A Manual of prayers and litainies [sic], distributed according to the dayes of the
week; with other excellent devotions, fitted for all persons and occasions.
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YOu have here the Manual fitted for your Devout Exercise, in a more portable Volum, and better answering
to its Name, than some former Impressions had render'd it; yet not only entire in
all its pious Contents, but also enlarged with divers excellent Pieces of Devotion,
& purged from many, both gross Errata's in the Print, and improprieties in the Translations.
Nor is this the only benefit; For here you shall find the Hymns rendred according to the corrected Latine of P. Ʋrban 8. (now generally used in the Church) and those too in far more exact and Musical
Numbers, than the former. And if some few of the less affectuous and more seldom used
have been omitted, it was to make room for a greater advantage to the rest; by continuing
on at full length their following Antiphons and Prayers, and delivering them from most of those puzzling References and Etceterat's, which discouraged too many from reciting them, and could not but interrupt and
distract all that had them not by heart.
But the main and justest glory of this last Edition, is a large and exquisit Body of Litanies, so strong, and yet so sweet; so affectuous, and yet so instructive; so rigorously
ordered and expressed, yet so soft and naturally flowing, in fine, so intirely comprehensive,
and yet so moderately proportioned, that it is impossible they can be attended to,
without rendering their Readers wisely devout; nor practised, without engaging attention;
nor once read, without inveigling into a continual practise.
Besides this Book will afford you an exact Calender, with those Holy-days only in Rubrick, which are to be observed by the last Institution, and the rest filled up with such
select Names out of the Churches vast Army, as are generally known among us, now
to be most remarkable for particular exemplariness; such as are aptest upon the very
hearing, to hint movingly to us the most useful and imitable vertues. And for all
this no more is exacted of you, than that you make often and good use of it, for your
Souls health, and sometimes remember those in your Prayers, who have contributed their
Pains to so good a work.
Janua [...] [...]th [...]xx [...] [...]y [...]
S. Adlar Abbot.
S. Mellorus martyr.
S. Croniake Monk.
S. Edward, King and Confesso [...]▪
S. Ced. Bishop of London.
S. William Bishop of York.
S. Adrian Abbot.
S. Setherd Virgin.
S. Higinius Pope and martyr.
S. Benedict Abbot of Wire.
S. Kentigerne Abbot.
S. Hilary Bishop.
S. Paul first Ermite, and S. Maurus.
S. Marcelius Pope and martyr.
S. Anthony Abbot.
Chair of S. Peter at Rome.
S. Welstan Bishop of Worcester.
S. Fabian and Sabastian.
S. Agnes Virgin and martyr.
S. Vincent and Anastasius M. M.
S. Emerentiana Virgin and martyr.
S. Timoth Bishop.
S. Conversion of S. Paul the Apostle.
S. Policarp Bishop and martyr.
S. John Chrysostom Bishop and Conf.
S. Agnes Apparition.
S. Gildas Abbot.
S. Martina Virgin and martyr.
S. Adaman Priest.
This month was Circomcised our LORD
As the Church hath asserted;
By the wise Kings he was addor'd,
And St. Paul was converted.
%%%%%%%y hath xxviii days
S. Ignatius B. and M.
S. Blase Bishop and M.
S. Gilbert Confessor.
S. Agatha Virg. M.
S. Dorothy Virg. M.
S. Richard King, and S. Romwald Ab.
S. Edelf [...]ede Abbess.
S. Apollonia Virg. M.
S. William Duke of Aquitain and
S. [...]. Scholastica Virgin. S. Cadmon Con.
S. Edilrald Bishop.
S. Erme [...]ild Queen of Mercia.
S. Vale [...]ine Priest and M.
S. Faustin and Jovita, M. M.
S. Tancone Bishop.
S. Finan Bishop.
S. Simeon Bishop and M.
S. Acca Bishop.
S. Mildred Virgin.
S. Cimbret Virgin.
Chair of S. Peter at Antioch.
S. Milburge Virgin.
S. Furleus Abbot.
S. John Bishop.
S. Sexulph Bishop.
S. Oswald Bishop of York.
In Leap-year, February hath 29. dayes in other years it hath but 28.
Our Lady, who from stain was free
In this month's purified,
Only to teach humility,
And St. Matthias died.
S. David Bishop.
S. Chad Bishop.
S. Wenlock Abbot.
S. Casimirus Conf. and S. Lucius P. and M.
S. Piran B.
S. Fridolin Abbot.
S. Thomas of Aquin Conf. and Dr. and
S. Perpetua and Felicitas, M. S. Felix B.
S. Francisca Romana Widow, and
Fourty holy martyrs. S. Himellin Conf.
S. Oswin King and martyr.
S. Gregory P. and Doctor.
S. Vigan Monk.
S. Ceonulph King.
S. Aristobulus Bishop.
S. Alrede Abbot.
S. Patrick Bishop and Confessor.
S. Edward King and martyr.
S. Joachim Confessor.
S. Benedict the Great, Abbot, Founder of the
the holy Order of Benedictions▪
S. Egbert King.
S. Lanfrank B. of Cant.
S. William of Norwich M.
S. Archibald Abbot.
S. Fremund King and martyr
S. Baldred Confessor.
S. Patrone Bishop.
Transl. of S. Adelme B.
We celebrat St. Joseph's Feast,
And the blist Annunciation
Of our dear Lady, let's then at least
Still beg their intersession.
April hath xxx. days
Conversion of S. Mary Magdalen▪
S. Francis of Paula Conf.
S. Richard Bishop of Chichester▪
S. Guire Priest.
S. Vincent Confessor.
S. Ethelwold King.
S. Sigene Abbot▪
S. Duvianus Confessor.
S. Erichstan Bishop.
S. Eschillus Bishop and martyr▪
S. Leo Pope and Confessor▪
S. Hugh Bishop of Roan.
S. Hermenegildus martyr.
S. Tiburtius, Valerian, &c. M. M▪
Transl. of S. Oswald Bishop.
Transl. of S. Alban.
S. Anicetus Pope and martyr.
S. Oswin Monk.
S. Elphege Bishop of Canterbury▪
S. Ceadwal King.
S. Ans [...]lm Bishop of Canterbury.
S. Soter and Cajus Popes, and M. M.
S. George martyr.
S. Melitus Bishop.
S. Cletus and Marcelinus P. P. and M.
S. Walburge Virgin.
St. Vitalis martyr.
St Peter, martyr.
S. Katherine of Sienna, Virgin.
St. Magdalens conversion we
In this Commemorat,
And good St. Mark this month did die,
Let us them imitat.
S. Athanasius Bishop and Confessor.
S. Monica Widow.
S. Algive Queen.
S. Iohn [...]or [...]. I [...]tin
S. Stanislaus B. M. and S. Iohn Baverley.
Apparition of S. Michael.
S. Gregory Nazianzen B. and Conf.
S. Gordian and Epimacus M. M.
S. Fremund King and martyr.
S. Nereus, A [...]h [...]lleus, &c.
S. Merwine Virgin.
S. Boniface martyr.
S. D [...]mph [...] Virgin martyr.
S. Ubaldus Bishop and Confessor.
Transl. 11000 Virgins.
S. Sewal Bishop▪
S. Puden [...]iana Virgin and S. Dunstan B.
S. Ethelbert King and martyr.
S. Godrick Ermite.
S. Julia▪ Virgin.
S. William of Rochester,
S. Joan Widow.
S. Urban P. and M. and S. Ph. Nereus.
S. Austin B. of Cant. Apostle of England.
S. Bede Priest, and S. John P. and M.
S. Jonas Abbot▪
S. Bur [...]en Virgin.
S. Felix P. and martyrs.
S. Petronilla Virgin.
St. Philip and Jacob lives do loss,
And gain immortal Crowns.
And the Invention of the Cross
The month of May renounes.
[...] xxx. days
S. Pamphilus P. and martyr▪
S. Marcellinus, P. and Erasmus M. M.
S. Eleutherius Ermite.
S. Petrock Bishop of Cornwal.
S. Boniface Bishop and martyr.
S. Norbert Bishop and Confessor.
S. Robert Abbot.
S. William Bishop of York.
S. Primus and Felicianus M.
S. Basilides, Cyrinus, &c, M.
S. Anthony of Padua Confessor.
S. Bazil the Great, Bishop and Confessor▪
S. Vitus, Modestus, &c. M.
S. Richard of Chichester.
S. Botolph Abbot.
S. Marcus and Marcellian M.
S. Gervasius and Protasius M.
S. Edward King and martyr, and
S. Silvetius P. and M. S. Egelmond M.
S. Alban Protomartyr, and S. Paulinus▪
Bishop and Confessor.
S. Amphibalus martyr.
S. John and Paul M. M.
S. Levine Bishop and martyr.
S. Leo Pope and Confessor.
Commemoration of S. [...]aul.
St. John who did our Lord Baptize,
And Barnaby here is seen.
St. Peter and Paul we solemnize
With Margaret our Scots Queen.
S. Romwald Bishop of Dublin.
Visitation of our B. Virgin, and S. Processus and
Martinian, M. M.
S. Elizabeth Widow, Q. of Portugal.
S. Mudwene Abbess.
S. Sexburge Queen.
Transl. of S. Thomas of Cant.
S. Gri [...]bald Abbot.
S. Edi [...]urge Queen.
Seven Brethren martyrs, and S. Rufina▪
S. Pi [...]s Pope and martyr.
S. Nabor and Felix martyrs.
S. Anacl [...]e Pope and martyr.
S. Bonaventure Bishop and Doctor.
S. Swithen B. of Winchester.
S. Osmund B. of Sarum.
S. Kenelm King and M. and S. Alexiu [...]▪
S. Symphorosa, &c, martyrs.
S. Diman Monk.
S. Margaret Virgin and martyr.
S. Praxedes Virgin.
S. Apollinaris B. and M.
S. Christine V. M.
S. Pantaleon M. and Joseph of Arim.
S. Nazarius, Celsus, &c. P. and M.
S. Martha Virgin, and S. Felix P.
S. Abdon and Sennem M. M.
S. Ignatius, F. of the S. of Iesus.
St. James the great of John the Brother▪
Our Lady's visitation.
St. Ann▪ also her glorious Mother,
And Ignatius, keep their station.
August hath xxxi. days
S. Peter ad vincula.
S. Stephen Pope and martyr.
Invent. S. Stephen Proto-martyr.
S. Dominick Confessor, Founder, &c.
Our Blessed Lady and Nives.
Transfiguration of our Lord.
S. Donatus Bishop and martyr.
S. Cyriac, Largus, &c. M. M.
S. Hugh Bishop of Ely.
S. Gilbert Bishop of Chichester.
S. Clare Virgin.
S. Hypolitus and Cassianus M. M.
S. Eusebius Confessor.
S. Thomas Monkand M.
S. Thomas of Hartford.
S. Helen Empress▪
S. Clintank King and martyr.
S. Bernard Abbot.
S. Richard of S. Andrews.
S. Timothy and his fellows M. M.
S. Justinian Monk and martyr.
S. Lewis King of France Confessor.
S. Zephitine Pope and martyr.
S. Decum an Eremite.
S. Austin Bishop and Doctor
Declaration of St. John Baptist.
S. Felix and Adauctus, martyrs.
S. Adrin Bishop and Confessor.
St. Laurence rosted is alive,
St. Bartholomeus is slain here,
We to Honour the Assumption strive▪
Christ glorious doth appear.
[...] hath xxx. days
S. Giles Abbot.
S. Adamau Abbot.
S. Foillan Bishop and martyr.
Transl. of S. Guthbert B.
S. Aitho Abbot.
S. Bega Virgin, and S. Margaret Abbo [...]▪
Transl. of S. Dunstan B.
S. Gorgonius martyr.
S. Nicholas of Tolent Confessor.
S. Protus and Hyacynthus M. M.
S. Eanswide Abbe [...]s.
S. Werenfride Priest.
Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
S. Nicomedes martyr.
S. Cornelius and Cyprian B. and M.
S. Stephen and Socrates M.
Transl. of S. Winock.
S. Januarius Bishop and martyr.
S. Eustachus martyr.
S. Maurice M. with his Fellows.
S. Tecla V. and M. and S. Linus P. M.
S. Winibald Abbot.
S. Ceoltride Abbot
S. Cyprian and Justina M. M.
S. Cosmas and Damian M. M.
S. Libba Abbess.
S. Jerome Pr. Confessor and Doctor.
Our Lady's born, St. Matthew dyes,
St. Michel's Dedication,
Let us implore there aid, with cryes,
And beg their Intercession.
S. Remigius, and B. Francis [...]orgia.
S. Thomas Bishop of Hereford.
S. Gerard Abhot.
S. Francis Confessor, Founder, &c.
S. Placidus and his Fellows, M. M.
S. Bruno Confessor, Founder, &c.
S. Mark P. and M. and S. Sergius M.
S. Briget Widow. S. Keyna, V.
S. Dennis, Rusticus, &c. M. M.
S. Paulin Bishop of York.
S. Edelburge Abbess.
S. Wilfrid Bishop of York.
Transl. of S. Edward King.
S. Caristus Pope and M.
S. Teresia Virgin.
S. Lullus B [...]shop of Mentz.
Translation of S. Audry.
S. Fridiswide Virgin.
S. Windelin Abbot.
S. Ʋrsu [...]a Virgin and M. and S. Hilatio [...]▪
ALL Sundays, New-years-day and Twelf-day, The Purification, Annunciation, Assumption,
and Nativity of our B. Lady; all the Twelve Apostles, St. Ioseph. The Invention of the Holy Cross, St. Iohn Baptist, St. Anne the Mother of our B. Lady, St. Laurence, St. Michael, All Saints, Christmas-day, St. Step [...]en, Holy Innocents; St. Sylvester, and one of the principal Patrons of a City, Province, or Kingdom.
EAster-day, with two dayes next following, Ascensionday, Whit-sunday, and two dayes
following; Corpus Christi day.
ALL the Lent except Sundayes; the Ember dayes, the Eves of Christ-mas and Whitsuntide,
the Eves of the Nativity, Purification, Annunciation (unless it fall in Easter week)
and Assumption of our B. Lady, of all Saints, of all the twelve Apostles, (except
S. Iohn Evangelist, and St. Philip and Iacob) of the Nativity of St. Iohn Baptist, and St Laurence. All Friday, except within the Twelve dayes of Christmas, and in Easter week; Ascension
The custome in some places is, not to Fast at all between Easter and Ascension. As long as the Bridegroom is with us, Matth 9. 15.
On all Sundays in Lent, on all Saturdays, on Monday and Tuesday before Ascension,
and on St. Marks day, (if it [...]all no in Easter week) we abstain from flesh.
These are the Feasts of Obligation, and the most usual Fasts; but because several
Countries have several customes, [Page] let every one follow the practise of the devout people, where he lives
Note that the Conception of the B. Virgin, the Conversion of St. Paul, St. Mary Magdalen, &c. have formerly been ordained to be kept holy in this Nation, but now people generally
follow the Bill of Urban the 8th.
ARe Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, next following the first Sunday in Lent, Whitsunday,
the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and St. Lucies day.
THe first Sunday of Advent, is always that which either falls on St. Andrews day, or the next to it, be it before or after; that is, that Sunday which either
falls on the 27 of November, or on any day after, till the third of December be past.
THe solemnizing of Marriage is forbidden from the first Sunday of Advent, till after
Twelf-day, and from the beginning of Lent, till Low-Sunday; all other times it may
be solemnized.
YOu must often call to mind and examine your self of all your actions, especially
after much business, speeches, &c.
Remember to [...]old your peace in such things, as appertain not to you, and often call to mind your
life past, and what our Saviour hath in every hour suffered for you.
So must you live, as though you had nothing, and yet possess all things, and remember
that Meat, Drink, and Cloath, are a Christians riches.
Yield your self wholly to God, and though you have nothing to requite him with, but
your self, yet he gives all that gives himself. The Apostles left their ship and
their [Page] Nets; the poor widow gave only her two Mites to the poor mans Box, and her oblation
was prefer'd before those of the richest persons. He easily dispenseth all things
that always thinks he must die.
In open Assemblies use no extravagant gestures, but in all things observe a grave
modesty and discretion.
You must in every thing desire and prefer that which may most redound to the greater
service, and glory of God. As to comfort the afflicted, to reconcile the dissentious,
to visit the imprisoned, and relieve the poor.
You must never go to Bed disquiet or troubled in mind, but every eight dayes confess
your sins, often make acts of Contrition, and daily use jaculatory Prayers, thereby
to prevent the deceits of the Devil.
The beginning of the Gospel according to St. John.
IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word. This
was in the beginning with God: all things were made by Him, and without Him was
made nothing which was made. In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of Men: and
the Light shined in Darkness, and the Darkness did not comprehend it. There was a
Man sent from God, whose name was Iohn. This man came for a Testimony, to give Testimony of the Light, that all might believe
through him. He was not the Light. It was the True Light which lightneth every man
that comes into this World. He was in the World, and World was made by Him, and the
World know Him not. He came into his own, & his own received him not. But as many
as received Him, He gave them power to be made the Sons of God, to those that believe
in His Name. Who, not of Blood, nor of the will of Flesh, nor of the will of Man,
but of God are born. And the Word was Flesh, and dwels in us (and we saw the glory of him, the glory as it were, of the only begotten of the Father)
full of Grace and Verity.
OUr Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name: Thy Kingdom come: Thy will be
done on Earth, as it is in Heaven: Give us this day our daily Bread: Forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us: And lead us not into temptation:
But deliver us from evil. Amen.
The Angelical Salutation.
HAill Mary, full of grace, our Lord is with thee: Blessed art thou among Women; and blessed is
the Fruit of thy Womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and in the hour of our death. Amen
The Apostles Creed.
I Believe in God, the Father Almighty▪ Creator of Heaven and Earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord; who [Page 2] was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was Crucified, Dead and Buried, descended into Hell; the third day he rose again
from the dead; ascended into Heaven, sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty;
from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy
Ghost, the Holy Catholick Church; the Communion of Saints; the Forgiveness of sins;
the Resurrection of the body; and life everlasting. Amen.
The Ten Commandments.
I Am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the Land of Egypt, and out of the House of Bondage.
I. Thou shalt not have strange Gods before me: Thou shalt not make to thy self a
Graven thing, or any similitude that is in Heaven above, or in the Earth below, or
of things that are in the Waters under the Earth: Thou shalt not adore nor worship
them. I am the Lord thy God, strong and jealous, visiting the sins of the Fathers
upon their Children, to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and
shewing mercy to thousands of those that love me, and keep my Commandements.
[Page]II. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain; for our Lord will not
hold him guiltles that taketh his Name in vain.
III. Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath day.
IV. Honour thy Father and Mother.
V. Thou shalt not Kill.
VI. Thou shalt not commit Adultrey.
VII. Thou shalt not steal.
VIII. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy Neighbour.
THou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, with thy whole soul, with all
thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy Neighbour as thy self.
Precepts of the Church.
TO keep certain appointed dayes holy, which obligation chiefly consists in hearing
Mass, and resting from all servile works.
[Page 5]II. To observe the commanded dayes of Fast and Abstinence.
III. To pay Tyths to your Pastors.
IV. To confess your sins to your Pastors at least once a year.
V. To receive the blessed Sacrament, and that at Easter, or there abouts.
VI. Not to marry at certain times, and within certain degrees of Kindred, nor privily
without witness.
FIrst, When thou awakest, arm thy self with the Sign of the Cross, and pray to God, that
he would so illuminate thee with the light of his Holy Spirit, that thou be not inticed
to consent to sin, and consequently seduced to death.
Secondly, When thou art apparreled, give not thy self to babling, or vain fantasies, but lift
up thy heart to God in silence, and prepa [...]e thy self to pray, as followeth.
Thirdly, After Prayer, purpose firmly and constantly in thy self, not to commit willingly
that day any thing whereby God or thy Neighbour may be offended.
Lastly, It is very necessary to call to mind thy affairs, and with quietness of spirit, sit
down with thy self: how to spend the day to come.
O God the Father, who saidst in the beginning, Let there be light, and it was made: Enlighten mine eyes, that I never sleep in sin, lest at any time
the deceits of the enemy, or my own corruptions prevail against me.
O God the Son, most beautiful and true light, shining in darkness, and illuminating
every one that comes into this World: D [...]ive away from me all clouds of ignorance, and give me understanding, that in thee,
and through thee, I may see and know the Father; whom to know, is to live; and to
serve, is to reign for ever.
O God the Holy Ghost, who enflamest the wills of those in whom thou vouchsafest to
dwell, with Heavenly affections, pour into my mind the gift of thy Holy Charity; that,
despising all vain and transitory things, I may with a continual desire, long for
the true and everlasting ioyes of thy Celestial Kingdom.
O Holy Trinity, one God, defend me this day from the deceits and temptations of the
Devil, keep me from all mortal sin, and still preserve me from sudden and unprovided
death. Raise up, O God, my Body from drowsie sleep, and my Soul from sin, to praise
and glorifie thy Holy Name; to whom belongs all benediction, and honor, and wisdom,
and thanksgiving, now and for ever. Amen.
At your Ʋp-rising.
IN the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified. I arise, bless me, O Lord, govern
me, keep me, and confirm me in all good works this day and ever; and after this short
and miserable Pilgrimage, bring me to everlasting happiness. Amen.
O Most sweet Saviour Jesus Christ, open thou my heart and lips to praise and glorifie
thy Holy Name, which above all names is blessed. Purifie my Soul from all Evil and
perverse Thoughts, that my Lips may continually bless thee, my Mind meditate on thee,
and my Life glorifie thee. And, because, through thine only goodness, I am created
to the praise and glory of thy Holy Name; Grant, I beseech thee, that in the sight
of thy divine Majesty, I [Page 12] may faithfully serve thee here, and eternally rejoyce with thee hereafter, who with
the Father, and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest, one God, World without end. Amen.
When you are forth of your Bed.
O Dear Jesu, the everlasting repose of thy elect, when will the hour come, that my
poor Soul may enter into those happy regions of Peace and Rest, prepared for us in
thy Celestial glory.
In putting on your Apparel.
O Sweet Jesu, that the shame of my sinful Soul may not be seen, cloath it with the
Robes of thy Justice, and cover it with the Ornaments of all manner of Grace and Vertues.
When you are Apparraled.
O Most amiable Jesu the true Spouse of my Soul, give me the wedding garment of divine
Love, and perpetual Charity. Amen.
In washing your Hands.
O My Lord God, who so lovedst us, as to wash our Souls in thy precious [Page 13] Blood; purifie, I beseech thee, my heart and my hands from all the spots and filth
of sin. Amen.
In washing your Mouth.
O Divine Wisdome, who proceedest out of the Mouth of thy Heavenly Father, I humbly
beseech thee with thy Grace to purge my Lips from all wicked and unprofitable words,
that my mouth may never open, but to thy praise, and the benefit of others. Amen.
In washing your Eyes.
O True and indeficient Light, who illuminatest every one that comes into this World,
enlighten the eyes of my Soul, that in all things I may perfectly see and perform
thy blessed will and pleasure. Amen.
The Blessing.
GOD the Father bless me, Jesus Christ defend and keep me; the Vertue of the Holy Ghost
illuminate and direct me, now, and for ever. Amen.
IN the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.
Blessed be the holy and undivided Trinity, now and for ever. Amen.
Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c.
I believe in God, &c.
ALmighty God! whose dwelling is in the highest Heavens, and yet vouchsafest to regard
the lowest Creature upon Earth, I humbly adore thy Sacred Majesty, & with all the
forces of my Soul, exalt and praise thy Holy Name, for the infinite blessings thou
hast so freely bestow'd on me; for electing me in thy Love, & creating me to thine
own Image; for redeeming me by thy Son, and sanctifying me with thy Holy Spirit; for
preserving me in all the chances▪ and encounters of this life, and raising up my thoughts
to the hope of a better; and particularly, for thy gracious [Page 15] protection from the dangers of this night, and bringing me safely to the beginning
of this day. Continue, O Lord, thy mercy to me, and as thou hast wakened my Body
from sleep, so raise my Soul from sin, that I may walk soberly and chastely, as in
the day, in all holy Obedience before thy face.
Deliver me O merciful God, from the evils of this day, and guide my feet in the wayes
of peace; strengthen my resolution to embrace with gladnes, the opportunities of
good, and carefully avoid all occasions of sin, especially those which I have found
by experience most endanger my Soul: And when, through frailty, I forget thee, do
thou in mercy remember me; that, as I often fall by the evil inclination of my nature,
I may alwayes rise againe by the good assistance of thy grace. Make me diligent in
the duties of my condition, and not too solicitous for the success of my affairs,
but in all the miscarriages and crosses of this World, absolutely submit to thy Divine
pleasure, and wholly relie on thy mercifull Providence: Let thy blessings be upon
my actions, and thy grace direct [Page 16] my intentions, that the whole course of my life, and the principall design of my
heart may alwayes tend to the advancement of thy glory, the good of others, and the
Eternal Salvation of my own Soul, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and only Saviour;
who with thee, and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, ever one God, World without
end. Amen.
Give me, O Lord, to do what thou commandest, and command what thou pleasest.
The blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, descend upon me, and dwell
in my Heart for ever. Amen.
A Devout Recommendation.
I Adore, and Glorifie thee, O blessed Trinity, God Omnipotent, Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost; I offer my self to thy Divine Majesty, humbly beseeching thee to take from
me, and from all thy Faithful, what ever displeaseth thee, and give us that which
is grateful in thy sight. G [...]ant that we may here do what thou commandest, and hereafter receive what thou promisest.
To thee, O Lord, I commend my Soul and Body, my Kinsfolks and Benefactors, my Friends
and Familiars; all my nearest and dearest Relations, and all those for whom I am any
wayes bound to offer up my Prayers. To thee I commend the Holy Catholick Church; to
thee this Kingdom, and our gracious Soveraign. Grant, O Lord, that all may know thee,
all may Honour, and reverence thee, all may love thee, and be loved by thee. Those
that err, reduce and bring again into the Way; destroy Heresies, convert all to the
true Faith, who as yet do not know thee. Grant us, O Lord, thy Grace, and conserve
us in thy Peace; may thy Holy will be done, and not ours: Comfort all those that
lead their lives in sorrow, misery, or temptations, and mercifully relieve their afflictions;
whether Spiritual or Corporal. Lastly I commend all universally to thy Holy protection,
that thou wouldst vouchsafe to the living, forgiveness of their Sins, and to the
Souls departed everlasting rest. Amen.
INto the hands of thy unspeakable Mercy, O Lord, I commend my Soul and [Page 18] Body, my senses, my words, my thoughts, and all my actions, with all the necessities
of my Body [...]nd Soul▪ my going forth, and coming in▪ my Faith and Conversation, the course a [...]d e [...]d of my life, the day and hour of my death, my rest, and Resurrection, with thy Saints
and Elect. Amen.
A Prayer, to persevere in goodness.
GRant, O my Lord Jesus Christ, that I may persevere in good purposes, and in thy holy
service to my death, and that I may now this present day perfectly begin; for all
I have hitherto done, is nothing Amen.
A Prayer to thy proper Angel.
O Angel of God, to whose holy care I am committed by the supernal piety, illuminate,
defend, and govern me this day in all my thoughts, words, and actions. Amen.
Bless us O Lord, and preserve us from all evil, and bring us to eternal life: And
may the Souls of the Faithful, through the Mercy of God, rest in Peace. Amen.
THe Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, [...]he vertue of his Sacred Passion; the sign of the Holy Cross; the intireness of the
humility of the blessed Virgin Mary; the protection of the Angels; and the suffrages of all the Saints and Elect of God,
be with me, and defend me now, and in the hour of my death, sweet Jesus. Amen.
What at Morning, Noon, and Evening, the sign of the Salutation is given, say,
THe Angel of God declared to Mary, and she conceived by the Holy Ghost, Hail Mary, &c. Behold the handmaid of our Lord; be it unto me according to thy Word, Hail Mary, &c. And the Word was made Flesh, and dwelt in us, Hail Mary, &c.
INfuse, we beseech thee, O Merciful Lord, thy Grace into our Hearts, that [Page 20] we to whom the Incarnation of Christ thy Son was imparted by an Angel, may by his
Cross and Passion, attain the glory of his Resurrection, through the same Christ our
Lord. Amen.
May the Souls of the Faithful, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
In going forth of thy House, say,
SHew me, O Lord, thy wayes, and teach me thy paths. Direct my steps according to thy
Word, that no injustice rule over me. Make perfect my goings in thy paths, that
my steps be not moved.
Grace before meat.
BLess us, O Lord, and these thy Gifts, which we are about to receive of thy bounty,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Resp. Amen.
WE give thee thanks, Almighty God, for all thy benefits, who lievest and reignest,
World without end.
Resp. Amen.
VOuchsafe, O Lord, to render to all our Benefactors, for thy Names sake, life everlasting.
Resp. Amen.
Vers. And may the Souls of the Faithful, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Resp. Amen.
A Prayer for Schollars before Study.
O Unspeakable Creator, the true Fountain of Light, and only Author of all Knowledge;
who, out of the Treasure of thy Wisdom, hast with admirable Harmony, distributed
the parts of the World. Vouchsafe, I beseech thee to enlighten my understanding with
the beames of thy [Page 22] brightness, and remove from me all darkness of sin and ignorance. Thou, who makest
eloquent the tongues of those that want utterance, instruct my tongue, and pour into
my Lips the grace of thy blessing. Give me a diligent and obedient Spirit, quickness
of apprehending, capacity of retaining, and the continual assistance of thy holy
Grace, to apply all to thy honour, and the everlasting salvation of my own Soul, through
Jesus Christ our Lord, ond only Saviour. Amen.
The Blessing.
THe Blessing of God the Father, the Grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, and the comfort
of the Holy Ghost be with us, and dwell in our hearts for ever. Amen.
Prayers to be said at Night, before going to Bed. ✚
IN the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Blessed be the Holy and undivided Trinity, now and for ever. Amen.
Then say,
Our Father, &c.
Hail Mary, &c.
I believe in God, &c.
O Eternal, Infinite, and Almighty God! Whose Glory the Heaven of Heavens is not able
to contain, look down on thy unworthy Servant, prostrate at the feet of thy Mercy,
and humbly confessing to thee, in the sight of all thy holy Angels a [...]d blessed Saints, the sinfulness and vanity of my life, but especially the transgressions
of this day, by which I have so lately offended thy Majesty, and so grievously wounded
my own Soul.
I confess to Almighty God, to the blessed Virgin Mary, to the blessed St. Michael the Arch-angel, to blessed St John Babtist, to the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, and to all the Saints, that I have grievously sinned in Thought, Word, and Deed,
through my fault, through my fault, through my exceeding great fault.
Here examine diligently and confess truly your sins, by thought, word, deed, or ommission;
then say,
Of these, and all other my sins, I most earnestly repent me, and am heartily sorry
for every thought, word, and deed, by which I have displeased the eyes of thy glory,
and provoked thy wrath and indignation against me; especially for my disobedience
to so holy a Law, and extream ingratitude to so benign and bountiful a God; Lord,
I acknowledge my self undeserving the least of thy mercies, and obnoxious to the
greatest of thy Judgments, but thou hast revealed thy self to be a God of pity and
compassion, forgiving the iniquities of such as truly repent, and absolving all those
that voluntarily condemn themselves: Wherefore, with a penitent [Page 25] and contrite heart, I freely confess the guiltines of my own Conscience, and humbly
offer these Prayers, &c. to thee for my Penance.
Recite some Prayers, or do some other pious Act for your Penance; then say,
But since my unworthiness, & many imperfections most justly discourage me from presuming
on my own performances, and the riches of thy mercy has provided for us a multitude
of more acceptable intercessors: Therefore, I beseech the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed St. Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. Iohn Babtist, the holy Apostles, St. Peter & St. Paul, & all the Saints in Heaven, to pray to God for me.
The great and glorious Lord of Heaven and Earth have mercy on me, forgive my sins,
and bring me to everlasting life. Amen.
May the Almighty hand of our merciful God give me pardon, absolution, and full remission
of all my sins. Amen.
And now, O most gracious and liberal Benefactor, with my whole strength, with all
the faculties of my soul and body I praise and magnifie thy Name, for thy [Page 26] great and innumerable benefits, proceeding purely from thy bounty, and intended
wholly for my good; particularly, for preserving me this day in the midst of so many
dangers incident to my condition, and delivering me from so many calamities and miseries
due to my sins.
Thou art my Creator (O my God) and kind Protector; thou art the ultimate end of my
being, and supreme perfection of my nature; under the shadow of thy wings is perpetual
repose, and from the light of thy countenance floweth eternal joys and felicity; To
thee be glory and honour; to thee adoration and obedience from all thy Creatures for
ever. Amen.
And since thou hast ordained us the day to labour, and the night to take our rest,
as I praise thee for the blessings of this day past, so I beseech the for thy proection
this night to come: Let the eye of thy providence watch over me, and thy holy Angels
pitch their Tents about me, that, being safely delivered from all dangers, & comfortably
refreshed with moderate sleep, I may the better be enabled to perform the employments
of my condition, and faithfully persevere in the duties of thy service; & so daily
advance to new Victories [Page 27] over my passions, and more perfect observance of thy Commandements; till having passed
my days in thy fear, I may end them in thy favour, and rejoyce with thee for ever
in thy heavenly Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour; who with
thee, and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth ever one God, world without end. Amen.
Here say the Prayer, I adore and glorifie thee, &c. as in page 16.
THE HYMN. Te lucis ante terminum.
BEfore the closing of the day,
Creator, we thee humbly pray,
That for thy wonted mercies sake,
Thou us into protection take.
May nothing in our minds excite
Vain dreams and fantoms of the night:
Our enemy repress, that so
Our bodies no uncleanness know.
To Jesus from a Virgin sprung,
Be glory given, and praises sung:
The like to God the Father be,
And Holy Ghost eternally. Amen.
[Page 28]1. SAve us, O Lord, waking, and keep us sleeping, that we may watch with Christ, and
rest in peace. Amen.
Preserve us as the apple of thine eye, & protect us under the shadow of thy wings.
Vouchsafe (O Lord) to keep us this night without sin.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.
Thy mercy be upon us, O Lord, as we have put our trust in thee.
O Lord hear our Prayers.
And let our supplications come to thee.
The Prayer.
VIsit, we beseech thee, O Lord, this Habitation, and repel far from it all snares
of the enemy; let thy holy Angels dwell therein to preserve us in peace, and thy blessing
be upon us for ever, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
A Prayer to thy holy Angel.
O Angel of God, to whose holy care I am committed by the supernal piety, illuminate,
governe and defend me this night from all sin and danger.
GOD the Father sustain and protect us, Jesus Christ illuminate and govern us, the
Holy Ghost sanctifie and perfect us to life everlasting. Amen.
Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit, Lord Jesu receive my soul.
An Act of Contrition.
O Dreadful Lord, and most indulgent Father; I wretched Worm have sinned against Heaven,
& before thee, & am no more worthy to be called thy servant, much less to be accounted
thy child, having paid so great bounty with contempt, and so many benefits with ingratitude.
Where shall I find punishment enough to be avenged on my sins, and tears enough to
w [...]sh away mine iniquities? Alas, I grieve not at any p [...]ins I can suffer for my rebellion; this only pierces my very heart, to have unkindly
offended a God, who ought to be loved and honoured above all things. What shall I
say (dear Lord) to detest the crimes I have committed? What shall I do to prevent
my future relapses? Father, from henceforth, the face of Sin shall be more hideous
to me than Hell, [Page 30] and the least temptation to it, more frightful than death. Forgive (Almighty Love)
forgive, and have not the sins of my life past in remembrance? Why should the Mighty
Lord be incensed against so poor, so contemptible an object? Behold me (O my God)
in the tender bowels of thine infinite mercy; for thou art our Father, and we are
thy Children; thou art our Maker, and we are all as Clay in thy hands. Thou canst
with those waters drawn from the Fountains of our Saviour, cleanse our pollutions;
and with the mixture of one drop of his blood, mould us again into Vessels of honour.
Of thee only (O merciful Father) I beg and hope for pardon, upon thee only I call
and depend for assistance, that I may hereafter constantly serve thee with a true
and faithful obedience, and inseparably adhere to thee with a pure and perfect love
for ever, Amen.
Entring thy Bed, say,
IN the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified, I lay me down to rest; bless me, O
Lord, defend and govern me, and after this short and miserable pilgrimage, bring
me to everlasting happiness. Amen.
O Jesus Christ, whose unwearied Eye neither slumbereth nor sleepeth, but continually
watcheth in defence of thy Servants, receive me, I beseech thee, into thy protection,
and grant, that when my body is a sleep, my Soul m [...]y wake to thee; and hereafter behold that blessed, and heavenly Life, where thou
with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, art eternal Governour, and where the Angels with
the blessed Souls are Citizens for ever. Amen.
An Advertisement when thou can'st not sleep.
When thou art in Bed, and can'st not sleep, exercise thy self in some spiritual Meditation,
as in saying thy Beads, or some other Prayers.
A vertuous and religious man, to drive away evil Fantasies, when we cannot sleep,
would have us imagin, we laid our mouth upon the very wound in the side of our Blessed
Saviour, and there often drawing and breathing our spirit, in, and out, into the
sacred wound, mentally to say Jesus: For example, drawing your breath inward to say JE and breathing it outward [Page 32] to say SUS, and so oftentimes to draw that sweet Name, through that sacred side,
till we fall asleep.
If thou chance to awake in the dead of the right, forthwith imagin thy self present
amidst the Quires of Saints and Angels, and with sudden acclamation cry out with
them, reciting that Hymn, which they incessantly sing both day and night, saying,
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, &c. Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Sabbath, Heaven and Earth are full of the Majesty
of thy Glory.
Or, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, both now, and ever, World without end. Amen.
COme Holy Ghost, replenish the hearts of the Faithful, and kindle the fire of thy
love in them.
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Our Father, &c.
Vers. And lead us not into temptation.
Resp. But deliver us from evil.
Vers. Be mindful of thy Congregation, O Lord.
Resp. Which thou hast possessed from the beginning.
Vers. O Lord hear our prayer.
Resp. And let our supplications come to thee.
Let us pray.
ILluminate our minds, we beseech thee, O Lord, with the light of thy Grace, that we
may see those things we ought to do, and be enabled to accomplish what we see to be
our duty. Through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, &c.
PRevent, we beseech thee, O Lord, our actions, by thy holy inspirations, and carry
them on by thy gracious assistance; that every prayer and work of ours may begin alwayes
from thee, and by thee be happily ended, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Vers. O Lord, open thou our Lips.
Resp. And our mouths shall declare thy praise.
Vers. Incline unto our aid, O God.
Resp. O Lord, make hast to help us.
Vers. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Resp. As it was in the beginning, both now and ever, World without end Amen.
Invit. Come, let's adore our Lord that made us.
Come, let's adore our Lord that made us.
The 94 Psalm.
COme, let us rejoyce to our Lord, let us make joy to God our Saviour; let us approach
his presence in confession, and in Psalms make joy before him.
For God is a great Lord, and a great King above all Gods, because our Lord repels
not his people; In his hand are all the bounds of the Earth, and he beholds the heights
of the Mountains.
Come, let's adore.
The Sea is his, he made it, and his hands founded the dry Land; Come, let us adore
and fall down before God, let us weep before our Lord that made us, because he is
the Lord our God; we are his people, and the sheep of his Pasture.
Come, let's adore our Lord that made us
To day, if ye shall hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation
according to the day of tentation, in the Wilderness, where your Fathers tempted
me, proved, and saw my works.
Come, let's adore.
Fourty years was I nigh to this generation, and said, they alwayes err in their heart,
and have not known my wayes: To whom I sware in my wrath, if they shall enter into
my rest.
The innocent of hand, and clean of heart, that hath not taken his soul in vain, nor
sworn to his Neighbour in guile.
He shall receive blessing of our Lord, and mercy of God his Saviour.
This is the generation of them that seek him, of them that seek the face of the God
of Jacob.
Lift up your gates ye Princes, and be ye lifted up, O eternal Gates, and the King
of glory shall enter in.
Who is the King of glory? Our Lord strong and mighty; our Lord mighty in battle.
Lift up your gates ye Princes, and be ye lifted up, O eternal Gates, and the King
of glory shall enter in.
Who is the King of glory? the Lord of powers he is the King of glory.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
A devout Prayer, or Contemplation upon the joyes of Heaven.
O Heavenly King, and Lord of Lords, how glorious is the Throne wherein thou sittest,
and how renowned and noble the Kingdom where thou dwell'st! The scituation thereof
is [...]ar above all Heavens; the largeness exceeds all measure; The [Page 42] shining is like the glistering brightness of precious stones; the light is such,
as neither needs Sun nor Moon; the Lamp which there continually burns, is the Lamb;
The Streets are paved with pure gold, and the flood is the River of life, more clear
than any Chrystal, conntinually flowing.
There the Angels are sent in Embassy; the Arch-angels minister; the Principalities
triumph; the Powers rejoice; the Dominations govern; the Vertues shine; the Thrones
glister; the Cherubins give light; the Seraphins burn in love; and an innumerable
Army of blessed Saints, of Virgins, Confessors, Martyrs, Patriarks, Prophets, Apostles,
and Evangelists, sing continual lauds and praises to thee.
There is health without infirmity, liberty without bondage, beauty without deformity,
immortality without corruption, abundance without necessity, quietness without vexation,
security without fear, knowledge without errour, fulness without nauseousness, &
joy without heaviness.
There the eyes are renewed, and made clearer than the Sun; the eares always hear that
wonderful musick, which is so exceeding sweet and pleasant, that one only sound of
it were able to ravish all the [Page 43] hearts of this World, the sense of smelling is most wonderfully recreated with odoriferous
savours▪ and the taste is satisfied with incredible sweetness and delights.
There the company are so friendly and loving one to another, that they seem all one
soul, and one heart, and live together in so great peace and concord, as cannot be
There to every one is appointed his pl [...]ce and glory, according to his merit: And above all Saints and Angels, is placed the
Throne of that most excellent Queen of Angels, the Mother of Almighty God, not kneeling
now upon her knees before the Manger, nor troubled with frights and fears of losing
her child, but with inestimable peace and security, placed at the right hand of her
dearly beloved Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus.
Arise therefore, O my Soul, & advance thy self on high, leave all earthly thoughts
& cares here beneath, and flie up with the wings of thy Spirit to that most excellent
Land of Promise, and humbly salute those heavenly Regions, and say▪ Hail sweet Country,
the Heaven of security, the place of refuge, the house of blessing, the paradise
of delights, the garden of eternal flowers, [Page 44] the crown of all just persons, and the end of all our desires: After thee have I
a long time sighed and mourned, and still daily sigh and mourn O that the dayes of
my banishment were fully finished! How is the time of my peregrination prolonged?
O Lord, I desire to be dissolved, and to be with thee Grant this, O Father, through
Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
The Hymn of Saint Ambrose, and Saint Augustine. ‘Te Deum Laudemus.’
A Prayer, of the glorious Resurrection and ascension of our Saviour.
O Infinite goodness, and inestimable charity, wherewith thou, O Son of God, didst
descend from Heaven for our salvation! Thou tookest on thee the Nature of Man, not
of Angels, and deckedst the same with immortality, (the Crown of thy holy Resurrection)
thou hast carried it above all Heavens, above the seats of all Angels, beyond the
Cherubins, and Seraphins, placing it on the right hand of thy Eternal Father.
This now the Angels praise, and all the holy powers of Heaven fall flat before thy
Majesty; and each degree of thy Celestial Spirits tremble at the sight of Him, who
in an admirable union, is both God and man. This is my only comfort, this my special
[Page 47] consolation, that with my Saviour and Redeemer, there remains part of my flesh,
& I have a Perfect hope to go thither, where a portion of me reigns; neither do I
account it a small honour to me, that my flesh is there glorified, not doubting to
have a place hereafter, where my blood already is so gloriously enthroned.
And, though I confess my self a most wretched sinner, yet I despair not of the communion
of thy grace: For well I know thou can'st not forget man, whose nature thou hast put
on, and wearest upon thee for his sake, but wilt declare thy self a most merciful
God, in the tender affection thou bearest to thy faithful servants, who in thee are
risen, & ascended into Heaven, and with thee sit in everlasting glory; for we are
thy Members, and thou our Head, having flesh of our flesh, and bones of our bones;
and who is he that hateth his own flesh? but contrariwise loveth, cherisheth, and
maketh much of it.
O wonderful Mystery, wherein thou, O Lord, art united to thy holy Church. Wherefore,
I beseech thee, O merciful Saviour, make me partaker of the comfort of thy holy Resurrection
& Ascention, that being supported with thy heavenly grace [Page 48] in this life, I ma [...] ascend to thee, & appearing before thy glorious seat, pure and unspotted, may there
receive my happy place, and sing thy praises for ever. Amen.
The Song of Zachary, Luke 1.
BLessed be our Lord God of Israel, because he hath visited and wrought the redemption of his people.
And raised up a Kingdom of salvation to us in the house of David his servant.
As he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets, that are from the beginning.
Salvation from our enemies, and from the hands of all that hate us.
To shew mercy to our Fathers: and to remember his holy Testament.
The Oath which he sware to Abraham our Father, that he would give himself to us.
That without fear being delivered from the hand of our enemies, we may serve him,
in holiness and justice before him all our dayes.
And thou, Child, shalt be called the Prophet of the Highest; for thou shalt go before
the face of our Lord to prepare his wayes.
To give knowledge of salvation to his people for remission of their sins.
Through the bowels of the mercy of our God, in which the day-spring from on high hath
visited us.
To illuminate them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death, to direct our
feet into the way of peace.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
A Prayer to God the Father.
O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, God of Patriarks, and Prophets, God of
Apostles, and Martyrs, God of Virgins, and of all Believers: we beseech thee, have
mercy on us, thou who didst send thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, to redeem us,
thy Son, born of the Virgin Mary, by the operation of the Holy Ghost, by the Annunciation of the Angel, deliver us
from the eternal death.
I beseech thee, O Lord, have compassion on thy servant; judge me not according to
my works, for I have been disobedient to thy Commandments; but thou, who lovest Repentance,
have mercy on me, [Page 50] who before thy face make confession of all my sin, and for the love of thy holy Name
wipe away all my offences.
Make me to abide in thy holy Catholick Church, with an undefiled Faith and pure Heart,
with a fi [...]m devotion, and continual love of thee, and perseverance in good works to my lif's
end. Deliver me from the eternal pains, and everlasting torments which thou hast prepared
for the wicked: Grant this, for our good and blessed Saviours sake, by whom, and in
whom, be ascribed to thee all honour power and glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
A Prayer that we may keep Holy the Sunday▪ and spend the Week following to the Honour of God.
MY loving Lord, and merciful Creator, I miserable sinner present my [...]elf here before thy eyes. humbly beseeching thee, through thine infinite bounty,
vouchsafe me thy assistance, that I may sanctifie this day according to the Commandment
of Thee, and thy holy Church: Give me O Lord, true contrition of all the sins I have
committed against thee, & my [Page 51] Neighbour, by thought, word, or deed, or by omission of good works, which I ought
to have done.
And I humbly beseech thee, most sweet Jesus, not to consider the multitude of my sins,
but remember thy infinite mercy; grant me grace to spend this week following, withou [...] offending thee: and for thy Death and Passion sake, give to all sinners Knowledge
and Grace, to do penance in this World; and particularly we entreat thee have mercy
on all those, for whom thy holy Church commands we should this day pray; that with
her we may be made partakers of the infinite merits of thy sacred Passion. Amen.
O All ye Saints of God, vouchsafe to [...]nterceed for our Salvation.
Vers. Be glad in our Lord; and rejoyce ye just.
Resp. And glory all ye right in hearts.
Let us pray.
PRotect, O Lord, thy people, that call upon thee; and all those, who confide in the
patronage of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and thy other Apostles, preserve with perpetual defence.
O Lord, we beseech thee, that all thy Saints may every where help us, and while we
reverently celebrate their merits, we may feel their Patronages: Grant us thy peace
in our time, and repel from thy Church all wickedness; dispose the acts and will of
us, and all thy servants, in the way of thy Salvation; give to our Benefactors, eternal
Blessings, and to the Faithful departed, everlasting Rest. Through our Lord Jesus,
&c. Amen.
V. O Lord hear our Prayer.
R. And let our supplication come to thee.
V. Bless we our Lord.
R. Thanks be to God.
V. May the souls of the faithful through the mercy of God, rest in peace, R. Amen.
O Almighty and eternal God! who didst so prepare the Body and Soul of the glorious
Virgin Mary, by co-operation of the Holy Ghost, that it became a worthy habitacle of thy Son:
Grant, that in whose commemoration we rejoyce, by her pious intercession, we may be
delivered both from present evil, and everlasting death. Through the same Christ our
Lord. R. Amen.
V. May the divine assistance alwayes remain with us. R. Amen.
LEt Heaven and Earth joyn together with joy, and the Quires of Angels with the voices
of men, to sing eternal praises to God. in Trinity and Unity, for the mercies received
in the admirable work of our Redemption. Amen.
IN the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Blessed be the holy and undivided Trinity, now and for ever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, I believe.
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Jesu receive our Prayers.
Lord Jesu grant our Petitions.
O God the Father, Creator of the world, Have mercy on us.
O God the Son, Redeemer of mankind Have mercy on us.
O God the Holy Ghost, Perfecter of the Elect. Have mercy on us.
O Sacred Trinity, three Persons, and one God, Have mercy on us.
Behold we are conceived in sin, and in iniquity our Mothers brought us forth. Have mercy on us.
As we have grown in years, we have [Page 56] multiplied the number of our offences; & every day thy goodness addeth to our lives,
our wickedness increases the heap of our transgressions. Have mercy on us.
The Law of our body maketh war against the law of our mind, and bringe [...]h us into subjection to sin; that the good which we would, we do not, and the evil
which we would not, that we do; Have mercy on us.
We have sinned in the vain thoughts and unlawful desires of our hearts, in the idle
talk and preverse words of our mouths▪ in the wicked works and fruitles course of
our lives. Have mercy on us.
We have sinned against thee by our ingratitude for thy blessings, and impatience
of thy chastisements, by preferring our selves, & the satisfaction of our own inordinat [...] desires, before thee & the observance of thy holy Commandments, Have, &c.
We have sinned against others in not doing to them, as we would they should do to
us, and against our own Souls, in pursuing more eagerly the things of this life, then
those which belong to our eternal felicity. Have mercy on us.
We have sinned in delaying our Repentance, and breaking the solemn Promises of amending
our lives, in exposing our [Page 57] selves to the danger of temptation, and often omitting the opportunities of thy
service, and even our best endeavors are full of imperfections. Have mercy on us.
We have sinned in not profiting with the Talents of Grace and Nature, which thy bounty
has committed to our improvement, but idly spent that precious time, and unthankfully
negelcted those gracious means, which thy goodness alloweth us for the work of our
Salvation. Have mercy on us.
Recite here the particular sins of that day▪ or lately commited, & such as you desire
more especially to repent of and amend; then say,
Have mercy on us, most merciful Father, & according to the multitude of thy tender
compassions, pardon the multitude of our grievous offences: Remember what our substance
is, that we are but as the grass of the field, or a vapor that passeth away, and returns
not again: Remember what thou art, infinitely glorious in thy self, and infinitely
good to the least of thy Creatures Remember thy gracious Promises in Jesus Christ,
and for the merits of his sacred Passion, from all our sins, O Lord deliver us.
From the evils of this present world, from War, Pestilence, and Famine; from all disastrous
mischances in our Bodies, Mindes, or Estates; from sudden death, and all other thy
heavy judgments, O Lord deliver us.
From the evils of the world to come, from the dreadful sentence of condemnation,
and the chains of everlasting darkess; from the Worm that dieth not, and the fire
that shall never be quenched, O Lord deliver us.
From the evil of sin, which is the onely cause of all misery; from the temptations
to which, by nature or custom, we are most exposed; from ignorance of thy will, and
neglect to perform what we know to be our duty, O Lord deliver us.
From pride, covetousness, and luxury; from envy gluttony, and anger: from a slothful
coldness, in what concerns our Salvation; and from those enormous sins that cry to
Heaven for vengeance, O Lord deliver us.
From slander, rash judgment, and flattery: from self-love▪ vain-glory, and hypocrysie;
from stubbornness and irreve [...]ence towards those that are above us; from di [...]dain and oppression of such as are [Page 59] below us; from the greate guilt of inducing others to sin, and from the unhappiness
of being perverted by them our selves, O Lord deliver us
From Error, Schism and Heresie; from denying thee before men, for worldly respects;
from new and factious interpretation of thy Word, and from proudly preferring our
private conceits before the judgment of thy Church, O Lord deliver us
From relapsing into the sins we have repented, or contracting any customary habit
of vice; from provoking thy justice by presumption, or offending thy mercy by despair;
from murmuring against the Orders of thy Divine Providence, and from an obstinate
and impenitent hear [...]▪ O Lord deliver us.
In the first motions to sin, and the renewed assaults of any temptation, in the time
of our trial, when thou seemest to withdraw from us thy Grace, in health, and prosperity,
in sickness and adversity, in the hour of death, and in the day of judgment, O Lord deliver us.
From—Recite here the particular sin or danger, from which you desire to be delivered,
then say, O Lord deliver us.
Deliver us, O Lord, and in all our necessities, [Page 60] when we call on thee, in the Name of thy beloved Son, & for the merits of our onely
Saviour Jesus Christ, who sits at thy right hand to make intercession for us sinners, We beseech thee hear us,
That it would please thee, to govern and defend thy Catholick Church; to bless and
preserve the supreme Bishop thereof, and all Ecclesiastical persons in unity of truth,
and holiness of life, We beseech thee hear us.
That it would please thee to endue ours and all Christian Princes and Magistrates,
with the spirit of Justice, Piety & Wisdom, and us and all Subjects with a true reverence
of their Superiors, and cheerful obedience to their just commands; that all the world
may live in the beauty of Order, and the blessings of Peace, We beseech thee hear us.
That it would please thee to reduce into the union of thy Church, all those whom
malice, passion, or interest, have divided from thy Faith. And, with a more particular
tenderness, to compassionate all simple and unlearned people, who by mis-instruction,
are seduced into Error, and by unhappy education, setled in a prejudice against thy
truth, We beseech the hear us.
That it would please thee to convert all Jews, Turks, and Infidels to thy holy Faith,
& all dissolute Christians to a vertuous life: That none of those, whom thou hast
made, may perish, but all the Nations of the Earth adore thee here, and be happy with
thee hereafter, We beseech thee hear us.
That it would please thee to have compassion on the miseries of humane life, and
especially on the afflictions of such as suffer for their Conscience: Let thy pity
lighten their burdens, & thy grace strengthen their weakness, that every sad dejected
Soul may praise thee, either for releasment from their pressures, or enablement to
bear their crosses, We beseech the hear us.
That it would please thee, to enlarge our hearts with true charity one towards another,
to feed the hungry, and cloath the naked, to visit the sick, and comfort the distressed,
to forgive our enemies, and pray for our persecutors, and in all occasions to do good
to every one according to our capacities, We beseech thee hear us.
That it would please thee, to assume into thy glory all the faithful departed in thy
grace, that, as with patience they expect the satisfaction of thy justice, they may
[Page 62] with gladness receive the deliverance of thy Mercy, We beseech thee hear us.
That it would please thee, to open thy full hand, and mercifully bestow on us the
necessaries of his life, with grace so to use all thy temporal blessings, that we
rest not in the convenience or pleasure, derived from any Creature, but apply them
as instruments to cultivate our mindes▪ and prepare us for thee, and thy eternal joys,
We beseech thee hear us.
That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace to know thee; that we may fear and hope in
thee, as absolute Master of punish ment and reward; that we may serve and worship
thee, as Soveraign Lord of Life and Death, that we may love and praise thee, as a
most indulgent Father, and bountiful Benefactor, We beseech thee hear us.
That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace to know ourselves, that remembring we are
but dust & ashes, subject to a thousand infirmities, temptations and miseries, we
may humble our proud thoughts, and sincerely acknowledge our own unworthyness, yet
being created after thy Image, & capable of eternal happiness; we may aspire to Heaven,
& value our Souls above all the transitory enjoyments of the Earth, We beseech thee hear us.
That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace, frequently to examine, and cleerly to see
the state of our Consciences, humbly to confess and earnestly repent us of our sins,
carefully to avoid all occasions of relapse, and diligently practise those vertues
which most avail to the cure of our infirmities, We beseech the hear us.
That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace to keep a strict watch over our senses,
least they solicit our hearts to sin; to remember continually thy presence with us
wheresoever we are, especially in the offering up our Prayers with a reverend gesture
of our bodies, and devout attention of our mindes, We beseech thee hear us.
That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace to attend with diligence the employment
of our callings; yer every day to set apart some time for thee and our Souls; to live
in peace and charity with all the world; freely forgiving their injuries to us, and
readily satisfying our trespasses against them, We beseech, &c.
That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace to remember always the end of our Creation,
and the vanity of this World; the shortness of our lives, and the incertainty of
the time of our death; the misery [Page 64] of such as die in their sins, & the unspeakable joys of those, who, with their last
breath give up their Souls into the hands of thy Angels, We beseech thee hear us.
That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace, to live & die in the faith, & Communion
of thy Catholick Church, to enjoy the benefit of thy holy Sacraments, & participate
in the Prayers & good Works of all thy Servants throughout the World, We, &c.
That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace in the last hour of our lives, willingly
to render our Bodies to the Earth, from whence they came, and joyfully return our
Souls to thee that gave them; that in the blissful Vision of thy glory, we may for
ever adore thy Majesty; and in the happy company of thy Saints and Angels for ever
sing praises to thy Name, We beseech thee hear us.
Son of God, We beseech thee hear us.
O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the World, Spare us, O Lord.
O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the World, Hear us, O Lord.
O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the World, Have mercy on us.
MOst gracious God, the Fountain of all mercy and blessing, who desirest not the death
of a sinner, nor despisest the tears of the penitent; favourably receive this free
confession of our sins, and efficaciously move our hearts to a true contrition for
all our offences, that being pardoned the evils we have presumed to do, we may be
delivered from the evils we deserve to suffer; and obtaining of thy bounty the graces
petitioned in our Prayers, we may bestow the short remainder of our days in a more
perfect denial of our own corrupt inclinations, and more constant tendence to thy
glorious Promises: Through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who with thee, and
the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth one God, world without end. Amen.
The blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, descend upon us, and remain
in our hearts for ever. Amen.
For the Family.
O God whose kind Providence hath form'd us thy servants into the mutually▪ assistant
Body of one Family; and [Page 66] by thy most particular grace, united our Souls in the same right Faith and Communion
of thy Holy Catholick Church! Vouchsafe us, we humbly beseech thee, by a quiet, and
chea [...]ful, and consciencious compliance with the Duties which our several Conditions prescribe
us each to other at home, and to all degrees of our Neighbours abroad; exemplarily
to express the eminent advantages of living under thy true Discipline, in order
to Happiness, both here and hereafter: to the conviction of those without, the confirmation
of our Brethren, and the dayly advance of our own saving Charity; through our Lord
Jesus Christ. To, &c.
A Prayer to the blessed Trinity.
O Holy Trinity, hear us most miserable sinners, and keep us from all evil, from all
occasion of offending thee, from all mortal sin, from the deceits of the Devil, and
of our Enemies visible and invisible: by the Prayers of the Patriarks, by the Merits
of the Prophets; by the suffrages of the Apostles, by the constancy of Martyrs, by
the faith of Confessors, by the chastity of Virgins, and by the [Page 67] intercession of all Saints, who have pleased thee from the beginning of the World.
HAil! you blessed Angelical Spirits, who with most sweet melody sing prai [...]es to our Lord, and in his glorious presence continually rejoyce: Have compassion
on us dwelling here below in this valley of miseries; and you especially, O Holy Angels
Guardians of our Souls and Bodies, to whom by the special Commandment of God, we
are committed, we beseech you to execute your Office towards us diligently and faithfully,
and keep, and protect us this day from all evil, visible and invisible. Amen.
LOrd have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Our Father, &c.
V. And lead us not into temptation.
R. But deliver us from evil. Amen.
V. Confirm, O God, that which thou hast wrought in us.
GRant us we beseech thee, O Lord, the help of thy grace, that the things which by
thy instruction we know are to be done, we may by thy assistance perfectly accomplish,
through Christ our Lord. Amen.
R. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to render eternal life to our Benefactors alive and dead. R.
ACcept, O most gracious God, by the Prayers and Merits of the blessed Virgin Mary, and of all Saints, the Office of our service: If by thy grace we have performed any
thing according to our duty, in thy clemency regard it; and what we have done with
negligence, mercifully pardon, who lives [...] [...]nd reignest one God in perfect Trin [...] [...]rld without end. Amen.
The Blessing.
THe overflowing Fountain of Being conserve us: The Almighty Power [Page 69] protect us: The All-knowing Wisdom direct and govern us: The infinite Goodness advance
and perfect us: The eternal Father make us his Children: The eternal Son make us
Coheirs of his Kingdom: The eternal Spirit fill our Hearts with his love: The incomprehensible
Trinity glorifie us with the beatifical Vision. Amen.
Alpha and Omega, God and Man, whose gracious Providence mightily extendeth from end to end; Let thy
blessing be to us all safety and protection of body and soul against all our enemies
visible and invisible, now and for ever. Amen.
May the Divine Assistance remain with us for ever, Amen.
COme Holy Ghost, replenish the hearts of the Faithful, and kindle the fire of thy
love in them.
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Our Father, &c.
Vers. And lead us not into temptation.
Resp. But deliver us from evil.
Vers. Be mindful of thy Congregation, O Lord.
Resp. Which thou hast possessed from the beginning.
Vers. O Lord hear our Prayers.
Resp. And let our supplication come to thee.
Let us Pray.
ILluminate our minds, we beseech thee, O Lord, with the light of thy Grace, that we
may see those things we ought to [Page 71] do, and be enabled to accomplish what we see to be our duty. Through Jesus Christ
our Lord, who with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, everone God,
world without end. Amen.
A Prayer before the beginning of any Office.
PRevent, we beseech thee, O Lord, our actions by thy holy Inspirations, and carry
them on by [...]hy gracious assistance, that every prayer and work of ours may begin alwayes from
thee, and by thee, be happily ended; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
V. Incline unto our aid, O God.
R. O Lord make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father, &c Alleluia.
The 109. Psalm.
OUr Lord said to my Lord, sit on my right hand.
Until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
Our Lord will send forth the rod of thy strength from Sion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.
The beginning with thee in the day of thy strength, in the brightness of the [Page 72] Saints, from the womb before the daystar I begat thee.
Our Lord sware, and it shall not repent him: thou art a Priest for ever, according
to the Order of Melchisedeck.
Our Lord on thy right hand hath broken Kings in the day of his wrath.
He shall judge in Nations, he shall fill ruines, he shall crush the heads in the Land
of many.
Of the Brook in the way he hath drunk: therefore shall he lift up the head.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
The 111. Psalm.
PRaise our Lord ye children: praise ye the Name of our Lord.
The Name of our Lord be blessed, from henceforth, now, and for ever.
From the rising of the Sun, unto the going down: The Name of our Lord is laudable.
Our Lord is high above all Nations, and his glory above the Heavens.
Who is as the Lord our God, that dwells on high, and beholds the humble things in
Heaven and Earth.
Raising up the needy from the Earth, and lifting up the poor out of the Dung.
Who hath placed Peace in thy borders, and fills thee with the fat of Corn.
Who sendeth forth his Speech to the Earth, his word runs swiftly.
Who giveth Snow as Wool, scattereth Mist as Ashes.
He casteth his Chrystal as morsels: before the face of the cold, who shall abide?
He shall send forth his Word, and shall melt them: his Spirit shall blow, and flow
shall the Waters.
Who declareth his Word to Jacob, Justices and his judgments to Israel.
He hath not done in like manner to every Nation, and his judgments he hath not made
manifest to them.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
The Chapter Eccles. 24.
FRom the beginning, and before worlds was I created, and unto the World to come, I
shall not cease: and in the holy Habitation have I ministred before him.
Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid: for behold from henceforth
all generations shall call me blessed.
For he that is mighty hath done great things to me, and Holy is his Name.
And his mercy is on them that fear him, from Generation to Generation.
He hath shewed strength in his arm, he hath disperse [...] the proud in the imaginations of their hearts.
He hath deposed the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble.
The hungry he hath fil'd with good things, and the rich he hath sent away empty.
He hath received Israel his Child, being mindful of his mercy.
As he spake to our Fathers, to Abraham and his Seed for ever.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
O Blessed Mother, and immaculate Virgin, glorious Queen of the World. [Page 78] make intercession for us to our Lord.
Lord have mercy upon us.
Christ have mercy upon us.
Lord have mercy upon us.
Vers. O Lord hear our Prayer.
Resp. And let our supplication come to thee.
Let us pray.
O Lord God, we beseech thee, grant us thy Servants, to enjoy perpetual health of mind
and Body, and by the gracious Intercession of the ever blessed Virgin Mary, to be delivered from present sorrow, and to enjoy everlasting happiness. Through
our Lord Jesus, &c.
O All ye Saints of God, vouchsafe to intercede for our Salvation.
Vers. Be glad in our Lord, and rejoyce ye just.
Resp. And glory all ye right in heart.
Let us pray.
PRotect us, O Lord, thy People, that call upon thee; and all those, who confide in
the Patronage of the blessed Apostles: Peter and Paul, and the other Apostles, preserve with perpetual defence.
O Lord, we beseech thee, that all thy Saints may every where help us; and while we
reverently celebrate their merits, we may feel their Patronages; Grant us thy peace
in our times, and repel, from thy Church all wickedness; dispose the acts and wills
of us, and all thy servants, in the way of thy Salvation: Give to our Benefactors
eternal Blessings, and to the Faithful departed, everlasting Rest. Through our Lord
Jesus, &c. Amen.
V. O Lord hear our Prayer.
R. And let our supplication come to thee.
V. Bless we our Lord.
R. Thanks be to God.
V. May the souls of the faithful, through the mercy of God, rest in peace, R. Amen.
A Prayer to God the Son, beseeching him for mercy, in honour of his Blessed Name JESUS.
O Good Jesus, O most benign Jesu, O dearest Jesu, O Jesu, Son of the Virgin Mary, full of mercy and pitty: O sweet Jesus, according to thy great compassion have mercy
on me: O most clement Jesu, I humbly beseech thee, by that precious Blood, which
thou shed'st for [Page 80] the World, that thou wouldst wash away all my iniquities, and vouchsafe to look down
upon me, wretched and unworthy sinner, humbly craving pardon, and calling on thy
holy Name Jesus.
O Name of Jesu, a Name most precious and delightful: O Name of Jesu, a Name most sweet
and comfortable, for, what is Jesus, but a Saviour? Therefore, O Jesu for thy Holy Name, be to me a Jesus, and save me:
Suffer me not to be damned, whom thou hast created of nothing: O good Jesu, let not
my iniquity be the destruction of me, whom thy Almighty goodness has made; O sweet
Jesu, own what is thine, and reject that which is strange to thee.
O most benign Jesu, have mercy on me now, while the time of forgiving lasts, lest
thou condemn me when the time of Judging comes. What utility can there be in my Blood,
if I descend into eternal corruption? The dead praise thee not, nor all those that
go down into Hell. O most loving Jesu, O Jesu most desired, O meekest Jesu, O Jesu,
Jesu, Jesu, enrol me in the number of thine Elect. O Jesu, the Salvation of those
that believe in thee. O Jesu, the comfort of such as fly to thee. O Jesu, the sweet
remission of all sins. O Jesu, [Page 81] Jesu Son of the Virgin Mary, pour into my Soul, the graces of Wisdom and Charity, of Chastity and Humility, that
I may perfectly love thee, praise thee, enjoy thee, serve thee, and glory in thee,
and all that call on thy holy Name, Jesus Amen.
O God, the Protector of those that hope in thee! Multiply on us thy mercy, that thou
being our Governour and Guide, we may so pass through temporal goods, that we lose
not the eternal. Amen.
A Prayer or Salutation to the glorious Virgin Mary.
HAil Mary, most humble handmaid of the blessed Trinity; Hail Mary, most chaste Spouse of the holy Ghost, hail Mary; most admirable Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ; Hail Mary; Queen of Angels, and expectation of the Patriarks; Hail Mary, promise of the Prophets, and Teacher of the Apostles; Hail Mary, Strengthner of Martyrs, and Encourager of Confessors; Hail Mary, the great Exemplar of Virgins, and faithful Comforter, both of the living and the
dead. Be thou with me in all my troubles and afflictions, and in the hour of my death;
receive, I beseech thee, my [Page 82] Soul, and offer it to thy sweet Son Jesus, that for thy sake he may accept it, and
place it among the Quires of celestial Spirits. Amen.
To all the blessed Saints.
O Blessed Saints of Paradise, the glorious Citizens of Heaven, as I render most
humble thanks to God for all the good he hath done you; so I beseech you remember
me in your Prayers, and obtain for me entire remission of my sins, amendment of my
life, and imitation of your good Spirit, and Holy Graces, that I may be perfectly
reconciled to my Saviour, and alwayes please him; but especially, I recommend to
you the hour of my death, that by your holy Intercession, my Soul may depart this
World in the grace of God, and immediatly come to life everlasting. Amen.
Which thou hast prepared before the face of all People.
A light to the Revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of thy People Israel.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
LEarn of me, sayes our Lord, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you shall find
rest to your Souls.
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Vers. O Lord hear our Prayer.
Resp. And let our supplication come to thee.
Let us pray.
WE beseech thee, O Lord, that the glorious intercession of the ever blessed Virgin
Mary, may protect us, and bring us to life everlasting. Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
R. Amen.
WE beseech thee, O Creator of all things, that, of thy accustomed clemency, thou wilt
preserve us this night from all danger, both of Body and Soul to the end we may rise
again to praise thee, and every day advance in the work of our Salvation. Through
Jesus Christ, &c.
O All ye blessed Saints of Heaven, and Spirits Angelical, whom God, and the brightness
of his presence, makes everlastingly joyful, pray for us. We salute and honour you,
we give praise and thanks to our Lord, who hath chosen you, and made you eternally
happy with his Benedictions. Obtain for us forgiveness; obtain for us grace, that
at the end of this frail life, we may be admitted to the fruition of your Heavenly
Society. Through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, who with the Father, and the
Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, one God, World without end. Amen.
V. Confirm, O God, that which thou hast wrought in us.
R. From thy holy Temple which is in Jerusalem.
V. O Lord hear our Prayer.
R. And let our supplication come to thee.
Let us pray.
GRant us we beseech thee, O Lord, the help of thy grace, that the things which by
thy instruction we know are to be done, we may by thy assistance perfectly accomplish,
through Christ our Lord. Amen.
V. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to render eternal life to our Benefactors alive and dead. R.
ACcept, O most gracious God, by the Prayers and Merits of the blessed Virgin Mary, and of all Saints, the Office of our service: If by thy grace we have performed any
thing according to our duety, in thy clemency regard it; and what we have done with
negligence, mercifully [Page 89] pardon, who livest and reignest, one God in perfect Trinity, World without end.
The Blessing.
THe overflowing Fountain of being conserve us: The Almighty Power protect us: The
all knowing Wisdom direct and govern us: The infinite Goodness advance and perfect
us: The eternal Father make us his Children: The eternal Son make us Coheirs of his
Kingdom: The eternal Spirit fill our Hearts with his love: The incomprehensible Trinity
glorifie us with the beatifical Vision. Amen.
Alpha and Omega, God and Man, whose gracious providence mightily extends from end to end; Let this
blessing be to us all safety and protection of Body and Soul against all our enemies
visible and invisible, now and for ever. Amen.
May the Divine Assistance remain with us for ever. Amen.
O God the Holy Ghost, enlightner of our understandings, and sanctifier of our Will,
Have mercy on us.
O God the Holy Ghost, the pledge of our Adoption, and seal of our Salvation, Have mercy on us.
O Sacred Trinity, Three Persons, and one God of equal Glory, and co-eternal Majesty,
Have mercy on us.
O Sacred Trinity, from whom, by whom, and in whom are all things, Have mercy on us.
O Sacred Trinity, to whom all the Angels and Saints of Heaven continually sing, Holy,
Holy, Holy, Have mercy on us.
Blessed for ever by thy Name, eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For the immensity of thy power, which at first of nothing created all things, and
still preserves them, that they return not again to nothing, My Soul doth magnifie thee, O Lord.
For the infinite goodness, in making us after thine own Image, and deputing to our
service all the rest of thy creatures, My Soul doth magnifie thee, O Lord.
For the riches of thy bounty, which filleth every thing, according to its capacity,
and for the wisdom of thy [Page 93] Counsels, which sweetly dispose and irresistably govern the whole frame of the world.
My Soul doth magnifie thee, O Lord.
For thy Povidence in forewarning us the danger of sin, by threatning Hell to our offences,
and for thy gracious inviting us to our own Happiness, by promising Heaven, as the
reward to our obedience, My Soul doth magnifie thee, O Lord.
For the eternal Charity, wherewith thou loved us, before the world began, and mercifully
decreedst our Redemption by thy Son. My Soul doth, &c.
And blessed be thou, O Jesu, Son of God and Saviour of mankind, for thy infinite glory
in thy self, and more then infinite love to us, My Soul doth, &c.
For thy miraculous Conception by the Holy Ghost, and humble Nativity of the Blessed
Virgin: For thy flight into Egypt, at so tender age, and all the incommodities, which thou sufferest in thy banishment,
My Soul doth, &c.
For thy meek subjection to thy Parents, even in the meanest Offices of a private
life, for thy condescendence to the form of a servant, though thou wert Lord of all.
My Soul doth, &c.
For thy fasting and retirement in the [Page 94] desert, for thy mildness and benignity in Conversation, for thy Heavenly Doctrine
and glorious Miracles, My Soul doth magnifie thee, O Lord.
For the enflam'd desire which thou hadst to redeem us, & compassionate tears which
thou shed'st over Ierusalem, for thy humble washing thy Disciples feet, and loving institution of the B. Sacrament,
My Soul, &c.
For thine Agony and bloody Sweat in that Garden of sorrow, for thy intire Selfdenial,
and absolute submission, not only to the Will of thy Father, but even of thine enemies,
My Soul. &c.
For thy incomparable patience in their violent seisure of thy person, and hurrying
thee up and down the Streets of Jerusalem; for thy wonderful silence, whilst they falslly accused and unjustly condemned thine
innocence, My Soul, &c.
For thy perfect resignation, whilst they shamefully stript thee of thy cloathes; and
cruelly scourged thee at a Pillar, for thy admirable meekness, whilst they crowned
thee with thorns, and forced thee to carry thy Cross, laden with the sins of the whole
World, My Soul, &c.
For thy immovable constancy whilst they fastned thee on the Cross, peircing [Page 95] thy blessed Hands and Feet with Nails, and giving thee Vinegar and Gall to drink,
My Soul doth magnifie thee, O Lord.
For the infinite sweetness of thy Spirit, that excused their sin, and prayed thy
Father to forgive them, till the extremity of their tortures took away thy breath,
My Soul doth magnifie thee, O Lord.
For thy glorious Resurrection from the Grave, and triumphant Ascension into Heaven;
for sending the Holy Ghost to abide with thy Church for ever, and promising to be
with us thy self, to the end of the world, My Soul, &c.
And blessed be thou, O God the Holy Ghost, for thy continual preservation of the Church,
in truth, unity and holiness, for insusing the love of God into our hearts, and comforting
us in all our temporal distresses with the hope of eternal felicity. My Soul, &c.
Blessed for ever be thy Name (O Sacred Trinity) for the infinite nobility of thy Essence,
and unspeakable Majesty of thy glory, existing of thy self from all Eternity, and
perfectly, happy in thy self for ever, My Soul doth manifie thee, O Lord.
For the B. Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the admirable sanctity [Page 96] of her life, and wonderful assumption into Heaven at her death; for the Crown of
glory, wherewith she is honoured above all Angels, and for her perpetual intercession
to her Son, in advantage of us sinners, My Soul doth magnifie thee, O Lord.
For all the holy Angels and blessed Spirits of Heaven, for the excellency of their
nature, and felicity of their state; for their custody of us in all our wayes, and
ministry to us in all our necessities; for the carrying up our Prayer to thee, and
bringing down thy blissings to us. My Soul doth, &c.
For thy holy Patriarchs, Prophets and Apostles, for thy glorious Martyrs, Confessors:
and Virgins, and for all thy faithfull departed in thy grace. My Soul, &c.
For thy one, Holy, Catholick, and Apostolick Church, for the stediness of Faith and
Peace of Conscience we experience by relying on her authority, for the adorable Sacrafice
of the Altar, and the plentiful means of Salvation, we so happily enjoy, by embracing
her Communion, My Soul doth, &c.
For the particular benefits bestowed upon us, and the many dangers from which thou
hast defended us, for our education, [Page 97] health, and condition of life, for our daily bread, and all other thy temporal blessings,
My Soul doth, &c.
For the checks of our own conscience, and the motions of thy holy Spirit; for thy
patience in expecting our Repentance, and presenting us opportunities of amending
our lives, for the frequent deliverances from the occasions of sin, and all other
thy Spiritual blessings. My Soul doth magnifie thee, O Lord, and my Spirit rejoyceth in God my Saviour.
Be thou exalted, O God, above the clouds, and thy glory above the Heavens.
Whilst I live, will I sanctifie thy Name, I will sing praises to my God, while I have
any Being.
Bless our Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me, praise his holy Name.
Bless our Lord, O my Soul; and forget not all his benefits.
Thus will I magnifie the Lord all my life long, & lift up my hands to his holy Throne.
Glory be to the Father, the Son, and thy Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning; both now and ever, world without end. Amen.
ALmighty and everlasting God, from whom descends every good and perfect gift; Graciously
accept this humble tribute of praise and thanksgiving from the hands of thy Servants,
and mercifully grant, that the frequent Meditation of thy infinite goodness, may force
our wills to love thee above all things, and the serious consideration of thy incomprehensible
Majesty captivate our understandings to the obedience of Faith; that we may here (in
reverence to thy Word) believe what we do not see, and hereafter in the blessful
vision of thy glory, see more than we now believe, through Jesus Christ our Lord and
only Saviour, who with thee, and the Holy Ghost, liv [...]th and reigneth, one God, World without end. Amen.
COme let us rejoyce to our Lord, let us make joy to God our Saviour: let us approach
his presence in confession, and in Psalms make joy before him.
The King to whom all things live, come let us adore.
For God is a great Lord, and a great King above all Gods; because our Lord repels
not his People: In his hands are all the bounds of the Earth, and he beholds the heights
of the Mountains.
Come let us adore.
The Sea is his, he made it, and his hands founded the dry Land: Come let us ado [...]e and fall down before God, let us weep before our Lord that made us, because he
is the Lord our God: we are his People, and the Sheep of his Pasture.
The King to whom all things live, come let us adore.
To day, if ye shall hear his voice harden not your hearts, as in the provocation according
to the day of temptation, in the Wilderness, where your Fathers tempted me, proved,
and saw my works.
Come let us adore.
Fourty years was I nigh to this generation, and said, they alwayes err in their heart,
and have not known my wayes: to whom I sware in my wrath, if they shall enter into
my rest.
The King to whom all things live, come let us adore.
Eternal rest give them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
The King to whom all things live, come let us adore.
The 5 Psalm.
REceive, O Lord, my words, with thine Ears, understand my cry.
Attend to the voice of my Prayer, my King, and my God.
Because I will pray to thee, O Lord, in the morning thou wilt hear my voice.
OUr Lord ruleth me, and nothing shall be wanting to me: In Place of Pasture there
he hath placed me.
Upon the water of refreshing there he hath brought me up: he hath converted my Soul.
He hath conducted me upon the paths of justice, for his name.
For although I shall walk in the midst of the shadow of death: I will not fear evils
because thou art with me.
Thy rod, and thy staff, they have comforted me.
Thou hast prepared in my sight a table against them that trouble me.
Thou hast fatted my head with oyl, and my drink-filling Cup, how goodly is it.
And thy mercy shall follow me all the pays of my life.
And that I may dwell in the house of our Lord for length of days.
Eternal Rest, &c.
I Am the Resurrection and the life; he that believes in me, though he be dead, shall
[Page 105] live; and every one that lives and believes in me, shall not dy for ever.
I believe my Redeemer liveth, and in the last day I shall rise from the Earth, and
in my Flesh see God my Saviour; whom I my self shall see, and not another, and mine
eyes shall behold. And in my Flesh I shall see God my Saviour.
Thou, who didst raise Lazarus from the grave, give them rest, O Lord, and place of pardon, who art to come to judge
the living, and the dead, and the World by fire; give them rest, O Lord▪ and place
of pardon.
When thou comest to judge the Earth, where shall I hide me from the face of thy wrath?
For I have sinned too much in my life, I extreamly fear my misdeeds, and before thee
I blush; when thou comest to judge, do not condemn me; for I have sinned too much
in my life.
O God be mindful of me, for my life is but wind. The eyes of men shall behold me no
more: From the depths I cry'd to thee, O Lord, Lord hear my voice. The eyes of men
shall behold me no more.
What shall I do, and whether shall I fly but to thee, my God? Have mercy on me whil [...] thou comest in the later day. My Soul i [...] exceedingly troubled, but thou, O [Page 106] Lord, be my comfort. Have mercy on me, whilst thou comest in the later day.
Remember not, O Lord, my sins, whilst thou comest to judge the World by fire. Direct
O God, my way in thy sigh, whilst thou comest to judge the world by fire.
The fear of death troubles me, sinning daily, and not repenting: for in Hell there
is no redemption; Have mercy on me, O God, and save me, O God in thy Name save me,
and in thy force deliver me; for in Hell there is no redemption; Have mercy on me,
O God, and save me.
O Lord judge me not according to my deeds; for I have done no worthy thing in thy
sight: All my hope is in thy mercy, that thou wouldst be pleased to blot out my iniquity.
Wash me, O Lord, yet more from my injustice, and from my sin cleanse me; all my hope
is in thy mercy, that thou wilt be pleased to blot out my iniquity.
Deliver me, O Lord, from the ways of Hell, thou who hast broken the brazen gates and
given light to them, that they might behold thee, who were in the pains of darkness,
crying and saying, Thou art come, O our Redeemer.
Deliver me▪ O Lord, from eternal death in that fearful day when the Heavens and Earth
shall be moved, whilst thou comest to judge the World by fire; I tremble and fear,
when that Examination shall come, and the future anger, when the Heavens and Earth,
shall be moved.
That day is the day of anger, of calamity and misery, that is a great day, and very
bitter, whilst thou shalt come to judge the World by fire. Eternal Rest give them,
O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Deliver them, O Lord, from eternal
death, in that dreadful day, when the Heavens and Earth are to be moved, whilst thou
shalt come to judge the World by fire.
For Souls lately departed.
O Lord, we commend to thee, and to thy infinite clemency, the Souls of thy servants,
lately departed this life: According to thy Mercy pardon them, we beseech thee, their
sins which they have committed through humane frailty, that they may live with thee
in the Kingdom of everlasting bliss. Amen.
WE commend, O Lord, the Souls of thy servants, into the hands of the most glorious
Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy and Clemency: Into the hands of the holy Angles, and celestial Court
of Heaven of the holy Patriarks & Prophets; of the blessed Apostles, Evangelists,
and Disciples; into the hands of the holy Virgins, and Widows, and of all thy blessed
Saints, who have pleased thee from the Creation of the World, by whose intercession
and assistance, may they be delivered from the Prince of darkness, and from all dreadful
torments. Grant this, O God Almighty, and full of Mercy, for the bitter passion of
thy only Son our Saviour Jesus; To whom with thee, and the Holy Ghost, be all honour
and glory, for ever. Amen.
For the Souls of our Parents.
O God, by whom all things live, and through whom our bodies are not destroyed in dying,
but are changed into better: Wee most humbly beseech thee, command the Souls of thy
servants, to be received by the hands of thy holy Angels, and brought into the bosome
of thy friend the Patriarch Abraham, & to thee again at [Page 109] the last great judgment day; Pardon them mercifully all the sins they have committed,
that they may live with thee in eternal light, Throught Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
O God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, who art God of the living, and not of the dead, for asmuch as all Souls of the righteous
live with thee, and are in thy hands, nor shall they be touched with any pain or torment.
Look mercifully on all thy servants, whom thou hast received into another life; Pardon
what, through frailty, they have committed; command thy holy Angels to carry them
into the bosome of thy Patriarchs and Apostles, into the place of perpetual repose,
where is neither sorrow, nor grief, nor fear, but an assembly of innumerable Saints
rejoycing in the Country of the happy and just, and eternally seeing the glory of
thy Christ. Through whom be to thee, all honor, service, and adora [...]ion in the Holy Ghost for ever. Amen.
For those Souls which have no particular Intercessors.
O Mercifull God, take pity on those Souls who have no particular friends [Page 110] nor intercessors to commend them to thee, nor any comfort in their torments, nor
other hope, save that thou madest them to thine image & likeness; who either through
the negligence of those that are alive, or of the sliding course of time, are forgotten
of their friends and posterity: Spare them, O Lord, & preserve thy Noble Handy-work.
Let not the glory due to thy Name be given to any other, they are thy workmanship;
vouchsafe to look upon them, & deliver them from their intolerable pains and torments,
and place them in the number of thy Celestial Saints & Citizens. Grants this through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
DEliver them, O Lord, from eternal death, in that dreadful day, when the Heavens shall
be moved and the Earth, & thou shalt come to judge the World by fire.
V. Eternal rest give [...]o them, O Lord.
R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of the faithful; give to the souls of thy servants
departed, full remission of all their offences, that through pious supplications,
they may obtain the pardon they have always desired, who livest and reignest world
without end. Amen.
O God the Father Creator of the World, Have mercy on the Souls of the faithful departed.
O God the Son, Redeemer of Mankind, Deliver the Souls of the faithful departed.
O God the Holy Ghost, Perfecter of the Elect: Accompliss the bliss of the faithful
O Sacred Trinity, three Persons and one God; Give rest to the Souls of the faithful
Blessed Virgin Mary, who by the special priviledge of Grace, wert triumphantly assumed into the Kingdom
of thy Son: Pray for the Souls of the faithful departed.
Blessed Angels, who ordering aright the [Page 114] first act of your will, were immediately fix in an unchangeable state of felicity;
Pray for the Souls of the faithful departed.
Blessed Patriarchs, whose spirits were filled with joy, when the Desired of all Nations
brought Redemption to your long captivity: Pray for the Souls of the faithful departed.
Blessed Prophets, who having patiently attended the coming of the Messias, were at length refresht with the happy visit of his Divine Person: Pray for the Souls
of the faithful departed.
O all you blessed Saints, who, at the glorious Resurrection of our Saviour, were by him translated from the bosome of Abraham to the clear vision of God: Pray for the Souls of the faithful departed.
Blessed Apostles, who, at the last and terrible day, shall sit upon twelve Thrones,
judging the twelve Tribes of Israel: pray for the Souls of the faithful departed.
Blessed Disciples of our Lord, who following his sacred steps in the narrow path
of Perfection, went strait on to the supernal Jerusalem: Pray for the Souls of the faithful departed.
Blessed Martyrs, who, passing through the Red-sea of your own blood, without [Page 115] the retardment of a tedious Wilderness enter'd immediately into the Land of Promise,
Pray for the souls of the faithful departed.
Blessed Confessors, who despising the vanities here below, and placing your affections
entirely on the joyes above, are already arriv'd to the full possession of all your
wishes, Pray for the souls of the faithful departed.
Blessed Virgins, who, watching continually with your Lamps prepared, were ready at
the first voice of the chast spouse of Heaven, to enter with him into the marriage
Chamber, Pray for the souls of, &c.
O all you holy Saints, who, retaining at your deaths, not the least irregular adherence
to any Creature, were become a perfect capacity for immediate union to the Creator,
Pray for the souls of the faithful departed.
Be merciful, O Lord, and pardon their sins.
Be merciful, O Lord, and hear our Prayers.
From the shades of death, where they sit depriv'd of the blissful light of thy countenance,
Deliver them, O Lord.
From the evils, to which their defective [Page 116] Mortifications in this World, have exposed them in the other, Deliver them, O Lord.
From thy anger, which now too late they grieve to have provoked by their negligence
and ingratitude, Deliver them O Lord.
From the bounds of sin, wherein they remain entangled by the disorder of their affections,
Deliver them, O Lord.
From the pains of Purgatory, justly inflicted on them, as the proper effect of their
sins, Deliver them. O Lord.
From that dreadful prison, whence there is no release till they have paid the utmost
farthing, Deliver them, O Lord.
From all their torments, incomparably greater than the sharpest sorrows of this life,
Deliver them, O Lord.
By the multitude of thy mercies, which have always shown compassion on the frailties
of humane Nature, Deliver them, O Lord.
By the infinite merits of thy death upon the Cross, where thou reconciledst the World
to thy Father, Deliver them, O Lord.
By thy victorious descent into Hell, to break asunder the chains of death, and let
the imprisoned go free, Deliver, &c.
By thy glorious Resurrection from the Grave, when thou openedst the Kingdom of Heaven
to all Believers: Deliver them, O Lord.
By thy triumphant Ascension into Heaven, when thou ledst captivity captive, and promisedst
to prepare a place for thy servants, Deliver them, O Lord.
By thy dreadful coming to judge the World, when the Works of every one shall be try'd
by fire: Deliver them, O Lord.
We sinners beseech thee to hear us.
That it would please thee to hasten the day of visiting thy faithful, detain'd in
the receptacles of sorrow, and transport them to the City of eternal peace: We beseech
thee hear us.
That it would please thee to shorten the time of expiation for their sins, and graciously
admit them into thy holy Sanctuary, where no unclean thing can enter: We beseech
thee hear is.
That it would please thee, for the Prayers and Alms of thy Church, and especially
the inestimable sacrifice of the holy Altar, to receive them into the Tabernacles
of rest, and crown their long hopes with everlasting Fruition: We beseech thee hear
That the blessed vision of Jesus may comfort them, and the glorious light of his Cross shine upon them: We beseech
thee hear us.
That thy holy Angels may bring them into the Land of the Living, and the bright Queen
of Saints present them before thy Throne: We beseech, &c.
That the venerable Patriarch may meet them, and all the antient Prophets rejoyce to
see them: We beseech, &c.
That the sacred College of Apostles may open them the Gates of bliss, and the victorious
Army of Martyrs, conduct them to thy Palace: We beseech thee hear us.
That the blessed Company of Confessors may place them in seats of eternal refreshment,
and the chaste train of Virgins, with Heavenly Anthems congratulate their reception:
We beseech, &c.
That the whole triumphant Church may celebrate the Jubilee of their deliverance,
and all the Quires of Angels sing Hymns of joy, for their new and never ending Felicity:
We beseech thee hear us.
That in the midst of all these triumphs, the glad delivered Souls may themselves adore
the glorious Author of their happiness, and in their White robes eternally [Page 119] sing, Alleluja, Salvation to our God that sits upon the Throne, and to the Lamb that redeem'd us
by his Blood, and made us Kings to reign with him for ever, We beseech thee hear
Son of God, We beseech thee hear us.
O Lamb of God, who shalt come with glory to judge the living and the dead; Give rest
to the Souls of the faithful departed.
O Lamb of God, at whose presence the Earth shall be moved, and the Heavens melt away;
Give rest to the Soul of the faithful departed.
O Lamb of God, in whose blessed Book of Life all their names are written; Give eternal
rest to the souls of the faithful departed.
DEliver us, O Lord, and all thy Faithful in that day of terror, when the Sun and
Moon shall be darkned, and the Stars fall down from Heaven; in that day of calamity
and amazement, when Heaven it self shall shake, and the Pillars of the Earth be moved,
and the glorious Majesty of Iesus come with innumerable Angels to judge the World by fire.
R. And place us with the Blessed at thy right hand for ever.
V. O Lord, hear our Prayers.
R. And let our supplications come to thee.
ALmighty God, with whom do live the spirits of the Perfect, and in whose holy custody
are deposited the souls of all those, that depart hence in an inferiour degree of
thy grace, who, being by their imperfect Charity rendred unworthy thy Presence, are
detained in a state of grief, and suspended hopes: As we bless thee for the Saints
already admitted to thy glory, so we humbly offer our Prayers for thy afflicted servants,
who continually wait and sigh after the day of their deliverance; Pardon their sins,
supply their unpreparedness, and wipe away the tears from their eyes, that they may
see thee, and, in thy glorious Light, eternally rejoyce. Through Jesus Christ, &c.
O Eternal God! who, besides the general Precept of Charity, hast commanded a particular
respect to Parents, Kindred, and Benefactors; Grant we beseech thee, that, as they
were the instruments, by which thy providence bestowed [Page 121] on us our birth, education, and innumerable other blessings; so our Prayers may
be the means to obtain for them a speedy delivery from their excessive sufferings,
and free admittance to thy infinite joys: through Jesus Christ, &c.
MOst wise and Merciful Lord! who hast ordain'd this life as a passage to the future,
confining our Repentance to the time of our Pilgrimage here, and reserving for hereafter
the state of Punishment and Reward: Vouchsafe us thy Grace, who are yet alive, and
still have opportunity of reconcilement with thee, so to watch over all our actions,
and correct every least deviation from the true way to Heaven; That we be neither
surprized with our sins uncancel'd, nor our duties imperfect; but when our Bodies
go down into the Grace, our souls may ascend to thee, and dwell for ever in the Mansions
of Eternal Felicity: Through Jesus Christ our Lord, and only Saviour, Amen.
Because our Lord is high, and he beholdeth low things, and high things he knoweth
far off.
If I shall walk in the midst of tribulation, thou wilt quicken me: And upon the wrath
of thy Enemies, thou hast extended thy hand, and thy right hand hath saved me.
Our Lord will repay for me, O Lord, thy mercy is for ever, despise not the works of
thy hands.
Eternal Rest, &c.
The 145. Psalm.
MY Soul praise thou our Lord, I will praise our Lord in my life: I will sing to my
God, as long as I shall be.
Put not confidence in Princes, in the children of men, in whom there is no Salvation.
His Spirit shall go forth, and shall return into his earth, in that day all their
cogitations shall perish.
Blessed is he, whose God of Jacob is his helper, his hope in our Lord his God, who made the Heaven and Earth, the Sea▪
and all things that are in them.
Who keeps truth for ever, executes Judgment [Page 125] for them that suffer wrong, gives food to the hungry.
Our Lord looseth the settered: Our Lord gives light to the blind.
Our Lord lifts up the brused, our Lord loves the just.
Our Lord keeps strangers, the Fatherless and Widow he will receive: and the ways
of sinners he shall destroy.
Our Lord shall reign for ever, thy God, O Sion, in generation and generation.
Eternal Rest give them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
V. From the Gate of Hell.
R. Deliver, O Lord, their Souls.
V. Let them rest in peace. R. Amen.
V. O Lord hear our Prayer.
R. And let our supplication come to thee.
I Am the Resurrection and the Life; he that believes in me, though he be dead, shall
live; and every one that lives, and believes in me, shall not die for ever.
A Prayer, or Thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity for all Benefits.
O Blessed Lord, Father, Son, and holy Ghost, three Persons, and one God, my Maker,
my Redeemer, my Comforter, my Defender, my Refuge, my Strength, my Victory, my Joy,
and my eternal glory: I humbly adore thee, O blessed Trinity, for that thou art in
thy self the highest good, from whom floweth all goodness: Thou art eternity, thou
art eternal felicity, thou art only God, and there is none besides thy self.
I bless and glorifie thee, O Sacred Trinity, who of nothing hast framed Heaven and
Earth, and all the Creatures therein; who hast made the holy Angels eternally to praise
thee in thy glorious Palace, and faithfully assist us in this miserable exile; who,
to declare thy ineffable goodness, createdst all thing for man, and man with thy proper
hands, to thine own image and similitude, only for thy self, bestowing on him understanding▪
and adoring him with free-will. Blessed, O Lord, be thy Name, for this so inestimable
a gift.
Thou placedst him in Paradise, flowing with delights, that he might possess and govern
all things here below, and, instructed by thy blessings to love and serve thee, be
translated, after a certain period of time, to the inheritance of eternal bliss. Nor
didst thou make these noble Creatures, Angles, and men, for any necessity thou hadst
of them, all things being sufficient in thee to thy eternal joy and glory: But meerly
by thy Charity, wast thou moved to create them, that they might be partakers of thy
unseparable felicity.
I praise thy mercy, O my God, that among all thy works, it pleased thee to make me
a reasonable Creature, and bestow on me so many particular blessings.
O merciful Lord, what shall I say to thee for all thy benefits? what praise and thanks
shall I yeald thee? I confess my self unworthy to receive the least of thy mercies,
unworthy to offer thee thanks for those I have received: But, according to my weak
capacity, I bless thy holy Name; and from the bottom of my Soul, wish all honor, and
glory, and adoration, may be given thee by all thy Creatures, now and for ever. Amen.
I Beseech thee, most merciful God, vouchsafe to preserve me from excessive cares
of this life, that I be not too much incumbred with those things that concern the
necessity of my body, much less entangled in any sensual and voluptuous affections.
O my God, my ineffable Sweetness, turn into Bitterness all carnall consolations which
withdraw me from the love of Celestial things; suffer me not, my God, to be overcome
by the temptations of flesh and blood: suffer me not to be deceived by the world,
and its transitory glory, nor that the Devil, through his subtility, seduce me to
perdition, Give me strength to resist, patience to endure, and constancy to persevere:
Even meat and drink, and all other necessaries of this life are painful, and troublesome
to a devout spirit. Therefore grant me, O Lord, at least to use them moderatly, that
my heart be not too much incumbred with the desire of them. Thy holy Law forbids
us to seek superfluities, and such as are more delightful than profitable: [Page 129] Govern me therefore, O Lord, with thy holy hand▪ and instruct me, that I do nothing
excessively. Amen.
A devout Prayer.
MY Lord God, and most benign Saviour Jesus Christ, who, when I was not, didst create
and make me capable of thee, the Sovereign and only Good; and being become a slave
to sin through my fore-fathers trespasses, didst redeem me with thy precious blood,
and loss of thy sacred life, suffering the punishment due to my iniquities, to acquit
me from the same. For these, O Lord, end all other thy inestimable benefits, I yield
thee most humble, and obedient thanks, offering my self wholy to thee, as I am wholly
thine, beseeching thee also of thy infinite clemency, to preserve me this night from
any ways offending thee, and direct all my thoughts, words, and works, to thy everlasting
glory. My estate and calling is, as thou knowest, O Lord, invironed with many difficulties,
(Here weigh your vocation, and the dangers it is subject to) and through my evil customs▪ & wicked inclinations, scarce can I, without thy special
assistance, pass this life, and not [Page 130] offend in these sins (Here call to mind the vices you are most prone to.) Refresh therefore, O Lord, the powers of my Soul with the dew to thy divine Grace,
and give me strength to fight more manfully, and to subdue all wicked suggestions.
In all humility and sincerity of heart, I protest (by thy gracious favor) never willingly
to transgress thy Laws and Commandments any more: I detest all sin, and what may
any way displease thee. I desire to love thee, fear, and serve thee, and to direct
all my actions to thy honour and glory. Assist me, Lord, with thy grace, and enrich
my poverty with the plenty of thy merits: Wherefore in the union of that Charity,
wherewith thou descendest from Heaven, into the blessed Virgins Womb, and afterwards
offerdst up thy self on the Cross, in sacrifice for our sins: In the union of this
thy incomprehensible love, I offer thee whatever I shall do, think, or speak this
night, beseeching thy merciful goodness so to govern, and direct me, as thy glory
may be thereby procured, my neighbors welfare occasioned, and mine own Soul better
fortified, and provided. To thee, my sweet and only Saviour Jesus Christ, be all
glory and praise ever [...]tin [...]Amen▪
A devout Recommendation of our Bodies and Souls, and all our affairs.
O Holy Trinity, one very God, have mercy on me. Jesus Son of God, and Maker of all
things, help me now, and always, that I delight not in vain and transitory things.
Jesu the Son of God, who keptst silence before the Judge, hold my tongue till such
time I remember, what, and how I shall speak; Jesus the Son of God who wast bound,
govern my Sences so, that all my works may come to a good end.
O my Lord Jesus Christ, I commend my Sight, to thy divine wisdom, that it would please
thee, to grant me the light of Spiritual knowledge, by which I may discern thy will,
and what ever is acceptable to thee.
O my Lord Jesus Christ, I commend my Hearing to thy great mercy, beseeching thee to
give me understanding of such things as I shall hear, and grace to hear nothing that
may be hurtful to my Soul.
O my Lord Jesus Christ, I beseech thee open my mouth, that I may praise thee [Page 132] and give thee thanks for all thy goodness towards me: Keep it from all vain and false
speech, and from all manner of offences.
O my Lord Jesu Christ, I commend my Hands to thy holy direction, beseeching thee so
to order the use of them, that all their actions may be according to thy pleasure,
and conformable to thy blessed example.
I adore thee, Saviour of the world, eternal Wisdom of the Father, by whom we are
made and redeemed, who art the living Bread, that descended from Heaven: have mercy
on me, O Lord, & grant that I may die to all affections of sin, and put on the Armour
of Salvation, by which I may here overcome the temptations and vanities of this life,
and be hereafter admitted to the Everlasting joys of Heaven. Amen.
A Prayer for the Dead.
O God, the giver of pardon, and the lover of humane Salvation, we beseech the clemency,
that for the intercession of the blessed Virgin Mary, and all thy Saints, thou wouldst be pleased to grant the Brethren of our Congregation,
Kinsfolks, and Be [...]efactors, who are departed out of this [Page 133] world, a joyful fruition of thy eternal happiness. Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
and only Saviour. Amen.
O God the Creator and Redeemer of the faithful, give to the Souls of thy Servants
departed, full remission of all their offences; that through pious supplications,
they may obtain the pardon they have always desired; who livest and reignest, world
without end. Amen.
The Lord of vertues is with us, the God of Jacob is our defender.
Come ye, and see the works of our Lord, what wonders he hath put upon the Earth, taking
away wars even unto the end of the Earth.
He shall destroy the [...]ow, and break weapons, and shields he shall burn with fire.
Be quiet and see, for that I am God, I shall be exalted among the Gentiles, I shall
be exal [...]ed in the Earth.
The Lord of vertues is with us, the God of Jacob is our defender.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
The 86. Psalm.
THe Foundation thereof in the holy Mountains: Our Lord loveth the gates of Sion, above all the Tabernacles of Jacob
Glorious things are said of thee, O City of God.
I will be mindful of Raab and Babylon knowing me.
Behold the strangers, and Tyre, and the people of the Ethiopians; these were there.
Shall not Sion say, man & man was born [Page 139] in her, & the highest himself founded her.
Our Lord will declare in Scriptures of peoples, and of those Princes which have been
in her.
As it were of us all rejoycing: the habitation is in thee.
Glory be to the Father. &c.
Vers. Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all things else shall be added to you.
All my life long will I praise my God, and lift up my hands to his holy Throne.
A devout Oblation of our selves to the Holy Trinity.
O Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, three Persons, and one God! Thou art
the glorious Lord and Maker of all the World: Behold, I here present thee the lowest
[...]omage and adoration, both of my Body and Soul, which I hold of thee, as of my Sovereign
Lord, with all the Goods I have, either of Nature or Grace. And in acknowledgement
of my dependance on thee, and thy supreme Dominion over all things, I humbly [Page 140] offer this Prayer to thy Divine Majesty, earnestly beseeching thee to pardon all
the sins and offences I have committed against thy blessed Will; and give me Grace
hereafter, faithfully to serve thee, and keep thy Commandments, and by no means assent
to any mortal sin: And at my death, and greatest need, let me find thy relief and
greatest assistance, that I may remember thy bitter Passion, and have true contrition
for all my sins: That I may live and die in the Faith and Unity of the Catholick Church,
and finally come to thy eternal glory, with all thy blessed Saints and Angels, Amen.
A Prayer to Christ our Saviour.
O Eternal Majesty, Author and Fountain of all Purity, who so lovest it in Souls made
to thine own Image, that, to cleanse them from sin, thou hast washed them with thy
precious blood; suffer me not, O blessed Saviour, to lose the beauty of thy grace,
and mercifully restore true sorrow and repentance to all those who have lost it. Amen.
I Beseech the, O Lord Jesus, for thy exceeding mercy and compassion, infuse into
my Soul a pure Faith, firm Hope, and perfect Charity, that being delivered from all
error and sin, I may yield my understanding obedient to the Catholick Church, and
set all my cogitations and cares on thee; that I may resign and commit my self wholly
to thy providence and government, not accounting of any Creature in respect of thee,
but in all occasions acknowledging thy Fatherly care and love towards me, I may receive
all things at thy hand, with equal praise and thanks to thee, resigning my self absolutely
to thy most blessed will and pleasure. Amen.
A Prayer to our blessed Lady.
HAil, O most holy and blessed Virgin Mary; full of celestial Grace, and replenished with Beauty and Comeliness; of whom it
pleased our Saviour Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the King of Heaven, the brightness
of his Fathers glory, to be born and nourished. Obtain for me, O [Page 142] Blessed Lady, of thine only begotten Son, whatever thou knowest necessary for the
salvation of my Soul. O holy Mother of God, help my frailty and weakness, assist me
this day in all my calamities, temptations & dangers; but especially at the hour
of death, I beseech thee depart not from me, that by thy Prayers and Protection, I
may be safe in that last and dangerous battle. Amen.
To all the holy Angels.
O Holy Angel, to whom the divine bounty hath given me in custody, that thou mightest
conduct my blindness, and teach my ignorance, strengthen my weakness, and excite
my slothfulness▪ I heartily praise our common Lord, and thank thee for the many good
offices thou hast done on my behalf, saving me among so many dangers, both spiritual
and corporal, and especially with holding, and preserving me, when I would have
run into my own perdition. I humbly beseech thee continue the same care of me, till
such time as thou bring my Soul to the happy port of everlasting Salvation.
O All ye good Angels, who have the guard and defence of each one in particular. [Page 143] To you, O Sacred Company, I humbly send up my Prayers, that thou would exercise
all your offices of Charity towards me, towards this City and Country, and all my
Parents, Friends, & Benefactors, directing al [...] our [...]houghts, words, and deeds, to the Salvation of our Souls: That, duely observing the
Commandments of God, we may, by his grace, be made worthy to increase your number,
and live with you in eternal joys. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
To the Apostles.
O Lord God, who above all thy other Saints, hast chosen thy most blessed Apostles,
to be the first Pillars and Foundations of the Church, and sent them to Preach thy
Gospel through the whole world, confirming and establishing their doctorine by supernatural
works, and miracles. We humbly beseech thee, O Lord, mercifully to grant, that we,
who are founded on the Rock of the Apostolick Con [...]ession, and, in the union of the same Faith, chosen and called to obey & praise thee
perpetually, may never through any error or temptation be separated from thee; but,
by the blessed Intercession of [Page 144] thy holy Apostles, be strengthned in our faith, improved in our lives, and defended
at the our of our death, Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
WHen thou shalt be called unto a marriage, sit in the lowest place, that he who invited
thee, may say to thee, Friend, ascend up higher; so shall it be a glory unto thee before them that sit there. Allelujah.
V. Let my Prayer be directed,
R. As incense before thee.
PRevent us, we beseech the, O Lord, with thy heavenly Grace, that no temptation overcome
us, and in all our ways continually assist us, that we may diligently apply our selves
to the exercise of good works. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord and only Saviour. Amen.
O God the Father, Creator of the World. have mercy on us.
O God the Son, Redeemer of mankind. have mercy on us.
O God the Holy Ghost, Perfecter of the Elect. have mercy on us.
O Sacred Trinity, three Persons, and one God. have mercy on us.
O blessed Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, pray for us.
That we may religiously adore the Mystery of our Saviours Incarnation, And freely
offer our selves to him, who freely gave himself for us.
O blessed Virgin, most glorious Queen Of Saints and Angels, pray for us.
That we may praise the bounty of our Lord, who has so highly exalted the humility
[Page 147] of his hand-maid, raising thy immaculate Body from the Grave, to crown thee in Heaven
with glory and honor.
O blessed Virgin, most gracious Protectress of the servants of thy Son, pray for
That, for the merits of his Passion we may be pardoned our sins, and by his acceptance
of thy intercession, be delivered from all dangers.
Blessed Angels, who▪ in those Heavenly Quires above, perpetually sing praises unto
God, Pray for us.
That the great and holy Name of our Creator be sanctified by us on Earth, as it is
by you in Heaven.
Blessed Angels, whose charity solicities the proficiency of the just, and rejoyces
at the conversion of a sinner, pray for us.
That we may diligently improve the little good you see in us, and sincerely repent
those great evils which we know in our selves.
Blessed Angels, who continually behold the face of God, and readily dispence his benefits
to us, pray for us.
That living in the fear of God, we may enjoy your patronage, & dying in his favor,
be conducted by you into Paradise▪
Blessed Patriarchs, who, in those scarcer times of Grace, and with l [...]ss light of divine Revelation, safely arrived to the state of glory, pray for us.
That we may faithfully observe the Law of God written in our hearts, & not presume
to abuse the abundant grace of the Gospel by neglect of good works.
Blessed Prophets, who by divine Inspiration foretold the coming of the Messias, and after a Patient expectance of delivery, were led by him with triumph into Heaven,
pray for us.
That we may admire the goodness of our Saviour, in his humble coming to redeem us,
and exactly prepare the accounts of our life, against his glorious appearing to judge
Blessed Apostles, who in this barren Earth, first planted the Christian Faith, and
after watered it with your Blood, pray for us.
That we may constantly profess the ancient Faith of the Catholick Church, And unfeignedly
practise the perfect charity of the Primitive Christians.
Blessed Disciples of our Lord, who had the priviledge to converse familiarly with
his sacred Person hearing from himself his [Page 149] heavenly doctrine, and seeing before your eyes his glorious miracles, pray for us.
That we may always behave our selves as in the presence of our Redeemer, carefully
endevoring to fulfill his holy Laws, and thankfully acknowledging the wonders of
his infinite power.
Blessed Martyrs, who laying down a short frail life, have Purchased to your selves
a secure eternity; pray for us.
That we may never offend God for fear of man, nor lose our own Souls to gain the whole
Blessed Confessors, who by the improvement of the Talents intrusted to you, are entred
now into your Masters Joy, pray for us.
That we may profitably imploy the gifts of Grace and Nature which God has bestowed
upon us, to the advancement of his glory, and procurement of our own eternal felicity.
Blessed Virgins, who imitating here the purity of Angels, are for ever espoused to
the Heavenly Bridegroom, pray for us.
That, mortifying all sensual and inordinate desires, we may raise our affections
to the glorious Life of Heaven, and there eternally settle our hearts on the chast
love of our Saviour.
O all ye holy Saints of Paradise, who, by the blissfull Vision of God, are secure
of your own happiness, and by your perfect charity, solicitous of ours, pray for us.
That the honor given to your memories, may affect our minds, with a devotion to
your vertues, and the imitation of your holy lives, bring us to the fellowship of
your everlasting glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour, Amen.
And now, O Soveraign Lord, and Merciful Redeemer, having implored the intercession
of the B. Virgin Mother, and of all the holy Angels, & glorious Saints; we presume,
under the favor of their assistance, to appear before the Throne of thy Majesty,
& relying on thine own infinite goodness, humbly address our Prayers to thee.
Jesu, Eternal Son of the living God, Have mercy on us.
Jesu, most blessed Son of the Virgin Mary. Have.
Jesu, God and Man, two Natures, yet but one Christ, Have.
Jesu, the Glory of Heaven, and Joy of Angels, Have.
Jesu, King of the Patriarks, and Light of the Prophets, Have.
Jesu, Master of the Apostles, and Fortitude of Martyrs, Have.
Jesu, the Sanctity of Confessors, and Purity of Virgins, Have.
Jesu, the Crown of all the Saints in Heaven, and only hope of thy Servants upon Earth,
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the World, Spare us, O Jesu.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the World, Hear us, O Jesu.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the World, Have mercy on us.
THe glorious Virgin Mother, with all the holy Angels and blessed Saints fall down
on their faces, and adore him that liveth for ever, singing perpetually, Glory, and
Honor, and Wisdom, and Power, be to them that sits on the Throne, and to the Lamb
for all eternity. Allelujah.
ALmighty God and most merciful Father, who gavest thy only begotten Son to be born
of an humble Virgin, that we might be advanced to the adoption of thy Children; favourably
regard the imperfect Prayers of thy Servants, which we here present unto thee, by
the efficacious Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, & grant, that, as her purity is exalted by thee to the highest degree of glory, her
charity may obtain for us the especial assistance of thy grace: Through Jesus Christ
our Lord and only Saviour. Amen,
O Eternal God, who in thy wonderfull providence, hast made the Angels ministring
spirits, and sendest them in Mission for the good of thy Elect, behold with pitty
the temptations and dangers to which the frailty of our nature is perpetually exposed,
and give thy holy Angels charge to bear us in their hands, and cover us under the
shadow of their wings; that being guided thorough the Desart of this life, by their
safe conduct, we may enter at last into the Land of [Page 153] Promise, and rejoyce for ever in their blessed Society. Through Jesus Christ our
Lord and only Saviour. Amen.
MOst gracious God, and Author of all Sanctity, and lover of Unity, whose wisdom has
established an admirable Communion between thy Church triumphant in Heaven, and Militant
on Earth, as Members of the same Mysticall Body, whereof thy Son Christ Jesus is the
Head. Mercifully grant, that as thy Blessed, without ceasing, pray to the for us,
we may continually praise thee for them, and in correspondence to their perfect charity
with pious observance, celebrate their memories, till we all meet before thy glorious
Throne, and with one heart adore the Saviour of us all, who with thee and the Holy
Ghost, liveth and reigneth ever one God, World without end. Amen.
Thy testimonies are made credible, exceedingly; holiness becometh thy house, O Lord,
for length of days.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
The 89. Psalm.
MAke ye joy to God, all the Earth serve ye our Lord in gladness.
Enter ye in before his sight, in joy.
Know ye that our Lord is God, he made us, and not we our selves.
His people, and the sheep of his Pasture enter ye into his gates in confession, his
courts in hymns, confess ye to him.
Praise ye his Name, because our Lord is sweet, his mercy is for ever; & his truth
even unto generation and generation.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
The 62 Psalm.
O God my God; to thee I watch from the morning light.
My Soul hath thirsted after thee, my flesh to thee very many ways.
In a desart Land, and inaccessible, and without water; so in the holy have I appeared
[Page 156] to thee, that I might see thy strength, and thy glory.
Because thy mercy is better than lives: my lips shall praise thee.
So will I bless thee in my life: and in thy Name I will lift up my hands.
As with lard and fatness, let my Soul be filled: and my mouth shall praise thee with
lips of joyfulness.
So have I been mindful of thee upon my bed, in the morning I will meditate on thee,
because thou hast been my helper.
And in the covert of thy wings: I will rejoyce, my soul hath cleaved after thee: thy
right hand hath received me.
But they in vain have sought my Soul, they shall enter into the inferior parts of
the Earth: they shall be delivered into the hands the sword, they shall be the portions
of Foxes.
But the King shall rejoyce in God, all shall be praised that swear in him; because
the mouth is stoped of them that speak wicked things.
A devout Prayer of St. Thomas of Aquine, for our Conformity to the Will of God.
GRant me, most merciful God, a fervent zeal to desire such things as are most acceptaple
to thee, and a faithful diligence to search after them; give me wisdom to find them,
& thy grace to accomplish them; to the praise and glory of thy holy Name. Direct
thou my life, that I may both have knowledge, will, and power, always to do that
which is most pleasing to thee, and most expedient for my own Soul.
Let my way to thee, O Lord, be sure, strait, & perfect, that neither adversity, nor
prosperity make me faint or fall away from thee, that I be not puffed up in pride
with the one, nor driven down into despair by the other: But for the one give thanks,
& be in the other armed with patience. That I may rejoyce in nothing but that which
draws me to thee, my blessed Jesu, nor sorrow for any thing but that which withdraws
me from thee; that I desire to please, or displease none but thee, and for thee; that
all transitory things may for thy sake, be of no reputation with me, & whatever is
agreeable to thy will, may be delightful to [Page 158] mine, and thou my God above all things; that I may have no joy besides thee: nor
desire of any thing but thee; Let all labour delight me, that is taken for thee, and
all ease be unplesant that is without thee.
Make me lift up my heart often to thee, and when I forgot thee, give me grace to call
to mind my sins with sorrow, and full purpose of amendment; Grant that I may be obedient,
without contradiction; patient, without murmuring; pure, without corruption; humble,
without counterfeiting; cheerful, without levity; sad, without dejection: true, without
doubleness; fearing thee, without despair; to do good works, put not to presume;
telling my neighbour his fault without flattery; instructing him both by word and
example, without scorning or taunting.
Grant me, most loving Lord, a watchful minde, which no worldly thought may d [...] from thee; a constant spirit, which [...]o evil affection, or wicked suggestion may withdraw from thee; a heart so stable,
that no trouble may overcome me; and so free from vice, that sin may challenge no
place in me.
Grant me, O my Lord God, understanding to know thee; diligence to seek thee, wisdom
to find thee, conversation to please thee; that I may faithfully persevere in loving
thee to the end, and finally for ever possess thee. And, in respect of thy most grievous
pains suffered on thee Cross for me, that I may willingly suffer penance and all tribulation
for thee.
Give me, O Lord, thy grace here in this transitory life, and in the world to come,
make me partakers of the Reward, and Heavenly Joy. Through the precious Blood of that
Immaculate Lamb, our only Saviour Jesus Christ; to whom with the Father and the Holy
Ghost, three Persons and one God, be all honor, and glory, world without end. Amen.
A Prayer to any of the holy Martyrs.
O God, who didst so strengthen in thy faith and love, the blessed Martyr Saint N. as no carnal delights, or threatnings of Tyrants, no sword or torture of torments
could withdraw him from worshipping thee: Grant us miserable sinners, by the Intercession
of this [Page 160] blessed Martyr, help in tribulation, and comfort in persecution, that we may manfully
fight against all the deceits of the Devil, despise the World, and all that is in
it, that we may fear no adversity, but obtain those eternal joys, which by thy holy
inspiration, we desire. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
To any Confessor.
ALmighty and Everlasting God, who art the wonderful light of thy beloved Saints,
and principally hast appointed for us blessed Bishops, Doctors, and Confessors, as
burning lights in thy house. And by their holy exhortations, writings, and examples,
reducest sinners from evil to good. We humbly beseech thee, that thou wilt loose the
bonds of our sins, and though unworthy, yet make us partakers of the intercession
of blessed Saint N. and all thy holy Confessors: that we, forsaking our sinful way, and walking in true
faith and charity, may follow them so long in good work, till at last, we enjoy their
company in eternal beatitude; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
O God, who among the many miracles of thy power hast given to the weaker Sex of Virgins,
Widows, & Matrons, the victory of Martyrdom, and immaculate chastity: Mercifully grant,
that we, who celebrate the memory of thy blessed Saint N. may, by her example and
intercession, despise the allurements of the flesh, the pleasures of the World, and
even life it self for thy glory; and daily exercising our selves in thy service we
may still increase in grace here, & at our death be admitted to the fruition of eternal
felicity. Amen.
To a particular Saint.
WE humbly beseech thee, O Lord God, Father Omnipotent, to receive the Prayers of
thy Servants celebrating the memory of thy blessed Saint N. that by his holy intercession, our Bodies may be delivered from all dangers, and
adversities, and our hearts cleansed from all evil cogitations: Through Jesus Christ
our Lord and Saviour, Amen.
O All ye holy and elect of God, for whom he prepared an eternal Kingdom, from the
beginning: I beseech you through the charity by which he loved you, to have pitty
on me most miserable sinner, and reconcile me to my Creator, before death take me
away out of this wretched world. O Blessed Mary, Mother of God, and great Mediatrix for sinners to Christ, obtain for me right faith,
and firm hope, perfect charity, and true humility; with the excellent graces of Patience,
Chastity, & Sobriety; &, after the course of this short and vain life, everlasting
O holy St. Michael, with al the thousands of glorious Angels, pray for me, that by your Intercession,
I may be kept from the power of my adversary, and attaining the love of God here,
and pureness of heart, and strength of faith, I may hereafter be received into the
joys of eternal glory.
Procure for me, you holy Patriarks and Prophets, pardon, and penance, continency
and godly perseverance, and in the end, eternal life. O ye blessed Apostles of Christ
our Lord, deliver me by your prayers [Page 163] from my sins, defend me from the pains of Hell, rescue me from the power of darkness,
& bring me to overlasting light, I beseech you also; ye holy Martyrs of God, that
perfect charity, sincere love, a pure mind, a chast life, and remission of my sins,
be obtained for me, by your holy intercessions. O ye glorious Confessors of God pray
for me, that the desire of heavenly things, the reverence of virtue, and washing
away my misdeeds, be granted by Almighty God to me.
Assit me, all you holy Virgins, with your prayers to God, that he would adorn my Soul
with the excellent vertues of humility, and chastity, & after the course of this
miserable life, bring me to the fellowship of your everlasting blessedness. O all
ye Saints of Heaven, have compassion on me, & pray for me, that through your Intercession,
I may obtain of Almighty God, perfect compunction of heart for my sinful life, a
clear and quiet conscience at my death, & then for ever, the joys of perpetual felicity;
Through Jesus Christ, &c. Amen.
Bring to our Lord, ye Countries of Gentiles, bring ye to our Lord glory and honor:
bring glory to our Lords Name.
Take up hosts, and enter into his Courts: adore ye our Lord in his holy Court.
Let all the Earth be moved before his face: say ye among the Gentiles, that our Lord
hath reigned.
For he hath corrected the round World, which shall not be moved: he will judge people
in equity,
Let the Heavens be glad, and the Earth rejoyce: let the Sea be moved, and the fulnes
thereof; The fields shall be glad, and all things that are in them.
Then shall the trees of the Woods rejoyce before the face of our Lord, because he
cometh; because he cometh to judge the Earth.
He shall judge the round World in equity, and people in his truth.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
The 96. Psalm.
OUr Lord hath reigned, let the Earth rejoyce, let many Islands be glad.
A Cloud and Midst round about him: [Page 167] justice and judgment the correction of his seat.
Fire shall go before him: and shall inflame his enemies round about.
His lightnings shined to the round world: the Earth saw and was moved.
The Mountains melted as Wax before the face of our Lord: before the face of our Lord
all the Earth.
The Heavens have shewed forth his justice: and all people have seen his glory.
Let them all be confounded that adore carvings, and that glory in their Idols.
Adore him all ye his Angels: Sion heard, and was glad.
And the daughters of Judah rejoyced: because of thy judgments, O Lord.
Because thou, Lord, art most high over all the Earth: thou art exalted exceedingly
above all Gods.
You that love our Lord, hate ye evil: our Lord keepeth the Souls of his Saints: out
of the hand of the sinner, he will deliver them.
Light is risen to the just, and joy to the right of heart.
Be glad ye just in our Lord: and confess ye to the memory of his sanctification.
He will judge the round Earth in justice, and the people in Equity.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
Thou art, O Lord, the true light of the world; they who follow Thee, walk not in darkness.
A devout Prayer to the Blessed Trinity.
O Most benign Father, O Father most worthy to be prayed to, I miserable wretch, offer
to thee, for all my sins, (which I confess are many and great) and for the sins of
the World, the bitter Passion and death of thy only Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ; I offer his labours, his fastings, his weariness, his watchings, his prayers,
his tears, his humility, his bounty, his patience, and his charity: I offer his vexations,
and trouble of mind; his anguishes, his contumelies, his pains, his whippings, and
his wounds, I offer all the drops of his most precious Blood.
O most blessed Jesus, my Redeemer, I return thee humble thanks for thy innumerable
benefits, which thou hast already [Page 170] given me, and still daily bestowest on me, being most unworthy. For thy sacred Incarnation,
and Nativity, thy holy life and conversation, thy bitter passion, and effusion of
thy precious Blood: and for thy most cruel and ignominious death. I beseech thee
make me partaker of all thy merits, and grant, that, through the diligent imitation
of thy vertues, I may be found a lively branch in thee, who art the true Vine.
O holy Ghost, my comforter, I commend to thee my Soul and Body, the beginning and
end of my life; Give me grace to do true penance, that I may be heartily sorry for
my sins, and (by vertue of thy holy Name) be perfectly purified from them, before
I depart hence out of this mortal body. Of my self, O Lord, I am corrupt and blind
in my affections and desires; and, if I rely on my own judgment, easily seduced into
error, easily overcome by temptation; Wherefore, to thee (O Lord) I wholly offer
and commit my Soul.
Defend and keep me thy Servant, from all evil, teach and illuminate my mind, strengthen
my weak spirit against inordinate [Page 171] pusillanimity, and superfluous scruples of Conscience, and keep it humble, that
it fall not into presumption. Give me right Faith, unmoveable Hope, and perfect Charity,
that I may sweetly delight in thee, heartily love thee, and every where fulfill thy
holy will and pleasure.
O holy and blessed Trinity, God omnipotent, I commend to thee all my interests,
both Spiritual and Temporal, I commend to thee my Benefactors, my Neighbors, my
Friends, my Familiars, and all those for whom I ought to pray, and who desire my Prayers.
I commend to thee the whole Catholick Church; Renew in it, I beseech thee, purity
of life; grant, that each one may correct himself; nourish and keep among the members
thereof mutual charity, and continual love to thee. Such as err, call back into the
way of salvation; extinguish all Heresies, and convert those to the light of thy
Faith, who as yet know thee not. Comfort and lift up all that are troubled in mind
and conscience, and such as are oppressed with temptations and calamities: who livest
and reignest, one God, world without end. Amen
A Prayer for freedom of mind, and avoidance of Worldly desires.
I Beseech thee, most merciful Lord Jesus, to preserve me from the business and cares
of the World; that I be not taken with its voluptuous pleasure; defend me from all
impediments of the Soul, that I be not broken with overmuch heaviness, sorrow, nor
worldly fear, And by these Petitions I ask not only to be delivered from such vanity
as the World affords, but also from such miseries, as grieve the Soul of thy Servant,
with the common [...]alediction of mankind; that is, with corruption of the corporal sence, wherewith
I am so much infected, that I have not liberty of spirit to behold thee, when I would▪
O Lord God, who art sweetness unspeakable; Turn into bitterness to me all carnal delights,
which would draw me from the love of eternal things, to that of a short and deceitful
pleasure. Let not flesh and blood overcome me, nor the World with its vain glory
deceive me, nor the Enemy with▪ his crafts supplant me; but give me spiritual strength,
Patience in suffering, & constancy in persevering: Give me, for all worldly [Page 173] comforts, the most sweet consolation of the Holy Ghost; & instead of carnal love,
infuse into my Soul, the love of thy Holy Name.
Meat, Drink, and Cloathing, with all other necessaries for the body, are disgustful
to a fervent Spirit; Which if it might, would always rest in spiritual things: Grant
me therefore grace to use such bodily entertainments temperately, that I be not deceived
with overmuch desire of them. To forsake all, is not lawful; for the Body must be
preserved; and to seek super [...]luities more for pleasure, than necessity, thy holy Law prohibits: For so the flesh
would rebel against the spirit. Wherefore Lord, I beseech thy right hand of grace
may so govern me, that I no way commit any excess. Amen.
A Prayer to our Lord Jesus.
O Good Jesu, most gracious Redeemer of my Soul, be merciful to me amiserable sinner:
I have sinned, I have offended, I have done amiss before thee, Lord pardon me all
my iniquities, my negligences, and my immortifications, I put them all into thy most
dearly beloved wounds, and cast them into the bottomless depth of thy Mercies and
Merits. O, would to God, [Page 174] I had never offended; would to God I had never hindred thy grace in me: I purpose
now (by thy help) to correct the folly of my Passions, and thorowly amend my life.
O Lord, put away all my sins, wash me with thy precious blood, and heal me with thy
wounds, sanctifie me with thy bitter Passion, and quicken me with thy death, cleanse
me perfectly from the stains of sin, and restore to me again the innocency which thou
gavest me in Baptism, that I may truly please thee. I worship, I adore, and glorifie
thee, my Lord Jesu Christ, for all thy mercies and benefits: I praise thee (O Son
of the living, and most high God) who for thy exceeding great Charity towards me,
vouchsafe to be made Man, who for my sake, would'st be born in a Stable, laid in
a Manger, and fed with the little Milk of thy Virgin Mother. Thou wouldst suffer extreme
poverty, and be troubled thirty three years with continual labors, and cruel pains.
Thou wouldst, through inward agony, be all in a Bloody sweat, apprehended most shamefully,
bound unworthily, condemned unjustly, spit upon and buffeted, reviled & scorned,
cloathed with a white Garment, in mockery & derision. [Page 175] Thou wouldst be beaten & torn with stripes, crowned with Thorns, overlaid with a
painful & heavy Cross, and cruelly fastned to it with piercing Nails. Thou wouldst
have Vinegar & Gall offered thee in thy thirst▪ Thou, the noble Clother and Garnisher
of the Stars, hang'st naked, despised, wounded, & with innumerable sorrows afflicted
on the Cross for my sake.
Thou sh [...]d'st for me thy most pure, and precious Blood. Thou diedst for me. I embrace in the
arms of my Soul, thy venerable Cross, & for the love & honor of thee, devoutly kiss
the Instrument of so great a blessing. Grant, that I may with ardent desire attain
to thee, and eternally repose in thee, the Center of all true happiness.
O my Lord God, I repute & set my self in the lowest place, under all Creatures; for
I am unworthy that the Earth should bear me: I dispise all corruptible things for
thy love; I refuse what [...]oever thou art not; I renounce all sensual pleasure and delights, all vanity and impurity;
I forsake all selfseeking, and all immortification; I resign my self absolutely into
thy hands and pleasure. All my whole will, I change into thine: Thy only will (O Lord)
[Page 176] be done in me, and on me; thy blessed will be done in time, and eternity, I offer
my self ready to suffer (with the help of thy grace) whatsoever thou shalt send me.
O most sweet & merciful Jesu, mortifie whatever liveth sensually in me, whatever is
vicious & inordinate in my Soul: Mortifie in me all propriety; adorn me with thy
merits, and vertues. O Lord, prepare a delightful habitation for thy self in me: Renew
my Spirit, my Soul, and my Body, with thy excellent Grace; make me like thy holy
humanity; make me one according to thy hearts desire; enlighten my eyes that I may
clearly see thee, and draw my affections, that they may constantly run after thee.
O my Lord God, O unchangeable goodness, fill me with thine own self, lead me into
the clear bottom of my Soul, & bring me from thence into thee, my original. Knit me
to thee most nearly, change and transform me altogether into thee, that thou mayest
have thy delight in me. Hear me graciously, O Lord, hear me graciously, not at my
will, but at thy blessed pleasure. O Lord, teach, illuminate, & direct me in all things,
that I may do nothing, speak nothing, [Page 177] think nothing, desire nothing, but what is acceptable to thee. Amen.
A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin.
O Most pious Virgin Mary, Mother of God! I beseech thee, By the great love thou bearest to thy dear Son, my
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: That thou wouldst vouchsafe to obtain me true sorrow
for my sins, a perfect custody of my senses, & humble resignation of my self, & the
exercise of those vertues, wherewith thou didst so highly please him: I also most
humbly request thee, to direct my ways in those paths, which may be most agreeable
to the will of thy Son, and conducing to the Salvation of my Soul. Amen.
LEt others take their course, and sing what Name they please.
Let wealth or beauty be their Theme, such empty sounds as these,
For me, I'le ne're admire a lump of burnish'd Clay:
Howe're it shines, it is but dust, and shall to dust decay.
Sweet Jesus is the Name, my Song shall still adore,
O Almighty and merciful God, from whose bounty it proceeds, that thou art worthily
and laudably served by thy faithful: Grant we beseech thee, that we may, with an humble
and secure confidence, have recourse to thy Promises. Through our Lord Jesus Christ
thy Son, who with thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, ever one God, World
without end. Amen.
A Thanksgiving.
LEt Heaven and Earth joyn together with joy, and the Quires of Angels with the voices
of men; to sing eternal praises to God in Trinity and Unity; for the mercies received
in the admirable work of our Redemption. Amen.
St. Paul, Doctor of the Gentiles, who of a Persecutor, becam'st a Preacher, pray for Great Brittain.
St. Andrew, first Disciple of Christ, constant lover of the Cross, and cheif Patron of Scotland, pray for, &c.
All holy Apostles and Evangelists, chief Planters of the Christian Faith, and zealous
Defenders of Catholick Unity, pray for, &c.
St. George, the principal Patron of England, whose courage remain'd invincible in the midst of torments, pray for, &c.
St. Alban, the first Martyr of England, who, for the generous Charity of harboring a Priest, wert put to Death, pray for,
St. Thomas of Canter bury, who, as a faithful Shepherd, laidst down thy life in defence of thy Flock, pray
for, &c.
All holy Martyrs of these Nations, who voluntarily lost your lives here, to find
them again in a joyful eternity, pray, &c.
St. Gregory, most vigilant Bishop of the Universal Church, whose pious zeal sent Missioners from
Rome for conversion of this Island, pray for, &c.
St. Augustine, Peculiar Apostle of England, by whom it was reclaimed from Paganism [Page 183] and Infidelity, pray for Great Brit.
St. Bede, most venerable Confessor, by whose religious life, & learned writings, the Catholick
Faith was eminently propagated among us in this Island, pray &c.
All holy Bishops and Confessors, by whose wisdom and sanctity, this Island was once
a flourishing Seminary of Religion, pray for, &c.
St. Helen, most holy Queen, and happy Mother of the first Christian Emperor, pray for, &c.
S. Margaret Queen and Patroness of Scotland, pray for, &c.
St. Ʋrsula, most blessed Martyr, who diedst in the glorious defence of Faith and Chastity, pray
for, &c.
St. Winefri [...], most admirable Virgin, even in this unbelieving generation, still miraculous, pray
for, &c.
All holy Sts. of the two Nations, who, amidst the innumerable joys of Heaven, still retain a particular
Charity for the Salvation of your Countreys, pray, &c.
All holy Saints of all places, who, though divided here in several Regions, were yet
united in the same Faith, and now enjoy one common felicity, pray for, &c.
From the dangers most justly threatning our sins, deliver, &c. O Lord.
From the Spirit of Pride, Rebellion and Apostacy, deliver, &c. O Lord.
From the Spirit of Hypocrisie, Prophaneness and Sacriledge, deliver, &c. O Lord.
From presuming on their own private opinions, and contemning the Authority of thy
Church, deliver, &c. O Lord.
From Schism, Heresie, and all blindness of Heart, deliver, &c. O Lord.
From Gluttony, Drunkenness, and the false liberty of an undisciplin'd life, deliver
Great Brittain, O Lord.
We sinners beseech thee to hear us.
That it would please thee to hasten the Conversion of this once happy Country, and
reunite them to the ancient Faith and Communion of thy Church, we beseech thee hear
That it would please thee particularly to have mercy on our Kinsfolks, Fri [...]nds, and Benefactors, and open their eyes to see the beauty of thy Truth, and embrace
it, we beseech thee hear us.
That it would please thee to incline the [Page 185] hearts of our Magistrates, rightly to understand our Religion, and impartially consider
our sufferings; and when ever they oppress and persecute us, make us still with exactest
fidelity perform our duties to them, we beseech thee hear us.
That it would please thee to comfort and strengthen thy Servants, who suffer for the
Catholick Faith, and not permit the weakest of us, by whatever temptation, to fall
away from thee and thy Truth, we beseech thee hear us.
That it would please thee to assist, with thy special grace, th [...]se good Pastors who venture their lives for their Flock, and daily augment in them
the fire of thy love, and zeal of gaining Souls, we beseech thee hear us.
That it would please thee to preserve the Catholicks of this Land, from all sin, and
scandal, and so adorn our lives with solid piety, that they, who see our good works,
may glorifie thee our Heavenly Father, we beseech thee hear us,
That it would please thee to improve our restraints and temporal disadvantages, into
an occasion of retiredness and Christian severity, supplying our want [Page 186] of Publick Assemblies by a greater diligence in private devotions, we beseech thee
hear us.
That it would please thee to illuminate the hearts of all Schismaticks, who live out
of the Church, seriously to apprehend the danger of their state, and the geat importance
of eternal Salvation, we beseech thee hear us.
That it would please thee mercifully to look down from Heaven on the tears of the
afflicted, and the blood of so many Martyrs, who have spent their lives, and suffered
death to convert us to thee, we beseech thee hear us.
Son of God, we beseech thee hear us.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the World, spare us, O Lord.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the World, hear us, O Lord.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the World, have mercy on us.
ALmighty and everliving God! whose Judgment are righteous, and Councils unsearchable,
who visitest the iniquities of the Parents, upon the Children to the third and fourth
Generation, and yet at length remembr [...]st mercy: Forgive, we beseech thee, the sins of our Forefathers, and turn away the
wrath from their posterity; deliver the ignorant from being seduced by false Teachers,
and the learned from being abused by their Passions, and the whole Nation from the
spirit of contradiction, licentiousness, and discord; that instead of so many divisions
& changes in Religion, they may again be restored to that unity of mind and stediness
of Faith, and tranquility of Conscience, which is no wh [...]re to be sought, but in the communion of thy Church, nor possible to be found, but
by the conduct of thy Grace.
O Eternal God, who, in this great D [...] luge of Error, which over-flowes, and covers almost the face of this Land, hast
[Page 188] vouchsafed to select a small number for thy self, & save them in thy holy Ark from
the common inundation: We praise and glorifie thy infinite goodness, by which alone
we enjoy the comfort of a firm and setled belief, free from the inconstancy of those,
who, having no support, but their own fancies flote up and down a while, and sink
at last into the gulf of Infidelity: Make us sensible, O Lord, of these thy unspeakable
Blessings, that, as we know thee by a sure Faith, we may love thee with a perfect
Charity, and fixing all our hopes on the joys of the future life▪ be ready patiently
to suffer what thou permittest here, and still press on to what thou promisest hereafter:
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, and only Saviour. Amen.
The blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, descend upon us, and dwell
in our hearts for ever. Amen.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, &c.
The 53. Psalm.
O God save me in thy Name, and in thy strength judge me.
O God hear my Prayer, with thine ears receive the words of my mouth.
Because strangers have risen up against me, and the strong have sought my Soul: and
they have not set God before their sight.
For behold, God helps me, and our Lord is the receiver of my Soul.
Turn away evils from mine enemies, and in thy truth destroy them.
I will voluntarily sacrifice to thee: and will confess to thy Name, O Lord, because
it is good.
Because thou hast delivered me out of all tribulation: and mine eye hath looked down
upon mine enemies.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
The 84. Psalm
O Lord, thou hast blessed thy Land: thou hast turned away the captivity of Iacob.
Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy [Page 191] people: thou hast covered all their sins.
Thou hath mitigated all thy wrath, thou hast turned away from the fierceness of thine
Convert us, O God, our Saviour, and turn away thy anger from us.
Wilt thou be angry with us for ever? or wilt thou extend thy wrath from generation
to generation?
O God, thou being converted shalt quicken us: and thy People shall rejoyce in thee.
Shew us, O Lord, thy mercy, and give us thy Salvation.
I will hear what our Lord God will speak in me; because he will speak peace unto his
And upon his Saints, and upon them that are converted to the heart.
But his Salvation nigh those that fear him; that glory may inhabit in our Land.
Mercy and truth have met each other, justice and peace have kissed.
Truth is risen out of the Earth: and Justice hath looked down from Heaven.
For our Lord truly will give benignity, and our Land shall give her fruit.
Justice shall walk before him, and shall [Page 192] set his steps in the way.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
Thy Judgments, O Lord, we confess are just; but deal, we beseech thee, with thy Servants
in mercy.
A Prayer for Patience.
O Lord, who, by thy perfect resignation, fulfilledst the will of thy Father; grant
that in all things I behave my self patiently, in all things submit my desires to
thy pleasure, as long as thou ordainest I shall bear the burthen of this corruptible
body: For though this life be tedious, and as a heavy load to the Soul, yet it is
now through thy Grace, made very meritorious; & by the example of thee, & thy holy
Saints, rendred to weak persons, more comfortable, than in the old Law, when the Gates
of Heaven were shut, & the way thither dark, & few endeavoured to find it: So that
they, who were then righteous, & ordained to be saved, could never enter into the
possession of the bliss prepared for them, till thy precious death, and glorious [Page 193] Resurrection opened the Kingdom of Heaven to all Believers.
O my God, what thanks am I bound to yield thy goodness, who hast so lovingly vouchsafed
to shew me, and all the faithful that follow thee, the true and strait way to thy
Kingdom! Thy Holy life is our way, & by thy patience we walk to thee, who art our
head & Governor: But that thou, Lord, hast led the way, who ever would have endeavoured
to follow? O how many would have tarried behind, if they had not seen thy blessed
example going before! we are yet slow & dull, though we have seen and heard thy signs
& doctrines; what should we then have been, if no such light had shined before us?
certainly we should never have raised our thoughts to thee, but wholly fixed our mind,
and love on worldly things.
Lord make that possible to me by Grace, wch is impossible by Nature. Thou knowest my weakness, and that I am presently cast down
with a little adversity; I beseech thee, strengthen me with thy grace, that trouble
& affliction, for thy Name sake, may hereafter be beloved & desired by me; nothing
being more profitable for the Salvation of my Soul, than patiently to suffer persecution
for thy glory. Amen.
WHo can, O Lord, abide it? What heart so stoney, as to forbear weeping and lamenting
for those that are thus blinded, and daily mislead others into the pit of Heresie,
and damnation for ever.
Let us call continually to God, and cry night and day: Arise, O Lord, arise, and shew
thy self to the enemies of thy truth, that the beams of thy glory may enlighten them:
Arise, and shew thy self to thy servants, that the comfort of thy presence may refresh
them: Arise, O Lord, why dost thou sleep? why turnest thou thy face from us, and seemest
to forget our poverty and trouble? Arise, O Lo [...]d, help us, and deliver us for thy Name sake.
Suffer us not to be led into temptation, and fall from the right belief of thy Holy
Church, but confirm us by thy grace, that we may stand therein manfully▪ and confess
it to death, and so obtain those infinite and endless joys, which God has promised
to all that continue in his love, and keep his Commandments; which our Lord Jesus
Christ, for his dear and bitter Passion sake, grant to us all. Amen.
O God the enemies of thy Church are entered into thy Hetitage, they have taken thy
people by force of Arms, and as vanquishers, they possess our Cities. They have defiled,
with their abominations, thy Temple, dedicated to thy honor; they have polluted the
vessels, consecrated for the service of thy House.
We are become a reproach to our Neighbours, they despise and make a jest of us, rejoycing
at our afflictions, and in their mirth, they upbraid us: And thou, O Lord, on whose
pleasure we wholly depend, how long wilt thou be angry with us? Why dost thou so deliver
us into the hands of our Adversaries, as though thou hadst shaken us off, and hereafter
wouldst have no more care over us? Why dost thou shew the fury of thy wrath towards
thy people, who are the sheep of thy holy Pasture, whereof thy self art the Shepherd,
and Protector?
Be mindful, O Lord, of thy holy Church, and leave it not in the hands of thy enemies,
but deliver it by thy strong power: Consider thy League and Testament, made with thy
Elect: Remember thy promise, that thou wouldst not forsake such as were [Page 196] contrite in heart, nor fail to Save those that are humble in Spirit.
Awake, O Lord God, delay no longer, but come to succor thy people, make hast to help
thy faithful Servants, and save us from the hands of our enemies, we humbly beseech
thee for thy most glorious Name sake; for thine own self, and for thine infinite mercy,
that we, their posterity, may tast a little the sweetness of thy promises, which our
forefathers have so abundantly experienced. Then will we render thee most humble
thanks, and we will declare thy praises from generation to generation, and solemnly
sing thy glory for ever. Ho [...]ver we will continue thy people, and the sheep of thy pasture; we will worship no
other. God but thee, nor put our confidence in any besides thee; however, it shall
please thee to dispose of us, we will serve thee with joy and gladness, we will persevere
still in thanksgiving, patiently attending thy gracious deliverance. Amen.
For those that are fallen from the Church.
OMnipotent and most merciful God, we humbly beseech thee to visit with thy Fatherly
affection, all those that are [Page 197] fallen from the pure Catholick and Christian Church, or doubt in any Articles thereof;
especially those that are deceived through mis-information or any false perswasion;
illuminate their hearts, O Lord, with the beams of thy Divine light, and bring them
back to acknowledge their error, that being perfectly converted to the Truth, they
may with the whole Universal Church, both confess in words, and declare in deeds,
one True, Catholick, and Christian Faith, and remaining in it, work out their own
salvation; so that being all of one mind and will, in one flock, we may all hear and
follow thee ourShepherd, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
For the Fruits of the Earth.
OMnipotent, Everlasting, and Merciful God, we beseech thee consider our daily need,
shew us thy mercy, and give us of thy temporal blessings sufficient for sustainment
of our necessities, grant that the Fruits of the Earth may (by thy holy benediction)
encrease and multiply: Defend them from all storms & tempests, & whatever may be
any way hurtful; through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who with [Page 198] thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth one God world without end. Amen.
A general Prayer for the living and the dead.
O Sweet Saviour Jesus, forgive those that hate us, and use us mercifully; render
good to those that do us good; grant to our brethren a supply of their necessities
and in the end life everlasting. Comfort the sick, & direct all that travel by Sea
or Land. O Lord, according to thy great mercy, have pity on those that are recommended
to our unworthy prayers. Remember our Ancestors and Friends departed this life; bring
them to that place where they may behold the light of thy countenance. Remember those
that are in captivity, & deliver them from their affliction. Assist all those that
labour in ruling the Church; grant them their just requests; & give them everlasting
bliss. Be not unmindful O Lord, of us thy unworthy servants; pour into our hearts
the light of thy knowledge, and keep us in the path of thy Commandments; by the intercession
of the most holy & blessed Virgin Mary, & of all the Saints in Heaven; by whom be all praise and glory given to thy holy
Name for ever and ever. Amen.
HAil, holy Virgin Mary, of whom was born the King of Heaven, and brightness of his Fathers glory Jesus Christ;
with whose pure Milk the Saviour of the world was nourished. O Blessed Mother, assist
my weakness in all my dangers, and necessities, in all temptations to sin, and in
the hour of my death; that, through thy protection, I may be safe in our Lord.
O blessed Spirits of Heaven, pray for me, and especially thou holy Angel, the keeper
of my Soul & Body, have thou faithful care over me! O all ye holy Saints of God! who
have passed over the troubles and vexations of this exile, and most happily attained
the port of the Celestial Country, I most humbly beg your protection, and the favourable
assistance of your Prayers now, and in the hour of my death. Amen.
To our Blessed Lord.
O Lord God, and my heavenly Father, since, by thy divine Ordinance, the night approaches,
and darkness begins to overwhelm the Earth, and time requires that we give our selves
bodily rest; I render thee most hearty thanks for thy loving kindness, in vouchsafing
to preserve me thisday from the danger of mine enemies, to give me [Page 200] health, to feed me, & send me all things necessary for my comfort in this short
& miserable life, I most humbly beseech thee, for Jesus Christ his sake, mercifully
to forgive me all I have this day committed against thy fatherly goodness, either
in thought, word, or deed. And vouchsafe to shadow me this night under the wings of
thy Almighty power, defend me from Satan & all his crafty assaults, that neither
he, nor any of his ministers have any power over me; but that, though my Body sleep,
my Soul may continually watch, & evermore praise thee, and when the joyful light
of the day returns, I may rise again with a faithful Soul & undefiled Body, & so
behave my self according to thy blessed will, by casting away the works of darkness;
and putting on the armour of light; that others, seeing my good works, may be thereby
incited to glorify thee, my Heavenly Father; who with thy only begotten Son Jesu
Christ, our Saviour, and the Holy Ghost, our Comforter, liveth & reigneth, one God,
world without end. Amen.
O Most Heavenly King and Saviour Jesu Christ, behold I come to thee fainting under
the burthen of my sin, & far from the perfection thou commandest. My conscience daily
accuses me, and more and more I am convinced of my failty. In all the imaginations
of my heart, in all my words, & what ever I do or leave undone, whether I eat or drink,
or sleep, or wake, still I find my life full of imperfections, and with sorrow I
often see thy Maj. offended. Whither shall I turn me, O Lord? whither shall I go for
mercy? Thou requirest integrity of life and justice, that I should walk in thy holy
Commandments, and promisest me thy gracious help: But, O Lord, I feel my own will
so perverse, that I cannot heartily so much as wish and desire those things which
are requisite to my salvation. I have no true and sincere purpose to bewail my sins,
nor to repent my wickedness from the bottom of my heart, I am too much carried away
with the vanity of this life, and too often forget the benefits of thy death. My offences
are so many in number, and so grievous in weight, (O gracious God) that, but for thy
infinite mercy, I had been long since cast into everlasting [Page 205] torment. Wherefore I most humbly thank thy unspeakable goodness, for allowing me
this time of repentance, and that I am not already sunk into the bottomless pit of
eternal misery.
But what shall I do? shall I despair? shall I say with cursed Cain, the murtherer of his Brother, My offences are greater than can be forgiven? God forbid
I should have any such thought: But this I will say, My God is merciful and full of
pity; he is my comfort and my strength, my refuge and defence; he will not despise
the work of his own hand, nor cast from before him a repenting sinner.
To thee I come, most merciful Saviour, opening in thy sight the thoughts of my heart,
for thou never failest me with thy gracious help: I confess, most merciful Lord, before
thee my weakness, I acknowledge my own imperfection, and bewail the mult [...]tude of my offences.
O everlasting Sweetness! O unspeakable Mercy! O most loving Father! I have so often,
and so many ways offended against Heaven and thee, that I am not worthy to be reputed
thy Child. Accept me, O Lord, for one of thy hired servants, and feed me [Page 206] with the comfortable Bread of thy Heavenly grace, that I being refreshed therewith,
may humbly serve thee in thy House, in cleanness of heart and purity of conscience,
all the days of my life.
O sweet Saviour Christ, I humbly beseech thee for thy bitter passion and blessed
Mothers sake, for the prayers of thy faithful servant Mary Magdale [...], who so servently loved thee, whose sins (though many) yet thou forgavest, and madest
her partaker of thy heavenly glory: receive me under the wings of thy mercy, and
have compassion on me. Take from me the fond love of this transitory world, quench
in me all impure and unchaste thoughts, and enkindle in my soul a burning desire of
thy glorious bliss.
Grant me, Almighty God, true repentance of my sins, and thy grace to lament the want
of sorrow for my offences. Grant me recōnciliation to thee through the comfortable
Sacrament of Penance; and in the end to be received into the blessed company of thy
Elect. Give me an earnest desire to amend my life, that being sustained by thy grace▪
I may continue in holiness to the end of my days, and happily attain to [Page 207] thy heavenly Tabernacle, where I may praise and honour thee for ever. Amen.
Adevout Prayer of a Penitent Sinner.
SHall I, Lord Jesu, dare to speak to thee, that am but dust and ashes? Verily, if
I think my self any better, thou standest against me, and my own sins bear witness
that I cannot gain-say it; but if I readly despise my self, and truly think my self
but dust and ashes, as I am, then will thy grace be nigh to me, and the light of true
understanding enter into my heart; then shall all presumption and pride be drowned
in the vale of meakness and humility, through perfect knowledge of my wretchedness.
I have lost thee, and my self also, O my God, by the inordinate love that I bear to
my self; and, in seeking thee again, I have found both thee and me; therefore I will
hereafter use more severity in denying my self, and more diligence in seeking thee:
For thou, Lord Jesu, art bountiful to me above all I can ask or desire. Blessed be
thou in all thy works; for though we are unworthy, yet thy goodness never ceaseth
to do well to us, and thy mercy looks after us, though we turn away from thee. Convert
[Page 208] us, O Lord, therefore to thee, that we may hence forward be obedient and thankful
to thee, for thou art our health, our vertue, and all our strength, and none but thee,
To thee therefore be joy and glory everlastingly in the bliss of Heaven. Amen.
THis is the greatest charity that God himself can bestow, since God can bestow nothing
greater than himself Alleluja.
V. Let me prayer be directed to thee▪ O Lord.
R. As incense in thy sight.
The Prayer.
O God, who under an admirable Sacrament hast left us a perpetual▪ memorial of thy
passion, grant us (we beseech thee) so to reverence the sacred mysteries of thy Body
and Blood, that we may continually feel in our souls the fruit of thy Redemption,
who with the Father and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest ever one God, world without
end▪ Amen.
O God the Father, Creator of the world, have mercy on us.
O God the Son, Redeemer of mankind, have mercy on us.
O God the Holy Ghost, Perfecter of the Elect, have mercy on us.
O sacred Trinity, three Persons and one God, have mercy on us▪
Jesu, God and Man, in two Natures one Divine Person, have mercy on us.
Jesu, our wonderful God, who for us vouchsafest to subject thy Almighty Self to the
power of Man, and immediately descend upon our Altars, when the Priest pronounces
the words of Consecration, have mercy on us.
Jesu, our incomprehensible God, whose immensity the Heaven of Heavens cannot [Page 211] contain, and yet vouchsafest personally to reside in our Churches, and dwell among
us in a little Tabernacle, have mercy on us.
Jesu, our Soveraign King, on whose throne above all the glorified Spirits continually
wait, and yet vouchsafest here in thy most solemn Processions to be accompanied by
such mean attendants as we, have mercy on us.
Jesu, our heavenly Phisician, who dwellest in the Palace of immortal bliss, and yet
disdainest not to come in person to our houses of clay, visiting us on our beds of
sickness, and giving us thy self to comfort our sorrows, have mercy on us.
Jesu, our glorious God, who sittest at the right hand of thy eternal Father, adored
by innumerable Angels, and encompast with the splendors of inaccessible Light, have
mercy on us.
Jesu, our gracious God, who condescending to the weakness of our nature; covered
all thy glories under the familiar form of Bread and Wine, and permittest thy self
to be seen, and touched, and tasted by such inconsiderable wretches as we, have mercy
on us.
Jesu, our gracious God, who concealing the dreadful brightness of thy Majesty under
these low and humble veils sweetly invitest us to approach thy Person, and open our
miseries before thy eyes, and deliver our Petitions into thy own hands, have mercy
on us.
Jesu, our gratious God, who to communicate thy Divine nature to us miserable sinners,
humblest thy self to enter into our mouth, and descend into our brests, and by an
unconceiveable Union become one with us, have mercy on us.
Jesu, the Bread of Life, that came down from Heaven, of which who ever eats shall
live eternally, have mercy on us.
Jesu, the Heavenly Manna, whose sweetness nourishes thy Elect in the desart of this
world, have mercy on us.
Jesu, the Food of Angels, whose deliciousness replenishes our hearts with celestial
joys, have mercy on us.
Jesu, the Lamb without spot, who every day are sacrificed, yet always remainest alive;
every day eaten, yet still continuest entire, have mercy on us.
Jesu, the good Shepherd, who fearest not to lay down thy life for thy Sheep, nor [Page 213] sparest to feed them with thine own body, have mercy on us.
Jesu, who in this high and venerable Mystery, art thy self both Priest and Sacrifice,
have mercy on us.
Jesu, who in this sacred Memorial of thy Death hast abridged all thy wonders into
one accumulate Miracle, &c.
Jesu, who in this admirable Sacrament hast cont [...]cted all thy blessings into one stupe [...]us bounty, &c.
Jesu, [...] by this blessed fruit of the Tree of [...] r [...]storest us again to immortali [...]▪ &c.
[...] by sanctifying the most familiar [...] [...]cessary of thy Creatures to build us up into a pure desire of thee, teachest us the
only right use of all the rest, &c.
Jesu, who by becoming thy self the daily food of our souls and bodies, breedst up
our intire Constitution to live on thee eternally, &c.
Jesu, who in this Divine Banquet of Charity givest us possession of thy Grace here,
and a secure pledge of our Glory hereafter, &c.
From presuming to measure the Omnipotence of God by the short discourse of Humane
understanding, deliver us, O Lord.
From presuming to interpret the great secrets of thy Will by the incertain rules
of our Private Conceits, deliver us, O Lord.
From all distraction and irreverence in assisting at this dreadful Sacrifice, deliver
us, O Lord.
From neglecting to come to this holy Table, and from coming negligently, deliver
us, O Lord.
From unworthy and unfruitful receiving this adorable Sacrament, deliver us, O Lord.
From all hardness of heart and ingratitude for so unspeakable a blessing, deliver
us, O Lord.
By thy irresistible power, which changes the course of Nature as thou pleasest, deliver
us, O Lord.
By thy unsearchable wisdom, which disposes all things in perfect order, deliver us,
O Lord.
By thy infinite goodness, which freely bestows on us thy self in this incomprehensible
mystery, deliver us, O Lord.
By thy blessed Body, broken for us on the [Page 215] Cross, and really given us in the holy Communion, deliver us, O Lord.
By thy precious Bloud, shed for us on the Cross, and substantially present in the
Chalice of Benediction, deliver us, O Lord.
We sinners beseech thee to hear us.
That we may always believe nothing more reasonable, then to submit our reason to thee,
we beseech thee hear us.
That by this sacred Oblation we may solemnly protest thy infinite perfections in
thy self, and supreme dominion over all things, we beseech thee hear us.
That by this sacred Oblation we may humbly acknowledge our perpetual dependance
on thee, and absolute subjection to the disposure of thy Will, we beseech thee hear
That we may eternally adore thy goodness, who (have no need of us) hast contrived
such strange endearing Motives to make us love thee and be happy, we beseech thee
hear us.
That we may thankfully comply with thy gracious condescend [...]nce to be united to us, by a fervent desire of becoming one with thee, we beseech
thee hear us.
That, still before we approach this Royal Feast of love, we sincerely procure our
reconcilement to thee, and be in perfect charity with all the World, we beseech thee
hear us.
That, in the instant of receiving thy sacred Body, our Souls may dissolve into reverence
and love, to attend and entertain so glorious a guest, we beseech thee, &c.
That, returning ftom this great and holy Eucharist, we may recollect all our thoughts
to praise and bless thee, and immediatly apply our utmost endeavours to the real
amendment of our lives, we beseech thee hear us.
That, by this heavenly Preservative, our hearts may be healed of all infirmities,
and strengthned against all relapses, we beseech thee hear us.
That, as by Faith we adore thee here under these sacred veils, we may hereafter see
thee face to face, and in that blissful Vision, eternally rejoyce, we, &c.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the World, spare us, O Lord.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the World, hear us, O Lord.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world have mercy on us.
THE glorious King of Heaven, and Earth, to shew the riches of his bounty, has prepared
a solemn & splendid feast; and by this gracious invitation calls even the meanest
of his Subjects to sit down at his Table: Come to me all that labour and are opprest, and I will refresh you: For my Flesh is
meat indeed, and my Blood is drink indeed.
Vers. Thou hast given us, O Lord, bread from Heaven. Alleluja.
Resp. Replenished with all sweetness and delight. Alleluja.
V. O Lord hear our prayers.
R. And let our supplications come unto thee.
Let us Pray.
O God, who under an admirale Sacrament hast left us a perpetual memorial of thy
passion, grant us, we beseech thee, so to reverence the sacred mysteries of thy Body
and Blood; that we may continually feel in our souls the fruit of thy Redemption,
who with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest ever one God, world without
end. Amen.
I Beseech thee, O Lord Jesu Christ, that thy Death may be my strength to arm and defend
me; thy sacred Wounds my Meat and Drink to fe [...]d and nourish me; thy precious Blood wash me from all my sins, and thy Passion bring
me to everlasting glory. In the meditation of these thy mercies be all my rejoycing,
my health, my study, and the chief desire of my soul, now and for ever. Amen.
DEsend, O Lord, thy servants, we humbly beseech thee, from all dangers of body and
soul: and for the prayers of the glorious Virgin Mary, of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, of the blessed St. N. and all thy Saints; Grant us the mercies of Peace and Safety, that all adversities
and errors being destroyed, the Church may serve thee in secure liberty. Through our
Lord J [...]sus Christ, &c. Amen.
Because there hath our Lord commanded blessing, and life even for ever.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
The 133. Psalm.
LO now bless our Lord, all the servants of our Lord.
Which stand in the house of our Lord, in the courts of the house of our God.
In the nights lift up your hands unto the holy places, and bless ye our Lord.
Our Lord out of Sion bless thee: who made Heaven and Earth.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, &c.
The 116. Psalm.
PRaise our Lord all ye Gentiles: praise him all ye people.
Because his mercy is confirmed on us, and his truth remains for ever.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: As it was, &c.
Behold Mary hath born to us a Saviour, whom John seeing, cried out, saying, Behold the Lamb of God: Behold him that takes away the
sins of the world. Alleluja.
A Prayer for a Penitent Sinner, after his Relapse.
O Lord Jesu Christ, behold, now again I have offended thee (by this Sin) unhappy wretch, and ungrateful Sinner that I am, I have dishonored thy Majesty,
and rejected thy love, which above all things, ought to be most dear and precious
to me.
Thou knowest, O Lord, how much I am yet carnal; how little mortified; how full of
concupiscence; how I am floating in external pleasure; how often enwrapped in vain
fancies; how negligent in spiritual exercises; how light in laughing and dissolution;
how obdurate in weepings and compunction; how ill advised in speaking; how impatient
in keeping silence; how much given to eating and drinking; how deaf in hearing pious
Admonitions; how attentive to babling; how sluggish in assisting at divine Offices,
how suddenly troubled and hindred from doing good; how many things I purpose, whereof
I accomplish none.
O my Lord & my God, I am full of sorrow & grief, that I have so little compunction,
I most earnestly desire that thou wouldst wound my heart with perfect contrition,
[Page 223] for from thee proceeds grace and mercy, from us nothing but Sin and Perdition: Assist
me therefore, I beseech thee, with thy grace, hereafter to keep my self from any wayes
offending thee, & carefully to avoid every occasion that may endanger my relapse.
A Prayer to our B. Saviour to have mercy [...]n us, though we turn late to him.
O Glorious Jesu, the Fountain of all Sweetness, pardon me that I have not hitherto,
according to my duty, acknowledged thee, who art the true and perfect sweetness,
nor have endeavoured to place my delight in thee, nothing regarding the beauty of
my Soul, nor the happy uniting it to thy blessed Spirit: Pardon me, that I have so
seldom considered my own estate, to prepare my heart for receiving thee, and making
it a resting place for thee, where thou mightest often and long continue.
O loving Lord, have mercy on me, most unthankful Sinner, that have neither diligently
sought to know thy will, nor yet obeyed it, nor principally taken pleasure & delight
in thy service, as a thing of chiefest felicity, but quite contrary, like the prodigal
[Page 224] Child, have served swine, and fed my affections with the vain & filthy pleasures
of the world; Spare me good Lord, that I came no sooner to the knowledge of thee,
and that I have been so slow a runner after the sweet savor of thy heavenly goodness:
Withdraw not thy grace from me, nor refuse to help me that come late, but so much
the more assist me, and draw me strongly to thee, because my dayes are spent; to the
end that making the more hast, I may recover the time I have lost through my negligence.
Suffer not, O Lord, death to prevent me, before I attain to that state of Salvation,
to which we ought all to hasten: that is to be joyned to the holy Spirit, in pure
and perfect love. Amen.
A devout Prayer.
O Dearest Saviour Jesu Christ, who hast loved & washed us with thy precious Blood,
and given thy self to death for us, who wast reputed with the wicked, and most cruelly
wounded for our iniquities Thou wert bruised for our offences, and by thy stripes
are we made whole; I beseech thee, O Lord, for this thy unspeakable mercy, enflame
my heart with thy heavenly [Page 225] Grace; that the fire of thy charity may perpetually burn and work within me, and
produce always in my Soul, such chast and never-failing affections of pity, and benevolence,
as may, for the love of thee, and in imitation of thy universal love, extend it self
to all Creatures.
Fill, my Soul, I beseech thee, O Lord, with thy fervent and perpetual charity, that
in all things, and above all, I may love thee, and according to thy holy Law, love
my neighbour in thee, and for thee.
Grant me grace, I humbly beseech thee, that with all my heart I may, to thy glory,
love, desire, and endeavour the salvation and advantages of every one.
Grant me, O Lord, perfectly to love mine enemies, not in word or shew only, but in
deed and truth. Take from me all bitterness of Mind, all Anger, Disdain, Suspition,
Envy, and whatever is contrary to pure and sincere Charity; so that in plain simplicity
of heart, I may have a good opinion of all, judging none rashly, but loving every
one in thee, with most holy and hearty affection, and that I may shew them both in
words and deeds, all sweetness, clemency and love. Amen.
A Prayer, that we may receive the B. Sacrament before our Death.
O My God, and my Lord, I praise and bless thee, that thou hast vouchsafed me the grace,
often to participate of thy great Mysteries; to be fed with the food of thy holy Sacrament,
and comforted with thy sweet and blessed Presence. O Father of mercies, and God of
all consolation, let every tongue bless thee, and every Creature celebrate thy bounty
for this inestimable gift. And as for me, because praise is unseemly in the mouth
of a Sinner, I humbly offer thee, O my God, all the praises of the Angels, and blessed
Saints, that continually adore thee, and sing thy glory.
O glorious Jesu, I beseech thee, before I die, vouchsafe me the graces of true Confession,
Contrition, and Satisfaction for all my offences, and that, in the hour of my Death,
I may humbly adore, and devoutly receive thee, God and Man, Christ Jesu, Saviour of
the World. And so with full pardon of all my Sins, I may end my life in Peace, and
the true Faith of thy Holy Church, and in perfect Love and Charity with all the World.
OMnipotent, and Ever-living God; have mercy on thy Servant N. for the love of thy sweet Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, the true light and life
of all that shall be saved. O Jesu, the second Person in Trinity, equal God with the
Father, and the Holy Ghost, conserve and keep him in thy grace, favor and love; suffer
him not to be drawn from thee, through any subtile perswasion of the Enemy. O Holy
Ghost, proceeding from the Father, and the Son, the Comforter of the Elect, the Inspirer
of all good Gifts, the onely teacher of all truth: Grant that, by thy grace, he may
evermore dwell in truth. Replenish his heart with all charitable desires, and Heavenly
inspirations necessary to his Salvation. Grant this, O holy Trinity, for the bitter
Passion of our Saviour Jesus Christ, and by the Intercession of the glorious Virgin
Mary, and all thy Angels and Saints. Amen.
To the Blessed Virgin.
O Holy Mary, Mother of God, and true Comforter of the desolate; by that [Page 228] great joy, wherewith thy heart was filled, when thou knewest our Lord Jesu was risen
from death, and become glorious, and impassible: Be a comfort to my Soul, and vouchsase
me the help of thy intercession in the last day, when I shall rise again, and yield
account of all my actions. Pray for me then, O Mother of Mercy, that I may avoid the
sentence of perpetual damnation, and happily come to eternal joyes, with all the Elect
of God. Amen.
Now is the time of acceptance, now is the day of Salvation: Let us demean our selves,
as the Servants of God, in fasting and watching, in Patience and Charity.
A Prayer to Christ, Crucified for us.
O Merciful Jesu, Redeemer of the World! Whose Sacred head was crowned with Thorns;
whose Hands & Feet were extended on a Cross, cruelly bored with Nails; whose side
was pierced with a Spear, & immediatly there gusht out water and blood; whose whole
Body was ignominiously Crucified between two Thieves.
What tongue can express those innumerable pains, which thy innocence suffered. We
beseech thee, for these so exceeding great torments, illuminate our Souls with the
light of thy knowledge, and moderate our unruly passions, strengthen our hands to
good works, and convert our Footsteps into thy wayes; direct our thoughts, words,
and deeds, according to thy holy Law, and in the end of our lives, bring us to thy
everlasting Kingdom; where, with thy Holy Angels, we may praise thee for ever; who
livest and reignest, &c. Amen.
A Prayer acknowledging Man to be the cause of Christs Sufferings.
WHat hast thou done, sweet Jesus, that thou shouldst have this Judgment? What hast
thou done, that thou shouldst be thus severely dealt with? What is thy offence? What
thy guilt? What the cause of thy Death? What the occasion of thy condemnation? I
truly am cause of it; my fault hath made thee be slain; my wicked life has brought
thee to this Death, vengeance is taken of thee, for my crimes: Thou art thus tormented
for me, and I the occasion of all thy smart.
O marvellous order of Judgment! O strange and mysterious proceeding! The wicked si [...]neth▪ and the just is punished; the guilty offends▪ & the innocent is chastised; the
Sinner transgresseth, and the Godly is condemned; that which the bad has deserved,
the good suffers; what the servant has done amiss, the Master undertakers to recompence;
and where miserable man has committed the trespass, the Son of God lays down his own
life to satisfie the debt.
Whither has thy humility descended? What has thy servent love enforced thee to do?
How far has thy mercy extended it [Page 233] self? To what a point is thy compassion come? I have done wickedly, and thou art
punished: I have committed a grievous fault, and it is laid to thy charge: I am the
offender, and thou art put to the torture: I was puffed up with pride, and thou wert
made of no reputation: I was disobedient, and thou sufferedst the penalty of my rebellion:
I have pampered my self with delicacies, and thou wert often afflicted with hunger
& thirst. My inordinate affections have made me do things unlawful; thy perfect charity
has brought thee to suffer an ignominious Death: I presumed to do what I was forbidden,
and thou submittedst thy self to rebukes, even for thy good works: I delight in liberty
and pleasure, and thou art fastned to the Cross, with intolerable grief: I live at
ease, and thy Hands and Feet are pierced with Nails: I tast the pleasant Apple, and
thou the bitter Gall: Eve laughs and rejoyces with me, blessed Mary laments and sorrows with thee.
Behold, O King of Glory, what mine iniquitie is, and what thy mercy! How excessive
my wickedness, and how infinite thy goodness, O my God, what may I possibly offer
thee in acknowledgment of thy bounty? [Page 234] Mans heart is not able to think, much less can his poverty furnish a worthy oblation
for so great benefits: I beseech the [...] therefore, for thy mercy sake, cause me from henceforth to renounce all the enticements
of the World, & for love of thee. not to fear any adversities threatned by it: But
despise even Death it self, and having perpetually in remembrance the blessedness
of Heaven, make no account either of the pleasures or afflictions on earth.
Let nothing please me, but that which is acceptable to thee: Nor any thing offend
me, but that which is disagreeable to thy Will; let all things, besides thee, seem
tedious to me, and may I never be wearied in seeking thee: Let no joy delight me
that is without thee, and let me rejoyce in all afflictions I suffer for thee. May
the remembrance of thee be my consolation, and turn my tears into nourishment, whilst
I seek thy Righteousness. Let the Law of thy mouth be more precious to me, than thousands
of Gold or Silver: Let it be my chief delight to obey thee▪ and greatest grief to
displease thee.
I humbly beseech thee (my only hope) that thou wilt be propitious to me, and pardon
[Page 235] all mine Iniquities; open mine ears to hear what thou commandest, and suffer not
my heart to decline from thee, nor through vain words to seek excuse for my Sins,
bur alwayes keep my self in the paths of thy Commandments; that at my Death I may
be found in the true way to thy felicity, who livest and reignest for ever. Amen.
A Prayer, offering to God the Passion of his Son.
BEhold, O Holy Father, thy dear beloved Son, so cruelly tormented for me: Behold,
most merciful King, who it is that suffers, and remember for whom he suffers.
It is not, O Lord, thy most innocent Son, whom thou hast given to Death, that he might
redeem thy Servants? Is it not the Author of life, who being led as a Sheep to the
slaughter, was made obedient to Death, even the most cruel kind of Death.
Call to mind, O Eternal Author of all goodness, that this is he, whom though thou
hast begotten of thy Divine power and vertue, yet hast thou made him partaker of
my infirmity and weakness: Verily, this is thy Son, the Son of the living God, who
being cloathed with my nature ascended the Cross, on which he suffered a most dolorous
O Lord, cast the eyes of thy Majesty on the work of thy ineffable bounty, behold thy
most sweet Son, with his whole Body stretched out; behold his innocent Hands, besprinkled
with his precious Blood, and mercifully pardon those faults which my hand have committed;
look upon his naked side pierced with a Spear, and Bath my Soul in that sacred Fountain,
which I believe issued from thence: Consider his holy Feet, which never stood in the
way of Sinners, but alwayes walked in thy Law, with sharp and long Nails fastned to
the Cross, and guide my steps in the path of thy Commandments: O my God, make me hate
the wayes of Iniquity, and alwayes choose those of truth and piety.
O King of Angels and Saints, I beseech thee, for this Holy of Holies, for this my
Redeemer, make me continually remember his excessive love, that I may be united to
him in Spirit, who hath not disdained to be clad with my Flesh
Blessed Father, seest thou not the Head of thy dear Son, with his Neck inclining to
die? Behold most meek Creator, the humanity of thy beloved Son, and have mercy on
the frailty of thy Creature; his White [Page 237] and innocent Brest is Naked, his Side Red in his own Blood, his extended Bowels dried
up, his fair and beautiful Eyes grown dim and faint, his Royal Visage pale, and the
streams of his precious Blood, water his pierced Feet.
Behold, O glorious Father, the torn Body of thy beloved Son, and graciously remember
what my substance is, behold the sufferings of Jesus thy Son, and release the miseries
of Man thy Creature; behold the punishment of the Redeemer, and forgive the offences
of the redeemed: This is he, O my Lord, whom thou hast smitten for the Sins of thy
People, though he was thy beloved, in whom thou wast well pleased: This is that innocent,
in whom there was found no guilt, and yet he was reputed among the wicked.
The chief of the Priests held a Council, that they might kill Jesus, but they said,
not on the Feast day, least perhaps a tumult might arise among the People.
V. Deliver me, O Lord, frō the hurtful man.
R. From the wicked man deliver me.
O Merciful Lord, pour, we beseech thee, thy grace into our hearts: That, we, restraining
our Sins by voluntary chastisements may rather be afflicted temporally. then deputed
to eternal punishments. Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
O Sacred Trinity, three Persons and one God, have mercy on us.
Jesu, Eternal Son of the Living God, have mercy on us.
Jesu, most blessed Son of the Virgin Mary, have mercy on us.
Jesu, God and Man, in two Natures one Divine Person, have mercy on us.
That we may intirely submit our Reason to the obedience of Faith: And so much the
more exalt the Wonders of thy love, as they exceed the capacity of all Humane understanding.
Jesu, the increated Wisdom of the Father, by whom all things were made, and by the
Word of whose power they are sustained, have mercy on us.
That we may continually praise thy Sovereign Majesty for the excellent Being thou
hast given us, acknowledging our dependance every moment on thee, and adoring thy
unsearchable Councils in the Government of the World.
Jesu, who for us Sinners descendest from thy Throne of Glory, and tookest upon thee
the Form of a Servant, chusing a Poor Stable for the place of thy Birth, have mercy
on us.
That we may content our selves with the lowest condition, wherein thy providence
shall place us; and uncomplainingly want (if it be thy will) even the ordinary a
commodations of this life.
Jesu, who in thy Holy Circumcision, receivedst that blessed Name, & after wast declared
for the Worlds Redeemer, by the tribute & adoration of Kings, have.
That at the Name of JESUS our knees and hearts may bow, and every tongue confess,
that thou, O Lord, art most high in the Glory of God the Father.
Jesu, who in the tender age of a new-born Child, wast forc't to save thy life by flying
into Egypt. have mercy on us.
That we may rather forsake all worldly comforts of Friends, Estate, or Countrey,
then endanger the offending our Saviour, and the losing our own Souls.
Jesu, who becam'st subject to thy Parents, so much inferiour in dignity to thee, and
disdainest not to serve them in their humble life. have mercy on us.
That we may not only with due respect obey our superiors, but willingly do any serviceable
office for the meanest Person in the World.
Jesu, who after a long concealment of thy self, didst publish to the World thy admirable
manner of Life, travelling on Foot in poverty, hunger, thirst, and begging, as an
Alms, even a cup of cold Water, have mercy on us.
That▪ our private lives being hidden in thee, we may improve thy Gifts without danger
of vain glory, and esteeming our selves as Pilgrims on Earth, thirst earnestly after
thee, the Fountain which springs to eternal life.
Jesu, who healdest every where the diseased, both in Soul and Body, and weariedst
thy self to relieve our infirmities, passing the day in works of mercy, and watching
whole nights in Prayer, often retiring alone, and fasting many days together, to
teach us the way and practice of contemplation, have mercy on us.
That, our publick actions being directed to the benefit of others, we may freely
employ on them what we freely receive from thee, and subduing our Bodies with a just
and discreet severity, render our minds more fitly disposed for Prayer and Meditation.
Jesu, who for our encouragement vouchsafedst [Page 244] to be tempted in the desart, where, having thrice subdu'd the Enemy of mankind,
thy Victory was celebrated by the adoration of Angels, have mercy on us.
That, being strengthned by the divine assistance, we may always overcome our temptations
with joy, and when, through our many corruptions, we unhappily fall into Sin, thy
Grace may still enable us to rise again by repentance.
Jesu, whose sac [...]ed life was a continual course of suffering evil for us▪ and doing good to us, opening
by thy Doctrine an easie way to Heaven, and soliciting by thy miracles our acceptance
of Salvation, have mercy on us.
That we may Faithfully comply with thy gracious design of bringing us to eternal
happiness, by believing firmly the truth of thy Word & following though imperfectly,)
the pa [...]tern of thy life.
Jesu, who for our example didst wash thy Disciples Feet, and for our Comfort institute
that blessed Mystery, which both conveis thee really to us, and offers thee truly
to the Father for us, have, &c.
That we may prepare our selves with purest affections of love, humility, and [Page 245] gratitude, reverently to assist at the adorable Sacrifice of the Altar, and thankfully
receive the Blessed Sacrament of the Body and Blood of our Saviour.
Jesu, who, prostrate with thy face upon the Earth, prayedst thrice to thy Father for
deliverance, and, in the fervor of thine Agony, swet'dst drops of Blood, till thou
wert relieved by an Angel▪ have mer &c.
That by the outward gesture of our bodies, we may increase the inward devotion of
our minds, & in often repeating the same prayer, still advance to new degrees of pious
affections, and obtain at last thy gracious Answer to all our necessities.
Jesu, who wast betrayed by one of thine own Disciples, and forsaken by all the rest,
who forbadst the resistance of publick Authority, and restoredst to thine Enemy the
ear he had lost in assaulting thee, have mercy on us.
That neither for reward nor danger, we withdraw our fidelity from thee, but learn,
by thy example, to do good for evil with chearfulness, and receive evil for good with
Jesu, who for our Redemption deliveredst thy self to the violence of thine Enemies,
[Page 246] freely suffering them to bind thy hands; which even for them had wrought so many
miracles, & to spit on thy face, which the Angels behold with joy and adoration,
have mercy on us,
That, the Sins of our hands being loosed, by the binding of thine, and our vain affectations
confounded by the indecencies cast upon thee, we may wholly apply our desires to
contemplate in Heaven the Glory of thy Countenance.
Jesu, who for us endurest their malicious impieties, to blindfold thine eyes, & strike
thee on the cheeks, to accuse thee falsly, and condemn thee unjustly, to compare Barrabas to thee, and prefer him before thee, have mercy on us.
That, knowing no darkness can hide us from thy sight, we may demean our selves as
becomes thy Presence, and, after a just and prudent defence of our innocence, quietly
submit to the scandalous censures, and injurious disparagements, which we meet with
in the World.
Jesu, who for us endurest their barbarous insolence, to strip thee of thy Cloaths,
& mock thee with a purple Vestment, to wound thy head with a Crown of [Page 247] Thorns, and all thy Body with cruel scourgings, have mercy on us.
That for thy sake, we may patiently bear the devesture of all things, & exposure
to the derision of all men, hoping in thy Faithful Promises, if we be afflicted for
thee here, to be glorified by thee hereafter.
Jesu, who for us enduredst their insatiable fury, to load thee with a heavy Cross,
& shamefully Crucifie thee between two Thieves, to affront thee in thy thirst with
Vinegar & Gall, & blaspheme thy meekness with bitter reproaches, all which thy incomparable
Patience cheerfully received, & offered to thy Father, even for thy Persecutors.
have mercy on us.
That we may continually meditate the Mysteries of thy Passion, and deeply fix our
thoughts in the wonders of thy Charity, till, transported with admiration of thy
love to us, and enflamed with a perfect love of thee, we break forth into thy praises,
and for ever establish these Principles as the chief desire of our Hearts, to live
and die in the Union of thy love.
Jesu, who, having conquered the power of [Page 248] darkness, releasedst thy Servants from their long Captivity, and overcoming Death,
didst raise thy crucified Body to a glorious Life, have mercy on us.
That thy Victory over the Grave may strengthen us against the fear of Death, and the
insinite value of thy Sufferings here, redeem the many punishments due to our Sins
Jesu, who, by thy Triumphant Ascention open'st the Kingdom▪ of Heaven to all Believers,
and, seated at the right hand of thy Father, vouchsafedst to become our Eternal Mediator,
have mercy on us.
That, weaning our mindes from the Vanities here below, we may place our affections
on the joyes that are above; ever adoring the Majesty of thy Glory, and wholly relying
on the efficacy of thy merits.
Jesu, who, in thy tender Providence, didst send miraculously the Holy Ghost to lead
thy Church into all Truth, and Comfort thy Servants in all their tribulations, have
mercy on us.
That we neither prophanely resist, nor [Page 249] falsly pretend the motions of thy blessed Spirit, but, by submission to thy Church,
secure our Faith from Error, and, by dependence on thee, establish our hope in Peace.
Jesu, who, at the great and general Day shalt Judge severely every one according
to his Works, rewarding thy Servants with eternal Life, and condemning Sinners to
everlasting Death, have mercy on us.
That we may alwayes be ready to give account of our Consciences, and so with joy expect
the coming of our Judge, hoping to possess that Glorious inheritance, which thy goodness
hath prepared, and Sufferings purchased, for the Souls of thy Elect.
Be merciful, O Jesu, and pardon our Sins.
Be merciful, O Jesu, and hear our prayers.
The Prayer.
O Soveraign Lord, and blessed Saviour of the World, who by the sole motive of thy
mercy, humblest thy self to Death for our Redemption, and ascendest to thy [Page 250] Father, for the full accomplishment of our Peace: Graciously apply to our Souls the
infinite merits of thy sacred Passion, and with thy precious Blood cleanse us from
all our Sins, nail them to thy Cross, and bury them in thy Grave, that they may die
in us, and we live in thee, the life of Grace here, and be united to thee in the Kingdom
of Glory hereafter, where, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, thou livest and reignest,
one God, World without end. Amen.
A devout Prayer to our B. Saviour which may be said at any hour, repeating it five
times with Our Father, Hail Mary, and, I believe in God, &c. in honour of His five Wounds, or any other Mystery of our Redemption.
GLory Honour, and Praise to be to our Lord Jesus Christ; may all the World adore thee;
blessed be thy holy Name, who for us Sinners vouchsasedst to be born of an humble
Virgin; and blessed be thine infinite goodness, who diedst on the Cross for our [...]edemption.
O Jesu, Son of God, and Saviour of Mankinde, have mercy on us, and so dispose our
lives here by thy Grace, that we may hereafter rejoyce with thee for ever in thy Glory.
The tribulations of my heart are multiplied; deliver me from my necessities.
See my humbleness, and my labour, forgive me all my Sins.
Behold mine Enemies, because they are multiplied; and with unjust hatred have hatted
Keep my Soul, & deliver me; I shall not be ashamed; because I have hoped in thee.
The Innocent and Righteous adhered to me; because I expected thee
Deliver Israel, O God, out of all her tribulations. Glory be to the Father, &c.
The offences of my Youth, and my Ignorances, remember not, O Lord.
A devout Prayer.
O Soveraign, dreadful, and most loving Lord, my God, who never ceasest to shew thy
mercy towards Sinners; and even when they offend and trespass against thee, such is
thine infinite clemency and Love, as thou forbearest not then to heap thy benefits
upon them: I most sinful wretch, yield thee humble thanks for thy ineffable goodness
in creating me to thine own likeness, and making me capable of thy everlasting [Page 256] Glory, in making so many other Creatures for my use and sustenance.
I bless thee for that inestimable work of my Redemption, whereby thou deliveredst
me from the slavery of Satan, and purchasedst me free entrance into thy Celestial
Kingdom. For having singled me out among so many millions, that know thee not, and
lie drowned in Ignorance, and miserable Errors, to be thy Servant and a member of
the true Catholick Church. For thy blessed Sacraments; especially, for that glorious
Mystery above all other, wherein thou art thy self most really contained. For preserving
me so many times from Hell, which my Sins have long since deserved, did not thy inestimable
goodness sustain and deliver me. For these and all other thy benefits, namely, for
those thou hast this day most bountifully bestowed on me, [Here are they particularly to be thought of] O my Sovereign Lord, I offer thee the most sincere, and most dutiful thanks, that
my Poor Heart is capable to afford: Beseeching the blessed Virgin, and all the Saints
of Heaven, to supply my want with their perfect praises.
And now, my only Redeemer and Saviour, [Page 257] I humbly crave the light of thy Grace, to know wherein I have this day any ways offended
thee, and that, by mature & sound discussion of my Conscience, I may see my own Sins
with sorrow, and thy unspeakable mercy with a Zealous and firm purpose of amendment,
[Here must we examine our selves, how we have employed the day, in thought, word and
deed, toward God, & our Neighbours.] Thou seest, O Lord, my Sinfulness, and knowest my misery much better than my self.
Sorry I am with all my Heart, that I should still offend so loving a Lord▪ and wish
my sorrow were far greater. I purposed to do better by thy Grace, which was not wanting;
yet have I faln again into my former trespasses. Thy goodness, O Lord, forbids me
to despair, and therefore I will continually trust to thy mercies in all events, and
firmly resolve every day to amend my life. Deliver me, O my God, from all mortal
Sin for ever, and give me Grace so to strive against my venial Sins, that at last
I may wholly overcome them. And for satisfaction of these▪ and all my former offences,
and for the offences of the whole World, as also for thy unspeakable benefits bestowed
on me, and all mankind. [Page 258] I offer thee the merits of thy bitter Passion, those most precious drops of Blood
thou shed'st for our Salvation, and that enflamed Charity, wherewith thou wholly resignest
thy self to all thy torments for my sake. And in the union of this thy Holy Oblation,
I offer up my self, and all I have, to thy honour and eve [...]lasting Glory I retain nothing, but give all to thee, whose it is; and make that thine
by my will, whic [...] is thine of Justice.
Give me thy G [...]ace, O my God, to live better hereafter, and to confess my Sins in due time to my
Ghostly Father: Give me true Humility and Repentance, Grace to know thee, and my self;
Purity of heart in all my Actions, Patience, Chastity, and perfect Charity: Give me
a good life, and happy Death, and, in the dangerous hour of my departure, the assistance
of the blessed Saints, and Holy Angels, with whom through thy mercy, I may praise,
and glorifie thee for ever, Amen.
A devout Commemoration of our Saviours Passion.
O Most sweet Lord▪ and my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who by thy Heavenly Father wast
sent down into this World, and [Page 259] of thine own accord, sufferedst most cruel and bitter pains on the Cross, and carriedst
it on thy blessed Shoulders, that thy Patience might be to us Salvation, and a most
perfect Example; and finally, thou didst consent upon that Tree to die, and by thy
Death to redeem us. I humbly beseech thee, for the incomparable Patience thou shewedst
in the whole course of thy Life, and then especially, when thy malicious Enemies so
raged against thee, when they mocked thee, and spit upon thy Face; when they hood
winked thine eyes, and with their most impure hands, buffeted thy Cheeks; when they
cruelly scourged thee fast bound to a Pillar, when they did thrust upon thy sacred
Head, a Crown of Thorns, and prest their sharp points into thy Temples: When with
Iron Nails, they pierced thy blessed Hands, stretched along upon the Cross; when thy
blessed side was pierced with a Spear, when in thy great thirst, & ext [...]eam Agony, they offered thee a Spunge full of Vinegar and Gall; when with thy Head
inclined down thou saidst, (It is consummate;) when thou did'st commend thy Spirit into the hands of God the Father; and in the
end, gavest up thy last breath, for the Redemption of Mankind.
For all these pains and Passions, O most gracious Lord Jesus Christ, I, Poor and miserable
Sinner, humbly beseech thy infinite Majesty, not to forsake me, nor suffer me to be
condemned in thy terrible Judgement; but let thy dolorous Passion so help me, that
I ma [...] be b [...]ought to everlasting Felicity: Let thy Holy Angels always be in my Company, and specially
at the hour of my Death, that they may protect, defend, and keep me, so that the cruel
infernal Enemy may never have any power over me. Amen.
O Jesu, who for the Red [...]mp [...]ion of the World▪ Patiently endurest so many injuries, calamities, and afflictions,
and even Death it self: We humbly beseech thee by all thy Sufferings, and by the effusion
of thy precious Blood, deliver us from the dangers of this Life, from the pains of
Hell, and from sudden and Everlasting Death. Amen.
OUr Lord is my illumination, and my Salvation: Whom shall I fear?
Our Lord is the Protector of my Life, of whom shall I be af [...]aid?
Wh [...]l [...]t the harmful approach me, to eat my Flesh.
Mine Enemies that trouble me: themselves are weakened, and are faln.
If camps stand together against me, my Heart shall not fear.
If battel rise up against me: In this will I hope.
One thing I have asked of our Lord, that will I seek for, that I may dwell in the
[Page 262] house of our Lord, all the dayes of my life.
That I may see the will of our Lord, and visit his Temple.
Because he hath hidden me in his Tabernacle: In the day of evils he hath protected
me, in the secret of his Tabernacle.
In a Rock he hath exalted me; and now hath exalted my head over mine Enemies.
I have gone round about, and have offered in his Tabernacle, an host of loud crying:
I will sing, and say a Psalm to our Lord.
Hear, O Lord, my voice, wherewith I have cried to thee, have mercy on me, and hear
My heart hath said to thee, my face hath sought thee out: Thy face, O Lord, I will
Turn not away thy face from me: Decline not in wrath from thy Servant.
Be thou my helper, forsake me not, neither despise me, O God, my Saviour.
Because my Father and my Mother have forsaken me, but our Lord hath taken me.
Set me a Law, O Lord, in thy way: And direct me in the right Path, because of mine
Deliver me not into the Souls of them [Page 263] that trouble me: Because unjust witnesses have risen up against me, and Iniquity
hath lied to it self.
I believe to see the good things of our Lord, in the land of the living.
Expect our Lord, do manfully, and let thy heart take courage, and expect thou our
Glory be to the Father, &c.
The 39. Psalm.
EXpecting I expected our Lord, and he attended to me.
He heard my Prayers, and brought me out of the lake of Misery, and from the mire of
And hath set my Feet upon a Rock, and hath directed my steps.
He hath put a new song into my mouth, a meeter unto our God.
Many shall see, and shall fear: and they shall hope in our Lord.
Blessed is the man, whose hope is in the Name of our Lord: And ha [...]h not had regard to Vanities, and false madness.
Thou hast [...]one many marvellous things, O Lord my God: And in [...]hy cogitations there is none that may be like to thee.
Let them be turned back-ward, and be ashamed that will evils to me.
Let them forthwith receive their confusion, that say to me, well, well.
Let all that seek thee, rejoyce and be glad: And let them who love thy Salvation
say always, our Lord be magnified.
But I am needy, and poor, our Lord is careful of me.
Thou art my helper and my Protector: my God, be not slack.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
Let them neglect thy Praises O Lord, who never consider thy mercies.
Let them be silent to thee, O Gracious God, whose mouths are full of themselves.
But as for us, who subsist by thy Gifts and thankfully acknowledge the riches of thy
Our Hearts shall continually meditate on thee, and our lips delight to Sing thy Glory.
Praise our Lord, O you Holy Angels! praise him O you happy Saints.
Praise him O you Faithful departed in his Grace; praise him, O you living who subsist
by his mercy.
Praise him in the vast immensity of his [Page 266] power, praise him in the admirable wisdom of his providence.
Praise him in the best effect of his goodness: praise him in the infiniteness of
all his Attributes.
Be thou for ever thine own first praise, O glorious God! and to all the felicities
thou essentially possessest, may every Creature say, Amen.
Tis consummated, Thou hast, O Jesu, overcome in thy body all the powers of darkness:
Their hour is past, but thy Souls Eternal bliss remains, and behold, that of thy triumhant
Resurrection approaches.
Let us Pray.
O God, who hast submitted thy only Son, our Saviour Jesus, to expire on the Cross,
and Descend into the Grave, that he might destroy the life of sin, and bury the terrors
of death! Grant, we beseech thee, they may never revive or rise again, to tempt, or
fright us from the ways of Vertue; nor let us ever forget this sure and fundamental
truth, which thy Grace has laid in our hearts, That the greatest mischiefs [Page 267] our Salvation can cost us here are but momentary, and work above measure exceedingly
in us an Eternal weight of Glory, through the same our Lord Jesus, who with the Father,
and Holy Ghost, liveth & reigneth one God, world without end. Amen.
A Thanksgiving, fit for all persons.
WIth all the faculties of my Soul, I bless and praise thy Name, O my Lord Jesu Christ,
who vouchsafedst to create me of nothing, to thy Image and similitude; to redeem me
with thy precious Blood; to associate me by holy Baptism, among thy Children of Adoption;
and to feed me with the most blessed Sacrament of thy Body. To thee I render humblest
thanks, for expecting me from my infancy, to this time, that through thy great patience,
I might come to the amendment of my life: I praise thee, I glorifie thee, who hast
often delivered me from many tribulation, distresses, calamities, and miseries; and
especially, that thou hast kept me from eternal punishment. I praise thee and glorifie
thee, that thou hast bestowed on me so many common blessings, equal with others,
and so many particular benefits which others [Page 268] have wanted, and whereof I have not deserved the least.
I beseech thy unspeakable goodness, my Lord God, that thou wilt so perfect these thy
Gifts in me, as to expel out of my heart whatever displeaseth thee, and deliver me
from all Iniquities, troubles and evils, in which I am encumbred. Dispose all my Thoughts,
Words, and Deeds agreeable to thy Holy Will. Preserve me in all conditions, both
of Adversity and Prosperity; and bring me at last to the happy and most desired joyes
of thy sight, who livest and reignest, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, one God,
World without end. Amen
To our Lord Jesus.
O My Soveraign Lord Jesu, Son of Almighty God, and of the most pure and Glorious
Virgin Mary, who sufferedst that bitter Death for me, and all mankind, and didst rise again the
third day: I beseech thee, Lord have mercy on me, a Sinner, yet thy Creature: And
for thy Passions sake; preserve me from all perils of Body & Soul especially those
that may turn to thy displeasure. With all my Heart I thank thee, most gracious Lord,
for the great mercies [Page 269] thou hast shewed me in the Imminent dangers, to which I have been exposed; and as
thy Grace has alwayes kept me from the hour of my Birth to this day; so, Lord, I beseech
thee, that thy mercy may continue my safety.
And, for my great offences, ingratitude, & all my Sinful Life, humbly I ask thy pardon.
And since I cannot [...]ead such a Life as becomes thy Servant, I meekly prostrate my self, and say, God be
merciful to me a Sinner. I bless thee, most gracious God, for all the benefits thou
hast so largely bestowed on me, rendring all honor and praise to thy Holy Name, who
livest and reignest, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
A Prayer for our selves and those in our charge.
I Adore thee, most merciful God, and give thee thanks for thy unmeasurable Clemency,
and infinite goodness, by which thou not only sufferedst us miserable and ungrateful
Sinners to live, being unworthy of Life, but also pardonest us, and bestowest thy
benefits upon us. Let therefore at last, thy goodness, O God, overcome our malice,
thy piety mollifie our hardness, thy most burning Charity melt our frozen [Page 270] hearts, that we may be changed from vessels of wrath into vessels of mercy, and
being freed from all our sins, may be so much more fervent in loving thee▪ by how
much we have hitherto been cold in thy service.
Sweet Jesus, grant us grace to run after thee, and so to imitate the steps of thy
life and passion, that the fervor of devotion may recompence in us the slowness of
our former conversation; and so much the more earnestly seek thee, by how much longer,
and more grievously we have neglected thee, the only Fountain of eternal life. Grant,
that with all our hearts we may be converted to thee, and, being confirmed in thy
grace, may praise thee our Redeemer and Saviour for ever.
And especially, I beseech thee, O infinite Goodness, for my self, a most miserable
sinner, who have so much more need of the help of thy grace, then others, as I am
more infirm and less able to do any good. Thou knowest also, most gracious God, how
unprofitable I am, so often retarding the operation of thy grace both in my self,
and others. Wherefore, O most liberal and merciful Lord, I humbly beseech thee,
for all those that are committed to my charge, or [Page 271] otherwise commended to my prayers To thy holy protection, I recommend them, and in
thy heart, most sweet Jesu, I repose them; Preserve them, I beseech thee, according
to thy good pleasure, and bring them to life everlasting.
O Lord, my God, I besee [...]h thee for those, among whom I dwell, that, by the shedding of thy precious Blood,
and by the bottomless depth of all thy mercies, thy grace may abound, and be confirmed
in us all, and none of us may perish for ever. Give us, O Lord, all Spiritual and
Temporal necessaries, according to thy blessed pleasure, and so govern and direct
both us and them, that thy service, and Salvation of Souls may here continually grow
and increase.
O most sweet Jesus, most faithful Lover▪ I offer and commend to thee, all those that
have desired my unworthy prayers. Thou art most merciful and abundantly rich for all:
According to their need, and thy mercy, glorifie thy Name in them, and deal with
us, not according to our demerits, but thine own infinite goodness. Amen.
ALmighty Jesus, my Sweet Saviour Christ, who vouchsafedst with thine own Almighty
Hands, to wash the Feet of thy Twelve Apostles; not only of the Faithful, but of the
very Traytor also; Vouchsafe, O Lord, of thine infinite goodness, so to cleanse and
purifie my affections, that I never disdain either Friend or Foe, but with meekness,
and Charity for love of thee, humble my self even to the washing of their Feet. Amen.
Dreadful art thou, O Lord! in the Terrors of thy Judgements; but infinitely more amiable
in the sweetness of thy mercies.
Vers. Deliver us, O Lord, from the hurtful man.
Resp. From the wicked man deliver us.
The Prayer.
O God, who didst severely punish our first Parents for eating the forbidden fruit,
and hast so often recommended [Page 274] to us, the necessary duties of abstinence and fasting; Grant, we beseech thee, that
by observing diligently the holy discipline propos'd to us in the Laws and practice
of thy Church, we may correct our levities and revenge our excesses and subdue our
irregular appetites, and frustrate the temptations of the enemy and secure our perseverance,
and daily proceed to new degrees of vertue and devotion, till in the end of our lives,
we receive the end of our labors, the Salvation of our Souls in thy heavenly Kingdom,
through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and
reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen.
You shall find the Litany of the B. Virgin at the end of Evening Prayers for Saturday.
AS the Hart desireth the fountains of waters; so doth my Soul thirst after thee, O
My Soul hath thirsted after God, a living Fountain; when shall I come and appear before
the face of God.
My tears have been bread to me, day and night; while it is said to me daily, where
is thy God?
These things have I remembred, and have poured out my Soul in me; because I shall
pass into the place of a marvellous Tabernacle, even to the House of God.
In the voice of joyfulness and confession the sound of one banquetting.
Why art thou sorrowful, O my Soul, and why doth thou trouble me?
Hope in God, because yet will I confess [Page 276] to him the Salvation of my countenance and my God.
My Soul is troubled within me, therefore will I be mindful of thee from the Land
of Jordan, and Hermon, from the little Mount [...]in.
Deepness calls upon deepness, in the voice of thy floud gates.
All thy high things, and thy waies have passed over me.
In the day our Lord hath Commanded his mercy, and in the night his Song.
My Prayer to the God of my Life, I will say to God, thou art my Defender.
Why hast thou forgotten me, & why am I sorrowful, while mine Enemy afflicts me?
Whilst my bones are broken; my Enemies trouble me and upbraid me.
Whilst they say to me day by day where is thy God? Why art thou heavy, O my Soul,
and why dost thou trouble me?
Hope in God, because yet will I confess to him, the Salvation of my Countenance,
and my God.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, both now and ever, World without end. Amen.
AN Hymn, O God, becomes thee in Sion, and a vow shall be rendred to thee in Jerusalem.
Hear my Prayer, all flesh shall come to thee.
The words of the wicked have prevailed upon us: And thou wilt be merciful to our impieties.
Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen, and taken; he shall dwell in thy Courts.
We shall be replenished in the goods of thy house, holy is thy Temple, marvellous
in equity.
Hear us, O God our Saviour: the hope of all the ends of the Earth, and far in the
Preparing Mountains in thy strength, girded with might; which troublest the depth
of the Sea, the sound of its waves.
The Gentile shall be troubled, and they that inhabit the Borders, shall be afraid
of thy signes: The out-goings of the morning and evening, thou shalt delight.
Thou hast visited the Earth, and made it drunken: Thou hast multiplied to enrich it.
The River of God is replenished with Waters: Thou hast prepared their Meat because
so is the preparation thereof.
Unto Generation and Generation we will [...]hew forth thy Praise.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
Our Hearts shall continually meditate on thee, O Lord, and our lips delight to sing
thy Glory.
Vers. Convert us, O Lord, the God of Powers.
Resp. Shew thy Face, and we shall be safe.
Vers. Rise up, help us, O Christ.
R. And deliver us for thy Name sake.
V. O Lord, hear our Prayers.
R. And let our supplications come to thee
In all thy works remember thy last end, when thou must bid a long fare-well to all
this World: Remember that dreadful day of the universal Judgment, when thou must give
account for every idle Word; And thou shalt not Sin for ever. Remember the joys prepar'd
for the Innocent, and the miseries that attend the wicked: Remember how neerly it
concerns thy Soul, to have a good or bad Eternity; And thou shalt not Sin for ever.
O Blessed Jesus, the Well-spring of Pity, and overflowing Fountain of Mercy, I humbly
beseech thee, give me Grace so to spend this my transitory Life, in vertuous and holy
Exercises; that when the day of my Death shall come, though I feel pain in my Body,
I may find Comfort in my Soul; and, with Faithful hope in thy mercy, and sincerest
love of thee▪ and perfect Charity towards the World, I may depart hence out of this
vale of misery, and hasten to that Glorious Countrey, wherein thou hast bought us
an Inheritance for ever, with thy most precious Blood; who with the Father and the
Holy Ghost, livest and reignest, one God, World without end. Amen.
To the B. Virgin Mary.
O Blessed Virgin, Mary, immaculate Mother of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, recommend, we beseech thee,
these our imperfect Prayers to the mercy of thy Glorious Son, and offer him thine
own most acceptable Intercession for us that he would be pleased to Pardon our Sins
past, and deliver us from future temptations, and protect us in all our wayes with
the assistance of his Grace.
O Blessed Virgin, by that unspeakable gladness, which filled and overflowed thy Spirit,
when the Angel declared to thee the adorable Mystery of our Saviours Incarnation,
and by that perfect resignment of thy self to the will of God, when thou humbly answered'st,
Behold the Handmaid of our Lord, be it done to me accordingly to thy Word. We beseech thee obtain for us the Graces of a lively Faith, and discre [...]t Humility, and chearful submission to the Divine Will in all things.
O admirable Mother, by thy tender Love, and continual Service of the Blessed Jesus,
in his Infancy, and by that incomparable happiness thou afterwards enjoyedst in his
Heavenly Doctrine, and miraculous Life: We beseech thee obtain for us a diligent
Devotion and constant perseverance in our duty to God, that our delight may be in
his Law, and our confidence in his Holy Protection.
O Mother of Pitty and Compassion, by those sharp sorrows, which pierced thy Heart,
when thou stoodst by, a sad witness of thy Sons Sufferings, and beheldst him in that
bitter Agony, all torn with cruel scourges and bleeding on the Cross, forsaken [Page 283] of his Friends, and dying in the midst of his Enemies. We beseech thee obtain for
us compassion towards the afflictions of others, and Patience in our own, and a Faithful
correspondence to the great love of our Redeemer.
O Glorious Virgin, by those excessive joys wherewith thy Soul was wholly ravished
at the Victorous Resurrection of thy Son, and his Triumphant Ascension above the
highest Heavens; We beseech thee obtain for us the Blessing of a vertuous Life and
Holy Death, and happy Resurrection, that we may for ever rejoyce in the presence
of God, and admire his glory, and praise his goodness, through the same Jesus Christ;
who with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, one God, World without
end. Amen.
A devout Aspiration after the joyes of Heaven.
O Life Eternal! O admirable Country! O Heavenly Jerusalem! Of thee what is written? What is spoken? What is believed? In thee is that Good,
that Joy, that Solace, which eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, nor the heart
of man can comprehend. [Page 284] There is everlasting day, and all of one Spirit; There is certain security, secure
Eternity, eternal Tranquility, quiet felicity, happy sweetness, and sweet pleasantness.
O that I were delivered from the Prison of this frail and miserable Life, where I
do nothing but daily offend thee, O Lord; and that I were admitted to that most happy
and immortal Life, where I might fully enjoy thee, and among all thy Elect, eternally
Praise thee. O my sweet Lord, when will that hour come, and when will that desired
day be? When shall it be said to me, Enter into the joys of thy Lord.
O eternal God, how happy are those who already are admitted to thy delicious Table,
there to eat the Bread of Life, there to be refreshed with thy most clear Vision,
and incessantly Sing to thee the voice of Thansgiving and Praise? Enter, O enter,
my Soul, even to the inmost of his Tabernacle and Celestial abode: Listen attentively
to the sound of Joy, of those who eat at his Royal Table; and rejoyce at the expectation
of being hereafter one of his Blessed Feast and Company. Amen.
An humble Recommendation to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
O Holy and Glorious Virgin Mary! I commend my Soul and Body into thy Blessed Trust, and singular Custody; and this
night and ever, especially in the hour of my Death, I commit to thy merciful Charity,
all my hope and consolation, all my distress and miseries, my life, and the end thereof,
that by thy most Holy Intercession, all my works may be directed, according to the
will of thy Blessed Son, my dear Saviour. Amen.
A Thanksgiving.
LEt Heaven and Earth joyn together with Joy, and the Quires of Angels with the Voices
of Men, to Sing eternal Praises to God, in Trinity and Unity, for the mercies received
in the admirable work of our Redemption. Amen.
Let us not live, O Lord, but to love Thee, nor breath, but to speak thy Praise, nor
be at all, but to be all Thine. Amen.
Most Sacred Repository of all Graces, pray for us.
Most perfect example of all Vertues, pray for us.
Most glorious Ornament of the devout Sex, pray for us.
Holy Mary, whom the Angel found retired in thy private Oratory, and, by such Pious solitude,
excellently disposed for the visits of Heaven, pray for us.
Holy Mary, whose Humility was troubled at so honourable Salutation, and thy modesty perplext
to converse alone, though even with an Angel, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who in that great and happy Conference, restrainedst thy words to few, prudent, and
pious, closing all with an absolute Conformity to the Divine Will, pray for us.
Holy Mary, on whom the B. Spirit descended, and the power of the most High overshadowed, enabling
thee to a miraculous and supernatural Conception, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who, advanced to this incomparable eminency, still retainedst the same low esteem
of thy self, visiting on Foot the devout Elizabeth, and performing [Page 288] to her all the Offices of an humble Charity, pray for us.
Holy Mary, at whose presence the barren Mother was immediatly replenished with the Holy Ghost,
and the first sound of whose Voice made the Child in her Womb spring for Joy, pray
for us.
Holy Mary, who within the small compass of thy Person, didst▪ inclose the incomprehensible
JESUS, and for nine months bear Him in thy Womb, who supports Heaven and Earth with
his Power, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who, when thy miraculous fruitfulness was misinterpreted to a seeming disparagement,
still remained'st in the same tranquility of mind, confidently relying on the providence
of God to secure thy Innocence, pray for us.
Holy Mary, whose meekness replied not to the Inhumanity of that repulse, when there was no room
for thee in the Inn, but content [...]dly entertainedst thy self and the Worlds great Hope, with the Poor accommodation
of a Stable, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who, when the hour of thy Delivery approached, reverently retiredst alone, and,
in the midst of glorious [Page 289] thoughts, and divinest speculations, broughtst forth the Heir of Heaven, and Redeemer
of the World, pray for us.
Holy Mary, whose Soul, totally dissolv'd into reverence and love, ador'd the Diety of the new
born King, and transported with excess of Joy, admired and blest so strange a condescendence
to our miserable Nature, pray for us.
Holy Mary, whose Virgin▪ arms so oft embraced that great little One, who fills the Heavens
with his Immensity, pray for us.
Holy Mary, whose chast Breast so oft gave suck to that Blessed Infant, who feeds all things
else with his bounty, pray for us.
Holy Mary, whose purest hands so often wrapt in humble swadling Cloaths that Heavenly Child,
who conserves all Creatures with his Blessing, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who at the Circumcision of thy first-born, and only Son, gavest him that sweet and
amiable Name, JESUS, pray for us.
Holy Mary▪ who, waving the particular priviledges of thy all unblemished Person, humbly observedst
the common and publick order of purification, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who thankfully acknowledging [Page 290] the Author of all these graces presentedst in the Temple the ever blessed JESUS,
as a most precious Oblation to God, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who immediatly obeyest the Angels advertisement, and, without objecting the difficulties
of a poor and friendless Traveller, fledst into Egypt for the service of JESUS, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who patiently attending the periods of the divine conduct, wert in due time recall'd
from banishment, and restored to a free and unpersecuted residence in thy native
country, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who every year wentst up to the solemn Festival at Jerusalem, religiously embracing all opportunites of Devotion, and wisely joyning to thy private
Offices, the great advantage of publick Assemblies, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who, losing thy only comfort the presence of JESUS, soughtst him▪ with a solicitous
and perseverant Diligence, and, after three days, foundst him in the Temple with
a joy great as thy love, pray for us.
Holy Mary, to whom the Eternal King of heaven vouchsafed himself to be so long [Page 291] subject, undertaking a mean and laborious life for sustainment of thine, and his
own poverty, pray for us.
Holy Mary, whose Charity, forward to supply even our lesser necessities, became petitioner
for the Poor, and obtained of thy Son that first miracle, when his Almighty Hand
turned Water into Wine, pray for us.
Holy Mary, whose Life was entirely dedicated to the Blessed JESUS, serving him in all things
with the tenderness of a Mother, the duty of an Hand-maid, and Religion of a Votary,
pray for us.
Holy Mary, whose love planted thee immoveable at the Foot of the Cross, neither fear of danger,
nor Death it self being able to divide thee from JUSUS, pray.
Holy Mary, whose Soul was transfixt with the sword of sorrow, when thou beheldst thy dearest
Son unjustly condemned, and Ignominiously scourged, when thou beheldst the King of
Glory Crowned with Thornes, and wounded with Nails, and Crucified, and Dead, pray
for us.
Holy Mary, towards whom thy pious Son, in the midst of all his Agonies, exprest so particular
a regard, tenderly recommending [Page 292] thy destitute condition to the care of his most beloved Disciple, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who, resigning all to the will of Heaven, stood'st sad and silent by the Crucified
JESUS, sustaining the insupportable load of thy grief with a strong and constant
hope, pray for us.
Holy Mary, whose hope was crowned with joy at the glad apparation of thy revived SON, shining
now in the trophies of his Victory, and brightly Cloathed with the Robes of Immortality,
pray for us.
Holy Mary, whose joy was heightned, even to extasie, at the triumphant exaltation of thy glorified
Son, when thy Blessed Eyes beheld him ascend above the Clouds into [...]he bosom of his Eternal Father, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who meditating continually these Sacred and stupendious mysteries, mad'st it the
great business of thy Life, every day to increase in the perfect love of God, and
fervent desire to be with Christ, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who, being grown to full maturity, wert miraculously gathered by the hands of Angels,
and presented t [...][Page 293] thy Son, in thy glorious Assumption, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who livest for ever in the blissful Vision of the Sacred Trinity, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who reignest for ever Queen of Saints and Angels, pray for us.
Holy Mary, who, residest for ever Advocate of the Penitent and afflicted, pray for us.
Son of God, we beseech thee hear us.
Son of the B. Virgin, we beseech thee hear her Intercession for us.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the World, spare us, O Lord.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the World, hear us, O Lord.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the Wold, have mery on us.
THou art our only Saviour, O JESU, Son of the Virgin Mother, whose Death delivered
us from the Vassalage of sin, and redeemed us into the liberty of thy Service: Thou
art our supream Mediator, O King of Glory, whose Resurrection has established thy
Throne for ever, and of thy Kingdom there shall be no end. Alleluia.
Vers. Blessed is the Womb that bare thee, and the Breasts that gave thee suck
Resp. Blessed are they that hear thy Word, and Faithfully in their lives observe it.
V. O Lord, hear our Prayers.
R. And let our supplications come to thee.
Let us Pray.
MOst Holy, and ever blessed JESUS, who, opening the full Treasures of thy bounty,
pouredst out thy Graces abundantly on the Glorious Virgin Mary, thy Immaculate Mother; and after a course of admirable piety, didst raise her to
a state of incomparable Felicity: Grant [Page 295] us, we beseech thee, so to reverence the extraordinary Prerogatives adorning her
Person, that we endeavour to imitate the transcendent Virtues shining in her Life;
and, by the same purity of Heart, and perfect love of thee, and continual Aspirations
after the joys of Heaven, dispose our Souls to see Thee, and in that sight be for
ever happy with Thee; who with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest,
ever one God, World without end. Amen.
The blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, descend upon us, and dwell
in our Hearts, for ever. Amen.
For I have said, least sometimes my Enemies rejoyce over me; and whilst my Feet are
moved, they speak great things against me.
Because I am ready for scourges, and my sorrow is in my sight alwayes.
Because I will declare my I [...]iquity, and will be sorry for my Sin.
But my Enemies live, and are confirmed over me, and they are multiplied that ha [...]e me unjustly.
They that repay evil for good, did backbite me, because I followed goodness.
Forsake me not, O Lord my God; depart not from me.
Incline unto my help, O Lord God of my Salvation. Glory be to the Father, &c.
The 50. Psalm.
HAve mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy.
And according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my Iniquity.
Wash me henceforth from my Iniquity, and cleanse me from my Sin.
Because I know my Iniquity, and my Sin is alwayes before me.
To thee only have I Sinned, and have done evil before thee, that thou mayest [Page 301] be justified in thy word, and mayest overcome when thou art Judged.
For, behold I was conceived in Iniquities; and my Mother conceived me in Sins.
For, behold thou hast loved Truth; the uncertain and hidden things of thy wisdom,
thou hast made manifest to me.
Thou shalt sprinkle me with Hys [...]p, and I shall be cleansed: Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter then Snow.
To my hearing thou shalt give joy and gladness; and humbled bones shall rejoyce.
Turn away thy face from my Sins, and blot out my Iniquities.
Create a clean Heart in me, O God, and renew a right Spirit in my bowels.
Cast me not away from thy face; and thy Holy Spirit take no [...] from me.
Render unto me the joy of [...]hy Salvation: And confirm me with a principal Spirit.
I will teach the unjust thy wayes, and the impious shall be converted to thee.
Deliver me from Blood, O God, the God of my S [...]lvation, and my tongue shall exalt thy Justice.
O Lord, open thou my Lips: And my mouth shall declare thy praise.
For if thou wouldst have had Sacrifice, I [Page 302] had verliy given it: With burnt-offerings thou are not delight.
A Sacrifice to God, is an afflicted spirit: a contrite and humbled Heart, O God▪ thou
wilt not dispise.
Deal favourably, O Lord, in thy good will with Sion, and let the walls of Jerusalem be built up.
Then shalt thou accept Sacrifice of Justice, Oblations▪ and whole Burnt▪ offerings,
then shall they lay Calves upon thy Altar.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
The 111. Psalm.
O Lord hear my Prayer, and let my Supplication come unto thee.
Turn not away thy Face from me; in what day soever I am in Tribulation, incline thine
ear to me.
In what day soever I shall call upon thee, hear me speedily.
For my dayes have vanished as smoke, and my bones are witherd, as a dry-burnt thing.
I am smitten as grass, and my heart is withered; for I have forgotten to eat my bread.
From the voice of my groaning, my bone hath cleaved to my flesh.
Vers. Send them help, O Lord, from the holy place.
Resp. And out of Sion protect them.
V. O Lord hear our Prayer.
And let our Supplication come to thee.
Let us Pray.
O God, whose property is alwayes to have mercy, and to spare, receive our petition,
that the tender mercy of thy Piety may mildly absolve us, and all thy servants, whom
the chain of sin doth bind.
HEar, we beseech thee, O Lord, the Prayers of thy suppliants, and pardon the sins
of them that confess to thee, that thou, being propitious to us, mayest give us pardon
and peace.
SHew with clemency, O Lord, thy unspeakable mercy to us; that thou both acquit us
of our sins, and deliver us from the punishments, which for them we deserve.
O God, who through sin art offended, and through penance pacified, mercifully respect
the Prayers of thy people, making supplication to thee, and turn away the scourges
of thy anger, which for our sins we deserve.
O Almighty and eternal God, have mercy on thy servant N. our chief Bishop, and direct
him, according to thy clemency, in the way of everlasting salvation; that, by thy
grace, he may desire things agreeable to thy will, and with all his power perform
O God, from whom are all holy desires, rightful counsels, and just works Give to thy
servants that peace which the world cannot give; that our hearts being disposed to
keep thy commandments, and the fear of enemies taken away, the times through thy protection,
may pepeaceable
INflame, O Lord, our reigns and heart, with the fire of thy holy Spirit; to the end
we may serve thee with a chast body, and Please thee with a clean heart.
O God, the Creator, and Redeemer of all the Faithful, give to the Souls of thy servants
departed, remission of all their sins: That, through pious supplications they may
obtain the pardon they have alwayes desired.
PRevent, we beseech thee, O Lord, our actions, by thy Holy inspirations, [Page 317] and carry them on by thy gracious assistance, that every Prayer and Work of ours
may begin alwayes from thee, and by thee be happily ended.
O Almighty and eternal God! who hast Dominion over the living and the Dead, and art
merciful to all those, whom thou fore-knowest shall be thine by Faith and good Works:
We humbly beseech thee, that they, for whom we have determined to offer our Prayers,
whether this present World still [...]etains them in the Flesh, or the World to come hath received [...]hem out of their Bodies, may by the intercession of thy Saints, and the clemency of
thy pity, obtain Pardon, and full Remission of all their Sins. Through our Lord Jesus
Christ thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
one God, World without end. R. Amen.
V. O Lord, hear our Prayers.
R. And let our supplications come to thee.
Vers. Our Almighty and most merciful Lord, graciously hear us. R. Amen.
V. May the Souls of the Faithful through the mercy of God, rest in Peace. R. Amen
Devout PRAYERS to be said after the Litanies, according to the Diversity of times,
and occasions.
A Prayer for Gods Holy Church.
O Almighty and everlasting God, who hast revealed thy glory to all Nations in Christ;
conserve the works of thy mercy; that thy Church, spread throughout the world, may
persevere with stedfast Faith, in confession of thy Name: Through the same our Lord
Jesus, &c.
For the Chief Bishop.
O God, the Pastor and Governour of all the Faithful, mercifully regard thy servant
N. whom thou hast placed as chief Pastor over thy Church: Grant him we beseech thee,
in word and example, to profit those, over whom he hath charge, to the end he may
come, with the flock committed to him, to life everlasting: Through our Lord, &c,
ALmighty and Everlasting God, by whose Holy Spirit, the Universal Body of the Catholick
Church is sanctified, and governed: Hear, we beseech thee, our Humble Supplications
for all Orders, States, and Degrees; that, by the gift of thy Grace, they may all,
in their several stations, faithfully serve thee, in Unity, Peace, and perpetual Carity,
through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
A Prayer in any necessity.
O God, our refuge and strength, the only Author of Pity, hear the devout Prayers
of thy Church, and grant that what we faithfully ask, we may effectually obtain.
Through our Lord Jesus, &c.
Against Persecutors of the Church.
REceive, we beseech thee, O Lord, the Prayers of thy Church, and mercifully appease
thy wrath against us, that all adversities and errors being destroyed, we may serve
thee in secure liberty: Through our Lord, &c.
O Almighty Lord! by whose Sovereign Ordinance Princes have Authority, to render their
State apter matter for thy Church and its End, eternal Life Preserve, we humbly beseech
thee, and Govern by thy Grace, thy Servant JAMES, our King and Supreme Governour.
Vouchsafe to strengthen in him daily the right understanding of his weighty office:
Confirm his Courage and Prudence duly to execute it; that the Sword of Justice in
his hand may establish us in Peace and Plenty; to our freer improvement under the
Discipline of true Vertue, and the higher exalting his own Crown of Glory with thee;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
For the Afflicted.
ALmighty and everlasting God, the consolation of the sorrowful, and the strength of
those that travel; let the Prayers of all that call upon thee, out of any tribulation,
come to thy Ears; that they may rejoyce to find thy mercy present with them in their
necessities. Through our Lord, &c.
O Almighty everlasting God, who savest all, and wouldst that none should Perish; favourably
look down upon the Souls seduced by the deceits of Satan: That, all Heretical Impiety
being removed, the Hearts of those that err may repent, and return to the unity
of thy Truth: Through our Lord, &c.
For the Ʋnfaithful Jews.
ALmighty and Everlasting God, who repellest not from thy mercy, even the perfidiousness
of the Jews: Hear our Prayers, which we offer for the blindness of that People; that
the light of thy Truth being known, (which is Christ) they may be delivered from their
darkness: Through our Lord, &c.
For the Pagans.
O Almighty, Everlasting God, who desirest not the Death of Sinners, but alwayes their
life; mercifully accept our Prayers, and deliver the Pagans from the Worship of Idols,
and joyn them to thy Church, to the praise and honour of thy Glorious Name: Through
our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.
O God, who dissolvest Wars, and, by the power of thy protection, vanquishest the
impugners of them that trust in thee: Help thy servants, earnestly craving thy mercy,
that the cruelty of all our enemies being depressed, we may praise thee with incessant
Thanksgiving: Through our Lord, &c.
Against the Turks.
ALmighty & everlasting God, in whose hands are the powers of all persons, and the
rights of all Kingdoms; incline favourably to the aid of Christians, that the Mahometan
people, who trust in their cruelty, may be crushed by the power of thy right hand:
Through our Lord, &c.
A Prayer for Peace.
O God, from whom all holy desires, As before in page 316.
In time of Famine and Pestilence.
GRant us, we beseech thee, O Lord, the effect of our Prayer, and mercifully turn
away from thy Servants; all Pestilence and Famine: That the hearts [Page 323] of men may know, that such scourges proceed from thy indignation, and cease by thy
mercy: Through our Lord, &c.
For Rain.
O God, in whom we live, and move, and have our being: Grant to us, we beseech thee,
competent Rain, that partaking sufficiently of thy temporal blessings, we may more
confidently desire things everlasting: Through our Lord, &c.
For fair Weather.
HEar our Supplications, O Lord, and vouchsafe to thy Servants, the blessings of fair
weather; that we, who justly are afflicted for our sins, may, by thy clemency, find
Refreshment: Through our Lord, &c.
In any Tribulation.
ALmighty God, despise not thy people, calling to thee in their affliction, but for
the glory of thy Name, forgive them their sins, and deliver them from all their sorrows:
Through Jesus, &c.
For Remission of Sins.
O God, who rejectest none, but art pacified by penance, even towards the [Page 324] greatest offenders; Propitiously respect the Prayers of thy Servants, that by thy
mercy we may be pardoned our Sins, and enabled to fulfill thy Commandments. Through
our Lord, &c.
Against Temptations.
O God, who justifiest the wicked that repent, and desirest not the Death of a Sinner;
we humbly beseech thy Majesty, with thy Heavenly Grace to defend thy Servants, trusting
in thy mercy, and preserve them by thy continual protection; that they may still
serve thee, and by no Temptations be separated from thee. Through our Lord, &c.
For such as are in a Journey.
HEarken to our supplications, O Lord, and dispose the way of thy Servants in the prosperity
of thy safeguard; that, among all varieties of this passage and life, they be ever
Protected by thy aid, Through our Lord, &c.
For the Sick.
ALmighty Everlasting God▪ the eternal Salvation of them that believe, Hear us for
thy Sick Servants, for whom we [Page 325] humbly crave the help of thy mercy: that, health being restored to them, they may
yield Thanksgiving to thee in thy Church. Through our Lord, &c.
For Sinners.
HEar we beseech thee, O Lord, &c. as before also page. 315.
For the living.
EXtend, unto thy Faithful, O Lord, the right Hand of thy Celestial aid▪ that they
may diligently seek thee with all their hearts, and what they duly ask, they may effectually
obtain. Through our Lord, &c.
For the Living, and the Dead.
O Almighty and Eternal God, who hast Dominion, &c. as in Page 317.
Vers. Send forth thy Spirit, and they shall be created.
Resp. And thou shalt renew the face of the Earth.
V. O Lord, hear our Prayers.
R. And let our supplication come to thee.
Let us Pray.
O God, who, by the illumination of the Holy Ghost, hast instructed the hearts of the
Faithful. Grant us to be truly wise in the same Spirit, and ever to rejoyce in his
consolation: Through our Lord, &c.
O God, to whom every Heart is open, each will doth speak, and from whom no secret
lies hid; purifie, by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, the cogitations of our Hearts;
that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily praise thee. Through our Lord Jesus
Christ, &c.
For our Friends.
O God, who, by the Grace of the Holy Ghost, hast infused the Gift of Charity into
the Hearts of the Faithful: Grant to thy Servants (Here name those you pray for) for whom we implore thy mercy, Health of mind and Body, that with their whole strength
they may love thee, and with their utmost love accomplish those things which are pleasing
to thee. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.
For our Enemies.
O God, the lover of Peace and Conserver of Charity: Give Peace and true Charity to
all our Enemies; grant them remission of all their Sins; and powerfully rescue us
from their subtilties. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.
ALmighty and most gracious God, mercifully regard our Prayers, and deliver our Hearts
from the Temptations of evil thoughts, that our Souls may be made a worthy habitation
for the Holy Ghost: Through the same Lord Jesus, &c.
For Charity.
O God, who makest all things beneficial to them that love thee, infuse into our Hearts
an inviolable love of thy Charity: That the desires conceived by thy inspiration
by no temptation may be changed: Through the same our Lord, &c.
For Patience.
O God, who by the Patience of thy only Son hast broken the Pride of the old Enemy;
grant us, we beseech thee, worthily to recount what he compassionately suffered for
us, and by his example contentedly undergo all adversities: Through the same our
Lord, &c.
For the Holy Catholick Church.
Defend, O Lord, thy Servants, we humbly beseech thee, &c. as in page 218.
INflame, O Lord, our reigns and hearts, with the fire of the Holy Ghost, that we may
serve thee with a chast Body, and please thee with a pure Heart: Through our Lord
Jesus Christ, &c.
A Thanksgiving.
OUr tongues, O Lord, thy praise, Record, as before Page▪ 44. or the Hymn on the Ascension of our Lord.
That done, say, Vers. Bless we the Father, and the Son, with the Holy Ghost.
R. Let us praise and extol him for ever.
Vers. O Lord hear my Prayer.
Resp. And let my supplication come to thee.
Let us Pray.
O God, whose mercies are without number, and infinite the treasures of thy goodness;
we render thanks to thy Divine Majesty, for the favors conferred on us; always beseeching
thy Clemency, that thou, who grantest the requests of those that humbly ask, wilt
not forsake us, but dispose us for the reward to come. Through our Lord, &c.
Antiph. O venerable Cross, which hath brought Salvation to wretches; by what praise shall
I extol thee; for that thou hast prepared for us the Heavenly Life?
Vers. We adore thee, O Christ, and we bless thee.
Resp. For that by thy Holy Cross thou▪ hast redeemed the World.
O My Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, set thy Passion, Cross and Death,
between thy Judgment and my Soul, now, and in the hour of my Death; and vouchsafe
to grant me Grace and mercy; to the living, and the dead, rest and pardon; to thy
Church, peace and concord; and to us Sinners, life and glory Everlasting, who livest
and reignest, with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, World
without end. Amen.
The Ant. O blessed Cross which only wast worthy to bear the price of the World: Sweet Wood,
sweet Nails, bearing sweet Weights, thou only exceed'st in height all the Wood os
Cedar; on which the Salvation of the World did hand; on which Christ Triumphed, and
by Death overcame Death for ever.
Vers. We adore thee, O Christ, &c.
Prayer. O my Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, set thy Passion, Cross and Death,
&c. as before.
Ant. Come O Holy Ghost, replenish the Hearts of thy Faithful, and kindle in them the fire
of thy love.
Vers. Send forth thy Spirit, and they shall be created▪
Resp. And thou shalt renew the face of the Earth.
The Prayer.
WE beseech thee, O Lord, that the vertue of thy Holy Spirit may be present with us;
which may both mildly purge our Hearts, and safely defend us from all adversities.
Through our Lord, &c.
Vers. The Grace of the Holy Ghost illuminate our senses and Hearts.
Whilst under the rod we bewail our offences; soon as the smart is past we forget
our tears.
If thou stretch out thy hand, we promise duty; if thou suspend thy sword, we cease
to pay our vows.
If thou dost strike, we cry for pardon, and when thou hast pardoned, we provoke thee
again to strike.
Thus we accuse our guilty selves, and freely avow, unless thou be merciful, we must
be miserable.
Let then thy goodness, Lord, without our merits, grant our Prayers, whose power of
nothing created us to pray; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
We wait in expectation of our Saviours coming, who will reform our frail Bodies according
to the pattern of his glorious Body.
V. Behold the God of Heaven is our Redeemer.
R. In him without fear, will we put our confidence.
ALmighty God, who for the redemption of mankind, didst send thy only [Page 346] begotten Son to assume our Flesh, and suffer Death upon the Cross; we humbly pray,
that as our Saviour has left us here the Example of his Patience, he would vouchsafe
to make us hereafter partakers of his Glory, who with thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth
and reigneth, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Devout Prayers made by Sir Thomas More, while he was Prisoner in the Tower.
GIve me, O Lord, thy Grace, in all my fears and agony, to have recourse to that great
fear, and wonderful agony, which thou, recourse to that great fear, and wonderful
agony, which thou, my sweet Saviour sufferedst on Mount Olivet, before thy most bitter Passion, & in the Meditation thereof to conceive Spiritual
comfort profitable for my Soul.
Take from me, O my God, all vain glorious thoughts, all appetites of mine own praise,
all Envy, Covetousness, Gluttony, Sloath, and Luxury: All froward affections, all
appetite of Revenge, all desire of others harm, all pleasure in provoking any Person
to anger, all delight of exprobation and insultation over any in their affliction
[Page 347] or Calamity. Give me, O Lord, an humble, quiet, peaceable, patient, tender, and charitable
mind, and in all my thoughts, words, and deeds, to have a taste of thy Holy Spirit.
Give me, O Lord, a lively Faith a firm Hope, and a fervent Charity, a love of thee
incomparably above the love of my self; that I love nothing to thy displeasure, but
every thing in order to thee.
Give me, O Lord, a longing to be with thee, not for avoiding the calamities of this
wretched World, nor so much for escaping the pains of Purgatory, nor those of Hell,
nor for attaining the joyes of Heaven in respect of mine own commodity, as even for
very love of thee.
Bear me, O Lord, thy love and favour, which my love to thee, (were it never so great)
could not (without thy infinite goodness) deserve.
Pardon, O Lord, my boldness to ask such high Petitions, being so vile a sinful Wretch;
and so unworthy to obtain the lowest: Yet, O Lord, they are such as I am bound to
wish for, and should be near the effectual desire of them, if my manysold Sins were
not the impediment: From which, O sweet Saviour Christ, vouchsafe [Page 348] of thy goodness to wash me, with that Blessed Blood that issued out of thy tender
Body in the divers torments of thy most bitter Passion.
Take from me, O Lord, this luke-warm, or rather key-cold manner of meditation, and
this dulness in Prayer: Give me fervor, and delight, in thinking on thee, and thy
Grace, earnestly to desire thy holy Sacraments, and especially to rejoyce in the
presence of thy Blessed Body (sweet Saviour Christ) in the holy Sacrament of the
Altar: And dayly to thank thee for thy gracious Visitation therewith, and at that
high memorial with tender compassion to remember and consider thy most bitter Death
upon the Cross.
Make us all, O Lord, every day vertually participants of that holy Sacrament, make
us all lively members, sweet Saviour Christ, of thy holy Mystical Body, the Catholick
Church, Amen.
LOrd give me Patience in Tribulation, and Grace in every thing to conform my will
to thine, that I may truly say, Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
The things, good Lord, that I pray for, give me thy Grace to labour for. Amen.
1. O Dear Jesu, King of all Beauty, and Glory; I desire no other Inheritance but
thee, O Jesu, my supreme good, permit me not to love any thing above thee, and all
other things only for thee.
2. O most vigilant Lord, and keeper of my Soul, take now possession of my heart, which
was created for thee, and pierce it with a thousand wounds of pure Love: That I may
for ever languish in sighing after thee▪ on whom depends all my good.
3. Dear Jesu; to thee I consecrate my h [...]art, I beseech thee, that no created thing may please me, but that I rejoyce only
in loving thy infinite Majesty.
4. O Life of my Life, more beautiful then all beauties Created; inflame me with a
most ardent desire after thy Eternal Beauty.
[Page 350]5. O my Lord, who will give me to die for thee, that my Soul may r [...]pose in thee her rest and eternal Felicity.
6. O my infinite good, I resign to thee all that thy liberality hath bestowed on me,
and offer on the Altar of my Heart, my self in Sacrifice, that thereby I may please
Acts of love towards our Neighbour.
1. MOst merciful Lord, I beseech thy infinite goodness so to illuminate the Hearts
of all Sinners, that they may come to do true penance for their Sins, and love thee
truly, who art the only good of our Souls.
2. Grant, O my Lord, that all who have repented them of their Sins, may Faithfully
amend their lives, and daily grow in thy Grace.
3. I beseech thee, sweet Saviour, that all such as are blinded in Heresie, may return
to our Holy Mother, the Catholick Roman Church.
4. Draw unto thee, most sweet Jesu, all those, who are drowned in the sensual desires
of the Flesh, that they may run after thee in the odors of thy precious Ointments.
[Page 351]5. I beseech thee (my Lord) by the bowels of thy infinite mercy, that all such as
seek after Ambition and earthly Dignity, may turn all their affections to love thee.
6. Forgive, sweet Saviour, all those that Persecute me, grant they may love thee in
this life; and after Death, for ever enjoy thee in Heaven.
Acts of Hope.
1. O Merciful Lord, and my God, I most firmly hope, by means of thy help, and the
good Works, which by thy particular Grace I intend to do, at the end of my life to
enjoy eternal Glory.
2. Although in every moment (merciful Saviour) I commit many imperfections, yet
I hope by thy gracious assistance, hereafter to fulfil thy Commandments.
3. If I were Guilty of all the Sins, and enormous crimes, which from the beginning
of the World till this day have been committed, yet would I not despair of thy mercy.
4. I hope most firmly (O Son of God, and my Redeemer) by means of the B. Sacraments,
and the merits of thy Passion, to come to enjoy eternal life.
5. O Lord of infinite mercy, as there was never Sinner that called on thee, to whom
thou didst not shew mercy. So, I hope thou wilt have mercy on me, calling on thee
from the bottom of my heart.
Acts of Faith.
1. MY Lord, and Creator, I believe undoubtedly the Blessed Trinity, three Divine Persons,
and one Essence, one only God, most high, mighty, most glorious, and all other Articles,
which the Catholick Roman Chuch believes, for which I am ready to die.
2. Saviour of my Soul, Author of the true Faith, I believe most firmly all that our
holy Mother, the Catholick Roman Church believes and teaches, which I will sustain with my Death▪
3. Dear Lord, I believe most Faithfully that in the B. Sacrament of the Altar, is
thy true Body and Blood really present, which I will confess in the midst of the fire,
and of a thousand Swords.
4. I believe, my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that thou art God and Man, perfect
in one only Person; for which Truth I am prepared to suffer all the torments and Deaths
that can be devised.
1. MOst Merciful Lord; I detest, and abhor all my Sins only for thy love, and resolve
to die a thousand times, rather then offend thee in any thing.
2. Merciful Lord, I detest and renounce all my Sins, for that they are displeasing
to thee, and resolve to do particular penance for thy love.
3. O that I might (sweet Jesu) with my Blood, cancel my enormous crimes: I resolve
for the time to come not to commit one venial Sin, though I might gain thereby all
that is precious upon the Earth.
4. O sweet Jesus, how it displeases me, to have offended thee, suffer me not in time
to come to offend thee any more.
5. O infinite Majesty! Would I had dyed, if it had been thy will, before ever I offended
thee, certainly for the future I will suffer a thousand Deaths, rather then once Sin
against thee.
An Act of Contrition.
O dreadful Lord, and most indulgent Father, &c. as in page 29.
ADVERTISEMENTS, With PRAYERS and suffrages for the Sick.
WHensoever God shall please to visit thee with Sick [...]ess, thou oughtest with much diligence to prepare thy self to dye well, discharge
thy heart of the cares of this World; receive devoutly the Sacraments of the Church,
and wholly recommend thy Soul to God; that thou mayst obtain strength to pass thorow
thy journey.
Remember the Passion of our sweet Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ: Embrace in
thy heart his Holy Cross, kiss his Sacred Feet, and hide thy self in his blessed Wounds,
that thou mayst be safe, and happily escape all the snares and enticements of the
Devil: Humbly beseeching our Saviour Jesus Christ, that he would vouchsafe to wash
thy Soul with his precious Blood, and entirely pardon all thy Sins.
And because of the Ʋnfruitfulness and imperfections of thine own life, offer to God
the Father, the merits of Jesus Christ, offer his Sons most holy Incarnation, Death,
and Passion.
Recommend thy self to our Blessed Lady, the glorious Virgin, Mother of God, and to
the other Citizens of Heaven, and principally to that Saint whom thou hast been accustomed
most to pray unto, hoping and believing certainly that they hear thy Prayers; and
that if thou art truly sorrowful for thy Sins, and dost heartily recommend thy self
in thy last Agony to their holy Patronage; they will obtain thee pardon of our Lord
Jesus Christ, and life Everlasting.
I Most wicked and unworthy Sinner, redeemed with the precious Blood of our Lord Jesus
Christ, profess openly▪ that with a sincere heart, I forgive all those who have at
any time offended me, or done me injury, in what manner soever: Most humbly desiring
every one I have offended (whether present or absent) that they would vouchsafe also
to forgive me.
Here let the sick Person call to mind his sins in particular, and ask God forgiveness;
purposing firmly by Gods Grace; never to commit sin again: and, though his sins be
never so many, & the manner of his offences never so horrible and grievous, yet he
is to trust in the omnipotency of God, whose merits are innumerable, and to take
hope and comfort in the Passion of Jesus Christ our Redeemer, saying. I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and in Jesus Christ
his only Son of our Lord, &c. as in page 2.
O Holy Trinity; I beseech thee keep and preserve this pure Religion of my Faith, and
grant it may ever be sounding in my Conscience till my Spirit depart.
O Almighty and merciful Jesu, I protest before thee and all the Court of Heaven, I
have a will, and desire to finish my life in this Faith, wherein of necessity every
Child (obedient to our Mother the holy Church) ought to die.
Further, my sweet Saviour, I profess to believe wholly, and universally, all which
is contained in the Catholick Faith, and that which a true Faithful Christian ought
to believe: That, if it happen by the assaults of the Devil, or by violence of sickness,
I come to think, say, or do any thing contrary to this purpose, I revoke it at this
present, and protest I give no consent to any such thought, word, or work.
I rejoyce and rendet thanks to my loving Creator and Redeemer, through the marvellous
goodness of his bounty, by which I hope undoubtedly to die in the holy Catholick
Faith: And so commend my Soul and Body into his most holy hands, now, and at the hour
of my Death. Amen.
O Sweet Jesu, I desire neither life, nor Death, but thy most Holy will; thee, O Lord,
I look for, be it unto me according to thy pleasure, if thou wilt (sweet Jesu) that
I die, receive my Soul, and, though I come late to thee, yet grant, that with thee,
and in thee, I may receive the happy wages of Eternal life. If thou wilt sweet J [...]su, that I live longer on Earth, I purpose by the assistance of thy Grace to amend
the rest of my life, and offer all in Sacrifice to thee, for thy honour and glory,
according to thy blessed will.
O Merciful Jesu, my vertue, & power, my comfort & ease, my Receiver and Redeemer,
in whom I have hoped, in whom I have believed, and whom I have loved, my sweet [...]elight, my [...]ower of strength, my hope from my Child-hood▪ the guide of my life; call me and I
will answer thee, O Creator of Heaven and Earth, stretch forth the power of thy mercy
to the work of thy hands, which thou createdst of the slime of Earth, and [...]iedst together with bones and sinews, Command, O Lord, stay not; for it is time that
dust return to dust, and my Soul to thee my Saviour.
Open me the Gates of life; for thou diedst on the Cross for my sake, and promisedst
[Page 359] to receive me. Come, my sweet Lord, let me embrace thee, let me not lose thee; bring
me into thy heavenly Palace; thou art my Redeemer, my Glory, my Habitation and Benediction.
Receive me, most gracious Lord, according to the multitude of thy mercies, and place
me in joys at thy right hand for ever.
I Am sick, my life is weak; and therefore to thee, O Lord, I run, as to my only Physitian:
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; & since all my confidence is reposed in thee,
let me not be confounded. But what am I, O most merciful God, that speak so boldly
to thee? I am a Sinner, begotten, born, and brought up in Sin: I am a rotten Carcass,
a vessel of corruption, and meat for Worms: What Victory▪ O Lord, shall it be, if
in conflict thou overthrow me, who am less then a little straw before the face of
the wind? Forgive, O Lord, forgive all my Sins: And lift me up from this low and
miserable valley of tears. Thou art my Lord and my God, Flesh of my Flesh, Bones of
my Bones: Thou didst assume my humane na [...]ure, that I should boldly have recourse to thee, as my Brother, and wouldst so mercifully
shadow thy Divinity, that I should not be [Page 360] afraid of thy heavenly Power: Wherefore arise, O Lord, and help, arise, and repel
me not for ever.
I am, sweet Jesu, a part of that dear price thou paidst on the Cross; for me thou
shedst thy precious Blood; cast me not away, I am the Sheep that went astray, seek
me, O good Shepherd and bring me to thy Flock, that thou mayest be justified in thy
Word: For thou hast promised, that at what hour soever a Sinner repents him of his
Sins, and turns to thee, he should be saved: I lament, O Lord, and mourn for my Sins,
I acknowledge my Iniquity, my wickedness is always in my sight, I have sinned against
Heaven, and before thee, and am not worthy to be called thy Servant. Turn away thy
Face, O Lord, from my Sins▪ blot out mine Iniquities according to thy great mercy.
Cast me not away from thy sight, deal not with me according to my sins, nor reward
me after the desert of my Iniquities, but help me, O Lord, my Saviour. and for the
Glory of thy Name, deliver me, Deal mercifully, as it seems best to thy holy will,
that I may praise thee for ever, as they do that dwell above with thee in thy gloririous
and eternal Palace. Amen.
By the Grace of the Holy Ghost the Comforter, deliver him, O Lord.
In the hour of Death, and in the day of Judgement, deliver him, O Lord.
We Sinners do beseech thee hear us.
That it would please thee to comfort his sorrows, and enable him to look beyond Death,
on the blessed state it leads to, we beseech thee hear us.
That it would please thee to bring into his thoughts all thy mercies, and by them
encourage him to a confidence in thee, we beseech thee hear us.
That thou wouldst vouchsafe him the Grace to order all his Temporal affairs in Prudence,
Justice, and Charity; and with a free and quiet mind, wholly attend to dispose himself
for Heaven, we beseech thee hear us.
That thou wouldst vouchsafe him the Grace, entirely to confess, and sincerely repent
him of all his Sins, we beseech.
That thou wouldst vouchsafe him the grace Heartily to forgive all those who have offended
him; and satisfie to his power, whoever has suffered the least prejudice by him, we.
That, being thus reconciled to thee, and [Page 364] all the World, he may, with an humble and assured Hope, reverently receive the
sacred Viaticum of thy Blessed Body, and firmly presevere to the end, in thy Grace and Favor, we.
That the pains of his sickness may expiate the punishment due to his Sins, by diminishing
his love of this World, and increasing his desire of the next, we beseech thee hear
That, whatever thy providence shall determine concerning him, he may readily submit
to thy Holy will, and whether he live or die, be alwayes thine, we beseech thee hear
Son of God, we beseech thee hear us.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the World, hear us, O Lord.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the World, spare us, O Lord.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the World, have mercy on us.
ALmighty and Ever-living God, in whose hands are the Keyes of Life and Death, and
whose infinite wisdom disposes all things for the best of them that love thee: Behold,
we beseech thee, thy Servant, whom thou hast cast upon the Bed of sickness, and support
with thy Grace his afflicted Spirit, strengthen his Faith, and increase his Hope,
and perfect his Charity, and Sanctifie to him every accident of his sufferings; that,
if thy mercy shall restore him to his health, he may more carefully correct the errors
of his former life; and, if it shall please thee to call him to thy self, he may pass
through the Valley of the shadow of Death with safety, and be transported by thy
Holy Angels into the Mansions of bliss; where no fears shall trouble him, nor pains
torment him, nor grief disturb the evenness of his mind, but perfect security, and
pure d [...]lights, and unspeakable joys, shall for ever be established upon him. Through our
Lord Jesus Christ, thy only Son, who with thee, and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth,
one God, World without end. Amen.
BLessed are they that die in the Lord, for they rest from their labours, and their
works follow them: In peace then depart, O happy Soul, out of this miserable World,
to thy eternal home; depart with full hope and confidence, in the Name of God, the
Father Almighty, who created thee; in the Name of Jesus Christ, Son of the living
God, who suffered for thee on the Holy Cross; in the Name of the Holy Ghost, whose
graces were in fused into thee; in the Name of the Holy Angels and Archangels; in
the Name of the Thrones and Dominations; in the Name of the Cherubins and Seraphins,
and of all the Quires of Blessed Spirits; in the Name of the Patriarks and Prophets;
in the Name of the Holy Apostles and Evangelists; in the Name of the Holy Martyrs
and Confessors; in the Name of the Holy Virgins, and of all the Saints of God. Let
thy place be this day in peace, and thy habitation in Holy Sion; through Christ our Lord Amen.
O Gracious God, who according to the multitude of thy mercies, blottest [Page 367] out the Sins of such as are penitent, and with thy remission and pardon, purgest
the guilt of offences past; mercifully look upon this thy Servant N. and for our Prayers grant him his request, who most earnestly craves pardon of all
his Sins. Renew in him, O merciful Father, whatever is corrupt through the frailty
of the Flesh, or by the craft of Satan. Have mercy O Lord, on his sighs; have mercy
on his tears, and again admit him to the Sacrament of thy Reconciliation, who hath
no hope, but in thy mercy; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
TO the infinite mercy of Almighty God and to his sacred Protection, I recommend thee,
whose Creature thou art, that thou mayst return again to thy Maker, who framed thee
of a piece of Clay: Let therefore the noble company of Angels meet thy Soul; let the
whole Senate of Apostles receive thee; let the triumphant Army of the glorious Martyrs
conduct thee; let the multitude of shining Confessors encompass thee; let the whole
Quire of Virgins rejoyce to see thee, & lead thee to the place of Blessed rest &
quietness; let Christ Jesus appear to thee, with a mild and cheerful countenance,
and adjudge thee to be among those, who always attend on him.
Christ Jesus deliver thee from all torments, who was Crucified for thee; Christ Jesus
deliver thee from Death, who vouchsafed to die for thee; Christ Jesus Son of the
living God, place thee in his Garden of Paradise, which is always pleasant and flourishing.
He that is the true Shepherd, receive thee among his Sheep, absolve thee from all
thy Sins, and place thee at his righthand, in the inheritance of his Elect.
DEliver, O Lord, the Soul of thy Servant, from all dangers of Hell, and from all
pain and tribulation. R. Amen.
Deliver, O Lord, the Soul of thy Servant, as thou deliveredst Enoch and Elias, from the common Death of the World. R. Amen.
Deliver, O Lord, the Soul of thy Servant, as thou deliveredst Noah, from drowning in the general flould. R. Amen.
Deliver, O Lord, the Soul of thy Servant, as thou deliveredst Job from his misery and affliction. R▪ Amen.
Deliver, O Lord the Soul of thy Servant, as thou deliveredst Isaac from being offered in Sacrifice, by the hands of his Father. R. Amen.
Deliver, O Lord, the Soul of thy Servant, as thou deliveredst Lot from Sodom and the flame of fire. R. Amen.
Deliver, O Lord, the Soul of thy servant, as thou deliveredst Moses from the hands of Pharoah, King of the Egyptians.
R. Amen.
Deliver, O Lord, the Soul of thy Servant, as thou deliveredst Daniel from the Den of the Lyons. R. Amen.
Deliver, O Lord, the Soul of thy Servant, as thou deliveredst the three Children out
of the fiety Furnace, and from the hands of the cruel & unmerciful King R. Amen.
Deliver, O Lord, the Soul of thy Servant, as thou deliveredst Susanna from the crime with which she was falsly charged
R. Amen.
Deliver, O Lord, the Soul of thy Servant, as thou deliveredst David from the hands of Saul and Goliah R. Amen.
Deliver, O Lord, the Soul of thy Servant, as thou deliveredst St Peter and St. Paul out of Prison. R. Amen.
And as thou deliveredst that Blessed Virgin and Martyr St. Tecla from her most cruel torments; so vouchsafe to deliver the Soul of this thy servant,
into the freedom of thy Elect to partake of thy Everlasting joyes in Heaven R. Amen.
MOst clement Father of Heaven, hear the Prayers of thy Servants, for thy Hand-maid,
labouring with Child: That, as by thy good providence she hath conceived; so by thy
special blessing, she may speedily be delivered: Through our Lord Jesus Christ thy
Son, who with, &c.
To God the Son.
O Blessed Jesu, who was born without any pain of thy most pure Virgin Mother: Grant
mercifully, that the Fruit of thy Hand-maid may so come safe and perfect into this
World, that it may, by the Font of Baptism, be born again to thee; who with the Father,
and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest, one God, World without end.
To the Holy Ghost.
O God the Holy Ghost, the assured Comforter of all that call on thee, [Page 371] vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to hear thy Servants, offering these our Prayers on the
behalf of thy Hand maid; that by thy Grace she may patiently suffer the pains of Child-bearing,
and by thy mercy obtain a safe and speedy deliverance; who with the Father, and the
Son, livest, &c.
To our Blessed Lady.
TO thee, and to thy Holy Intercession,
O Virgin Mother of God, all Women labouring in Child-birth flie, refuse them not in
their necessities, but help them with thy Powerful Prayers; O glorious and ever Blessed
V. In all our Tribulations and Anguishes.
R. The B. Virgin Mother assist us.
MOst pure Virgin, and glorious Mother of our Saviour, who next to thy dear Son, art
our Refuge, our Hope, and Comfort; vouchsafe, we beseech thee to implore his mercy
for thy suppliant, that she may be safely delivered, and the Fruit of her Womb Baptized,
and so live in the fear and service of God, that it may come at last to the Kingdom
of Joy, and Eternal Glory, Through Jesus Christ, &c.
O Almighty eternal God, who by the co-operation of the Holy Ghost, didst prepare the
Body and Soul of the glorious Virgin Mary, that it might become a worthy habitacle of thy Son; Grant, that in whose commemoration
we rejoyce, by her pious Intercession, thy servant, labouring with child, may be
succored, and speedily delivered. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
The great benefits obtained by meditating on the Passion of our Saviour Christ.
TO meditate devoutly on the Passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, is one of the most effectual means.
1. To preserve us from sin.
2. To reconcile us to Christ, after we have faln, and, in him, to his Heavenly Father.
3. To confirm and strengthen us in grace, and make us grow in all virtue and piety.
4. The Meditation of our Saviours Passion, is accepted by him, as if we had suffered
Martyrdom for his sake.
5. It is the great School of Patience; and if we often remember his sufferings for us
all our afflictions & Crosses will become eas [...] & light, for the love of him and his holy Passion
6. By such Meditation, we do as it were, Write & Imprint the five wounds of our Saviour Jesus in the parts of our own Body; In our hands, that all our actions may be offered up
to him; in our Feet, that we may never go astray from the wayes of his Commandments;
[Page 374] and in our Hearts, that we may continually love him, and never forget his excessive
love to us.
7. If we devoutly give our selves to the frequent memory of his Passion, our Lord Jesus
Christ will especially comfort us at the hour of our death, & after death give us
Eternal Felicity.
8. Nothing so diminishes the pains of Pugatory, as the frequent consideration of our
Saviours suffering for us, and the fervent exciting our selves to love him.
9. Nothing more weans our affections from this World, & begets an esteem and desire
of the life of Heaven, then every day devoutly to meditate, and as it were, reckon
over the price our Saviour paid for it.
If therefore we desire to profit and grow in the love of God, we must often and seriously
consider, and, as it were, make an Image in our memory, of our Lord and Saviour crucified
for us: To which purpose, it will be very available daily to call to mind, with a
devout and diligent attention, one or more of these fifteen little Meditations, & in the end of each Meditation to say the Prayer.
AN EXERCISE To be used in Meditating on the Passion of our Saviour JESUS CHRIST.
The first Meditation.
O Good and gracious Jesu! who being most high in the Glory of the Father, & equal
to his divine Essence, vouchsafedst of thy infinite Charity, to be made Man, [Page 376] to be born in a Stable, to be laid in a Manger, to be circumcised, and flie into
Egypt; afterwards, to be baptised, to be tempted, to fast, to watch, to teach the ignorant,
and heal the diseased; in thy whole life, to suffer continual affl [...]ctions and persecutions, and at length [...]marily to suffer death upon the Cr [...] [...]nd all this for me and such w [...]et [...]h [...]
The second Meditation.
O Good and gracious J [...]su! thou having eaten the Pascal Lamb with thy dearly beloved Disciples, didst arise
from Supper, and gird thy self with a Towel, and pour water into a Bason, and kneeledst
down on thy knees, and humbly washedst the feet of thy Disciples, and wipest them
with thy own hands.
The third Meditation.
O Good and gracious Jesu! who, when the time of thy death approached didst bequeath
a most excellent Legacy to thy Children, leaving us thy most sacred Body to be our
Meat, and thy most precious Blood to be our Drink. No wit can reach, nor understanding
penetrate, the bottomless depth of this thy Charity.
O Good and gracious Lord! thou entring into the Garden of Olivet, began'st to fear, and to be heavy; whereupon thou said'st to thy Disciples, My soul is sorrowful to death; and then, leaving them, kneeledst down upon the ground, and falling flat on thy
face, prayedst to thy Father, If it be possible let this Cup pass from me; and yet, with perfect submission, wholly resignedst thy self to him, saying, Father, not my will, but thine be done. And at length, through most painful agony, thy afflicted and fainting Body swet drops
of Blood.
The fifth Meditation.
O Good and gracious Jesu! thou, enflamed with an ineffable desire to redeem me, didst
go to meet thine enemies, and sufferedst Judas the Traytor to kiss thee, and thy self to be taken and bound with Cords, and as a
Malefactor, disgracefully led by the basest of the people to Annas, where, with admirable meekness, thou receivedst a cruel stroke on thy face most unjustly
given thee by a vile wretch and slave▪
O Good and gracious Jesu! who wast led fast bound, like a notorious Malefactor, from
Annas to the house of Caiphas the High Priest, where the Iews most unjustly accused thee, and with barbarous insolence, spit upon thy meek and
amiable face, buffeting thy Cheeks, and blind-folding thy eyes, scornfully mocking,
and maliciously affronting thee with injuries all that night.
The seventh Meditation.
O Good and gracious Jesu! thou in the Morning wast brought to the presence of Pilate; and with a most sweet and humble countenance, casting thine eyes down, stoodst before
him in the Judgment. Hall: And, when thou wast most falsely calluminated by the Iews, and many an insolent rebuke and provocation given thee, thou meekly heldst thy peace,
and patiently sufferedst their unjust proceedings.
The eight Meditation.
O Good and gracious Jesu! thou wast sent from Pilate to Herod, who out of a vain curiosity, coveting to see some Miracle [Page 379] at thy hand, demanded many things of thee, and the Iews continuing still their perversness against thee; but to all these, thy Meekness replied
not a word; wherefore Herod and all his Court despised thee, and putting on thee a white garment in scorn and
derision, sent thee thus back again to Pilate. O unspeakable humility and obedience! At the will of thy enemies, thou wentest forth
and returnedst again, and wast led up and down from place to place without gain-saying,
suffering them to do what-ever they would.
The ninth Meditation.
O Good and gracious Jesu! thou in the Judgment-Hall wast stripped naked, and without
any compassion, most cruelly scourged. There was thy blessed Virginal and tender flesh
cut with whips, and torn with stripes, altogether mangled and deformed, and made
black and blew with wounds; so that the streams of thy most precious Blood ran down
on every side upon the Earth.
The tenth Meditation.
O Good and gracious Jesu! after that sharp and bloody-scourging, to put [Page 380] thee to more shame and confusion, they cloathed thee with an old Purple-garment,
and plairing a Crown of Thorns, pressed it on thy holy Head, till the sharp points
pierced thy Temples, and thy most precious Blood ran down and covered thy face and
neck. They gave thee in derision a Reed for thy Scepter, and kneeling down before
thee in scorn, saluted thee, saying, All hail King of the Jews; then took they the Reed out of thy hand, & with it stroke thy sacred Head, and again
spit upon thy blessed Face.
The Eleventh Meditation.
O Good and gracious Jesu! thou wast brought forth by Pilate to the Jews, to be gazed on, wearing the Crown of Thorns and Purple garment; but they cryed out
with a loud rage, and insatiable mallice, Crucifie him, Crucifie him.
The twelfth Meditation.
O Good and gracious Jesu! thou wast delivered up to the will and pleasure of the
Jews▪ who immediately led thee to be crucified, laying thy heavy Cross upon thy sore and
bloody Shoulders: Thus didst thou most humbly bear thine own Cross, whose weight pained
thee excessively, and coming [Page 381] to the place all weary, and breathless, thou refusedst not to taste Wine mingled
with Gall and Myrrhe, which was the only relief there given thee.
The thirteenth Meditation.
O Good and gracious Jesu! when thou wast against stripped naked, then were thy wounds,
by the violent pulling off thy cloaths, renewed. What bitter pain didst thou suffer,
when thou wert with cruel Nails fastned to the Cross▪ and the Joynts of thy Limbs
stretcht, as on a Rack? O with what love and sweetness of Charity didst thou offer
thy Hands and Feet to be bored through, whence as from a Fountain thy precious Blood
g [...]shed out.
The fourteenth Meditation.
O Good and gracious Jesu! thou hanging on the Cross between two Thieves, wast assailed
with Blasphemies, and, after so long continuance of thy tortures, thou prayedst to
thy Father to forgive them; and even when their fury was at the highest, didst thou
excercise the greatest bounty, promising Paradise to the repenting Thief, and bequeathing
thy dearly beloved Mother (who pierced with sorrow stood by [Page 382] the Cross) to thy beloved Disciple Iohn, and to us all, to be our Mother. And, after thou hadst suffered three long hours
intollerable pains and extream thirst, they gave thee Vinegar to drink, which when
thou hadst tasted, bowing down thy venerable Head, thou yeeldest up thy Spirit.
The fifteenth Meditation.
O Good and gracious Jesu, O good Shepherd! thus thou bestowedst thy life for thy
sheep, and even after death still thou wouldst suffer for us; the sacred side of thy
dead body being opened with a Spear, out of which flowed Water and Blood. Thus at
last ended all thy sufferings; and, thy enemies having satisfied rheir thirst after
thy Blood, and being gone away, thy Disciples came and took thy Immaculate Body down
from the Cross, and reposed it on the knees of thy blessed Mother, and after all imaginable
expressions of Piety, reverence and love, they wrapped it up in a Syndon, and laid
it in a Sepulchre.
The Prayer.
O Mild and innocent Lamb of God, thus heartily thou didst love me, these things thou
didst for me, these painst most [Page 383] patiently and lovingly thou sufferedst for me. What shall I render thee? I adore
and glorifie thee, I praise thee, and give thee thanks with all the powers of my Soul,
Jesus, Son of the living God, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Hail most glorious
Redeemer of our Souls, whose death quickens and gives life to the World.
O blessed Saviour, have mercy on me, for thy goodness sake; forgive all my sins, destroy
and mortifie in me whatever displeaseth thee. Make me one according to thy heart,
and grant that, to the utmost of my power I may most diligently imitate thy holy life.
O blessed Father of Heaven! Behold, I offer thee the most holy Incarnation, Life,
and Passion of thy dearly beloved Son JESUS CHRIST, in full satisfaction for all
our sins, and perfect amendment of our lives. Grant, most merciful Father, for the
Merits of thy only begotten Son, to the living mercy and grace; and to the Souls departed,
rest, and life everlasting. Amen.
O Good Jesu, O gracious Jesu, O sweet Jesu, my Hope, my Refuge, and my Health! have
mercy on me. I am poor and weak, I am nothing, I have nothing: I know nothing, I can
do nothing of my self, but sin: Help me sweet Jesu, and be merciful to me, who here
confess my self a most ingra [...]eful sinner, unworthy to live on the Earth. Verily it is but right, that every one
should despise me; thy blessed will, O Lord be always done in me, and upon me. Amen
Grant me, O good Lord, full remission of all my sins, and wash me in thy precious
Blood. Grant me perfect Mortification, and Self denial, destroy in me my own will,
and self-seeking. Grant me true Humility, perfect Patience, Charity and Temperance.
Grant me purity, simplicity, and liberty of mind, and an exact will in adhearing to
thee; that I may be one according to thy Hearts desire.
O my Lord Jesu Christ! I most humbly thank thee for those sacred Wounds thou [Page 385] receivedst on the Cross, hide me in them, and print them deeply in my heart, that
I may continually bear about me the Remembrance of my Saviour, and every day encrease
in love towards him, and compassion for his sufferings.
Grant that all Creatures may be of small estimation with me, and that thou maist be
the delight of my Soul, & my eternal feliciry.
O Jesu, the life of my Soul, transform me, and make me anew, that nothing besides
thee may live in me. Wound deeply my heart with thy divine love, that I may take no
pleasure, but in Contemplation of thy Celestial Beauty.
Then turn thy mind to the God head of Christ, and say,
O My Lord God! O the clear light of my Soul! O my God, and all things, what desire
I besides thee? Thou art my full and high Contentation, and only sufficient for me;
when shall I happily find thee; when shall I ardently, and most firmly love thee?
when wilt thou ravish me altogether with thy Heavenly joys; when wilt thou knit me
fast to thee? O remove away mercifully all impediments, and make me one Spirit with
thee, eternally to praise thy Name.
HAil Mary, full of Grace, our Lord is with thee: Hail glorious Virgin, the blessed Mother of
God, the most excellent Queen of Heaven, take pity on me, and interceed for me to
our Lord Jesus Christ.
To such Saints as thou hast special Devotion to, and to thy Holy Angel.
HAil, dearly, beloved of God, blessed Saint N. Hail noble Spouse of Christ Saint N. Hail holy Angel of God, my faithful Keeper. Hail all ye holy Saints and blessed
Spirits, who are perpetually filled with the continued stream of Heavenly pleasure
and Divine Contentation; pray for me now, and at the hour of my death.
O merciful Jesus, I beseech thee, for thy most venerable Passion and Death, grant
to the living mercy and grace, and to the dead, rest and everlasting life. Amen.
WHen you hear the Bell, gi [...]e notice, or purpose in your self to hear Mass, direct your intention to do it in remembrance of the Death and Passion of our Saviour JESUS. And presently set before your eyes the holy Virgin, St. Mary Magdalen, and the other Maries going to mount Calvary, to behold Christ crucified; in imitation of which holy Pilgrimage, you will go to
the Church, that there you may see the self same mystically performed in the hands
of the Priest.
2. Think with your self, if this blessed Sacrifice were offered only in one place, and
consecrated but by one Priest in all the World, with how great desire the people would
run to that place, with what zeal they would seek that Priest, to hear and see those
Heavenly Mysteries: And beseech our Lord, of his grace, that you may come with such
attention and devotion, with such holy fear and reverence before him, as becomes so
holy a Presence.
[Page 388]3. Recall to your memory what you have most special need to pray for, and purpose with
your self deeply to bewail your greatest offences, and likewise to offer up this holy
Mystery for the Church Ʋniversal, for the Popes Holiness and all Ecclesiastical persons,
for unity among all Christian Kings and Princes, for the conversion of all Infibels
and Hereticks, and for the necessities doth of the living and dead.
Entring into the Church, say,
1. O Lord, in the multitude of thy mercies I will enter thy House, and adore thee in
thy holy Temple, and confess to thy Name.
In taking Holy Water.
2. Sprinkle me: O Lord, with Hysop▪ and I shall be cleansed: Wash me, and I shall be
whiter than Snow.
ALmighty and most merciful Father! To thee all the happy company of the Celestial
City; all the blessed Orders of holy Spirits, sing continually, glory and everlasting
praise. To thee, O Lord, all thy glorified Saints offer a just tribute of honour and
adoration; nor is there any creature that can, according to thy worth, give thee sufficient
praise. For thou art that unspeakable, incomprehensible, and everlasting goodness.
Thou, O Lord, hast made me; thou hast, through the merits of the bitter passion of
thy most blessed Son, restored me to the state of Salvation; to thee only is due all
praise and honour, if any the least good be found in me. O my glorious Lord, I miserable
sinner, a Creature of thy making, desire to give thee praise with all my mind, and
whole intent; but, without thy special grace, I find my self unable for the least
performance: Wherefore I come to thee my God, my life and my strength, my hope and
only [Page 390] comfort, craving thy merciful assistance, to give me power and capacity to praise
Grant me thy grace, that my mouth may speak, and my heart study thy glory, and my
tongue be employed only in declaring thy excellencies; but because all praise in
a Sinners mouth is unacceptable, sanctifie me, most mighty Lord and Saviour, both
inwardly and outwardly, that with heart and voice I may worthily praise thee
O Almighty God, inspire thou my soul that I may continually give thanks to thee and
honour thee for ever. Grant me grace, O Lord, so to praise and glorifie thee in this
pilgrimage and vale of misery, that▪ through thy mercy, I may be associated to their
holy fellowship, who see the everlastingly, and sing praises to thee world withont
end. Amen.
O Most clement Father of mercies, and God of all consolation, who hast not only once
given us thy beloved Son to die upon the Cross for our Redempton, but wouldest that
his oblation should daily be renewed in the Church, to renew in us, daily the memory
of thy love: Grant us, we beseech thee, so attentively and reverently to be present
at this adorable mystery, that [Page 391] we may effectually attain to be united to thee in thy eternal charity, Through the
same Lord Jesus Christ, &c.
O Most puissant and loving Lord, the great desire thou hadst of our Salvation, was
that which moved thee to leave us this Divine Sacrifice of the Mass; that as thy Triumphant
Church hath her Sacrifice above, so thy Militant Church might have hers below. For
as in Heaven thy Son continually offers himself to thee, appearing before thy face
in a visible and glorious manner, to mediate for us; so hast thou vouchsafed that
on Earth he should daily be offered to thee by the function of Priests for our sins,
in a manner invisible, and proportionable to our frailty. Yet it is all one and the
self same Jesus Chtist, thy Son; from whose plessed presence is derived all the joy
of Heaven, and all the hope of us sinners on Earth. This mystery most mighty Lord,
is far surpassing all humane capacity, and yet most casie for those to believe, who
have in time sucked the sweet milk of thy Heavenly Doctrine.
For mine own part, Lord, I believe (through thy gracious goodness) simply whatever
thy Holy, Catholick, Apostolick and [Page 392] touching this, or any other of thy most Divine Mysteries and Doctrines; and as thou
hast said, thy Body and Blood is contained in this most holy Sacrament, and the very
same Body to be likewise on the right hand of thy Father in Heaven: so I believe them
both most assuredly, & the one as firmly as the other, since both are equally the
will & work of the Almighty Word, God & Man.
Herein Iutterly renounce my sense, and all mans understanding, and adhere only [...]o thy divine and inexplicable Omnipotency; who, as thou madest all things of nothing,
canst alter and dispose all things at thy will and pleasure.
Now therefore I beseech thee, most Omnipotent God, to drive away all distractions
and wicked thoughts out of my mind, that I may attend the celebration of this Heavenly
Mystery, with fear & and reverent humility. Sanctifie, I beseech thee, his spirit,
who is here presenting himself before thee, to celebrate this divine Sacrifice, that
he may worthily do it to thy honour & glory, to the benefit of himself, and all others.
Give me grace, that by the reverend Ceremonies which are here to be used, I may be
put in mind of thy most sacred Passion, which they [Page 393] represent, and adore thee in this glorious Sacrament, with sovereign honor and [...] profound humlity. This, by thy g [...] a purpose; this, by thy grace, I hop [...] perform. Accept therefore, O Lord, [...] [...]ed Body and Blood of our Saviour thy [...] Jesus Christ, offered thee in this Sa [...], for the salvation of us, and of all thy faithful spread over the whole world. Incline
thine ears, O Lord, to the prayers of thy afflicted flock, and mercifully restore
thy true Religion where it is wanting. Open the eyes of the blind, and make them
know their errors. Relieve the distressed, & captives, & the sick, in the virtue of
this Sacrament. Give grace to the living, and perpetual place of rest and quietness
to those who are departed in thy Faith, for the merits of our only Saviour thy Son
Jesus Christ; to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, be all glory, praise
and soveraignty for ever. Amen.
At the. Consiteor.
O Lord God Almighty, I confess to thee in the presence of thy holy Angels and blessed
Saints, that I have prov [...]ked thy anger, by commiting evil both negligently and wilfully in thy sight. I have
sinned, O Lord, I have sinned; I acknowledge my [Page 394] iniquity; but thou of thy goodness hast promised to the penitent remission of their
Sins; I therefore now bow the knees of my heart, and (detesting my own sinfulness)
thus humbly, with the penitent Publican, I implore thy mercy [Say this thrice.] O God, be merciful to me a sinner. Destroy me not with my iniquities, nor receive
my punishment to be perpetual: but save thy unworthy servant, according to the multitude
of thy mercies; and I shall praise thee all the days of my life, and invite all the
powers of Heaven to praise thee; for to thee belongs honour, and glory, and eternal
adoration. Amen.
After the Confiteor.
DEliver us, O Lord, from all our iniquities, that in the end of our life we may be
received into the Kingdom of Heaven. [Say this thrice] Have mercy on thy people, O Christ, whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood.
Lord have mercy on us; Christ have mercy on us, &c.
At the Gloria in excelsis Deo.
GLory be to God on high, and on earth peace to men of good will. We praise thee, O
Lord; we worship thee, we magnifie [Page 395] thee, we adore thee, we glorifie thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory.
O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty, Lord Jesus Chrst the only begotten
Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins oif the world,
have mercy on us, who takest away the sins of the world, hear our prayers, who sittest
on the right hand of God the Father, have mercy on us, because thou only art holy,
thou only art our Lord, thou only art most high, O Jesu Christ, with the Holy Ghost,
in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
At the first Collect.
ALmighty and everlasting God, vouchsafe, I beseech thee, to look upon this Congregation,
and mercifully accept the prayers of thy Church, addressed to thee for us, by the
Ministry of this Priest; grant us for thy mercies sake remission of our sins, and
all things necessary for the entertainment either of our Souls or Bodies in thy Service.
Convert all Hereticks, destroy all wicked Counsels, increase true Religion, and plant
in our hearts the graces of unfeign'd charity, sincere devotion in prayer, patience
in troubles, joy in hope, and whatever [Page 396] may conduce to our salvation and thy glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
At the Epistle.
O God, who hast fully accomplished that which the Law foretold, and (under a wonderful
Sacrament) left us the memory of thy Passion: Grant us, we beseech thee, so to reverence
the holy Mysteries of thy blessed Body and Blood, that our souls may always feel the
fruit of thy Redemption, who livest and reignest, &c.
After the Epistle.
O Glorious Trinity, by thee we are created, by thee we are sanctified, O adorable
Unity; defend, save, and protect all thy people, O God Almighty. We adore thee, O
God the Father; we praise thee, O God the Son: we bless thee, O God the Holy Ghost:
to whom, three Persons & one God, be all honour and glory for ever. Amen.
At the Gradual.
O Lord, deal not with us according to our sins, nor reward us according to our iniquities:
Lord, remember not our former offences, let thy mercy speedily prevent us, because
we have great need of [Page 397] it. Help us, O God, our Saviour, and for the Glory of thy Holy Name deliver us; O
Lord be merciful to us for thy Name sake, &c.
At the Credo in Deum, &c.
O Lord God, grant that we may all continue in the true and sincere profession of
the Holy Catholick Faith, to the end of our lives; and exerci [...]ing our selves here in all Holiness and Piety, we may hereafter receive of thee (O
Lord) a Crown of righteousness, which thou hast laid up for all thy [...]lect. Amen.
At the Offertory.
O Lord God, Father Almighty, who through Jesus Christ thy only Son hast instituted
a new and admirable Oblation, which the Church receiving of thy Holy Apostles, sacrificeth
to thee throughout the World, O God, the great Creator of all things, offering under
a hidden Mystery the first Fruits of thy Creatures and Gifts, to wit Bread and Wine
mingled with Water, immediately to be Consecrated into the Flesh and Blood of thy
beloved Son, that by the same Oblation we may represent him who is the lively Bread,
descending from Heaven, giving life to all the World; [Page 398] vouchsafe, most gracious God, mercifully to accpt this Oblation, which thy Catholick
Church offers to thee by the Priest for all thy People, whom thou hast purchased with
the precious Blood of thy dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
At the Orate Fratres.
OUr Lord send thee help from Heaven, and protect thee. Our Lord be mindful of this
thy Sacrifice, and receive it at thy hands, to the praise and glory of his Name, and
to the benefit and comfort of our Souls, and the Souls of all the Faithful living
and dead. Amen.
O Lord, who justifiest the wicked, and givest life to the dead, quicken and raise
me. O Lord▪ g [...]ve me compunction of Heart, and tears to mine Eyes, that I may ever bewail the wickedness
of my Heart with humility▪ Let my prayer come before thy presence▪ O God: If thou
be angry with me, what helper shall I seek, or who shall have m [...]rcy on mine Iniquities? Remember, O Lord, that thou didst call the woman of Canaan, and the Publican to repentance, and dids [...] receive Peter after his tears; receive al [...]o my Prayers (O God my Sa [...]iour) who livest and reignest for ever. Amen.
LIft up our Hearts, O Heavenly Father, I beseech thee, from the cogitation of Earthly
cares, to meditate on thy celestial joyes, that we may direct all our thoughts, words,
and deeds, to serve and glorifie thee, and after this life enjoy thee for ever. Amen.
Then say with him.
IT is meet and just, right and necessary, that we alwayes and in all places give thanks
to thee, O Holy Lord, Father Almighty, everlasting God, through Jesus Christ our
Lord; by whom the Angels praise thy Majesty, the Dominations adore thee, the Powers
tremble, [...]he Heavens and the Vertues thereof, and the Blessed Seraphins with one common joy
celebrate thy Name, amongst whose worthy Hymns command our weaker voices to be heard,
we beseech thee, saying with humble confession, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Sabbath,
the Heavens and Ea [...]th are full of thy Glory; Hosanna in the high [...]st; Bl [...]ssed is he that comes in the Name of [...] Lord▪ Hosanna in the hig [...]Amen.
O Jesu our High-Priest, and Bishop of our Souls, who offerdst thy self to God the
Father on the Altar of the Cross, a pure and immaculate Host for us wretched Sinners,
and hast left us thy true Flesh and Blood in this adorable Mystery, made such by thy
Divine Omnipotence, commanding it to be offered in remembrance of our Salvation.
By the same Almighty power, I beseech thee, grant I may worthily remember thy Blessed
Passion, and wholly resign my self to thee, my Lord and Redeemer. Grant, I may be
present at this Heavenly Sacrifice, with due reverence and purity of Heart, with spiritual
gladness and Heavenly joy. Let my mind tast the sweetness of thy Blessed presence,
and behold the troops of thy Saints and Angels, which encompass and adore thee. Amen.
INtercede for me, O Blessed Virgin Mary that my Prayers may take effect before thy Son our Lord Jesus. Supplica [...]e for me, O you Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors, and Virgins, with all the Saints of
Heaven. The Prayers of such, O Lord, thou despisest not; inspire them therefore to
pray for me, who livest & reignest one God for ever. Amen.
THink your self unworthy to be present among so many thousands of Holy Angels, &
Saints, as are there (though invisible [...]o us) attending on Him with all reverence, whom (through our Sins) we caused to dye
a most bitter Death, and whom (through our evil life) we from time to time (as much
as in us lies) crucifie a [...]ain. Think how great his love is to us, who by this daily Obblation would preserve
us in that Estate, whereto he once brought us.
These benefits, and others (as time will permit) considered: Let us examine our selves
& our behavior to so gracious a Lord, and say with the Publican, O God be merciful to me a Sinner.
An Offering of your self to God.
O Most merciful Lord Jesus Christ, in remembrance of thy blessed incarnation Death,
& Passion, in remembrance of thy wounds, sorrows, tears, and precious drops of Blood;
in remembrance of thy most infinite love to mankind: I humbly offer this Holy Sacrifice,
and in union thereof, and of that all saving Oblation, which thou madest on the Cross;
I offer my self with all that I [Page 402] am or have, to thy praise and glory, beseeching thee to give to the living Grace,
to the deceased peace and rest, and to all mercy and life everlasting. I commend to
thee, O Lord, my Soul and Body, all my thoughts, words, and actions, most humbly beseeching
thee to have mercy on me, and all those whom I am bound in any respect to pray for,
as N. and N. &c.
At the Elevation of the Host.
ALl Hail true Body, born of the Blessed Virgin Mary, truly suffered, and offered on the Cross for Mankind, whose side (pierced with a
spear) yielded Water and Blood; vouchsafe to be received of us in the hour of Death,
I beseech thee, O sweet, O good Jesu, Son of the Blessed Virgin, have mercy on me.
I Adore and Worship thee, O Christ, with all praise and benediction: For by thy bitter
Death and Passion thou hast redeemed my Soul from endless affliction. Have mercy
on me, dear Jesus, and grant that thy Death be never found frustrate in me, I most
humbly beseech thee. Amen.
At the Elevation of the Chalice,
ALl Hail most Precious and Blessed Blood, flowing out of the side of my [Page 403] Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Washing away the spots both of the old and new offences:
Cleanse, sanctifie, and keep my Soul, I beseech thee, to Everlasting life.
WE thank thee, O Lord God, merciful Father, for vouchsafing to send thy only begotten
Son Jesus Christ to die for us Sinners, the most shameful Death of the Cross, that
he might offer himself to thee a most pure, holy, and acceptable Sacrifice for our
offences, and thereby purge our wicked Consciences from all spots of uncleanness.
By this thy exceeding great love to us, and by those most bitter torments of thy Son
our Saviour, we humbly beseech thee, impart to us continually the Fruits of his Redemption,
and make us daily die to the World, and be Crucified to the lusts and desires of the
Flesh, and live to thee only all our life; that in the end we may rejoyce Everlastingly
in thy Kingdom; wherewith thy Eternal Son, and the Holy Ghost, thou livest and reignest
one God for ever and ever. Amen.
THe Soul of Christ sanctifie me, the Body of Christ save me, the Water of the side
of Christ wash me. O Lord Jesu, hear me, within thy wounds hide me; suffer me [Page 404] not to be separated from thee; from the malignant Enemy defend me, and bid me come
to thee, that with thy Saints I may praise thee for all Eternity. Amen.
O The depth of the Wisdom and knowledg of God, how incomprehensible are thy Judgments,
and how unsearchable thy wayes!
O Sacrament of Piety! O Sign of Unity! O Bond of Charity! He that will live▪ hath
here whereon to live, hath here wherewith to live; let him come and believe, and be
incorporated, that he may have Life.
O miracle! O the goodness of God! who, sitting above with his Father, is in the very
moment of time (when the Priest is consecrating) touched, and in his hands, and delivered
to such as are willing to receive and embrace him.
O dreadful Majesty, how should I tremble to offend thee! O infinite Mercy, to thee
I come for Pardon of my Sins, to thee I repair in all my necessities, thee I adore
with all the faculties of my Soul and Body: Hail Holy Sacrifice, offered for me and
all [Page 405] mankind; hail most precious Blood, shed for me and all mankind.
O how pleasant, Lord, is thy Spirit! who to shew thy sweetness towards thy Children,
givest them the most delectable Bread from Heaven, and sendest the proud empty away.
O sacred Feast, in which Christ is received, &c. as in page 408.
A devout Prayer and Adoration in presence of the B. Sacrament.
I Adore the, O Saviour of my soul, eternal Word of the Father, true Sacrifice offered
for the sins of the whole World. O most precious Treasure, replenished with all delight,
the resting Place of pure and clean Hearts. O Angelical Viand, O Celestial Bread,
O Eternal Word of the Father, which art for us made Flesh, & yet remainst God in the
very self-same person; I confess thee most undoubtedly true God, and, true Man, consecrated
after a miraculous manner on the Altar. Thou art the assured hope, and only Salvation
of Sinners. Thou art the sovereign Restorative of those that languish, and the inexhaustible
Treasure of the poor distressed Pilgrims. Hallowed be thy Name, most sweet Saviour
Jesus [Page 406] Christ; may all thy Creatures sound forth praises and thanksgivings to thee, for
the love wherewith thou tenderedst our welfare, by descending from Heaven, and offering
up thy pure▪ and Innocent Body on the Cross for our Redemption: Hallowed be thy Name
most Blessed Jesus, that after thy Resurrection & Ascension; thou vouchsafedst to
leave us the self-same immortal Body (contained in this most venerable Sacrament)
as a memorial of thy departure, and pledg of the infinite love thou bearest us.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the World, have mercy on us, and grant
us thy peace: Refresh our Souls with this spiritual and heavenly food, and comfort
us continually with thy Grace, that neither in Life nor Death we depart from thee,
nor be deprived at any time of thy Celestial Benedictions, who livest and raignest,
with God the Father, and the Holy Ghost in all Eternity. Amen.
A Prayer for departed.
WE humbly beseech thee, O merciful Father, for the Souls of the Faithful departed
this life, that this Holy Sacrifice may be to them eternal salvation, perpetual [Page 407] rest, and everlasting Felicity▪ O my Lord Jesu, let this wonderful & excellent Mystery
of piety and bounty be to them this day full and perfect Joy. Grant that they may
be replenished with thee, the living and true Bread, who descendest from Heaven, and
gavest Life to the World; with thee the immaculate Lamb, that takest away the Sins
of the World: Make them drink of the Fountain that springs to Eternal life, that so
being comforted they may rejoyce in thy Holy praise and glory. Amen.
When the Priest kisseth the Pax.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the World, have mercy on us. O Lamb of
God, that takest away the Sins of the World▪ have mercy on us. O Lamb of God, that
takest away the Sins of the World, give us thy Peace. Deliver us, we beseech thee,
O Lord, from all our evils past, present, and to come; and by the Intercession of
thy glorious Mother the Virgin Mary, and thy Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and of all thy Holy Saints, mercifully grant us peace in our dayes, that being guided
by thy Grace, we may continually be free from Sin, and safe from all perturbation
of mind and Body.
GIve Peace in our dayes, O Lord, because there is no other that fights for us, but
only thou, O Lord.
When the Priest receives.
O Sacred Feast, in which Christ is received, the memory of his Passion renewed,
our minds replenished with Grace, and a pledge given us of the Glory to come.
Sweet Jesus, grant we may so reverence the sacred Mysteries of thy Body & Blood, that
we may continually feel in our Souls the Fruit of thy Redemption. Amen.
A Spiritual Communion.
O My good God, and sweet Saviour Jesus, who here art come for my sake, and givest
thy self to me for daily food, and even to all uses my heart can desire. My own unpreparedness
forbids me, O Lord, to receive thee Sacramentally; yet since without thee, who art
the true Food of my Soul, I cannot live; I humbly beseech thee, to refresh me Spiritually,
and make me partaker [Page 409] of that grace which they feel, who devoutly and worthily receive thee. O good Jesus,
despise me not, but vouchsafe to visit thy servant, and by thy grace to work and perfect
all the effects and vertues of thy Holy Sacrament in me, to thy honour, O my God,
and the eternal salvation of my own Soul. Amen.
O Most gracious God, Father of mercy: Grant I beseech thee, that this adorable Sacrifice
of the blessed Body and Blood of thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, which here and every
where throughout thy holy Church is offered, as a continual thanksgiving and daily
memory of his blessed death, may obtain for us at thy hands, mercy and remission of
all our sins. Amen.
The Blessing.
THe grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the vertue of his most glorious Passion, the sign
of the holy Cross, the integrity of the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessing of all Saints, and the Prayers of all the Elect of God, be between me,
and all my enemies, visible, and invisible, now, and in the hour of my death. Amen.
MOst merciful Saviour Jesu, I wretched Sinner, acknowledge my self infinitely bound
to thy divine Majesty, for the innumerable blessings thou hast so liberally bestowed
on me and all mankind; but especially for that inestimable Benefit of my Redemption;
purchased by thy most cruel death and Passion: Grant me Grace to love and praise thee,
and alwayes with equal cheerfulness, both do what thou commandest, and suffer what
thou permittest.
Before a Catholick Sermon, or, Exhortation.
O My Lord Jesus Christ, open mine eyes that I may see the marvellous things of thy
Law, and strengthen my hands that I may perform them: Enlighten my understanding,
and purifie my heart, and inflame my affection, that I may glorifie thee in all things,
and love thee above all. Amen.
EXamin your Conscience with a just and faithful diligence, but without anxiety or
too much scrupulousness▪ helping your memory by reflecting on your particular inclination,
and the circumstances of place, company, imployment, &c. as also by the Table, pag. 417.
2. In going to Confession, humble your self by considering the Majesty of God, and your
own infirmities, and great unworthiness.
3, Let your Confession be plain, entre, and prudent; neither obscuring your faults with
dark words, nor concealing any thing of moment, nor using expressions immodest or
prejudicial to a third person.
4. Excite your self to a true and hearty contrition, detesting your sins for the love
of God, and resolving firmly to forsake them.
5. For satisfaction (besides your performance of the penance enjoyned you) labour to
root out of your heart all inclination to the sins you have confest. If you have injured
any, you must make restitution as far as you are able; if by your example, or otherwise,
you have given scandalor occasion of sin, you must by contrary vertues endeavour to
recompence the spiritual damage of your Neighbour.
O Maker of Heaven and Earth, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords! who of nothing createdst
me to thine own Image, and redeemedst me with thy most precious blood; whom, I, a
sinner, am not worthy to name, nor so much as with my heart to think on: I humbly
desire thee, that thou behold me in thy clemency, and have compassion on me, who
shewedst mercy to the woman of Canaan, & Mary Magdalen, who forgavest the Publican, and the penitent Thief. To thee, most holy God, I confess
my sins, which, if I would, I cannot hide from rhy sight. Have mercy on me, O Christ;
for I have exc [...]edingly offended thee in thought, word and deed, Through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault.
Therefore I most humbly beseech thy goodness, who for my sake descendedst from Heaven,
have mercy on me, O Christ Thou art my Creator and Helper, my Maker and Redeemer,
my Governor and most [Page 413] indulgent Father: Thou art my strength and Refuge, my Hope and Resurrection, my Life
and eternal Felicity, If I have committed that, for which thou maist condemn me,
yet thou hast not lost that whereby thou canst forgive me: Let not my wickedness▪
O Lord, overcome thy Goodness: spare me, O my dearest Saviour, and take compassion
on my sinful Soul. To whom should I fly, but to thee? if thou cast me off, who will
receive me? if thou despise me, and turn thy face from me, who shall look on me? Receive
me therefore, O my gracious Lord, returning to thee, tho sinful and unworthy; for,
if I am impure, thou canst make me clean; if I am sick, thou canst heal me; if I am
dead and buryed, thou canst revive me; thy mercy is greater far, then my iniquity,
and thou canst forgive more than I can offend.
Consider not therefore, O Lord, the number of my sins, but according to the greatness
of thy mercy, pardon all my transgressions. Say to my Soul, I am thy Salvation, who
saidst to the world, I will not the death of a sinner, but rather that he be converted
and live. Convert me to thee, O Lord, and make me live hereafter with a great fear
to offend thee, and a deeper [Page 414] sence of my duty to obey rhee; make me direct all my actions to thee, and diligently
redeem the time I have mispent, that by a holy life, I may be brought to a happy death,
and rejoyce with thee for all eternity, Amen.
MOst gracious Lord, who of thy infinite love and mercy towards mankind, hast ordained
in thy Church the Sacrament of Penance, as a soveraign remedy to heal our Spiritual
wounds, and purge us from the uncleaness wherewith after Baptism we have any way
defiled our Souls. Look down upon me, ungrateful sinner, who having many ways most
grievously offended thee, purpose, through thy grace, to fly to this Sacrament for
my remedy, and in obedience to thy divine Ordinance, confess my sins to thy servant,
hoping thereby, that, according as thou hast promised, I shall receive a full and
perfect absolution from all my sins.
Give me grace therefore, O Lord, that as of thy goodness thou hast inspired into my
heart this holy resolution, so I may with due reverence, contrition, and sincerity,
perform the same, to the glory of thy holy [Page 415] Name, & full forgiveness of all my sins. Open the secrets of my Soul to me. O Lord,
& make me know all my sins and iniquities whatsoever. Give me a perfect sorrow and
hearty Contrition for them, and grace to confess them to my Spiritual Physitian, plainly,
sorrowfully & sincerely, with firm and constant purpose to endeavour the amendment
of my life hereafter.
O Lord, my gracious God, the only comfort of my Soul, since thou desired that in all
things I should sincerly serve thee; and I, through thy grace, desire nothing more
than to fulfil thy Will. Why is it (O Lord) that I still offend thee? Why fall I so
often by relapse into my former follies? Thy grace is not wanting, but my inconstant
and corrupt nature is the cause, for wch I am most heartily sorry, Often I determine to resist every tentation, & immediatly
I am overcome, and fail in my good purpose. Justly therefore ought I to humble my
Soul, and make account, that on the Earth there lives not any more infirm and weak
than my self. Increase in me daily thy grace, and the soveraign vertue of humility,
I most humbly beseech thee; that I may perfectly know thee, and my self: Thee in [Page 416] thy Majesty and Mercy, my self in my abominations and misery; and that at length
I may fight more manfully and gain the victory over mine enemies, through thy gracious
help and favour, my only Redeemer and Saviour Jesus Christ, who with the Father and
the Holy Ghost, livest and raignest, one God for ever. Amen.
These you may repeat often before Confession.
JEsu reduce into my mind, the sins and wickedness, whereby I have offended thee.
Jesu grant me the spirit of perfect Penance; that by Contrition, Confession, and
Satisfaction, I may obtain thy grace, and thorowly cleanse my own Conscience.
Jesu have mercy on me a wretched sinner, whom thou redeemedst with thy precious
O Jesu, Son of David, have mercy on me.
Enter not into Judgment with thy Servant, O Lord.
For in thy sight shall no one living be justified.
INward concupiscences of the flesh that pass no further then the mind; as desiring
or willingly taking pleasure in thinking of those things which are for bidden to
be done by the sixth Commandment.
Unlawfully desired to enjoy any married Woman, carnally consented to the Act, tho'
not done.
Faint-hearted, and loath to undertake any good action.
Chosen rather to want then to work or labour for my living.
Averse from the exercise of vertue and devotion.
Not prayed for the Souls of the Faithful departed.
IN all which, we may not only Sin our selves, but also be accessary to anothers Sin;
either by Commanding, Counselling, Consenting, or Approving; by not endeavouring
to hinder, by not admonishing; and lastly, by evil Example.
A Form of CONFESSION for such as often frequent it.
✚ First say
In nomine Patris, &c.
Confiteor, &c. to mea culpa—
I Confess to Almighty God, and to you my Ghostly Father, that, since my last Confession,
I have divers wayes offended Almighty God.
First, I accuse my self, that I have been very negligent in putting away evil thoughts
of sundry sorts; and not kept my mind exercised in Holy Cogitations, nor thought
humbly of my self, I cry God mercy for it.
I accuse my self of many vain and unprofitable words, & that I have not spoken of
my Neighbour, with that charity, as I would others should speak of me; nor had that
compassion of others defects, as of my own; I cry God mercy for it.
I accuse my self of my works, not having done them so purely for the love of God,
as I ought, but partly for some Worldly respect; I cry God mercy for it.
I accuse my self, for not having kept my senses, so as I ought, especially my Eyes
nor taken from my self and others, all [Page 425] occasions of offending God, as I ought; I cry God mercy for it.
Also I accuse my self, for having been angry and impatient, and not taken every thing
as of the Holy Hand of God; but often on little occasions been disquieted in mind;
I cry God mercy for it.
I accuse my self, for that I have not been so thankful to Almighty God for all his
benefits, as I ought; I cry God mercy for it.
Also the last time I received the Blessed Sacrament, I did not behave my self so worthily
in the presence of my Blessed Saviour, as I ought; I cry God mercy for it.
In my Prayers to Almighty God, I have admitted many distractions, whereto I have not
made such speedy resistance as I ought; I cry God mercy for it.
And I accuse my self, for not having prayed for mine Enemies and Persecutors, nor
so heartily forgiven them as in Charity I ought; I cry God mercy for it.
For all which, and whatever else I cannot at this present call to my remembrance,
I beseech you my Ghostly Father, to pray to our Lord God for me, and to give me Absolution,
and Penance.
BEsides this orderly help for the better making your Confession of smaller and daily
Sins: It behoves you to have great care, whether any your Thoughts, Words, or Deeds,
grew to be mortal, or, if you doubt they might be so, then must you so express them.
Having ended your Confession, attend with great Devotion and Reverence, as well to
the spiritual Counsel and Comfort of your Ghostly Father, as to the Penance he enjoins
When he puts his hand over, or upon your Head, he pronounces the words of Absolution,
by vertue whereof (your own good disposition concurring) you have remission of your
Sins by the inward working of the Holy Ghost, from, and by whom the Priest hath this
power: Wherefore now lift up your mind attentively to Heaven, humbly expecting the
Grace of this Sacrament, and inwardly say, as follows.
O Merciful God, as, at the words of thy Angel, the chains fell off from the feet of
St. Peter, and he immediatly was restored to liberty: So grant, dear Lord, that by the words
of this Holy Sacrament, pronounced by the Priest, the chains of my Sins may be loosed,
& all my offences pardoned. Amen.
Jesu, Son of David, have mercy on me, God be merciful to me a Sinner,
Thou who sufferedst for me, have mercy on me.
Prayers after Confession.
O God of mercy and pity, having now through thy gracious goodness, disburdened my
Conscience of the guilt wherewith it was oppressed, and, in the humblest manner I
might, unfolded all the Sins I could possibly think of, to thy Minister, my Ghostly
Father, I most humbly beseech thee to accept this Confession, and forgive me my trespasses,
as well remembred as forgotten.
Grant me Grace, O Lord, to live more carefully and diligently hereafter, and to refrain
[Page 428] from my former follies, which I utterly detest, and through thy Grace do firmly
purpose never any more to offend in: Specially, O my merciful and benign Saviour,
give me Grace to withstand these Temptations, wherewith I am most g [...]ievoufly infected (Here are they to be rehearsed:) As also Grace to avoid all occasion of offending thee hereafter.
The Just man falls seven times a day, much more then shall I fall (O my Lord) having,
through mine own frailty and vitious Customes encreased the weakness and blindness,
I received from my forefather Adam; yet Lord, as I hope and purpose firmly, by thy merciful favour, to refrain from consenting
to any mortal Sin, which I most humbly beg of thee to preserve me from whilst I live;
so will I by thy goodness continually strive against my venial Sins and Imperfections:
Which that I may the better perform, grant me Grace my sweet Saviour Jesus Christ,
to persevere in examining my Conscience, every night more diligently then other, according
to the good instructions it hath pleased thee, by thy Servant to impart me; and every
morning so happily to begin [Page 429] the day, by offering thee the firstfruits of my actions, that the rest of it may
alwayes be imployed to thy Glory.
As for the Penance enjoyned me, and not yet performed, I humbly beseech thy assistance,
both in the perfect remembring, and diligent Executing thereof, till, by thus daily
endeavouring through thy Grace to amend my life, I become at last a true Penitent:
And so, through the merits of thy Blessed Passion, obtain full forgiveness of my Sins
in this World, and in the other, life everlasting, through Jesus Christ our Lord and
Saviour. Amen.
I Beseech thee, O Lord, let this my Confession be acceptable to thee, by the Intercession
of Blessed Mary, thy Mother, ever a Virgin, and of all Saints; and whatsoever hath now, and at other
times been wanting to me, of the sufficiency of Contrition, of the purity and integrity
of Confession, let thy piety and mercy supply, and, according to the same, vouchsafe
to account me more fully and perfectly absolved in Heaven, who livest and reignest
for ever. Amen.
ADVERTISEENTS, for more worthy receiving the Holy EUCHARIST.
AS often as you shall eat this Bread, & drink this Chalice, you shall shew the Death
of our Lord till he come, 1 Cor. 11. 26.
Therefore, whoever shall eat this Bread, or drink the Chalice of our Lord unworthily,
he shall be guilty of the Body and Blood of our Lord, V. 27.
But let a man prove himself, and so let him eat of that Bread, and drink of that Chalice.
For he that eateth & drinketh unworthily, eateth & drinketh Judgment to himself, not
discerning the Body of our Lord, V. 28. 29.
The probation according to the words of the Apostle, Let a man prove himself, consists principally in four points.
1. Faith before all things is necessary to him that shall receive the Holy Communion,
that is, he must first believe the real presence of the true Body and Blood of our
Saviour Jesus in this Sacrament; since himself by his own infallible Word has assured
us, This is my Body, and this is my Blood.
2. Penance or Repentance, to the end you may acknowledge your Sins with all [Page 431] your Heart, and have unfeigned sorrow of the same, and truly confess them to the
Priest, your Ghostly Father; firmly purposing not to commit any deadly Sin hereafter▪
and having forsaken all rancor and malice, be reconciled to those you have offended,
or have offended you.
3 Modest and decent behaviour, and a Countenance beseeming a Christian, whereby is
required, that none go to this great Mistery, but fasting, and with modesty, humility,
and fervent Zeal.
4. Devotion, and a Heart not troubled with other affairs: So that you may employ your
self wholly by Meditations, & devout Prayers, to receive such an excellent Sacrament,
in considering and wondering at the incomprehensible goodness of Almighty God; that
he, being of so great and infinite Majesty, should become obedient to his Heavenly
Father, even to Death, to give us Life; and withal, that by such devout Meditations
and Prayers, you may be moved to love God above all things, and to give him most Hearty
thanks for so great benefits, desiring him most humbly, that the merits of his most
bitter Passion and Death, may be applied to the Comfort and Salvation of your Soul.
The Composition of Body in receiving the Blessed SACRAMENT.
1. LEt the Hands, covered with the Towel, be held high as the Brest. The Head conveniently
lifted up, that without difficulty the Mouth may be reached▪ The eyes shut, or reverently
bent downward. The Lips altogether unmoved moderately open, and not gaping.
2. Let the Tongue touch the inner side of the Lip, to receive the Host, and bring it
into the Mouth; which, being reverently held on the Tongue, till it be moistned, is
so to be let down into the Stomach without chewing, or raising it to the Roof of the
Mouth; then take the Ablution, which is a little Wine.
3. Let the whole Body be erect, without any motion, as sighing, knocking the Brest, or
vocal Prayer, to prevent all irreverent touching the Teeth or Lips with the Sacred
4 After receiving, return devoutly to your Prayers, and for about a quarter of an hour
abstain from spitting, if you can.
WE Adore and Worship thee, O Jesu Christ, King of Israel, light of the Gentiles, and Prince of the Kings of the Earth, Lord of Sabbath, and
most strong power of the Omnipotent God: We worship thee, O precious price of our
Redemption. O Jesu, who by thy mercy only didst incline thy Father to behold our
poor estate, and reconciledst him to us his Children.
O Saviour Christ, we praise the multitude of thy mercies; we plentifully sound out
the memory of thy sweetness; we offer thee, O Saviour Christ, the Sacrifice of laud
and praise, for the greatness of thy bounty, which thou hast shewed to us Sinners,
being a wicked seed, and ungracious Children of perdition.
OMnipotent and most merciful God, Thou art truly good, and I continually evil; thou
art Holy and Just, I most Wretched and Sinful; thou art the Soveraign Medicine, and
our Life, I am weak [Page 434] and sickly, and dead; thou art light and Verity it self, I am altogether vanity.
What shall I say then, my Creator? Hear me, most benign Redeemer, and consider not
the wickedness of my hands, but look on the wounds of thine own: Behold my Lord God,
thou hast written me in thy hands, read the writing and heal me: Behold, out of the
sense of my miseries, I sigh to thee; thou art my Creator, comfort me I cry to thee,
thou art my life, quicken me to thee I lift up my voice, help me and restore me.
But what is man, that he can thus spea [...] to his Creator? Pardon thy Servant, O Lord who presumes to speak to so great a God▪
grief and sorrow compels me, the calamity and misery I endure, enforces me; I am Sick,
therefore I call to the Phisitian; I am blind, therefore I hasten to the light; I
am Dead, therefore I sigh after Life.
To thee, O Jesus of Nazareth, I hasten thou art the Fountain of Life; O Jesus So [...] of David, have mercy on me; have merc [...] on me, and open the Eyes of my Soul, that may see thee, and come to thee, and in
th [...] light, see that everlasting Light: Spare an [...] pardon me, O Lord, for my dayes are n [...][Page 435] thing, and yet replenished with much misery; What is my life, O my God, but a shadow
which suddenly vanisheth away; like a flower that flourishes, and is green, and presently
withers? Even so my frail and deceitful life presently passath away.
I know assuredly I must die, but when, or how, is altogether hidden from me; I therefore
beseech thee, O meek & merciful God, hold me up, and stay me by thy power and strength:
Appear to me, O thou Everlasting Light, and shine in my Heart, that I may rejoyce
in thee: Come to me, O my life, most noble and most sweet, that through thee I may
live with thee, and in thee, and in thy Kingdom for ever: Hear me, O my Lord God,
to the Glory of thy Name, and the Felicity of my own Soul. Amen.
I Adore and Worship thee, I give thee thanks my most loving Lord Jesus Christ for
thy innumerable Gifts and Benefits bestowed on me, most unworthy: All these I yield
and offer to thee, into an everlasting laud and praise. I give thee thanks for all
the mercies of thy most sweet goodness: I give thee thanks, for thy Holy Incarnation,
Labours, Sorrows, Cares, Passion, Death▪ [Page 436] Resurrection, and Ascension. I most humbly thank thee, that thou hast vouchsafed
to admit me, ungrateful Sinner, to the noble and life-gving Feast of this thy Holy
Table: O gracious Jesu, I beseech thee, for that love, which in a manner constrained
thee to be Incarnate, to suffer, and die for me, that thou wilt cleanse me from all
Sin, and make me please thee in all things: Adorn my poor Soul with thy mercies and
Grant, merciful Jesu, that I may with humble Reverence, burning Desire, an [...] chast Affection, receive the most venerabl [...] Sacrament of thy blessed Body, in reme [...] brance of all those things, that thou ha [...] vouchsafed to do, speak, and suffer for m [...] salvation. Grant, good Lord, that I ma [...] perform this most purely, to the everlasting Glory of thy Name, to the Honor of th [...] most sweet Mother and Virgin Mary, an [...] of all thy Blessed Saints and Angels i [...] Heaven, to the Souls Health of me, an [...] of all thy Faithful alive or dead.
Have mercy▪ good Lord, have mercy o [...] thy Church, have mercy on this place an [...] company. Grant that here be alwaies H [...] mility▪ Peace, Charity, and Chastity. Gra [...] that we all may truly amend our live [...][Page 437] that we may fear thee, and serve thee faithfully, that we may love thee & please
thee. I commend to thy tender Providence, all our affairs and necessities: Be merciful,
O Lord, to all those, for whom thou hast shed thy precious Blood. Grant to the living
forgiveness and grace, and to the Faithful departed, rest, and life everlasting. Amen.
Another Prayer.
O Benign Jesu, who vouchsafedst to suffer so many grievous pains, yea▪ Death it self,
for the love of Mankind, and sparedst not even to shed thy most precious Blood to
wash away our Sins: Great and wonderful is thy Charity; I beseech thee, gracious
Lord, forgive me all the Sins I have committed, in thought, word or deed; in Pride,
Anger, Envy, Covetousness, Gluttony, Sloth, Luxury, uncleanness of Body or Soul,
in misusing my Senses, which thou gavest me for thy Service, in breaking thy Commandments,
in wasting the time of my life unprofitably in not following vertue, nor doing those
good deeds I might have done. O merciful Jesu! with that precious Blood thou sh [...]dst on the Cross for my Salvation, wash away all the Sins I [Page 438] have committed since my birth; comfort and make me whole with thy Blessed Sacrament,
which thou hast ordained and left here on Earth, to be our Medicine and Life; through
which we should live in thee, and thou in us; wherein we have the assurance of thy
own most Holy Word, when thou saidst; The Bread with I will give, is my Flesh, for the life of the World. And he that eateth
me, shall also live by me, and abide in me, and I in him, (Joh. 6.)
O Holy Priest, and Bishop of our Souls▪ who by thy Divine Power didst institu [...] the Blessed Sacrament of thy precious Body, in Form of Bread, give me Grace to receive
it this day, with purity of Heart and cleanness of Soul, with love, reverence and
stedfast belief. O benign God, I acknowledg and confess to thy infinite goodness▪
that I am not worthy to come to thy Table, to be fed with so Royal Meat, as thy Blessed
Body. But, gracious Lord, if tho [...] wilt'st thou canst make me clean, wh [...] hast created all things of nothing, and o [...] Sinful, hast made righteous and holy. O Almighty God! for this thy great mercy, [...] beseech thee, make me worthy to receiv [...] thy precious Body with all reverence▪ [Page 439] with perfect meekness and holiness, with full contrition and tears of Devotion, with
spiritual comfort and gladness of thy presence. O Blessed Body of my Saviour come
and enter into my mouth and heart, that by thy Divine Presence my Soul may be fed;
and fixed to thee with perfect Charity. Replenish me, O Lord, with Grace, & strenghten
me, that I may from henceforth for ever live in thee, and thou in me.
Jesus, for thy great bounty, save me from all perils, teach and comfort my Soul in
all doubts and fears, purifie me from all vices, suffer nothing to abide in my Heart,
but only thy self, who art my Souls life and supreme Lord. O Heavenly Meat! O Joy
of Angels! O Souls strength! O precious Body! O merciful Jesu! Thus didst thou thy
self say, I am the Bread of Life that descended from Heaven; he that eateth this Bread shall
live for ever (John 6.) O blessed Jesu, make me worthy to receive this great Sacrament of thy precious
Body, that I may live Everlastingly with thee in thy Presence, and see thee face
to face, and ever rejoyce in thy goodness, in eternal beatitude. Amen.
NOah was a hundred Years preparing the Ark to save himself from the Flood, and yet I,
unhappy Sinner, scarce take pains one hour to prepare my self to receive my Redeemer.
Moses made the Ark of imputrible Wood, which he guilded over with Gold to keep Manna in
it; And I presume to place the true Manna (of which that other was but a figure) in
my brest, corrupted with Sin, and voi [...] of all vertues and good life.
Solomon was seven Years in building the Temple, yet I scarce set apart half an hour to prepare
my Temple, that God may make his abode in it.
Receiving, say with the Priest thrice.
LOrd, I am not worthy thou shouldest enter into my house; but only speak the word,
and my Soul shall be healed.
MOst Dread and Omnipotent Soveraign, at whose presence the pillars of Heaven shake,
and the highest Cherubins gather in their wings. Behold me unworthy Sinner, who have
presumed to approach thy Table, and receive this admirable Mystery, wherein thy self
ar [...] really contained; my Heart trembles for fear, considering how my manifold & grievous
Sins make me so infinitely unworthy to appear before thee Alas, my Lord, nothing
can I now more do, nothing can I now more say; but cry aloud to thee, and crave of
thee, with thy holy Prophet. Look not upon me, O Lord, look not upon me, but on the
face of thine anointed Christ. O merciful Father, if my detestable pride and ambition
hath displeased thee, look upon Christs most reverend Head, pierced round about with
sharpest thorns for me. If my dishonesty and lasciviousness have offended thee, behold
the Virginal, and most Holy Flesh of Christ, all torn with most cruel scourges for
me. If my wicked works and disordered steps have deserved correction; [Page 442] look upon the most holy Hands and feet of Christ, fastned to t [...] Cross with Nails for me: If the hardness of my heart hath incensed thy wrath towards
me, let Christs most tender and loving heart, pierced with that cruel Launce, move
thee to take compassion on me. Father of mercies, and God of all comforts: If therefore
the horrour of my crimes have provoked thee to punishment, let this most worthy spectacle
of thy beloved Son, received in this grateful Sacrifice, move thee to take compassion
on me; and in so doing, I shall humbly confess thou r [...]ceivest the most ungrateful sinner in the world. Amen.
Say to our blessed Saviour.
I Adore and worship thee, and give thee humble and hearty thanks, most merciful Lord
Jesus Christ, who hast vouchsafed to admit me to the noble and life-giving Feast
of thy most holy Table. Unhappy wretch that I am, too negligently have I prepared
my felf, too unworthily have I received this most venerable Sacrament.
Lord have mercy on me, Lord forgive me: I commend that which I have done to thy divine
Heart, there to be amended, and made perfect. Accept, I beseech thee O [Page 443] Lord, these most sacred Mysteries of thy blessed Body, which I have received, to
the everlasting glory of thy Holy Name, to the honour of thy most sweet Mother, the
blessed Virgin Mary, and of all the holy Saints and Angels in Heaven, for the health of my Soul, and of
the Souls of all thy faithful, alive and dead.
Accept dearest Lord, this most excellent Sacrament in full amendment, purgation, and
satisfaction of all my sins, and negligences, and of the sins of all the World; restore
by it, and make up again all my spiritual ruines; and graciously supply the many and
great necessities of my soul.
Mortifie by it in me whatever displeases thee, and make me one according to thy hearts
desire. By it make my spirit, my soul, and my body conformable to the Spirit, Soul,
and Body of thy holy humanity, and illuminate the darkness of my nature with the
light of thy Divinity.
Grant by it, that I may be established in thee, that I may perfectly and perseverantly
love thee, that I may be incorporate and entirely united to thee; and that I may be
changed all wholly into thee to the glory of thy blessed Name. Amen.
THanks be to thee, O Holy Father, God Almighty, who by thy great pity vouchsafedst
to send thy only Son from thy high Throne, into this vale of misery, here to take
our Nature, and suffer most sharp pains and bitter Death to bring our Souls to thy
Kingdom, and to leave that precious Body here for our food and comfort: I thank thee,
most merciful Lord Jesu, with all the power and strength thou hast given me: I offer
thee innumerable thanks, that thou hast fed me with thine own precious Body, by which
I hope to have Salvation of Soul, and Everlasting Life.
Come, O Holy Ghost, inflame my Heart with the burning beams of thy Divine love, and
make me continually yield acceptable thanks to the Holy and glorious Trinity, to
whom three Persons, and one God, be rendred all Glory and Honour, by all Creatures
without end. Amen.
COnvert (O Lord) miserable Sinners, and all Hereticks and Schismaticks, enlighten
Infidels that know thee not; help [Page 445] all that are in any necessity and trouble; assist all that have commended themselves,
or desire to be commended to my poor Prayers. Have mercy on my Parents and Benefactors:
Have mercy on all those, for whom I am bound to pray, and for whom thou wouldst be
supplicated: Have mercy on this place and company, grant that here be always Humility,
Peace, Charity, Chastity, and Purity; grant that we all may truly amend our lives,
that we may fear thee, and serve thee faithfully, that we may love and please thee:
I commend to thy tender Providence, all our affairs and necessities. Be merciful,
O Lord, to all those, for whom thou hast shed thy precious blood. Grant to the living
forgiveness and grace, and to the faithful departed, rest, and life everlasting▪ Amen.
Advertisement after Receiving.
AFter receiving the blessed Sacrament, we ought to have a firm purpose manfully to
combate our Enemy, and to resist all kind of temptations, perswading our selves, that
after such receiving, we have more to suffer than we had before. For to what purpose
do we put on armor, [Page 446] but to prepare our selves to fight: The blessed Sacrament being the true armor against
all the assaults of the World, the Flesh, and the Devil.
Above all things bewar of Anger; for this the enemy principally enforces, seeking
occasions presently to disquiet us, well knowing our Lord will not remain in a heart
that is troubled: For when the Devil perceives, that each little trifle doth easily
discontent us, then he takes his advantage, and is not so diligent to hinder our
receiving, as he is busie after to deprive us of C [...]ists Presence, and chase out of our Souls that noble Guest. We must not think God
doth us injury, if he send us any kind of cross or affliction, which he permits for
our spiritual profit and exercise, to prove if our Sacrifice be acceptable to him,
and that we may the better view our own progress in vertue. O what treasure, O what
joy. O what assurance of eternal life is it, to have such a Guest in the lodging of
our hearts, who is Joy it self, life it self, and eternal Felicity!
Sicut erat in principio, & nunc, & semper, & in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Introibo ad altare Dei.
Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam.
Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.
Qui fecit coelum & terram.
Confiteor Deo' &c.
Misereatur tui omnipotens Deus, & dimissis omnibus Peccatis tuis, perducat te ad vitam
Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro & Paulo, omnibus sanctis, & tibi Peter, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo & opere (here he knocks himself thrice on the breast) mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor bea [...]am Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, sanctos Apostolos, Petrum & Paulum, omnes sanctos, & te Pater orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum.
Sometimes you must say, Amen twice. The Epistle Gradual and Alleluia, or Tract being read, make reverence and remove the Missal to the right hand of the
Altar and let the Clark ever kneel or [Page 450] stand, contrary to the Mass Book.
Sequentia sancti Evangelii.
Making the sign of the Cross, ✚ say
Gloria tibi Domine.
Make reverence at the beginning and end of the Gospel, and at the Name of JESUS, and at the end▪ say,
Laus tibe Christe.
Dominus vobiscum.
Et cum spiritu tuo.
Here the Clark is to give wine and water, and prepare the Bason, Water, & Towel for
the Priest; then kneel in his former place, and answer.
Orate fratres.
Suscipiat Dominus hoc Sacrificium de manibus tuis ad laudem & gloriam nominis sui,
ad utilitatem quoque nostram, totiusque Ecclesiae suae sanctae.
Per omnia saecula saeculorum.
Dominus vobiscum.
Et cum spiritu tuo.
Sursum corda▪
Habemus ad Dominum.
Gratlas agamus Domino Deo nostro.
Dignum & justum est.
[Page 451]When you see the Priest spread his hands over the Chalice, light your wax Candle;
kneel, and with your other hand hold up the vestment t [...]ll the Elivation be past; that done, kiss the Vestment, put out the light, and so
often as you pass by the blessed Sacrament, adore on your knees.
Per omnia saecula saeculorum.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem.
Sed libera nos a malo.
Per omnia saecula saeculorum.
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.
Et cum spirirn tuo.
The Clark, kneeling, must give the Pax to the Priest to kiss, and answer.
Pax tecum.
Et cum spiritu tuo.
Pansing a little, rise, make adoration to the B. Sacrament; give the Pax to the audience, observe order of cal [...]ing and years; which done be ready to give wine and water to the Priest, and if there
be Communicants, provide Towel, and say Confiteor, &c. After they have received, give them Wine, remove the Book to the left hand of the
Altar, take away the [Page 452] Towel, and depart to your former place.
Dominus vobiscum.
Et cum spiritu tuo.
Per omnia saecula saeculorum.
Ite missa est, or Benedicamus Domino
Deo gratias.
Requiescant in pace.
Remove the Book, if it be left open, kneel, and take the Priests blessing, arise,
and say at the beginning of the Gospel.
Gloria tibi Domine.
At the end say,
Deo gratis.
So put out the Candles, and lay up all decently and carefully.
If you have leisure, meditate a while, kiss the Altar, saying.
I will adore in the place where his feet stood,
and depart.
A Psalm in Tribulation.
HE that dwells in the help of the Highest, shall abide in the protection of the God
of Heaven.
He shall say to our Lord, thou art my Protector, and my Refuge: my God, I will hope
in him.
Because he shall deliver me from the snare of the hunters: & from the hard word.
With his shoulders shall he overshadow thee: and under his wings thou shalt hope.
With a shield shall his truth compass thee: thou shalt not be afraid of the fear in
the night.
Of the arrow flying in the day, of business walking in the dark, of incursion and
the mid-day evil.
A thousand shall fall on thy side, and ten thousand on thy right hand: and unto thee
it shall not approach.
But thou shalt consider with thine eyes, and shalt see the reward of sinners.
Because thou, O Lord, art my hope: thou hast made the highest thy Refuge.
There shall no evil come to thee, and the scourge shall not approach to thy Tabernacle.
Because he hath given his Angels charge over thee, that they keep thee in all thy
In their hands they shall bear thee, least perhaps thou hurt thy foot against a stone.
Behold our Lord will appear, and not fail to make good his promises: if he delay a
while, expect; for he surely will come and deliver us. Alleluia.
Vers. Drop dew ye Heavens from above, and let the clouds Rain the just.
Resp. Be the Earth opened, and bud forth a Saviour.
RAise up, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy power, and come away; that by thy [Page 457] protection, we may be free from the imminent dangers of our Sins; and (by thy deliverance)
may be saved, who livest and reignest with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
one God, World without end. Amen.
Ʋpon the Nativity and Circumcision of our Lord, and on the Sundaies till the Epiphany.
On this day Christ was born; on this day our Saviour appeared; on this day the Angels
sing on Earth; the Arch angels rejoyce; on this day the just triumph, saying, Glory
be to God on high: In Earth peace towards men of Good-will. Alleluia.
V. This is the day, which our Lord has made.
R. Let us be glad and rejoice therein.
GRant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that the new birth in the Flesh of thy only
begotten Son, may deliver us [Page 459] from the servitude of Sin, under whose heavy Yoke we have so long been oppressed.
Through the same our Lord Jesus, &c.
While they stoned him, he call'd upon God, and pray'd, Lord Jesus receive my Soul;
and kneeling down, cry'd out with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this Sin to ther charge.
V. Stephen saw the Heavens open.
R. He saw, and entred in: Blessed are they to whom the Heavens shall be opened.
GRant us, we beseech thee, O Lord, to Imitate what we commemorate, that we also may
love our Enemies, seeing we celebrate his solemnity, who learnt to pray even for his
Persecuters to our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son, who with thee, &c
On the Apostles and Evangelists. HYMN. ‘Exultet Orbis gaudiis.’
ILlustrate thy Church, O merciful Lord, that being illuminated by the instructions
of thy Blessed Apostle and Evangelist Saint John, it may attain eternal Gifts: Through our Lord, &c.
Holy Innocents, 28. December.
Innocent Infants were killed for Christ: Sucking Babes were slain by the wicked King:
They follow the Lamb without spot, saying always, Glory be to thee, O Lord.
Vers. Under the Throne of God all the Saints do cry.
Resp. O our God, revenge our Blood.
O God, whose renown, as this day the Innocent Martyrs▪ not by speaking, but dying,
did confess: Mortifie in us all the evils of Vice: That thy Faith, which our Tongues
pronounce, our lives also in manners may declare. Through our Lord, &c.
St. Thomas of Cant. 29. Decem.
This Saint, for the love of God, did combate unto Death, and conceived no fear at
the words of the Impious: For his foundation was laid on a strong Rock.
Resp. With Glory and Honour, thou, O Lord hast crowned him.
Vers. And thou hast given him Soveraignty over the works of thy hands.
O God, for whose Church, the glorious Bishop Thomas was slain by the Swords of the wicked: Grant, we beseech thee, that all they, who
implore his help, may obtain the desired effect of their Petition. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ, &c.
St. Sylvester, Pope and Conf. 31. Dec.
This is the Holy Pope, who miraculously heal'd the great Emperor Constantine, and' by the Sacred laver of Baptism, cleansed him at once, from the Leprosie of his
Body, and the Sins of his Soul. Alleluia.
Vers. Our Lord hath guided the just by right wayes.
Resp. And hath shewed him the Kingdom of Heaven.
GRant, we beseech thee, O Almighty God; that the venerable solemnity of blessed Sylvester, Pope and Confessor, may increase in us, both Devotion and Souls health. Through our
Lord Jesus Christ, &c.
O great and admirable Mystery; the Womb not knowing man, is become the Temple of God;
who taking Flesh of Her, is not polluted; all Nations shall come, saying, Glory be to thee, O Lord.
O God, who by the fruitful Virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary hath given to mankind the rewards of Eternal Salvation. Grant, we beseech thee,
that me may partake of her Intercession, by whom we have received the Author of Life,
our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, &c.
WE celebrate this Holy day; adorned with three Miracles; this day the Star conducted
the Sages to the Crib; this day, at a Marriage-Feast, Water was turned into Wine;
this day Christ would be Baptized of John in Jordan, that he might save us. Alleluia.
V. The Kings of Tharses, and the Isles shall offer Gifts.
R. The Kings of the Arabians, and Saba, shall bring Presents.
O God, who on this day, by the conduct of a Star, revealedst thy only begotten Son
to the Gentiles: Mercifully grant [...]hat we, who, now by Faith have known [Page 466] thee here, may hereafter be brought to contemplate the Glory of thy Majesty: Through
Jesus Christ, &c.
Purification of the B. Virgin.
HAil, Holy Queen of humble Hearts!
We in thy praise will have our parts,
Maria, Men and Angels Sing
Maria, Mother of our King
Live, Princess, live, and may the bright
Crown of incomparable light
Embrace thy brows, O may the best
Of endless joys bath thy sweet breast;
Live, our chast love, the Holy mirth
Of Heaven, the humble pride of Earth;
Live, Crown of Women, Queen of Men;
Live Mistress of our Song. And when
Our weak desires have done their best,
Blest Angels come and Sing the rest.
Glory to Thee, great Virgin Son,
In bosom of thy Fathers bliss:
The same to thee sweet Sp'rit be done,
As ever shall be, was and is. Amen.
This day, the Blessed Virgin Mary presented the Child Jesus in the Temple, and Simeon full of the Holy Ghost, took him in his arms, and Blessed God for ever.
R. That he should not see Death, till he had seen the anointed of our Lord.
O Almighty everlasting God, we humbly beseech thy Majesty to grant, that, as thy
only begotten Son was this day presented in the Temple, in the substance of our Flesh;
so we may be presented to thee with purified minds: Through the same our Lord, &c.
On Ash-Wednesday.
Heap up treasure to your selves in Heaven, where neither rust nor moth destroys.
Vers. Remember, O man, that dust thou art.
Resp. And to dust thou shalt return.
GRant, O Lord, to thy Faithful, that they may both begin the venerable solemnities
of fasting, with due piety, and compleat them with secure Devotion: Through our Lord
Jesus Christ, &c.
Be you strong in Battel, and fight with the Old Serpent, and you shall receive an
everlasting Kingdom. Alleluia.
V. They declared the works of God.
R. And understood the things he wrought.
O God, who hast associated Blessed Matthias, to the Colledg of thy Apostles; grant, we beseech thee, that by his Mediation, we
may always perceive the bowels of thy mercy towards us: Through, &c.
On St. Joseph, Confessor. 19. March.
This is he, who was honoured with the title of Father of our Saviour; and Spouse to the Blessed Virgin-Mother.
V. Our Lord hath guided the just, by right wayes.
R. And has shewn him the Kingdom of Heaven.
Assist us, we beseech thee, O Lord, by the merits of the Spouse of thy most Holy Mother;
that what our unworthiness [Page 469] cannot obtain, may be granted us, by his intercession, who livest and raignest, &c.
The Annunciation of our B. Lady. 25. March.
HYMN, as before, pag.
The Arch-Angel Gabriel spake to the Virgin Mary, saying, Hail full of grace, our Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women.
V. The Angel of our Lord declared to Mary.
R. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost.
O God, who wouldst have thy Word to take flesh of the Womb of the blessed Virgin Mary, an Angel declaring it; Grant that we thy Supplicants, truly believing Her to be the
Mother of God, may be assisted by her intercessions to thee. Through, &c.
On the Sundays and Week days, in Lent, till Passion Sunday. HYMN ‘Audi benigne Conditor.’
Behold now the acceptable time; behold now the days of salvation: In these days therefore
let us yeild our selves as the servants of God, in much patience, in Fasting, in
Watches, and unfeigned Charity.
O God, who doest purifie thy Church by a yearly observation of Lent; grant to thy
Family, that what it endeavours by abstinence to obtain of thee, it may consummate
by good works. Through our Lord, &c.
On Passion and Palm Sunday.
HYMN. ‘Vexilla Regis prodeunt.’
A Broad the Regal Banners fly,
Now shines the Crosses mystery:
Upon it Life did Death indure.
And yet by Death did Life procure.
Who, wounded, with a direful Spear,
Did purposely to wash us clear
From stain of sin, pour out a flood
Of pretious water mixed Blood.
Fully accomplisht are the things
David in faithful Meeter sings,
Where he to Nations do's attest,
God on a [...]ree his reign possest.
O lovely and refulgent Tree,
Adorn'd with purpled Majesty,
Cull'd from a worthy stock, to bear
Those Limbs which sanctified were.
B [...]e [...] Tree, who [...]e happy branches bore,
Far be it from us to glory in any thing but in the Cross of our Saviour, in whom is
our Life and Health, and Resurrection.
V. O Lord hear our Prayers.
R. And let our Supplications come to Thee
WE beseech thee, Almighty God, mercifully regard thy Family; that, by thy Providence,
it may be governed in Body; and by thy Grace, be sanctified in mind. Through our Lord,
Palm-Sunday; Hymns as before.
AS he Rode, a very great multitude spread their garments, and boughs in the way; and
they that went before [Page 473] and followed after, cry'd aloud, Hosanna to the Son of David, blessed is he that comes in the name of our Lord, Hosanna in the Highest.
V. Today our Saviour entred Hierusalem in Triumph.
R. Come let us adore him.
O God, who by this days solemnities, reviv'st to us the memory of our Saviours Triumph,
ushering in his Passion! Teach us, we beseech thee, from this perfect example, the
sickleness of this worlds justest glories, and mortifie our esteem of its best deserv'd
applauses; and bring our hearts cheerfully to expect a Cross after them, as the highest
way to our eternal glory with Thee, through the same our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son,
who, &c.
On Munday Thursday.
And they being at Supper, Jesus took bread, and blesset it, and brake it, and gave
it to his Disciples.
LOok down, O Lord, we beseech thee, on this thy Family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ
vouchsafed to be betray'd into the hands of the wicked, and undergo the torments of
the Cross; who with Thee and the Holy Ghost, lives, and reigns one God, world without
end. Amen.
On Good Friday.
Look up, my Soul, on thy crucifi'd Lord, Look up and see the utmost extremity of Divine
Love; already he had carryed on, to a fair degree, the work of our Redemption, in
Fasting and Praying, in Traveling and Preaching, in doing Miracles and bearing Injuries;
but now, to finish all, with one incomparable Charity, Behold he suffers even Death
it self, and Death upon the Cross.
V. Christ was made for us obedient to Death.
R. Even the Death of the Cross.
Have mercy on me, O God, as in p. 300.
LOok down, O Lord, we beseech Thee, &c. As before.
Christ is risen from the dead, Alleluia; And become the first fruits of them that slept. Alleluia.
Fear not, I know whom you seek, he is risen, he is not here, Alleluia; Come see the place where our Lord was laid, Alleluia.
V. This is the day which our Lord hath made, Alleluia.
R. Let us rejoice and be glad therein, Alleluia.
O God, who this day hast opened to us by thy only begotten Son, an entrance to eternity,
through his victory over death; grant that the desires by thy inspiration begun,
may by thy assistance be likewise accomplished, Through Christ, &c.
After eight days the doors being shut, our Lord entred in, and said to them, Peace be to you. Alleluia.
V. Tarry with us, O Lord, Alleluia.
R. For night draws on. Alleluia.
GRant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that we, who have celebrated the Paschal Feasts
of Easter, may by thy bounty retain the same in our manners and life. Through our Lord, &c.
On St. George. 23. April.
O God, who by the merits and intercession of St. George, thy Blessed Martyr, doest rejoice our Souis! Grant we beseech thee that those benefits,
which by him we crave, may by the favour of thy grace be given unto us. Through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
On St. Mark, Evangelist.
Ye holy and just, rejoice in our Lord, Alleluia. God hath chosen you for his inheritance. Alleluia.
O God who by the grace of Evangelical Preaching, hast advanced blessed Mark the Evangelist: Grant us we beseech thee, always to profit by his doctrine, and be
defended by his Prayers: Through our Jesus Christ, &c.
On St. Philip, and St. James Apostles.
Those are two of those precious stones, that found and adorn the Walls of the Heavenly
Hierusalem. Alleluia.
V. Precious in the sight of our Lord.
R. Is the death of his Saints. Alleluia.
O God, who renewest our devotion by the yearly solemnity of thy Apostles, Philip and Jacob; grant we beseech thee that whose merits do rejoice, their examples may instruct
us. Through our Lord Jesus, &c.
On the Invention of the Holy Cross. 3. May.
GLorious art thou, O blessed Empress Helen: whose devotion so miraculously restor'd to the World the Standard of Salvation.
V. This sign of the Cross shall be in Heaven. Alleluia.
R. When our Lord shall come to Judgment. Alleluia.
O God, who in the admirable finding out of the Holy Cross, hast renewed the Miracles
of thy Passion; Grant, that by the price of that Tree of Life, we may attain the fruition
of life eternal. Who livest and raignest, &c.
O King of glory, O Lord of vertues, who as a triumpher, didst ascend this day above
all Heavens, leave us not Orphans, but send the promise of the Father upon us, the
Spirit of truth. Alleluia.
V. Our Lord in Heaven, Alleluia.
R. Hath prepared his Seat. Alleluia.
GRant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that we, who believe thy only begotten Son,
our Redeemer, this day to have ascended to Heaven, may fix our minds on things celestial.
Through our Lord, Jesus Christ, &c.
This day are compleat the days of Pentecost. [Page 482]Alleluia. This day the Holy Ghost appeared to the Disciples in fire, and giving them gifts
of grace, sent them all the world over to preach, and testifie that they who shall
believe and be Baptized, shall be saved▪ Alleluia.
V. The Apostles spake with divers tongues.
R. The wonderful works of God. Alleluia.
O God, who on this day, by the illumination of the Holy Ghost, hast instructed the
hearts of the faithful; grant us, in the same spirit, to understand those things that
are right, and ever to joy in his consolation, Through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.
On Trinity Sunday.
We confess thee with our whole heart and mouth, God the Father unbegotten; thee the
only begotten Son; thee the holy Ghost the Comforter, the holy and undivided Trinity,
we praise thee, we bless thee, to thee be glory, World without end.
V. Blessed art thou, O Lord, in the Firmament of Heaven. R. Praise-worthy and glorious
for ever.
O Almighty God, who hast granted to thy Servants, in confession of the true Faith,
to acknowledge the Glory of the Eternal Trinity, and in power of Majesty, to adore
the Unity: We beseech thee, that in the firmness of the same Faith, we may ever be
defended from all adversities: Through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.
O Sacred Feast, in which Christ is received, the memory of his Passion renewed, [Page 485] our mind filled with Grace, and a pledge of future Glory given us. Alleluia
V. Bread from Heaven thou hast given us. Alleluia.
R. Having all delectation in it. Alleluia.
O God, who under an admirable Sacrament, hast left us a perpetual memorial of thy
Passion: Grant us, we beseech thee, so to reverence the Sacred Mysteries of thy Body
and Blood, that we may continually feel in our Souls the fruit of thy Redemption,
who with the Father, &c.
Nativity of St. John Baptist.
This is a Prophet, and more then a Prophet, of whom our Saviour said, never did there
rise among the Children of Women, a greater than John the Baptist. Alleluia.
Vers. O Lord, hear our prayers.
Resp. And let our supplications come to Thee.
O God, who didst make this day honourable to us, in the Nativity of blessed St. John: Give thy People the Grace of Spiritual [Page 486] joys, and direct the minds of all Faithful in the way of eternal Salvation: Through
our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.
St. Peter and St. Paul, 29 June.
This day Simon Peter mounted on the Tree of the Cross, Alleluia. This day the Porter of the Kingdom rejoycing, did pass unto Christ; this day Paul the Apostle, the Light of the World, bowing down his head for the Name of Christ,
was crowned with Martyrdom. Alleluia.
V. They declared the works of God.
R. And understood the things he wrought.
O God, who hast consecrated this day, by the Martyrdom of thy Apostles, Peter and Paul; grant thy Church may follow their Precepts in all things, by whom it received the
beginning of Religion: Through our Lord, &c.
St. Mary Magdalen. 22. July.
A Woman that was a Sinner in the City, brought an Albaster Box of Ointment, and standing
behind at the feet of our Lord, began to water them with Her tears, & wiped them
with the hairs of Her head.
ASsist us, O Lord, we beseech thee, for the suffrages of Blessed Mary Magdalen, whose Prayers prevailed with thee to raise Lazarus her Brother, (after he had been four days dead) from the Grave to life again; who
livest and reignest, &c.
On St. James Apostle, 25. July.
This was the first Apostle that laid down his life for our Lord, and received at his
hand the Crown of Martyrdom. Alleluia.
Vers. Our Lord has guided the jus [...] by right wayes.
Resp. And shewed him the Kingdom of Heaven.
SAnctifie▪ O Lord; and preserve thy people: That, under the protection of thy Apostle
S. James, we may both please thee in our conversation, and serve thee with a secure mind. Through
our Lord, &c.
On St. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin, 26. July.
Rejoice, O glorious Matron, for thy [Page 488] Prayers are heard, and thy barrenness comforted; Thou hast brought forth the Mother
of all our hopes, the Mother of Jesus. Alleluia.
V. O Lord, hear our Prayers.
R. And let our supplications come to Thee.
O God, who hast vouchsafed to confer so much Grace on blessed Anne, that she deserved to be Mother to the Mother of thy only begotten Son: Grant propitiously,
that we may be assisted by her patronage, whose solemnities we celebrate: Through
the same our Lord, &c.
St. Laurence, Martyr, 10. Aug.
Blessed Laurence, whilst being laid on the Gridiron, and broiled, and said to the most wicked Tyrant,
It is now enough, turn and eat: For the goods of the Church, which thou requirest,
the hands of the poor have carried up into the Heavenly Treasures.
V. St. Laurence the Deacon hath wrought a good Work.
R. Who by the sign of the Cross, gave light to the blind.
GRant, we beseech thee, O Almighty God, that we may quench the flames of our Vices,
who gavest Grace to Blessed Laurence to overcome the burning heat of his torments Through our Lord, &c.
Assumption of our B. Lady, 15. Aug. Hymn, as before, pag. 466.
This day the Virgin Mary ascended the Heavens: Rejoice ye, for she reigns with Christ for ever.
V. The holy Mother of Christ is exalted.
R. To the Celestial Kingdom above the Quires of Angels.
O Lord, we beseech thee, forgive the offences of thy Servants, that we, who are not
able to please thee by our own Acts, may be saved by the Intercession of the Mother
of thy Son our Lord; who with thee, and the Holy Spirit, liveth and raigneth, &c.
St. Bartholomew Apost. 24. Aug.
His skin, and all he had, even li [...]e it self, he freely gave for the Testimony in the truth, and for the love of Jesus.
ALmighty and everlasting God, who hast given us the venerable and holy joy of this
day, in the solemnity of thy blessed Apostle St. Bartholomew: Grant, we beseech thee, that thy holy Church may alwaies love what he believed, and
publish what he taught. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.
The Nativity of our Blessed Lady, 8. September. The Antiphon, and Prayer is said as on the Conception, Dec▪ 8. only changing the word Conception into Nativity,
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross. 14. September.
Far be it from us to Glory in any thing but the Cross of our Lord J [...]sus Christ, in whom the World is C [...]ucified to us▪ and we to the World. Alleluia
O God, who on this present day doest replen [...]sh us with joy, through the Yearly solemn [...]ty of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Grant, we beseech thee▪ that we▪ acknowledging
that Myste [...]y on Earth, may obtain the Fruits of its Redemption in Heaven, Through our Lord▪ &c.
On St. Matthew Apostle and Evangelist, 21. September.
This is he, who of a Sinner became a Preacher, and of a Publican was called to be
an Apostle.
ASsist us, O Lord for the Prayers of thy blessed Apostle and Evangelist St. Matthew; that, by his Intercession, that may be given us, which our own ability is not worthy
to obtain. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who, &c.
He has commanded his Angels to keep us in all our wayes, they shall bear us in their
hands, least at any time we dash our feet against a Stone. Alleluia.
V. In the sight of thy Angels I will sing to thee, O my God.
R. I will adore at thy Holy Temple, and confess to thy Name.
O God, who in a marvellous manner disposest the service of men, and Angels: [Page 493] Graciously vouchsafe, that we may be defended here on Earth, by those who are thy
Servants in Heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.
On. St. Luke Evangelist. 18. Octob.
Be you strong in Ba [...]tle, and fight with the Old Serpent, and you shall receive an Everlasting Kingdom
V. They declared the Works of God.
R. And understood the things he wrought.
O Lord we beseech thee, may the Blessed Evangel [...]st St. Luke, be an intercessor for us, who for the honour of thy Name, carried alwayes in his
Body the Mortification of the Cross. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.
On St. Simon and St Jude Apostles, 28. October.
These are they, who planted the Church of God with Preaching, a [...]d setled it with Miracles, and watered it with their Blood.
O God, who by thy blessed Apostles, Simeon and Jude, hast brought us to the knowledge of thy Name: Grant us both to celebrate their Eternal
Glory wi [...]h profit▪ and to profit in celebrating the same: Through our Lord, &c.
O how glorious is the Kingdom, wherein with Christ all Saints rejoyce, and, being
attired with white Vestures follow the Lamb, where ever he goes. Alleluia.
The number of them was thousands of thousa [...]ds, saying, with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was sla [...]n, to receive power and divinity, and wisdom and strength, and honour a [...]d glory and benediction All [...]luia, Allelu [...]a, Alle [...]uia.
V. R [...]joyce, O ye hol [...] and just.
R. For our Lord has chosen you for his inheritance. Alleluia.
O Al [...]ghty▪ [...]v [...]r [...]asting God, who hast g [...]a [...]t [...]d us under one [...]olemn [...], to honour the mer [...]ts of all Saints: We beseech [Page 496] thee, that the multitude of Intercessors may obtain for us the desired abundance
of thy mercy: Through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.
On St. Andrew, Apostle, 30. Nov.
Soon as the Apostle, St. Andrew, saw afar off the Cross prepared for his Martyrdom, he was transported with joy,
and triumphantly saluted it▪ saying, O blessed Cross, dearly by me beloved, and earnestly
desired, and often sought; and now at length ready to satisfie my longing Soul, take
me up into thy arms, the Disciple of him who was Crucified on thee. Alleluia.
V. O Lord hear our Prayer.
R. And let our supplication come to thee.
O Lord, we humbly beseech thy Majesty, that, as Blessed Andrew the Apos [...]le, became a Preacher and Governour of thy Church; so he may be with thee a perpetual
Intercessor for us. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.
O Virgin, Mother of God! thy Conception hath yielded joy to the whole World; for
out of thee is sprung up the Son of Justice, Christ our God, who dissolving Malediction,
hath given Benediction, and confounding Death, hath bestowed on us life Everlasting.
V. This day is the Conception of the B. Virgin Mary.
R. Whose glorious Life doth illuminate all Churches.
WE beseech thee, O Lord, bestow the Gift of thy Heavenly Grace on thy Servants; that,
to whom the Birth of the Blessed Virgin hath been a beginning of Health, the votive
solemnity of her Conception may yield increase of Faith. Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
thy Son, who with thee, and the Holy Ghost, liveth and raigneth, one God, for ever.
On St. Thomas, Apostle, 21. Dec.
O Thomas, because thou hast seen me, [Page 498] thou hast believed; blessed are they who have not seen and yet have believed. Alleluia.
V. They declared the Works of God.
R. And understood the things he wrought.
GRant us, we beseech thee, O Lord to glory in the solemnities of blessed Thomas thy Apostle, that we may alwayes be assisted by his Patronage, and, with agreeable
Devotion, follow his Faith: Through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who with Thee,
and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, one God, World without end. Amen.
You shall find Prayers in common for any Martyr, Confess [...]r, or Virgin in the [...]vening Prayers for Tuesday, Page 159. 160.
An OBLATION to Almighty God. To be made every Morning and Evening.
O My most merciful Lord▪ and ever-living God! Behold I, a most wretched and ingrateful
Sinner, prostrate, adore and worship thee, offering up in all humility immortal praise
and thanksgiving for all thy blessings; especially, for that unspeakable Charity,
wherein thou didst send down thy only begotten Son into this vale of tears for the
work of our Redemption.
Eternal Lord of Heaven and Earth, I praise & magnifie thy ever glorious Name, for
thy Sons most Holy Incarnation and Nativity, for his Poverty and Innocent Conversation;
for his Heavenly Doctrine and Mi [...]acles; for his Death and Passion, for his Resurrection and Ascension.
I yiel [...] thee all possible thanks for that Divine Myste [...]y of his preciou [...] Body and Blood in the v [...]n [...]rable Sacrament of the Eucharist, wherewith we are nourished, cleansed, and sanctified,
and our Souls made partakers of all Heavenly Graces, and Spiritual Benedictions.
I give thee most humble and hearty thanks, that, of a handful of dust & nothing, thou
wert pleased to make me after thine own Image, and capable of thy eternal Glory; for
attainment whereof, thou hast vouchsafed, first to wash me with the Laver of Baptism,
in remission of that Original corruption, contracted in my first Parents, & afterward
hast brought me to the exercises and acts of a right Faith, not ceasing daily to
increase the same in me by the Doctrine and Instruction of thy Church.
I most humbly thank thee also, that from my Cradle thou hast nourished, and clothed
me, supplying all things necessary for the relief & maintenance of this my frail Body.
I evermore extol and magnifie thy Holy Name, that in thy great mercy thou hast hitherto
spared, and patiently expected me, till by thy Grace, I might be awaked from the
sleep of Sin▪ and reclaimed from my vanities, and wicked courses. For hadst thou dealt
with me according to my demerits, my Soul, long ere this (oppressed with innumerable
Sins) had been plunged in Eternal Perdition.
In respect of all which thy mercies and blessings, I most humbly desire, that my [Page 501] heart may every day be enlarged, to render thee a more ample tribute of praise and
thanksgiving, then heretofore it hath done.
O my Lord God, and most merciful Father, never leave me to my self, but let thy Holy
fear be ever in my thoughts, to curb and keep me within the compass of thy obedience;
that I may dread nothing so much in this World, as in the least sort to offend thee:
Let thy Holy love so temper all Tryals, and temptations, which befall me, that none
of them at any time overcome me, for thou knowest how frail I am of my self, and
how my streng [...]h is nothing.
Moreover (most merciful Father) I beseech thee, by the profound humility of thy only
Son Jesus Christ, that thou wouldst preserve me from all Pride, and superfluity, all
self-love and vain-glory, all obstinacy and disobedience. Cast out of my heart, I
beseech thee, the Spirit of Gluttony & Uncleanness, the Spirit of Sloth and Indevotion,
the Spirit of Malice and Envy, the Spirit of Hatred and Disdain; that I may never
despise any of thy Creatures, nor proudly prefer my self before others, but always
appear little in my own eyes, inclining to [Page 502] think the best of others, and still Judge the worst of my self.
Invest me (most Holy Father) with the wedding Garment of thy beloved Son, the supernatural
vertue of Heavenly Charity, that I may love thee, my Lord God, with all my Heart▪
with all my Soul, with all my Strength; that neithe [...] Life nor Death prosperity, nor adversity, nor any thing else may ever separate me
from thy love. Grant, that all inordina [...]e affection to the transitory things of this World, may daily decay in me, that thou
mayst be the only entertainment and delight of my Soul.
O my gracious God! give thy Servant an humble, contrite and obedient Heart; an understanding
alwayes employed in honest, and pious cogitations, a will tractable, and ever inclined
to do good, affections calm and moderate; a watchful Custody over my senses, that,
by those Windows, no Sin may enter into my Soul▪ a perfect Government of my Tongue,
that no corrupt or unseemly language proceed from my lips, that I may never slander,
or speak ill of any, nor busie my self in the faults and imperfections of others,
but wholly attend to the amendment of mine own.
And finally (most loving Lord) so long as I am detained in this Prison of my Body,
let this be my comfort, that, being free from all distractions both of the cares and
pleasures of this Life, I may wholly devout my self to thy service, attending alwayes
to thy Heavenly doctrine, and the good motions of thy holy Spirit. In these sweet
exercises let me pass the solitary hours of my tedious confi [...]ement, with patience expecting the shu [...]ting up of my dayes, and a happy end of th [...]s my miserable life.
And grant, O Redeemer of mankind, my Lord and God, that when this my Earthly Tabernacle
shall be dissolved, being found free from all pollution of Sin, though true contrition,
and the vertue of the Sacraments of the Holy Church▪ I may be [...]eckoned in the number of those blessed Souls, who, through thy merits and Passion,
are held worthy to reign with thee, and to enjoy the glorious presence of the Blessed
Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, to whom, by all Creatures in Heaven and Earth,
be rendred praise and thanksgiving, World without end. Amen.
O Lord my God, O Lord my God, possess my Soul, possess my Soul. Amen.
Jesu, the express Image of thy Fathers glory, have mercy on us.
Jesu, the bright Candor of eternal Light, have mercy on us.
Jesu, the increated wisdom, by whom all things are governed, have mercy on us.
Jesu, the Eternal Word, made Man for our Redmption, have mercy on us.
Jesu, most blessed Son of the Virgin Mary, have mercy on us.
Jesu, most powerful, have mercy on us.
Jesu. most glorious, have mercy on us.
Jesu, most humble and meek, have
Jesu, most patient and obedient, have
Jesu, most chast and holy, have
Jesu, lover of poverty, have
Jesu, lover of peace, have
Jesu, lover of ingrateful us, have
Jesu, who cam'st down from Heaven to teach us, with thine own sacred Mouth, the truths
of Salvation, have
Jesu, who conversedst so long on Earth, to shew us, by thine own holy Example, the
way to Heaven, have
Jesu, who diedst, even the Death of the Cross, to take off our Aversion from whatever
passage into life. have
Jesu, who ascendedst into Heaven, to confirm [Page 506] our belief, and raise up our affections to the sure joys of eternity, have.
Jesu, Author of our Faith, and Finisher of our Hope. have.
Jesu, supreme object of our love, and overflowing safiety of all our desires, have.
Jesu, our God blessed for ever. have.
Have mercy, O Jesu, and spare us.
Have mercy, O Jesu, and hear us.
From all evil, deliver us, O Jesu.
From all sin, deliver us, O Jesu.
From everlasting death, deliver.
By the Mystery of thy holy Incarnation, and humble Nativity. deliver.
By the sanctity of thy Heavenly doctrine, and miraculous life, deliver,
By the merits of thy bitter Passion, and allreviving death. deliver.
By the joys of thy victorious Resurrection and triumphant Ascension, deliver.
By the glory of thy eternal Kingdom, and incomprehensible Majesty, deliver,
We sinners beseech thee hear us.
That it would please thee to protect and govern thy Holy Church, which thou hast purchased
with thy precious Blood, we beseech thee hear us.
That, looking continually on thy admirable [Page 507] life, we may faithfully endeavour to follow thy steps. we beseech thee▪
That, denying all vicious and inordinate inclinations, we may live soberly, justly,
and piously, we beseech thee hear us.
That, through thy love, the world may be crucified to us, and we to the world, we
beseech thee hear us.
That, whatever we ask in thy Holy Name, we may receive through thy infinite merits,
we beseech thee hear us.
Son of God, we beseech thee hear us.
Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the World, spare us, O Jesu.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the World, hear us, O Jesu.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the World, have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Our Father, &c.
EVery day will we repeat thy Perfections. O glorious Jesu! that every day we may grow
in our esteem of thee. Every day will we attentively reckon over thy mercies, that
every day we may still increase in thy love
V. All that we have, and are, we received from thy Grace. Alleluia.
R. All we desire, and hope, we expect in thy Glory. Alleluia.
V. O Lord hear our Prayers.
R. And let our supplications come to thee.
Let us Pray.
ALmighty God, and most merciful Saviour, the Light of this World, and Glory of the
next, vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to illuminate our understandings, and enflame our
wills, and sanctifie all the faculties of our Souls; that, whilst with our lips, we
recite these Prayers, we may inwardly with our hearts, adore thy Person, and admire
thy Goodness, and conform our lives to thy holy Example; till at length, by frequent
meditation of the Bliss thou hast prepared for us hereafter, we break off our affections
from all irregulat adherence to this World, and place them entirely on the enjoyment
of Thee, who, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest, one God,
World without end. Amen.
THE blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, [...]escend upon us, and dwell in our hearts for ever. Amen.
THere be three manners of Psalters; the first is called Davids, which contains thrice fifty Psalms; the second, that of our B. Lady, composed of
thrice fifty Aves; the third is the Psalter or Invocation of JESUS, containing Fifteen Petitions; before each, whereof the glorious Name of JESUS, being ten times repeated, amounts also to thrice Fifty. To which number it has been
judged fit to reduce the formerly greater, both because it is the just proportion
of a Psalter; but especially, to invite more easily an Attention, and Praying, every time upon
that so savery and edifying Name, which in such a crowd, was but too often lightly
[...]udled over. Nor has the observed inclination of the generality to this Devotion provok't
a less diligence, to correct and digest the whole Body into an usefuller, and more
beautiful Form, by leaving out the two frequent improprieties and repetitions, and
contriving the former Substance, with many pertinent additions, into equal lengths
more to the purpose of the Petitions, more affectively expressed, more easie to be
learnt by heart, and every way more, both profitable and pleasant.
It may be said, as the Rosary, either all at once, or at thrice, (which perhaps will be better) according to the
Persons Devotion and liesure; who is to begin with a devout genuflexion, or bowing
at the adorable Name, saying.
PHIL. 2. 10.‘In the Name of Jesus, let every knee bow, of things in Heaven, of things in Earth and of things under the
Earth: And let every tongue confess, that our Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father.’
First Petition.
3. Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Have mercy on me.
6 Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Have mercy on me.
9. Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Have mercy on me.
JEsu, have mercy on me, O God of compassion, and forgive the many and great offences
I have committed in thy sight.
Many have been the follies of my life; and great are the miseries I have deserved
for my ingratitude.
Have mercy on me, dear Jesu, for I am weak; O Lord, heal me, Who am unable to help
my self.
Deliver me from setting my heart upon thy Creature; which divert my eyes from still
looking up to thee.
Grant me grace, henceforth for love of thee to hate sin; and, out of a just esteem
of thee, to despise all worldly vanities.
Have mercy on all sinners, Iesu, I beseech thee; turn their Vices into Vertues, and
make them true observers of thy Law, and lovers of thee; bring them to bliss in everlasting
Have mercy also on the Souls in Purgatory, for thy bitter Passion, I beseech thee,
and for thy glorious Name, Iesu.
O blessed Trinity, one Eternal God, have mercy on me.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning
both now and ever, world without end. Amen.
Second Petition.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Help me.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Help me.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Help me.
IEsu help me to overcome all temptations to sin, & the malice of my ghostly enemy.
Help me to spend my time in vertuous Actions; and in such Labours as are acceptable
to thee.
Make my heart obedient to thy will; and ready, for thy love, to perform all the works
of mercy.
Grant me the Gift of the Holy Ghost, which through a vertuous life, may bring me to
Beatitude; and, in receiving the B. Sacrament, grace devoutly to dispose my self.
Have mercy on all sinners, &c.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
Fourth Petition.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Comfort me.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Comfort me.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Comfort me.
JEsu comfort me, and give me grace, to place my chiefest, my only joy, and felicity
in thee.
Send me Heavenly Meditations, Spiritual sweetness, and fervor of thy Glory; ravish
my Soul with the contemplation of Heaven, where I shall everlastingly dwell with thee.
Call often to my remembrance thy unspeakable goodness; thy gifts, and great kindness
shewed to me.
And when thou sadly reducest to my mind, my sins; whereby I have unkindly offended
Have mercy on all sinners, Jesu, I beseech thee; turn their Vices into Vertues, and
make them true observers of thy Law, and lovers of thee; bring them to bliss in everlasting
Have mercy also on the Souls in Purgatory, for thy bitter Passion, I beseech thee,
and for thy glorious Name Jesu.
O blessed Trinity, one Eternal God, have mercy on me.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, both now and ever, world without end. Amen.
Phil. 2. 8.‘Our Lord Iesus Christ humbled himself, made obedient unto death, even the death of
the Cross.’
PHIL. 2. 10.‘In the Name of Jesus, let every knee bow, of things in Heaven, of things in Earth, and of things under the
Earth: And let every tongue confess that our Lord Jesus Christ is in the Glory of
God the Father.’
Sixth Petition.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Enlighten me with Spiritual Wisdom.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Enlighten me with Spiritual Wisdom.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Enlighten me with Spiritual Wisdom.
JEsu, enlighten me with Spiritual wisdom; to know thy goodness; and all those things
which are most acceptable to thee.
Grant me a clear apprehension of my only good, and discretion to order my life directly
to it.
Make me wisely to proceed from vertue to vertue; until, at last, I shall ascend clearly
to see thy glorious Majesty.
Permit me not, dear Lord; to return to those Sins for which I have sorrowed; and whereof,
by Confession, I have accused and purged my self.
Grant me Grace to give good example, profitable to Souls, and to reduce those, by
good Councel, who miscarry themselves to me.
Have mercy on all Sinners, Jesu, I beseech thee; turn their Vices into Vertues, and
make them true observers of thy Law, and lovers of thee; bring them to bliss in Everlasting
Have mercy also on the Souls in Purgatory, for thy bitter Passion, I beseech thee,
and for thy glorious Name Jesu.
O Blessed Trinity, one Eternal God, have mercy on me.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
Seventh Petition.
Jesu Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to dread thee.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to dread thee.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to dread thee.
JEsu, grant me Grace inwardly to dread thee, and to avoid all occasions of offending
Let thy threats of the torments which shall fall on Sinners; the fear of losing thy
love and thy Heavenly Inheritance ever keep me in aw.
Let me not dare to lie in Sin, but call me soon to Repentance; least the dreadful
Sentence of endless Death and damnation, through thy wrath, fall upon me.
The powerful Intercession of thy B. Mother [Page 519] & all thy Saints, but, above all thine own merits and mercy, O my Saviour, ever be
between thy revenging Justice, and me.
Enable me, O my God, to work out my Salvation with fear and trembling, and make the
apprehension of thy secret Judgments render me a more humble & diligent suitor at
the Throne of Grace.
Have mercy on all, &c.
Glory be to the Father.
Eighth Petition.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace truly to love thee.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace truly to love thee.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace truly to love thee.
JEsu, grant me Grace truly to love thee, for thy infinite goodness, and those excessive
bounties I have, and hope for ever to receive from thee.
Let the remembrance of thy kindness and patience conquer the malice & wretched inclinations
of my perverse Nature.
Let the consideration of my many deliverances; let thy gracious call, and feeding
me in the ways of Life, shame me out of ingratitude.
And what dost thou require of me, for and by all thy mercies, but to love thee; [Page 520] and why, but because thou art my only good?
O my dear Lord! my whole Life shall be nothing but a desire of thee; and because
I, indeed, love thee, I will most diligently keep thy Commandments.
Have mercy on all Sinners, &c.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
Ninth Petition.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to remember my Death.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to remember my Death.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to remember my Death.
JEsu, grant me Grace always to remember my Death, and the great account I then must
render; that so being kept still well-disposed, my Soul may go out acceptable to thee.
Then by the gracious Intercession of thy B. Mother & the assistance of the glorious
St. Michael, deliver me from the danger of my Souls enemy; and thou, my good Angel, I beseech
thee, then, to help me.
Then, dear Jesu, remember thy mercy, and turn not, for my offences, thy lovely face
away from me▪
Secure me against the terrors of that day, by dying now daily to all Earthly things,
[Page 521] and having my continual conversation in Heaven.
Let the remembrance of thy Death warn me how to esteem my Life; and the memory of
thy Resurrection encourage me chearfully to descend into the Grave.
Have mercy on all Sinners, &c.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
Tenth Petition.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Send me here my P [...]rgatory.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Send me here my P [...]rgatory.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Send me here my P [...]rgatory.
JEsus send me here my Purgatory; and so prevent the torments of that cleansing fire,
which after this Life, attends unpurged Souls.
Vouchsafe me those merciful crosses and afflictions, which thou seest are necessary
to break off my affections from all things here below.
Since none can see thee that loves any thing, but in order to thy self; permit not
my Heart to find here the least rest, but in painting after thee.
Too bitter, alas! will be the anguish of a separated Soul; that desires, but cannot
[Page 522] come to thee, clog'd with the heavy chains of Sin.
Here, then, O my Saviour, keep me continually mortified to this World; that purged
throughly with the fire of thy love, I may immediately pass hence into thy Everlasting
Have mercy on all Sinners, Jesu, I beseech thee; turn their Vices into Vertues, and
make them true observers of thy Law, and love [...]s of thee; bring them to bliss in everlasting glory.
Have mercy also on the Souls in Purgatory, for thy bitter Passion, I beseech thee,
and for thy glorious Name Jesu.
O Blessed Trinity, one Eternal God, have mercy on me.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning,
both now and ever, World without end. Amen.
Phil. 2. 8.‘Our Lord Jesus Christ humbled himself, made obedient unto Death, even to Death of
the Cross.’
PHIL. 2. 10.‘In the Name of Jesus, let every knee how, of things in Heaven, of things in Earth, and of things under the
Earth: And let every tongue confess that our Lord Jesus Christ is in the Glory of
God the Father.’
Eleventh Petition.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to fly ill company.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to fly ill company.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to fly ill company.
JEsus, grant me grace to flie ill company, or, if I chance to come among such, I beseech
thee, by the merits of thy uncorrupt conversation among Sinners, preserve me from
being overcome by any temptation to mortal Sin.
Make me, blessed Lord, with dread, still remember, that thou art present and hearest
who, of all our words and carriage, shalt Judge us.
How dare I, then converse with slanderous Lyars, Drunkards, or Swearers; or such,
whose discourse is either quarrelsome, dissolute, or vain?
Repress in me, dear Jesu, all inordinate affections to the pleasure of Tast or Carnality;
by vouchsafing to me to avoid all such, as would blow the fire of those unruly appetites.
Thy Power defend, thy Wisdom direct, thy Fatherly Pity chastise me; and make me so
live here among men, as may fit me for the conversation of Angels hereafter.
Have mercy on all Sinners, &c.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
Twelfth Petition.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to call for help to thee.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to call for help to thee.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to call for help to thee.
JEsu, grant me Grace, in all my necessities, to call for help to thee; and faithfully
remember thy Death and Resurrection for me.
Wilt thou be deaf to my Cries, that wouldst lay down thy Life for my Ransom? Or canst
thou not save me, that couldst take it up again for my Crown?
Whom have I in Heaven but thee, O my Jesus? whose own Blessed Mouth has pronounced, Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee.
Thou art my sure Rock of Defence against all sorts of Enemies: Thou art my ready
Grace, able to strengthen me to every good work.
In all my sufferings therefore, in all my weaknesses and temptations, will confidently
[Page 525] call on thee: Hear me, O my Jesu, and when thou hearest, have.
Have mercy on all Sinners, &c.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
Thirteenth Petition.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Make me persevere in virtue.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Make me persevere in virtue.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Make me persevere in virtue.
JEsu, make me persevere in virtue, and good Life, and never to give over serving
thee, till thou bringst me to my reward in thy Kingdom.
In all pious Customs and holy Duties, in my honest and necessary employments continue
and strengthen, O Lord, both my Soul and Body.
Is my Life any thing but a Pilgrimage upon Farth, towards the new Jerusalem; to which, he that sits down or turns out of the way, can never arrive?
O Jesu, make me always consider thy blessed example; through how much pain, and how
little pleasure, thou pressedst on to a bitter Death; because that was the way to
a glorious Resurrection.
Make me, O my Red [...]emer, seriously ponder those severe words of thine, He only that perseveres to the very end, shall be saved,
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to fix my mind on thee.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to fix my mind on thee.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Grant me Grace to fix my mind on thee.
JEsu, grant me Grace to fix my mind on thee, especially in the time of Prayer, when
I pretend directly to converse with thee.
Stop the motions of my running head, the desires of my unstable Heart; and repress
the power of my Spiritual enemies which then draw my mind from Heavenly thoughts to
many Imaginations of vanity.
So shall I, with joy and gratitude, behold, in thee, my Deliverer from all the evils
I have escaped; and my Benefactor, for all the goods I have ever received, or can
I shall see, that thou thy very self art my only good; and that all other things are
but means, ordained by thee, to make me fix my mind on thee, to make me more love
thee, and be eternally happy.
O beloved of my Soul, swallow up all my [Page 527] thoughts here; that mine eyes may grow worthy ever to behold thee, face to face in
thy Glory.
Have mercy on all Sinners, &c.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
Fifteenth Petition.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Give me Grace to order my life to thee.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Give me Grace to order my life to thee.
Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Give me Grace to order my life to thee.
JEsu, give me Grace to order my life to thee; heartily intending, and wisely designing
all the operations of my Body and Soul, to the reward of thine infinite Bliss and
Eternal Felicity.
For, what else is this World, but a Womb to breed up Souls fit for birth into the
other: And how are they fitted, but by growing an eager desire of God, their only
Break my froward Spirit, O Jesu, make it humble and obedient: Grant me Grace to depart
hence with contempt of this World, and with a joyful Heart to come to thee.
Let the memory of thy Passion make me chearfully undergo all temptations and [Page 528] sufferings here, for thy love; whilst my Soul is most, and strongly set upon that
blissful Life, and immortal Glory, thou hast ordained in Heaven for thy Servants.
Have mercy on all Sinners, &c.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning,
both now and ever World without end. Amen.
Phil. 2. 8. Our Lord Jesus Christ humbled himself, made obedient unto Death, even to Death of the Cross.
HEar these my Petitions, O my most merciful Saviour, and grant me thy Grace so frequently
to repeat and consider them, that they may prove easie steps, whereby my Soul may
climb up to the Knowledge, Love, and performance of my duty to Thee, and my Neighbours:
Through the whole course of my Life. Amen.
Mirror of Wisdom, Devotion and Sanctity, pray for us.
Mirror of Faith, Hope and Charity, pray.
Mirror of all Vertues, pray.
Refuge of Sinners, pray.
Comfort of the afflicted, pray.
Advocate of all Christians, pray.
Queen of Angels, pray▪
Queen of Patriarks and Prophets, pray.
Queen of Apostles and Martyrs, pray.
Queen of Confessors and Virgins, pray.
Queen of all Saints, pray for us.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the World, spare us, O Jesu.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the World, hear us, O Jesu.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the Sins of the World, have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Our Father, &c.
WOnderful art thou, O God, in all thy Saints, but in comparably more in the Mother
of thy Son, who, remaining a Virgin, brought forth the Saviour of [Page 532] the World, and living humbly on this ou [...] low Earth, is now exalted above the hig [...] est Seraphins.
V. Rejoyce O my Soul in the Glory the B. Virgin Mother. Alleluia.
R. By the fruit of whose Womb we a [...] regenerated to eternal life. Alleluia.
V. O Lord hear our Prayers.
R. And let our Supplications come Thee.
INfuse, we beseech thee, O Mercis [...] God, thy Grace into our Hearts, th [...] we, to whom the Incarnation of Chri [...] thy Son was imparted by an Angel, ma [...] by his Cross and Passion, attain the Glor [...] of his Resurrection: Through the sam [...] Jesus Christ our Lord, who with Thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reignet [...] one God, World without end. Amen.
THE blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, be with us, and dwell in
our Hearts for ever. Amen.
O Sacred Trinity of persons in unity of Essence, hav [...]
By thy power in creating Heaven, Earth▪ and all things therein contained, have▪
By thy goodness in making Man to thy own Image and Likeness, have▪
By thy mercy in Redeeming Man after his Fall, have▪
By thy unspeakable Love, in making choice of the Virgin Mary for thy Mother, have▪
By the ineffable Mystery of thy Incarnation, whereby thou vouchsafed [...] to unite thy divine Person to our fra [...] Nature▪ have▪
By thy immaculate Conception, and thy nine months Imprisonment within the sacred Virgin's
Body, have▪
By thy blessed Birth, in the poor Stable [...]Betlehem, have▪
By the Hunger, Cold, and other inconveniences thy tender Body endured being laid
in the Cribb between an O [...] and an Ass, have▪
By thy painful Circumcision upon th [...] Eighth Day after thy Birth, whe [...][Page 535] thou began'st the shedding of thy precious Blood for our sakes, have.
By thy blessed Name Jesus then impos'd upon thee, have
By the Mystical Offerings of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrhe, presented unto thee by
the Three Kings, whom thou summonedst by a miraculous Star ou [...] of the East, to adore thee in thy Cradle, have
By the Oblation of thy self to tby Eternal Father in the Temple, where thou wert
acknowledged by Simeon and Anna, and redeemed by thy poor Virgin-Mother with a pair of Pigeons, have.
By thy flight into Egypt, to avoid King Herod's Cruelty, and by all thou there sufferedst with thy Mother and St. Joseph. have.
By thy return thence to Nazareth, and the humble Obedience thou there rendredst to thy Parents, have.
By thy being lost in Jerusalem, where thou wert found after a Three-Daies search sitting admidst the Doctors, have.
By the secret and hidden life thou lead'st [Page 536] in Nazareth, with Holy Mary and Joseph, from the twelfth Year of thy age to the thirteenth, have.
By thy humble receiving of Baptism at the hands of John, in the River Jordan, have.
By thy Forty days Fasting in the Desert, and the Three Temptations of the Devil,
which thou there enduredst and conqueredst, have.
By thy first Miracle of turning Water into Wine at the Marriage Feast of Canaan, have.
By the Zeal thou shewedst of thy Eternal Father's honour, in casting the Buyers and
Sellers forth of the Temple▪ have.
By thy humble condescending to discourse with the Samaritan Woman, sitting at the Fountain, have▪
By [...]hy exceeding great Charity in healing the Lord's Son of Capharnaum, S [...] mon Peters Mother-in-Law, and multitude of infirm persons, have.
By the power thou shewedst in appeasing the Sea-Tempest, walking upon the Waters,
and enabling Peter to do the same, have.
By the vehement Thrist thou then sufferedst, and the Gall and Vinegar thou drankedst,
By thy last Agony, in which thou breathedst forth thy blessed Soul into the hands
of thy Heavenly Father, have.
By the opening of thy Side with a Lance, and the blood and water issuing out of it,
By the desecent of thy seperated Soul into Limbus Patrum, to conquer the Devils, and free the Antient Fathers. have.
By the taking down thy Dead body from the Cross by Joseph and Nicodemus, in order to its burial, have.
By thy glorious Resurrection from Death to Life upon the Third Day after, have.
By the frequent Apparitions to thy blessed Mother, to Mary Magdalen, to Peter, and to thy Apostles comforting and confirming them for forty daies space, have.
By thy admirable Ascension into Heaven, in the view of thy sacred Mother and thy Disciples,
By the miraculous descent of the holy Ghost in Form of fiery Tongues up on thy Apostles,
By all thou didest and enduredst, during thy Thirty three Years sojourning among men;
and by all that is pleasing to thy Divine Majesty in Heaven and on Earth, have mercy
upon us.
V. Our Lord, graciously hear our Prayers.
R. And let our Cries come unto thee.
Let us Pray.
VOuchsafe, O Alln [...]ighty, and All merciful Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, to lend a gracious Ear
to us, and to all them who shall humbly present these their petitions to thy Throne
of Mercy in Commemoration of thy sacred Life and bitter passion. And grant, we beseech
thee for thy own dear sake, (unto us, our Friends, our Benefactors, and all them
for whom we intend and are any way bound to pray) pardon for our past Offences, and
[Page 543] preservation from future Fallings▪ that serving thee Faithfully, loving thee Fervently,
and obeying thee perseverantly, dureing the whole remainder of our Earthly Pilgrimage;
we may come to enjoy thy beatifying presence Eternally in thy Heavenly Paradise, Amen.
The Blessing of Almighty God Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be upon us, and remain with
us all for ever more. Amen.