By the King, A PROCLAMATION Of Pardon to such of His Majesties Subjects in Rebellion, as shall Return to their Obedience.


WHereas divers of Our Subjects contrary to the Allegiance and Duty which both by the Laws of God, and of this Realm they owe unto Vs, have been Enticed and Seduced to joyn themselves in Arms to James Scot late Duke of Monmouth Attainted of High Treason, whereby they have incurred the Danger of all Pains and Penalties due by Law for High Treason: And Considering that many of Our said Subjects may through Ignorance and the subtle Perswasions of others have been misled to Take up Arms and Rebell against Vs, rather than from any Evil Rancour against Our Royal Person their Lawful Sovereign, or the Settled Peace of Our Kingdoms: And although We make no doubt through the Assistance of Almighty God, and his Blessing upon Our Arms, to bring all Obstinate Rebells speedily to Condign Punishment; Yet, desiring as much as in Vs lies to prevent the Bloodshed and utter Ruine of so many of Our Subjects; We out of Our meer Grace and Princely Compassion to such of Our Subjects now in Arms and Rebellion against Vs, as shall speedily return to their Obedience, and embrace the Mercy hereby tendered to them, do hereby De­clare Our Will and Pleasure to be, And We do hereby, for Vs Our Heirs and Successors, Pardon, Release, Acquit and Discharge all Treasons, Misprisions of Treason, Insurrections, Riots, Routs, Contempts and Trespasses committed or done against Vs, or Our Dearly Beloved Brother the late King (of ever Blessed Memory) by any Person or Persons now in Actual Arms and Rebellion against Vs, except such Persons who are hereby and hereafter excepted and foreprized, so as the Person or Persons who is and are willing to receive the Benefit of this Our Gracious Pardon, do lay down his or their Arms, and lay claim to the Benefit of this Our Gracious Pardon before one of Our Iustices of the Peace or Deputy-Lieutenants of the County where such Person shall lay down his Arms, or before one of the Officers of Our Army Royal, and shall Receive a Certificate thereof under the Hand of such Iustice, Deputy-Lieutenant, or Officer within Four days after Publication or Proclamation of this Our Gracious Pardon be made in Our Camp by Lewis Earl of Feversham Lieutenant General of Our Army, to whom We do hereby grant full Power and Authority to Publish and Proclaim this Gur Gracious Pardon.

And We do hereby Charge and Command all and every Our Iustices of the Peace, Deputy-Lieutenants and Officers of Our Army, That they do under their Hands give such Certificate of every of Our said Subjects laying claim to this Our Pardon, who shall within the time aforesaid desire the same; And Our Will and Pleasure is, that such Certificate shall be allowed by all and every of Our Iustices as sufficient Evidence of Our said Subjects laying claim to this Our Pardon.

Excepted nevertheless, and always foreprized out of this Our Gracious Pardon the said James Scot late Duke of Monmouth, and all and every the Person and Persons who Invaded and Entred this Our Kingdom with him the said James Scot from parts beyond the Seas.

And also Excepted all and every Person and Persons Attainted or Convicted for High Treason, Felony, or other Notorious Crime by Vtlary or otherwise howsoever.

And also Excepted all and every Person and Persons mentioned or Required in or by any former Proclamation to Appear or Render them­selves.

And also Excepted out of this Our Gracious Pardon John Wildman, John Trenchard, George Speake, Barnard Browne, and Francis Charlton Esquires, and also Edward Matthews Gent. and Thomas Dore now or late Mayor of Limmington in Our County of Southampton.

And We do hereby Pardon, Release, Acquit and Discharge to all and every of Our said Subjects not before Excepted, who shall lay hold of this Our Gracious Pardon as aforesaid, all Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures which they or any of them may have incurred for or by reason of any of the Crimes or Offences hereby Pardoned and Discharged against Vs Our Heirs and Successors.


London, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill deceas'd: And by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1685.

Proclamation was made of this Pardon the [...] day of [...] in the Year 1685. By my Order,


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