By the KING. A PROCLAMATION, Signifying His Majesties Pleasure, That all Men being in Office of Government at the Decease of the late King, His Majesties most Dear and most Entirely beloved Brother, shall so continue, till His Majesties further Direction.


FOrasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty GOD, lately to Call unto his infinite Mercy, the most High and Mighty Prince, King Charles the Second, of most Blessed Memory, the Kings Majesties most dear, and most en­tirely beloved Brother, by whose Decease the Authority and Power of the most part of the Offices and Places of Jurisdiction and Government within this Realm, and in the Realm of Ireland, did cease and fail, the So­veraign Person failing, from whom the same were derived. The Kings most Excellent Majesty, in His Prince­ly Wisdom, and Care of the State (reserving to His Judgement hereafter, the Reformation and Redresses of any Abuses in Mis-government, upon due Knowledge and Examination thereof) is pleased, and hath so expresly signified, That all Per­sons that at the time of the Decease of the late King, His dearly beloved Brother, were Duly and Lawfully possessed of, or Invested in any Office, or place of Authority of Government, either Civil or Military, within this Realm of England, or in the Realm of Ireland, or in any other His Majesties Dominions belonging thereunto; And namely, all Presidents, Lieu­tenants, Vice-prefidents, Judges, Justices, Sheriffs, Deputy-Lieutennants, Commissioners of Musters, Justices of Peace, and all others in place of Government, either Meaner or Superior, as asoresaid; And all other Officers and Ministers, whose Interests and Estates in their Offices are determined, or ceased by the means afore-mentioned, shall be, and shall hold themselves continued in the said Places and Offices, as formerly they held and enjoyed the same, until His Majesties Pleasure be further known.

And that in the mean while, for the preservation of the Peace, and necessary Proceedings in Matters of Justice, and for the Safety and Service of the State; all the said Persons of whatsoever Degree or Condition may not fail, every one se­verally, according to his Place, Office, or Charge, or proceed in the performance and Execution of all Duties thereunto belonging, as formerly appertained unto them, and every of them, while the late Kings Majesty was living.

And further, His Majesty doth hereby Will and Command all and singular His Highness Subjects, of what Estate, Digni­ty, or Degree they or any of them be, to be Aiding, Helping and Assisting, and at the Commandment of the said Officers and Ministers, in the performance and Execution of the said Offices and Places, as they and every of them Tender His Ma­jesties Displeasure, and will answer for the Contrary at their uttermost perils.

And further, His Majesties Will and Pleasure, and Express Commandment is, That all Orders and Directions Made, or Given by the Lords of the Privy Council of the late King, in His Lifetime, shall be Obeyed and Performed by all and every person and persons, and all and every Thing and Things to be done thereupon, shall proceed as fully and as amply as the same should have been Obeyed or Done, in the Life of the said late King, His Majesties most dearly and entirely beloved Brother.

GOD save the KING.

London, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill deceas'd: and by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1684.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno Dom, 1685.

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