[royal blazon or coat of arms]

By the king. A PROCLAMATION Declaring His Majesty Pleasure touching Hi Royal Coronation, and the Solemnity thereof.


Whereas we have Resolved by the Favour and Blessing of God to Celebrate the Solemnity of Our Royal Coronation, and also the Coronation of Our Dearly Beloved Consort the Queen, upon the Twenty third Day of April, being St. George's day next, at Our Palace of VVestminster. And forasmuch as by ancient Customs and Vsages of this Realm, as also in regard of divers Tenures of sundry Manors, Lands, and other Herthitaments, many of Our loving Subjects do Claim, and are bound to Do and Perform others several Services on the said Day, and at the time of the Cornation, as in Times precedent their Ancestors, and those from whom they Claim, have done and performed at the Coronati­ons of Our Famous Progenitors and Predecessors, Kings and Queens of this Realm; We therefore out of Our [...]ely Care for the Preservation of the lawful Rights and Inheritances of Our loving Subjects whom it may Con [...] have thought sit to give Notice, and Publish Our Resolution therein, and do hereby give Notice of, and publish [...]ne accordingly: And we do hereby further Signifie, That by Our Commission under Our Great [...]eal of [...]d, we have Appointed and Authorized Our Right Trusty and Welbeloved Consins and Councellors, Lauter [...] of Rochester Lord High Treasurer of England, and Henry[?] Earl of Clarendon Lord Privy, Seal, Our Right Tru [...] [...] Right Entirely Beloved Cousin, Henry Duke of Norfolk Earl Marshall of England, Our Right Trusty and Right Entirely Beloved Cousins and Councellors, James Duke of Ormond Lord Stewards of Our houshold, and Henry Duke of Beaufort Lord President of VVales, Our Right Trusty and Right Welbeloved Cousins and Councellors, Robert Earl of Lindsey Lord Great Chamberlain of England, Henry Earl of Arlington Lord Chamberlain Our houshold, Aubrey [...]arl of Oxford, Theophilus Earl of Huntington, John Earl of Bridgewater, Henry Earls of Peterborow, Philip Earl of Che­s [...]erfield, Robert Earl of Sunderland One of Our Principal Secretaries of State, and Robert Earl of Ailesbury Our Right, Trusty and Right welbeloved Cousin, John Earl of Radnor, Our Right Trusty and Welbeloved Councellors, George Lord Dartmouth Master General of Our Ordnance, Sidney Lord Godolphin, Lord Chamberlain to Our Royal [...]nsort the Queen, and Sir George Jeffreys Knight and Baronet, Chief Justice of Our Court of Kings Bench, and One Trusty and welbeloved Sir Thomas Johns Knight, Chief Justice of Our Court of Common Pleas, or any Three [...] more of them, to Receive, hear, and Determine the Pettions and Claims which shall be to Them Exhibited by any of Our Loving Subjects in this Behalf: And We shall Appoint Our said Commissioners for that Purpose to Sit in the [...]inted Chamber of Our Palace at VVestminster, upon the Twenty fourth Day of this instant March, at Nine of the [...]lock in the Forenoon of that Day, and from time to time to Adjourn as to Them shall seem meet, for the Execution of Our said Commission, which we do thus Publish to the intent That all such Persons whom it may any ways Concern, may know when and where to give their Attendance for the Exhibiting of their Petitions and Claims concerning [...]heir [...]ervices before-mentioned, to be done and performed unto Us at Our said Cornation. And We do hereby Signifie [...]to all and every Our Subjects whom it may Concern, That our Will and Pleasure is, and We do hereby straitly [...]rge all Persons, of what Rank or Quality soever they be, who either upon Our Letters to Them directed, or by [...]n of Their Offices or Tenures, or otherwise, are to do any Sevice at the said at the said Day of Time of Our Coronation, [...] they do duly give their Attendance accordingly, in all Respects Furnished and Appointed as to so Great a Solemni­ [...] [...]pertaneth, and Answerable to the Dignities and Places which every One of Them respectively holdeth and En­ [...]; And of this, They or any of Them are not to fall, as They will Answer the Contrary, at Their Perils, [...]s upon Special Reasons by Our Self, under Our hand to be Allowed, We shall Dispence with any of Their Ser­ [...]es or Attendances.

GOD save the KING.

[...]ondon, Printed by the Assigns. of John Bill deceas'd▪ And by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1684/5. [...] most Sacred Majesty, 1685.

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