good blood,
[...]d righteous born by adventure als good.
[...]s forward fair, als likely in person.
[...] ever I vvas, then for concluston:
[...]et us choose five of this good companie,
[...]en cavels cast who shall our master be.
Wallace and Boyd, and Crawford of renown,
And Adam als then Lord of Richertown,
His father then wes visied with sicknesse,
God had him tane into his lasting grace.
The fifth Auchialek in war a noble man,
Cavels to cast about the five began.
It would on him, for ought they would devise
Continually, while they had casten thrise:
Then Wallace rose, and out a sword can draw,
He said, I vow to the Maker of am:
And to Mary his Mother Virgin clear,
Mine Vncles death now shall be sold full dear,
With many moe of our dear worthy kin,
First ere I eat or drink, I shall begin:
For stewth or sléep shall never remain with me,
Of this tempest while I avenged be:
Then all inclined right humble of one accord,
And him received as their Chiftain and Lord:
VVallace a Lord he may be taken well,
Though rural folk thereof have little féel.
They déem no Lord, but lands be their part,
Had be the world, and be wretched in heart.
He is no Lord, but to the worthinesse,
It cannot be but fréedom, Lordlinesse,
At the Rods they make full many one,
Which worthy are yet lands have they none,
This discussing we leave Heraulds to end,
Vnto my matter briesly I will wend.
Wallace commanded a Burgesse for to get,
Fyne Calk enough, that his dear Nice might [...]
At ilk gate where Sutheron were on a raw,
And twenty men he gart soon widdies thraw.
Each man upon his armes a pair be threw,
Vnto the town full fast they can persue.
The woman past before him subtilly,
[...]alked each gate, they néeded not go by.
[...]hen fastened they the doors with widdies fast,
[...]o stapil and help with many sicker cast.
[...]allace gart Boyd near hand the Castle ga,
With fifty men a ieopardy to ma:
[...]f any escape the fire when that they saw,
[...]ll fast the gate he ordained them to draw:
The rest with him about the Barns yéed,
This true woman him served well indéed:
With Lint and Fire that hasty kendle would,
[...]n every nook they fastned blases bold:
Wallace commanded to all his men about,
[...]o Sutheron men that they should let break out,
What ever he be rescues of their Kin,
From the red fire, himself shall passe therein.
The lemand low soon lanched upon hight,
Forsooth he said, this is a pleasant sight:
[...]o our hearts it shall be some redresse,
Were these away, their power were the lesse.
Vnto the Iustice himself on loud can caw:
Let us to brough our men from your false law,
That living are, and scaped from your Air,
[...]eal not their land, the unlaw is oversair,
Thou had no right, it shall on thé be séen;
The rumour rose with careful cry and kéen:
The bailfire burnt right brimly upon loft,
The sléeping men their wakning was unsost.
The sight without was awful for to sée,
[...]n all the world no greater pain might be,
Than they within suffered for to dwell,
That ever was wrought, or Purgatory but hell,
[...] pain of hell, well near it may be call'd,
Made folk in fire hampered manisold.
[...]eill biggings burnt that worthy were and wight,
[...]ot none away, Knave, Captian, nor Knight.
When brands fell of roof-trees them among,
Some rudely rose in bitter pains and strong.
Some naked burnt, vvith belches all away,
Some never rose, but smoored where they lay.
Some rushed fast to Air, if they might win,
Blinded vvith fire, their deeds vvere full dim.
The réek filled with filth of Carion,
Among the fire right foul of infection:
The people beired like wood beasts in that tide,
Within the vvall ramping on either side:
Rumisht with rueth, and many griefly groan,
Some grimly grat, while their life dayes were
Some doors sought the entry for to get,
But Scots men so wisely them beset:
If any brake by adventure of that steid,
With swords soon brimed they were to dead.
Or else again by force driven in the fire,
There scaped none, but burnt bone and lyre:
The Scots abbored near hand them for to bide.
Yeed to the wind, and let them even alone,
While the red fire had not fierce blood over gon [...]
A Frier, Drumlaw was Pryer then of Aire,
Sevenscore with him that night took harbery the [...]
Into his Innes, for he might not them let,
While near mid-night a watch on them he let,
Himself woke well, vvhile he the fire saw rise,
Some mends he thought to take of that supprise.
His brethren seven soon to harnesse they yeed,
Himself Chiftain, the remanent to lead.
The best they waill of armour and goad gear,
Then vveapons took right awful in effear.
These eight Friers in thrée parts they go,
With swords drawn, in every house yéd two.
Soon entred in where Sutheron sleeping vvere,
[...]pon them set vvith stroaks sad sare:
Feil frieks there the Friers dang to dead,
Some nakes fled, and got out of that stead.
The vvater sought, abased out of sleep,
In the friers well that vvas both long and deep:
Feil of them fell, that broke out of that place,
Drownes to ground, and dead vvithoutten grace.
Slain and drowned vvas all that barbered there,
Men cals it yet, The Friers blessing of Aire.
Few folk of vail vvas lived upon case,
In the Castle Lord Persie from that place:
Before the Air from thence to Glasgow drew,
Of wine and stuff, it vvas to purvey, new.
Yet they vvithin saw the fire burning stout,
With short advise ishes and made no doubt.
The bushment then as vvarriours vvise and wight,
Let them alone, and to the house past right.
Boyd wan the Port, entred vvith all his men,
Keepers in it were left but nine of ten,
The formost soon himself seased in hand,
Made quite of him, then stew all that he fand:
Of purveyance in the Castle was none,
Short time before from it Persie was gone,
The Earl of Arnulf had perceived that bold,
Who in the town was burnt to powder cold.
Boyd gart remain of his men twenty still,
Himself vvent forth to wit of VVallace Will.
Keeping the town vvhile nought vvas lived there,
But the vvood fire and biggings burnt full hair.
Of likely men that were born of England,
By sword and fire, that night died five thousand.
When VVallace men vvere vvell together met,
Good friends, he said, ye know that there was set,
Such law as this now into Glasgow town,
The Bishop Beik and Persie of renown:
Therefore I will in hast ye thither fare,
Of our good Kin some part is losed there:
He gart soon the Burgesses to him call,
And gave command in general to them all:
An kéeping they should take the house of Aire,
And hold it whole, while time that me hear m [...]
To bide our King Castles I would we had,
Cast we down all, we may be déemed too bad:
They gart meat come, for he had fasted lang,
Little he took, then bowned him to gang:
Horse they choose that Sutheron had brought the
Anew at will, and off the town can fare.
Right wonder fast rode this good Chevalry,
Three hundreth whole was in that company,
To Glasgow bridge that higged was of trée,
Some passed over, ere Sutheron might them sée,
Lord Persie wight, that busie was in wear,
Sembled his men right awfull in essear.
Then déem'd they all that it was wight Wallace,
He had before escaped through many case:
The Bishop Beik and Persie that was wight,
A thousand led of men in Armes bright.
Wallace saw vvell vvhat number sembled there,
He made his men in two parts for to fare:
Graithed them well vvithout the towns end,
He called Auchinleck, for he the passage kend:
Vncle he said, be buffe in the vvear,
Whether vvill ye the Bishops tail up-hear,
Or passe before, and take his Bennison,
He answered him with right short provision:
Vnbishopped yet forfooth I trow ye be,
Your self shall first his blessing take for me,
For sickerly ye served it best to night,
To bear his tail we shall with all our might.
Wallace answered, since we must sundry gang,
[...]rill it is if ye hide from us lang:
[...]or you are men will not be soon agast,
[...]rom time we meet, for Gods sake hye you fast:
[...]ur sundering I would no Sutheron saw,
[...]ehind them come in through the North-east raw,
[...]ood men of vvar are in Northumberland,
[...]hey parted thus, took other by the hand:
[...]chinleck said, we shall do as vve may,
[...]e vvould like evil to bide ought long away,
[...] busteous stail betwixt us soon must be,
[...]ut to the right Almighty God have eye,
[...]am Wallace and Auchinleck was bown,
[...]benscore vvith them on backside of the town.
[...]ight fast they yéed, vvhile they vvere out of sight,
[...]he other part arrayed them full right.
[...]allace and Boyd the plain stréet up can go:
[...]he Sutheron marvelled because they saw no mo:
[...]heir Ensenzie cryed on the Prrsies side,
[...]ith Bishop Beik that boldly could abide:
[...] sore sembly vvas at their méeting séen:
[...]s fire from flint it fared them between.
[...]he hardy Scots right awfully them abade,
[...]rough feil to ground throgh wéedly was wel made:
[...]ierced plats with paints stiff of stéel,
[...]y force of band gart many cruel kneel,
[...]he strong stour rose, as smook about them fast,
[...]r mist through Sun up to the clouds-past:
[...]o help himself, each-one had meikle néed,
[...]et forward fast they preassed for to be,
[...]nd they on them, great vvonde [...] vvas to sée;
[...]he Persies men in war vvere used vvell,
[...]ight fiercely fought and sonzet not a deal.
[...]dam Wallace and Auchinclek came in,
[...] part of Sutheron right cruelly they twin.
Returned to them as noble men of wear,
The Scots got rowm, and many down they
The new Counter assayled them so fast,
Through Englishmen made stops at the last:
Then Wallace self into the fellon throng,
With his good sword that heavy was and [...]
At Persies face with a good will he bare,
Both hone and brain the frushed stéel through
Three hundreth men when Lord Persie was
Out of the gate the Bishop Beik they lead.
For then them thought it was no time to bi [...]
By the Frier Kirk, to a wood there beside:
In the Forrest forsooth they tarryed nought,
On fresh horse to Bothwel soon they sought.
VVallace followed with worthy men and wight
Forfoughten they were, and travelled all the
Yet feill they slew into that chase that day,
The Bishop self and good men got away:
Aymer Wallange rescued them in that place,
That Knight full oft did great harme to VVall [...]
Wallace began that night at ten houres in Air [...]
One day by nine in Glasgow sembled there:
By one afternoon at Bothwel yet he was,
Keproved Wallange, ere he would further pass [...]
Then turned again as witnesses well the boo [...],
To Dundaff rode, and there resting he took.
Told good Sir John of their tydings in Aire,
Great moan he made, he was not with them [...]
VValace soiourned in Dundaff at his will,
Five dayes out, till tydings came him till.
Out of the hight where good men were forl [...]
For Buchan rose, Athol, Menteith and Lorn.
Vpon Argile a fellon work they make,
For Edwards sake this they can undertake:
The Knight Campbel in Argile then was still,
[...]ith his good men against King Edwards will,
[...]d kéeped frée Lochow his heritage,
[...]t Mackfadyean did him great outrage.
[...]is Mackfadyean to Englishmen had sworn,
[...]ward gave to him both Argile and Lorn.
[...]lse John of Lorn to that gift can accord,
[...] England then he was new made a Lord:
[...]us falsely he gave over his heritage,
[...]d took at London of Edward a great wage:
[...]ncan of Lorn yet for the land strave,
[...]hile Mackfadyean over-set him with the lave:
[...]t him on force to good Campbel the Knight,
[...]hich into war was wise, worthy and wight:
[...]is Mackfadyean was entred into Scotland,
[...]d marbeilously that tyrant took in hand:
[...]ith his power, the which I spake of air,
[...]ese three Lordships assembled to him there:
[...]ftéen thousand of cursed folk indéed,
[...] all gathering, the Hoast he had to lead.
[...]d many of them was out of Ireland brought,
[...]itns nor wives that people spared nought.
[...]asted the land as far as they might ga,
[...]ese beastly folk could not but burn and sta:
[...] to Lochow he entred suddenly:
[...]e good Knight Campbel saw good defence for thy:
[...] Craighumyre with three hundred be yéed,
[...]hat strength they held, for all their cruel féed.
[...]en brake the bridge that they might overpasse,
[...]at through a Foord, where narrow passage was,
[...]andonly Campbel against them have,
[...]ast upon Awfe, that was both dée and braid:
[...]ckfadyean was upon the other side,
[...]nd there on force behoved him to bide:
[...]or at the foord he durst not enter out,
[...]or good Campbel might set him then in doubt.
Mackfadyean sought, and a small passage fand,
Had he leasure, he might passe off the land:
Betwixt a Rock and a gréat water froe,
But four in front there might none go morri [...]
Into Lochow was bestial great plenty,
Where that he thought with all his hoast to [...]
And other stuff, that they had with them hrou [...]
But all his hoast abailed him right nought.
Duncan of Lorne hath séen this sudden case,
From good Campbel he went to séek Wallace:
Some help to get of their torment and téen,
Together bofore in Dundie they had béen.
Learning at School into their tender age,
He thought to slaik Mackfadyeans hie courage:
Gilmichel then, with Duncane forth had dight,
A guid he was, a footman wonder wight.
Soon got they wit where Wallace lodged wad,
With their complaint to his presence they pass [...]
Earle Malcome als the Lennox held at peace,
With his good men to Wallace can he prease:
To him there came good Richard of Lundie,
Into Dundaff he would no longer lye:
Sir John the Graham, als bowned him to ride,
Mackfadyeans war so grieved him that tide.

How Wallace flew Mackfadyean.

THen Wallace thought his great power to sée
In what array he ruled that countrey:
The Ruikby then kéeped with great wrong,
Strivling Castle, that statwart was and strong,
When Wallace came by South it in a bail,
To Earle Malcome he said he would it sail:
In diverse parts he gart disseber his men,
Of their power the Surtheror should not Ken:
Earle Malcome bade in bushment out of fight,
Wallace with him took good Sir John the Knight.
[...]nd humdred of wife war men about,
Brough Strivling rade, if any would ifh out.
[...]ward the bridge the gainest way they passe,
Then Ruikbie saw where that their power was,
[...] took sevenscore of Arthers that was there,
[...]oon Wallace they followed wonder sare:
[...]at seill bicker did them meikle dear,
Wallace in hand gripped a noble spear.
[...]ain returned, and hath the formost stain,
[...] John the Graham, that meikle was of main,
[...]ong them rade with a good Spear in hand,
[...]e first he slew that he before him fand:
[...]on another his spear in sunder yéed,
[...]word he drew which helped him in néed.
[...]lish Tribers upon them can renew,
[...]at his good Horse with Arrows soon they slew;
s [...]t he was when Wallace hath it séen, [...]
[...] lighted soon with men of Armes full kéen:
[...]ong the rout fighting full wouder fast,
[...]en Englishmen returned at the last:
[...] the Castle they would have béen full fain,
[...]t Earle Malcome with men of meikle main,
[...]twixt the Sutheron and the gates péed.
[...]ny they slew that doughty were indéed:
[...] the great prease VVallace and Ruikby met,
[...]th his good sword a stroak upon him set:
[...]fly to death the old Ruikby he drave,
[...] two sons escaped among the lave:
[...] the Castle by adventure they yéed,
[...]th thirty men, more escaped that dread.
[...] Lennox men with their good Lord that was,
[...]m the Castle they said they would not passe,
[...] well they wist it might not holden be
For no long time, for they this ordained he [...]
Earle Malcome took the house to keep that t [...]
Wallace would not from his first purpose bid [...]
Instance he made to this good Lord and wise
From them to passe he would in no kind wil [...]
While that he had Strivling the Castle strong
True men him told they could not hold it lo [...]
Then Wallace thought most on Mackfadyean,
Of Scottishmen he had slain many one.
Wallace avowed that he should wroken be,
On that Rebald, or else therefore to die.
Of tyrannie King Edward thought him good,
Low torn he was and als of simple blood:
Thus VVallace was sore grieved in his intent.
To this iourney right earnestly he went.
At Strivling bridge assembled to him right,
Two thousand men that worthy were and wi [...]
Toward Argile he bowned for to ride,
Duncan of Lorn was their true sicker guide.
Of fold Ruikbie the which I spake of aire,
Two sons on live in Strivling lived there:
When those brethren conceived all at right,
This house to hold, that they no longer mi [...]
For cause why they wanted men and meat,
With Earle Malcome they made them for to [...]
Grace of their lives, and they that with the [...] [...]
Gave over the house, then could to England [...]
On the third day that Wallace from them ra [...]
With King Edward full many years they [...]
In Bruces wars again came in Scotland,
Strivling to kéep one of them took in hand.
Mention of Bruce is oft in Wallace Book,
To send his right full meikle pain he took:
Wherefore should I here tarry any mae,
To Wallace forth now shertly will I gae:
[...]uncan of Lorn, gilmichil from him send,
[...] spy to be, for he the Countrey kend.
[...]y our party was past by Straithfillane,
[...]he small foot folk began to irk ilk ane:
[...]nd horse also on force behoved to fail,
Then Wallace thought that company to weal:
[...]ood men he said, This is not méet for us,
[...]n broken aray if we come to them thus:
[...]e may take skaith, and harm our foes but small,
To them in like we may not semble all.
Larry we long in plain field while they get,
Vpon them soon so well we may not set.
Part we must leave us following for to be,
With me shall passe our power into thrée.
[...]ive hundred first to himself hath he tane,
Of Westland men, were worthy known ilk an.
To Sir John the Graham as many ordained he,
[...]nd five hundred to Richard of Lundie:
[...]n that part was Wallace of Richartown,
In all good part he was ay ready bown.
Five hundred left, and might not with them go,
Suppose that they to hide was wonder wo.
Thus Wallace hoast began to take the hight,
[...]her a mountain, then passed out of fight:
In Glendocher their spy met them again,
With Lord Cambel, then was our folk right fain:
It their méeting great blythnesse might he séen,
Thrée hundred led that cruel were and kéen:
[...]e comfort them, and have them have no dread,
Soon will they flée, and we shortly persue,
To Loch Duane full suddenly they drew.
Then Wallace said, an life we shall all tae,
For there is none will from his fellow gae:
Vpon the Mosse a Scurriour soon found he,
The spy they send, the Countrey for to see.
To scour the land Mackfadyean had him send,
Out of Craigmore that day he thought to wend.
Gilmichil fast followed upon him there,
With a good sword that well and sharply share.
Made quite of him, that tydings told he nane,
The out-spy thus was losed from Mackfadyean.
Then Wallace hoast upon their foot can light,
Their horse they left, thogh they were neb'r so [...].
For Mosse and Craig they might no longer dr [...]
Then Wallace said, who goes best, let sée:
Out through the Mosse deliveredly they yéed,
Then took they hold whereof they had most ore [...]
Endlong the shore, ay thrée in front they past,
While all within were sembled at the last.
Lord Campbel said, we have chosen this hold,
I trow to God their wakening shall be cold:
Here is no gate to flée you people can,
But Rocks high, and waters déep and wan.
Eightéen hundreth of doughty men indéed,
On the great boast but more processe they yeed
Fighting on front, and meikle mastery made,
The frayed folk busked withoutten bade:
Rudely to ray they rushed them again.
Great part of them were men of meikle main,
Good VVallace men so stoutly can them stear,
The battel on back, five Aiker braid they bear.
Into the stour feill tyrants gart they kneel,
Wallace in hand had a good sword of stéel.
Whom ever he hit brimly down they bare,
Rowmed him about a large rude and mare.
Sir John the Graham indéed was well worthy,
Good Campbel als, and Richard of Lundie.
Adam VVallace, and Robert Boyd in fear,
Among their foes where deads was sold dear.
The fellon stour was awful for to sée,
Mackfadyean then, so great debate made he,
With Ireland men hardy and couragious,
The stalwart strife right hard and perillous.
[...]undance of blood from wounds wide and wan,
ticked to dead on ground lay many a man:
[...]wo hours large into the stour they stand,
[...]he fiercest they enough of fighting fand:
[...]hat Jop himself well wist not who should win,
[...]ut Wallace men would not in sunder twin:
[...]o help themself they were of hardy will,
[...]f Ireland blood full fellonly they spill
[...]ith feill fighting made stops through the shrang:
[...]n the false part our wight war men so dang:
That they to bide might have no longer might,
The Ireland folk then made them for the flight:
[...]n craigs clam, and some in water flet,
[...]wo thousand there drowned withoutten let:
[...]orn Scots men bade still into the field,
[...]ast weapons them from, and on their knées knéeld:
With piteous voice they cryed on Wallace,
[...]or Gods sake to take them in his grace:
[...]rieved he was but rueth of them he had,
[...]ecieved them fair with countenance full sad:
[...]f our own blood we should have great pity,
[...]ook ye slay none of Scots will yéelden be:
Of out-land men let none escape with their life,
Mackfadyean fled for all his fellon strife.
Into a cave within a clift of stone,
Ander Cragemore with fifty hath he gone:
[...]uncan of Lorn his leave at Wallace ast,
On Mackfadyean with worthy men he past:
[...]e granted him to put them all to dead,
They left none then, but brought Wallace his head:
Vpon a Spear through the field it hare,
The Lord Campbel then hint it by the hair:
High on Craigmore he height it for to stand,
Still on the stone for honour of Ireland.
The life-like men that were of Scotland born,
Soon at his faith he gart them all be sworn:
Restore them that would come to his fies,
He let none slay that vvould come to his peis,
After this déed in Lorn thén could he fare,
Ruled the land, had béen in meikle care:
In Ardchatan a counsel he gart cry,
Where many men came to his sen yourie:
All Lorn he gave to Duncan that was wight,
And bade him bide in Scotland with the right.
And thou shalt brook this land in heritage,
Thy brothers son in London hath great wage,
Yet will he come he shall the lands have,
I vvould tine none that verity might save.
Many true Scots to Wallace could persue,
At Ardchatan from feill strengths they drew,
A good Knight came, and with him men sixtie,
He had béen oft in many ieopardie
With Englishmen, and sonziet not a deal,
Ay from their faith he fended him full well:
Kéeped him frée, though King Edward had sword
Sir John Ramsay that righteous was born.
Of Ochterhouse, and other lands Lord,
And Sheriff als, my book will record.
Of noble blood, and old ancesterie,
Continued well with worthy Chevalrie,
Into Strochane long time he had béen,
At great dehate among his enemies kéen,
Right vvightly wan his leaving in the vvear,
To him and his Sutheron did meikle dear.
Well he eschewed, and suffered great distresse,
His son vvas ralled the flowre of courtlinesse:
[...]s vvitnesses vvell into this short treaty,
[...]fter the Bruce, who reads that History:
[...]e ruled vvell both into vvar and peace,
Alexander Ramsay to name he height but lies.
When it vvas vvear to Armes he him cast,
Vnder the crown he vvas one of the best.
[...]n time of peace to courtlinesse he yeed,
[...]ut to gentrice he took none other heed:
What Gentlemen had not with Ramsay béen,
Of courtlinesse they counted not a préen.
Freedom and truth be had as men would as,
[...]ince he began, no better Squyer was:
[...]oxburgh hold he man right manfully,
Then held it long, while traitors treasonably,
[...]aused his death, I vvill not tell you how,
Of such things I will go by as now.
[...] have had blame to say the stoothfast nesse,
Therefore I vvill but lightly run that race.
But it be thing that plainly stander is,
For such I trow they should not deem no misse.
Of Alexander as now I speak no more,
His father came, as I you told beore.
Wallace of him right full great comfort hes,
For he well could do harming to his foes.
[...]n vvar he vvas right meikle for to prise,
[...]isy and true, both sober, vvight and vvise.
A good Prelate als to Archatan sought,
Of his Lordship as then he brooked nought.
This vvorthy Clerk come in of hie linage,
Of Sinkler blood not fourty year of age.
Chosen he was by the Popes consent,
Of Dunkeld Lord was made with good intent.
But Englishmen that gripped Scotland hail,
Of benefice they let him brook but small.
When he saw well therefore he might not mute,
To save his life thrée years he dwelt in Bute.
Lived as he might, and kéeped ay good part,
Vnder safety of James then Lord Stewart:
While good Wallace which Scotland wan with [...]
Restored this Lord to his living again.
And many moe which long had béen ov'rthrown
Wallace them put righteously to their own:
The small Hoast thè which I spake of air,
Into the hight that Wallace leaved there.
Came to the field to here Mackfadyean had béen,
Took that was left, both wéeds and weapons [...]
Through Lorne they past as goodly as they can,
Of their number they had not lossed one man.
On the fifth day they wan to Ardchatane,
Where Wallace bade with good men many ane.
He welcom'd them upon a goodly wise,
And said, they were right meikle for to prise.
All true Scots he honoured into wear,
Gave that he wan, himself kéeped no gear.

CHAP. III. HOW Wallace wan S. Iohnstoun.

WHen VVallace would no longer soiourn th [...]
From Ardchatan out throgh the land they [...]
Toward Dunkeld with good men of renown,
His most thought then was of S. Johnstoun.
He called Ramsay, that good Knight great of vail
Sadly advised, besought him of counsel:
Of S. Johnstoun, now have I rememberance,
There have I béen and losed men through chan [...]
But ay for one we gart ten of them die,
And yet me thinks that is no mends for me:
I would assay from this land ere we gang,
And let them know they occupy here wrong.
Then Ramsay said, that town they may not kée [...]
[...]he vvals are low, suppose the ditch he déep.
[...]e have anew, that shall them cumber so,
[...]ill up the dyke that we may plainly go:
[...] plain battell a thousand over at ance,
[...]om this power they shall not hold yon wains:
Wallace was glad, that he such comfort made,
[...]orth talking thus, unto Dunkeld they rade.
[...]hrée dayes there they lodged with pleasance,
[...]bile time they had forséen their ordinance.
Ramsay gar [...] big great Bastailyies of trée,
[...]y good wrights the best of that Countrey.
When they were wrought, betaught them men to lead
The water down, while they came near that stead:
Sir John Ramsay right goodly was their guide,
[...]uled them well at his will for to bide:
The great boast then about the village past,
With earth and stone they filled dykes fast:
[...]laike they made on timber long and wight,
[...] rowm passage to the walls they dight.
[...]eill Bestailyies right strongly up they rose,
With men of Armes soon to assaily goes.
Sir John the Graham, and Ramsay that was wight,
The turate brige asseiged in all their might.
[...]nd Wallace self at midside of the town,
[...]ood men in armes that was to bargane bown.
[...]he Sutheron men made great defence that tide,
With artailyle that cruel was to bide:
With tablaster ganzie and stones fast,
[...]nd hand-guns right brimly out they cast,
[...]unzeit with spears as men of armes kéen,
The noble Scots that worthy ay hath béen,
[...]t hand-stroaks fra they together met,
With Sutheron blood their weapons soon they wet:
[...]et Englishmen that worthy were in wear,
[...]nto that stour right boldly can them bear.
But all for nought availed them that dead,
The Scots through force upon them in they y [...]
A thousand men over wals yeed hastily,
Into the town rose hideous noise and cry:
Ramsay and Graham the turate gate hath win,
And entred in where great strife did begin.
A true Squyer, which Ruthven height to name,
Came to the assault with good Sir John the G [...]
Thirty with him, of men that proved vvell,
Amongst their foes vvith vveapons stiff as stéel
When that the Scots assembled on either side,
No Sutheron was that might their dints abide;
Two thousand soon were foiled under féet,
Of Sutheron blood they sticked in the street,
Sir John Psewart saw well the town was tint,
Took him to flight, and would no longer stint:
In a light Barge, and with him men sixtie,
The water down, sought succour to Dundie.
VVallace bodè still, while the fourth day at mor [...]
And left none there that was of England born.
Riches they got, both gold and other good,
Plenisht the town again with Scots blood:
Ruthwen he left their Captain for to be,
In heritage gave him the office of fée:
Of all Strathern, and Sheriff of the town,
Then in the North good VValace made him b [...]
In Aberdence he gart a counsel cry,
True Scottishmen assemble should hastily.
To Cowper he rade, to viste that Abbay,
The English Abbot was fled from thence away:
Bishop Sinkler without longer abade,
Met them at Glams, syne forth with them he, [...]
Into Brechin they lodged all that night,
Soon on the morn Wallace gart graith at rig [...]
Displaid abroad the Banner of Scotland,
[...]n good array: with noble men at hand.
[...]au [...]'d plainly cry, that saved should be none
[...]f Sutheron blood where they might be overgone:
[...]n plain battel throughout the Merns they ride,
The Englishmen that durst them not abide,
Before the hoast full fearedly they flée,
[...]o Dunnotter, a strength within the sea.
[...]o further they might win out of the land,
They sembled there, while they were four thousand.
To the Kirk they ran, and thought girth to have tane
The lave remained upon the rock of stane:
The Bishop then began treaty to mae,
Their lives to get, out of the land to gae:
But they were red, and durst not well assay,
Wallace, in fire caus'd set all hastily:
Burnt up the Kirk, and all that was therein,
Attour the rock the lave ran with great din.
Some hung on Craigs right dolefully to die,
Some lap, some fell, some fluttered in the sea:
No Sutheron on life was leaved in that hold,
And they within were burnt to powder cold.
When this was done, they fell on knées down,
At the Bishop asked absolution.
Then Wallace leugh, and said, I forgive you all,
Are ye war-men that repents for so small:
They rewed us not within the town of Aire.
Our true Barrons when that they hanged there.
To Aberdene then safely can they passe,
Where Englishmen right buffe flitting was:
An hundred Ships that Ruther bear and Aire,
To turse their goods, in Haven were byding there.
But Wallace hoast came on them suddenly:
There scaped none of all that great Navie,
But feill servants in them was lived none,
At an abbe-sea the Scots is one them gone,
Took out the gear then set the Ships on fire,
The men on land they burnt both bone and l [...]
Yéed none away, but Priests, wives, and bai [...]
Made they debate they scaped not but harme [...]
Into Buchan Wallace made him to ride,
Where Lord Bewmount was ordained to abide:
Earle he was made but of short time before,
He bra [...]ked it not for all his busteous shore.
When he knew vvell that Wallace coming was,
He left the land, and could to Slanis passe;
And then by Ship fled in England again,
Wallace rade through the North-land into plain:
At Cromarty feill Englishmen they stew,
The worthy Scots unto him could persue.
Returned again, and came to Aberdene,
With his blyth hoast, upon the Lammas even.
Establisht the land, as he thought best to be,
Then with an hoast he passed to Dundie.

CHAP. IV. How Wallace laid a siege to Dundie, and gave battel Kirkingham Thesaurer to King Edward, and the Earl Warrane at Strivling Bridge.

GArt set a siedge about the Castle strang,
I leave him there, and further will I gang,
Sir Aymer Wallange hasted him full fast,
Into England with his whole hous-hold past:
Bothwel he left was Murrays heritage,
And took him then to go to Edwards wage.
Thus his own land he left for vermare,
Of Wallace déed great typings told be there.
Als Englishmen sore mourned in their mood,
That losed here both life lands and good:
Edward as then could not in Scotland fair,
[...]ut Kirkinghame that was his Thesaurer.
With him a Lord, that Earle was of Warrane,
[...]e charged them with numbers many ane,
[...]ight well beséen in Scotland for to ride,
[...]t Strivling still he ordained them to bide.
[...]hile he might come with ordinance of England,
[...]otland again he thought to take on hand.
[...]his hoast past forth, and had but little dread,
[...]he Earle Patrick received them at Tweed.
[...]alice he had at good Wallace before,
[...]ong time by past, and that increased more.
[...]ut through a case it hapned of his wife,
[...]umbar from him she held it into a strife:
[...]hrough the supply of Wallace into plain,
[...]ut he by means got this Castle again:
[...]ong time ere then, and yet he could not cease,
[...]gainst Wallace he proved in many a preasse,
[...]ith Englishmen supplyed them at his might,
[...]ontrare Scotland they wrought full great unright.
Their muster then was awful for to see,
[...]f fighting men thousands there were sixtie.
[...]o Strivling bridge past ere they liked to bide:
[...]o Earle Malcome a siege they laid that tide:
[...]nd thought to kéep the command of their King,
But good Wallace wrought for another thing:
[...]undie he left, and made a good Chiftain,
With two thousand to kéep that house of stane:
[...]f North-land-men, and dwellers at Dundie,
The samine night to S. Johnstoun went he:
Vpon the morn to Shyreff-mure he rode,
[...]nd there a while in good array he bode.
[...]ir John the Graham said we have undertane,
With lesse power, such thing that well is gane:
[...]hen Wallace said, where such things comes of néed,
We should thank God, that makes us for to spéed.
But near the bridge my purpose is to be,
And work for them some subtill ieopardie.
Ramsay answered, the bridge we may keep [...]
Of way about the Su [...]heron have little feill.
VVallace send Jop the battel for to set,
To Twesday next to fight withoutten let:
On Saturday unto the Bridge they rade,
Of good plain boords was well and ioyntly [...]
Gart watches wait, that none should to them
A Wright he took, the subtillest that was,
And ordained him to saw the booros in two,
By the mid-trest, that none might over it go [...]
On Cornel bands nailed it full soon,
Then filled it with clay as nothing had been
The other end he ordained for to be,
How it should stand upon rollers of trée,
When one were out, that the rest down should
Himself under he ordained there withall.
Bound on the trest, in a Cradle to sit.
To lowse the pin, when VVallace let him wit.
But with an horn when it was time to be,
In all the hoast no man should blow but be:
The day approached of the great battel,
The Englishmen for power would not fail:
Ay fix they were against one of VVallace,
Fifty thousand made them to battel place:
The remnant bade at the Castle still,
Both stold and house they thought to kéep at [...]
The worthy Scots upon the other side,
The plain field took, on them made foot to bid [...]
Hew Kirkingham the vanguard then led he,
With twenty thousand of likely men to sée.
Thirty thousand the Earle of VVarrane had,
But he did then as the wise man him bad:
All the first hoast before him over was send,
[...]me Scots men that well the matter hend:
[...]de VVallace blow, and said, they were anew,
[...] hasted not, but sadly could persue.
[...]hile Warranes hoast thick on the bridge he saw,
[...]om Jop the horn he hint, and could it pl [...]:
[...] asperly, and warned good John Wright,
[...]he roller out he strake then with great slight:
[...]he rest yéed down, when that the pine out goes,
[...] hideous cry among the people rose:
[...]th horse and man into the water fell,
[...]he hardy Scots that would no longer dwell,
[...]t the rest with stroaks sad and fare,
[...] them the reaver as then sovered they were:
[...] the fore-brest they proved hardily,
[...]llace and Graham, Boyd, Ramsay and Dundie.
[...] in the stour fighting face for face,
[...] Suther on back retired in that place:
[...] we first stroak five Aker broad and more,
[...]allace on feet a great sharp sword he bore:
[...]ong the thickest of the preasse he gaes,
[...]n Kirkingham a stroak be chosen hes:
[...] the birnish that polisht was full bright,
[...]he prunzeing bead the plates pierced right.
[...]rough the body sticked him but reseue,
[...]rfly to death that Chriftain was adue.
[...]th man and horse at that stroak he have down,
[...]he English hoast that vvere in battel down,
[...]mfort they tint when their Chiftain vvas [...]ain,
[...]nd many one began to flée in plain:
[...]t vvorthy men bade still into that stead,
[...]hile ten thousand were brought unto the dead.
[...]hen fled the lave, and might no longer bide,
[...]ccour they sought in many diverse side.
[...]me east, some west, and some fled to the North,
Then thousand whole at once fluttered in Forth:
Plunged in déep, drowned without mercy,
None left on live, of all that whole menzie
Of Wallace hoast no man was slain of vail,
But Andrew Murray, into that strong batrail:
The south part then that saw there men [...]
All fiercely fled as fire do from the flint.
The place hath left, Strivling castle and town,
Toward Dumbar in great haste made them b [...]
When Wallace hoast had vvon the field by mi [...]
Took up the bridge, and loosed good John Wri [...]
On the flyers then followed vvonder fast,
Earle of Malcome als out of the Castle past:
With Lennox men to stuff the chase good spéed,
Ay by the way they gart feill Sutheron bléed:
In the Torwood they gart full many die,
The Earle of Warrane then can full fiercely [...]
With Corspatrick that graithly can him guid,
Vnchanging horse out through the land they [...]
Straight to Dumbar, but few vvith them they,
Many were slain, over floathfully that fled:
The Scottish horse had run full vvonder lang,
Many gave over, and might no further gang:
Wallace and Graham ever together bade,
At Haddingtown full great slaughter they made
Of Englishmen, when their horse tyred had,
When Ramsay came, good Wallace was still g [...]
With him was Boyd, and Richard of Lund [...],
Thrée hundreth whole was of good Chevalrie.
And Adam Wallace als of Richartown,
With Earle Malcome they found at Hadingtow [...]
The Scottishmen on slaughter tarried was,
While to Dumbar the two Chiftains could [...]
Full spiteful were for their contrary case,
Wallace followed, while they got in that pl [...]
Of their best men, and Kirkingham of renow [...]
Thirty thousand was dead but redemption:
Beside Beltown Wallace returned again,
To follow more: then vvas it but in vain.
IN Hadingtown lodging he made all night,
Vpon the morn to Strivling passed right:
On the Assumption day befell this case,
Ay loved be the Lord of his good grace:
Convoyer oft he vvas to good Wallace,
And helped him in many sundry place:
Wallace in haste soon after this battel,
A great oath took of all the Barrons hail:
That with good will, vvould come to his presence,
[...]e height them als to bide at their defence:
Sir John Menteith was then of Arrane Lord,
[...]o Wallace came and made a plain concord:
With witnesse there with his oath he him band:
Lawtie to kéep to Wallace and Scotland:
Who vvould not vvith free vvill to right apply,
Wallace by force punisht them rigorously:
Part put to death, part put in prison strang,
[...]reat word of him through both these Realmes rang.
Dundie they got soon by a [...]rt treatie,
But for their lives they fled away by sea:
English Captains that houses had in hand,
Left Castles frée, and stole out of the Land:
Within ten dayes after this time was gone,
English Captains in Scotland then was none.
Except Berwick and Roxburgh Castles wight,
Pet Wallace thought to bring them to the right.
THat time there was a worthy true Barron,
To name he height Christel of Setoun:
In Jedburgh vvood, for safety he had béen,
Against Sutheron full well he could contein:
Edward could not from Scots faith him get,
Though they a million gave of gold well met.
Heabottel fled from Jedburgh Castle wight,
Towards England there Setoun met him right.
With fourty men Christel in bargane bade,
Against seven score, and meikle mastry made:
Slew that Captain, and many curel man,
Full great riches in that iourney he wan.
Hous-hold and gold, as they should passe away,
The which before they kéeped many a day:
Jedburgh he took, and Ruthwe [...] leaved he,
At Wallace will their Captain for to be:
Bold Setoun then to Lowthean made repare,
In this story ye may here of him mare:
And into Bruce who liketh for to read,
He was with them in many cruel déed:
Good Wallace then full sadly could devise,
To rule the land with worthy men and wise:
Captaines he made, and Sheriffs that were good,
Part of his Kin, and of other true blood:
His dear Cousen in Edinburgh ordained he,
The true Crawfurd, that ay was full worthy.
Kéeper of it with noble [...] at wage,
In Manwell then he had good heritage:
Scotland was frée, that long in bail hath béen,
Wallace it wan from our false enemies kéen:
Great Governour of Scotland he could reign,
Waiting a time to get his righteous King:
From Englishmen that held him in bandown,
Long wrongfully from his own righteous [...]
The end of the seventh Book.


CHAP. I. How Wallace put Corspatrick out of Scotland.

FIve moneths thus Scotland stood in good rest,
A counsel cry'd them thought it was the best.
In S. Johnstoun where it should holden he,
Assembled Clerk, Baron and Burgesse frée.
But Corspatrick would not come at their call,
Bade in Dumbar, and made scorn of them all:
They spake of him feill words in that Parliament,
Then Wallace said, Will ye hereto consent:
Forgive him frée all things that is by past,
[...]o he will come, and grant he hath trespast.
From this time forth kéep lawity to our Crawn,
They granted thereto, Clerk, Burgesse and Baron:
With whole consent their wai [...]ing to him send,
[...]ight lowly thus they them to him commend.
Besought him fair, as one then of the land,
To come and take some Governance in hand:
Lightly he leugh, in scorn as it had been:
And said, He had such message seldome séen,
That Wallace now as Governour should reign:
Here is great fault of a good Prince or King:
That King of Kyle I cannot understand,
Of him I held never a fur of land:
That Bauchler trows for Fortune shows her whéel,
Therewith to last, it shall not long be well:
But to yon Lords, and ye will understand,
I make you wise I ought to make no band:
Als frée I am in this Region to reign,
Lord of mine own, as ever was Prince or King
In England als great part of land I have,
Manrent thereof vvill no man of me crave.
What vvill ye more, I warn you I am frée,
For your summonds, ye get no more of me.
To Saint Johnstoun this writ he sent again,
Before the Lords was manifest in plain:
When Wallace heard the Earle such answer ma [...]
A great heat through courage then he takes:
For he vvist vvell there could be but one King,
Of this Region at once for to reign.
A King of Kyle for that he called VVallace,
Lords he said, this is an uncouth case:
Be he suffered we are vvorse then we was,
Thus rose he up, and made him for to passe,
God hath us tholed to do so for the lave,
On life or death, in faith we shall him have:
Or gar him grant whom he hold for his lord,
Or else were shame in story to record.
I vow to God with ease he shall not be
Into this Realm, but one of us shall die:
Lesse then he come, and know his righteous [...]
In this Region well both we shall not reign:
His lightly scorn he shall repent full sore,
But power fail, or I shall end therefore:
Since in this earth, is ordained me no rest,
Now God he iudge, the right he knows best:
At that Counsel he longer tarried nought,
With his two hundreth from S. Johnstoun he s [...]
To the Councel made instance ere he yéed,
They should contain, and of him have no dread [...]
I am but one, and for good cause I ga,
Toward Kinghorn the gainest way they tae:
Vpon the morn over Forth, South they past,
On his voyage he hasted vvonder fast.
[...]obert Lawder at Musselburgh met VVallace,
From Englishmen he kéeped vvell his place:
[...]ould none him treat, Knight, Squyer, nor yet Lord,
[...]ith King Edward for to he at concord:
[...]n Earl Patrick to passe he vvas full glad,
[...]ome said before the Basse he vvould have had:
Good men came als with Cristel of Setoun,
Then VVallace vvas four hundred of renown.
Squyer Lyle that vvell the Countrey knew,
[...]ith twenty men to VVallace could persue:
[...]eside Lyntoun and to them told he then,
That Earle Patrick with many likely man,
[...]t Cockburns path he had his gathering made,
[...]nd to Dumbar vvould come vvithoutten bade.
Then Lawder said, It vvere the best thinks me,
[...]aster to passe in Dumbar ere he be:
VVallace answered, vve may at leasure ride,
With yon power he thinks bargain to bide.
[...]nd of one thing ye shall well understand,
[...]n bardier Lord is not within our Land.
[...]ight he be made true stedfast to our King,
[...]y vvit and force he can do meikle thing:
But wilfully he likes to tyne himsell,
Thus rode they forth and would no longer dwell.
[...]y east Dumbar where men them told on case,
[...]ow Earl Patrick vvas vvarned of VVallace:
[...]ear Innerweik choosed a field at vvail,
With nine hundred of likely men but fail.
Four hundred vvas vvith VVallace in the right,
And they anone approached in their fight:
[...]reat fault was there of good treaty between,
To make concord, and that full soon was séen.
Without rehearse of action in that tide,
On either part together fast they ride:
The stour was strong, and wonder Chevalrous,
Continued long vvith déeds perillous.
Many there died of cruel Scots blood,
Of this treaty the matter is not good:
Therefore I cease to tell the destruction,
Pity it was, and all of one Nation:
But Earle Patrick the field left at the last,
Right few vvith him to Cockburns-path there [...]
A grieved sore that his men thus vvere tint,
VVallace returned, and would no longer stint.
Toward Dumbar vvhere sooth fast men him told,
No purveyance vvas left into that hold.
Nor men of fence, all had béen with their Lord,
When VVallace heard [...]he sicker true record,
Dumbar he took all vvhole at his bandown,
Gave it to kéep to Christel of Setoun.
Who stuffed it vvith men and good victual,
Vpon the morn Wallace that vvould not fail:
With thrée hundreth to Cockburns-path he sough [...]
Earle Patrick ished, for bi [...]e he would him noug [...],
Soon to the Park Wallace a range hath set,
To Bonkel vvood Corspatrick fled but let,
And out of it to Norhame passed he,
Then VVallace saw it might no better be:
To Cald [...]tream rode, and lodged him on Tweed,
Earle Patrick then in all hast can him spéed,
And passed by ere VVallace power rose,
Without resting to Ettrick Forrest goes.
VVallace followed, but he vvould not assail,
A range to make, as then it might not vail:
Over few he had, the strength was thick and [...]
Twelve myle of breadth, and thereto twise [...]
Into Cockholm Earle Patrick bode at rest,
For more power VVallace past in the vvest.
Earl Patrick then him graithed hastily,
In England past to get him there supply:
But through the land right earnestly could passe.
To Anthony Beik that Lord of Durham was,
VVallace put him out of Glasgow before,
And slew Persie, their malice vvas the more.
And Bishop Beik gart soon great power rise,
[...]orthumberland upon an awful vvise.
They ordained Bruce in Scotland for to passe,
To vvin his own, but evil deceived he vvas:
They gart him trow that VVallace vvas rebell,
And thought to take the Kingtick to him sell:
For false they were, and ever yet hath béen,
[...]awry and truth was ever in VVallace seen.
To fend their right was all he took in hand,
And thought to bring Bruce free to his land.
Of this matter as now I tarry nought,
With strong power Sutheron together sought:
From Oyis water assembled vvhole in Tweed,
The land hoast was thirty thousand indeed,
Of Thems mouth sent Ships by the sea,
To kéep Dumbar, that none should them supply:
Earle Patrick past but twenty thousand but let,
Before Dumbar, a sta [...]ward siege he set:
The Bishop Beik and Robert Bruce bade still,
With ten thousand in Norhame at their will:
Wallace by this that fast was labourand,
[...]n Lowthian came with good men five thousand:
[...]ight well be seen into their armour bright,
Thought to rescue the Setoun bold and wight,
Vnder Yester that first night lodging be,
[...]ay came to him with an good Chivalrie:
[...]n Down Forrest all that time he had béen,
[...]e had the coming of the Sutheron séen:
Fifty he had of wise men into wear,
They told Wallace of Patricks great effear.
[...]ay said, Forsooth and ye might him overset,
Power again right soon he might not get:
My counsel is, that ye give him battell:
He thanked them of comfort and counsel,
And said, Friend Hay, in this cause that I w [...]n [...]
So that we win, I reke not for to end,
Right sooth it is that once vve must die.
Into the right vvho should in terrour be?
Earle Patrick there a messenger gart passe,
Told Anthonie that VVallace coming was:
Of this tydings the Bishop was full glad,
Amends of him full fain he would have had.
But more prolong through Lammer-mure they [...]
Near the Spot-mure in bushment still he bade,
Where Earle Patrick then ordained for to be,
VVallace of Beik on warned then was he.
Yet he before was not hasty indéed,
But then he put both him and his in dread:
Vpon swift horse scurriours rode between,
The coming then of Earle Patrick hath séen,
The house he left, and to the Mure is gane,
A plain field with his hoast hath he tane:
Good Setoun then ished with few menzie,
Part of his men into Dumbar left he:
To VVallace rode was on the righteous side,
In good array to Spots-mure they ride:
Some Scots dread the Earle so many was,
Twenty thousand against so few to passe:
But Jop perceived he bade VVallace should bide,
Tine not your men, but to some strength ye [...]
And I shall passe, to get you power mare,
These are over good thus lightly for to wear.
Then VVallace said, In truth I shall not flée,
For four of his ay on while I may be:
We are overnear such purpose for to take,
A dangerous chase they might upon us make,
[...]re is twenty with this power this day,
[...]ould him assay suppose I were away:
[...]any they are for Gods sake be we strong,
[...]on Sutheron folk in stour will not bide long.

CHAP. II. How Corspatrick brought in Scotland Bishop Beik and Ro­bert the Bruce, and how Wallace gave them battel and put them out of Scotland.

THe brim battel braithly on either side,
Great reird their rose over all where y t they ride:
[...]e sore sembly when they together met,
[...]ill stroaks there they sadly on other set,
[...]unzeing spears through plat's preassed fast,
[...]any off horse down to the ground they cast:
[...]oles they teime of horse but masters there,
[...]f the southside five thousand down they bare:
[...]ood Wallace hoast the formost cummered so,
[...]hat the rest was in will away to go:
[...]arle Patrick bade so cruel of intent,
[...]ll his whole hoast of him took hardiment:
[...]ainst Wallace in many stour was he,
Wallace knew well that his men would not flée,
[...]or no power that living was on live,
[...]hile they on hail might be one ay for five:
[...]n that great strife many were handled hait,
[...]he feill dints, the cruel hard debate,
[...]he feirs striking made many grievous wound,
[...]pon the earth the blood made to abound:
[...]ll Wallace hoast into a compasse bade,
Where they turned full great slaughter they made:
Wallace and Graham, with Ramsay full worthy,
The bold Setoun and Richard of Lundie:
[...]nd Adam als of Richartown,
Both Hay and Lyle, with good men of renown
Boyd, Barclay, Baird, and Lawder that was w [...]
Feill Englishmen derfly to death they dight.
But Earle Patrick full fiercely fought again,
Throught his own hand many he put to pain:
Our men on him throng forward into thro,
Made through the hoast feill stops to and fro,
The Englishmen began plainly to flee,
Then Bishop Beik full suddenly they sée:
And Robert Bruce contrare his native men,
Wallace was woe, fra time he could him ken:
Of [...]ruoes déeds he was grieved mare
Than all the lave that day that sembled the [...]
The great [...]ushment at once then brake on [...]
Ten thousand whole that doughty were indée [...]
The fliers then with Garle Patrick relieved,
They fought again where many were mis [...]
When VVallace saw the bushment broken was
Out of the field on horse he thought to passe:
But he saw well his hoast sound in their weed,
He though to fray the formost ere he yéed.
The new come hoast about him sembled there,
On either side with strakes sad and sare.
The worthy Scots so fiercely fought again.
Of Anthonies men full many have they slain:
But that tyrant soused was in wear,
On Wallace hoast he did full meikle dear:
And the bold Bruce, so cruelly wrougth he,
Through [...]t [...]ength of hand feill Scots gart he,
To resist Bruce, Wallace he preassed fast,
But Englishmen so thick betwéen them past:
And Earle Patrick in all the hast he mought.
Throughout the stour to Wallace soon they sou [...]
On the Pesant a fellon stroak him gave,
Carved the plate, with his sharp grounded [...]
[...]rough all the stuff and wounded him some deal,
[...]t Wallace thought he should be venged well.
[...]llowed on him, and a stroak ettled fast,
[...]t one Mairland reklesse betwéen them past.
[...]on the head good Wallace hath him tane,
[...]rough head and brain in sunder brake the ha [...]e:
[...]ad to the ground at that stroak be him draw [...],
[...]us VVallace was dissevered from the lave:
[...] his goood men, among them him alone,
[...]out him sought feill enemies many one.
[...]cked his horse, to ground behoved to light.
[...] fend himself as wisely as he might:
[...]e worthy Scots that might no longer bide,
[...]ith heavy hearts out of the field they ride:
[...]ith them in fear they weined Wallace had béen,
[...] foot he was among his enemies kéen:
[...]d rowm he made about him into bréed,
[...]ith his good sword that helped him in need:
[...]as none so strong that got of him a straik,
[...]er again made never the Scots [...]ik:
[...]rle Patrick then that had great craft in wear,
[...]ith spears ordained good Wallace down to bear:
[...]em they took were whole into the field,
[...] him they yéed, thought he should have no [...]i [...]ld.
[...] either side fast prunzeing at his gear,
[...] hewed off heads, and wisely could him wear.
[...]e worthy Scots of this then little wist.
[...]ught to good Graham, when they their Chiftain mi [...]
[...]der, and Lyle, and Hay, that were so wight,
[...]d bold Ramsay, which was a worthy Knight:
[...]die and Boyd, and Christel of Setoun,
[...]ith five hundred that were in bargane bound:
[...]m to resuce full rudely in they rade,
[...]our Wallace a large rown they made.
[...]e Bishop Berk was braithly horn toeird,
At that rescue there was a fellon reird,
Ere he got up feill Sutheron they slew,
Out of the preasse Wallace they can rescue:
Soon horsed him upon a Courser wight,
Toward a strength they rade in all their mi [...]
Right wisely fled rescuing many man,
The Earl Patrick to stuff the chase began,
On the fliers there little harm they wrought,
Good Wallace flolk away together sought,
Those five hundred the which I spake of air,
So awfully abandoned them and sair:
No follower durst out from his fellow ga,
The good fliers such turning in they ma:
Four thousand whole had tane the strength b [...]
Of Wallace hoast, his comfort was the more.
Of Glastaden that forest thought to hold,
Earl Patrick turned, though he was never so [...]
Again to Beik when scaped was Wallace,
Cursing fortune of his mischanceful case:
The field he wan and seven thousand were [...]
Dead on that day for all the Bishops boast:
Of VVallace men five hundred slain I guesse.
But no Chiftain, his mourning was the lesse.
Near even it was, but Beik would not abide,
In Lammer-mure they turned in that tide,
Their lodging where he thought to avail,
For well they trowed the Scots would assail,
Vpon the field, where they gave battel last,
The country men to VVallace gathered fast.
Of Edinburgh with Crawfurd that was wight,
Four hundred came into their armour bright.
To Wallace rode by his lodging was tane,
Of Tevedale came good men many ane,
Our at Jedburgh, with Ruthwen at that tide,
Together sought from many diverse side.
[...]ir William then that Lord was of Douglas,
[...]ith him fourscore that night came to Wallace:
[...]wenty hundred of new men met that night,
[...]pon their foes venge them at their might:
[...] the first field these good men had not béen,
Wallace watches their adversaries hath séen.
[...]nto what wise they had their lodging made,
Wallace bowned after Supper but bade:
[...] Lammer-mure they passed hastily,
[...]oon to array yéed his good Chevalry.
Wallace them made in two parts to be,
[...]ir John the Graham, and Setoun ordained he,
[...]wder and Hay, with three thousand to ride.
[...]imself the rest took wisely for to guide.
[...]ith him Lundie, both Ramsay and Douglas,
[...]rklay and Boyd, and good Adam Wallace:
[...]y this the day approached wonder near,
[...]nd bright Titan in presence can appear:
[...]he Scotish boast soon sembled into sight,
[...]f their enemies, they were not ready dight:
[...]ut of array feill of the Sutheron was,
[...]ight awfully Wallace can on them passe,
[...]t this entry the Scots so well them bare,
[...]eill of their foes to death were brittined there:
[...]eklesse they rose, and many fled away,
[...]ome on the ground, were smoored where they lay:
Great noise and cry was raised them among,
[...]ood Graham came, that stalward was and strong:
[...]ra Wallace men were well together met,
[...]n the South part so awfully they set.
[...]n contrare them the frayed folk might not stand,
[...]t once there fled of Sutheron ten thousand:
The worthy Scots wrought upon such a wise,
[...]op said that they were worthy for to prise.
[...]et Bishop Beik, that fellon tyrant strong,
Bode in the stour right awfully and long.
A Knight Sketoun, that cruel was and kéen,
Before him stood into his armour shéen.
To fend his Lord, full worthily he wrought,
Lundie him caw, and sadly to him sought:
With his good sword an ackward strake him g [...]
Through Pesan stuff his craig in sunder dra [...]
Whereof the rest were stonisht in that stead,
The bold Skelton, of Lundies hand was dead.
Then fled they all, and might no longer bide,
Patrick and Beik away with Bruce they ride:
Five thousand held into a stop away,
To Norham house in all the haste they may:
Our men followed that worthy were and w [...]
Many fliers to dead they derfly dight.
These thrée Lord [...] the Castle they sought,
Full feill that losed that were from England br [...]
At this iourney twenty thousand they tint,
Drowned and flain with spears and swords di [...]
The Scots at Tweed they hasted them so fast,
Feill Sutheron men to wrong foords they past.
Wallace returned, in Norham when they were;
For worthy Bruce his heart was wonder sare.
He had rather have had him at his large:
Free of our Crown, then of fine gold to cha [...]
More than in Troy was when the Greeks in w [...]
Wallace passed with many awful man,
Over Patricks lands, and wasted wonder fast:
Took out great goods, and places down can c [...]
His Steads twelve, that Methamis were cald,
Wallace gart break those burely buildings bol [...]
Both in the Mers and also Lowthian,
Except Dumbar, standing be leaved nane.
To Edinburgh then upon the eight day,
Vpon the morn VVallace without delay:
[...]o Perth past where a Counsel was set,
[...] the Barrons he showed withoutten let:
[...]w his great how right well es [...]ewed was,
[...] a Master he gart Earl Patrick passe.
Because he said of Scotland he held nought,
[...] King Edward to get supply he sought:
[...]he Lords were blyth, and welcomed well Wallace,
[...]hanking great God of his fair happy case,
Wallace took state to govern all Scotland,
[...]he barnage whole made him an open [...]and:
[...]hen dealt the land to good men him about,
[...]r Scotlands right had set their likes in doubt:
[...]intown he gave to Lawder in his wage,
[...]e Knight Wallange ought it in heritage,
[...]en Birgem-crook he gave Lyle that was wight,
[...] Skrymger als full good reward he dight:
[...]en Wallace-town, and other lands theretill,
[...] worthy men he dealt with noble will.
[...] his own [...]in no Heritage gave he,
[...]t offices, that every man might sée,
[...]r Covetice there could no man him blame,
[...]e bade reward, while the King should come [...]ame:
[...] all he did, he thought to bide the Law,
[...]efore his King and Master when he saw:
[...]otland was blyth, in d [...]lour had béen l [...]ng,
[...] every part to good labour they gang.

CHAP. III. [...]ow Wallace past into England and remained there three quarters of a year, and came home again without battel.

BY this the time of October was past,
November near approached wonder fast:
[...]dings there came King Edward grieved [...]a [...],
[...]ith his power in Scotland thought to passe.
For Earle Patrick had given [...]u [...]h counsel,
VVallace got wi [...], and sembled power hall:
Fourty thousand in Ros [...]in-mure they met,
Lords he said, this is King Edwards set:
In contrare right to [...]éek us in our land,
I height to God, and to you by mine hand,
I shall him méet for all his great barn [...],
Within England, to fend our heritage.
His false desire shall on himself be séen,
He shall us find in contrare of his éen.
Since he with wrong hath riden this Regio [...],
We shall now passe in contrare of his Crown
I will not bid great Lords with us to fare,
For mine intent plainly I will declare:
Our purpose is either to win or die,
Who yéelds to him, shall never ran [...]omed [...].
The Barons then him answered worthily,
And said, they would passe with Chevalry.
Himself and Joy pro [...]d [...]d that menzie,
Twenty thousand o [...] wailed then took he:
Harnesse and hor [...]e he gart among them wal [...],
Weapons anew [...]ar might [...]hem best avail
Graithed the [...] men, that crue [...] [...]
Better in war in world could n [...]e séen:
He bade the rest in labour for to bide,
In good array [...]om Rosling mure they ride:
In their muster good VVallace could them ask,
What néedeth more in one power to passe?
All of one will, a [...] I trow set are we,
In plain battel cannot discomfist be:
Our Realm is poor, wasted with Sutheron bloo [...]
Go and win on [...]ham gold and other good:
The hoast inclined all with humble will,
And said, they should his hyding the [...] fulfi [...]
Earl Malcome w [...] his Lennox men is gone,
[...]ut name of rule in him he would have none:
VVallace him knew a Lord that was worthy,
[...]t his counsel he vvrought full [...]edfastly:
Stronger he was if he had battel séen,
For he before had in good iourneys béen.
[...] man of strength, that hath good wit withall,
[...] whols Region may comfort at his call:
[...]s manly Hector wrought into his wear,
[...]gainst an hundred counted was his spear:
But that was not through his strength only,
[...]uch rule he led of noble Chevalry:
These examples were worthy for to ken,
[...]ector I leave, and speak forth of our men:
[...]he knight Campbel made him to that voyage,
Of Lochow chief that was his heritage:
[...]nd good Ramsay forth to that iourney went:
[...]ir John the Graham forward in his intent,
Wallace Cousen, Adam, full worthy was,
[...]nd Robert Boyd, forth blythly can they passe.
[...]oth Auchinleck and Richard of Lundie,
[...]wder and Hay, and Setoun full worthy.
THis royal hoast but resting forth they rode,
To Broxes field and there a while they bode:
[...]hen Wallace took with him fourty but lies,
[...]o Roxburgh Gate rode soon ere they would cease:
[...]utheron marvelled if it should be VVallace,
Without assurance come to persus that place:
Of Sin Rauff Gray soon presence could he ask,
[...]nd warned him thus, further ere he would passe.
Our purpose is in England for to ride,
[...]o time we have of siedging for to bide:
[...]ake héed and hear of our coming again,
[...]ide over this house, send me the keps in plain.
This I command, before this witnesse large,
If thou wilt not remain with all the charges
But this be done, of fore and I take thée,
Over the wall thou shalt be hanged hie:
With that he turned, and all his hoast can [...]
This like command to Berwick soon be send,
With good Ramsey, that was a worthy Knight [...]
The hoast but more right awfully he dight.
Began at Tweed, and spared nought they fa [...]
But burnt by force all whole Northumber land,
All Durhame town they burnt up in a gleid,
Abbeys they spared, and Kirks where they [...]
To York they rode, but bode ere they would [...]
To burn and slay, of them he thought no sin,
No sin they thought, the same to let us féel,
But William Wallace quit our quarrel w [...]ll:
Forts they wan, and small Castles cast down,
With asper weapons payed their ransome.
Of prisoners they liked not to kéep,
Whom they overtook, they made their frien [...]
No Sutheron saved for all their great riches,
All such treachery he called wretchednesse.
Vnto the gates and subburbs of the town,
Braithly they burnt, and brake their building
At the wals assayled fiftéen dayes,
While King Edward sent to them in this wi [...]
A Knight, a Clerk, and a Squier of peace:
And prayed them from burning for to cease.
And height battel ere fiftéen dayes should [...]
Soverance so long if he liked to ask.
And als be spiered, why Wallace took on ha [...]
The fellon strife in defence of Scotland?
And said, He marvelled in his wits for th [...]
Against England was of so great party,
Since ye have ma [...]e so meikle of Scotland f [...]
It were good time for to let malice be.
Wallace hath heard the message say their will,
With manly voice right thus he said them till.
[...]e may know well that right enough we have,
Of his severance I covet not to crave.
Because I am a native Scots man,
[...]t is my debt to do all that I can:
[...]o fend our King rik out of dangering.
[...]o his desire we will grant him something.
Our hoast shall cease for ought that may betide,
These fourty dayes bargane to abide;
And shall do nought, lest then it move in you,
[...]n this respite my self could never trow.
[...]ing Edwards writ under his seal they gave,
[...]n fourty dayes that they should battel have.
Wallace then gave credence to their King,
Their leave they took, then passed but resting.
And told him whole how Wallace let him féel,
Of their soverance he cared not a deal.
[...]uch ruled men so awful in effeir,
Are not christen as he leads into wear:
The King answered, and said, It should be kend:
It comes of wit, enemies to commend,
They are to dread right greatly in certain,
[...]adly they think of harmes that they have tane:
Leave I them thus at Counsel with the King,
And of the Scots again to speak some thing.
Wallace tranointed upon the second day,
From York they passe upon a good array:
North-west they went, in battel busked [...]own,
Their lodging they took beside Northallartown.
And cryed his peace their Markets for to stand,
Those fourty dayes for people of England.
Who that liked any victual to sell,
Of all their shore was meikle for to tell.
Sir Rauff Raymount Captain of Miltoun was,
With great power by night ordained to passe,
On VVallace [...]oast, to make some ieopardy,
Feill Scots men that dwelt in that Countrey
Wist of this thing, and gathered to VVallace,
They made him wise of all this Fellon case:
Good Lundie then to him he called there,
And Hew the [...]ay of Locharquart was air,
With three thousand that worthily was [...]
Then privately on from the hoast they sought
The men be took that came to him of new,
Guides to be for they the Countrey knew:
The ho [...]t they made in good quiet to be,
A space from them be busked privately.
Sir Rauff Rymount with seven thousand came [...]
Of VVallace hoast a ieopardy did begin:
The bushment brake ere they the hoast came [...]
The Sutheron men the worthy Scots can stea [...]
Thrée thousand whole were braithly brought [...]
Iourney they sought, and sickerly have foun [...]
Sir Rauff Rymount was sticked on a spear,
Thrée thousand slain that vvorthy vvere in [...]
No Sutheron wist when their Chiftain was [...]
A [...] Milton fast they fled all in their main:
VVallace followed fast with his Chevalry,
Among Sutheron they entred suddenly,
Scots and English into the town at once,
Sutheron men shot, and braithly cast down st [...]
Of their own men right feill then they have
The Scots about that were of meikle main,
Vp greisses ran, and seased all the town,
Per [...]ly to death the Sutheron dang they dow [...]
Wallace there hath [...]ounden great riches,
Iewels, and Gold, Weapons and Harnesse:
[...]poiled the town of wine and vittail,
To his [...]oast sent vvith carriage of great vail.
Thrée dayes still vvithin the town he bade,
Then broke down vvork that vvorthily vvas made,
[...]ives and Bairns they put out of the town,
[...]o man he saved that vvas of thas nation:
When Scots had tane, and tursed their desire,
Walls they broke and set the rest on fire:
The timber vvork they burnt up all in plain,
[...]n the fourth day to the hoast road again,
[...]art cast a dyke that might some streng th [...]ing he,
[...]o kéep the hoast from sudden ieopardie.
[...]hen Englishmen vvas right graithly aga [...]st,
[...]ro [...] North and South unto the King they past;
[...]t Pumfret lay and held a Parliament,
[...]o give battel the Lords would not consent;
[...]ut Wallace were of Scotland crowned King,
[...]heir Counsel fand it vvas a peri [...]ous thing:
[...]or though they vvan, they vvan but a [...] they were,
[...]nd if they tint, lost England ever [...]ave.
[...]n case it vvere put in the Scots hand,
[...]nd this decreit their wit among them fand.
[...] VVallace would upon him take the Crown,
To give battel they should be ready [...]own,
The samine message to him they send again,
[...]nd their intent they told to him in plain,
[...]Vallace them charged from his presence absent,
[...]is Counsel called, and shewed them his intent:
[...]e and his men destred battel to have,
[...]y any vvayes of England over th [...] [...]e:
Himself said first, that vvere an of [...] [...]ie thing,
Against my faith, to reave my righteous King,
[...] am his own born native of Scotland,
To wear the Crown I vvill not take in hand.
[...]o fend my Realm it is my debt [...]ut skill,
Let God above reward me as he [...]ill.
Some bade Wallace upon him take the Cro [...]
Wise men said nay, it were deris [...]on:
To Crown him King but voice of Parliamen [...]
For they wist not, if Scotland would consent.
Other some said, it was the wrongous place,
Thus déemed they of many diverse case.
The Knight Campbel of wit a worthy man,
As I said air with them was present than,
Heard and answered when many said their [...]
This were the best, and VVallace grant ther [...] [...]
To Crown him King solemnly for a day,
To get an end of all our long delay.
The good Earle Malcome said, that VVallace m [...]
As for one day in fence of Scotlands right:
Though he re [...]d it lastingly to bear,
Receive the Crown as into fare of wear:
The people all to him gave their consent,
Malcome of old was Lord of Parliament.
Yet Wallace tholled, and let them say thier [...]
When they had déemed by many diverse skill.
In his own mind he abhorred this thing,
The commons cryed, make Wallace Crowned [...]
Then sembled he, and said, It should not be,
At terms short, ye get no more of me:
Vnder collour our answer we must make,
But such a thing I will not on me take:
I will you suffer to say that it was swa,
It vvere a scorn the Crown on me to ta:
They would no [...]t the message of England,
Come them among, or they should understand [...]
Two Knights past to the message again,
Made them to trow Wallace vvas crowned in [...]
Gart them trust vvell that it vvas foothfast [...]
Delivered thus, they passed to their King:
To Pomfret went, and told that they had sée [...]
[...]allace crowned, whereof the Lords vvere [...]n:
[...] barret wox in Parliament where they [...],
[...]hen said they all, these tydings [...] good:
[...]e did so well in all his time before,
[...]d now their King, he will do meikle more.
[...]fortunate man, nothing goes him again,
[...]nd we give battel, we shall repent with pain:
[...]nother said, And battel will he [...]e,
[...]r stroy our land, no treason may us save:
[...] his conquest, since first he cou [...]h begin,
[...]e sells not, but takes that he may vvin:
[...]or Englishmen be sets no doom but dead,
[...]yce or pennies may make us no remead.
[...]nd Woodstock sayes, Ye work not as the wise,
[...] that ye take not the auture of supprise,
[...]r though vve vvin all that are in England [...]
[...]e rest are strong against us for to stand.
[...]e rest are strong against us for to stand.
[...] Wallace safe, other they count but small,
[...]or that me think it vvere the best of all,
[...] kéep our strengths, castles and walled town,
[...] we shall fend the folk of this Region:
[...]hough North be burnt, better of soverance to be,
[...]hen set all England in a ieopardie.
[...]hey granted all as Woodstock can them say,
[...]nd thus they put the battel in delay,
[...]nd cast them whole for other governance,
[...]gainst Wallace to work some ordinance:
[...]hus Wallace hath in plain discomsist hail,
[...]gainst King Edward all his whole Battel:
[...]or through false-hood and his subtility,
[...]hey thought he should for great necessity:
[...]nd fault of food to steal out of the land,
[...]hen this deceit their wit among them fand,
[...]hey gart the King cry all their Markets down.
[...]rom Trent to Tweed, in through fair and frée town.
That [...] the [...] no man should victual [...]
Such stuff and vvine, under the pain of dead:
The same [...] in Parliament,
Of Scots forth to speak is mine intent.
VVallace lay still vvhile fourty dayes vvere gon [...]
Abiding them, but appearance saw none.
Battel to have, [...] their promise vvas m [...]de,
He gart again display his Bannes Broad:
Reproved Edward right greatly of this thing,
[...]auchled his seal, blew-out on this false King.
As recrying turned back, and yéed his gate,
Then Wallace made full many biggings hate.
They raised fire, burnt up Nor [...]hallartown,
Again through York-shire boldly made them bo [...]
Destroyed the land as far as ever they ride,
Seven [...]ile about they burnt on every side.
And wr [...]ght the Sutheron many vvorking vvo [...]
Palaces sprit, great Towers can confound:
Widows wéeped vvith sorrow in their song,
Maiden's mourned with great meaning among [...]
They spared none but women and the Kirk,
The vvorthy Scots of labour vvould not irk:
Gave to Abbeys right largely of their good,
To all Kirk-men they did nothing but good:
The temporal land they spoiled at their will,
Good Gardens gay, and great Orchards they [...]
To York they went these vvar men of renown,
A siedge set they right sadly to the town:
For great defence they garnisht them within,
A fell assault without they can begin.

CHAP. IIII. The siedge of York.

DIvided the hoast in four parts about,
With watches fell, that no man should [...]
[...]out the town, upon the South-port side,
[...]here Wallace and good Lundie did abide.
[...]rle Malcome then at the West gate ab [...]de,
[...]ith him the Boyd that good iourneys had made.
[...]he Knight Campbel of Lochow that was Lord,
[...] the North-gate, and Ramsay made their fore.
[...]r John the Graham that vvorthy vvas in vve [...],
[...]chinleck, Crawfurd, with full manly effear:
[...]t the East port boldly they thinked hide,
[...] thousand Archers upon the Scots side:
[...]issevered them among the four party,
[...]ive thousand Bow-man in the town for thy.
Within the walls arrayed them full right,
[...]welve thousand moe, that séemly was to fight:
[...]hen Wallace said, And yond were on a plain,
[...] field to fight, me thinks we should be fain,
[...]hen salzeit they right fast on every side,
[...]he worthy Scots that boldly durst abide:
[...]ith spear and shield, for Guns they had none,
[...]ithin the dykes they gart feill Sutheron gr [...]ne:
[...]rrows they shot right fierce as any fire,
[...]ut over the wals, that flamed in great yre:
[...]hrough birnish bright, with heads of fine stéel,
The Sutheron blood of friendship none they f [...]l:
[...]ver shining Harnesse sought the blood so s [...]en,
[...]he Englishmen that cruel were and kéen,
[...]éeped their town, and fended them full fast,
[...]aggats of fire among the hoast they cast:
With Pick and [...]ar of feill shows they sent,
[...]any were hurt ere they from the walls went.
[...]tones of spring-holds they did cast out so fast,
[...]nd gads of yron, made many Groom agast,
[...]ut neverthelesse the Scots that were without,
The town full oft they set into great doubt:
Their bulwark burnt right brimly of the town,
Their [...]kin wan, and great Garrets [...]
Thus s [...]iled they on each side with great [...]
The day was gone, and coming vvas the ni [...]
The weary hoast then drew them from the [...]
Set out Watches, for resting made them bo [...]
[...]as [...]t [...]ounds with wine, of them y t were [...]
For none was dead, of great mirth they abou [...]
Feill men were hurt, but no mourning they
Confirmed the siedge, and stedfastly abade.
When that the Sun on morrow rose up bright
Before the Chiftains assembled they full right
And said, Amends of the town they should [...]
For all the fence that the Sutheron might ma [...]
Arrayed again, As they began before,
About the town they assailed wonder sore:
With felton shot out over the wals full shéen,
Feill Englishmen that cruel were and kéen:
With shot were slain, for all their targets [...]
Bursted helms many to ground they dang:
Brime burning fire, they cast at every gate,
The entries thus in peril oft they set.
The defenders were of full great defence,
[...]eped the town through strength and violen [...]
All thus the day they drave unto the night,
To pavilions bowned many vveary vvight:
All irk of war, the town vvas strong to vvin,
Of artailyie, and Noble men vvithin.
When that they trowed the Scots were at [...]
For ieopardy the Englishmen them cast
Sir John Morton vvas known vvorthy and vv [...]
[...]ir William Leis then graithed them that [...]
With five thousand well garnisht and sav [...]
Vpon the Scots they thought to make skir [...]
And at the gate is [...]ed out hastily,
On Earle Malcome, and his good Chevalry:
[...] [...]erk the watch, Wallace and ten hath [...]éen,
[...]oing about, and hath their coming séen:
[...] gart on blow vvas in his company,
[...] ready men arrayed them hastily:
[...]ill of the Scots ilk night in harnesse bade,
[...] ordinance, for they such rule had made:
[...]ith short advise together then they vvent,
[...] their foes, where feill Sutheron were sbent.
[...]llace knew vvell the Earle too hasty vvas,
Or that he sped him in the preasse to passe:
[...] sword of vvar into his hand he bare,
[...]e first he hit, the craig in sunder share.
[...]other acward upon the face took he,
[...] nease and front on the field gart [...]e flée:
[...] hardy Earle before his men out past,
[...]to the field where feill vvere fighting fast,
[...] shearing sword he bare drawn in his hand,
[...]e first was fey that he before him sand:
[...]hen Wallace was and be together set;
[...]ere lasted none against them that they met,
[...]ut either dead or fled away them fra,
[...]y this the boast vvas in a good aray:
With the great scry assembled them about,
[...]hen stood the Sutheron in a fellon doubt.
[...]allace knew vvell the Englishmen would flée,
For thy he thrusted in the thickest to be.
[...]ewing full fast on whomsoever he sought,
[...]gainst his dint fine stéel availed nought.
[...]allace of hand, since Arthur had no ma [...]k,
Whom he hit right, was ay dead at one [...].
That was vvell known in many places where,
Whom VVallace hit they diered Scots [...]a m [...]re,
[...] all his men did cruelly and vvell,
That came to stroaks, that might the Sutheron féel,
The Englishmen fled, and left the field plainly,
The worthy Scots wrought there so hardily
Sir John Morton in that place he was dead,
And twelve hundred, but any more remead.
Thus many were left into the field, and [...]
The rest returned into the town again:
And rewed full sore that ever they forth could
Among them was full many working would
The h [...]ast again each one to their Ward [...]
Commanded watch, and no more noise made.
But rested still, while that the bright day [...]
Again began the town to sailzie new:
All this day wrought with full great worthing
Assailed sore by wit and hardinesse:
The ho [...]s vi [...]ul wared scant, and failed [...]
Thus lay they there while diverse dayes [...]
The land wasted, and meat none was to wi [...]
[...]t that w [...]t not the folk that was therein [...]
They dreadfull sore for their own Vennison
For soverance prayed the power of the town,
To speak with Wallace then they desired [...]
And he appeared, and speired what they [...]
The Maior answered, We would pay your [...]
To passe [...], and dear no more the tow [...]l
Great shame it were that we should yéelden [...]
And towns holden of lesse power then we:
Ye may not win us, long though that ye abi [...]
We shall give [...] and ye will from us ri [...]
We may give battel, durst we for our [...]
Since he hath l [...]t it, were over high a thi [...]
To us [...], without his ordinance,
This town of [...] we hold in governance
Wallace answered, Of your Gold reek we [...]
It is for battel that we hither sought:
We had rather have battel of England,
Then all the Gold that good King Arthur [...]
[...] Mount Michel when he the [...]
[...]old may be gone, but worship a yéer now:
[...]e King promis'd that [...] should battel have,
[...] is writ thereto under [...] they gave:
[...]etter nor band ye sée [...] avail
[...]s for this time together [...] battail:
[...] think we should on [...] broken be
[...]on our Kin many great wrong [...]e:
[...]is devil-like deed he wrought into Scotland,
[...]he Maior said, Sir right ye thus understand:
[...]e have no charge what our King ga [...] us do,
[...]ut in this kind we shall be bound you [...]oe
[...]ome part of gold to give you with good will,
[...]nd nought after to wait yo [...] with none ill.
[...]y no kine mean the power of this town,
[...]ut if our King make him to battel [...]own.
[...]to the hoast was many worthy man,
[...]ith VVallace [...]oe, nor now reackon [...],
[...]etter it was for at his will they [...],
[...]hough he was best, yet [...]:
[...] served thanks to Scotland eve [...]ame,
[...] ma [...]li [...]e [...] the which they [...].
The vvhole [...],
[...]he town to siedge they thought it was [...]:
[...]nd not a [...]ay to win it [...],
[...]he Counsel found it was the best [...] might,
[...]ome Gold do take, since that we get [...],
[...]hen forth away into their voyage [...]:
[...]hen Wallace said, My self vvill not consent,
[...]ut if this town make us this plain consent,
[...]ake our [...]anner, and set it on the wall,
[...] our power this Realm hath ridd [...] all.
[...]éelden to be, when we think them to take,
[...]n England long residence if [...] make.
This answer soon they sent unto [...],
And they [...]sented, the remnant that [...]
The Banner took and set it on the town,
To Scotland was hight honour and reno [...]
The Banner there from eight hours un [...]
Their finance made, d [...]ere [...] Gold full [...]
Five thousand pounds of good gold of Engl [...]
The hoast received, with victuall abundant,
Both bread and wine right gladly forth there
And other stuffe, that they liked to have:
Twenty dayes out the hoast remained ther [...]
But want of victual gart them from it to [...]
Yet still at peace the hoast lodged that night:
While on the morne the Sun was risen bri [...]
Into April among these shawes shéen,
When that the ground was clad with tender
Pleasant it was to any creature:
In lustie love this time for to indure:
The good women had fréedome largely,
But food was scant, they could get none to [...]
Turled up tents, and to the Countrey ra [...]e,
On Englishmen full great heiship they [...]
Burnt and brake down, buildings they spa [...]
Right worthy VVallace low to ground them [...]
All Myld [...]e they burnt up in a fire,
Brake Parkes down, destroyed all the [...]
Wild Déer they slew, for other beasts were [...]
These war-men took of Vennison great [...]
Toward the South they turned at the last,
Made buildings bare, as far as ever they [...]
The Commons all to London then they w [...]
Before the King, and told him their [...]
And said, they would, but he gart VValace [...]
Forsake their faith, and take them to his [...]
No Herauld there then durst to VValace [...]
Whereof the King greatly agrieved was:
[...] Edward left his people into bail,
[...]trare VVallace he would not give battel.
[...]r bide in field for ought that they could say,
[...]e over the cause, to London past his way,
[...] men of wit this question here I ask,
[...]ong Nobles if ever any was
[...] long in England, through force or through case,
[...]ce Brutus death, but battell but VVallace?
[...]eat Julius the Empyre had in hand,
[...]t twise on force was put out of England.
[...]ith Arthure als, first of war when he prieved,
[...]ise did they fight, suppose they were mischieved.
[...]full Edward durst not for VVallace bide,
[...] a plain battel, for all England so wide:
London lay, and took him to his rest,
[...]d brake his vow, which hold you for the best.
[...]m as ye list, good men of discretion,
[...]ht clear it is to resolve this question.
[...] my sentance now briefly will I passe,
[...]hen VVallace this throgh Yorkshire iourneying was
[...]ctual as then was none left in the land,
[...]t in houses, where it might be warrand:
[...] hoast hereof abased was to bide,
[...] food scanted: no pleasure was that tide:
[...]e bade turn home, and some would fathermare
[...]allace called Jop, and said to him right fare:
[...]ou knowest the land where most abundance is,
[...] thou our guide, and then we shall not misse,
[...]ctual to find that wot I wonder well,
[...]ou hast I trust in England meikle feil:
[...]e King and his strong strengths are gone,
[...]t ieopardy, now peril have we none.
[...]en Jop said, Sir, be ye guided by me,
[...]e plentiest part of England ye shall see:
[...] wine and wheat there is in Richmount-shire.
And other stuff for food as ye desire,
Whereof I trow ye shall be well content,
The hoast was glad, and thither ward they [...]
Many true Scots was sembled in that land,
To Wallace came well moe then nine thousan [...]
Of presoun part, some had in labour wrough [...]
From either part full fast to him they sought
VVallace was blyth of our own native Kin:
That came to him of bail that they were in.
And all the hoast of comfort was blyther,
Fra their own folk was multiplying there:
In Richmount-shire they found aboundance
Of bread and ail, with other purveyance:
Brake Parks down, and slew beasts many one
Of wilde and tame, forsooth they spared none:
Throughout the land they past in good array,
A séemly place so found they in their way:
Which Ramswatch height, as Jop himself then
Fehew was Lord and Captain in that hold:
Five hundred men were sembled in that place,
To save their selver, and their goods from Wal [...]
A royal stead was by the forest side,
With turats fair, and Garrats of great pride,
Builded about, right likely to be wight,
With five great towers, well builded to the hi [...]
Feill men about on vvals busked béen,
In good armour, that birnisht was full shéen,
The hoast past by, and visited but that place,
Yet they vvithin on lowd defied Wallace.
And trumpets blew vvith many vvarlike so [...]
Then Wallace said, had we yon Gallants do [...]
On the plain ground, they would more so [...]
Then Jop said, Sir, ye gart his brother die [...]
In Heraulds weed, ye wot on Tinto hill,
Wallace answered, So would I vvith good [...]
[...] I himself: but we may not him dear,
[...]ood men may thole of Harlots scorn in wear.
[...]ir John the Graham would at the bicker béen,
[...]ut Wallace soon the peril hath foreséen,
[...]mmanded him to let his fiercenesse he,
[...] have no men to waste in such degrée:
[...]ould we them barm, I have another gate,
[...]ow we with fire within shall make them heat:
[...]or fire hath ay béen fellon into wear,
[...]n such a place it may do meikle dean:
Their bulwark old I sée of vvithered oak,
[...]ere it on fire, it would not bide a stroak:
[...]ouses and vvood there is enough plenty,
[...]ho bews best of this forrest let sée.
[...]ull houses down, vve shall not wein a deal,
[...]he old timber will gar the gréen burn well:
[...] his command right busily they vvrought,
[...]reat vvood in hast about the place they brought.
[...]he bulwark vvan these men of armes bright,
[...]o the barmkin laid timber upon hight.
[...]hen Bow-men shot, to kéep them from that cast,
[...]ut they about had fastned fire full fast:
[...]omen and bairns on Wallace loud can cry,
[...]n knées they fell, and asked him mercy.
[...] one quarter, where fire had not yet tane,
[...]hey took them out of that Castle of stane:
[...]yne bet the stre with brands brim and bold,
[...]he red flame rose full high about that hold:
[...]rrels of Pick for fence were hanged there,
[...] strake in fire, their mischief was the mare.
[...]hen the brim fire out over the place was past,
[...]hen they within might neither shoot nor cast:
[...]lso bestial of Neat and horse within,
[...]mong the fire they made an hiddious din:
[...]he Armed men in harnesse were so hate,
Some down to ground dushed but more de [...]
Some lay, some fell into the fellon fire,
Smoored to dead, and burnt up bone and lyre.
The fire brake in at all opens about,
None bade aloft, so fellon was the doubt:
Fehew himself lap rudely from the hight,
Through all the fire, can on the barmkin li [...]
With a good sword VVallace stroak off his h [...]
Jop hint it up turst it from that stead.
Five hundreth men that were into that place
Got none away, but dead withoutten grace:
VVallace bade still with his power that night;
Vpon the morne the fire had fayled might.
Before the gate where it had burnt on breid,
A path they made, and to the Castle yéed.
Strake down the gate, and took what they mig [...]
Iewels and Gold, great riches was therein.
Spoyled the place, and left nought else there,
But beasts, burnt bodies, and also wals bars
Then took they her that wife was to Fehew,
Gave her command, as she was woman true:
To turse that head to London to King Edward,
She it received with great sorrow in heart,
VVallace himself these charges to her gave,
Say to your King, but if I battel have,
At London gates we shall affailie sare,
In this moneth we think for to be there.
Trust in the truth, will God we shall not fai [...]
Vnlesse I cease through charge of our Coun [...]
The South-west part of England we shall sée,
But he séek peace, or else bargane with m [...]
Vpon a time he charged me on this wise,
Right bousteously to make to him service,
Such shall he have, as he us cause hath made,
Then moved they withoutten more abade:
[...]livered she was from this Chevalrie,
[...]ward London she dight her earnestly:
[...]to the town but more processe she went,
[...]here Edward say sore moved in his intent,
[...] Nevoyes head, when he saw it was brought
[...] great sorrow sadly upon him fought
[...]ith great unease upon his féet he stood,
[...]éeping in woe, for his dear tender blood,
[...]e Counsel rose, and prayed him to cease,
[...]e lose England, but if we purchase peace:
[...]en Woodstock said, this is may best counsel,
[...]ke peace in time, as for your own avail,
[...] ye tine more, vve slaik of our courage,
[...]ter ye may get help of our barnagé.
[...] King granted, and bade, them message send,
[...] man vvas there that durst to Wallace vvènd,
[...]e Queen appeared, and savv this great distances.
[...]ell born she vvas of the right blood of France.
[...]e trowed vvell therefore to speed the mare,
[...]er self purposed in that message to fare:
[...]s she forethought that the King took on hand,
[...]ainst the right so oft to reave Scotland.
[...]d feil men said, the vengeance hapned, fair,
[...]f great murther his men made into Aire.
[...]hus deemed they in counsel them among,
[...]o this effect the Queen [...]owned to gang:
[...]hen she hath seen each man forsake this thing,
[...]n kness she fell and asked at the King.
[...]overaigne, she said, If it your wils be,
That I desire yon Chiftain for to see.
For he is known both vvorthy, vvise, and true,
[...]erchance he vvould rather on vvomen rue,
[...]han on your men, they have done him such dear,
When he them sees, it moves him ay to wear:
[...]t may not skaith, although I do not vail,
To help this land I would make my travel.
The Lords all of her desire was fain,
Vnto the King made instance into plain,
That she might passe, the [...]ing with acwar [...]
Half into yre he gave consent theretill:
Some of them said, the Quéen loved VVallace,
For the great voice of his hie noblenesse.
An hardy man, that is séemly withal,
Great favour will of fortune to him fall:
Anent vvomen is seen in many place,
So happened now in this time of VVallace,
In his rising he vvas a lover true,
And choosed one, but Englishmen her slew.
Yet said they nought, the Quéen would on her
As for his love such travel for to make.
Now love or leave, or for help of their land,
I make rehearse as I in old writ fand:
She graished her upon a goodly wise,
With Gold and Gear, and folk at her devise,
Ladies vvith her, none [...]r would they send,
And old Priests, that vvell the Countrey kend:
Leave I the Quéen to message ready dight,
And speak further of Wallace travel right.
THe worthy Scots among their enemies [...]
Destruction great upon them have they [...]
Wasted the land about on either side,
No war-men then durst in their wayes abide:
They ransomed none, but to the death them [...]
In many stead made fire broad and bright:
The boast was glad in a good estate,
No power vvas that vvould make them debate
Great riches vvan of Gold and gear theretill,
Leaving enough to take at their own vvill:
In awfull fear they travel through the land,
[...]de biggins bair, that they before them fand:
[...]reat barmkins brake of steads stark and strong,
[...]ese wight war-men of travel thought not long.
[...]uth in the land right earnestly they sought,
[...] Saint Albanis but harm there did they nought.
[...]he Pryor sent them Wine and Vennison,
[...]freshed the hoast vvith great food and fuston.
[...]he night appeared when they were at that place,
[...]hen harbered they from thence a little space:
[...]hoosed a stead vvhere they sho0uld bide all night,
[...]ents on ground, and Pavilions proudly pight.
[...]nto a vail beside a river fair,
[...]n either side where wilde beasts made repair:
[...]et watches out, that vvisely could them kéep,
[...]o supper went, and timously could sléep:
Of meat and drink they have sufficience,
The night was short, overdrave the darkful chance.

CHAP. V. How the Queene of England came and spake with Wallace.

THe merry day sprang up from the Orient,
With beams bright illuminate the Occident:
[...]fter Titan, Phoebus uprised fair,
High in his Sphear the signs made declare.
[...]ephirus began his mighty morrow course,
The swéet vapour did from the ground resourse.
The donk dew from the heaven down did vail,
In every meid, both firth, forrest and dail:
The fresh river among the rocks rang,
Through gréen branches, where birds blythly sang,
With ioyous voice in heavenly harmony,
Then Wallace thought it was no time to lye:
He blessed him, then suddenly up he rose,
To take the air, out of his tent he goes.
Master John Blair was ready hastily,
To Gods service howned right reverently,
When that was done, Wallace could him arr [...]
In his armour, which was both good and ga [...]
His shining shield that hirnisht was full bein [...]
His leg harnesse, that clasped was full clean [...]
Pullanes gries he clasped on full fast,
A closse bitney with many sicker cast.
Breast plait, braisses that worthy were in w [...]
Beside him forth Joy could his basnet bear:
His glittering gloves graven on either side,
He sáe med well in battel for to bide:
A good girdle, and then a burely brand,
A staffe of stéel he gripped in his hand.
The hoast him blessed and prayed God of his [...]
Him to convoy from all miftempered case:
Adam VVallace and Boyd forth with him yéed,
Endlong a river, out through a for rest meid.
And as they walked out over the fields gréen,
Out of the South they saw where that the Quéen
Toward the hoast came riding soberly,
Fifty Ladies wers in her company:
Wailed of wit and dée med of renown,
Some widows were, and some of Religion.
And seven Priests that were entred in age,
VVallace to such did never great outrage,
But if to him they made a great offence,
Thus they approached on toward their presence
At the Pavilion where they the Lyon saw,
To ground they light, and then on knées they [...]
Praying for peace, they cry with piteous chéer,
Earle Malcome said, Our Chiftain is not here [...]
He hade her rise, and said, It was not right,
A Quéen on knées to bow to lower wight.
Vp by the hand the Earle hath her tane,
[...]ut over they went, to VVallace have they gane:
[...]hen she him saw she would have knéeled down,
[...]n arms soon he claught this Quéen with Crown,
[...]nd kissd her withoutten words more,
[...]o did he never to no Sutheron before.
[...]adame he said, Right welcome mot ye be,
[...]ow pleased you our hoasting for to sée:
[...]ight well, she said, of friendship have we néed,
God grant ye will our errand for to spéed.
[...]uffer we must suppose it like us ill,
[...]ut trust us well it is contrare our will.
[...]e shall remain with this Lord, I must gang,
From your presence we shall not tarry long.
The Earle and he unto the pavilion yéed,
With good advise to déem more of this déed.
The counsel soon Wallace gart call them to,
Lords he said, ye wot not what is ado.
Of their coming my self hath no pleasance:
[...]nd therefore must we work with ordinance.
[...]omen may become tempting into wear,
[...]mong fools that cannot them forbear:
[...] say not this by these or by the Quéen,
[...] trow it be not good that she should mean:
Example take of long time passed by,
At Runsevail the treason was plainly.
Be women made that Canzeton with him brought,
And Turkée-wine for bear then could they nought.
Long use in war gart them destre their will,
Which brought King Charles to fellon lout and ill:
The sloure of France without redemption,
Through that foul dead was brought to confusion.
Command your men, therefore in private wise,
On pain of life they work not on such guise,
None speak with them but wise men of great bail,
That Lords are, and sworn to this counsel.
His charge they did as goodly as they mough [...]
This ordinance through all the hoast was w [...]
He and the Earl both to the Quéen they wen [...]
Received her fair and brought her to the ten [...]
To dinner bowned as goodly as they can,
And served was with many likely man.
Good purveyance the Quéen had with her brou [...]
An assay she took of all that good her thought.
Wallace perceived and said, we have no dread,
I cannot trow that Ladies will do that déed.
To poyson men all England for to win:
The Quéen answered, if poyson be therein,
Of any thing that is brought here with me,
Vpon my self first sorrow you shall sée.
Soon after meat a Marshel gart all absent,
But Lords and they to the Councel that went.
Ladies appeared in presence with the Quéen,
Wallace asked, what her coming might mean,
For peace she said, that we have to you sought,
This burning war in bail hath many brought.
Ye grant us grace for him that died on trée:
VVallace answered, Madame, that may not he.
England hath done so great harms unto us,
We may not passe, and lightly leave it thus.
Yes, said the Queen, for Christen folk we are,
For Gods sake since we do desire namare:
We ought have peace, He said, that we deny,
The perfect cause then shall I show, for why:
Ye seek no peace, but for your own avail,
When that your King Scotland had griped hail.
For no kin thing that he before him fand,
He would not thole the right blood in the land
But reft their rent, then put themselves to de [...]
Ranfome of Gold, might make us no remead:
His fell false war shall on himself he seen,
[...]en soberly to him answered the Queen:
[...] these wrongs amends were most fair,
[...]ndame, he said, of him we ask na mare:
[...]t that he would bide us into Battel,
[...]d God be iudge. he knowes the matter hail.
[...]uch thing, she said, it were not good think me,
[...]ace now were best, if it might purchast be:
[...]ould ye grant peace, and trews with us to take,
[...]hrough all England we shall gar prayers make,
[...]or you and them that in the war were lost:
[...]hen Wallace said, where such cometh through boast,
[...]rayer of force where so that it be wrought,
[...]ous helps either little or else nought.
[...]arely she said, thus wise men hath us kend,
[...]y after wars, peace is the final end:
Wherefore ye should of your great malice cease,
[...]he end of wars is charity and peace.
[...]eace is in heaven, with blisse and lestandnesse,
[...]e shall beseech the Lord of his hie grace:
[...]o command peace, then we may do na mare,
[...]adame, he said, ere your prayers come there:
[...]ends of England we think then for to have,
VVhat set ye thus on wars for to save,
[...]tom violent vvars that ye think not to dwell:
[...]adame, he said, the truth I shall you tell:
[...]fter the death of Alexanders Reign,
Our land three years stood desolate but King,
[...]eeped full well, at concord in good state.
Through two that claimed, there hapned great [...]
[...]o earnestly accord them not they can,
[...]our King they asked to be their over-man,
[...]lily he staid in strengths of Scotland,
The King rike [...]on he took at his own hand:
[...]e made a King against the righteous law,
For he of him should hold the Region aw:
Contrare his hand were all the whole bar [...]
For Scotland yet was never in thirlage:
Great Julius that tribute took of all,
His winning was of Scotland but right small [...]
Then your false King under collour but ma [...]
Through band he made to Bruce that is our [...]
Vndid the King which he before had made,
Through all Scotland with great power they [...]
To Bruce since-sine he kéeped no command,
He said, we would not go to conquish land
To other men, and thus the case befell,
Then Scotland through he demanded himsell,
Slew our Elders, great pity is to sée,
In prison then long time they kéeped me.
While I at last was casten out for dead,
Thanked be God, be sent me some remead:
Venged to be I proved all my might,
Feill of that Kin to death since I have dight:
The rage of youth gart me desire a wife,
That rewed I sore, and will do all my life.
A traitour Knight but mercy gart her die,
One Hesilrig, but for despite of me.
Then rang I forth in travail, wars and pain,
While we red [...]med part of our land again.
Then your Counsel desir'd of us a trew,
Which made Scotland full graithly for to rew,
Into that peace they set a subtill Aire,
Then eightéen score to death they hanged ther [...]
That nobles were, and worthy of renown,
Of coat armour eldest in that Region:
The woman als that dolefully was dight,
That death me think to venge in all our might
Out of my mind that death will never slide,
Will God me take from this false world so [...]
On Sutheron then I can no pity have,
[...]our men in wars I never think to save.
The bright tears, was pity to behold,
[...]urst from his eyes, when he this tale had told:
The Quéen wéeped for pity of VVallace,
[...]las, she said, wo worth the wicked case:
[...]n cursed time that Hesilrig was born,
[...]any worthy through his dead are forlorn.
[...]e should have pain that causlesse such on flengh,
England since then hath bought it dear enough.
Though she had béen a Quéen, or a Princesse,
[...]adame, he said, as God give me good grace,
Princesse or Quéen of what state so they be,
[...]nto her time she was as dear to me.
VVallace, she said, of this talk we will cease,
The mends thereof is good prayer and peace.
[...] grant, he said, of me as now na mare,
This is right nought but éeking of my care:
The Quéen found well, language nothing her bate,
She trowed with Gold that he might be overset:
Thrée thousand pound of finest gold so red,
She gart be brought to VVallace in that stead:
Madame, he said, no such tribute we crave,
An other mends we would of England have:
Ere we return from this region again,
Of your fierce blood, that hath our Elders slain.
For all the Gold and riches of your reign,
Ye get no peace but desire of your King.
When she saw well Gold might her not relieve,
Some part in sport she thought him for to prieve:
VVallace, she said, ye are cléeped my love,
More aboundantly I made me for to prove:
Trusting therefore your ran [...]our for to [...]o [...]e,
Me think ye should do something for my sake.
Right wisely he made answer to the Quéen,
Madame, he said, if verity were séen,
That ye me loved I ought love you again
These words are all for nothing but in vain
In speech of love subtill ye Sutheron are,
Ye can us mock, suppose we get no more:
To take a liking and then get no pleasance,
Such love as that is nothing to advance.
In London she said, for you I suffered blame,
Our Counsel als will laugh when I come h [...]
So may they say, women are fierce of thoug [...]
To séek friendship and then can get right now
Madame ye wot how ye were hither send:
Ye trow we have but little for to spend.
First with your gold for ye are rich I wish:
Ye would us blind since Scots are so nise.
Then pleasant words of you and Ladies fair,
As who would drive the bird into a snare,
With a whistel-pipe, for it will freshest call:
Madame as yet ye may not tempt us all.
Great part of good is left among our kin,
In England als, we find enough to win:
Abased she was, to make answer him till,
Dear Sir, she said, since that it is your will.
Wars or peace, what that you liketh best,
Let your hie wit and good Counsel digest.
Madame he said, now shall ye understand
The reason why that I will make no band:
With your Ladies I cannot trewes bind,
For your false King will soon hereafter find,
When he saw time, to break it at his will,
And plainly say, he granted not there till.
Then had we none but Ladies to reprove,
That shall not be, by God that sits above,
Vpon women I vvill no vvars begin,
Of you in field no vvorship is to win,
All the vvhole peace on himself he shall take;
[...]f peace, or vvars, vvhat vve happen to make,
[...]he Queen granted this answer sufficient,
[...] did the rest in plain that vvere present.
[...]is deliverance they held of great avail,
[...]nd strong enough to shevv to their Councel:
[...]o vvas the Quéen her travel helped nought,
[...]he gold she took that they had vvith her brought,
[...]nto the hoast right freely she it gave,
[...]o every man that liked for to have.
[...]enstrels and Heraulds she gave abundantly,
[...]eseeching them that they her friends vvould be.
When Wallace savv the freedom of the Queen,
[...]adly he said, the sooth vvell hath been seen
Women may tempt the vvisest hath been wrought,
[...]our great gentrice it shall not be for nought.
[...]e you assure our Hoast shal do nothing,
VVhile time ye may send message from the King,
[...]f it be so that he accord and vve,
[...]hen for your sake it shall the better be.
Your Heraulds als shal safely come and go,
For your freedom vve shal trouble no mo.
[...]he thanked him of his grant many syse,
And all her Ladies on a goodly vvise.
Gladly they drank, the Queen and good Wallace,
[...]er Ladies als, and good Lords in that place,
[...]er leave she took without longer abade,
Five mile that night, south to an Nunry tade,
Vpon the morne to London passed they,
In Westminster vvhere that the Councel lay,
[...]t needs not here now more rehearse this thing,
VVallace answer she gart shew to the King.
The great commend then she to VVallace gave,
Before the King, in presence of the lave:
The true Scots it should greatly applease,
Though Englishmen thereof had little ease.
Of worship, wit, manhood, and governance,
Of fréedom, truth, key of rememberance:
She called him thence into their presence,
Though contrare them he stood at his defence,
So Chiftain like she sayes, as he is seen,
Into England I trow hath never béen.
Would ye of Gold give him this Realms rent,
Fra honour he will not turn his intent.
Assured ye are, while ye may message make,
Of wise Lords some part I réed you take:
To purchase peace withoutten words more,
For all England may rew this rade full sore.
Your Heraulds als to passe to him hath leave,
In all the hoast there shall no man them grieve,
Then thanked they the Quéen for her travel,
The King and Lords that were of his counsel:
Of her answer the King apprased was;
Then thrée great Lords they ordained to passe.
Their Counsel whole hath found it for the best,
Trews for to take or else they got no rest:
An Herauld went into all the haste he may,
To Avane wall, where that the Scots lay,
Conduct to have till they had said their will,
The Counsel soon a conduct sent them till.
Again he past with soverance to the King,
Then choosed they thrée Lords for this same thing
The kéen Clifford that then was warden hail,
Bewmount and Woodstock all men of meikle vail,
What these thrée wrought the rest should stand [...]
The Kings self hath given them at their wi [...].
Soon they were brought to speaking with VVal [...]
Woodstock then shewed forth many subtil case.
Wallace hath heard the Sophismes every deal,
As yet he said, me think we mean but well,
In wrong ye hold and doth us great outrage,
[...] houses part which are our heritage,
[...]t of this peace in plain I make them known,
[...]em for to win since that they are our own.
[...]burgh, Barwick, that ours long time hath béen,
[...]to the hands of King Edward I wéen.
[...]e ask here als by vertue of this hand,
[...]r own young King by wrong led from Scotland.
[...]e shall have them withoutten words mors,
[...] his desire the Lords they granted there.
[...]ht at his will they have consented hail,
[...] no kin thing the peace they would not fail.
[...]e young Randail that then in London was,
[...]e Lord of Lorn in this band he can ask.
[...]e Earle of Buchan but then in tender age,
[...]er he grew a man of great bassalage.
[...]mming and Sowles he gart deliver als,
[...]hich after was to King Robert full false.
[...]lange fled over and durst not bide that mute,
[...] Picardie to ask him was no bute.
[...]t he would rather have had that false knight,
[...]n a thousand of finest gold so bright.
[...]e Bruce he asked, but he was had away,
[...]fore that time to Calice many a day.
[...]ng Edward proved that they might not him get,
[...] Glocester his Vncle had him fet.
[...]at Calice had whole into his kéeping,
Wallace that time got not his righteous King.
[...] Earle Patrick als from London they send,
[...]ith Wallace to go as well before is kend.
[...] this matter and final governance.
[...] King Edward he gave up his leadgeance,
[...] took to hold of Scotland evermare;
[...]ith full glad heart Wallace received him there.
[...]ey honoured him right reverently as Lord.
The Scots were all reioyced at that concord:
An hundred horse with young Lords of renow [...]
To Wallace came all fred of that prison:
Vnder his seal King Edward then gart send,
For to give over and make a final end:
Roxburgh, Barwick, which were of meikle vail,
To Scottishmen and all the bounds hail.
For five years trews they promised by their b [...]
Then Wallace said, We will passe near Scotland
Ere ought be sealed, and therefore make us bo [...]
Again we will beside Northallertown:
Where King Edward first battel height to me,
As we began, there shall it ended be.
Gréet well the Quéen, he charged the message,
It is for her that we left our voyage:
A day he set, when they should méet him there,
And seal the peace withoutten processe mair,
Vpon the morn the hoast but more advise,
Tranoynted North, upon a goodly wise.
To set the tryst that Wallace had them made,
The English message came but more abade:
They sealed the peace without longer delay,
The message then upon the second day
To London went in all the haste they can,
The worthy Scots with many likely man,
To Bamburgh came, with all their power hail,
Sixty thousand, all Scots of great avail.
Ten dayes before All-hallow-even they fure,
On Lambes-day they lighted on Carhame mure.
There lodged they with pleasure as they mou [...]
While on the morn their priests to them then [...]
In Carhame Kirk, and seised in his hand,
Roxburgh keyes, as they had made cunnand,
And Barwick als, which Englishmen had long,
[...]ey tred the folk in England for to gang,
[...] their lives ished off either place,
[...]ey durst not well bide reckoning with Wallace,
[...]tain he made in Barwick of renown,
[...]at worthy was, good Christel of Setown:
[...]per he made to Roxburgh castle wight,
[...] John Ramsay, a wise and worthy Knight:
[...]en Wallace self with Earle Patrick in plain,
[...] Dumbar rode, and restored him again,
[...]his Casile, and als his heritage,
[...]ith the consent of all the whole barnage,
[...]hen Wallace was agréed with this Lord,
[...] rule the Aealm he made him goodly ford.
[...]tland out over from Rosse to Sulway sand,
[...] rode it thrise, and statute all the land.
[...] the Lennox a while he made-repare,
[...] John Mentei [...]h a while was Captain there,
[...] twise before he had his Gossip béen,
[...]t no friendship betwixt them then was séen,
[...]o moneths still he dwelt in Dumbartan,
[...] house he founded upon a rock of stain.
[...]n left he there to build it to the hight,
[...]en to the March again he rode right:
[...]o Roxburgh they choosed him a place,
[...]ood tower there he gart build in short space.
[...]e Kingdom stood in good worship and ease,
[...]as none so great durst his neighbour displease.
[...]e able ground gart labour thriftily,
[...]tual and fruit there grew abundantly.
[...]s never before since this was called Scotland,
[...]h wealth and peace both at once in the land;
[...] sent Jop twise to Bruce of Huntingtown,
[...]séeching him to come and take his Crown
[...]unsel he took at false Saxons alace,
[...] had never hap in life to get Wallace.
Thrée years as thus the Realm stood in great po [...]
Of this saying me worth is for to cease:
And further forth of VVallace will I tell,
Into his life what aventure yet befell.
Here endeth the first conquest of Scotland.


CHAP. I. How Wallace past into France.

A Royal King then reigned into France,
Great brute he heard of Wallace govern [...]
The proves, pryces, and of this worthy
Als forward faire commended of manhood.
Both humble, true, and proved well of pryse,
Of honour, truth, and void of covetice.
That noble King reigned in royaltie,
Had great delite this VVallace for to sée:
And knew right well shortly to understand,
The great supprise, and overset of England:
He marvelled als of Wallace small power,
That but a King took such a Realm to steir,
Against England, and gart their malice cease,
Will they desired with good to take peace.
And right anone an Herauld he gart call,
In short tearms he hath rehearsed all,
Of his intent compleated to an end,
Then in Scotland he bade him he should wend [...]
And he wrote right with very great honour,
To William Wallace as a Conquerour.
O Loved léed with worship wise and wight,
Through very help in holding of thy right:
Through right rescuing of thy native land,
With Gods grace against thy foes to stand,
[...]n defence, helper of thy righteous blood,
[...] worthy birth, and blessed be thy food.
[...]s it is read in prophesse beforn,
[...]n happy time for Scotland thou was born,
[...] thée beséech with all humility,
[...]y close letter thou would conceive and sée:
Is your brother a christen King of France,
To the bearer ye hear and give credence.
The Herauld him bowned, and to the ship is gone,
[...]n Scotland soon he comes unto one.
But Herauld like he séeks his presence,
[...]n land he went and made no residence,
[...]n every stead where he presumed there,
[...]o on a day he found him into Aire,
[...]n good effear, and manlike company,
The Herauld then with honour reverently,
[...]ath salust him upon a goodly manner,
And he again with humble homely chear,
Received him into right goodly wise,
The Herauld then with worship to devise,
Betook to him the Kings writ of France,
Wallace on knée with lowly obeysance.
Right revently for the worship of Scotland,
When he it read and had it understand:
At this Herauld be asked his credence,
With asper speach and manly countenance,
And he him told as I have said before,
The Kings desire what néeds words more.
The hie honour and the great noblenesse,
Of your manhood well known in many place.
He likes als well your worship to advance,
As ye were born a liedge man of France.
Since his Region is flour of Realms séen,
Als the great band of kindnesse you betwéen:
And since this Realm stands in such safety,
It were worship his presence for to sée.
Wallace conceived withoutten tarrying,
The great desire of this most noble King:
Then to him said, so God of heaven me save,
Hereafter soon an answer ye shall have.
Of your desire that you have shawn me till,
Welcome ye are with a frée hearty will:
The Herauld bode unto the twenty day,
With Wallace still in good welfare and play.
Consumed the time with worship and pleasane [...]
By good advise made his deliverance.
With his own hand he wrote unto the King,
All his intent as touching to this thing.
Right rich reward he gave the Herauld to,
And him convoyed when he had leave to go:
Out of the town with goodly company,
His leave he took, and went unto the sea.
His purpose was to sée the King of France,
Good Wallace then hath made his purveyance.
Nearest but wear to Saint Johnstoun could fair,
A Counsel then he had gart ordain there:
Into his stead choosed a Governour,
To kéep the land, a man of great honour:
James good Lord the Stewart of Scotland,
Which Father was stories bears on hand,
To good Walter which was of hie parage,
Marjory Bruce then got in marriage:
Thereof as now to speak I have no space,
It is well known, thanked be Gods grace,
And to the Herauld withoutten residence,
[...]ow be appeared unto the Kings presence.
[...]rom the Rochel the land soon hath be tane,
[...]ut over the land he graithed him to gaine.
[...]ée king the King als goodly as he may,
[...]o to the Court he passed on a day.
[...]o Paris went as pierlesse of renown,
[...]his King that time held pallace in that town:
[...]hen he him saw, hath graithly understand,
[...]e spiered tydings the welfare of Scotland.
[...]he Herauld said into these terms short.
[...]hat all was good, he had the more comfort.
[...]aw thou Wallace the Chistain of that land,
[...]nd he said yea, that dare I take on hand,
[...] worthier wight this day is living none,
[...] way of war als far as I have gone:
[...]he hie worship, and the great noblenesse,
[...]he good welfare, pleasance and worthinesse:
[...]he rich reward vvas vvorthy for to sée,
[...]hat for your sake he kythed upon me.
[...]nd his answer in vvrit he hath you sent,
[...]he King received it vvith a good intent.
O Royal Roy, and righteous crowned King,
Renowned of noblenes & vertues most conding.
[...]e know this vvell by other mo then me,
[...]ow that our Realm stands in perplexitie,
[...]he fierce Nation that we are neighbours to,
When it pleaseth them they make us ay ado,
[...]o band may be made of such suffisance:
[...]ut ay in it they find a variance,
[...]o wait a time, vvill God that I may be
Within a year I will your presence sée.
Of this answer vvell pleased was the King,
[...]eave I them thus in royalty to reign,
And glad comfort right as I have you told,
Of VVallace forth I will my purpose hold.

CHAP. II. How Wallace past into France, and fought with the River, and vanquished him.

INto Aprile the one and twenty day,
The Kalends changed as we use to say,
The l [...]y time of Mayes fresh coming,
Celestial great blythnesse in to bring.
Principal moneth forsooth it may be séen,
The heavenly hews upon the tender gréen:
When old Saturn his cloudy course hath gone,
The which hath been both birds and beasts bone,
Zephirus also with his swéet vapour,
He comfort hath by working of Dame-nature,
All fructous thing into the earth aboun,
That ruled is under the hie Region:
Sober Luna in following of the Sea,
When bright Phoebus into his Themes hie,
THe Bulls course so taken hath his place,
And Jupiter was into Crabes face:
When Aries the hote sign ch [...]lerike,
Into the Ram which hath his townis rike:
Thetis had his place and his mansion,
In Capricornus the sign of the Lyon,
Gentle Jupiter with his mild ordinance,
Both heath and trée converts into pleasance:
And fresh Flora her flowrie mantle spread,
In every nail, both houp, hill, and meid,
In this same time, for this mine Author sayes,
VVallace to passe off Scotland took his wayes,
By short advise he shop him to the sea,
And fifty men took in his company.
[...]e let no word then walk of his passage,
[...]or Englishmen had stoped his voyage,
[...]or took no leave at Lords of Parliament,
[...]e wist right well they would not all consent.
[...]o suffer him out of the land to go,
[...]or they anone without witting of mo.
[...]e gart for sée and ordain well the ship,
[...]nd these were they past in his fellowship,
[...]wo Wallaces was his kinsmen full near,
[...]rawfurd, Cleland, to him were holden dear.
[...]t Kirkcubright he ordained his passage,
[...]ea men he set and gave them goodly wage,
[...] good new Barge right worthily wrought for war.
[...]hey wanted not of wine victual nor geat.
[...]ot ye they were a goodly company,
Of wailed men had wrought full hardily:
[...]on-ailies drank right gladly on the morrow,
[...]hen leave they took, and with great God to borrow,
[...]oats were shot forth and from the land they sent,
With glad hearts at once in they went,
[...]nto the Ship they rowed hastily,
[...]he sea men then working full earnestly:
[...]nkers wand in, wisely on either side.
Their Leads cast out, and waited well the tide.
[...]et sails fall, and took their course anane,
[...] goodly wind out of the right airth came:
[...]tieks on forresten ruled well their gear,
[...]eids on Leiburd with a Lordly feere.
[...]ynes laid out to look their passage sound,
With full sail from Scotland forth they found:
[...]ailed whole over the day and als the night,
[...]pon the morn when that the Sun shined bright:
[...]heir Ship-master unto the top he went:
South-east he saw, that troubled his intent,
[...]ittéen sails all arrayed on a row,
In colour red, that toward them could draw,
The glittering Sun upon them shined bright,
The sea about illuminate with the light.
The mans spirit was in an extasie,
Down he went soon, and said right sorrowfully
Alace, alace, that ever I was born,
Without remead our lives are all forlorn,
In cursed time I took this cure on hand,
The best Chiftain, and rescue of Scotland,
Over reklesly I have tane upon me,
With weak power to bring him through the se [...]
It forced nought, would God I were torment,
So VVallace might with worship scape unshent.
When VVallace saw, and heard this mans moan.
To comfort him with good will is he gone,
Master, he said, what hath anoyed thée:
Not for my self, this man said pireously,
But of one thing, I dare well undertane,
Though all were here the ships of broad Britain,
Part should we lose, except fortune had sworn
The best war-man in sea is us beforn,
Living this day, and King is of the sea,
Wallace soon speired, wots thou what he may be!
The Red-river they call him in his style,
That I him saw, O cursed be the while:
For mine own life I will no mourning make,
Is no man born, that yon tyrant will take.
He saveth none for gold, nor other good,
But slayes and drowns all dersly in the flood.
He gets no grace though he were King or Kni [...]
This sixtéen years he hath done great unright.
The power is so strong he hath to steir,
May none escape that comes in his danger.
Would ye him boord, no boot is to begin,
The lowest ship that is his flot within:
[...]y self is done unto the dolefull dead,
[...]en Wallace said, Since thou cannot remead:
[...]ll me his feir, and how I shall him know,
[...]hat is his use, and then go lodge thee low:
[...]he ship-man said, full well ye may him ken,
[...] graith tokens, full clearly by his men.
[...]is coat armour is séen in many stead,
[...]l batte [...] bown, in rayment all of red.
[...]his foremost ship that pursues us so fast,
himself is in, and will not be agast:
[...] will you hail, when that they come you near,
[...]ithout tarry then make you strike and stear:
[...]imself will enter first full hardily:
[...]hese are the signes that you shall ken him by:
[...]ar of blew into his shining shield,
[...]bend of white, desiring ay the field:
[...]he Red betokens blood and hardiment,
[...]he white courage, increaseth his intent.
[...]he blew he bears, for he is a Christen man,
[...]dly him answered, William Wallace than,
[...]hough he be Christen, this is no Christen déed,
[...] under loft the Lord God mot us spéed.
[...]oth ship-master, and the Steirs-man also,
[...]nto the How but hade he gart them go:
[...]is fi [...]ty men withoutten longer rest,
[...]allace gart ray into their armour prest,
[...]ight and forty on loft boord laid they low,
William Crawfurd then to him can he caw,
[...]nd said, thou canst some part of ship-man fare,
[...]hou hast béen used in the towne of Aire.
[...] pray thée take this doctrine well of me,
[...]ook that thou stand straitly by the trée:
[...]hen they bid streik, to service be thou bain:
[...]hen I thée warne, draw by the sail again.
[...]eland Cousen, come take the steir in hand,
Here on the wail near by thee shall I stand.
God guid our Ship, as now I say na mar [...],
The Barge began with a full warlike Fare:
Himself on loft was with a drawn sword,
And bade the Steirs-man lay endlong the b [...]
On lowd he cryed, streik dogs or ye shall die,
Crawfurd let down the sail a little wie.
The Captain soon lap in, and would not stint,
VVallace hath him then by the gorget hint:
On the over loft cast him where that he stood,
While nose and mouth all rushed out of blood.
A forged knife braithly he braided out,
The war-ships were laped them about:
The Barge clipped, but they not fastned fast,
Crawfurd drew sail shot by, and off them past.
The Reaver cryed, with piteous voice so clear.
Grace of his life, for him that bought us dear.
Mercy he cryed for him that died on Rood,
Leasure to mend, I have spilt meikle blood.
For my trespasse I would make some remead.
Many sakelesse I have gart put to dead:
VVallace wist well though be to death was bro [...]
From them to scape no wayes might he noug [...]
And of his life some rescue might be make,
A bettter purpose right soon then can be take:
And als be rewed for his life had béen ill,
In Latine tongue right thus he said him till,
I never took man that enemy was to me,
For Gods sake my life yet grant to me.
Both knife, and sword, be took from him an [...]
Vp by the hand as prisoner hath him tane.
Vpon his sward sharply he gart him swear,
From that day forth be should him never dea [...]
Command thy men, said VVallace to our pea [...]
Their shot of Guns, that was not eith to ce [...]
[...]eir casting were awfull on either side;
[...]e Red-reaver commanded them to bide:
[...]word up a Glove in token of the trew,
[...]s men beheld, and well the senzie knew.
[...]ft off their shot the, signe when that they saw,
[...]s greatest Barge toward him can be caw,
[...]t be your war, these are friends at one:
[...]row to God our worst hours are gone.
[...] asked VVallace to do what was his will?
[...]ith short adbise, right thus he said him till,
[...] the Rochel I would ye gart them sail:
[...]r Englishmen we wot not what may aile.
[...] them commanded withoutten words mare,
[...]urn sail and wind, toward the Rochel fair:
[...]or there, will God, our purpose is to be,
[...]ok well about for Scurriours in the sea:
[...]is charge they wrought, in all the haste they can,
[...]o VVallace desired to talk more with this man:
[...]isely he spiered, in what land art thou borne,
[...] France he said, and mine Elders beforne:
[...]nd there we had some part of Heritage,
[...]hough fierce fortune hath brought me in a rage,
VVallace yet speired, how came thou in this life,
[...]orsooth he said, but through a sudden strife.
[...]o hapned I into the Kings presence,
[...]ver reklesly to do a great offence:
[...] worthy man of good kin and renown,
[...] hat through my deed vvas put to confusion.
[...]ead of one stroak, what néeds vvords more,
[...]ll mends it nought, though I repent it sore.
[...]hrough friend of Court I scaped off that place,
[...]nd never since could get the Kings Grace:
[...]eil of our kin they gart for my sake die,
[...]ra time I savv it might no better be.
[...]ut leave the land that me behoved on néed,
Vpon a day to Burdeous I yéed,
An English ship so got me on a night,
For sea labour full earnestly us dight.
To me assembled misdoers other moe,
Within short time we multiplied so:
Were few that might against our power gang,
In tyranny thus have we reigned lang.
These sixtéen years I have béen on the sea
And done great harme, therefore full woe is m [...]
I saved none for gold nor great ransome,
But flew and drowned in the sea all down.
Favour I did to folk of sundry land,
But French-men no favour of men fand:
They got no grace, so far as I might reign,
Als on the sea I cleiped was a King.
Now sée I well that my Fortune is went,
Vanquisht with one, that gart me sore repent.
Who would have said this samine day at morne,
I should with one thus lightly down be born,
In great haithing my men would it have tane,
My self height als to have marched any twaine,
But I have found the very plain contrare,
Here I give over robbery for evermair,
In such misrule I shall never armes bear:
But if it be in honest use of war.
Now I have told part of my blisse and pain,
For Gods sake now some kindnesse shew again.
Mine heart will break but I wot what ye be,
Outragiously that hath rebuted me:
For well I trowed that living had béen nane,
By strength of force might me as prisoner tane,
Except VVallace that hath redeem'd Scotland,
The best is called this day living of hand,
Into his wars were worship for to wake,
Into this world I trow he hath no maike.
[...]allace smiled and said, Friend it may be
[...]tand had néed of many such as thée.
[...]hat is thy name, tell me so have thou seil,
[...]rsooth he said, Thomas of Longoveil:
[...]ell brook thou it, thus endeth all our strife,
[...]ape to please God in mending of thy life,
[...]y faithful friend my self thinks for to be,
[...]d als my name I shall soon tell to thée:
[...]r chance of war thou should no mourning make,
[...] weird will work thy fortune must thou take:
[...]m that man that thou advancest hie,
[...]d but short time since I came to the sea.
[...] Scotland born, my right name is Wallace,
[...] knées he fell, and thanked God of Grace.
[...]are avow that yéelden is mine hand,
[...] the best man this day that is livand.
[...]rsooth he said, this pleaseth me meikel more,
[...]en of Florings ye gave me sixty score.
[...]en Wallace said, thou art now here through chance,
[...] purpose is to passe now into France:
[...]to the King since I am bown to passe,
[...] my reward thy peace I think to ask.
[...]ace I would have fain of my native King,
[...]d no longer then in this realm to reigne.
[...]en thou take leave to come from it againe,
[...]to thy service I think for to remain.
[...]rvice he said, Thomas, it may not be,
[...]t good friendship as I shall kéep to thée,
[...]rt draw the wine, and each one merry made,
[...]e ships by then were in the Rochel Rade.
THe red Blasons, as they had born in war,
The towne was soon a suddain fear:
[...]e Red-reaver they said was at their hand,
[...]ntrare whose strength might none against him stand
Some ships fled, and some the land hath tane
Clarions blew, and Trumpets many ane:
VVhen Wallace savv the people were on steir,
He gave command no ships should nearer peir,
But his own Barge in their haven gart he dra [...]
The folk vvasglad vvhen they the Banner sav [...]
Full vvell they knew in Gold the Red Lyon,
Let up the port, received them in the town,
They sovered him for all they had their brought
The Red Navie unto the haven sought,
On land then went, where that them liked to [...]
Right few vvist there, what Scottishman VVallace
But well they thought he vvas a goodly man,
And honoured him with all the craft they can.
Those four dayess VVallace remained there,
These men he called vvhen he was bown to fare,
He them commanded upon that coast to bide,
VVhile he them fred, for chance that might be [...]
Bear you evenly, what good that ever ye spend,
Live on your own, vvhile I you tidings send.
Gar sell your ships, and make you men of peace,
It were good time of wickednesse to cease.
Your Captain shall passe to the King with me,
Through help of God I shall his warrand be.
He gart graith him in sute with his own men,
VVas no man there that might well Thomas ke [...]
Likely he was, manly of governance:
Like to the Scots, by manly, countenance:
Save of his tongue that Scots had be none,
In Latine well, it might have sufficed one.
Thus past they on, in all the hast they may,
To Paris town they went upon a day,
Tydings was brought of VVallace to the King,
So great destre he had of no kin thing:
As in that time while he had séen VVallace.
To meat himself he waited upon case.
In a garden where he gart them be brought,
To his presence, with manlike feir they sought.
Two and fifty and once all knéeling down,
And salust him as Roy of most renown.
With ruled spéech in so goodly advise,
All France could no more nurture them devise:
The Quéen had lieve, and came, in her effear,
For meikle she heard of Wallace déed in wear.
What néeds more of courtesie to tell:
They kéeped well that to the Scots befell.
Of kings fare I dare make no rehearse;
My féeble mind, my trouble sprite transverse,
Of the rich service, what néeds words mare?
[...]ight none be found, but it was present there:
[...]oon after meat the King to parlour went,
With goodly Lords there VVallace was present:
Then communed they of many sundry thing,
To speak with him great destre had the King.
[...]t him he spiered of vvars the governance,
[...]e answered him with manly countenance
To every point, so far as he had feill,
[...]n Latine tongue right naturally and well.
The King conceived soon by his hie courage,
What war-men used by rief in their passage:
[...]nto what mind the Red-Reaver then vvas,
[...]arvel he had how he let Wallace passe.
To him he said, Ye are something to blame,
[...]e might have sent with your Herauld from hame:
After power to bring you through the sea,
[...]od thank you Sir, thereof enough had we:
Few men may passe vvhere they find no peril,
[...]ight whéen may keep where none is to assail:
Wallace he said therefore marvel have I,
[...] tyrant reigns in prefull cruelly,
Vpon the sea that great sorrow hath wrought
Might we him get, it should not be for nought
Born of this land, a native man to me,
Therefore on us the greatest harm doth he:
Then Thomas quoak and changed countenance
He heard the King his ill deeds disadvance.
VVallace beheld, and fenziet in a part,
Forsooth he said, we found none in that Airt,
That proferred us any such unkindnesse,
By your lierver six, I speak in homelinesse:
Trow ye by sight ye could the Squyer knaw,
Full long it is, since time that I him saw.
But these words of him are but in vain,
Ere he come here right good men will be stain.
Then VVallace said, here I have brought with
Of likely men that dwelt in our Countrie:
Which of all these would ye call him most like
Among them blent this royal Roy most rike.
Vested them vvell, both stature and courage.
Manner, mackdome, their fashion, and visage
Sadly he said, advised soberly,
That largest man, which stands next you by:
Would I call him, by mackdome to devise,
These are nothing but vvords of office.
Before the King on knées fell good VVallace,
O royal Roy, of hie honour and grace:
With vvast vvords I vvill you not trouble.
Now I vvill speak some thing for mine avail:
Our barron land hath béen overset with vvas,
By Saxons blood that doth us meikle dear.
Slain our elders, destroyed our righteous bl [...]
Wasted our land of gold and other good:
And ye are here with might and royalty,
Eye ye should have to our adversity.
And us support for kindnesse of the band,
Which is confirmed betwixt you and Sootland.
[...] I am here for your charge and pleasance,
[...]y life-last is but honest chevisance:
[...]oure of Realmes, forsooth is this Region,
[...]o my reward I would have great guerdon.
VVallace he said, ask vvhat so ye vvould have,
[...]d gold or land shall not be laug to crave,
VVallace answered, so ye grant it to me,
What I would have it shall soon chosen be.
What ever ye ask that is in this Region,
[...]e shall it have, except my Wife and Crown.
[...] thanked him of his great kindlinesse,
[...]ll my reward shall be asked of grace.
[...]eace to this man, I brought with me through chance,
[...]ere I quite claim all other gifts in France,
[...]his same is he, if that ye know him vvell,
[...]hat ye of spake Thomas of Longoveil,
[...]y rigour ye desired he should be slain,
[...]im restore unto your peace again:
[...]eceive him fair as liedge man of pour land,
The King marvelled, and could in study stand,
[...]erfectly he knew that it was Longoveil,
[...]e him forgave his trespasse every deal:
[...]ut for his sake that had him hither brought,
[...]or gold nor good, or else he did nought,
VVallace he said, I had lever of good land,
[...]en thousand pound hath ceased in thine hand:
[...]hat I have said, shall holden be in plain,
[...]ere I receive Thomas to peace again:
[...]earer to me then ever he vvas before,
[...] for your sake though it were meikle more.
[...]ut I would wit how this matter befell,
VVallace answered, the truth I shall you tell.
Then he rehearsed what hapned on that day,
[...]ye before mine Author hath heard say.
When the good King hath heard the sudden
Vpon the sea before fight of Wallace:
The King him held right worthy to advance,
He saw in him manhood and governance.
So [...]id the Queen and all the other Lords,
Each wight of him great honour then records.
He purchast peace for all the power hail,
Fourtéen hundred was left at the Rochel.
Gart cry them frée true servants to the King,
When Thomas was restored to his right,
Of his own hand the King had made him Knig [...]
After he gave state to his nearest aire,
And made himself with VVallace for to fare.
Thus he hath broght these men from reif thro [...]
By suddain chance of him and wight VVallace:
Thus leave we them in worship and pleasance,
At liking still with the good King of France.

CHAP. III. How Wallace past into Guyan.

THese twenty dayes he lodged into rest,
So to remain he thought it not the best.
Still into peace he could not long endure,
For why? contrareous it was to his nature,
Right well be vvist Englishmen occupied,
Guyan that time therefore hath he espied,
Some ieopardie upon them for to make,
A goodly leave he at the King can take.
Of Frenchmen he none would vvith him call,
At that first time, for Aventure might fall:
But [...]r Thomas that service could persue,
He vvist not vvell if all the lave vvas true,
O [...] Scottishmen then sembled hastily,
Nine hundred soon of vvorthy Chevalry.
In Guyan land full hastily can ride,
[...]aised fell fire, and vvaisted vvinnings wide.
Forts they brake, and stalwart biggins vvan,
De [...]fly to death brought many a Sutheron man.
[...] vvarlike town so fand they in that land,
Which Schement heght that Englishmen had in hand:
[...]oward that stead full sadly Wallace sought,
By any way assail it if he mought.
[...]argone to have if he mought get them out,
[...]reat strength of wood there vvas that town about:
The town stood als upon a vvater side,
[...]nto a park that vvas both long and wide:
They busked them well while passed was the night,
When the sun rose four hundred men he night,
The leave he gart Crawford in bushment take:
If they mistered a rescue for to make:
Then Longoveil that ay was full savage,
With Wallace past as one to that skirmage.
These sour hundred that vvas full vvell arrayed,
Before the town in plain battel displayed.
It was not well then known in that countrey,
The Lyon in Gold that awfull vvas to see,
[...] forrey cast, and ceased meikle good,
War men within that vvisely understood,
Soon ished out the pray for to reskew.
The vvorthy Scots feill Englishmen they slew:
The lave for dread fled to the town again,
The forrey took the pray and passed in plain,
Toward the park, but power of the town,
I shed out again in awful battel bown:
A thousand vvhole of men in armes strong,
Few bode within that might to armes gang.
Then Wallace gart the forrayers leave the prey.
Assembled soon into a good array.
A cruel counter was at their méeting séen,
Of the wight war men into their armour shéen,
Feill left their life upon the Sutheron side,
But not for thy full boldly they abide.
Of the Scots part then worthy men they slew,
VVilliam Crawfurd that well the peril knew.
Out of the park he gart the bushment passe,
Into the field where feill men fighting was.
At their entry they gart full many die,
The Englishmen vvas vvonder loath to flée.
Full vvorthily they vvrought into that place,
Bode never so few so long against Wallace:
With such power that day as he vvas there,
On either side assayled vvonder sare.
Into the stour so fellonly he wrought,
That vvorthy men derfly to death was brought;
With points pearsed through plaits birnisht bri [...]
VVallace himself, and fir Thomas the Knight:
Whom so they hit made never more debate,
The Sutheron part was handled there so hate:
Into that place they might no longer bide,
Out of that field with sore hearts they ride:
Vnto the town they fled full hastily,
VVallace followed and his good Chevalry:
Fighting so fast into the thickest throng,
While in the town they entred them among.
With him Crawfurd and Longoveil the Knight,
And Richard als, Wallace his coufen right,
Fiftéen they were of Scots company,
Thus hapned they among that great party,
A cruel Porter got upon the wall,
Pulled out the pin, let the port-culzies fall.
The Englishmen saw entred was no moe,
Vpon the Scots full hardily they goe,
But to a wall they have their backis set,
Sad stroaks and sore boldly about them let.
[...]ichard VVallace the Turngrece well hath séen,
[...]e followed fast upon the porter kéen:
Vpon the vvall dead in a dyke him drave,
[...]ot up the port, and let in all the lave.
When Wallace men had thus the entry wun,
[...]ull great slaughter again they have begun,
They saved none upon the Sutheron side,
That weapons bare bare and harnesse in that tide:
Women and bairns, the good they took them fro,
Then gave them leave in the rowm land to go:
The Priests als that was not in the field,
Of aged men that might not vveapons vvield,
They slew none such, for Wallace charge it was,
But made them frée at larges for to passe.
[...]ithes of Gold they got in great plenty,
[...]arnesse and horse that might them well supply:
With French folk plenisht the town again,
On the tenth day the field they took in plain.
The river down into the land they sought,
On Sutheron men full great mastery they wrought.
Then when true men to the King told this tale,
Of French men he sembled a battel:
Twenty thousand of true liedges of France,
[...]is brother them led was Duke of Orleance:
[...]hrough Guyan land in rayed battel rode,
[...]o follow Wallace who made but little bode.
For French supply to help them in their right,
[...]ear Burdeous ere they overtake him might.
Good VVallace was there, and chosen hath a plain,
For some men told that Burdeous with great main,
Within short time thought battel for to give,
But from they wist that French folk would relieve,
With great power for helping of VVallace,
Other purpose they took into short space,
[...]n Pickardie some message could they send,
Of Wallace coming they have told to an end:
Of Glocester Captain of Calice vvas,
The hardy Earle he made him for to passe
In England soon, and then to London vvent,
Of Wallace déeds he told in Parliament:
Some plainly said, that Wallace brake the peace,
Wise men said nay, and prayed them for to cea [...]
Lord Beaument said , He took but for Scotland,
And not for France that shall ye understand.
If your endentures speak of any mare,
He hath done wrong the sooth ye may declare.
Woodstock answered, said ye have spoken well,
But contrare right that tale is every deal.
If you be he that band for him and his,
May no man say, but he hath done amisse.
For principally he band with us the trew,
And now again begins he malice new.
Sit King he said, if ever ye think to make,
On Scotland war on hand now shall you take:
While he is out or else it helps nought.
As Woodstock said, the whole counsel hath wrou [...]
Power they raised in Scotland for to ride,
By land and sea they would no longer bide.
Their land hoast the rayed soon indéed.
Their vanguard took the hardy Earle to lead.
Of Glocester that of war had great feill:
Of Longcastle the Earle governed well
The middle ward, and to the sea they send,
Sir John Psewart that well the North-land ken [...].
The Knight Wallace before the hoast in rade,
And such a way with evil Scottishmen made.
Many castles he gart soon yéelden be,
To Englishmen withoutten more mellie.
Ere the best wist that it was war in plain,
Entred he was into Bothwel again.
[...]is John Psewart that came in by the sea,
[...]int Johnstoun soon got through a ieopardie.
[...]die they took and put Scots men to dead,
[...] Fyfe from them was not kéeped a stead.
[...]d all the South from Cheviot to the sea,
[...]to the West there might no succour be.
[...]he worthy lord that should have governed this,
[...]d hath him tane to everlasting blesse:
[...]rue men him took and could to Arrane passe,
[...]is son VValter that but a childe yet was.
[...]am VVallace that wist of no supplie,
[...] Rauchlie went, and Lindsay of Craigie.
[...]nd Robert Boyd in Bute made residence,
[...]r hasty deceit, they took them to defence.
[...]r John the Grahame in Dundaffe might not bide,
[...]ccour he sought to the Forrest of Clyde,
[...]e Knight Psewart a Sheriff made in Fyfe,
[...]r Aymers brother and gave for terme of life.
[...]hese lands all that Wallance had before,
[...]chard Lundie had great dread through their shore,
[...]e liked not for to come to their peace,
[...]herefore in Fife they would not let him cease.
[...] passe over Tay as then it might not be,
[...]r Englishmen sore ruled that countrie.
[...]t of the land he stole away by night,
[...]ghtéen with him that worthy were and wight,
[...] als his Son that were of tender eild,
[...]t after soon he could well weapons weild.
[...] Striviling Bridge ere that the watch was set,
[...]ere passed he the way withoutten let.
[...] Dundaffe mure sir John the Graham he sought,
Woman him told a [...] then before was wrought.
[...]to a strength he went upon the morne,
[...]erk was tane with young Thomas of Thorne:
[...] and Lundie they might no longer remain,
By south Tinto to lodge they may in plain.
Sir John the Graham got wit that they were th [...]
To them he past withoutten processe mare.
Wallance gart bring from Caryle carriage,
To stuffe Bothwell, both wine and good vernayge [...]
Lundie and Graham, got wit of that vittaile,
Right suddenly they made them to assail:
Fiftie they were of noble Chevalrie,
Against four score of English companie.
A Squyer then kéeped the Carriage,
All Brankistnahair whole then was his heritage,
Lundie and Grahame met with a Squyer wight,
Feil Englishmen derfly to death he dight:
Sixty were slain upon the Sutheron side,
And five Scots so boldly they abide.
Great good they wan, both gold and other gear [...]
Victual and horse, thus hapned in this wear.
Since they have séen well long they might not [...]
Into the land, therefore they thought it best
To séek some place in strength that they might
The Sutheron folk had plenisht on each side:
Lundies lodge they left upon a night,
Into the Lennox they past the way full right.
To Earl Malcome, that kéeped that Countrey,
From Englishmen through help ot their supply:
Seton and Lyle into the Basse abade,
For Englishmen so great mystery had made.
That all the South they had into their hand,
And Hew the Hay they sent into England,
And other heirs, to prison at their will,
The Northland Lords saw none help come [...]
A Squyer Guthrie among them ordained they;
To warn Wallace in all the haste he may:
Out of Aberbrothock he passed to the sea,
And at the Sluce landed full soon hath he.
[...] Flanders land no residence he made,
[...] France he past, but Wallace was abade
[...] his purpose at Guyan at the wear,
[...] Englishmen he had done meikle dear.
[...]hile good Guthrie had gotten his presence,
[...]e hasted him fast and made no residence.
[...]e hath him told with Scotland how it stood,
[...]en Wallace said, these tidings are not good.
[...]ad example of times that is by worne,
[...]ews to bind with them that are mansworne,
[...]t I as then could not think of such thing,
[...]cause that we took peace with their false King.
[...]y their Chancler the other peace was bounden,
[...]d that full sore our fore Elders hath founden.
[...]der that true they gart eightéen score die,
[...]hat noble were, the best in our Countrey.
[...] the great God my vow now here I make,
[...]ace with that King I think never to take.
[...] shall repent that he this war began,
[...]as moved he with many noble man,
[...]to the King, and told him his intent,
[...] let him passe the King would not consent:
[...]hile Wallace there made promise by his hand,
[...] ever again he thought to leave Scotland,
[...] come to him, his great seal to him gave,
[...] what Lordship that he liked to have.
[...]us at the King an hasty leave took he,
[...] man with him he brought from that Countrey
[...]at his own men, and Sir Thomas the Knight,
[...] Flanders land they past with all their might.
[...]thries Barge at the Sluce could ly still,
[...] sea they w [...]t with a full eager will.
[...]th Forth and Tay they left and passed by,
[...] the North coast good Guthrie was their guy,
[...] Montrosse haven they brought him to the land,
To true Scots it was a blyth tydand.
Sir John Ramsay, that worthy was and wight
From Ouchter-house the way he choosed right,
To méet Wallace with men of arms strong,
For his coming they had thought wonder low [...]
The true Ruthven came als withoutten bade,
In Birnance wood he had his lodging made.
Barklay, Bisset, to VVallace sembled fast,
With thrée hundreth to Ouchter-house he past.
The end of the ninth Book.


CHAP. I. How Wallace wan Saint Johnstoun.

THe latter day of August fell this case.
For the rescue thus ordain'd good VVallace
Of St. Johnstoun, the Sutheron occupie [...]
Fast toward Tay they passed and esayed,
Ere it was day, under Kinnowle them laid,
Out of the town, as Scottishmen to him said,
Their servants ished, with Carts Hay to lead,
So was it sooth, and hapned in that stead:
Then six their came, and brought but Carts th [...]
When they of Hay were leading busily,
Guthrie, with [...] in hands then hath them t [...]
Put all to death of them he saved nane,
VVallace in haste gart take their upmost wéed
And such like men they wailed with [...]d spée [...]
Four were right good, Wallace himself took [...]
A Kusset cloak, and with him good Ruthven,
Guthrie, Bisset, and als good yeomen two,
[...]n that each sute he graithed them to go:
Fiftéen they took of men of arms wight,
[...]n each Cart five they ordained out of sight.
[...]ull subtilly they covered them with Hay,
Then to the town they went the gainest way.
These Carters had short swords of fine stéel
[...]nder their wéed, then drove the Carts forth well,
Sir John Ramsay bode in the bushment still:
When mister were to help them with good will,
These true Carters past out withoutten let,
[...]ut over the Bridge, and entred at the gate.
When they were in, their cloaks they cast them fra
Good VVallace then the chief porter could ta,
Vpon the head, while dead he hath him left,
Then other two the life from them he reft.
Suthrie and Bisiet did right well in the town.
And Ruthven als dang of their fey men down.
The armed men that in the Carts were brought,
[...]ose up, and well their devour duely wrought,
Vpon the gate they gart feil Sutheron die.
Then Ramsayes spy hath séen them get entry.
The bushment broke, both bridge and port hath woon,
Into the town great strife there was begun,
Twenty and one ere Ramsay came in plain,
Within the town had fourty Sutheron slain.
The Englishmen to array them were not gone,
The Scots as then leasure let them have none:
From good Ramsay with his men entred in,
They saved none were known of Sutheron. kin.
And Longoveil the worthy Knight Sir Thomas,
Proved well there, and many other place.
Against his dint few Englishmen might stand,
VVallace in him great faith and kindnesse fand.
The Sutheron part saw well the town was tint,
Fiercely they fled as fire doth from the flint,
Some fled, some fell into draw-dykes full déep,
Some to the Kirk, their lives if they might kéep [...]
Some fled to Tay, and in small vessels yéed,
Some derfly died and drowned in that stead:
Sir John Psewart at the west gate out past,
To Methwen wood he sped him wonder fast:
An hundreth men in the Kirk took for succour.
But Wallace would no grace grant them that ho [...]
He bade stay all of cruel Sutheron kin,
Them for to slay he thought it was no sin.
Four hundreth men without the town were dead,
Seven score on life scaped out of that stead.
Wives and bairns they made them for to go,
With Wallace will he would slay none of tho:
Riches they found that Englishmen brought new,
Plenish the town with worthy Scots and true:
Sir John Psewart left Methven Forrest strong,
Went to the Gask full feill Sutheron among.
And then in Fyfe, where VVallange Sheriff was.
Made scurtions soon out through the land to pa [...]
And gathered men a stalwart company,
To Archterardor he drew them privily.
Ordained them in ready bargain bown,
Again he thought to assail Saint-Johnstoun,
Where VVallace lay, and would no longer rest,
Ruled the town as then him liked best.
Sir John Ramsay great Captain ordained he,
Ruthven Sheriff at one accord to be:
This charge be gave if men them warning m [...]
To come to him withoutten more abade:
And so they did when tydings was them brou [...]
With an hundred Wallace forth from them sou [...]

CHAP. II. The battel of Black-Irneside Forrest.

[...]N Fyfe be went to visie that Countrey,
But wrong warned of Englishmen was he:
[...]ir John Psewart when they were passed by,
From the Ochel he sped him hastily:
[...]pon Wallace followed with all his might,
[...]n Abernethy took lodging the first night.
[...]pon the morn with fiftéen hundred men,
[...]o Black-Irneside, as his guids could him ken.
[...]here Wallace was, and might no message send,
[...]o Saint Johnstoun, to make his iourney kend:
For Englishmen that full subtill hath béen,
Great watches warn'd y t none should passe betwéen.
[...]hen Wallace said, this matter likes not me,
[...]e called to him the Squyer good Guthrie,
[...]nd Bisser als that knew full well the land,
[...]nd asked at them what déed was best on hand?
[...]essage to make, our power for to get,
[...]ith feill Sutheron we will be unbeset.
[...]nd wicked Scots that knows the Forrest best,
[...]hey are the cause that we may get no rest.
[...] dread far more VVallange that is the guide,
[...]han all the rest that comes upon that side.
[...]hen Guthry said, might we yet once over Tay,
[...]o Saint Johnstoun it were the gainest way,
[...]o warn Ramsay we would get succour soon,
[...]ver-sooth it is, that cannot well be done:
[...]ight well I wot, Vessel is leaved nane,
[...]rom the Wood-haven to the ferry called Arrane:
[...]hen Wallace said, the water awful is,
[...]y self can swim, I trow, and aile no mis,
[...]ut curier use accordeth not for me,
[...]nd leave you here, yet I had rather die.
Through Gods grace we shall better esche [...]
The strength is strong, and we were men [...]
In Elchock park but fourty men were we,
For seven hundreth, and gart feil Sutheron
Escaped well in many unlikely place,
So shall we here through the help of Gods [...]
While we may last, we may this wood hold [...]
Therefore each man be true of haroy will,
And that we do so nobly into déed,
Of us be found after no lack to réed.
The right is ours, we should more ardent be,
I think to frée this land, or else to die.
His wailed spéech, with wit and hardiment,
Made all the rest so cruel of intent,
Some bade take field, and give battell in pla [...]
VVallace said no, these mords are all in vain,
We will not leave that may be our vantage,
This wood to us is worth a whole years wage
Of he wen timber in hast be gart them take,
Syles of Oake and a great Barreris make,
At a fore-front into the Forrest stde,
Made a great strength where they purposed t [...]
Stelled them fast to trées that growing was,
That they might well in from the Berteris
And sée their availe on either side about,
Then come again, when they saw there wa [...]
But that this strength arrayed was at right
The English hoast approached to their sight,
Then Psewart came, that way, for to have wa [...]
That they vvere wont, his guids so him ken [...]
At their entry they thought to have passage,
But soon they found that made them great st [...]
A thousand he sed of men of armour strong,
With five hundreth he gart John Wallange [...]
Without the wood, that none should scape th [...]
[...]llace with him had f [...]ty A [...]thors th [...]:
[...]rest were spears, full noble in [...],
[...] their enemies they [...]ich [...]t with good spéed.
[...] cruel counter were at the [...]e [...]ris séen,
[...] Scots defence so sicher was and kéen,
[...]ron stood aw to enter them among,
[...]ll to the ground they overthrew in that throng:
[...]rowm was left, where part in front might fare,
[...]ho entred in, again yéed never mare,
[...]urty they slew that gone-ward would have past,
[...] disarrayed, the ho [...]st was all aga [...].
[...]e part of horse through shot to death was w [...]ought,
[...]ake to a plain the Sutheron to them sought.
[...]n Psewart said, alas, how way this be?
[...] do no harm, over g [...] [...]edute have we.
[...] called Wallange, and [...]ied his counsel,
[...]eriff thou art, what may us best avail:
[...] fp [...] they are that makes this great debate,
[...] Wallenge said, this is the best I wats,
[...] cease thereof, and remain here beside,
[...] they may not long in the Forrest bide.
[...] fault of food they most in the Country,
[...]en were more time to make on them melly:
[...] they be woon on force into this strife,
[...]l that ye lead shall ever lose their life.
[...] Psewart said, this r [...]d I will not t [...]de,
[...] Scots be warned, re [...] [...]oon will they ma [...]e:
[...] this despite amends I think to basis,
[...]dle therefore in numb [...]er with the lad [...].
[...] a range my solf on [...]oot will fo [...]e,
[...]t hundred he took the [...]i [...]liest that was there:
[...] [...]de the rest at th [...] tre [...]vide still,
[...]h John Wallenge, to ro [...]e them at his will,
[...]ge he said, he fore ward in this case,
[...]uch a snare we could not yet Wallace.
To take or slay him, I promise by my life [...]
That King Edward shall make thée Earle [...]
At yon east part we think is enter in,
I bade no more might y [...] this Barreris w [...]k [...]
From they be closed graithly among us to, [...]
But marvel be they shall no further go.
Assaylie sore when ye wot we come near,
On either side we shall hold them on stear.
Thus Psewart charged upon an awful wise,
Wallace hath séen what hath been their devil [...]
Good men he said, ye understand this déed:
Forsooth he said, they are meikle to dread.
Yon Psewart is a worthy noble Knight,
Forward in wars, right hardy, wise, and [...]
His assaylie he ordains wonder sore,
Vs for to harm mans wit can do no more,
Pleasant it is a wise Chiftain to gae,
So Chiftain like, it should great comfort [...]
To his own men, and they of worship be,
Then for to see ten thousand Couarts flée:
Since we are set with enmies on each side,
And here on force must in this forrest bide.
That all the rest of us abased be,
Assay the first, for Gods sake cruellie.
Crawfurd he left, and Longoveil the Knight,
Fourty with them, to keep the Barrer is [...]
With him sixty all worthy men in weed,
To méet Psewart with hardy will they [...]
A manner of dyke into the wood was mad [...]
Of thortour t [...]ées, b [...]ldly he there abade.
A down withall the Sutheron to them had,
Soon seni [...]ed they with [...]oaks sore and [...]
Sharp sp [...]s the [...] dush [...]on either side [...]
Through hi [...]nisht bright made wounds [...]
The vantage [...] as the Scots them danted [...]
That no English durst from his fellow go,
[...] break array or formost enter in,
[...] Christen blood to sée it was great sin.
[...]or wrongous cause and hath béen many a day,
[...]il Englishmen in the dyke dead they lay:
[...]ears full soon all into splendors sprong,
[...]ith sharp swords they hewed on in the throng.
[...]d bursted out through fine harnesse of mail,
[...] Wallange als full sharply can assail,
[...]n Crawfurd and the Knight Longoveil,
[...]ith their power kéeped the Barreris well:
[...]de good defence, by wit, manhood, and might,
[...] the entry feill men to death they dight.
[...]us all at once they sailed either place,
[...]ne that was there durst turn to the Barreris:
[...] help Wallace no man of his durst passe,
[...] rescue them, so fell the fighting was,
[...]either hand they handled were so hote,
[...]at do or die, no succour else they wote.
[...]llace was sad into that stalwart stour,
[...]thery, Bisser, with men of great valour.
[...]hard VVallace, that worthy was of hand,
[...]wart marvelled that contrare them might stand:
[...]at ever so few might bide in battel place
[...]inst them, and matched face for face.
[...] thought himself to end that matter well,
[...] preassed in with a good sword of stéell,
[...] the dyke a Scottishman he gart die
[...]lace therefore in heart had great pity:
[...]ends to have he followed on him fast,
[...] Englishmen so thick betwixt them past,
[...] upon him a stroak get could he nought,
[...] worthy derfly to death he brought:
[...]s he made through all the Che [...]alry,
[...] hardy Scots that wrought so worthily,
When Sutheron saw these good men were [...]
Longer to bide they thought it not the best,
Fourscore were slain ere they would leave th [...]
And fifty als were in the Barreris dead.
A trumpet blew, and from the wood can d [...]a [...]
Wallange left air, that sight when that he sa [...]
To say lie more they thought it was no spée [...],
Without the wood to Counsel fast they yéed.
The worthy Scots to rest them was right fai [...]
Feill hurts they had, but few of them was [...]
Wallace had all of good [...] fort to be,
Thanked be God the fairet part have we.
Yon Knight Psewart hath at great iourneys [...]
So sore assay I have but seldome séen.
I had lover on Wallange wroken be
Than any man that is yon menie,
The Scots all into the Barreris yéed,
Stanched wounds that could full braithly bl [...]
Some Scots men had bléed full meikle blood,
For fault of drink, and als wanting of food,
Some sembled fast, that had feill hurts there
Wallace therefore sighed with heart full sare,
An hat he hint, to get water is gone,
Other refuge as then he wist of none.
A little strand as then he found him by,
Of clear water he brought them bound ant [...]
And drank himself then said with sober m [...]
The wine in France me thought not half [...]
Then of the day thrée quarters was over [...]
Sir John Psewart hath casten in his intent,
To sayly [...]ore as then he could not prie [...]
While on the morn that new men could [...]
And kéep them in while they for hunger [...]
Come in his will or else to die therefore:
Wallenge he said, I charge thée for to bide,
[...]nd kéep them in while I [...] Cowper ride:
[...]emain thou with five hundred [...]t thy will,
[...]nd I the morn with power shall come thée till.
John Wallange said, this charge I he [...] forsake,
[...]fter this day all night I may not wake,
But trust ye well they will i [...] to the plain,
Though ye bide als or else die in the pain,
Psewart bade bide or underly the blame,
[...] thée command in good Edwards name,
Or here to God a vow I make beforn,
And they break out to hang thée on the morn.
Of this command John VVallange had great dread,
Psewart from them with nine score into déed:
Next hand the wood and his good men of Fife,
The Scots were blyth when that they heard such strife
VVallace drew near his time when that he saw.
To the wood side and could on Wal [...]nge [...]aw.
The Knight hath height the morn to hang thée hie,
Come into us I shall thy warrand be.
In contrare him and all King Edwards might,
Take we him quick we shall him hang on hight.
A good Lordship I shall thee give here eist,
In this each land that thy brother hath leist [...]:
VVallange was wise full soon could understand,
By liklinesse Wallace should win the land:
And better him were upon the right to bide,
Than be in war upon the other side.
With short advisement to Wallace soon they sought.
Then Psewart try'd, and said, that bées for nought,
And als of kind th [...] art of heritage,
Coward on thee is evil wared great wage:
Here I shall bide my purpose to fulfill.
Either to die, or have thee at my will.
For all his speach to passe they would not spare,
With full glad heart Wallace received him there.
By that Ruthven and Ramsay of renown,
By a true Scot that past to Saint Johnstoun,
Them warning made that Psewart followed fa [...]
Vpon Wallace, then were they sore agast.
Out of the townished in all their might,
With thrée hundred that worthy were and wi [...]
To Black-Irnside assembled in that place,
As Wallange was gone in to good VVallace:
The Knight Psewart hath well their coming [...]
A fair plain field he choosed them betwéen,
Eleven hundred and fourscore then had he,
The Scottishmen were five hundred and sixty:
These were but few a plain field for to take,
Out of the wood good Wallace can him make:
He wist no wit of them that coming was,
More hardiment was from the strength to passe [...]
But when he heard Ruthven and Ramsay cry,
Of Ochter-house blyth was his Chevalry:
Might they of gold have bought a kings rent,
The good Wallace might not so well content,
Then to array they yéed on either side,
In cruel yre in battel bown to bide:
Worthier men then Psewart sembled there:
In all his time Edward had never mare:
But Psewart saw his number was far mae,
His power soon he gart divide in two:
To fight in that cause knightly he them kend,
In that journey either to fight or end.
The worthy Scots that first among them bade,
Full great slaughter on Englishmen they made:
Into the wood before had proved so well,
That on the plain they sonzeit not a deal.
In courage grew as they were new begun,
Short rest they had from rising of the Sun.
By that Ramsay and good worthy Ruthven,
Throughout the thic [...] of the prease is ga [...]e,
[...]ops they made among the Englishmen,
Dissevered them by twenty and [...]
[...]hen spears were gon with sw [...]s of mettel clear
To Englishmen their coming sold full [...]ear:
VVallace and his by worthinesse of hand,
[...]eill Sutheron blood gart hight upon the land.
The two fields together reiled then,
Sir John Psewart with many noble men,
To help their Lord three hundred in a pl [...]r?
About him stood, and did their businesse,
Defending him with many awfull di [...].
While all the outward of the field was tint:
Of commons, part into the Forrest fled,
[...]uccour to seek their men so had them led:
Then Scots hath seen [...] [...]any in a rout,
With Psewart stand th [...] [...]uarded him about,
Vpon the sides assailed wonder sair,
The poleist plaits with points peirced hair:
The Sutheron made defence full cruelly,
All occupied was this noble Chevalry.
[...]ir John Ramsay would they had yeelden been,
Wallace said, nay, it is a wrong ye méen.
Ransome to take we cannot now begin,
On such a wise this land we may not win.
Yon Knight of old our enemy hath been,
So feill to us of them have not béen seen.
Now he shall die through help of Gods grace,
He came to pay his ransome in this place:
The Sutheron saw and wist plainly to die,
Rescue was none, suppose that they would flee.
Freshly they fought as they had entred new.
Vpon our side part worthy men they slew.
Then Psewart said, alas in wrong doing,
Our lives we lose for pleasure of our King:
That fello [...] Knight doubted his li [...] rig he [...]
Among the Scots full hardly he wrought.
Bisset he strake t [...]th withoutten mare,
Wallace preassed with his sword birnisht bare,
At Psewarts ha [...]s he etled with great yre,
Through pesa [...]e stiffe in synder stra [...]e the swy [...]
Dead to the ground he rushed for all his might,
By Wallace hand thus ended that good Knight.
The remanent withoutten mercy they slay,
For good Bisset the Scots was wonder wae:
In hands some they stiched but remead,
No Sutheron [...] with life out of that stead.
Then to the wood for them that left the field,
A range they set, this might they have no bie [...],
Yéed none away was contrare our opinion,
Good Ruthven past again to [...] Johnstoun.
Sir John Ramsay to Cowper [...] rade,
That house he took for defence none was made,
Wallace, Crawfurd, and with them good Guthrie,
Richard VVallace had long been in mellie.
And Longoveil into Lundores hade still,
Fasted they had too long against their will,
VVallange they made their [...]ewart for to be,
Of meat and drink they found abundantly:
The power fled and durst no longer hide,
That was before upon the Sutheron side.
Vpon the morn to Saint Andrews they past,
Out of the town that Bishop bowned fast.
The King of England has him thither send,
That rent at will he gave him in commend.
His Kings charge as then he durst not ha [...]d,
A wrongous Pope that tyrant might be cald,
Few fled with him and got away by sea,
For all Scotland VVallace he would not sée:
Of him as then he made but light record,
[...] restore him that was their righteous Lord:
[...]he worthy Knight that into Cowper lay,
[...]rt spoylzie them upon the fecond day.
[...]en ordained men at command of VVallace,
[...] more processe for to cast down the place.
[...]ders they gart soon plerce out through the wall,
[...] puristons fired, unto the ground cast all.
[...] John Ramsay then to Carrail can [...]are,
[...]theron were fled, and left but walls bare:
[...] Psewart they durst not tarry long,
[...] Scots at large out through all F [...]se rong,
[...] Englishmen were left in that Country,
[...] in Lochlevin there bode one company:
[...]on that inth in small houses thy light,
[...]le was none, but walled with water wight,
[...]de Carrail sembled VVallace beforn,
[...] purpose was for to assay Kinghorn.
[...]night Musgrave then Captain in it was,
[...] short advise he purposde for to passe,
[...]ther he would bide challange of the King,
[...]en with Wallace to reckon for such thing:
[...]at house he took, and little tarry made,
[...]an the morn withoutten more abade:
[...] over the mure where they the trist had set,
[...]ar Scotland-well their lodging took but let.
[...]er supper Wallace hade them go rest.
[...] self will wake, me think it may he best.

CHAP. III. The winning of Lochlevin.

[...]he commanded but graithing they have done,
Vnto their fléep VVallace then graithed him soon.
[...] to Lochlevin, as it was near midnight,
[...]téen with him that he had warned right:
[...]se men weined well he came to viste it,
Fellowes he said, I do you well to wit:
Consider well this place, and understand
That it may do full great skaith to Scotland
Out of the South, and power come them till
They may take in, to kéep at their own will
Vpon yon Inch right many men may be,
And ishew out, their time when that they [...]
To bide long here, we may not well for that
Yon folk hath food, trust well at suffisance:
Water from thein forsooth cannot be set,
Some other wile behoved us to get,
Ye shall remain here at this part all still,
And I my self shall bring the Beat you till:
Therewith his wéed in haste off casteth he
Vpon yon side no watch-man can he sée,
Helo up his shirt, and took his sword so good,
Bound on his neck, then lap into the flood.
And over he swam, for letting had he nought.
The Boat he took, and to his men it brought,
Arrayed them well, and would no longer bide,
But passed in, and rowed to the other side:
The Inch they took with drawen swords in [...]
They spared none, that they before them faith
Strake doores up, and sticked men where they
Vpon the Sutheron thus sadly sembled they,
Thirty they slew, that were into that place,
To make defence the English had no space.
Their women five were sent out of that stead
Women nor Bairns he never put to dead.
The goods they took, as it had béen their own.
Then VValace said, Fellowes I make you [...]
The purveyance that was within these wa [...]
We will not tine gar semble us all at anes
Let warne Ramsay: and our good men each [...]
I will remain till all the stuff be gone,
[...]nt forth a man their horses for to kéep,
[...]ew up the Boat, and then took heds to [...]:
VVallace power near Scotland well which lay,
[...]fore the Sun they missed him away:
[...]me mourning made, and marveiled at that case,
[...]say bade cease, and mourn not for VVallace.
[...] is for good that he is from us went,
[...]at ye shall sée, and trust for veriment:
[...]ne head to wed, Lochlevin he past to sée,
[...]xept that place, no Englishman found he,
[...] this land betwixt these waters left,
[...]dings of him full soon ye shall hear oft:
[...] they about were talking on this wise,
[...]ssage soon came, and charged them to rise,
[...] Lord he said, to dinner hath you cald,
[...]to Lochlevin which is a seemly hald.
[...] shall fare well, therefore put off all sorrow,
[...]y graithed them right early on the marrow,
[...] thither past of Wallace well to wit,
[...]en sembled in a fall blith fellowship.
[...]ey lodged there till eight dayes were at end,
[...] meat and drink, they had enough to spend.
[...]sed forth gear that Sutheron had brought there,
[...]t burn the Boat, to Saint Johnstoun they fare.
[...]hop Sinclar, that worthy was and wise,
[...] VVallace came and told him his advise,
[...]us he destred Wallace with him to ride
[...] in Dunkeld sojourn'd that winter tide:
[...]t be said, No, that hold I not the best,
[...] Scotland thus, in peace I cannot rest.
[...] Bishop said plainly, we may not wend
[...] the North, for men I red you send:
[...]nt quoth he, and choosed a Messenger,
[...] worthy Jop was with the Bishop there,
[...] Master Blair, while Wallace came they bade,
With that good Lord that noble hear them [...]
VVallace tent Blair into his priests wéed,
To want the [...]est where friends had great
How they should passe, or to good Wallace w [...]
The Englishmen that held them long in twin:
Adam VValace and Lindsay that was wight
Rauchly they lost, and went away by night,
Through out the land, to the Lonnox they fa [...]
To Earl Maleome, that welcomed them full y [...]
Master John Blair was [...]lyth of that sembly,
Good Graham was there, and Richard of Lundie
Als Robert Boyd out of Bute to them sought.
Got they Wallace, of nothing then they rought,
But Englishmen betwixt them was so strang,
That they in plain might not well to him [...]
Joy passed on, for nothing could he let,
Great power then as there he might not get
The Lord Cumine, that Earl of Buchan was,
For old envy, he would let no man passe:
That he might let, in good Wallace supply,
The Earl Patrick at plain field kéeped he.
Yet poor men came, and proved all their migh [...]
To help Wallace, in fence of Scotlands right:
The good Randal in tender age was kend.
Part of good men out of Murray he send,
Jop past again, and came in presence soon
Be [...]ge VVallace, and told how he had done:
But Master Blair so good tydinge him brought
That of Cumine Wallace full little rought:
Als Englishmen they had full meikle dread,
From fyse was tint, the worse they thought
The Duke and Earl that time in Scotland [...]
Captains they made, in England then the [...]
VVallace him bowned, when he thought time
From Saint Johnstoun and took with him [...]
[...]ven of Ireland, and Kierly that was [...]ight,
[...]m Englishmen they had holden the right,
[...] watch-mens wéed, and fended them right west.
[...] good Wallace they were as true as stéel:
[...]o follow him, those two thought never lang.
[...]rough the Ochel they made them for to gang:
[...]on more power he tarried not that tide,
[...] kéep the land the rest he gart adide:
[...] strong power of Englishmen there was.

CHAP. IV. The winning of Airth.

THe Airth Ferry they passed privately,
And busked them in a dern stead thereby:
[...] cruel Captain in Airth dwelt that year,
[...] England born, that height Thomlin of we [...]:
[...] humdreth men were at his Indging still,
[...]o brook that land they did both power and [...]
[...] Scottish fisher which they had tane beforne,
[...]ontrare his will, gart him to them be [...];
[...]n their service they hold him day and [...] be,
Before the Sun, VVallace gart Joy him dight,
[...]nd sent him forth the passage to espy,
[...]n the Fisher they happ [...]ned suddeny:
[...]ll him alone, but one Boy that was there;
[...]op hint him soon, and for no fear would s [...]
[...]r the Coller, and a [...]nif out pulled be,
[...] Gods sake this man a [...]bed mercy:
[...]p speirad soon of what Nation art thou,
[...] Scout he said, but Sutheron g [...]r me b [...],
[...] their forvice, against my will full saith,
[...]ut for my life that I romalned there.
[...]o séek fishing, I came in this North God,
[...] ye a Scot, I would fain with you- [...]de:
Then he him brought in presence of Wallace,
The Scots were blyth when they have seen th [...]
For with his Boat they might well passed h [...]
For Ferry craft he thought not for to crave:
Vpon that side long space they rarried naught
To the south land with full gald hearts they so
Then brake the Boat when they were landed
Service of it Sutheron might have na mare:
Then through the Mosse they passed with good [...]
To the Torwood that man with them they led,
The Widow there brought tydings to VVallace,
OF his true Eme that dwelt at Dunipace.
Thomlin of Weere in prison had him set,
For more trèasure than be before might get.
VVallace said, Dame, he shall well lowsed be,
The morn by now, or moe therefore shall die:
She got them meat, and in quite they bade,
While it was night, then ready soon they ma [...]
Toward Airth-hil right suddenly they drew,
A strength there was that well the fisher knew:
Of draw-dykes, and full of water wan,
Wisely thereof he watched them this man.
On the backside he led them privately,
From the water as wont to come was be:
Over a small bridge good Wallace entred in,
Into the hall himself thought to begin:
From the Supper as they were bown to rise,
He salust them upon an awfull wise.
His men followed suddenly at anes,
Pasty sorrow was raised in these wanes:
With sharing s [...]oords sharply about them [...]
Feill in the floor were felled them among:
With Thomin of weére VVallace himself hath,
A fellon s [...]ook sadly upon him set:
Through head & swyre, all throgh the coast h [...]
[...]thy Scots fast sticked all the lave:
[...]ed-well the doors, and to the death them dight.
[...]rape away the Sutheron had no might.
[...]at Windows sought for to have broken out,
all for nought, full fey was the rout,
[...]the fire gushed the blood so red,
hundred men was slain into that stead:
[...]n VVallace sought where his Vncle might be,
a deep Cave he was set dolefully:
[...]ere water stood, and he in prons strang,
[...]allace full soon the braisses up he dang,
[...] of the dark brought him with strength at list,
[...] noyse he beard, of nothing else be wist:
[...]blyth before in world he had not been:
[...] therewith sighed when be had Wallace seen.
[...]itches the dead bodies out they cast,
[...]itches the place as then them liked best.
[...]e full good chear, and wise watches they set,
[...]ile near the day they sleeped without let:
when they had sight, spoiled the place in by,
[...]und gaining gear, both Gold and Iewelry,
[...]n all that day in quiet held them still,
[...]hen Sutheron came, received them with good will
[...]n that labour the Scots were all full vain,
Sutheron came in, but none went out again:
Women and Bairns put in prison and cave,
[...] they might make no warning to the lave.
[...]even of Ireland and Keirly that was wight,
[...]eeped the Port upon the second night.
before the day the worthy Scots rose,
[...]ursed good gear, and to the Torwood ge [...]s,
[...]mained there while night was come and hand,
[...]hen bowned them in quiet through the land.
[...]he Widow soon, fra they were passed doubt,
servant sent, and let the women out.
To passe from Airth, where that they like [...]
Now speak of them that went into the [...]

CHAP. V. How Wallace burnt the Englishmen in Dumb [...]

WAllace himself was sicker guid that ni [...]
To Dumbartan the way he choosed rig [...],
Ere it was day for then the night was lang,
Vnto the town full privately they gang:
Meikle of it Englishmen occupyed,
Good Wallace soon through a dark gate him hy [...]
Vnto the house which he was wont token,
A Widow dwelt, which friend was to ou [...] [...]
About the bed, and on the back-stde was ma [...]
A d [...]rn window, was neither long nor braid:
There Wallace called, and soon from she him
In haste she rose and privately him drew,
In a [...]lose Warn, where they might keeped he,
Both meat and drink she brought them in pl [...]
A goodly gift to Wallace als she gave,
An hundred pounds, and more out over the [...]
Nine sons she had, were likely men and wight
In dath to him she gart them swear full right.
In peace they dwelt, in trouble they had bi [...],
And tribute payed to English Captains kéen:
Sir John Menteith the Castle had in hand,
But some men said, There was a private [...]
To Sutheron made, by means of that Knight,
Of their supply to be at all his might.
Whereof as now I will no pro [...]esss make,
VVallace that day a short purpose can take.
When it was night he bade the widow passe,
And mark the door where Sutheron dwelling
Then after this be and his Chevalrie,
Graithed them well, and weapons took on hi [...]
[...]t to the gate where Sutheron were on sleep,
great Ostellary our Scots took to keep,
[...] English Captain was sitting up so late,
[...]hile he and his with drinking were made hate:
[...]ine men was there with him of hi [...] courage,
[...]me would have had good VVallace into that rage:
[...]me would have bound S. John y e Gr. throgh strength,
[...]me would have had good Boyd at swords length:
[...]me wished Lundie that scaped was in Fise,
[...]me wighter was nor Setoun then in strife:
[...]hen Wallace heard the Sutheron make such din,
[...] gart all bide and him alone went in:
[...]e lave remained to hear of their ty [...]nce,
[...] salust them with sturdy countenance:
[...]llows, he said, since I came last from hame,
[...] travel I was, in land of uncouth fame,
[...]rom South Ireland I came in this Countrey,
[...]e new conquish of Scotland for to sée,
[...]rt of your drink and some good I would bade,
[...]e Captain then a shrewd answer him gave:
[...]ou sée mest a Scot, likely to be a spy,
[...]ou mayest be one of VVallace company,
[...]trare our King he is risen again,
[...]he land of Fise he hath riden in plain:
[...]hou shalt bide here, while we wot how it be,
[...]rt thou of his, thou shalt be hanged hie:
[...]allace thought then it was no time to stand,
[...]is noble sword he gripped soon in hand:
[...]er-thort the face, drove the Captain in téen,
[...]oke all away that grew above the éen,
[...]ther braithly on the breast he bore,
[...]th brain and bone the bur [...]ly blaid through shore:
[...]he rest rusht up, then VVallace in great yre,
[...]he third he felled derfly into the fire:
[...]en of Ireland and Keirly in that throng,
Kéeped no charge, but entred them among.
And other moe, that to the door can prease,
While they him saw, there could nothing t [...]
The Sutheron men full soon were brought to [...],
The hostler bade them all good Aile and brea [...]
Wallace said, No, while we have leasure mar [...],
To be our guide, thou shalt before us fare,
And begin fire where that the Sutheron lies,
The hostler soon upon an hasty wise
Hint fire in hand, and to an great house yéed,
Where Englishmen were into meikle dread?
For they wist not, while that the red flame ro [...]
As wood as beasts among the fire then goes,
With pains fell rushed full sorrowfully,
The lave without of our good Chevalry.
At each house where the hostler began,
Kéeped the doors from them scaped no man,
For all their might though King Edward had sw [...]
Got none away that was of England borne,
But either burnt or but rescue was slain.
And some through force driven to the fire again.
Some Scots folk in service them amang,
From any pain fréely they let them gang,
Thrée hundreth men was to Dumbartane send:
To kéep the land as their Lord had them kend:
Skaithlesse of them for ay was this Region,
Wallace or day made him out of the towne.
Vnto the Cave of Dumbartane they yéed,
And all that day they sojourned but dread:
Both meat and drink the Hostler gart be bro [...]
When night was come, in all the haste they [...]
Toward Rosneth full earnestly they gang,
For Englishmen was in that Castle strang:
On the Garloch they purpose them to bide,
Betwixt the Kirk that near was there beside,
[...] to the Castle full privatly they draw,
[...]er a bray, and lodged them full law,
[...]e the water where common use had they,
[...] Castle to the Kirk they past each day:
[...]arriage als was that day to begin,
[...]ished out, and left no man within,
[...]t fence might make but servants in that place,
[...]s to that tryst they pass [...] upon case.
[...]allace and his drew them full privily,
[...]a [...] hand the place when they were passed by,
[...]thin the H [...] and thought to kéep that stead,
[...]m Sutheron [...] or else therefore be dead.
[...]mpleat was made the marriage into plain,
[...]to Rosneth they passed home again:
[...]urscore and moe was in that company,
[...]t not arrayed as was our Chevalry:
[...] the Castle they wend to passe, but late.
[...]e worthy Scots so hard upon them set,
[...]utty at once derfly to death they bare,
[...]e remnent affraied was so sare,
[...]nger in field they had no might to bide,
[...]t fiercely fled from them on either side.
[...]e Scots there well hath the entry woon,
[...] slew all such as the house found was in:
[...]en on the flyers followed wonder fast,
[...] Englishman with their life from them past:
[...]e women soon they seased upon hand,
[...]péd them close, for warning of the land:
[...] dead bodies all out of sight they cast,
[...]en at good ease they made them for to rest:
[...] their purveyance seven dayes lodged there,
[...]rude cost, to spend they would not spare:
[...]en Sutheron came, they took them gladly in,
[...] out again they let none of that Kin:
[...]o tydings sent the Captain of that stead,
Their servitours the Scots put to dead,
Spoiled the place, and left no goods there,
Brake wals down, and made the biggings [...]
When they had spilt all stone-work y t they [...]
Then kindled fire, and from Rosneth they so [...]
When they had burnt all tree work in that [...]
VValace gart Free the women of his grace:
To do them harm his purpose never was,
Then to Falkland the worthy Scots can passe:
Where Earle Malcome was byding at defence,
Right blyth he was of Wallace good presence:
Then he fand there a noble compa [...],
Sir John the Graham, and Richard or [...]undie,
Adam Wallace that worthy was and wise,
Barklay and Boyd with men of meikle prise:
At Christmasse there Wallace sojourned still,
Of his mother tydings was brought him till:
In time before she had left Ellerslie,
For Englishmen she durst not in it be:
From thence disaguised she past in pilgrims [...]
Some girth to séek in Dumfermling she yéed,
Sicknesse she had forsooth into that stead,
Diseased she was, God took her sprite to lead:
When Wallace heard that these tydings were
Then sadnesse sore on each side did persue,
In thank he took, because it is natural,
He loved God with sicker heart and heal:
Better him thought that it was hapned so,
Than Sutheron should put her to other wo.
He ordained Jop, and also Master Blair,
Thither they past, and for no cost to spare:
But honourably put corps to Sepulture,
At his command they served all their cure.
Doing thereto as death desired to have,
With rich intire the Corps they put in gra [...]
[...]ain they turned, and shewed of her [...]nd,
[...] [...]hanked God, what grace that ever he send:
[...] saw the world was full of fantasie,
[...]mfort he took, let all mourning go by.
[...] most delight was for to free Scotland,
[...]w will I tell what case then came on hand.

CHAP. VI. How Sir William Dowglas wan the Castle of Sanquhair by a jeopardie, and how William Wallace rescued him from the Englishmen, and put them out of that part.

It William long of Douglas dail was Lord,
By his first wife as right is to record:
[...]reased then out of this worldly care,
[...]o sons he had with her that lived there.
Which likely was and able in courage,
[...] School was sent into their tender age:
[...]es and Hew so heght these brethren twa,
[...]d after soon their Vncle could them ta:
[...]d Robert Keith had them from Glasgow town,
And over the sea, to France hath made him bown:
[...]t study then he set them in Paris,
With a Master that worthy was and wife:
The King Edward took their father the Knight,
And held him still though he was never so wight:
While time he had assented to his will,
A marriage als they had ordained him till,
The Lady Ferres of power and hie blood,
But thereof came to his life little good:
Two sons he got on this Lady but mare,
With Edwards will he took his leave to fare.
In Scotland came and brought his wife in peace,
In Dowglas dwelt, forsooth this is no léese:
[...]ing Edward trowed that he had stedfast béen,
Fast their fast faith, but con [...]ure soon [...]
Aye the Scots blood remained in Dowglas
Against England which proved in many place,
The Sanquhair was a Castle fair and strong,
An English Captain had done feil Scots wrong,
Into it dwelt, and Bewfurd he was cald,
That held all wa [...]f, from then to Dowglas ha [...],
Right near of kin was Dowglas wife and he
Therefore he trowed in peace of him to be:
Sir William saw that Wallace rose in plain,
And right likely to frée Scotland again,
To help him part, into his mind be cast,
For in that life right long he could not last:
He thought no charge to break upon England,
It was through force that ever he made them [...]
A young man then, that hardy was and bald:
Borne with himself, and Thomas Dickson cald:
Dear friend he said, I would prove at my mig [...]
And make a fray to false Bewfurd the Knight,
In Sanquhair dwels, and doth full great outrage,
Then Dickson said, My self in that voyage
Shall for you passe, with Anderson to speak,
Friendship to me my Causing will not break,
He is the man that fire leads them till,
Through his help we our purpose will fulfill:
Sir William then in all the haste be might,
Thirty true men in that voyage he dight,
And told his wife to Dumfries he would fare,
A tryst he said, of England he had there.
Thus passed he where tha [...] no Sutheron wist,
With these thirty through wast land at their [...]
While night came, then couched they full law,
Into a Cleugh near at the water Craw,
To the Sanquhair Dickson alone he send,
And he soon made with Adderson this end:
[...]ckson should take both his horse and his wéed,
[...]y it was day, a draught of wood to lead:
[...]ain he past, and told the good Dowglas,
[...]hich drew him soon into a private place.
[...]derson told what stuffe there was therein,
[...]o Thomas Dickson that was right near of Kin.
[...]arty they are all men of meikle vail,
[...] they on foot, they will you sore assail,
[...]f you happen the entry for to get,
[...]n the right hand, a stalward Axe is set:
[...]herewith you may defend thée in a throng,
[...] Dowglas wise, he bide not from thee long:
[...]nderson yéed to the bushment in hie,
[...]ear the Castle he drew them privily:
[...]nto a shaw, Sutheron mistrusted nought,
[...]o the next wood with Dickson soon he sought:
[...]raithed a draught on a broad slipping Law,
[...]a [...]ged an horse, and to the town can draw,
[...]rayed he was in Andersons wéed,
[...]d bade have in, the Porter came good spéed:
This hour he said: thou might have béen away,
[...]ntimous thou art, for it is scantly day.
[...]he Gate yéed up, Dickson yéed in but mare,
[...] thort our band that all the draught up bare:
[...]e cutted it the slip to ground could ga,
[...]ummered the gate steiking they might not mae:
The Porter soon he hint into that strife,
Twise through the head, and reft him of his life,
The Axe he got, that Anderson of spake,
And beckning made, therewith the bushment brake.
Dowglas himself was formost in the prease,
In over the wood entred or he would cease:
Thrée watchmen was from the wals coming new,
Within the Close the Scots men them slew.
E [...]e any s [...]ry was raised in that stowre,
Dowglas had tane the gate of the great to [...]
Ran up the stair where that the Captain lay,
On foot he got and would have been away.
Over-late he was, Dowglas strake up the door,
Bewfurd he found in midst of the floor:
With a stiff sword to death he hath him dight,
His men follwed fast that worthy were and [...]
The men they slew that were within these [...]
Then in the Close they sembled all at anes:
The house they took, and Sutheron put to dead,
Got none but one with life out of that stead:
For that the gate so long unsteiked was.
This spy he fled, and to Dursdeir can passe:
Told that Captain that they had hapned so,
Another he gart into the Ennoch go:
And Tybers mure was warned of this case.
And Lochmabane all sembled to this place:
The Countrey als, when they heard of such thi [...]
Would siedg Dowglas, & heght they should him [...]
When Dowglas wist that one did from the scap [...]
To sailyie him, he trow'd that they should shap [...]
Dickson be sent upon a C [...]user wight,
To warn Wallace in all the haste he might:
In the Lennox VVallace had tane the plain,
With four hundred that were of meikle main:
Kilsyth Castle he thought to visle it,
That Ravindail held, but true men let him wit,
That he was out that time in Cumbernald,
Lord Cumine dwelt on tribute in that hald:
When Wallace wist, he gart Earle Malcome hye,
With two hundred the bushment near thereby:
To keep the house, that none should to it fa [...]e.
He took the rest in the wood-side near there:
A scurriour set, to warn if he saw ought,
Soon Ravindail came, of them he had no thought.
[...]hen he was coming the two bushments between,
[...]e scouriour warned these cruel then and kéen:
[...]hen Earl Malcome had barred them from the place
[...] Sutheron yéed with life they did that grace:
[...]rt Lennox men they left the house to tae,
[...] spoiling then, they would not t [...]rry mae
[...]ege-houses then Wallace would not bide,
[...]hroughout the land Wallace would not bide:
[...]hen Linlithgow they burnt into their gate,
There Sutheron dwelt they made their biggings hai [...],
[...]he Peil they took, flew them that were within,
[...]f Sutheron blood the Scots thought no sin:
[...]hen on the morn burnt Dalkeith in a gleid,
[...]n to a strength, to Newbottell they yéed,
[...] that Lawder and Christel of Seton,
[...]me from the Basse and burnt Northberwick town
[...]hat Englishmen they should no succour get,
[...]hom they overtook they slew withoutten let.
[...] méet Wallace, they past in all their might,
[...] hundreth men with them of arms bright,
[...] blyth méeting that time was them betwéen,
[...]hen Earl Malcome and Wallace hath them séen,
[...]omas Dikson als met with good Wallace,
[...]hich granted soon for to rescue Dowglas,
[...]ikson, he said, wots thou of their multiplie,
[...]hrée thousand men their power may not be:
[...]arl Malcome said, though they were thousands five,
[...]or this action me think that we should strive,
[...]hen Hew the Hay, that dwelt under trewage,
[...]f Englishmen soon he gave over that wage:
[...]ore for to pay as then he liked nought:
[...]ith fifty men to VVallace forth be sought,
[...] Peibles fast but no Sutheron them bade,
[...]here at the Crosse a plain cry they made:
[...]allace commanded who would come to his peace.
And bide thereat, reward should have but [...]
Good Rutherfurd, that ever true had been,
In Etrick wood against the Sutheron kéen:
Bidden he had, and done them meikle dear,
Sixty he had of noble men of wear.
Wallace him welcomed that came in his supply.
With lordly fare, and Chriftain like was he.
Then to array they went about the town,
Their number was six hundreth of renown:
In birnes bright, all men of meikle vail:
With glad hearts they passed through Cliddis [...]
The siege began, and to the Sanquhair set,
But tydings came, and made therein a let.
The Sutheron heard that Wallace was so near,
Through hasty fray the hoast was all on stea [...]:
No man was there would for another bide,
Purpose they took in England for to ride.
Their Chiftain said, Since their King had bef [...]
From VVallace fled, their causes was the more.
From South they sought, to bide it was great.
Dowglas as then was thus quite of their skaith,
In Crawfurd mure by then was good Wallace,
When men him told that Sutheron upon case,
Were fled away, and durst not him abide,
Thrée hundreth then he choose with him to ride
In light harnesse and horse that they would [...]
The Earl Malcome he had bide with the staile,
To follow them, a back guard for to be,
To stuffe the chase in all the haste bowned he:
Through Durisdeir he took the gainest gate:
Right fain he would with Sutheron make deba [...]
The plainest way above Morton they hold.
Ryding the hight, if that the Sutheron would,
Them to pursue, or turn to Lochmabane,
But héed thereto the Englishmen took nane:
[...]own right they held graith guids could them lear
[...]out Closhurn Wallace approached near:
[...] yre he grew when they were in his sight,
[...] them he spéed with will and all their might:
[...] an out part the Scots set that tide,
[...]evenscore at gro [...]d they had soon at a side.
[...]he Sutheron saw that it had hapned so,
[...]urned in again, some rescue for to sho:
[...]hen they trowed best with good Wallace to stand,
[...]rl Malcome came then right near at their hand,
[...]he whole power took plain purpose to flée,
[...]ho were at ground Wallace gart let them be.
[...]pon the foremost followed with all their might,
[...]he Earl and his amongst the rest they light,
[...]id all to death that unhorsed were that tide,
[...]er the horse full freshly can they ride:
[...]e hundreth whole, ere they past Dalswyntoun,
[...] Sutheron side to ground there was brought down
[...]f Scots horse many began to tyre,
[...]ppose their selves were fierce as any fire.
[...]he flyers left both wood, waters, and hill,
[...]o take the plain, spéedfull they thought them till:
[...] great battell away full fast they rode,
[...]nto the strength [...]ey thought to make no bode:
[...]ear Lochmabane and Ouchterhouse they went,
[...]eside Crochmad, where feil Sutheron they shent:
[...]ight many horse that ridden had so lang,
[...]nd travelled sore, they might no farther gang:
[...]ir John the Graham upon his féet was set,
Then Wallace als lighted withoutten let:
These two on foot among their enemies yéed,
[...]as none but horse might from them passe for spéed,
[...]n Englishmen so cruelly they sought,
Whom they overtook, again harmed us nought.
To Wallace came a part of power new,
On rested horse, that partly can pursue:
Adam Currie, with good men of great vail,
And Johnstoun als that dwelt in Eskdail,
And Kirkpatrick was in that company,
And Haliday who sembled sturdily:
Where they entred the saylie was so sare,
Dead to the ground feil flyers down they bare:
Sevenscoré were whole of new come men indee [...]
The south party of them had meikle dread:
Wallace was horsed upon a Couser wight,
That good Currie had brought into his sight?
To stuff the chase, with the new Chevalrie,
Commanded Graham, and his good men for thy,
Together bide, and follow as they might,
Thrée Captaines there full soon to death he dig [...]
The rested horse so wonder well them bare,
Whom he overtook again rose never mare:
Raithly he rode, and wrought full many wound,
These thrée Captains he sticked in one stound:
Of Durisdeir, Ennoch, and Tybers-mure,
Lord Cliffords Eme away to Carlile fure:
The which before had kéeped Lochmabane,
No landed man scaped with him [...]t ane:
For Maxwell als out of Carlaveroc [...] [...]rew,
On the Sutheron the gainest way can sue:
Into the chase so wilfully they ride,
Few got away that came upon that side:
Beside Cock-pool full fe [...]l fighting they fand,
Some drowned were, some slain upon the land:
Who scaped was, in England fled away,
Wallace returned, no prisoner took they:
In Carlaverok that night resting they made,
Vpon the morne to D [...]fries blythly rade:
There VVallace cryed who would come to his [...]
Against Sutheron their malice for to cease:
[...]o true Scots he ordained warison,
Who faulted had, he granted remission.
[...] Dumfries then he would no longer bide,
The Sutheron fled off Scotland on each side:
By sea and land, without longer abade,
Of Castles and towns VVallace Chiftains made,
[...]uled the land, and put it in good rest,
With true kéepers the whish he trusted best.
The good Dowglas of which I told you aire,
[...]éeper he was from Drumlanerick to Aire:
Because he had on Sutheron such thing wrought,
[...]is wife was wroth, but that she shewed nought:
Vnder covert her malice held perfyte,
[...] Serpent waits her time when she may byte,
[...]o Dowglas oft she wrought full meikle care,
Of that as now I leave while further mare.
But Sutheron men durst then no Castles hold,
They left Scotland as I before you told:
[...]ave one Morton a Captain fierce and fell
That held Dundie, but Wallace would not dwell
But thither past, and laid it round about,
When Morton saw that he was in that doubt,
[...]e asked leave, with their lives for to go,
Wallace denyed, and said, It bées not so,
The last Captain of England that here was,
[...] gave him leave whole with his men to passe,
Thou shalt forethink such mastery for to make,
All England shall of thée example take,
Such men I weind form thine for to have worne,
Thou shalt be hanged, suppose the King had sworne.
[...]e gart command no Scots should to him speak,
Confirmed the siege, and said, we shall us wreak
On Englishmen, as skill will of Dundee,
Scrimgeour he made their [...] [...]le for to be:
An Ballinger of England tha [...] [...] [...]here,
Past out of Tay and came to Quhitbie fair:
To Loddon sent, and told of all this case,
To hang Morton so vowed had VVallace:
Before this time Edward with power yéed,
To war on France, for then he had no dread:
Before he trowed Scotland to be his own,
When they him warned his men were overthr [...]
Again he took to England hastily,
And left his turn all fickled in follie:
Gascoun he claimed, all into heritage,
He left it thus, with all his hie barnage:
And Flanders als he thought to take in hand,
All These he left and came to reave Scotland,
When that this King to England was come hame,
Summonds they made and charged Bruce by na [...]
And other moe that lived under his Crown,
Bishop and Barron to come at his Sumon:
When VVallace twise through force had fred Scotla [...],
This tyrant King took plainly upon hand:
For great desire he might no way take rest,
He thought to him, to make it plain conquest:
In covetise he had reigned so long,
Chifrains he made that they should not go wrong:
Guids they choose, for strengths them to guy,
They thought no more to bide at jeopardy,
In plain battell that they might Wallace win,
He trowed for war they would no more begin:
Leave I this King, making this ordinance,
My purpose is to speak somthing of France:
The Englishmen then Guyan held in wear:
To French folk they did full meikle dear.
King and Counsel soon in their wits cast,
To get VVallace them thought it was the best.
For Guyan land the [...] [...]en had they,
Then shup they thus, [...]ll the haste they may,
[...] they traisted, if Scotland were not hard stade:
[...]llace would come, as he them promise made,
[...]he samine Herauld that in Scotland was,
[...]hey him commanded, and ordain'd him to passe
[...]to Scotland, without longer delay:
[...]t of the Sluce as goodly as he may.
[...]dy he was, in ship he past on case,
[...] Tayes mouth, but bode the Haven tais:
[...]here Wallace then was at the sailyie still,
[...]d he received the Herauld with good will,
[...]heir writ he read, and said to them this wise,
[...] answer soon he could them not devise:
[...] honest Innes the Herauld soon he send,
[...] Wallace cost right boldly for to spend,
[...]hile time he saw how other matters stood,
[...]hen answer he should have withoutten dread:
[...]he wit of France thought Wallace to commend.
[...]to Scotland with this Herauld they send:
[...]aise of his dead, and als the description
[...]f him tane there, by men of description:
Clerks, Knights, and Heraulds that him saw,
[...]ut I hereof cannot rehearse it aw,
VVallace stature, of greatnesse, and of hight
[...]as judged thus by discretion of sight,
[...]hat saw him both on Chevill and on wéed,
[...]ine quarters large of hight he was indéed,
[...]hird part that length in shoulders broad was he,
[...]ght séemly strong, and lusty for to sée,
[...] limbs great, with stalwart passe and sound,
[...]is brains hard, with armes long and round.
[...]is hands made right like to a palmeare,
Of manlike make, with nails long and clear.
Proportioned fair, and long was his visage.
[...]ight sad of spéech, and able of courage:
[...]oth breast high, with sturdy [...]r [...]ig and great,
His lips round, his nose square and neat.
Burning brown hair, on brows and brie [...]
Clear asper eyes, like Diamonds full brigh [...]
Vnder his thin, on his left side was séen,
By hurt, a wan, his colour was sanguine:
Wounds he had in many diverse place,
But fair and whole well kéeped was his face:
Of riches als he kéeped no proper thing,
Gave that he wan like Alexander the King:
In time of peace méek as a mind should be,
When war approached, the right Hector was he,
To Scots men right good credence be gave,
But known enemies they could not him deceive.
These properties were judged into France,
Of him to be a goodly remembrance:
Master John Blair this patern could receave,
In VVallace book he brieved with the leave:
But he thereof as then took little béed,
His laborous mind was all of other déed:
At Dundie sieige thus earnest as he lay,
Tydings to him Jop brought upon a day:
How King Edward with likly men of vail,
An hundreth thousand come for to assail,
And Scots ground they had tane upon case.
Into some part it grieved good VVallace:
He made Scrimgeour at this house foe to lye,
With eight thousand, and charged them for th [...]
That none should scape with life out of that [...]
That Sutheron were, but put them all to dead:
Scrimgeour granted right faithfully to [...]ide,
With two thousand VVallace could from him rid [...]
To S. Johnstoun, thrée dayes graithed he there,
With sad advise towards the South can fare:
For King Edward that [...]me ordained had,
Ten thousand whole to passe that was full gl [...]
[...]ith young Woodstock, a Lord of meikle might
[...] Strivling Bridge he ordain'd them full right:
[...]d there to bide, the entry for to weir,
[...]f Wallace then he trowed to have no deir,
[...]ght royally upon a good array,
[...]hen leave they took, and past out but delay,
[...]o Strivling came, and there would not abide,
[...]o sée the North beyond Forth can they ride:
Which new courage fell into his intent,
Which made the Sutheron full sore for to repent.
The end of the tenth Book.


CHAP. I. The Battel of Fawkirk.

THis Woodstock rode into the North good spéed,
Of Scots as then they had but little dread,
For well they trowed for to rescue Dundie,
[...]heir Ships came to Tay in by the sea:
[...]is guids said, that they should lead him by
[...]aint Johnstoun where passage lay plainly:
[...]he high they took, and looked them about,
[...] were they ware of VVallace and his rout:
[...]hen in some part he remorded his thought,
[...]he Kings command because he kéeped nought:
[...]ut when he saw they were fewer nor he,
[...]e would them bide, and either do or die:
[...]ir John Ramsay formost his power saw,
[...]id, You are they that ye sée hither draw:
Either Sutheron, that came so cruelly,
Or Earl Malcome to séek you for supply,
Then Wallace smiled and said, English they are
Ye may them know right well where that they
On Shyreffe mure VVallace the field hath tane,
With eight thousand of worthy men in wane.
The Sutheron were right doughty into déed,
Together strake, well stuffed in stéel wéed:
Then spears all soon into spenders sprent.
The hardy Scots out through the Sutheron went,
In rayed battel seven thousand down they bare,
Déed on the bent, recovered never mare,
Right feil fighting with weapons grounden kée [...]
Blood then from birns was blushed on the gréen [...]
The stalward stour right fellon was and strang,
The worthy Scots so derfly on them dang:
That all was dead within a little stound,
None from that place had power for to found.
Young Woodstock hath both life and hosts forlorn [...]
The Scots spoiled all good gear them be forne:
What them thought best, of fine Harnesse th [...]
Both Gold and good, and horse that might avai [...]
To Strivling Bridge without resting they rade,
Or moe should come, VVallace this ordinance made
Past over the Bridge, Wallace gart Wrights [...]a [...]
And with Crafts-men undid the passage all:
Then these same folk he sent to the Dridfurd,
Gart set the ground with strong staiks and bu [...]
With nine or ten syles he cast the gate before,
Endlong the shald made it as déep as shore:
Then VVallace said, We shall on one side be,
Yon King and I, but if he south-wart flée:
He sent Lawder which had in hand the Basse,
Endlong the coast, where any vessel was:
And men with him that busily could look,
[...] each Boat a boord or two they took:
[...]ips they burnt of Strangers that was there,
[...]on and he to VVallace thus can fare:
[...] Strivling lay upon his purpose still,
[...]r Englishmen to sée what way they will:
[...]he Earl Malcome Strivling in kéeping had,
[...] him came with men of armes sad:
Three hundreth whole that sicker was and true
[...]f Lennox folk their power to renew.
Sir John the Grahame from Dundaffe sickerly,
[...] VVallace came with a good Chevalry,
[...]dings him brought that Sutheron came at hand,
[...] Torphichine King Edward was lodgand:
[...]stroying the place of purveyance was there,
[...]int Johns good as then they would not spare.
[...]wart of Bute came unto VVallace there:
[...]ith him he had twelve hundreth men and mare:
[...]e Cumine then was past in Cumbernald,
[...]pon the morne bowned the Steward bald.
[...]n to array with men of arms bright:
[...]enty thousand then sembled in their fight:
[...]he Lord Stewart and Cumine forth they ride
[...] the Fawkirk, and thought there to abide.
[...]allace and his then to array they yéed
With ten thousand of worthy men indéed:
[...]ho could behold his awfull Lordly vult,
[...] well be séen, so forward, sterne and stout,
[...] good Chiftain as with so few they béen,
Without a King was never in Scotland séen,
[...]allace himself and Earl Malcome the Lord.
Sir John the Grahame and Ramsay at record:
[...]on, Lawder, and Boyd that was full wight,
[...]am Wallace was to that journey dight,
[...] many other that proved well in prease,
Their names all I may not here rehearse:
Sutheron, or then out of Torphichine fure,
Their passage made into Slamanane mure:
Into a plain set tents and pavilion,
South the Fawkirk a little above the town.
Good Jop himself thus judged by his sight.
In whole number an hundreth thousand right:
Of Wallace coming the Scots such comfort took,
When they him saw all dreadour they forsook,
For of envie was few there that it wist,
Treasonable folk their matter works at list.
Poyson fince then at the Fawkirk is cald,
Through great treason, and corruption of ald.
For Cumines had envie of good Wallace,
For Earl Patrick as hapned upon case:
Countesse of March was Cumins sister dear,
Vnder colour he wrought on this manner,
Into the hoast had ordained Wallace dead,
And made Stewart to fall with him at plead,
That Lord, he said, that Wallace had no right.
Power to lead, and he present in sight:
He bade him take the vanguard for the gy,
So wist he well that he should strive for thy,
Lord Stewart asked at VVallace his counsel,
Said Sir, ye know what may us best avail,
Yon awfull King is fellon for to bide,
Right unabased Wallace answered that tide,
And I have séen twise moe into Scotland
With yon same King when Scots men took o [...]
With fewer men than now hither is sought,
This Realme against and to good purpose br [...]
Sir, we will fight, for we have men enew
As for a day, so that we all be true:
The Stewart said, the vanguard we should ha [...]
Wallace answered, and said, so God me save,
That shall ye not so long as I may reigne:
[...]or no man else, except my righteous King,
[...] he will come and take on him the Crown,
[...] his command I shall be ready bown.
Through Gods grace I rescued Scotland twise,
[...] were over mad to tine it in such wise.
[...] tine for boast I that have governed lang,
Thus half in wrath from ward him can he gang.
Stewart therewith all bowned into bale,
[...]allace he said, by thée I tell a tale,
[...]y forth quoth he, of the fairest ye can,
Vnhappily, his tale thus he began:
[...]allace he said, thou takes this meikle cure,
[...] fared it by working of nature,
[...]ow an Howlat complained of his Fethreme,
When Dame nature took of each bird but blame
[...] fair feather, and to the Howlat gave,
Then he through pride rebuted all the lave:
Therefore should thou thy senyie show so hie,
Thou thinks none here that should thy fellow be,
This makes it, thou art glad with our men,
[...]ad we our own, then were but few to ken:
[...]t these words good Wallace burnt as fire,
[...]ver hastily he answered him in yre:
Thou lied he said, the sooth full oft hath béen,
There have I bidden, where thou durst not be séen,
Contrare thine enemies, no more for Scotlands right,
[...]ror dare the Howlat when that the day is light:
That tale full near thou bast told by thy sell,
To thy desire thou shalt not me compell:
[...]mine it is hath given thée this counsaile,
Will God ye shall of your first purpose fail:
That false traitour that I from danger brought,
Is wonder like to bring this Realm to nought.
For thine oggart either to do or die,
To prison fled, or cowardly to flée:
Rescue of me thou shalt get none this day,
Therewith he turned, and from them rode hi [...]
Ten thousand men away with VVallace rode,
None better was in all the world so broad,
As such men was living upon life,
Alas, great harme fell Scotland for that strife;
Past to the Wood from the Fawkirk by east,
He would not bide for command nor request:
For charge of none, but it had béen the King.
That might that time bring him from his ēt [...]in [...]
The other Scots saw their destruction,
For discomfort to leave the field was bown:
But that these men was native to Stewart,
Principall in Bute took hardiment in heart:
Lord Stewart was at Cumine grieved there,
Heght and he lived, he should repent it sare.
The great trespasse that he through misknowled [...]
Had gart him make to Wallace in that place:
Of their debate it was a great pitie,
For Englishmen then might no blyther be,
Hasted so fast in battell to the field,
Thirty thousand that well could weapons weild:
The Earl Hartfurd was chosen their Chiftaine,
The good Stewart to that array is gane:
The field he took as true and worthy Knight,
The Englishmen came on with full great might:
Their fell méeting was awful for to sée,
At that Counter they gart feil Sutheron die,
When spears were split, hint out with swords s [...]
On either side full doughty déeds were done,
Feil on the ground was felled in that place,
Stewart and his can on their enemies race,
Blood bursted out through mailzie birnisht brig [...],
Twenty thousand with dreadfull weapon dight,
On Sutheron men derfly to death they ding,
The remanent again fled to the King.
[...]en thousand then after the dead eschewed,
With that Chiftain unto the hoast relieved,
Again to ray the hardy Stewart yéed,
When VVallace saw that worthy noble déed,
[...]eld up his hands with humble prayer prest,
[...] God, he said, give yon Lord grace to last,
And power have his worship to attend,
To win these folk, and take the whole commend:
Great harme it were that he should be overset
With new power, they then to him rebet,
By that the Bruce an awful battell rayed,
The Bishop Biek that oft hath béen assayed,
Fourty thousand upon the Scots to fare,
With full effear they raised up right there,
The Bruces Banner with gold and goules clear,
When Wallace saw the battels approached near,
The right Lyon against his own Kinrike,
Alace he said, the world is contrare like,
This land should be yon tyrants heritage,
That comes thus to stroy his own barnage,
So I were frée of it that I said aire,
I would forswear Scotland for evermare,
Contrare Bruce I should rescue them now,
Or die therefore to God I make avow,
The great debate in VVallace wit can waide,
Betwixt kindnesse and wilfull vow was made,
Kindnesse bade him rescue them from their so.
Then will said nay, why fool wilt thou do so,
Thou hast no wit with right thy self to lead,
Should thou help him that would put thee to déed,
Kindnesse said, yet they are good Scots men,
The will said wit, the verity thou may [...]en,
Had they béen good all in one we had béen,
By reason here the contrare well is séen,
For they us hate more than the Sutheron lied,
Kindnesse said nay, that show they not indéed,
Though one of them be false into their saw,
Because of him thou should not lose them aw:
They have done well into yon fellon stoure,
Rescue them now, and take the high honour.
Will said, they would have [...]e [...]t from me my life,
I bade for them in many a fellon strife.
Kindnesse said, help, their power is but nought,
Then wreak on him that all the malice wrought.
Will said, this day they shall not holpen be,
That I have said, shall ay be said for me:
They are but dead, God grant them of his blisse,
Envy long since, done hath great harm and misse.
VVallace therewith turned in yre and téen,
Tears for bail burst out from both his éene:
Sir John the Grahame, and many other wight,
Wéeped for woe for sorrow of that Knight.
When Bruces battell upon the Scots stroke,
Their cruel coming made cowards for to quake:
Lord Cumming fled in Cumbernald away,
About the Scots the Sutheron lapped they:
The men of Bute before their Lord they stood,
Defending him when that feil streams of blood
Were them about in floats where they yéed,
Bathed in blood was Bruces sword and wéed,
Through fell slaughter of feil men of his own,
Soon to the death the Scots were overthrown,
Then slew the Lord, for he would not be tane:
When Wallace saw that their good men were gane
Lords he said, what now is your counsail:
Two chooses there are, I rede the best ye wail,
Yonder the King his hoast abandounand,
With Bruce and Biek in yond battell to stand,
Yond King in war right wise and fell hath béen,
Their Captains als full cruel are and kéen,
[...]tter of hand is none living I wis,
[...] tyrannie, ye trow me well of this,
[...]or Bruce and Beik, to what side they be set,
[...]e have a choise which is full hard but let:
[...]d we turn East for strength in Lowthian land,
[...]hey stuffe a chase right hard I understand,
[...]ke we the mure, yon King is us before,
There is but this withoutten words more.
[...] the Torwood, for our succour is there:
[...]hrough Bruces hoast, forsooth first must we fare,
[...]ongst us now there néedeth no debate,
[...]n men are dead, we néed not strive for state,
They all consented to work right as he will,
That him thought best, they granted to fulfill.
[...] VVallace then that stoutly could them steir,
Before them rode into his armour clear,
[...]led their spears all in one number round:
[...]d we grace have for to passe through them sound,
[...]d few be lost, to our strength will we ride,
[...]ant we many, in faith we shall abide.
With their armed horse fast on the hoast they rade,
The reird then rose when spears in sunder glade:
[...]shed in drosse dunted with spears dint.
From forged steel the fire flew from but stint:
The fellon throng, when horse and men renewed,
[...] drove the dust when they their p [...]s proved.
The other hoast might not their déeds sée,
The stour that rose, while they dissevered be.
The worthy Scots eight thousand down they bare,
[...]ew fell on ground that good VVallace brought there,
The King cryed horse upon them for to ride:
[...]ut this wise Lord gave him counsell to bide:
The Earl of York said, Sir, ye work amisse,
To break array, yon men quite through them is,
They ken the land and will to strengths dra [...]
Lake we the plain we are in perill aw,
The King conceived that his counsel was righ [...]
Ruled the hoast, and bade still in their sight.
Ere Bruce and Beik might return their battell,
The Scots were through and had a great avail.
Wallace commanded the hoast should passe away
To the Torwood in the all haste they may,
Himself and Graham and Lawder turned in,
Betwixt Battels, pryse and proves to win.
And with them bode in that place hundreth th [...]
Of Westland men used in jeopardie,
Vpon wight horse, that right warly could ride,
A s [...]op they made where they set on a side,
No spears they had but swords of tempered stée [...]
Therewith in stour they let their enemies féel.
How they full oft had proved béen in preasse,
Of Englishmen they made feil to decease.
Ere Bruce thereof might well perceiving have,
Thrée hundreth there were graithed to their g [...]
The hardy Bruce an hoast abandone it,
Thirty thousand he ruled by force and wit,
Vpon the Scots his men for to rescue.
Served they were with good spears anew.
And Bishop Beik a stuffe to him to be,
When good Wallace their ordinance can sée,
Alace, he said, yon man hath meikle might,
And over good will to undo his own right.
He bade his men toward the hoast to ride.
Them for to save he would behind them bide,
Meikle he trowed in God and his own déed,
To save his men into his doughty wéed:
Vpon himself meikle travel he taes,
The great battell compleat upon him gaes:
In the fore front turned he full oft,
Whom ever he hit their saughning was unsoft,
That day in world known was not his maik,
[...] Sutheron man he slew ay at a straik,
[...]ut his own strength might not against them be,
Toward his hoast behoved him to flée,
The Bruce him hurt at his returning there,
Vnder the hanch a déep wound and sare,
Blood bursted out braithly a spears length.
From the great hoast he fléed toward his strength;
[...]uch a flyer before was never séen,
[...]ought as Gaderis of Gaudiffer the téen,
When Alexander rescued the foreours,
[...]ight not to him be compared in those houres,
The feil turning of foreours he made,
[...]ow boldly as before the hoast be bade,
[...]or how good Graham with cruel hardiment,
[...]or how Lawder among his enemies went,
[...]ow they alone into the stour then stood,
While Wallace was in stanching of his blood,
[...]y then he had stemed full well his wound,
With thrée hundreth unto the field can found.
[...]o rescue Graham and Lawder that were wight,
But Bishop Beik came on with strength and flight.
The worthy Scots retired far aback,
[...]ever aiker broad, unto their own great wrake,
Yet [...]ere these two delivered there full well,
By his own hand, and a good sword of stéel:
The awfull Bruce among them with great main,
[...]t the rescue, thrée Scots men hath he slain.
Whom he hit right ay at one stroak was dead,
Wallace therefore preassed in to set remead.
With a good spear Bruce was served but bade,
With great envy to Wallace fast he rade,
[...]nd he to him assonzeit not for thy,
The Bruce him mist, as Wallace passed by,
Acwa [...]t he stroke with his sharp grounden gl [...]
Spear and horse neck he all in sunder drave,
Bruce was at ground ere VVallace turned about,
The great battel of Sutheron, stern and stout.
They horsed Bruce with men of great valour,
Wallace alone was in that stalwart stour,
Grahame preassed in and stroke an English Knight,
Before the Bruce upon the basnet right,
That friv [...]le stuffe, and all his other wéed,
Both bone and brain the noble sword through [...]
The Knight was dead, good Grahame returned [...]
A subtill Knight thereat had great despight,
Followed at wait, and hath perceived well,
Grahams birnie too norrow was some deal
Beneath the waste that [...]lose it might not be,
On the fillet full sternly then stroke he,
Pierced the back, in the bowels him bare,
With a sharp spear, that he might live no more,
Grahame turned there, and smote the Knight in [...]
Through the visa [...]t a little beneath the éene:
Dead of that dint, to ground be rushed down,
Sir John the Grahame swowned on his arsoun,
Ere he overcame to passe to his party,
Feil Sutheron men that were on foot him by,
Sticked his horse that he no further yéed,
Graham yéelds to God his good spirit and his de [...]
When Wallace saw this good Knight to death b [...]
The piteous pain so sore thirled his thought:
All out of kind altered his courage,
His wit in war was then but a wood rage.
The horse him bare in field where so him li [...],
For of himself as then he little wist.
Like a wood beast that was from reason rent,
As witlesse wight into the hoast he went,
Dinging on hard what Sutheron right he hit,
Straight upon horse again might never fit,
Into that rage full feil folk he d [...]ng down,
All him about was red a full great rowm,
When Bruce perceivod with Wallace it was sa,
He then charged men long spears for to [...]a.
And slay his horse, so he could not escape.
Feil Sutheron then to Wallace can them shape,
Peirced his horse with spears on either side,
Wounds they made, that were both déep and wide:
Of shafts, part Wallace in sunder share,
But feil heads into his horse left there.
Some wit again to VVallace can red [...]wn,
In his own mind, so ruled him rea [...]un,
So for to die he thought no bassallage,
Then for to flée he took into a rage,
Spurred the horse, and ran in a randoun.
To his own folk, were bidding on Carroun:
The sea was in, they stopped and still stóod,
On loud he cryed, and bade them take the flood.
Together bide, ye may not lose a man,
At his command they took the water than.
He returned the entry for to kéep.
While all the haost were passed over the déep.
Then followed fast, and dread his Horse should fall,
Himself was clad in a heavy place of male.
Though he could swim, he trowed he might not well
The clear water cooled the horse some deal.
Out over the flood be bare him to the land,
Then fell down dead and might no longer stand.
Keirly full soon a Courser to him brought,
Then up he lap, amongst the hoast he sought:
Grahame was away, and other fifteen wight,
On Magdalene day these folk to death were dight.
Thirty thousand of Englishmen for true,
The worthy Scots upon that day they flew;
What by Stewart, and then by wight Wallace,
For all his price King Edward rewed that cast,
To the Torwood he bade the hoast go ride,
Keirlie and he passed on Carroun side.
Beholding over upon the South party:
Bruce foremost came, and could on Wallace cry,
What? art thou there? a man Wallace can say
The Bruce answered, that hast thou proved this [...]
Abide he said, thou néedest not now to flée,
VVallace answered, I eschewed not for thee,
But that thine power hath near thine own und [...]
Amends hereof will God we shall have soon.
Language of thee, the Bruce saith, I desire,
Say forth quoth he, thou mayest for little hire:
Ride from thine host, and gar them bide with Bei [...]
I would fain hear what thou likest to speak.
The host-bode still, the Bruce passed them fra,
No man with him, but one Scot that height Rae.
When that the Bruce out of their hearing were,
He turned in by, and this question can spear,
Why works thou thus, and might in good peace
Then Wallace said, But in default of thee:
Through thy falshood thine own wit is miskend,
I claim no right, but would this land defend,
That thou undoest through thy false cruel deed,
Thou hast tint two that were with far more mee [...]
Vpon this day, with a good King to found,
Nor five millions of finest gold so round,
That ever were wrought in work or coyn so brig [...]
I trow in world be not a better Knight
Then was good Graham of truth and hardiment:
Tears therewith from Wallace eyes down went.
Bruce said, Far more on this day we have lost,
Wallace answered, Alace they were ill cost,
Through thy treson (shouldst be out righteous [...]
[...]hat wilfully destroyest thine own off-spring:
[...]he Bruce answered, wilt thou do my devise,
[...]allace said, No, thou livest in such wise:
[...]hou wouldest me make at King Edwards will be,
[...]et I had rather to morn he hanged hie:
[...]t wilt thou do as I shall counsel give,
[...]hen as a Lord thou might at liking live.
[...] thine own will in Scotland for to reign,
[...]o be in peace, and hold of Edward King.
[...]f that false King I think never to take,
[...]ut contrare him with all my power to make:
[...] claim nothing, as by tittle of right,
[...]hogh I might reave, since God hath lent me might
From thee thy Crown of this Region to wear,
[...]ut I shall not such charge upon me bear:
[...]reat God knows best what wars I took on hand
[...]or to keep free that which thou doest gain-stand.
[...] might be said of thee long time beforne,
[...] cursed time thou wast for Scotland borne,
[...]eemest thou not, that never yet didst good,
[...]hou Runagate, devourer of thy blood,
[...] bow to God, may I thy Master be,
[...] any field, thou shalt far rather die
Then shall a Turk, for thy false cruel wear,
Pagans to us do not so meikle dear,
Then leugh the Bruce at Wallace earnestnesse,
And said, thou seest that thus stands the case,
This day thou art with power overset,
Against yon King overhand ye may not get,
Then Wallace said, We are by meikle thing,
Stronger this day in contrary yond King.
Then at Bigger, where he left many of his,
And als the field, so shall he do with this:
Into the field we have lost many a Knight,
Or die therefore, for all his meikle might,
And Scotland now into such peril stad,
To leave it thus, I might be called mad:
Wallace, he said, it approacheth near night,
Would thou to morne when that the day is [...]
Ere nine of clock, méet me at the Chappell,
By Donypace, I would hear thy Counsel,
Wallace said, Nay, ere that each time be spent,
Were all the men hence in the Orient
Into one will with Edward, who had sworne,
We shall bargan ere nine hours of the morne:
Of this wrong reafe, either he shall think shame,
Or die therefore, or flée in England hame,
But and thou wilt, soon by the hour of thrée,
At that each tryst, will God I shall thée sée.
While I may last, this Realme shall not for [...]
Bruce promis'd him with twelve Scots to be ther [...]
Then VVallace said, Stood thou righteous to [...]o [...]
A contrare part I should not be to thée,
I shall bring ten, and for thy power moe,
I give no force, though thou be friend or foe:
Thus they departed, Bruce passed thus away,
To Lithgow rode, where that King Edward lay:
The field had left, and lodged by south the town,
At supper set as Bruce at the Pavilion,
He entered in, and saw vacand his seat,
No water took, but made him to the meat:
Fasting he was, and béen in meikell dread,
Bloody was all his weapons and his wéed:
The Sutheron Lords scorned in tearmes rude,
And said, behold yon Scot eates his own blood,
The King thought evil they made such derision,
Bade have water to Bruce of Huntingtoun,
They bade him wash, he said that he would no [...]
This blood is mine that hurts most my though [...]
Sadly the Bruce then in his mind remorded
The words sooth VVallace, had him recorded,
Then rewed he sore, fra reason he had known,
That blood and land should both hath béen his own.
With them he was long ere he got a way,
[...]ut contrare Scots he fought not from that day,
[...]eave I the Bruce sore mourning in his intent,
[...]od VVallace soon again to his hoast went
[...]n the Torwood which had their longing made,
[...]yres they beit that was both bright and braid,
[...] nolt and shéep, they took at su [...]sance,
Thereof full soon to get them sustinance.
Wallace sléeped but short while and soon rose,
To rule the hoast on a good peace he goes.
The Earl Malcome, Ramsay, and Lundie wight,
[...]nd five thousand in battell then he dight.
[...]allace, Lawder, and Christell of Seton,
Five thousand led, and VVallace of Richartoun.
Full well arrayed into their armour clean
[...]st to the field where that the chase had béen,
[...]eeking dead men among the worthiest
The corps of Graham, for whom they mourned most,
When they him fand, and good Wallace him saw,
[...]e lighted down, him hint before them aw
[...]n arms up, beholding his pale face,
He kissed him and cryed full oft alace,
My best brother in world that ever I had,
Mine efold friend when I was hardest stad:
[...]ine hope, mine health, thou wast of most honour,
My faith, mine help, my stre [...]ner into stour.
[...] thée was wit, fréedome, and hardinesse,
[...] thée was truth, manhood, and noblenesse:
[...] thee was rule, in thee was governance:
[...] thée vertue withoutten variance:
[...] lawty, in thée was great largenesse:
[...] thée gentries, in thée was stedfastnesse:
Thou wast great cause of winning of Scotland,
Though I began and took the war on hand,
I vow to God that hath the world to wald,
Thy death shall be to Sutheron full dear sald:
Martyre thou art for Scotlands right and me,
I shall be venged, or else therefore shall die.
Was no man there from weeping might refrain
For losse of him when they heard VVallace plain,
They carried him with worship and honour,
In the Fawkirk made him a sepulture,
Wallace commanded his men therefore to bide,
His ten he took for to méet Bruce they ride,
Southwest he past where that the tryst was set,
The Bruce full soon, and good VVallace have met,
For lose of Grahame, and als for proper téen,
He grew in yre when he the Bruce hath séen:
Their saluting was but bousterous and thrown.
Rews thou he said, thou art contrare thine own.
Bruce said, Wallace, rebute me now no more,
Mine own déeds have bet me wonder sore.
When Wallace heard with Bruce that it stood sa,
On knees he fell fair countenance can him ma.
In arms soon the Bruce hath VVallace tane,
Out from their men in cousell are they gane,
I cannot tell perfectly their language,
But this was it their men had of knowledge:
VVallce him prayed come from the Sutheron King
The Bruce said nay, there lets me yet one thing:
I am so bound with witnesse to be leale,
For all England, I would not false my Seal.
But one thing here, I heght to God and thée,
That contrare Scots again I shall not be,
Into a field with weapons that I bear,
In my purpose I shall thee never dear:
If God thée grants overhand of us to have,
I will not flée mine own self for to save:
And Edward scape, I passe with him again,
[...]ut I through force be either tane or slain:
Break he on me when that my tearme is out,
[...] come to thée, may I scape from that dout:
[...]f their counsel I cannot tell you mare,
The Bruce took leave, and can to Edward fare,
Wallace in haste provided soon his hoast,
[...]ght sad in mind for Scots men that he lost:
[...]e made Crawf [...]rd the Earl Malcome to guide
[...] the low way to Innerravin to ride:
That their watches then should not them espy,
The other hoast himself led hastily,
[...]y South Manwel while that they were betwéen,
[...]f the out watches thus scaped they unséen,
[...]he Earl Malcome on Lithgow entred in,
[...]here hastily a great strife can begin:
Wallace was nought all to the battel bown,
Then they heard the cry rise into that town.
[...] Edwards hoast they set full suddenly,
Wallace and his made little noise and cry:
[...]ut occupied with weapons in that stour,
[...]til felled to death that was without armour?
[...]ll disarrayed the English hoast was than,
[...]mong the Pavilions where Scots full many man,
[...]utted down cords, gart many tents fall,
[...]ne soinziet then, at once were fighting all:
[...]ut VVallace hoast and Earl Malcome with might,
[...]ing Edward then with awfull fear on heght:
[...]yed to array on Bruce so stern and stout,
Twenty thousand in arms him about.
[...]to harnesse had bidden all that night,
[...]ut frayed folk so dolefully béen dight,
On each side fled, for fearednesse of their dead,
VVallace and his so roughly through them yéed:
Toward the King, and felled feil to gronnd,
Who bode them there right fell fighting they
The cruel King right awfully abade,
To all his folk a great comfort he made:
The worthy Scots among them in that stour,
Feil Sutheron slew into their fine Armour,
Before the King made slops them among,
So forwardly they preased in that throng.
English Commons they fled on either side,
But Noble men there durst none other bide,
The Bruce as then to Scots made no grievance,
But judge he was with feinzeit countenance:
So did he never into no battell air,
Nor yet after such déed as he showed there.
The Earl Hartfurd to flée he made him bown,
The Earl Malcome by that came in the town:
The Lennox men set their lodges in fire,
Then fearedly fled many Sutheron syre,
The King Edward that yet was fighting still,
Hath séen them flée, and liked them full ill,
The worthy Scots fast toward him they prease,
His bridle near assayed ere they would cease,
His banner man in that place Wallace flew,
And then to ground the banner soon it flew.
The Earl of York counselled the King to flee,
And so returned, since no succour they see,
The Englishmen hath seen the banner fall,
Without comfort to flee they purpose all,
Ten thousand men in field and town was dead
Of Edwards folk, ere himself left that stead.
Twenty thousand away together rade,
King and Chiftains no longer tarry made,
The Scots in haste then to their horse they yéed,
To stuff the chase with worthy men indeed.
The Lennox folk that wanted horse and gear,
[...]ook them at will to help them in their wear,
[...]t stragill rode what Scots might for most passe,
On Sutheron men full great slaughter there was,
Wallace hath seen the Scots unorderly
Follow the chase, he made masters in hye
Them for to rule, and altogether ride,
Commanding them, each one should other bide,
Into flying the Sutheron subtill are,
[...]ee they a time they will set on full sare,
Feil scailed folk to them will soon renew,
For ye see well that they are men anew,
The followers was ruled well with skill,
[...]n good array they rode all at his will.
And slew down fast what Sutheron they overtook,
Contrare the Scots came not mastrie to make,
Into that chase they hasted all so near,
[...]o Englishman durst from the hoast out stear.
[...]he frayed folk at stragil weye fleeand,
[...]rew to the King well mo then ten thousand,
Thirty thousand in number then were they,
Into array together they past-away,
Feil Scots horse so driven was in travel,
Forerun that day and irked, hegan to fail,
The Sutheron was with horse served so well,
Of Wallace chase the Sutheron had some feil,
Of horse they were purveyed in great wain,
The King changed on sundry horse of Spain.
Then Wallace said, Lords ye may well see,
[...]on folk are now all that yon King may be,
For fault of stuffe we lose over meikle thing,
[...]ad we good horse to passe before yon King,
[...]e should make end of all this long debate,
Yet some of them shall be bandled so bait.
Part of our horse are holden fresh and wight,
[...]et on them fast while that we are in might.
With that the Scots so hard among them drew,
Of the outmost thrée thousand men they slew.
In Crawfurd mure many a man was slain,
Edward gart call the Bruce of meikle main.
Then said he thus, good Earle of Huntingtown,
Ye sée the Scots put many to confusion.
Would ye with men again on them relieve,
And mar them once, I shall while that I live,
Love you far more then any other Knight,
And for all this shall put you in your right.
Then said the Bruce, Sir loose me of my band,
And I shall turn, I height you by my hand:
The King soon considered in his mind,
When he heard Bruce answer him in this kind.
From Englishmen the Bruce heart set it is,
Then cast he this how he should mend this misse,
And so he did in England at his will,
No Scots man he let with Bruce bide still.
But where he past held him in subjection,
Of Englishmen under a great bandon,
He turned not nor no more language made,
In rayed battel the King to Sulway rade.
With meikle pain past upon Englands coast,
Fifty thousand in that travel they lost,
When Wallace saw he scaped was away,
Vpon command again returned they,
To Edinburgh, withoutten words more,
Put in Crawfurd that Captain was before.
Of heritage he had in Manwell land,
Wallace commanded each man should hold in ha [...]
Their own office, as they before time had,
Put in good peace, Scotland in right he stad.
On the tenth day to S. Johnstonn he went,
Assembled Lords, then showde them his intent,
Scrimgeour came that then had woon Dundie,
Wallace command that time well kéeped he.
He sailed so, while strong hunger them drave,
Féebled them so the house to him they gave.
These wageours soon they put to confusion,
Then brought Morton to make a conclusion,
Before Wallace, and soon from he him saw,
He gart hang him for all King Edwards aw.
Masons and Minds with Scrimgeour forth he send,
Cast down Dundie, and thereof make an end.
Wallace sadly when these deeds were done,
The Lords he called, and his will showde then soon.
Good men he said, I was your Governour,
My mind was set to do you ay honour,
And for to bring this Realm to righteousnesse,
For it I past in many painful place.
To win our own my self I never spard,
At the Fawkirk they ordained me reward,
Of their reward ye hear no more through me,
Vnto such gifts Eod will full well have eye.
NOW ye are frée through the maker of might,
He grant you grace for to defend your right,
Als I presume if harm be ordained me,
There are Scottishmen which should the workers be:
I have enough of our old enemies strife,
Me thinks our own should not envy my life.
Mine office here over plainly I resign,
I think no more to take on me such thing.
In France I will, and win my living there,
As now advised, and home to come no more.
Lords gain-stood, but all that helped nought,
For any there he did as himself thought:
Bishop Sinkler was visited with sicknesse,
Into Dunkeld, and then through Gods grace,
He recovered when Wallace past away:
After the Bruce he lived many a day.
Good VValace thus took leave in Saint Johnstoun [...]
Eeghtéen with him to Dundie made them bown,
Longoveil past that doughty was indéed,
The Barrons Son of Brechin with him yéed.
Two brethren old with their Vncle them dight,
Symon Wallace, and Richard that were wight,
Sir Thomas Gray, this Priest can with him fare,
Edward Little, and Jop and Master Blair,
Good Keirly past, had béen with Wallace long,
And done full well in many fellon throng.
This Keirly then that could with VVallace fare,
Will Ker he heght mine Author will declare,
Keirly in Irish, is but Ker Litle cald,
In Carrick he had heritage of ald.
His forebear which worthy was of hand,
Saint David King him brought out of Ireland,
Then at Dummoir where first Norwayes came in,
This Ker made great discomfi [...]e of their Kin,
With seven hundreth vanquisht nine thousand,
Some drowned in Doune, some slain upon the land,
Those whole lands the good King gave him till,
How Wallace past now further speak I will.

CHAP. II. How Wallace met with John Lyne upon the sea.

AMong Merchants thus Wallace took the sea.
Pray we to God that he their helper be,
Pray we ro God that he their helper be,
They sailed forth by part of England Shore,
To Humber-mouth when that they came before,
Out of the South a great red sail they see,
Into the top thrée Leopards standing hie,
The Merchands then the signe when that they s [...].
[...]mming so near, they were discomfort aw,
For well they wist that it was John of Lyn,
[...]cots to slay, he said it was no sin.
These frayed folk they yéed to confession,
Then Wallace said, such a devotion,
[...]et saw I never in no place where I past,
That for one ship ye should be all agast,
[...]n wood Cats shall do but little dear,
[...]e saw them fail twise moe when they were,
[...]n a fare field, so shall they on the sea,
[...]e [...]pite it is to sée them stand so hie,
The Stiers-man said, Sir we well understand,
[...]e saveth none that is born of Scotland:
[...]e may not flée from yon Barge wot I well,
[...]ell stuffed they are with gun and gainzie of stéel,
[...]pon the sea yon River long hath béen,
[...] righteous men he doth full meikle téen,
[...]ght we be saved we rek not for our good.
This use he hath shortly for to conclude,
[...]oud he bears upon his Coat Armour,
[...] drowning folk, so painted in his figure,
Suppose we mourn ye should have no marveil,
[...]hen VVallace said, here is men of more vaile
[...] sail the ship, therefore in How thou gae:
[...]d thy fires, no more cummer us mae,
[...]allace and his then soon to Harnesse yéed,
[...]hen they were graithed into their worthy wéed,
Himself and Blair, and the Knight Longoveil:
These thrée hath tane to kéep the mid-ship well,
Before were eight, and [...]ix be e [...]t he kend,
[...]hen two he choose the top for to defend,
[...]d Gray he made their Stiersman for to be
[...]he Merchands then saw them so manfully
[...]efend themselves, because they had no wéed,
[...]t of the How they took then skins good spéed,
Ay betwixt two stuffed Wool as they might be [...]
Against the stroak, that they might some part [...]
Then VVallace leugh and commended them aw,
Of such Harnesse before he never saw.
By that the Barge came on them wonder fast,
Seven score in her that were nothing agast,
When John of Lyn saw them in Armour bright,
He leugh, and said, these naughty words on high [...]
Yon glaiked Scots can us not understand,
They are but fools, and new come from the land
He cryed strike, but none answer them made,
Blair with a Bow shot fast withoutten bade,
Ere they had clipped he shot but arrows thrée,
And at each shot he gart a river die.
The Briggans then they bickered wonder fast,
Among the Scots, with shot of Guns cast,
And they again with spears headed well,
Feil wounds they made through plates of finest [...]
Either other fastned with clips so kéen,
A cruel Counter was at that ship-boord séen,
The derfe shot drave as thick as hail shoure,
Lasted and well near the space of an hour,
When shot was gone the Scots great comfort had,
At hand stroaks they were sicker and sad.
The Merchants als with such things as they might,
Proved full well in defence of their right.
Wallace and his at near stroaks when they sée,
With sharp swords they gart full Brigands die,
They in the top so wightly wrought on hand,
In the South top there might no river stand:
All the midship of Reavers was made waste,
That to give over at point they were almaist:
Then John of Lyne were right graithly agast,
He saw his folk about him failyie fast,
With eager will he would have béen away,
Bade winde the sail in all the haste they may,
But from the Scots then might they not eskey,
The ships so sore on either side they wey.
They saw nothing that might be to them ease,
Crawfurd on loft their sail burnt in a bleise,
Ere John of Lyne shuip for to leave that stead,
Of his best men sixty were brought to dead.
Their ship by ours a boord was more in hight,
VVallace lap in amongst the Reavers wight,
A man he stroke over ship-boord in the sea,
On the Over-loft he slew soon other three.
Longoveil entered, and als good master Blair,
They gave no grace to frieks that they found there.
VVallace himself with John of Lyn hath met,
At his Coller a fellon stroak him set,
Both helm and head from the shoulder he drave,
Blair over the boord in the sea cast the lave
Of his body, then all the remanand
Entered and slew the Brigands that they fand,
The ship they took both gold and other gear,
That those reavers had gathered long in wear,
But Master Blair spake nothing of himsell
In déed of Armes what eventer that befell,
Sir Thomas Gray was Priest then to VVallace,
Put in this Book how them hapned this case,
That Blair was in, and many worthy déed,
Of which himself had no pleasance to read,
Wallace gart rule the Ship with his own men,
And sailed forth the right course for to ken,
Into the Sluce haven, while they entred be,
The Merchants well he helped in safety,
Of Gold and gear they took part that they fand,
Gave them the ship then passed to the land,
Through Flanders rode upon a goodly wise,
Entred France, and then past to Parise.
The glad tydings that to the King was bro [...]
Of Wallace coming, it comfort all their thought,
They trowed by him to get redresse of wrong,
The Sutheron had in Guyan wrought so long.
The Peirs of France were at their Parliament,
The King commanded with true and whole in [...]
They should foresée a Lordship for Wallace,
The Lords then all déemed of this case,
For Guyan was all whole out of their hand,
They thought it best for to give him that land,
For well they trowed he had wrought so before,
He should it win, or else to die therefore.
Also of it they might no profit have,
That was the cause that Wallace should it have,
This decreet soon they shewed to the King,
Displeased he was they made him such a thing,
Of Guyan thus when Wallace had a feel,
No land he said, liked him half so well,
My chance is thus for to be ay in wear,
And Englishmen have done our Realm most dear,
It was well known my defence righteous there,
Right have I here, my comfort is the mare.
I thank you Lords, made such reward to me,
Your purpose is I should not idle be.
The King bade him be Duke of Guyan land,
To that command Wallace was gain-standand,
Because that land was hastily to conquish:
His thought was ay to win it through Gods grace.
But neverthelesse, the King had made him Knight.
And gave him gold for to maintain his right.
And then gave charge to all war men in France,
They should be whole at Wallace ordinance.
And also of him he bade him armes to take,
Wallace forsook such changing for to make,
Since I began, I bore the red Lyon,
And thinks to be ay true man to the Crown.
[...] thank you Sir, of this mighty reward,
[...] men herefore shalt not right long be spar'd,
[...] think to quite some part ye kithed on me,
[...] your service, or else therefore to die,
And Wallace thought his time he would not wa [...],
[...]nto the wars he graithed him in haste,
[...]ll Scottishmen that were into that land,
[...] him they sought with their [...] and band.
[...] goveil als a great power can raise,
[...] VVallace help this good Knight gladly g [...]es,
Ten thousand whole of noble men they were,
The broad Banner of Scotland displayed there,
Those war-men soon upon Guyan they [...]ure,
[...]roke buildings down which had been stark and [...]ure
Sutheron they slew against them made debate,
[...]rightly on broad they raised fires full hate.
[...]emon they took that Wallace first had [...]nnen,
[...]nd slew all men of Sutheron there was founden.
[...]to that town Wallace his dwelling made,
[...]ll there about he wan the Countrey broad,
The worthy Duke of Oleance was Lord,
[...]embled his folk into a good accord,
Twelve thousand then he had in armour bright,
And thought to help good Wallace in his right,
Leave I them thus, the Duke and Wallace [...]aith,
And speak some part how Scotland soon great [...]ith.

CHAP. III. How King Edward of England came into Scotland and made whole conquish thereof.

THe false envie and the wicked treason
Amongst themselves brought feil to confusion,
The knight Vallance in Scotland made repare,
The false Menteith, Sir John withoutten mare,
Betwixt them two was made a private band,
So on a day they met into Annand.
Of the Lennox Sir John had great destre,
Sir Aymer height he should have it in hire,
To hold in Fée, and other lands moe,
Of King Edward, so he would passe him to.
Thus corded they and then to London went,
Edward was glad to hold that appointment.
Menteith anone was bound to that fierce Kings,
To further him in Scotland in all thing.
Then passed home and Vallance with him fure,
While he was brought again over Carlile mure,
King Edward then in yre and fierce outrage,
By thirty dayes he raised his Barnage,
In Scotland past, and there no stopping fand,
No Chiftain was that durst against him stand,
For Mentieth told they thought to make Bruce King,
All true Scots would be pleased of that thing.
Yet many fled, and durst not bide Edward,
Some into Rosse, and in the. Yles past part,
Bishop Sinkler again fled into Bute:
With that fierce King he had no will to mute.
Thus without stroak the Castles of Scotland,
King Edward hath tane into his own hand,
Divided then to men that he would like,
Strength and towns to Rosse through the Kingri [...]
Both height and vaile obeyed whole his will,
That he commanded they purposde to fulfill,
The Bishops all inclined to his Crown,
Both temporall, and the religion.
The Roman Books that then were in Scotland,
He gart them bear to Scone where they them fand,
And but redéem they burnt them all each one,
Salisbury use our Clerks then hath tane,
The Lords he took that would not of him hold,
[...]n England sent the noble blood of old,
[...]ir William long Dowglas to London send,
[...] strong prison, and there he made an end,
[...]rl Thomas als that Lord was of Murray,
[...]nd Lord Fraser, with him to passe away,
[...]ls Hew the Hay, and other heirs moe,
[...]e gart Valence with him in England go.
[...]o man was left all this main land within
From Edwards peace known of any Kin.
[...]ton and Lawder dwelt still into the Basse,
With them Lundie, and men that worthy was,
The Earl Malcome, and Campbell past but let,
[...]n Bute succour with Sinclare for to get,
[...]ir John Ramsay, and Ruthven they fled North
To their Cousine that Lord was of Fillorth:
[...]e past with them through Murray lands right,
[...] found they there a gentle worthy knight
That Clement heght, full cruel ay had béen,
And fended well amongst their enemies kéen:
[...]e thought never at Edwards will to be,
[...]nto his time he gart feil Sutheron die.
[...]e led these Lords in Rosse withoutten mare,
At the Stockfurd a strong strength bigged there,
[...]eeped it long right worthily by weir,
To their enemies they did full meikle dear,
Adam VVallace, and Lindsay of Craigie,
[...]way they fled by night unto the sea,
And Robert Boyd that was both wise and wight,
[...]rane they took to fend them at their might:
And Corspatrick into Dumbar dwelt still,
Fewty full soon he made King Edward till.
[...]bernethie, Lord Soules, and Cumming als,
And John of Lorn that long time had been false:
Lord of Brechin, and many other mae,
At Edwards peace, for gifts that he them gae:
Justing of peace for twenty dayes set he,
Of Englishmen in Lorne, that men might see,
Plain to declare, but of this cause, I wis,
That all Scotland by conquish then was his.
The Lords then, and good Bishop Sinclare
Out of Bute then they made a Ballingair,
To good Wallace told him the torment hail,
Then wrote they thus to get help of their bait.
OVr hope, our health, and our whole Gover [...]
Our goodly guide, our best Chiftain in stour.
Our Lord, our love, our strength in righteous [...]
For Gods sake relieve us of this case,
And take the Crown, to us it were kinder,
To bruke for ay ere fierce Edward it bear.
The write he got, but yet suffer he would,
For great falshood that part him did of old:
Meikle dolour it did him in his minde,
Of their mis [...]a [...]e, for true he was and kind.
He thought to take a mends of their great wra [...]
He answered not but into war forth [...]ang:
Of King Edward yet more forth will I mell,
In what wise that he could Scotland deal:
In Saint Johnstoun the Earl of York be made,
Captain to be of all these lands braid,
From Tay to Dee and under him Buttellar,
His goodsh yre had at Kinclevin ended there,
His Father als, Wallace had them both slain,
Edward therefore made him a man of main,
The Lord Bewmont into the North he send
These Lordships whole he gave them in com [...]
To Strivling then from Saint Johnstonn he went,
There to fulfill the lave of his intent.
The Lord Cliffurd he had then Dowgla [...]dail,
Ruler to be of the South Marches hail,
[...] Galloway he gave Cumine in hand,
[...]st none but Godhow [...] that state should stand,
[...]ith the gentle Lord Bishop Lambertoun
[...] St. Andrews was Dowglas of renown.
[...]fore that time young James [...]ight and wise,
[...]o him was come from Schools of Parise.
[...] private favour the Bishop to him bare,
[...]ut Englishmen was so great masters there,
[...] durst not well in plain show him kindnesse,
[...]hile on a day he took some hardinesse.
[...]owglas he called and canto Strivling fare,
[...]here King Edward was dealing lands there,
[...] proferred him unto the Kings service,
[...] brook his own fr [...] he wist in this wise,
[...]owglas he was, then he forsook plainly,
[...]ears by St. George he brooks no land of me.
[...]is Father was in contrar [...] of my crown,
[...]herefore as now he bid [...] our prison.
[...] the Bishop [...]one other [...] he made,
[...] as he plea [...] dea [...]t on their lands bre [...]d,
[...] the Lord Soules all whole the Mars [...],
[...]nd Capta [...] als of Berwick for to be,
[...]iphant th [...] that he in Strivling fand,
[...]hen he him had he would not [...]éep his [...]and,
The which he made ere he him Strivling gave,
[...]ceitfully the [...]ing could him deceive,
[...]to England send him in prison strong,
[...] great distresse he lived there full long.
[...]hen King Edward had dealt this Region,
[...]s leave he took, to England made him [...]o [...]n,
[...]ut of Strivling Southward is they can ride,
[...]mming hapned near hand the Bruce to bids.
[...]has said he, Sir, and ye can kéep counsell,
[...] can you learn which may you best avail.
The Bruce answered, what ever ye show to me,
As for my part shall well concealed be.
Lord Cumine said, Sir, ye [...] not this thing,
Of all this Realm ye should be righteous [...].
Then said the Bruce, suppose I righteous [...]e,
I sée no time to take such thing on me,
I am holden into mine enemies [...]and
Vnder great Oath when I came in Scotland,
To part from him for profit nor request,
Nor for no strength, but if death me arrest,
He heght again to give this land to me,
Now find I [...]ell it is but subtiltie,
For this thou sées he deals mine heritage
To Sutheron part, and some to traitours wage,
Then Cumine said, will ye therefore concord,
Of my lands and ye like to he Lord,
Ye shall them have for your right and the [...]ro [...]
Or and ye like, Sir for my varison,
I shall you help with power at my might,
The Bruce answered, I will not [...]ell my right,
But on this wise what Lordship thou would crave.
For the supply I heght thou shalt it have,
Come from you King, Sir with some je [...]die,
Now Edward hath all Galloway given to me.
My Nevoy Soules that kéeps Berwick town,
At your command his power shall be bo [...]n,
My Nevoy als a man of meikle might,
The Lord of Lo [...]e hath great town in the hight,
My third Nevoy a Knight of great renown,
Will rise with us of Brechin the Bar [...]on,
Then said the Bruce fell there so sore a chance,
That we might get again Wallace from France.
By wit and foree he could this Kingrike win,
Alace we have béen over long in twine.
To that language Cumine made no record,
For old done déeds did in his minde remord.
[...]he Bruce and he comp [...]ea [...]d forth their band,
[...]en that same night so [...]led it with their hand,
[...]is ragement l [...]ft the Bruce with Cumine there,
[...]ith Edward King in England [...]ome could fare,
[...] there remained whi [...]e his ragm [...]nt was known,
[...]ée years and more [...] Bruce claimed his own,
[...]me men déemes C [...]ing the ragment send,
[...]me men again the contrare doth defend.
[...]me may say well that C [...]mming was [...]a [...]e lesse,
[...]ause his wife was Edwards Co [...]senesse:
[...] served death by [...]ight [...]aw of the King,
[...] recklesy [...] such a thing.
[...] Bruce past by but [...]ode to S. Johnstoun,
[...] whole assent, and had received the Crown,
[...] Cumming then, he might have done the saw,
[...] could not tho [...]e from time that he him [...].
[...] Scotland left in hard [...]erple [...]itie,
Wallace more in some part speak will we.


CHAP. I. How Wallace conquest the land of Guyan, and how he was made Lord thereof.

THe sore travell, the earnest [...]us [...]nesse,
The fell labour he had in many place:
To win the land that the good King him gave
[...] his Reign he would no Sutheron [...]ave:
Guyan land VVallace was still at weir,
Scotlands losse it did his heart great deir:
Of true Scots in mind he had great pitie,
He thought to help, his time when he might [...]
Of set battels five he discomfist haile,
With jeopardie and many strong affaile:
Then they forsook and durst not him abide,
The Sutheron fled from the [...] on either side,
To Burdeous into great mu [...]iply,
The town they stuffe with victuals by the sea,
All Guyan land Wallace took to his peace,
To Burdeous he past ere he would cease:
On out biggings full great mastery he made,
Still twenty dayes at strong assailying bade:
Forts and works that were without the town
They brake and burnt, and put to confus [...]on,
Hedges and alleyes by labour that was there,
Foiled and spoiled, they would no fruits spare.
The Englishmen made great defence again,
With shot and cast that meikle were of main:
Of Guns they were and Ganzies stuffed well,
All artailyie and weapons of fine stéel,
With m [...]n and meat within was [...]usked [...]
The great Captain was wise, cruel and kéen,
Of Glocèster the hudge lord and heir,
The Earl had béen ay used into weir:
Kéeped his men by wit and hardiment,
Without the town there durst none from him [...]
The land without was neer wasted away,
War men so long into the Countrey lay,
In Wallace host such scant was of victual,
They might not hide no longer to assail.
Then this wise Lord, the Duke of Orleance,
To Wallace said, Sir, ye should know this chan [...]
It stands over well with this false Sutheron bl [...]
For on no wise can we now stop their food:
The haven they have and ships at their will,
From England comes victual enough them till:
The land is poor of victual should us beild,
[...]nd ye sée well that they forsake the field,
[...] may with peace plenish these lands wide,
[...]hey will not fight though ye all year should bide,
[...] counsel is in plain anent this thing,
[...]hat ye would passe with worship to the King,
[...] his assent ye may at leasure waile,
With provi [...]o [...] against them to assaile,
Wallace inclined, and thanked this wise Lord,
[...]hen they returned all with one good accord:
[...]ft up in France with honour to the King,
[...]nd showed him whole the verity of this thing,
[...]nd he in heart thereof was wonder glad,
[...]ench-men before a hundreth year not had
[...]f Guyan half so meikle in their hand,
[...]riting by then was new coming of Scotland,
[...]rom part of Lords and good Bishop Sinclare,
[...]sought this King into these termes fair:
[...]f his gentrice and of his goodly grace,
[...]or their supply to counsell good Wallace,
[...]o come again and bring them from bandon,
[...]d take to wear the Crown of that Region.
[...]his writ as then he would not to him shaw,
[...]ght loath he was for friendship, féed, or aw,
[...]allace should passe so soon from his presence,
[...] dwelling place he took for his residence.
[...] Shemon still Wallace his dwelling made,
[...]d held about right liking land braid,
[...]en Captain then claimed in heritage,
[...]ce of it, and great lands into wage,
[...]erefore he thought good Wallace for to [...]ae,
[...]nder colour such mastery for to mae,
[...]ong time he sought to get a day and place,
[...]id he desired then service of Wallace.
A Tryst they set, with fiftéen on the side,
Fourty thereby [...] gart in [...]shment bide
Of men in Arms When he with Wallace me [...],
Right awfully he bade them on him set.
No armour had Wallace men in that place,
But sword and knife they bore on them through
Part of his men left near a Forrest side,
Right bousteously the Captain said that tide,
That VVallace held his lands with unright,
Right soberly he said to that French Knight,
I have no [...]ands but what the King gave me,
My self the refore have béen in jeopardie.
The Knight then said, thy l [...]fe shall be forlorn [...],
Or else that land the contrare who had sworn [...].
Aback he lap, and out a sword he drew,
The bushment br [...]ke when he that token shew,
Good Wallace thought that matters sfood not [...]
He gripped soon a she aring sword of stée [...],
And at [...]n stroak the Knight to death he drave,
About sixtéen then laped all the lave.
Wallace and his so worthily have wrought,
Full [...]e [...]l they slew, that [...]ore [...]t on them sought,
The Kinghts brother that s [...]a [...]wart was and str [...]
And thought they should be venged ere they ga [...]
Of VVallace men some part he wounded sare:
Mowing there was into a Meadow there
Nine stout Carles, all servants to that Knight,
Sythes then they took, and ran in all their might
To the fighters, ere they came [...]ear that place,
But them perceived right well hath good VVallace
So awfull thing of such we never saw,
Them to resist, himself can to them deaw,
Into that stour le [...]t his men fighting still,
To méet those Carles that came with eager wi [...]
The first let draw at Wallace with his Syth.
Deliver he was, and high overlap the [...]th,
In acwart st [...]o [...]k hit the Chu [...] on the head,
[...]er [...]ly on ground he hath him left for dead:
The other he met overlap the Syth so kéen,
On the shoulder als stroak him in that téen:
Through all the cost the noble sword it share,
The third he met with a full awfull [...]re,
The groun [...]en Syth at Wallace he let draw,
This good Chiftain [...]anly overlap them a [...]:
With his good sword, he made an hideous wound,
Left him for dead, then on the fourth can found:
On the right bone in great yre can him ta [...],
Cleaved the cost right cruelly in twa:
Thrée formost Sythes this good VVallace overlap,
And four be slew, they saw such was his hap.
For ay a man be slew at every ea [...] strain.
The last fled first, this can their power stai [...].
Wallace fast followed, and soon the fifth over taes,
Stroke him to death that no further he gaes:
Then sped him soon unto his men again,
By then they had the Knights brother s [...]ain,
Fifty and six derfly to death were dight,
Except seven men that fled out of their fight:
Five Mowers als that Wallace self with met,
To French-men since no such tryst was set:
Because that they him brough to such a case,
The King heard tell well scaped was Wallace,
Sent for him soon, and prayed him to be
Of his [...]onshold, and live in good safety:
For well [...] saw they had him at envie,
Still with himself he gart him bide for thy:
Two yeares there Wallace with mirth aba [...]e
Still into France, many good journey made:
The King him pleased in all his goodly main,
From him he thought he should not part again,
Lords and Ladies henoured him reverently,
Wretches and shrewes ay held him at envy.

CHAP. II. How Wallace slew the two Champions.

TWo Champions that time dwelt with the Ki [...]
Had great despight at Wallace in all thing,
Together yéed ay these two Champions,
Of fellon force and froward of conditions,
Right great despite they spake ay of Scotland,
While on a day it hapned upon hand,
Wallace and they were leaved them alone
By a venture into an house of stone,
They used to bear no weapons in that hall,
They trowed therefore amisse they might not fall,
There communed they of Scotland scornfully,
Then VVallace said, Ye wrong us utterly:
Since we are bound in friendship to your King,
And he of us is pleased of all thing:
Als Scots men hath helped this Realm from dread,
Be think ye should give good word for good deed,
What may ye speak of our enemies but ill?
In lightlinesse they made answer theretill:
And him despited in their language als,
Ye Scots they said, have ever yet béen false.
Wallace took one on the face in his téen,
With his good hand, while mouth, nose, and ée [...]
Through the braith blow, all gushed out of blood,
Grofling to ground be smote him where he stood:
The other hint to Wallace, in that stead,
For well he weind his fellow had béen dead.
And he again in grief him gripped sore
While his spirit fail'd, that he might do no mo [...]
The first friek rose and smote on VVallace fast,
[...]th to the death he be [...]ught them at the last.
[...]on a pillar their brains out [...]e dang,
[...]d with his hands out at the doore them [...]lang.
[...]d said, What devil moved yo [...] Carles at me?
[...]ng time in France I would have let them be:
[...]ust well in truth, thus were they done to déed,
[...]ough French men now likes not thereof to [...],
[...] I will cease, and put it out of Ryme,
[...]etter it is, who right can look in time:
[...]any great Lords was displeased in France,
[...]ut the good King who knew all the whole chance,
[...]ht great despite of VVallace spoken had they,
[...]is passed over, while that upon a day:
[...]is none of them that durst it under take,
[...] had done wrong, or there fore Battell make.

CHAP. III. How Wallace flew the Lyon in the Batrace.

THis royal Roy an high worship him gave,
As conquerour him honoured over the lave:
[...] fell Lyon this King gart be brought
[...]ithin barrace for great barme that he wrought [...]
[...]irlized with yron, and no more power him gave,
[...]f woodnesse he excéeded over the lave:
[...]ut be was fair, and right fellon indéed,
[...] that strong strength he gart men him féed,
[...]ped him close, from men and bestial,
[...] Court there dwelt two Sq [...]ers of great vail,
[...]hat Cousens were to the Champions twa,
[...] which before VVallace hapned to stay,
[...]and they made in privie conclusion,
[...]heir power to work his confusion:
[...] any means through fraud and subtiltie,
[...]er the refore, they caird not for to die.
To death or [...]hame so that they might him [...]
Vpon a time they went unto the King:
This Scot, they said, that yé so well fare make,
He sée [...] nought here, but he would undertake,
By his great force to put to confusion,
Now he desires to fight with your Lyon.
And [...] us [...] of you the battell strang,
Ye grant him leave in the barrace to gang.
Sadly again to them answered the King,
Sore me [...]ore-thinks he desires such a thing,
But I will neither for right nor yet pleasance,
Deny VVallace what he desires in France:
Then went they forth, and soon met with Wallace
A figured ta [...] they told him in that case:
VVallace they said, the King de [...]es that ye
Direnze battell so cruel for to sée:
And charged you to fight with this Lyon,
VVallace answered in hasty conclusion:
And I shall do what be the Kings will,
At my power, right gladly to fulfill.
Then passed he unto the King but mare,
A Lord in Court when he approached there.
[...] asked, without provision,
Wallace dare ye go [...]ight with out Lyon,
And he said, Yea, so the Ring suffer me,
Or with your self, if ye ought better be.
What will ye more? this thing admitted [...]
That VVallace should unto the Lyon passe:
The [...]ing charged to bring him good harnesse,
And he said, [...]ay, God shield me from such [...]
I should it take if I fought with a man,
But for a dog, that nought of arms can,
I will have none, but single as I gae
A great mantle about his hand can tae.
And a good sword, with him he took na mare [...]
[...]boundantly in barrace entred there.
Great chains were brought in the ga [...]e with a gin.
And pulled to, when Wallace was therein.
The wood Lyon on VVallace where he [...],
[...]amping he brayed, for he desired bloo [...]
With him round po [...]es in the M [...]tle [...] wrought [...]
[...]thort the back good Wallace can [...]
With his good sword that was of [...]
His body in two it cutted ever [...] deal,
Then to the King [...]e [...]ed in great [...],
And said on loud, was this all you [...] desire,
[...]o ware a Scot this lightly into vain:
Is there more dogs that ye would yet have slain,
To bring them forth, since I th [...] [...],
To do bidding while that I with you dwell
It gains me well to graith me in Scotland,
for greater déeds there men hath tane in hand,
Then with a dog in battell to enchieve,
At you and France for ever I [...] leave.
The King perceived that Wallace grieved was,
[...]o earnestly he asked leave to passe:
[...]ewed in his mind that it was hapned [...]o,
[...]o lewd a déed to let him under go:
[...]nowing the worship and the great noblenesse
Of him which sprang that time in many place:
[...]omely he said, it should displease you nought,
Ye it desired, it [...]red never in my [...]ought:
And by the faith I ow the Crown of France,
I thought neves to charge you with such chance:
But men of Baile [...] asked to for you,
Wallace answered, [...] I make a [...]ow,
I liked never in such Battell to be in,
Vpon a dog no worship is to win.
The King conceived how this falshood was wrought,
The Squyers both were to his presence brought:
Could not deny, when they came him before,
All their trespasse they told withoutten more.
The King commanded they should be done to d [...]
Smote off their heads without any remead:
The Champions is, for envie causiesse,
To sudden death, Wallace them brought through
The Squyers al [...] from their falsnesse was [...],
Envie them brought both to a sudden end.
Lords behold, envie the evil Dragon,
In cruel fire he burneth this Region:
For whosoever aboundeth in envie,
To some mischief it brings him hastily,
Forsake envie, thou shalt the better spéed,
Hereof as now I will no further read.
But in my marter as I before began,
I shall declare as plainly as I can.
WHen Wallace saw they had him at envie,
Longer to bide he thought not then plainly:
Better him thought in Scotland for to be,
And adventure take, either to live or die,
To help his own, he had far more pleasance,
Than there to bide, with all the wealth of France.
Then his whole minde, manhood and courage
Was plainly set to win out of bondage
Scotland again from pain and meikel shore,
He vowed he should, or else to die therefore,
The King hath séen how good Wallace is set,
The letter then him gave withoutten let.
The which of late from Scotland was him send,
Wallace it saw, and well their [...]ms kend.
By the first writ thereto accordiall,
Them to supply he thought he would not fail,
Whereof should I hereof long processe make:
Wallace of France a goodly leave can take,
The King hath séen, that it would not else be,
To Chamber went, behold him might not he:
For great lang ou [...], when VVallace can remove,
The King to him kept ay kindnesse and love:
Iewels and gold his worship for to save,
He bade them give as much as they would have▪
Lords and Ladies wéeped wonder fast
When VVallace there so took his leave and past.
[...]o man he took, but whom he thither brought,
Again with him Longoveil forth-sought:
For pain nor blisse that good Knight left him [...]
For case befell, while death made them dissever,
Towards the Sluce in goodly feir past he,
A vessel got, and made him to the sea,
Eight Ship men [...]ired and goodly wage them gave,
To Scotland fure, the fi [...] of Tay they have.

CHAP. IV. How Wallace came in Scotland again at the battell [...]f El [...]k Park.

VHon the might Wallace the land hath [...]
At Ernis mouth, and is to Elchock gane,
[...]e gart the Ship in covert sail away,
[...]o out of [...]ight they were ere it was day:
At Elchock dwelt then Wallace Cousen dear
That Crawfurd heght, the house when they come [...]
On the back side Wallace a window fand,
And in he called, then Crawfurd came at hand,
From time he [...]st that it was good Wallace,
Into his Barn he ordained them a place,
A mow of corn he builded them about,
And closed it well, none might perceive there [...]
But at one place where meat was to them brought,
And bedding [...], a [...] goodly as he mought.
Vnto [...], whereof Wallace was glad,
A der [...] [...]le forth on the North side they had,
Four dayes or [...] in rest sojourned there,
While meat was [...], Crawfurd [...]ouned for ma [...]
To St. Johnstoun their pur [...]eyance to buy,
Englishmen thought he took more aboundantly
Than he was w [...]nt in any time before,
They [...] him [...] and put in prison [...]ore:
What guests he had, to tell made him request?
He said, it was but to a [...]king feast:
Yet thee [...] the coming of Wallace,
Knowledge to get they set a subtile case:
They let him passe with thing tha [...] he had bough [...]
Then after [...] in all the haste they mought,
To harnesse yéed the power of the [...]wn,
Eight hundreth men with Butteller made them [...]
Followed on dreigh, while that this man came [...]
VVallace him saw, and said, he served blame:
In my sléeping a fell vision me told.
Till Englishmen that thou should have me said.
Crawfurd said, he had béen tormented [...]a [...]e
With Englishmen, that [...] him to despair.
Therefore rise up, and soon same [...]
I dread full sore th [...] [...]:
The worthy. Scots [...]ithed them in good spéed,
Their weapon took, then from th [...] [...] they [...]
Thus suddenly fail Sutheron they saw,
Too few they were to [...] against them aw,
That kéenly came with young Butteller the [...]
Then Wallace said, in plain lands is not [...]ight,
But Elchoke Mark that in near here beside,
The first say lie we think there in abide,
Ninetéen they were, and Crawfurd with good wi [...]
The twentieth man, the number to fulfill,
[...] Park they took where VVallace a place hath [...]
[...] great Holin [...], that gr [...]w both high and gréen,
With thorter trées a manner of strength made [...]e,
[...] they were woon, they thought to make feil die,
[...]he wood was thick, but little of breadth and length,
[...]d they had meat, they thought to hold the strength
[...]he Englishmen then past to Crawfurds place,
[...]und in the Barn the l [...]dging of Wallace,
[...]en Crawfurds wife in hands soon [...]ave they [...]
[...]d asked at her, what way the Scots were [...]
[...]ght well they trowed that Wallace should there [...]e,
[...]rom France to Tay he was come through the [...]:
[...] would not tell for boast, nor yet reward,
[...]en Butteller said, over long thou hast béen s [...]an'd,
[...]d gart them big a full broad burning fire,
[...]herewith he grew in matalent and ire:
[...]e Sutheron sware therein she should burnt [...]e,
[...]en Wallace said, she shall not end for [...]e:
[...]eat sin it were you sakelesse [...]ight to [...],
[...] she should end, in faith there shall di [...] [...],
[...] left the strength, and the plain held can [...].
[...] loud [...]e cryed, and said, Lo [...], [...]ere thy [...]:
Thinks thou not shame for to forment a [...].
[...]ame forth to me, and make end of our strife:
[...] Butteller had on field good VVallace séen.
[...]or old malice [...]e more near wood for [...]:
[...]pon the Scots they s [...]uip all with great mai [...]
[...] Wallace soon the strength he took again.
[...] fell [...]icker the Englishmen began,
[...] sore with many cruel man:
[...] they within were noble of defence.
[...] great debate with fore and violence,
[...] the entry fiftéen they put to deed.
Then all the rest r [...]oved from that [...]éed:
[...] to array again to sailyi [...] new,
Wallace beheld which well in war him knew [...]
[...] he [...], again all at this place:
They will not fail, but this stands the case:
Yo [...] Knight thinks for to divide his men
In [...] places the sooth ye shall well ken,
[...] on us to prove how it may be,
As now behoves thine other way to sée,
Contrare their might a good defence to make:
[...] Longoveil thou shalt six with thée take:
[...] mine Eme as many with you go,
[...] with me as now we have no moe:
Knight Butteller then parted his men in throe,
Wallace v [...]ed where Butteller sh [...]ip to be,
[...] [...]hée then past that entry for to wear,
Which side they did assailyie with great feat [...]
Wallace let part on the entry begin,
But [...] went but that on the Scots came in.
Seven formost was that in the front first yéed,
Wallace [...]de men that doughty were indéed,
Each one [...]ew one; and Wallace gart two die;
Butteller was next, and said, this [...] not be,
A back he drew, and let his courage stake,
The worthy Scots proved well for Scotlands sa [...]
Good Longoveir his ch [...]m [...]er made so sore,
And Crawfurd a [...]s they sailyied them no more,
Right near by then [...]pproached the park night,
And Stars to appear began into their sight.
Sutheron set wa [...]hes, and to their supper went
The Butteller was [...]ore grieved in his intent.
Yet fure they w [...]ll of good s [...]ffe, aile and [...]
Wallace and his, they wist of no [...]e [...]ead
But cold water that [...]an o [...]t through a strand,
In that lodging none other food they sand:
Then Wallace said good [...]ellows think not lon [...]
Will God we shall be soon out of this thran [...],
[...]uppose we fast a day or yet a night,
[...]ake all in thanks this pain for Scotlands right:
The Earl of York was in St. John [...]oun still:
[...] Butteller sent, and bade him bide at will,
[...]o him full soon there should come new power,
[...]nd als himself, this told the Messenger:
Butteller would fain that Wallace had yéelden béen,
[...]re the Earl came, and for this cause was séen,
[...]is Goodsyre and his Father both he slew,
The Knight therewith toward the Park him drew,
[...]hat chear they made upon the Scots he cald,
[...]hen VVallace said, far better then thou wald:
The Butteller said, I would fain speak with thee,
[...]hen VVallace said, thou mayest for little fée,
VVallace he said, thou hast done me great skaith,
[...]y Father and my Goodsyre thou slew baith:
[...]hen VVallace said, for that state thou art in,
[...] were my debt for to undo thy Kin,
[...]nd als I think as God of heaven me save,
That my two hands shall graith thée to thy grave:
[...]hen Butteller said, that is not likely now,
[...]ut we thée have, we shall gar sides sow.
[...]f this I ask, and thou would make me grant,
[...]hat I thée heght, that thing thou shalt not want:
[...]ay forth, quoth [...]e, be thy desire reasonable,
[...] shall it grant without any fable:
The Butteller said, Wallace thou knows right,
Thou may not scape by power nor by slight,
And since thou sées it may no better be,
For thy gentrice thou would thée yéeld to me,
[...]hen Wallace said, thy will unskilfull is,
Thou would me do which is over hie amisse,
Yéelden I am to better, I can prove,
To whom? he asked, to the great God above:
For ever each day, since I had wit of man,
Before my work to yéeld me I began,
And als at night when that I failed light,
I me betaught to the maker of might:
The Butteller said, me thinks thou hast done well,
Yet of one thing I pray thée let me féel:
For thy man-hood this to me manifest,
When thou sées thou may no longer last
On this each place which I have tane to wear,
That thou come forth and all other forbear:
Then Wallace leugh at his cruel desire,
And said, I shall though thou were wood as fire [...]
And all England, the contrary had sworn,
I shall come out thereat each place the morn:
Or else this night, trust well that I thée say,
I bide not here till nine hours of the day:
Butteller sent forth the [...]hake watch on the side,
In that each place boldly he bowned to bide:
Thus still they bode, while day began to pear,
A thick mist fell, the planet was not clear.
Wallace assayed all that place about,
Like as he would at that same place brake out:
While Buttellers men away from him could go
To help the lave, when he saw it was so
Wallace and his fast sped them to that stead,
Where Butteller bode feil men they brought to [...]
The worthy Scots soon past through that me llie,
Crawfurd therewith was sore hurt on the knée,
At earch he was, good VVallace turned again,
And at a stroak the Butteller hath be slain.
Hint up that man under his arme so strong,
Defending him out of that fellon throng:
Good rowm be made among them where he go [...]
With his right hand he slew five of his foes,
Bure out Crawfurd by force of his person,
Nine aiker broad ere ever he set him down.
[...]he Sutheron found that their Chiftain was dead,
[...]mbled him about, but then was no remead,
[...]hirty with him of the wightest he brought,
[...]ead on that place, whereat the Scots out sought.
[...]allace and his by then was from their sight,
[...]heron bode still for great losse of that Knight,
[...]he mist was mirk, that Wallace liked well,
[...]imself was glad and said to Longoveil,
[...] Methven wood is my destre to be,
[...] there is bestial to get in great plenty.
[...] then they were well come unto the hight,
[...] mist [...]aiked, the Sun shin'd fair and bright:
[...] were they ware, a little space them by,
[...] four and thirty in a company,
[...]en VVallace said, Be yon men friends or soe
[...] will them sée since that they are no moe:
[...]hen they came near a noble Knight it was,
[...] which to name heght Sir Hew of Dundasse,
[...] Sir John Scot a wise and worthy Knight,
[...]to Stratherne a man of meikle might.
[...]or there he had great part of Heritage:
[...]dasse Sister he had in marriagé:
[...]ssing they were, and might no longer lest,
[...] Englishmen their fewty for to fest.
[...]e Lord of Brechin such command had them made
[...] King Edward to hold their lands braid:
[...]ut fra they saw that it was wight Wallace,
[...]ld up their hands, and thanked God of grace,
[...] his great help which he had sent them there,
[...] Methven wood with one assent they fare:
[...] got them meat of bestiall that they fand,
[...]ted that day, when night was come on hand,
[...] Birnan wood but resting are they gane,
[...]here they have found the Squyer good Ruthven,
[...] Out-law use he had long lived there,
Of bestial while he might get na mare:
They tarried not, but into Athole yéed,
Where meat was scant, there Wallace had great [...]
Passed to Lorn, right little found they there,
Of wyld and tame that Countrey was made bare:
But in the strengths there food was leaved none,
These worthy Scots then made a piteous moan:
Sir John Scot said, he had far rather die
Into good name, and leave his heirs free,
Than for to bide as bound in subjection,
When VVallace saw these good men of renown
With hunger stad, almost might live no more,
Wit ye for them he sighed wonder sore,
Good men he said, I am the cause of this,
At your defire, I shall amend this misse,
Or leave you free some chevisance for to ma,
All him alone he bowned for to ga:
Prayed them bide while be might come again,
Out over an hill he passed into plain.
OVt of their sight into a forest side,
He set him down under an Oak to bide,
His bow and sword, he leaned to a tree,
In anguish great on grouse then turned he:
This piteous moan was for his men so wrought,
That of himself little thing he then thought:
O wretch! he said, that never could be content
Of over great might that the great God thee lent,
But thy fierce minde, wilfull and variable,
With great Lordship thou could not so bide stable:
And willfull wit, for to make Scotland free,
God likes not that which I have tane on me:
For worthier than I of birth was born,
Through my desire for hunger are forlorn [...]:
I ask at God them to restore again,
I am the cause, I should have all the pain:
While studying thus, while flyting with himsell,
While at the last upon a sleep he fell,
Three dayes before there had him followed five,
The which was bound, or else to losse their live,
The Earl of York bade them so great guardoun,
That they by theft thought to put VVallace down,
Three of them was born men of England,
And two was Scots that took the deed on hand:
And some men said, the third brother betrayed
Kildromie east, where great sorrow was raised,
A childe they had which used to bear meat,
In wildernesse among the mountains great,
They had all seen the disseverance of Wallace
from his good men, and where he bode on chase
Among thick wood in covert held them law,
While they perceived he could on sleeping faw,
And these five approached Wallace near,
Whats best to do at other fast they spear?
One man said thus, it were an high renown,
And we might lead him quick to S. Johnstoun:
Loe how he lyes we may our grips wail,
Of his weapons be shall have none avail,
We shall him bind in contrare of his will,
And lead him thus on back-fide of yon hill;
So that his men shall nothing of him knaw,
The other four affented to that saw,
And then those five made them unto Wallace,
And thought through force to bind him in that place.
What? trowed these men for to hold VValace down?
The manliest man, the starkest of person,
Living he was als stood into such right,
VVe trust great God his deeds hath in fight.
They gripped him, and out of sleep he braid:
VVhat meanest this? then sadly VVallace said,
About he turned, and up his armes thrang:
On these traitours with knightly force he dang.
The starkest man into his hands hint he,
And all his brains he dang out on a trée:
His sword he got soon after that he rose,
Champion like among the four he goes.
Ever a man he gart die at a dint,
When two were dead, y e other thrée would not [...]
Made them to flée, but then it was no boot,
Was none living might passe from him on foot.
He followed fast, and soon to death them brought,
Then to the childe sadly again he sought.
What didst thou here? the childe with a pale fa [...]
On knées did fall, and asked Wallace grace,
With them I was, and knew nothing their thoug [...]
Into service, as they me bade I wrought.
What bearest thou there, but meat the child can [...]
Go take it up, and passe with me away.
Meat in this time is far better than gold,
Wallace and he forth founded on the fold:
Who brought VVallace from his enemies bold,
Who? but great God that hath this world to ho [...]
He was his help in many fellon thrang,
With glad chear, thus unto E [...]ne can he gang.
Both rosted flesh there was, als bread and chie [...]e,
To succour them that was in point to leise:
And be it deals to four men and fifty,
Which had before fasted over dayes thrée.
Then took his part, he had fasted as long,
Where heard ye ever any in such a throng.
In hunger so sléeping, and weaponlesse,
So well recovered as VVallace did in case.
Plainly by force vanquisht his enemies five,
Men of wit this question will describe:
Withoutten gloze I will tell forth my tale,
Now came this meat, this fellowship asked hale.
To their desire VVallace no answer yold,
Where five were dead, he led them forth and told:
Greatly displeased was all the Chevalry,
To a Chiftain they held it fantasie,
To walk alone: VVallace with sober mood,
Said, hereof hath come nothing now but good.
To the lowland again full fast they sought,
Askt at the childe if he could wish them ought?
Where they might best of purveyance for to win?
Of none he said was this countrey within,
For all about in as far as I know,
While that he came down to the Rannach haw.
That Lord hath stuff, but hail, bread, and vernage,
Of King Edward he takes full meikle wage.
Then Wallace said, My self shall be your guide,
I know that stead, about on either side.
Through the wild land he guided them full right,
To Rannoch hall he brought them that same night.
A watch was set, and that full soon they [...]a,
He was a Scot yet would he not him sla:
But gart him tell the manner of that place,
Thus entred they within a little space.
The gate they wan for Castle there was none,
But mood-wall wight, withoutten lime or stone,
VVallace in haste stroak up the chamber door
With his right foot, that stalwart was and stour,
Then they within awaked suddenly,
The Lord got up, and mercy can he cry.
Fra time he wist that good Wallace was there,
He thanked God, then said these words mare,
True man I was, and win against my will,
With Englishmen, suppose I like it ill:
All Scots we are that in this house are now,
At your command all boldly shall we bow.
Of our Nation good Wallace had great pity,
Took oaths of them, and then meat asked he.
Good chear they made while day light on the morn,
This true man soon sembled him beforn:
Thrée sons he had that stalwart were and bold,
And twenty men of kin in his houshold.
Wallace was blyth they made him some supply,
Said, I thank God, that we thus multiply.
All that day over in good liking they rest,
Watches they choose to keep them that could best.
Vpon the morn, the light day when they saw,
Then VVallace said, our power for to knaw:
We will take field, and up our banner raise,
In right of Scotland, and contrare of our foes,
We will no more now us in covert hide,
Power to us will semble on each side.
Then horse they got, the best that could be there,
Towards Dunkeld the gainest way they fare.
The Bishop then got him to S. Johnstoun,
The Scots slew that were of that Nation.
Both poor and rich, and servants that they fand,
Left none alive that was born of England:
The place they took and made them well to fare,
Of purveyance that Bishop had brought there,
Iewels they got, both gold and silver bright,
With good chear there five dayes soiourned right.
On the sixt day VVallace to counsel went,
Gart call the best and showd them his intent:
No men we have to assault S. Johnstoun,
Into the North therefore let us make bown,
In Rosse ye know, good men a strength hath made,
Hear they of us they come withoutten bade.
Als into Bute is good Bishop Sinkler,
Fra he got wit, he comes withoutten mair.
Good west-land men of Arrane and Rouchlie,
Fra they be warned, they will all come to me:
This purpose took, and in the North they ride,
[...]o Englishmen durst in their gate abide.
Whom Wallace took, they knew the old ransoun,
Fra he came home to flée they made them bown:
And Scots men assembled to VVallace fast,
In awfull fear out through the land they past:
Strengths were left, wot ye all desolate,
Against those folk no man durst make debate:
In arrayed battell they rode to Aberdene,
In whole number, seven thousand then were séen:
But Englishmen had left the town all waste,
On ever each side away then can they haste.
In all the land left neither more nor lesse,
Lord Bewmount took the sea at Buchan-nesse.
Through Scotland then was manifest in plain,
The Lords that fled in heart was wonder fain.
The Knight Clement of Rosse came suddenly
In Murrayland, with their good Chevalry.
The house of Narne that good Knight well hath tane,
[...]lew the Captain, and good men many ane:
Out of Murray and Buchane Land came they,
To séek Bewmount, but he was past away.
Then these good men to Wallace passed right,
When VVallace saw Sir John Ramsay the Knight,
And other good that had béen from him long,
Great courage then was raised them among:
The land he ruled as that him liked best,
To St. Johnstoun then rode ere they would rest.

The siege of Saint Johnstoun.

AT every Port a stalwart watch he made,
Confirmed a siege, and stedfastly abade:
Bishop Sinclare in all good haste him dight,
Came out of Bute with séemly men in sight:
Out of the Yles of Rauchly and Arrane,
Lindsay and Boyd, with good men many one:
Adam VVallace, Barron of Richartoun,
Full sadly sought to Wallace of renown.
At Saint Johnstoun bode at the sailyie still,
For Sutheron men they might well passe at will,
For in their way their durst no enemy be,
But fled away by land, and eke by sea,
About the town thus sembled they but more,
For they had béen with good Wallace before.
Seton, Lawder, good Richard of Lundie,
In a good Barge they past about the sea,
In St. Johnstoun haven their Anchors have they [...]
Two English ships they took withoutten let:
The one they burnt, and stuffed the other well,
With artailzie, and stalwart men in stéel.
To keep the port, there should come no victual,
Into the town, nor men that might avail.
From South and North many from Scotland fled,
Left Castles waste, feil left their wives in wed.
The Sutheron Bishop that before left Dunkel,
To London past and told King Edward himsell.
In Scotland there had fallen a great mischance,
Then sent he soon for Aymer the Vallance:
And asked him, what then was best to do,
He height to passe, and take great Gold thereto,
In Scotland, some means there to make,
Against Wallace on hand thus can he take,
He said, he would undo King Edwards crown,
Except he might through treason put him down.
King Edward height what thing that Vallance band,
He should it kéep, thereto he gave his hand:
Vallance took leave, and into Scotland went,
To Bothwel came, then cast in his intent:
What man there was might Wallace best beguile,
And soon he found within a little while,
Sir John Menteith that Wallace Gossop was:
A messenger Sir Aymer hath gart passe:
At Rugline Kirk these two together met,
Him to betray the barnage there was set:
Then Vallance said, sir John thou knowst this thing,
Wallace again riseth contrare the King:
And thou mayst have what Lordship thou wilt wail,
And thou wouldst work as I would thée counsel:
Yon tyrant holds the Realms at trouble baith,
To thrifty men it doth full meikle skaith:
He trusteth thée, thou mayst full well him take,
Of this matter I rede an end thou make:
Were he away, we might at liking reign,
All as Lords, and live under a King:
Then Men [...]eith said, he is our Governour,
For us he bode in many fellon stour.
Not for himself, but for our heritage,
To sell him thus, it were a great outrage:
Then Vallance said, And thou well understood,
Great merit it were, be spills so meikle blood,
Of christen men, putteth souls in perril,
I bind me als he shall be holded bail,
As for his life, and kept into prison.
King Edward would have him in subjection:
Then Menteith thought, so they would kéep command
He would full fain have had him off Scotland
Vallance saw him in a study be,
Thrée thousand pound of fine Gold let him sée:
And height he should the Lennox have at will,
Thus treasonably Menteith granted there till.
An obligation with his own hand he made,
Then took the gold, and Edwards seal so braid:
And gave them his, when he his time might sée,
To take Wallace, over Sulway give him frée
To Englishmen, by this treasonable concord,
Sir John should be of all the Lennox Lord.
Thus Wallace should in England kéeped be,
So Edward might make Scotland to him frée,
There Covetise was over great master seen,
None example takes how another hath been.
For Covetise put in pains strong and fell,
For Covetise the Serpent is in hell:
For Covetise good Hector took the dead,
For Covetise there can be no remead:
Through Covetise good Alexander was lost,
And Julius als for all his riefe and boast.
Through Covetise died Arthur of Britain,
For Coevtise there hath died many ane:
For Covetise the traitor Ganillion,
The Flowre of France he put to confusion.
For Covetise they poysoned Godefray
In Antioch, as the Authour will say.
For Covetise Menteith upon false wise,
Betrayed Wallace who was his Gossop thrise,
Vallance in haste, with blyth will and good heart
To London past, and shewed it to Edward,
Of their Contract he had far more pleasance,
Than of fine Gold given in the ballance:
Of greater weight than his ransome might be,
Of VVallace forth yet speak some part will we.
AT St. Johastoun yet was the stedging still,
In a morning the Su [...]heron with good will,
[...]ive hundreth men in arms right eagerly,
They issued forth to make a jeopardie
[...] the South p [...]rt upon Scot and Dundasse,
[...]ho in their time right wise and worthy was:
[...]gainst their foes right sharply fought and sore,
[...] that counter seven score to death they bore:
[...]et Englishmen that cruel were and kéen,
[...]ull dersly fought, where doughty déeds were seen,
From the West side drave all the Scots hail,
[...]o the fighters. When they saw nought avail,
[...]ut in again full fast they can them speed,
[...]he Knight Dundasse full doughty proved indeed:
Over near the gate full bandonly he bade,
With a good sword full great mastery he made,
[...]ought knowing well his fellows were him fra.
[...] at the gate the Sutheron can him tae:
[...]nto the Earl they led him hastily,
When he him saw, he said he should not die,
To slay this one it may us little remead:
He sent him sorth to Wallace in that stead.
[...]nto the North his battels hath he brought,
While he him saw, of this he wist right nought:
Sent to the Earl, and thanked him largely,
Heght for to quite when he such cause might sée:
But yet therefore soverance he would not grant.
Though they were yeelden, and come recryant,
For gold nor good he would no tribute take,
A great assault then they began to make,
The Earl Fyse dwelt under trewes long,
Of King Edward, and then he thought it wrong,
That Wallace so was siedging Saint Johnstoun,
But if he come in right help of the Crown,
To Englishmen he would not kéep that band,
Then came he soon with good men of the land.
And John Vallance was then Sherif of Fife,
To Wallace past, and sterked him in that strife.
The Earl was come of good true noble blood,
Of the old Thane, which in his time was good.
Then all about to S. Johnstoun they gang,
The fellon sault fault was hideous and strang:
Full feill feill Faggets into the Dyke they fast,
Hather and Hay about the Stakes they cast:
With trées and earth a great passage they made,
Out over the walls they yéed in battel braid:
The Sutheron then made great defence again,
While at the wals there were a thousand slain:
Wallace and his yéed rayed in battel right,
All Sutheron men der [...]ly to death they dight:
To save the Earl Wallace the Herauld send,
Good Jop himself the which before him kend:
For Dundasse sake he said, he should not die,
Wallace himself thus ordained for to be,
A small Hackney to him he gart betake,
Silver and Gold his charges for to make.
Set on his Cloak a token for to sée,
A Lyon in war that should his conduct be:
Conveyed him forth, and no man him withall,
Women and Bairns, Wallace gart frée them all.
And then he cryed, true Scots to their own,
Plenisht the land which long had béen overthrown.
Then Wallace past the South land for to sée,
Edward the Bruce in his time right worthy:
That year before he had in Ireland béen,
And there with him were cruel men and kéen.
Fifty in feir were of his mothers kin.
At Kirkcudbright in Galloway entred in,
With those fifty he had vanquisht nine score,
And then past withoutten tarry more.
To Wigton soon, and that castle hath tane,
Sutheron were fled, and left it all alone:
Wallace him met with true men reverently,
To Lochmabane went all that Chevalry:
They made Edward both Lord and leader there,
This condition Wallace made him but mare.
But a short time to byde Robert the King,
If he came not in this Region to reign
That Edward should receive the Crown but fail,
Thus height Wallace, and all the Barnage hail:
In Lochmabane Prince Edward leined still,
And Wallace past to Cumnock with good will:
At the Black-Bog where he had wont to be,
Vpon that stead a royal house held [...]e.
English Wardans to London past but maire,
And told the King of all their great misfare:
[...]ow Wallace can Scotland from him reduce,
And how he had received Edward Bruce.
The commons swore they should come never mare,
Vpon Scotland and Wallace living were.
Then Edward wrote to Menteith privily,
Prayed in haste the time was passed by.
Of the promises to which be was bounden,
Sir John Menteith into his wit hath founden,
How he should best his purpose to fulfill,
His sister son in haste he called him till.
And ordained him in dwelling with Wallace,
An Oath again he gart him make on case,
What time he wist Wallace in quiet draw,,
He should him warne what aventure might faw,
This man granted that such thing should be done,
With Wallace thus he was in service soon,
But of treason Wallace had little thought,
His labourous mind on either matters wrought.
Thus Wallace thrise hath made all Scotland free
Then he desired in lasting peace to be.
For as of wear he was in some part irke,
He purposed to serve God and the Kirk,
And for to live under his righteous King,
That he desired above all earthly thing.

CHAP. V. How Wallace was betrayed by Sir John Menteith, and in England, and was martyred there.

THe Herauld Jop in England soon he send,
And wrot to Bruce right heartily his commen [...]
Beseething him to come and take his Crown,
None should gainstand, Clerk, Burges, nor Ba [...]
The Herauld past, when Bruce saw his credence,
Thereof he took a per [...]t great pleasance:
With his own hand again wrot to VVallace,
And thanked him of lawty and kindnesse,
Beseething him this matter to conceal,
For him behoved out of England to steal,
For long before, was keeped the Ragment,
Which Cumine had to bide the Parliament,
Into London, and if they him accuse,
To come from them he would have some excuse:
He prayed VVallace on Glasgow mure to wake,
The next first night of July for his sake:
And bade he should but into quiet be,
For he with him might bring few Chevalry,
Wallace was blyth, when he this writting saw,
His Houshold soon he gart to Glasgow draw.
That moneth there he ordained them to [...]ide,
Keirly he took each night with him to ride,
And this young man that Mentieth to him send,
Wist none but they what way that Wallace we [...]
The which gart warne his Eme the eightéen night,
[...]ixty [...]ull [...] Sir John Menteith gart dight:
of his own kin and allya was born,
To his treason he gart them all be sworn:
from Dumbartan they sped them hastily,
[...]ear Glasgow Kirk they busked them privily,
Wallace past forth where that the tryst was set,
[...] spy they made and followed him but let.
[...]brestoun was near the way beside,
And but an house where Wallace used to bide.
He woke on foot while passed was midnight,
[...]eirly and he then for a s [...]éep them dight.
They bade this man that he would walk his part,
And waken Wallace came men from any airt.
When they s [...]éeped the traitor took good héed,
[...] met his Eme, and bad [...] him have no dread.
[...]n s [...]éep he was and with him but one man.
[...]t may him have for any craft he can.
Without the house their weapons laid them fra,
[...]or well they wist got Wallace one of tha,
And on his foot, his ransome should be sold,
Thus sembled they about that féeble hold,
This traitour wath from Wallace then he stall,
Both Knife and Sword, his Bow and Arrows all,
After midnight in bands they have him tane,
[...]umbred on séep no man with him but ane,
[...]eirly they took and led him from that place,
[...] him to death withoutten longer space,
They thought to bind Wallace with strengths strong
On foot he got these fell traytors among,
[...]e gripped about but no weapons he fand.
Let with a stool that did beside him stand.
The back of one he bursted in the thran [...],
And of another the Harnes out he dang.
And als many as on him hands could lay.
By force him hint for to have him away,
But that power on foot might not him lead,
Out of that house while they or he were dead,
Sir John saw well by force it might not be,
Ere he were tane rather he thought to die,
Menteith b [...]de cease and then spake to Wallace,
And shewd him forth a full right subtile case:
Ye have so long here used you alone,
While wit thereof is into England gone.
Therefore hear me and sober your courage,
The Englishmen with a full great [...]arnage,
Are sembled here and set this house about,
That ye by force on no wise can win out.
Suppose ye had the strength of good Hector,
Among the hoast ye may not long endure:
And they you take, in haste your death is dight,
I have spoken with Lord Cliffurd that Knight,
Their Chiftain is and well meaned for your life,
They ask no more but be quite of your strife.
To Dumbartan ye shall passe forth with me,
Then in your house ye may in safety be.
Sutheron such use with Menteith long had they:
That Wallace trowed some part that he would say.
Menteith said sit, lo, weapons none we have,
We come in traist, your life if we might save,
Wallace trowed well, and he his gossop thrise,
That he would nought by no manner of wise,
Him to betray for all Scotland so wide,
An oath of him he asked in that tide,
There wanted wit, what should his oaths more,
Forsworn to him he was long time before.
The oath he made, Wallace came in his will,
Right fraudfully all thus he showd him till.
Gossop he said, as prisoner they must you sée,
Or else through force they will take you from [...].
A courth with slight upon his hands they laid,
And under then with s [...]cker cords they braid,
Both sharp and teugh and fast together drew,
Alas the Bruce might sore that binding rew.
Which made Scotland soon broken upon case,
By Cummines death and losse of good Wallace,
They led him forth in feir among them aw,
Keirly he mist, and then the Sutheron saw,
Then wist he well that he betrayed was,
Toward the South with him when they can passe,
Yet they him said, in truth he should not die,
King Edward would kéep him in good safety,
For the honour of war that be had wrought,
But the sore bands so treubled all his thought,
Credence thereto forsooth he could not give,
That he wist well they would not let him live,
A false foul case that Menteith hath him sald,
When on this wise good VVallace he was cald:
Some men sayes it was to save his Lord,
They lied all out that made that false record:
At the Fawkirk the good Stewart was slain,
Our Chronicles rehearses that in plain,
On Magdalen day the eightéen year before,
Cummings death therefore it witnesseth more,
And at Restoun VVallace was treasonably,
In Glasgow lay, and wist not of this thing,
Thus was he lost, in byding of his King:
South they him led, ay holding the wast land,
Delivered him in haste over Sulway sand.
The Lord Cliffurd and Vallance took him there,
To Carlile town full fast with him they fure.
In prison him set, that was a great dolour,
That house after they called VValace towre.
Some men then said that knew not well the case,
In Barwick town to death they put Wallace:
Contrare is known by this opinion,
That Sutheron men had not then Barwick town,
To Scotland free it was, till Soules it gave,
For Lord Cumming to England with the lave:
Another point is, the traitours durst not passe,
That sold him so where Scots men master was:
The third point is the Commons of England,
What they deny they will not understand,
That thing be done for witnesse that may be,
No nor credence give further then they may sée.
To sée him die Eward had more desire,
Than to be Lord of all the whole Empire.
And for this cause they kéeped him sa lang,
While the commons might unto London gang.
ALace Scotland to whom shalt thou complain?
Alace from pain who can thée now refrain?
Alace thine help is falsely brought to ground,
Thy best Chiftain in braith bands is bound,
Alace thou hast now lost thy guid of light,
Alace who shall defend thée in thy right?
Alace thy pain approacheth wonder near,
With sorrow soon thou must be left on stear,
Thy gracious Guid, thy greatest Governour,
Alace over near hath come thy fatal hour.
Alace who shall now béet thée of thy bail?
Alace when shall of harmes thou be hail,
Who shall defend: who shall thee now make frée?
Alace in war, who shall thine helper be?
Who shall thee kéep? who shall thee now redéem,
Alace, who shall the Saxons from thée sléem?
I can no more but beséech God of Grace,
Thée to restore in haste to Wealth and Peace.
So good Wallace may succour thee na mare,
The losse of him increaseth meikle car [...].
Now of his men in Glasgow still they lay,
What sorrow raise when they mist him away,
The cruel pain, the woful compleaning,
Therefore to tell in were an heavy thing,
I will let be and speak of him na mare,
Little rehearse is over meikle care.
And principally where redemption is none,
It helps not to tell their piteous moan:
The death thereof is yet in remembrance,
I will let slaik of sorrow the Ballance.
But Longoveil to Lochmabane can passe,
And their height he where good Prince Edward was,
Out of Scotland he should passe never more,
Losse of Wallace sought to his heart full sore,
The Realm of France he vowed never to sée.
But revenge Wallace or el [...]e therefore to die,
There [...]e remained while coming of the King,
With Bruce in war this good Knight forth did ring:
Remembrance since is in the Bruces book,
Second he was when they S. Johnstoun took,
Followed the King at winning of the town,
The Bruce therefore gave him ful great Guardown▪
All Chartris land the good King to him gave,
Chartris since then of him come are the lave:
Where to should I far in this Story wend?
But of my Book to make a final end.
Robert the Bruce came home on the third day,
In Scotland after that Wallace was away.
To Lochmabane where he found good Edwart,
Whereof he was greatly rejoyced in heart,
But fra he wist VVallace away was led,
So meikle bail into his breast was bred.
Near off his with he worthed for that déed,
Edward full soon then to his brother yée [...].
A sudden chance this was in wo from weal,
Good Edward saith, this helpeth not a deal,
Let mourning be, it may be nor remead,
Ye have him tint, ye should revenge his dead.
But for your cause he took the wars in hand,
In your defence and thrise hath fred Scotland,
The which was lost from us and all our Kin,
Were not VVallace we had never entred in.
Mitrour he was of lawty and man-head,
In wars the best that ever power shall lead,
Had he liked for to have tane the Crown,
Would none him let that is in this Region.
Had not béen he, ye should had none entresse,
Into this Realm for treason and falsenesse.
That shall ye sée the traitour that him sold,
From you he thinks Dumbarton for to bold.
Some comfort take, and let slaik of this sorrow,
The King charged Edward on the morrow,
Redresse to take of wrong that wrought him was,
To Daiswyntown he ordained him to passe,
And men of armes if they found Cumming there,
Put him to [...]eath for no dread they would spare.
They found him not, the King him after slew,
Into Dumfries where witnesse were anew,
That hapned wrong over great haste in a King,
To work by law it may skaith meikle thing,
I néed not héer no further for to shaw,
How that was doue is known to you aw.
BVt young Dowglas first to the King can passe,
In all his war that wight and worthy was:
Nor how the King hath tane on him the Crown,
Of all that here I make but short mention.
Nor how Lord Soules gave Berwick town away,
How after soon als tint was Galloway.
How John of Lorne against his right King rose,
On either side how Bruce had many foes:
How bold Brechin contrare the King could ride,
Right few was then in wear with him to bide:
Nor how the North was given from the good King.
Which made him long in painful war to reign,
But true to him was James the good Dowglas,
For Bruces right bode well in many place,
Vnder the King he was the best Chriftain,
But Wallace I set a Chiftain him alane,
Therefore to him is no comparison.
As of one man, save reverence of the Crown.
But so many as of the Dowglas hath béen,
Good of one thing was never in Scotland séen,
Comparisons I cannot well declare,
Of Bruces book as now I speak no mare,
Master John Barbour which was a cunning Clark,
Hath of the Bruce said meikle in his wark,
In this matter I am prolixt almaist,
To my purpose briefly I will me haste:
How good Wallace was set amongst his foes,
To London with him Cliffurd and Vallance goes.
Where King Edward was right fain of that fang,
They have him set fast in a prison strang.
Of VVallace end my self would lean for dread,
To say the worst, but righteousnesse me lead.
We find his life was als so very true.
His fatall hour I will not fenzie now:
Menteith him sold, and that [...]ver well was known,
Feil of that Kin in Scotland then was sown,
Charged to bide under the great judgement,
That King Robert acted in his Parliament.
Thereof I make no longer countenance,
But VVallace end in world was displeasance,
Thereof I cease, and put not into ryme,
Scotland may think the blessed happy time
That he was born, by principall points two,
This is the first ere that we further go:
Scotland he [...]re [...], and brought it from thirlage,
An now in heaven he hath his harberage.
Whereof we have right stedfast confidence,
Since for his Countrey he made so great defence.

An Admonition to the Reader.

¶ These things which follow, savouring of the [...] perstitious credulity of the people, and deceitf [...] cousenage of the Monks of these times, we ha [...] notwithstanding insert, lest we should seem at our own hand rashly to omit any thing which we found in [...] Copie: to the end, that they may admonish me [...] study to the thankfull to our blessed Lord, who ha [...] now opened our eyes to see through the mist where with these former ages were blinded.

A Monk there was in Burie Abbay then,
Into that time a right religious man:
A young man als with him in order stood,
Who knew his life, was clean, perfect, and good:
This [...]athe [...], Monk was visited with sicknesse,
Out of the world as he should passe on case.
His brother saw his spirit likely to passe,
A band of him right earnestly could he ask.
To come again, and show him of the méed
That he should ask of God for his good déed:
He granted him at his power to prive,
To come again, if God will give him leave:
His spirit changed out of this worlds pain,
[...] that same time come to the Monk again.
[...]uch thing hath béen as is by voice and fight,
[...]here he appeared there shined meikle light:
[...]ike to Lanterns they illuminate so clear,
[...]hat worldly wight thereto might be no peare.
[...] voice thus said God hath me granted grace,
That I shall keep my promise in this place,
[...]he Monk was blyth of this clean figure farie,
[...] a fire-brand in his fore-head bare he.
[...] that him thou [...]ht misliked all the lave,
[...]here art thou spirit? answered so God me save:
[...] purgatorie, how long shalt thou bide there?
[...] half a year to come, and little more:
[...] [...]tory is, I let thée well to wit,
[...] any place where God will it commit:
[...] hours space I was there Iudged to be,
[...] that p [...]sseth suppose I speak with thée,
[...]hy hast thou that and all the rest so whole?
[...] in Science, I thought me most avail:
[...] pri [...]es therein, labour is in waste,
[...] Science comes but of the holy Ghaist,
[...] thine houre where is thine passage even?
[...]hen time comes, he said to lasting heaven:
That time is that, I pray you now declare,
[...]wo are on life must be before me there,
[...]hich two are they, the verity me ken,
[...] first hath béen a great slayer of men,
[...]ow they him kéep to martyre in London town
[...] wednesday, before the King and Common:
[...] none on life that hath so many slain:
[...] brother he said, this tale is but in vain.
[...]or slaughter is to God abominable,
[...]hen said the spirit, forsooth this is no fable,
[...] is VVallace defender of Scotland,
[...]or righteous war that he took upon hand.
Righteousnesse there is loved over the lave,
Therefore in heaven he shall that honour have:
Syne a poor Priest is meikle to commend,
He took in thanks what thing that God him sen [...]
For godlinesse and good devotion,
Heaven he shall have to lasting warison.
I am the third granted through Gods grace,
Brother he said, tell I this in our place,
They will but déem I either dream or rave.
Then said the spirit, this witnesse thou shalt have
The bells shall ring for ought that ye do may,
When they him slay halfe an hour of the day,
And so they did, the Monk wist what they ailed,
Through broad Britain the word thereof was scai [...]
The spirit took leave at Gods will to be,
Of Wallace end to hear is great pity.
ANd I would not put men in great dolour,
But lightly passe out over this fatall hour,
On Wednesday fierce Sutheron forth him brought
To martyre him as they before had thought:
VVallace was martyred the truth to you to tell
As were Osweld, Edmond, Edward, with pain fell,
With men of arms led him a fell great rout,
With a bold spirit then Wallace blenkt about,
A Priest he asked for him that died on trée,
King Edward then commanded his Clergie,
And said, I charge in pain of losse of life,
None be so bold yon tyrant for to shryfe,
He hath long rung in contrare of my highnesse,
A blessed Bishop soon present in that place
Of Canterbury he then was righteous Lord,
Against the King he made his right record,
And said my self shall hear his confession,
If I have might in contrare of thy Crown:
Or thou through force shall stop me from this thing
I vow to God which is my righteous King,
Over all England I shall thée interdite,
And make it known thou art an Heretick:
The Sacrament of Kirk I shall him give,
Then take thy choise to sterve or let him live,
[...] were more vail in worship of thy Crown,
To kéep such one in life in thy bandoun,
Then all the land, and good that thou hast reft,
But covetise thée ay from honour dreft,
Thou hath thy life rung long in wrongous déed,
That shall be seen on thee, or on thy seed.
The King gave charge, they should the Bishop tae,
But the wise Lords counselled to let him gae,
All wise men said, that his desire was right,
To Wallace then he raiked in their sight,
And sadly heard his confession to the end,
[...]umbly to God his Spirit he did commend.
Lawty him served with hearty devotion,
Vpon his knees and said an orison,
His leave he took, and to Westminster rode,
The Clughmen there they bare VVallace but bode
Vnto a place his martyrdom to take,
For to his death he willed them furthering make,
From the first night he was tane in Scotland,
They keeped him into the samine band,
Nothing he had that would have done him good,
But Englishmen him served of carefull food.
The worldly life desires the sustinance,
Though he it got in contrare of pleasance,
These thirty dayes his bands they durst not slaik,
While he was bound to a scamyle of aike,
With yron chains that were both stark and keen,
A Clerk they set to hear what he would mean,
Thou Scot he said, that so great wrong hath done,
Thy fatal hour thou sées approacheth soon,
Thou should in mind remember thy misdeed,
That Clarks may when they the Psalms read,
For Christen souls which oft makes them to pray
In their number thou may be one of thay,
For now thou sées on force thou must decease.
Then VVallace said, for all thy round rehearse
Thou hast no charge suppose I had done misse.
Yon blessed Bishop hath height I shall have bli [...]
And I trow well that God shall it admit,
Thy simulate words shall not my conscience sm [...]
Comfort I have of [...]ay that I should gang,
Most pain I féel that I bide here so long,
Then said the Clerk, our King sent oft thee till,
Thou might have had all Scotland at thy will,
To hold of him, and ceased of thy strife,
So as a Lord to reign through all thy life.
Then Wallace said thou speaks of mighty thing,
Had I lasted, and got my righteous King,
And worthy Bruce received had his Crown,
I thought have made England at his bandown,
That utterly it should been at his will,
What pleased him to save, or else to spill.
Well said the Clerk, I sée thou repents nought,
Of wickednesse thou hast a fellon thought,
Is none in world that hath so many slain,
Therefore to ask me think thou should be bane,
Grace at our King and then at his barnage,
Then Wallace smiled a little at his language,
I grant, hé said, some Englishmen I slew,
In my quarrell me thought not half anew,
I moved no war but for to win our own,
Both God and man the right full well hath kno [...]
Thy frustrate words doth nought but tyres me,
I thée command in Gods name let me be.
Sheriff gart this Clerk soon from him passe,
[...]ight as they durst granted what he would ass [...].
[...] Psalter Book Wallace on him had ever,
From his childhood with it he would not sever,
The better he trowed in his voyage to spéed,
[...]ut when he was dispoyled of his wéed,
[...]his grace he asked at Lord Cliffurd that Knight,
[...] let him have the Psalter book in fight,
[...] gart a Priest open before him hold,
[...]hile they to him had done what that they would,
[...]dfast he red for ought they did him there,
[...]il Sutheron said, that VVallace felt no sore.
[...]nd devotion so was his beginning,
[...]ntinued therewith, and so was his ending,
[...]hile spéech and Spirit at once all can fare,
[...] lasting blisse we trust for everm [...]re.
[...] will not tell how he devided was
[...] five parts, and ordained for to passe,
[...]t his Spirit thus by likelinesse was well,
[...] Wallace life who hath a better fell,
[...] show forth more with wit and eloquence,
[...]or I to this have done my diligence,
[...]fter the prose given from the Latine book,
[...]hich Master Blair in his time undertook,
[...] fair Latine compyled to an end,
[...]ith good witnesse which more is to commend.
[...]ishop Sinkler that Lord was of Dunkel,
[...] got this Book and confirmed to him sell,
[...] very truth thereof he had no dread,
[...]imself had heard great part of Wallace déed.
[...]is purpose was to have sent it to Rome,
[...]ut Father of Kirk therein to give his doom.
[...]ut Master Blair and als Sir Thomas Gray
[...]fter VVallace they lived many a day,
[...]hese two knew best of Sir Williams déed,
[...] sixtéen year while nine and twenty yée [...]
[...]urty and five Wallace of age was cald,
That time that he was to the Sutheron sald,
Though this matter be nought to all pleasance,
His sooth fast déed is worthy to advance,
All worthy men that reads this rural dyte,
Blame not this Book thought I be imperfite:
I should have thanks since I no travel spaird,
For my travell no man height me reward:
Nor charge I had of King nor other Lord:
Great harm I thought this good déed should be sm [...]
I have said here near as the processe goes,
And feigned not for friends, nor yet for foes.
For cost hereof was no man bound to me,
In this sentence I had no will to see,
But in as much as I rehearsed nought,
So worthily as noble Wallace wrought.
But in one point, I grant I said amisse,
These two Knights should blamed be of this,
The Knight VVallace of Craigie righteous Lord,
And Liddaile too, causde me make wrong record:
[...]n Allartoun mure the Crown he took on day
[...] get Battell, as mine Author will say,
These two causde me say on an other wise,
To Master Blair we did part of supprise.
Thus endeth William Wallace wight,
Behind him left not such a Knight,
Of worthinesse, and deed of [...]nd, [...]
From thraldome thrice he fred this Land.

The Conclusion of this BOOK.

GO Noble Book, fulfilled of sentence,
Suppose thou be of barran Eloquence:
Go worthy Book fulfilled of worthy deed,
[...] thee to help of Language thou hast need:
[...]hen good Makers rang well into Scotland,
[...]eat harme it was that none of them thee fand:
Yet there is part that can thee well advance,
[...]ow bide the time, and be in remembrance.
I you beseech of your benevolence,
Who will not Love, Lack not mine Eloquence.
[...]t is well known I am a Rurall man,
And here have done as goodly as I can:
My tongue did never ornate tearms embrace,
[...] beseech God, that giver is of Grace,
[...]ade Hell and Earth, and set the Heaven above,
That he till us grant his dear lasting love.

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