The Kings Letter TO THE Earl of Feversham. Upon his Leaving WHITEHALL Together with the Earl of Fevershams Letter to his Highness the Prince of ORANGE, after the Kings Departure.

THings being come to that extremity, that I have been forced to send away the Queen, and my Son the Prince of Wales, that they might not fall into my Enemies Hands, which they must have done, if they had staid; I am obliged to do the same thing, and to endeavour to secure Myself, the best I can, in hopes it will please God, out of his infinite Mercy to this Unhappy Nation, to touch their Hearts again with true Loyalty and Honour. If I could have relyed on all my Troops, I might not have been put to the extremity I am in, and would at least have had one Blow for it; but though I know there are many Loy­al and brave Men amongst you, both Officers and Soldiers, yet you know, that both you, and several of the General Officers, and Men of the Army told me, it was no ways advisable for Me to venture Myself at their Head, or to think to fight the Prince of Orange with them: And now there remains only for Me to thank you, and all those both Officers and Soldiers who have stuck to Me, and been truly Loyal. I hope you will still retain the same Fidelity to Me; and though I do not expect you should expose your selves by resisting a Foreign Army, and a Poysoned Nation; yet I hope your former Principles are so enrooted in you, that you will keep your selves free from Associations, and such pernicious Things. Time presses, so that I can say no more.

J. R.

I must add this, That as I have always found you Loyal, so you have found me a kind Master, as you shall still find me to be.

The Earl of Fevershams LETTER.


HAving received this Morning a Letter from His Majesty, with the unfortunate News of his Resolution to go out of England, and that he is actually gone, I thought my self obliged, being at the Head of his Army, having received His Maje­sties Order, to make no oppsition against any body, to let your Highness know (with the Advice of the Officers here) so soon as it was possible, to hinder the misfortune of effu­sion of Blood, I have ordered already to that purpose all the Troops that are under my Command, which shall be the last Order they shall receive from, &c.

London: Printed in the Year 1688.

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