The humble and hearty Representation and In­gagement of the Collective body of the City of London, and propounded by them to the Free-Commoners of all the Counties, Citties, Townes and Boroughs of the Kingdome of England, and the Dominion of Wales, to, and with both Houses of PARLIAMENT, and each one to other.

WEE cannot but deplore the sad Condition of this lately florishing Kingdome, which by the ef­fusion of so much English blood allready shed, and the expence of losse of so many millions of Treasure, the present commotions in some Counties, the imminent danger of the invasion of Forrainers, (and thereby more great and bloody Warres assuredly to ensue) together with the general unsettlednes and unsatisfiednesse of the whole Kingdome, which do all threaten the irrecoverable Plun­ging of this poore Kingdome into the bottomlesse Gulfe of despaire and ruine.

All which was we must attribute chiefly and before all things to the many crying sins, of which this whole King­dome, hath been guilty, justly provoking God to be angry with us, and thus severely to chastice us▪ that we may be humbled under his Mighty hand: so we cannot but observe those manifest and more mediate causes of this our great afflictions, which we can attribute to nothing so much and more obvious and apparent, Then to the great distance and misunderstanding, which now for many yeares, hath continued betwixt his Majesty and the two Houses of Parliament; The happy composing of which we with patience continue to expect in Gods good time to see effected: and now much the rather are our hopes quickned, our hearts cheared, and we refreshed, that (notwithstanding the late Votes of both Houses of no addresse to his Majesty, nor of his Majesty to them, (which strook us with extreame amazement) we perceive God hath affected your hearts, not only to Vote an Addresse to his Majesty, but also to intend a personall Treaty with Him, the only probable way (under God that we know of) to effect a perfect good understanding, Vnion and agreement betwixt his Majesty and you (so much desired by all) and so to restore once more the blessed voice of Peace to this now languishing and dyeing Kingdome.

And as to so good a work, we doubt not, but you have the concurrent wishes and hearty prayers of the Ge­nerality of the Kingdom, we being confident that the hundreth man, that hath a considerable interest, in the ei­ther reall of personall, in the Kingdome, but from his soule desires it, and will in no sort oppose it, yet because we understand that there wants not some who having some, present power in their hands; doe intend and are very likely to the utmost of their ability to impede and hinder you in so good a worke.

We crave leave to let you know, that what you have don or shall hereafter do, in order to a personall Treaty with his Majesty & to the perfecting of an agreement betwixt him and you, shall not only be received by us with all humble and affectionate acknowledgement. But also we doe solemnely promise and engage our selves, as in the presence of Almighty God, to, and with you, and each one to other, that we will to the utmost hazard of our lives and fortunes, maintaine, assist and defend you in it against all persons whatsoever, enemies to the said personall Treaty and Peace.

We have nothing further to beg of you. But conclude with our hearty prayers to God for you, that be would establish and confirme you in those wayes of Peace, into which we hope you are with sincerity now entered: That so you may have the honour to be the repairers of Breaches, and Restorers of Peace, and we the Comfort to sit every one under our owne Vine and Figg Tree. Blessing you, and God for you, which that we may doe, shall ever be our prayers.

All Free men in the City of LONDON, into whose hands this paper shall come, are requested to under write and send it forwards, that so it may be presented to the Lord Mayor and Common Councell; and from them to the Honourable Houses or Parliament. All Counties, Cities, Townes, Boroughs, and all Free-holders of this whole Kingdome are requested the same.

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