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WHereas We have received certain Information, That James Duke of Monmouth, Ford late Lord Gray Outlawed for high Treason, with divers other Traiters and Outlaws; are lately Landed in an Hostile manner at Lyme, in Our County of Dorset, and have posses­sed themselves of Our said Town of Lyme. And have sent and dispersed some of their Traiterous Com­plices into the Neighbouring Countreyes to Incite them to Joyn in open Rebellion against Ʋs.

We do hereby, with the Advice of Our Privy Council, Declare and Publish the said James Duke of Monmouth, and all his Complices, Adherents, Abettors and Advisers, Traytors and Rebels; And do Command and Require all Our Lieu­tenants, Deputy-Lieutenants, Sheriff, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Bay­liffs, and all other Our Officers, Civil and Military, to use their utmost endea­vours to Seize and Apprehend the said James Duke of Monmouth, Ford late Lord Gray, and all their said Confederates and Adberents; And all and every other Person and Persons that shall be aiding or abetting the aforesaid Traitors and Rebels; And the said Persons and every of them to secure until Our further Pleasure be known, as they will answer the contrary at their utmost Peril.

God save the King.

London, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill deceast: And by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcowb, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1685.

Edinburgh, Re-Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, 1685.

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