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By the King, A PROCLAMATION Appointing a time of Publick Thanksgiving and Prayer throughout the Kingdom.


JT Having pleased Almighty God (who in signal manner hath blessed His Majesty, and this Kingdom under His Majesties Govern­ment, with great Prosperity, Preace and Plenty) to give His Ma­jesty also apparent hopes and good assurance of having Issue by His Royal Consort the Queen, who (through Gods great Goodness) is now with Child: And forasmuch as Increase of Issue of the Roy­al Family is a Publick Blessing, and (under God) a great Securi­ty of Peace and Happiness so this Kingdom: His Majesty there­fore [...] humble Request and by the Advice of His Privy Council) to Appointa time, upon this occasion, to render Publick and Hear­ty Thanks, throughout the Kingdom, for this great Blessing already begun, and to offer up Prayers to Almighty God for the continuance thereof: And His Majesty doth accordingly Appoint, Command and Require, That upon the fifteenth day of January next, within the Cities of London and Westminster, and ten miles thereabout, and upon the nine and twentieth day of the same Moneth, in all other places throughout this Kingdom, publick Thanks, and solemn Prayers be offered up to Almighty God upon the Occasion aforesaid: And for this purpose His Majesty hath sgnified His Royal Pleasure to the right Reverend Fathers in God, Nathaniel Lord Bishop of Duresme, Thomas Lord Bishop of Rochester, and Thomas Lord Bishop of Peterborough (being His Majesties Commissioners Constituted for Exercising the Episcopal jurisdiction within the Diocess of London) forthwith to prepare a Form of Prayer and Religious Service, which may be suitable to this occasion: Which Form of Prayer and Service His Majesty will cause to be Printed and published, and the Right Reverend the Bishops, Sent and Distributed throughout their several and respective Diocesses, to be obser­ved and used in the Churches and Chappels of this Kingdom, upon the several and respe­ctive days before mentioned: And lastly, His Majesty Doth Charge and Command all His loving Subjects to take notice hereòf, and to demean themselves in all things accordingly.

GOD save the KING.


W. P.

Re-Printed at Edinburgh by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno Dom, 1688.

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