WITH Some pious Observations there­upon, shewing our Brethrens faithful­nesse in this Cause.

Frustrating the hope of our Common adver­sary, to the downfall of Heresies, Errours, and Schismes.

By I. H. a Lover of Truth Peace and.

Imprimatur, James Cranford.

Printed at London for J. H. 1647.

HAving perused much joyfull Newes from the North; I could not let it passe without some Observations thereon: I must confesse it is but a mite of thankfulnesse, I could wish it might be a Monument, that being erected, might eternize the honour of the Scottish Nation, which they have pur­chased by their Fidelity to our Kingdome: I wish it might swell future Chronicles to large Volumes of Thankfulnesse; let it be written in leaves of Marble with a pen of iron, that it may be able to withstand the devouring teeth of envious Time, never, never to be forgotten, till all things shall confesse their ashes; and time shall be no more. Would I could per­swade our English Country-men to prepare their hearts and enlarge their Meditations to let in these mercies, that our unworthinesse tells us we have not merited; Here's a Union worthy to be commemorated to all posterity: No more Anglia & Scotia, but Brittany, Famous Brittany, England and Scotland united; Two made One.

Here therefore you shall have in an Epitome the faithfulnesse of our Brethren, a great deale of matter in a little roome: The Discourse needs no Division, it's of Union. To tell you of our Brethrens coming to our Assistance, were but to tell you, that that hath been delivered by former Pens.

One may observe very many circumstances that makes this courtesie very acceptable, they own'd us, and that in the day of our distresse; they helpt us, when we could not helpe our selves, and when some that were amongst us, were risen up against us.

'Twere not unseasonable to speake of the time in which they came into our aide, and helped the Lord against the mighty: They tooke a hard march, a hard taske, in a hard season, fighting with a potent, stub­borne, powerfull adversary, who was well appoin­ted, ready Garrison'd, provided, and prepared to re­ceive an enemy, though very powerfull and formi­dable.

Amongst the many things that might be spoken in our Brethrens commendation, this I account as none of the least, viz. the great doubt which party would prove Conquerour; 'tis sufficiently knowne with what variety of faces the truth of this appea­red, the most judicious could not tell, whether wee might be reckned amongst the living or the dead.

But our provident God foresaw all, the Lord of Hosts (that was (and is) the giver of victory) hath crown'd our sufferings with the happinesse that wee now enjoy: Our Prayers are turned into praises, our fighs into Songs of deliverance; for our War we have peace, for feare of utter ruine, the fruits of a present happinesse: For out former wants (in which we did abound) we have as much felicity, as the frailty of man is capable of: You know who it was that said, Sorrowes may endure for a night, Psal. 30.5. but joy commeth in the morning: We have had our Night, a black, darke, sad stormy Night, but now the bright beames of the [Page 5]morning hath dispel'd all these vapours, and we have our morning of happinesse, after our night of misery: We have had newes of this Towne lost, Witnesse that bat barous act of P. Rupert at Bolton in Lancashire. that Castle lost, that Garrison surrendred, another Fort yeel­ded, and all our men massacred: We had then many of Jobs messengers; but yet (we see) wee are left a­live as living Monuments of the Lords mercy, and doe reap the fruits of this blessednesse, which our Bre­thren have purchased with their dearest blood.

And here I may fitly speake a word of those that dyed in defence of this cause, (Englands Cause for her Rights and Liberties) may we not envy their Happi­nesse? they act their parts gloriously in Heaven, that acted them well on earth, they are raised to the high­est pitch of happinesse, most fortunate, most blessed, most wise, most all, they dwell all upon superlatives, Quis non optaret sic moriendo mori? How noble is it to dye in a justified cause? A cause so just, so righte­ous, so equall, that we may justly pronounce those unjust and wicked, that would have rather let it sunk then patronize it:

Our luke-warmnesse here at home could not doe that that their zeale hath performed, 'twas that that set them on this work and acted it for them: If I should descend to particulars, and take a view and a regardfull search of their zeale in this Reformation, I should swell my Pamphlet beyond its intended bre­vity: I shall name one act of our Brethrens of late, (if I did not speake, the thing would speak it self,) I must confesse it quadrates well with my Genius, viz. their care for the observation of the Lords day, to which end they have provided, and so ordered, that [Page 6]no Fayres or Markets be kept on Mondayes or Sa­turdayes, and I hope there's none but will agree with me in this point, but that it is a very worthy act, a memorable Act, and worthy of our best imitations; they have hitherto chalkt out a way for our Reforma­tion; if we tread in their steps in this particular, the world wil not call us unhapy, having such good Con­ductors, and so good a Copy to write after.

The two Tribes and a halfe, Josuah 22. after they had helpt their Brethren to conquer the promised Land, in their returne homewards built an Altar of testimony, the end why is shewed in the 24. vers. lest the Children of Israel might say to the children of the two Tribes and a halfe, What have you to doe with the Lord God of Israel? The name of the Altar was Eol (which being translated by the holy language) is a Witnesse, this was a Witnes, lest in time to come the seed of the children of Israel might say to the seed of the two Tribes and a halfe, Yee have no part in the Lord: The plainnesse of the History applyes it selfe; if we can set up such a Witnesse between us for the Government of the Church, we shall be happy in a most absolute man­ner: so far I have deviated from my circumstances.

But now I come to one more, and that is of the sea­sonablenesse of the deliverance; that in the very nick of time, they came in to doe us good; and when we found we could not find a way how to break the power of our Adversaries, they interposed, and the contro­versies ended, the question's decided: To a poore condemned man there is nothing more acceptable as a pardon, and if it come in th'opportunity and nick of time (just before the intended execution) [Page 7]nothing comes more welcome: The Application makes it self. We were condemed, and (if fame were not too lavish) our estates divided: The story of them that bought the Beares skin is very remarkable, worthy onely to be imitated of such greedy Chap­men. There's yet one thing that heightens the De­liverance, and that is that, after the burthen had laine so long upon our backes that it should then be removed, when our miseries were at the highest pitch, in the superlative degree, the addition of more miseries could scarce have made us more miserable; who's then more welcome then a deliver? When a Goliah was in Armes against Israel, who more accep­table then a David? whose part our Brethren hath so well acted, as that I am sorry for nothing more then that we are not able to reward them.

Wee were a long season in the Furnace, but the seasonablenesse of the deliverance makes us forget all former miseries; Barclay sayes, Barclay Icun. Animorum. That warres ne­ver last so long in England as in other Lands. Costly▪ experience tels us, this is rather a Fable then a Chro­nicle: You cannot think but that we escaped from Scythian cruelty, when we were like to be brought in­to an unworthy servitude; and vertue was like to be­come a slave to those that had sold themselves to Vitiousnesse.

Now (I hope) you will say, if these things deserve not an observation, and a perpetuall commemorati­on to the honour of that famous Kingdome, the World will call's unthankfull.

Come we neerer to our Brethren that are gone from us, their names shall last the longest length of time, [Page 8]they are equivalent to the very best of men, inferi­our to none, the singular Ornaments of this Age, Europes wonder: These expressions proceed from me, because I do not desire that Valour should have Oblivion for its grave: But the memory of their Opponents shall perish, and their names shall bee buried in the eternall night of Oblivion: And yet if you will have them recorded, let it bee in times brazen-leaved booke with ignominy and disgrace, there to remaine as a Caveat for Generations yet unborne.

Our Brethrens carriage in these late affaires hath been terrible to their (and out) enemies, feare stri­king amazements to our Adversaries, that ere now have bin so numerous, that the spacious fields could hardly afford roome for their armed Troopes; and now we see by our Brethrens valour, fidelity and assist­ance, they are reduced to a better method, there scarce remaining a stump or stem of that huge Tree, that one while over-spread whole Countries: for this their fame is gone out thorow the spacious Orb, and their victorious hands will be remembred by all suc­ceeding Generations.

Their zeale, their justice, their magnanimity hath made them inferiour to none of their Predecessors in greatnesse of true glory, never, never to be blot­ted out of the Registers of memory.

And lest forgetfull time should make us liable to ingratitude, 'twere not unfit that there were an an­nuall Observation of this our Brethrens Deliverance; and that as we are wont to write from the Gunpowder-Treason so many yeeres: from the Spanish-Armado [Page 9]so many yeeres; so to adde this to the rest, Since Englands grand Deliverance from her plundring conspi­rators, so many yeeres: A plot that equallizes any of these two famous Deliverances, an adversary that would have dispoiled us of our lives, livelihoods, goods and fortunes, and (had it been feacible) they would have plundred us of our God, of our Religion, of our being and well-being. I hope (you well borne Englishmen) your hearts will tell you that I speak no more then the greatnesse of this Deliverance calls for.

'Twere easie to be infinite, the deeper I dig in this golden Mine, the more my fancy is inriched; yet all this will speak us Atheists, if we speak no other lan­guage before the conclusion. We know why Herod was eaten up of wormes, Acts 12.23. because he gave not God the glory: Let us look then to that primum mobile, In whom we live, and move, and have our being: Acts 17.28. Let the glory of the day be given to him that is the Giver of the day; we doe not attribute these performances to man, we know that he is not proportion'd for such employments, such high affaires; Man is not able to conquer himselfe, much lesse his enemies.

But one Observation I mark in our Adversaries, they were haughty and self-confiding men, when as we know that there is no such enemy as a patient, humble, self-denying enemy: Experience teaches us, that the highest structures have the lowest foun­dations; and it is not the high Towring Rocks, but the humble Valleys that are fruitfull.

And now let us imitate the Prophet David, who after the receivall of many mercies, poses himselfe with a What shall I render? When we are in afflicti­ons, [Page 10]the first thing is Prayer, and being delivered, the next must be prayse; so that we may conclude that there's no deliverance, where God does not foresee a Thankfulnesse; without this we shall be without God.

If we receive the Lords Mercies without a grate­full retribution, and an humble acknowledgement; we shall turne his Mercies into Judgements, his Blessings into curses, 2 Cor. 7.21, 22.

There's mention made of Solomons Temple, how that if then the people (a people of so many mer­cies) should fall off, why this house which is so high shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth; so that he shall aske, why hath the Lord done this unto this Land? If we be ungratefull, Pharoah like our hearts will be hardned; and as Gods Mercies increases, so will our sinnes.

Let us therefore of this City imitate the Citizens of Samaria, Acts 8. where we read that the Church was much in affliction, and much in Deliverance, much in sorrow and much in joy; sorrow for their afflicti­ons, joy for their deliverance.

And therefore in the 8. vers. it is said, There was great joy in that City; Prov. 11.10. And Prov. 11.10. VVhen it goeth well with the City, the Righteous rejoyceth: the words may be very well inverted.

Gods people are sometimes a mourning people, a­non a rejoycing people, in variety of estates and con­ditions, in Canaan and in Egypt, 12. wells of waters at Elim, but bitter water at Maras.

We have had our Aegyptian bondage, now wee have our blessed Liberty and refreshment.

I thinke if I should here lay downe some Argu­ments that calls for thanks, it were not amisse, but truly I finde them so many, and so great, that I stand amazed which to touch at first, here's poverty in plenty.

1 First then, for the Gospell, it being a blessing, the fruit of which, because we alwayes enjoy, wee should alwayes acknowledge in an eminent man­ner, the enjoyment of which in its purity is derived down to us from our Brethrens Fidelity.

2 For the thrice-fortunate and famous union of the two Nations; this multiplies and advances our joyes; Now wee must pray that these two thus joyned, thus made one, by an invincible Union; may ever bee able to preserve out joyes, that these Great Joyes may procure Great Acknowledge­ments; so that by this our Happy Union no For­raigne Enemy (how potent soever) unlesse hee be weary of his owne Fortunes, will dare ever to of­fend us.

3 Armado.And if we look to our Ancestors, there's an 88. a famous deliverance.

4 Powd. plot.And that other miraculous deliverance that is still fresh in our memories, of 1625.

5 Parliam.And then (for I cannot number them all) if we come to mercies of a latter date, and never to our selves; how many Obligations of thankfulnesses lies upon this Kingdom for this Parliament? E cujus pen­det nostra sa­lute salus. whom God hath given to regulate the inconveniences, exorbi­tancies and errors, both in Church and State; when [Page 12]as a famous Writer of this age saith; Dr. Browne in his Religio Medici. that by the am­bition and avarice of Prelates, the fatall corruption of Times, Religion has bin decayed, impair'd, and faln from its native Integrity: in so much that it re­quired the careful and charitable hand of these times to restore it to its primitive Integritie; by these Worthies we enjoy what we doe enjoy: if I should goe about to particularize, there would not be room for all our Miseries, nor for all our Mercies.

I should come in a word or two more to our Bre­thren, for my zeale to them makes me confesse, that there's no mercy that I enjoy, but next under God) I ac­count them the Authors of it. I should not conclude here were it not for that they say of Hercules, who e­ver disprais'd him but an Enemie? There's none that speakes ill of them, that deserves so well, unlesse it be their enemies, whose tongue at no time is a slander.

And now I should here have concluded, were it not for some new thoughts that doe arise, and that is the disappointment of all our adversaries that did waite upon our divisions, and would have boasted at our falling out. And of them we know that there are two sorts, the one an open professed enemy, one that not long since was in open Rebellion against the Parlia­ment, a Malignant, stubborn adversary; the other the close private Sectary, which mingles himself amongst us, and goes along with us in many things, yet per­haps he also would have rejoyced to have seene us ru­ine each other, their hopes are both frustrated: con­cerning the former I thinke it in vaine to use any arguments to perswade them.

And for the latter, I wish I could bring any water [Page 13]to quench these flames, when so many adde oyle to augment them: 'Tis now come to it, that there is scarce a man that can enjoy a singularity in an error, without an Heresie; not be the Author of an opi­nion, without he be of a sect also.

The nature of Heresie is like a Gangrene, and they that are troubled with it, never think it to be spread farre enough, till it be Epidemicall, universall.

If God would make us but Masters of so great a happinesse, as to be freed from the unsupportable burthen of the unhappinesse, that is like to fall upon us, (if these errours and Heresies doe so spread a­mongst us) we should be the onely happy people upon the earth. Let us hate superstitious Popery, and avoid licentious Liberty, and desire that the Presbytery may decide this great Church-controversie.

There's an errour on the right hand, so there is on the left, Theev [...]s on both sides, only Christ in the midst: But we are onely able to speake of these things, there is a supreme power that must put life into our de­sires, therefore we must pray that he would make a comfortable close of our sad divisions, and poure forth the Spirit of Reconciliation into the hearts of the people of this divided Nation.

There's no doubt but this Union, England and Scot­land united, is the most incomparable Medium, for the setling of the Presbytery, and the extirpation of He­resies, errours, and schismes, that ever could be hoped for. For now that being setled in its purity, power, and priviledges, there will be no longer any roome for [Page 14] now fangled devises, strange opinions being onely the excrements of some brain-sick Novellers.

Of which one may say according to the old Pro­verbe, So many men, so many mindes: Quot capita, tot corda: The many-headed multitude being so divided, that if Diogenes himselfe were here with his Lant­horne and candle light to say Quaero hominem, I seeke a man, I seek a man, he would scarce finde two of the same minde.

Now we leave our Brethren that have left us, to extirpate our errours, heresies, and schismes, being mar­ched away into their owne Kingdome to extirpate Montrosse, and the rest of that Rebell-crew.


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