A Loyal Subjects Admonition, or, a true Song of Brittains Civil Wars.

Some with blind zeal, Religion did professe,
Murder'd their lawful King, oh wickednesse
Scripture nor Chronicle they could not bring,
To shew what subjects ever judged their King.
King Charls beheaded was wee understand,
Proud Rebels they did live upon his Land,
But now these Rebels are disperst and gone,
Few honest men I think for them make moan.
If any man be angry at this Song,
What e're he thinks hee'd best to hold his tongue.
To the Tune of General Moncks right march, that was sounded before him from Scotland to London, or the Highlanders march.
GReat controversie hath béen in England,
but of y e just cause there is few men do know,
Rebellion for certain, as I understand,
hath beáen the fore-runner of sorrow and woe,
For every Presbyter,
Struck at the Myter,
Till they had gotten the world in a sting,
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
Now let's be Loyal and true to our King,
The Scots did adventure at first to Rebel
And Englishmen quickly this Lesson did learn,
But Lucifer tumbled from Heaven to Hell,
because his ambition he would not discern,
And therefore be wary,
lest he ensnare ye,
That count Rebellion a plausible thing,
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
Now let's be Loyal and true to our King.
The City of London was zealous and hot,
to mannage the cause of the Scots government
For ten thousand souldiers they raised I wot;
to go a King catching it was their intent;
rich they would make him,
if they could take him,
Such fair pretences through Britain did ring,
But Monck hath confounned,
each prick-eard round-head,
Now let's be Loyal and true to our King.
Much like a Partridge the King they did chase,
from mountain to mountain they did him pursue
They quickly dispersed all the Royall race,
with their Loyal subjects, these Verses are true,
then any Lay-man,
Brewer or Dray-man,
Could make a Throne or a Pulpit to ring,
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
Now let's be Loyal and true to our King.
WHen with their base power they'd con­quered his friends
they quickly surprised the Kings Majesty,
These zealots Religion, was for their own ends,
their Oath of Allegiance they then did defy
a Scaffold erected,
Murder effected;
Heathens ne'r acted so horrid a thing,
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
Now let's be Loyal and true to our King.
But while these Rebells did thus tyrannize,
a terrible Governour quickly arose,
Although Kingly government they did despise,
'twas treason to meddle with Olivers Nose,
for he like a Hector,
was their Protector,
Rebells had shelter under his wing:
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
Now let's be Loyal and true to our King.
This Tyrants government lasted too long,
for Rebels in England did dayly increase,
Yet none but poor Cavaléers suffer'd wrong,
while every Ass was made Iustice of Peace,
and Cabys must stand sir,
with Cap in hand sir,
At their command sir, in every thing:
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
Now let's be Loyal and true to our King.
Worshipfull Walton got Sommersome Park,
without any labor or taking of pains,
And Wagstaffe that Major was counted a Spark;
although he did live upon other mens means,
and Rainsborough nimble,
sleighted his Thimble,
When Higham Park such profit did bring,
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
Now let's be Loyal and true to our King.
These pittiful fellows are all put to flight,
which thought that their pleasures would never ha' end
For they in ambition did take such delight,
there's many supposes they'l be hang'd ere they'l mend
for they in their bravery,
acted such knavery,
Curbing true subjects in every thing,
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
Now let us be loyal and true to our King,
I wish with my heart all the Kings enemys
both Rebels and Traitors on Tyborn may swing
That every moment do mischéef devise,
and can't be content with a Protestant King,
Esquire Dun take them,
never forsake them
Vntill thou make them péep through a string,
now Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
Now let's be loyal and true to our King.

London, Printed for F. Grove on Snow-hill.

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