THE Traveller's Song; Or, Pleasant MEDITATIONS On the WAY.
Psal. 104.
I will Sing unto the Lord as long as I Live, and my Meditations of him shall be Sweet.
Psal. 143.
I will Muse of the Works of thy Hands.
LONDON, Printed for the Author, and Sold by Thomas Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside. 1699.
To His Most Excellent Majesty, WILLIAM III. King of Great BRITAIN, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. This Small Treatise is most humbly Dedicated by,
Your Majesties meanest Subject and Servant, George Liddell.
WHEN I the Coronation see,
Of all the Flowers the Queen,
Makes me to praise that Noble Day,
That Crown our Illustrious KING.
When I the ORANGE Lilly see,
That pretty Flower so clear,
Makes me to mind the ORANGE fine,
British Crown do wear.
When I do the
Sweet-William see,
That pretty Flower so fine,
Makes me to love our
William Dear,
That is
Great Britain's KING.
REader these Lines to bring to Light,
Did put me in a Terrer;
Yet hoping you'll be so kind to me,
As tell me of an Error;
When Time and Leisure does permit,
I shall Correct them farther.
Indeed to bring them into Verse,
I did as I am able;
But my design into the thing,
Is to make you look the Bible.
When I do see in most these Verse,
I do begin the Line;
Yet turn the
I unto thy self,
And then thou mak'st it thine.
THE Travellers Song.
O Why are we afraid of Man,
That's made of brittle Clay;
And does forget our Maker great,
Isa. 51.
Did Heaven and Earth Display.II.
O let us learn a publick spirit,
For good to
And when our Bodies laid in dust,
Psal. 112.
Our Memory shall not fall.III.
O let us live a Holy Life,
And still therein proceed;
Tho' our beginning be but small,
Heb. 12.
As Grain of Mustard Seed.IV.
O flee from sin that is so evil,
And causeth Judgments fa;
Us to Redeem, the Lord of Life,
John 19.
Did suffer at
O let your Light before the World,
In shining so excell,
That others seeing your Holy Life,
Phil. 2.
May glorifie God themsel.VI.
When I have been in straits so great,
My spirits almost sink't,
Yet God most high hath given to me,
A faithful loving blink.
When I do Travel far and near,
For this my daily Bread;
Makes me to mind the Travels sore,
Isa. 53.
That Christ had for his Seed.VIII.
When I do see the Sower Sow,
And makes his Casts so meet,
Makes me to mind our Sower high,
Acts 10.
Reveal'd by
Peter's Sheet.IX.
When I do hear the Thunder loud,
Sees Fire tear the Sky,
Makes me to mind
Jehovah's Voice,
Psal. 29.
So loud to Men doth cry.X.
When I the Glorious Sun do see,
Each Day his Race fulfil,
Makes me to mind great
Joshua's Day,
Josh. 10.
When it so long stood still.XI.
When I do see the godly kind,
I love them with my heart.
Makes me to long to meet in Heaven,
Where we shall never part.
When we do fall in troubles great,
Sees straits before our Een,
Let us then mind that Providence,
Gen. 22.
On Mount it shall be seen.XIII.
When I do see the Bull-rush strong,
Grows by the River's side,
Makes me to mind that Ark of them
Exod. 2.
Moses in
Nilus hide.XIV.
When I do see the Vine so Red,
And Grapes that's in my Hand,
Makes me to mind that Cluster fine,
Num. 13.
They brought from
Canaan's Land.XV.
When I behold the Rainbow Red,
With Colours Blue and Green,
Makes me to mind that Covenant,
Gen. 9.
That God has made with Men.XVI.
When I am daub'd in Clay so deep,
And all my Joints so sore,
Makes me to love that Eternal Day,
Heb. 4.
I'll rest for ever more.XVII.
When I behold the Lamb so young,
And Pleasantly to play,
Makes me to mind that Immaculate Lamb,
John 1.
That takes my Sins away.XVIII.
O let us thankful be to God,
And walk into his way,
Who from the womb has fed and cled
Psal. 22.
Us to this very day.XIX.
When I do mind that
Joseph young,
They laid for him such Plots;
How he did suffer Innocently,
Gen. 39.
At loss of both his Coats.XX.
When I that fervent
Jacob mind,
Wrestling in the Night,
Before the Day appeared clear,
Gen. 32.
He got a Glorious sight.XXI.
When I do fall in Ditches deep,
As I do walk the Moors,
Prov. 23.27.
Makes me to mind our Gallantries,When they fall in with Whores.
When I do see the Light at Morn,
Begin for to display,
Makes me to mind the Upright's Light,
Like Noon-tide of the Day.
When I do mind that
Sodom great,
Where was so many Men,
Makes me to admire my God so kind,
Gen. 18.
Would sav't if Righteous Ten.XXIV.
When I hear the Trumper sound,
Sees People in a Crowd,
Makes me mind Mount
Sina right,
Exod. 19.
When it did sound so loud.XXV.
When I do see the Thorns so thick,
As I do walk the way,
Makes me to mind how they spring up,
Matth. 13.
And choaks the Seed away.XXVI.
To know how Moon doth wax and wein,
It is above our Reasons,
But let us glorifie our God,
Psal. 104.
Appointed her for Seasons.XXVII.
When I do see the Frost and Snow,
So thick on Earth ro lye,
Makes me to mind those Treasures great,
Job 37.
That's in the Heavens high.XXVIII
When I do walk so dark at Night,
And cannot see my way,
Makes me to mind that darkness great,
Exod. 10.
That was in
Pharaoh's Day.XXIX.
When I the pleasant Larks hear Sing,
By Dawning of the Days,
Makes me to mind those Glorious Heavens,
Where Saints do Sing always.
When I do see the Corn so ripe,
And Shearers that's so keen,
Makes me to mind that truth so right,
Ruth 2.
Ruth with
Boaz did glean.XXXI.
When I do meet with kindness sweet,
That's Shown to me from Man,
Makes me to mind that Love so great,
Sam. 1.
David and
When I the Glave stones do see,
Above the Saints that lye.
Makes me to mind the Souls above,
That's in Eternity.
When I do see the Carpenters,
To work in Oak so stark,
Makes me to mind our
Noah old,
Gen. 6.
How he did build the Ark.XXXIV.
When I do see a Furnace hot,
Would burn both Bone and Lyre,
Makes me to mind those Children Three
Dan. 3.
That were not hurt by Fire.XXXV.
When I do see the Worms so thick,
That's in the Earth all over,
Makes me to mind my Bed of Dust,
Job 19.
When they me all shall cover.XXXVI.
When I do see the Stones in Slings,
That throweth them so far,
Makes me to mind 700 Men,
Judg. 20.
That threw them to a Hair.XXXVII.
When I do hear the Sectaries,
With their Opinions fass,
Makes me to think those words mon wise
Num. 22.
That spoke by
Balaam's Ass.XXXVIII.
When I do see our Dyars fine,
So cast their Colours af,
Makes me to mind his Garments Red,
Isa. 63.
That came from
When we do see the godly Rare,
With Sin and Trouble meet,
Yet let us mind the Day to come,
Isa. 33.
They shall not say I'm Sick.XL.
When I the Mure-burn see so large,
And Fire to spread it sell,
Makes me to mind that Flame so great
The Damned's in in Hell.
When I behold the Willow Trees,
And Palms that grow thereon,
Makes me to mind those Children dear,
Psal. 137.
That hang their Harps upon.XLII.
When we do mind poor
And his unturned Cake,
Yet let us love those mercies Bowels,
Hos. 11.
Did freely for him ake.XLIII.
When I do see the Gade so long,
That does our Ploughs so call,
Makes me to mind that Hand so strong,
Judg. 3.
By it made
Philistines fall.XLIV.
When I do see the Guils so thick,
Our Corn so overthrow,
Makes me to mind those Firebrands,
Judg. 15.
Philistines Fields a low.XLV.
When I do mind the Heart's Zeal,
Moses brake the Tables,
Makes me to thank my God so kind,
Exod. 32.
Renew'd them unto Rebels.XLVI.
When I do see the Morning's Dew,
And all his Drops like Pearl,
Makes me to mind that
Hermon's Dew,
Psul. 133.
Or on
Sion Hill that fell.XLVII.
When I do mind that Plot so great,
Asuerus Days,
Haman's mind was fully bent,
Ester 3.
All the poor
Jews to slay.XLVIII.
When I do hear the Lion Roar,
And sees his Paws so tear,
Makes me to mind that Lion strong,
Rev. 5.
That guarded me from fear.XLIX.
When I do hear the
Maevies sing,
And warble forth her Notes
Makes me to praise
Emanuel King,
Without my Book or Notes.
When I see neither Sun nor Moon,
Nor Stars glistering high,
Yet I'll believe to see my King
Psal. 45.
Of Glory Eternally.LI.
When I do see the Rivers swell,
Into so great a flood,
Makes me to h
[...]d those waters all
Exod. 7.
Egypt's turn'd to blood.LII.
When I have seen the godly Rare.
In Dark and Gloomy Days,
Yet I will mind the Hand so strong,
Dan. 5.
Thir lives in all their ways.LIII.
O who art thou
Goliah great,
That does defie the Heaven,
The Staff that in thy Hand thou wears,
Is like a Weaver's Beam,
Sam. 17.
Ere long my Foot thy Neck shall tread,And pull out both thy Een.
When I a pleasant River see,
And all her Streams to gleid,
Makes me to long that River see,
Psal. 46.
Whose Streams makes Saints so glad.LV.
When I the Milk-white Rose do pluck,
How pleasant does it smell,
Makes me to mind those long White Robes,
Rev. 7.
Delivers Saints from Hell.LVI.
When I do see the Hail so thick,
From Heaven to Earth fell,
Makes me to mind it Showers so great,
Joshua 10.
That did the
Amorites quell.LVII.
When I do see the
Blaver Blue,
That grows amongst the Corn,
Makes me to mind its Colour fine,
Exod 39.
About the Ephod worn.LVIII.
When I do drink the Populent Spring,
And Streams that are so fine,
Makes me to long to see that Day,
I's drink my Father's Wine.
When I behold the Peacock proud,
And his Oriental Train,
Makes me to mind those glorious Robes
Joh 39.
That Saints do wear in Heaven.LX.
When I do see the Sectaries,
That will not press the mark,
Yet I am sure their Dagon still,
Phil. 3.
Shall fall before the Ark.LXI.
When I a Garden fair do see,
And all her Flowers so fine,
Makes me lament my Parents first,
Gen. 3.
Such Paradice did tyne.LXII.
When I the Rose so Red do see,
And all her Leaves so fine,
Makes me to love that
Sharon's Rose,
Cant. 2.
That takes away my Sin.LXIII.
When I behold the Woods so green,
And all her Birds hears Chants,
Makes me to long to see that Day,
Thess. 1.
I Sing in Heaven with Saints,LXIV.
When I do see the Shaves so thick,
That stands on Ridges so even,
Makes me to mind that Emblem right,
Gen. 37.
Joseph and his Dream.LXV.
When I do see the Wine so Red,
That in the Cup they fill,
Makes me to mind my Savior kind,
For me his Blood did spill.
When I our Sword so fine do see,
And Barrs with Yellow Gold,
Makes me to mind how Magistrates
Sam. 23.
Should for the Truth be bold.LXVII.
When we behold the Gold
With Colours deck'd so fine,
Should we not spread our Maker's praise,
On things that are Divine.
When I do see the Ravens so stout,
And nothing laid in store,
Makes me to mind their provisor,
Luke 12.
That Rings for evermore.LXIX.
Though I be weary, and so vex't,
With this my daily Sin,
Yet I'll believe that glorious Day,
Rev. 21.
When none shall Enter in.LXX.
When I do see the
Fishers King,
That pretty Bird so gay,
Makes me Rejoice in God my King,
Job 33.
Created me of Clay.LXXI.
When I do hear the Harp so clear,
And pleasantly to play,
Makes me to mind that Player fine,
Sam. 16.
David in
Saul's Day.LXXII.
When I do see the Wood so gay,
So Glorious and Green,
Makes me to long to see that Day,
Heb. 4.
I's rest with Christ in Heaven.LXXIII.
When I do see the cruelty,
That Men to other shows,
Makes me to mind
Adonibezek right,
Judg. 1.
With his Kings Thumbs and Toes.LXXIV.
When I do mind that
Sampson mickle strife,
Made him to lose his precious Eyes,
Judg. 16.
And likewise his sweet life.LXXV.
When I do see the Lamps at Night,
That lets me see to Gang,
Makes me to mind that Stratagem,
Judg. 7.
Gideen to
When I do meet the Brambles thick,
That hath my Cloaths so riven,
Makes me to mind that Man so proud,
Judg. 9.
Abimelech the King.LXXVII.
When I do see the Milstone run,
Within its Circle full,
Makes me to mind how piece of one,
Judg. 9.
Did break
Ablmelech's Scull.LXXVIII.
When I do mind that
Sampson strong,
Which brought such things to pass,
How he did kill a Thousand Men,
Judg. 15.
With Jaw-bone of an Ass.LXXIX.
When I do see the Stars so bright,
And part of them down fa,
Makes me to mind how in their Course,
Judg. 5.
They fought 'gainst
When I do see those Chariots,
So in their going fine,
Makes me to mind how
Judg. 4.
That had 900 Iron.LXXXI.
When I do see the Dung so thick-
That lies upon the Land,
Makes me to mind the
Jabin great,
Psal. 83.
That fell at
Kishan Strand.LXXXII.
When I do see the Rocks so high,
Upon the Earth that stands,
Makes me to mind those Chrislians wise,
Matth. 7.
That does not build on Sands.LXXXIII.
When I do mind that
Esther fine.
Came to the King in Silk,
Makes me admire the Woman wise,
Judg. 4.
Sisera with Milk.LXXXIV.
When I the Fire large do see,
And all to Ashes turn,
Makes me to mind the Fire great,
Pet. 3.
When God the Earth shall burn.LXXXV.
When I do see the Coal-pits burn,
That does the Earth so Tear,
Makes me to mind the dreadful Day,
Cor, Dathan,
Numb. 16.
When I do hear how
Zion dear,
with Moans Lament her sel,
Yet I will mind her Palaces,
Psal. 48.
Where God delights to dwell.LXXXVII
When I do hear the Frogs so croak,
In Water in the Even,
Makes me to mind the Plague of them,
Exod. 8.
That fell on
Egypt's King.LXXXVIII.
When I consider
David young,
Samuel a Shepherd fond,
And set a Crown upon his Head,
Sam. 16.
For to Govern the Land.LXXXIX.
When I do mind the Whale so big.
Jonah brought to Land,
Makes me admire that Providence,
Jonah 2.
Of my Redeemer's Hand.XC.
When I do hear the People Lye,
And Feed themselves with Sin,
Makes me to mind poor
Hos. 12.
That Fed himself with Wind.XCI.
When I the Candle-light do see,
And Butter-flies burn themsel,
Makes me to mind the wicked right,
That Dance in Sin to Hell.
When I do see the Corn so thick,
That on the Earth do grow,
Makes me to mind that increase great,
Gen. 26.
That did on
Isaac flow.XCIII.
When I do see the Barley thick,
And Hail fall on the Land,
Makes me to mind that Plague of it,
Exod. 9.
That fell on
Egypt's Land.XCIV.
When I do see the Morning Cloud,
And Dew so pass away,
Makes me to mind that sad Complaint,
Hos. 6.
Ephraim in
Juda's Day.XCV.
When I do see the Brick kilns burn,
As I do walk the way,
Makes me to mind that Bondage great,
Exod. 5.
Israel in
Pharaoh's Day.XCVI.
When I do see the Mountains great,
That stands on
Cheviot Fells,
Makes me to mind their Maker great,
Isa. 4.
That weighed them in Scales.XCVII.
When I do see the Sea so rough,
And all her Waves like Fire,
Makes me to mind the Sea so Red,
Exod. 14.
Pharaoh's Chariots tire.XCVIII.
When I do walk the way with Saints,
So pleasantly all out,
Makes me to mind that
Joseph kind,
Who said,
Gen. 45.
do not fall out.XCIX.
When I behold the pleasant Earth,
So Beautiful and Green,
Makes me to mind that pleasure great,
Rev. 21.
That Saints enjoy in Heaven.C.
When I the Play-House see so fair,
With all her sumptuous fillers,
Makes me to mind that Emblem right,
Judg. 16.
Sampson pulled the Pillars.Cent. II.
WHEN I the pleasant Lilly see,
And all their Stalks so tall,
Makes me to mind that Promise great,
Hos. 14.
Of God to
When I do see the Scepter fine,
That does our Law so sway,
Makes me to mind that Promise great,
Gen. 49.
Shiloh in
Juda's Day.III.
When I the Ram see Bitter sight,
And hears their Horns so snell,
Makes me to mind that Blast of them,
Joshua 6.
Jericho's Walls down fell.IV.
When I the flakes on Roofs do see,
Our Countrey People dries,
Makes me to mind that
Rachab right,
Joshua 2.
Where she did hide the Spies.V.
When I the Covetous Worldling see,
And no Truth in his way,
Makes me to mind that
Judas right,
John 18.
That did his Lord betray.VI.
When I do hear the Birds in Cage,
So pleasantly to Sing,
Makes me to mind great
Rev. 18.
That was a Cage of Sin.VII.
When I do hear the Arguments,
That the blind World do show,
Yet I did know a Man in Christ,
Cor. 12.
Above Fourteenth ago.VIII.
When I do mind that
Moses great,
Egypt's wealth despise,
And to the Recompence of Reward,
Heb. 11.
Did wholly set his Eyes.IX.
Abel has been 5000 years in Heaven,
And Glory yet to come,
When he has been a Million of Millions more,
It's but as new begun.
I'll throw away my Quill,
Gen. 4.
Such Compting's pass my skill.X.
When I do see the Shepherds thick,
As I do walk the Land,
Makes me to mind those
Patriarchs great,
Gen. 46.
That dwelt in
Goshen's Land.XI.
When I do drink the waters sweet,
It's to my Nature kind,
Makes me to mind my Saviour dear,
John 2.
That turn'd it into Wine.XII.
When I do see the Corn so thin,
And that it is so blawn,
Makes me to mind that Famine great,
Gen. 42.
That fell on
Canaan's Land.XIII.
When I do see the Hunter fierce,
Pursue his Chase so bold,
Makes me to mind that Hunter great,
Gen. 10.
Nimrod was of old.XIV.
When I am hungry and hard sted,
I do forget to Sing,
Yet I will mind
Matth. 1.
My Everlasting King.XV.
When I do hear the Bells so loud,
And pleasantly to Ring,
Makes me to mind the glorious Day,
That Christ shall Reign as King.
Are not the Ravens fed, great God, by thee!
And wilt thou cloath the Lilies, and n
[...] me
I'll ne'er mistrust my God for Cloath and Bread,
Luke 12.
While Lilies flourish, and Ravens feedXVII.
When I those pretty Birds do hear,
So pleasantly to Sing,
Shall I not warble forth the Praise,
of my Eternal King.
When I hear the Kine so low,
At Even when it is dark,
Makes me to mind the
Philistines Kine,
Sam. 6.
That did bring home the Ark.XIX.
When I consider the Sparrows young,
And Hairs that▪s on my Head,
Makes me believe on God my King,
Matth. 10.
When I am scarce of Bread.XX.
When I do see the Dew so thick,
That covers all Earth's Face,
Makes me to mind that Dew from He
[...] ven
Judg. 6.
That wet all
Gideon's Fleece.XXI.
When I do see the Greyhound fair,
That every thing out-runs,
Makes me to mind my time so swift,
That to Eternity turns.
When I do see the Droves of Beasts,
All going to be Slain,
Makes me to mind our gracious God,
How he provides for Men.
When I am by the Nettle stung,
And Blurs upon my Skin,
Makes me afraid that Pitch to touch,
Defiles my Soul with Sin.
When I do see the Rising Sun,
With all his Glorious Beams,
Makes me to love that Righteous Son,
Malach. 3.
With Healing under his Wings.XXV.
When I behold the Falcon fly,
And Steers her Course so even,
Makes me to mind
Elisha bright,
King. 2.
In Chariot went to Heaven.XXVI.
When I do mind
Othniel stout,
That fought so for a Wife,
When he destroyed
Debir strong,
Judg. 1.
That might cost him his life.XXVII.
When I the tired Shearers see,
Do hardly lift their Hook,
Makes me to mind that Harvest great,
Mat. 9.
Few Labourers has to work.XXVIII.
When I the Fig leaves sees so broad,
That pleasant are and Green,
Makes me to mind our Cloaths at first,
Gen. 3.
Of neither Silk nor Seam.XXIX.
When I do see the Ocean deep,
With all her Banks of Sand,
Makes me to mind
Jehovah high,
Isa. 40.
That measures her in his Hand.XXX.
When I do see the Flock so thick,
That's on bare Commons fed,
Makes me to mind the Flock of Ch
By World no better sped.
When I do see the Chariots,
That's in so fine attire,
Makes me to mind
Elisha's Guard,
King. 6.
Those Chariots of Fire.XXXII.
When I do see the Archers shute,
And Bows abiding strength,
Makes me to mind our
Joseph right,
Gen. 49.
Whose Arms abode in strength.XXXIII.
When we have Eaten and are full,
Of what is in our Hand,
Let us be thankful unto God,
Deut. 8.
That gave this plenty Land.XXXIV.
When I our pretty Children see,
With Coats of divers Colour,
Makes me to mind our
Joseph right,
Gen. 37.
Who had just such another.XXXV.
When I Sun, Moon and Stars do see,
So glorious in the Heavens,
Makes me to mind our
Joseph right,
Gen. 37.
With all his Noble Dreams.XXXVI.
When I that
Reuben right do mind,
A tender hearted Brother,
Should we not Loving Christians be,
Gen. 37.
Preserving one another.XXXVII.
[...] how doth the hunted Hart,
For Water Pant and Bray,
[...] was our
David for his God,
Psal. 42.
When hunted in
Saul's Day.XXXVIII.
When I did drink the Water sweet,
That comes from
Jacob's Well,
Makes me to love that great Reward,
Matth. 22.
Jacob got himsel.XXXIX.
When I the light at Morn do see,
Come in the Window clear,
Makes me to mind how light of Saints,
Matth. 5.
Ought to the World appear.XL.
When I do mind great
With God such favour fand,
As to possess him fairly in,
Deut. 1.
Into that
Canaan's Land.XLI.
When I observe the Sabbath-day,
To my Eternal King,
Makes me to mind that Sabbath still,
Isa. 58.
That Saints enjoy in Heaven.XLII.
When I do hear our Ministers,
Those Gospel-Tydings tell,
Makes me to mind
Jehovah high,
Exod. 20.
That spoke them first himsel.XLIII.
When I do hear the Psalm so loud,
Jehovah King,
Makes me to long to see that Day,
When Saints shall Praise and Sing.
When I behold the Promises great,
And on them cast my Eye,
I think not much that Angels make it▪
Pet. 1.
Their delight to pry.XLV.
When I do lye on
Cheviot Hills,
All Night among the Heather,
Makes me to mind that
Bethel right,
Gen. 28.
Jacob with his Ladder.XLVI.
When I the Yellow
Yalderon seen,
That pretty Bird so fine,
Makes me to mind
Jehovah great,
Gen. 2.
Created every kind.XLVII.
When I do see the Birds in Nests,
So curiously to breed,
Makes me to mind my Saviour dear,
Luk. 9.
Knew not to lay his Head.XLVIII.
When I do see the Garden fair.
And Flowers so pleasant in,
Makes me to mind that Paradice,
Where first began our Sin.
Hosanna's high
Your King comes on an Ass,
With all those Palm-trees in your Hands▪
John 12.
The way that he is to pass.L.
When I do feel that pleasant smell,
The Balm has under shade,
Makes me to mind that Balm so fine,
Gen. 37.
That came from
When I do see the Stone so swift,
That from the Sling proceed,
Makes me to mind how deep it sunk,
Sam. 17.
Goliah's Head.LII.
When I do see the Ax so sharp,
That cuts the Wood so green,
Makes me to mind
Elisha right,
King. 6.
That caused Iron to swim.LIII.
When I do see the Dew so thick,
Upon the Grass that's mowen,
Makes me to mind the Duty right,
Psal. 72.
That Magistrates are owing.LIV.
When I do mind Electing Chains,
Romans Eight that be,
Wish God may shew me the first Link,
Rom. 8.
The rest will come to me.LV.
Make haste
Zacheus, and climb the Tree,
By comes
Zion's King,
Which to thy House Salvation,
Luk. 19.
This Day shall freely bring.LVI.
When I do hear a Flatterer,
For all his pleasant words,
Yet I will mind his Tales to me,
Psal. 55.
Is like to Drawn Swords.LVII.
When I do see the Worldly proud,
And no good in their mean,
I think they're as great Fools to see,
Jerem. 7.
As Cokers to the Queen of Heaven.LVIII.
When I those Heads so high do see,
Our Female Sex do wear,
Makes me to think the Judgment-Day▪
Isa. 3.16.
Should make them all to fear.LIX.
When I do see them Patch and Paine▪
That does their Face so tear,
Makes me to mind the sad lament,
Jer. 4.
tho' they wear.LX.
When I unthankful Men do see,
Fed in our Land so thick,
Makes me to mind
Jesurun right,
Deut. 32.
When he with fat did kick.LXI.
When we do hear Idolaters,
For all their fair pretence,
Yet let us look the Scripture clear,
Deut. 13,
It's wholly our defence.LXII.
When I do see Idolaters,
At their Devotion false,
Makes me to mind
Jeroboam so clear,
King. 12.
Dan and
Bethel's Calves.LXIII.
When I do see the Kine so fat,
That's fed on Meadows green,
Makes me to mind that Emblem right,
Gen. 41.
Pharaoh with his Dream.LXIV.
When I do see the Smoke so thick,
That from the Chimney fly,
Makes me to mind how Smoke of Sin,
Isa. 66.
Ascends the Heavens high.LXV.
When I do see the raging Sea,
So throwing out her filth,
Makes me to mind the wicked's Life,
Isa. 57.
With pity in their mirth.LXVI.
When I the Scarlet fine do see,
So Curious and Red,
Makes me to mind that
Rachab's Sign,
Josh. 2.
Was by a Scarlet Thread.LXVII.
When I behold the Field in
So pleasant and so green,
Makes me to mind that glory still,
That Saints enjoy in Heaven.
When I do see the Boughs so green,
To spread themselves by Well,
Makes me to mind that fruitful Branch,
Gen. 49.
Joseph over Wall.LXIX.
When I do see the Serpent crawl,
On Belly as a Slave,
Makes me to mind its punishment,
Gen. 3.
Since it deceived
When I do see the Water run,
That hath her Banks so torn,
Makes me to mind that
Reuben right,
Gen. 49.
That was to
Jacob born.LXXI.
When I do see the Fire burn,
With Colours Red and Blue,
Makes me to mind how it consum'd,
Levit. 30.
Nadab and
Now when the Meadow's full of Gra
It's pleasant to be seen,
Makes me to mind our
David right,
Psal. 23.
With all his Pastures Green.LXXIII.
When I do hear the Black-bird sing,
In the Month of
Makes me to mind the pleasant Song
That Saints do sing alway.
Into us happily the Lines,
In pleasant places fell,
Because our Gospel firmly stands,
Psal. 16.
Against the Gates of Hell.LXXV.
When I do see Professors fair,
With every Wind to shake,
Makes me to mind that
Demas guilt,
Tim. 4.
That did the Truth forsake.LXXVI.
When I the Tiles on Houses see,
With all their crooked forms,
Makes me to mind how
Luther bold,
Went to the City
When I do hear the Oxen Low,
And Bleating of the Sheep,
Makes me to mind such Sacrifice,
Sam. 15.
Saul of
Agag kept.LXXVIII.
When I do hear them Curse and Sw
Such Oaths would tear thy Sky,
Makes me to think our God's most
Rev. 24.
Does not in Hell them tye.LXXIX.
When I the Sun on Dial see,
It does my fancy raise,
How it went backward Ten Degrees,
King. 20.
On the Dial of
When I am tempted from Day to Day,
With Enemies Merciless,
Makes me to mind my Saviour dear,
Luke 4.
How in the Wilderness.LXXXI.
When I do drink the water clear,
That's in the River
Makes me to mind that River still,
Rev. 22.
That does the Saints so feed.LXXXII.
When I behold the Chickens young,
And Hen their kindly Mother,
How carefully her Wings she spreads,
Them from all harm to cover;
Makes me to mind that Offer great,
Matth. 23.
Which Christ did give our Mother.LXXXIII.
When I do see the Swallow swift,
So quick in Motion fly,
Makes me to mind my time so quick,
Posts to Eternity.
O who art thou great
Pharaoh's Host,
Will not obey our King?
Before to Morrow-day be light,
Exod. 15.
Thou'lt find another thing.LXXXV.
When I the Hony-suckle see,
With all her Paps so fine,
How she does feed the industrious Bee,
Which makes her Honey mine.
When I behold the glorious Stars,
From Heaven downward fell,
Makes me to mind proud
Like lightning's dropt to Hell.
When we the Poor hear at the Door,
That cannot help themsel,
Let us draw out our Bowels to such,
Luke 16.
Lest we get
Dives Hell.LXXXVIII.
When I do mind the Loaves and Fisher few
That fed so many Men,
Makes me to love my Maker dear,
Mat. 14,
That does take care of them.LXXXIX.
When I do see the glorious Sun,
So Red do set at Even,
Makes me to mind those Chariots Red,
That carries Martyrs to Heaven.
When I do see the Lilies fair,
That in the Vallies grow,
How pleasant all their Garments are,
Math. 6.
Of neither Flax nor Tow.XCI.
When I the Saints Graves do see,
And Bones about them lye,
Makes me to mind
Ezekiel's Days,
Ezek. 37.
When more of them was dry.XCII.
When I do see the Salmons breed,
And their innumerable fry,
Makes me to praise my Maker good,
With his governing Eye.
When I do see the Wind-Mill clear,
And all her Sails so wide,
Makes me to mind that Grinder strong,
Judg. 16.
sWhich bruised the
Philistines Head.XCIV.
When I do see the Dew so thick,
That on the Oxen lye,
Makes me admire that
Babylonish King,
Dan. 4.
That once did ring so high.XCV.
When I do see the Peewits gay,
With their Top, and white Breasts,
Makes me to mind that rousing day,
King. 10.
Jehu with
Baa's Priests.XCVI.
When I behold the Woods so Green,
So purely spread and smell,
Makes me to mind
[...]hovah's praise,
That made them all himsel.
When I the Butter-fly do see,
With her brave painted Wings,
Makes me to mind my Maker great,
That did create all things.
When I the Robin-Red-breast see,
That pretty Bird of fame,
Makes me to mind the Sons of Men,
Jam. 3.
Whose Tongues can never tame.XCIX.
When I the Honey-comb do see,
So Curiously wrought,
Makes me to mind my Maker's praise,
Who hath all Creatures taught.
When I do see the Wheels so quick,
And all its Spokes to turn,
Makes me to mind that Fortune sly,
Prov. 23.
Whose Wings are on the Wind.Cent. III.
WHEN I do see the Stars so clear
That were the Wisemens guiding
Makes me to mind the glorious Night
Matth. 2.
Brought Heaven & Earth glad-tyding
When I do see the glorious Stars,
In Number so excell,
Makes me to show my Maker's praise,
Psal. 47.
That all of them do tell.III.
When I do see the Bread so broke,
Communicants before,
Makes me to mind Christ's Body brok
Cor. 11.
Our Sins upon him bore.IV.
When I do see the pleasant Dew,
So thick on Grass to fall,
Makes me to mind that Promise sweet,
Hos. 14.
As due to
When I behold the Serpent right,
That Enemy of Man,
Makes me to mind that Prophesie,
Gen. 49.
That's spoken of to
When I consider
Sheba's Queen,
Solomon did behold,
With her most Noble Gifts to him,
King. 10.
That was of beaten Gold.VII.
When I do see the Weeds so thick,
Amongst the Corn that grow,
Makes me to mind that wicked Crew,
Mat. 13.
Amongst God's Plants that flow.VIII.
When I do see the Birds on Earth,
So plenteously to breed,
Makes me to mind my Maker good,
Mat. 6.
Them every one does feed.IX
When I do see the Oxen strong,
So calm in Yoke does draw,
Shall I not love the Yoke of Christ,
That keepeth me in aw.
When I do see the Embroiderers Gold,
And all his works so clear,
Makes me to mind the glorious Robes,
Psal. 45.
Kings Daughters are to wear.XI.
When I the Doves among the Rocks,
So carefully do spy,
Ought not the Doves of Christ much more,
Cantic. 2.
Fly to their Rock most High.XII.
When I do drink the Water clear,
That comes from
Trinity Well,
Makes me to mind those Persons Three,
John 5.
That all in One do dwell.XIII.
When I am by the Bee so stung,
That all my Face do swell,
Makes me to hate these Roaring Devil
Pet. 5.8.
Would sting us all to Hell.XIV.
When I do see the Hornets thick,
That does our Beasts so sting,
Makes me to mind their Plague so sore
Josh. 24.
Who drove the
Amcrites King.XV.
When I the Leviathan see,
That in the Water plays,
Makes me to magnifie my God,
Psal. 104.
That made her for his praise.XVI.
When I the
Behemoth do see,
Which does all Beasts excell,
Makes me to praise
fehovah High,
Job 4.
Which did Create them all.XVII.
When I do see the Sky so clear,
And Sun so bright excell,
Makes me to mind those glorious Heave
Where Saints so many dwell.
When I do hear the Black-bird sing,
Warbling her pleasant chants,
Makes me to long to see that Day,
I'll sing in Heaven with Saints.
When I do see the quaking Asp,
Continually to shake,
Makes me to mind those Conscience guile
Gen. 4.
Cain and
Judas quake.XX.
When I do see the loving Mother,
Preserve her Child from harms,
Makes me to mind my Savior dear,
Mark 10.
Who biess'd them in his Arms.XXI.
When I do hear the Winds so loud,
With its Rebounding sound,
Makes me to mind those Treasures great,
Prov. 30.
God in his Hand hath bound.XXII
When I do see the Fox-tree Leaves,
And all her beauteous Bells,
Makes me to mind the glorious Robes,
Exod. 28.
Aaron wore with Bells.XXIII.
O let us thankful be to God,
For good things we possess,
Lest turns the Scale of Providence,
Deut. 28.
And Enemies us Oppress.XXIV.
When I do see the Fire burn,
And all its smoke expell,
Makes me to thank my glorious Lord,
Delivers Saints from Hell.
A Wood-Picker.
When I that pleasant Bird do see,With Colours deck'd so fine,
Makes me to mind the Rainbow right,
Gen. 9.
To us that is a Sign.XXVI.
When I the Truth see sore opprest,
And Providences dark,
Makes me to mind that
Sam. 4.
Philistines took the ArkXXVII.
When I do see the Wicked Men,
That sins with such desire,
Makes me to mind the Swine so Vile
Pet. 2.
That wallows in the Mire.XXVIII.
When I the Rocks and Mountains se
Upon the Earth so tall,
Makes me to mind the wickeds wi
Rev. 6.
Upon them all to fall.XXIX.
When I the Trading Chap-men see,
That Travels thro' each Land,
Makes me to mind how that of Old,
Chr. 9.
They brought Gold to
When I do see our Bodies fine,
Yet come to Death we must,
Makes me to mind both first and la
Gen. 3.
They are but very Dust.XXXI.
When I do see them throw the ston
And hit the Mark so even,
Makes me to mind these wicked Cr
Acts 7.
That stoned our Glorious
When I do hear the Trumpet clear,
My fancy does effect,
Makes me to mind how Angels sou
Macth. 24.
When gathers the Elect.XXXIII.
When I do see the Bread so white,
Our Food that is so clean,
Makes me to mind the Baker right,
Gen. 40.
And Butler with their Dream.XXXIV.
When I the Cock at Morn do hear,
That Crows so pleasantly,
Makes me to mind that Apostle great,
Matth. 26.
That did his Lord deny.XXXV.
When I do see the Sabbath broke,
And people play such tricks,
Makes me to mind the punishment,
Num. 15.
Of him that gather'd sticks.XXXVI.
When we are drunk to morrow next,
I think we're worse than Beast,
That drinks no more of water clear,
Psal. 104.
Than fully quench its thirst.XXXVII.
When I do see the Rocks so high,
And Goats that on them climb,
Makes me to mind that Scape-goat high,
Levit. 16.
That takes away my Sin.XXXVIII.
When I do see the Sun beams shine,
So brightly through the Clouds,
Makes me to mind that glorious Day,
Matth. 24.
When Christ comes thro' as Judge.XXXIX.
When I do see the water clear,
And Fish so pleasant play,
Makes me to mind that Ocean deep,
John 1.
That wash my Sins away.XL.
When I the Catter-pillars see,
So thick on Trees to cling,
Makes me to mind that Plague of them,
Psal. 105.
That fell on
Egypt's King.XLI.
When I do see the Stump of Trees,
So pleasantly to spring,
Makes me to mind
Nebuchadnezzar high,
Dan. 4.
Babylonish King.XLII.
When I do see the Ocean great,
That still does ebb and flow,
Makes me to mind that mystery great,
That no Man living know,
When I do see the
That porsonous, nasty fly,
Makes me to hate great
Eph. 6.
That casts his Darts so sly.XLIV.
When I do see the Sea so rough,
And all her Waves hears Roars,
Makes me to love my Maker kind,
Job 38.
That keeps her in at Doors.XLV.
When I do see the Stones so thick,
That on the way do lye,
Makes me to mind that stone so great,
Matth. 21.
Makes Men to Powder fly.XLVI.
When I do see the Nonsuch Flower,
For all it is so fine,
Yet I do love the Lilly more,
Ps. 127.3.
Because she's granted mine.XLVII.
When I the Saints Graves do mind,
That formerly I have seen,
Makes me to long that glorious Day,
We'll meet again in Heaven.
When I do see the Marygold,
The Clover, and Sun's-flower,
How carefully they open and shut,
According to its Hour:
An Emblem to Watch and Pray,
Matth. 24.
That knows not our Son's Hour.XLIX.
When I the Cockhead Red do see,
That grows amongst the Corn,
Makes me to mind that dreadful Night,
Exod. 12.
Egypt her first-born.L.
When I do see the Blood so Red,
That cometh from the Lamb,
Makes me to mind that Glorious Night,
Exod. 12.
Israel's Paschal Lamb.LI.
When I do see the Oak so great,
That's found in the Moss Band,
Makes me to mind that
Noah's Flood,
That caus'd 'em there be fande.
When I do see them cleave the Wood,
They in the Fire burn,
Makes me to mind that Offering,
Gen. 22.
Abraham with his Son.LIII.
When I do see the Ship so swift,
And all her Sails so clean,
How she the water quick does shed,
To her desired Haven:
Makes me to mind those Holy Saints,
Phil. 3.
In Motion quick for Heaven.LIV.
When I do see the Feet of Men,
Upon the Ashes go,
Makes me to mind how Feet of Saints,
Malach. 3.
Shall tread the wicked low.LV.
Though all the World go after Sin,
Daniel saw full well,
Who rather than offend his God,
Dan. 6.
Chose Lions Den to dwell.LVI.
When I am hungry and so faint,
And cannot help my sel,
Yet I'll believe in God my King,
In whom all fulness dwell.
When I behold the Milk white Swan
Of all the Fowls the Queen,
Makes me to mind those pure Whi
[...] Robe
Rev. 7.
That Saints do wear in Heaven.LVIII.
When I go thro' the Thorns so thick
That does my Clothes so tear,
Makes me to mind that Crown of them
John 19.
My Saviour did wear.LIX.
When I do see those Garments fine,
Our Gallantries do wear,
Makes me to mind that Garment gay
Joshua 7.
Achan's Life so dear.LX.
When I am wet with Rain so thick,
I am in sorry Mood,
Makes me to mind that Rain so great
Gen. 7.
That did begin the Flood.LXI.
When I do see the Snail so slide,
And House upon her Back,
Makes me to mind that Emblem fair,
Tim. 5.
What care we ought to take.LXII.
When I do see the Husband-man,
The Land to Plow and Sow,
Makes me to mind that Seed of Grace,
Which God in Hearts do Sow.
When I do see the Chrystal clear,
That's beautiful and clean,
Makes me to mind the Sea of Glass,
Rev. 4.
That's spoken of in Heaven.LXIV.
When I do Wade the Water deep,
And feel it is so Cold,
Makes me to mind that Ocean deep,
Exod. 14.
Pharaoh found of Old.LXV.
When I do hear the Thunder loud,
Sees Fire like a Flame,
Makes me to mind that Storm so great,
Gen. 19.
Sodom overcame.LXVI.
When I do see the Spider's Web,
How she does catch the Flies,
Makes me to mind those Sectaries fly,
Isa. 59.
Would catch us as they please.LXVII.
When I the Bees on Flowers do see,
So careful for their Hive,
Should we not careful Christians be,
That would for ever thrive.
When I do mind that
Haman great,
On Gallows high to swing,
Makes me admire that Providence,
Esther 7.
Of my Eternal King.LXIX.
When I do see the Flocks so thick,
That Shepherds bring to Fold,
Makes me to mind that Shepherd fine,
Sam. 17.
David was of Old.LXX.
When I do hear the wicked mock,
Those that God so fears,
Makes me to mind
Elisha's Curse,
King. 2.
Performed by the Bears.LXXI.
When I consider
Zion's case,
Tho' she be brought so low,
Yet I will mind those Mercies Bowels,
Isa. 51.
To her do overflow.LXXII.
When I do see the Widows poor,
That feareth God most high,
Makes me to mind their promise sure,
Isa. 54.
That's spoken in
When I the Chaff before the Wind,
So quickly sees give way,
Makes me to mind the Wicked Race,
Psal. 1.
So quickly flees away.LXXIV.
When I do see the Asses small,
Those Creatures that's so strong,
Makes me to mind those Judges great,
Judg. 5.
White Asses rode upon.LXXV.
When I a pleasant Horse do see,
That pretty Creature tall,
Makes me to mind King
King. 4.
Had Forty thousand stall.LXXVI.
When I do mind that
Elim fine,
With her Wells and Palm-trees,
How to the weary
Exod. 15.
She gave refreshing ease.LXXVII.
When I do see the Dagger clear,
So dangerous a thing,
Makes me to mind it shath'd so deep,
Judg. 3.
In Belly of
Moab's King.LXXVIII.
When we are dipt in straits so deep,
Can no Evasion see,
Then let us mind his strength for help,
God All-Sufficient.
That's called
When I think on the Palm-tree fine,
So Beautiful and Green,
Makes me to mind the Righteous ones,
Psal. 92.
So flourishing to Heaven.LXXX.
When I do find the Rain so thick,
Sees Waters great to grow,
Makes me to mind that
Noah's Flood,
Gen. 7.
The Earth did overflow:LXXXI.
When I do walk the Road along,
And not a Penny of Money,
A small refreshment unto me,
Sam. 14.
Is like to
Jonathan's Honey.LXXXII.
When I do see the Birds so catch'd
And taken in a Gin,
Makes me to mind that Emblem right,
Eccles. 9.
When we are snar'd in Sin.LXXXIII.
When I do see the Godly rare,
That's in Affliction soure,
Yet I will mind those Angels kind,
Psal. 34.
That Guards them every Hour.LXXXIV.
When I do see the Worldly-proud,
In Sins Career go on,
Makes me to mind our general calls,
Pet. 2.
To them a stumbling stone.LXXXV.
When I do see the Adder deaf,
That closely stops her Ear,
Makes me to mind the wicked Crew,
Psal. 58.
No Gospel-Charms will hear.LXXXVI.
When I consider
David King,
Whose House such Troubles fand,
Yet I will mind his Covenant,
Sam. 25.
That shall for ever stand.LXXXVII.
When I the Flocks on Mountains see,
And Shepherds them to turn,
Makes me to mind that
Moses fine,
Exod. 3.
When he the Bush saw burn.LXXXVIII.
When I do see the Doves so White,
Those pretty pleasant things,
Makes me to mind our
David fine,
Psicl. 55.
That wish'd he had such Wings.LXXXIX.
That Sons of God are now begun,
From Scripture proof is clear,
And God himself at the last Day,
John 3.
Shall make it full appear.XC.
When I do see the Righteous,
With trouble from wicked meet,
Yet I will mind that Day to come,
Psal. 58.
His Blood shall wash his Feet.XCI.
God an Eternal Refuge is,
To those that are his own,
And the Everlasting Arms underneath,
Deut. 33.
Shall fully to them be shown,XCII.
When I those pleasant Blooms do see,
Upon our Pease that's Green,
Makes me to mind the Garments fine,
Rev. 18.
Babylon sat as Queen.XCIII.
When I do see the Bees so thick,
About the Hive that's flying,
Makes me to mind that swarm of them,
Judg. 14.
In Carcass of a Lion.XCIV.
When I do drink the Water fine,
Moffat-Well that fa,
Makes me to mind that Pool for Health,
John 5.
That was at
When I behold the Turky-flower,
So largely spread it sel,
Makes me to mind his Dominions great,
Where once the Saints did dwell.
When I do see the
Spaniard proud,
For all his Silver Mines,
Yet I my Climate would not change,
In which the Gospel shines.
When I do see the Flower-de-luce,
And its Blew stinking Flower,
Makes me to mind Saints Blood its shed
Rev. 6
Cries Vengeance every Hour.XCVIII.
When I do see the Trees so thick,
As I do walk the Road,
Makes me to mind those foolish Men,
Isa. 44.
That makes of them a God.XCIX.
When I do see Idolaters,
Which on False Gods do call,
For which I mind that spoiling great,
Judg. 2.
God sent on
When I the Government do mind,
By which our Church now stands,
Wish God the like may planted be,
Thro' all Earth's utmost Lands.
Scotland my First Breath I drew,
My Lines so pleasant fell,
Psal. 16.
By those in
Africa that be,And
Asia that dwell.
Reader, I wish you as much Joy in Reading these Verses, as I had in Making them on a Seven Hundred Miles Journey on Foot.