The humble Address of your Majesties Deputy-Lieutenants, Justices of the Peace, and Commission-Officers of the County of Glamorgan.

WE Your Majesties most Loyal and Obedi­ent Subjects after the publication of Your Majesties most Gracious Declaration, do in most humble manner acquiesce to your Majesties most just Reasons, for your Dissolving the two last Parliaments; We do from the Bottom of our Hearts, render your Majesty thanks for your so gracious Condescension in giving your Subjects Reasons for your so doing; when we acknow­ledge it your Majesties undoubted Right and Pre­rogative to Call and Dissolve Parliaments, accor­ding to your Royal Will and Pleasure; and we rejoyce and lay hold of your most Royal Promise therein, to Govern this your Kingdom, by the known Laws thereof, as now established in Church and State; for that thereby we are secured in our Religion, Lives Properties, both against Papists and usurping Phanaticks, Your Majesties firm resolu­tion of not departing from what you had former­ly Declared concerning the Succession of your Majesties Royal Crown, is none of the least signs of your Majesties Conscientious Justice and Love to the Peace of this Nation. We therefore here­unto subscribing, do humbly Declare. That we will adhere and stick to your Majesties Person, all your Rights and Prerogatives, and the sup­port of your Majesties Government with our Lives and Fortunes; and now we pray that your most Sacred Majesty may have a long and prospe­rous Reign over us, and that after you, your law­ful Hei [...]s and Successors may Sit in the Throne to the Worlds end.

The humble Address of your Majesties Lieutenant, Deputy-Lieutenants, Officers of the Militia, the Justices of the Peace, Clergy, Freeholders, and Gentry of the County of Northum­berland.

We Your Majesties remotest, yet most Loyal Subjects, for ever confirmed in the fullest Obedience, and greatest Gratitude imaginable to your Sacred Majesty, by our sad experience and Sense of what we have suffered heretofore in our Fortunes, our Liberties, and the Lives of our dearest Relati­ons, the Tragical Cosequence of that most horrid Regicide acted upon your Royal Father of Glorious and Blessed Memory, when we reflect upon those hor­rid Actions and Preceedings;

And having seen with our Eyes the late Endea­vours and Practices of many men of the same Prin­ciples tending to the subversion of the Government of Church and State, never to be effected without de­struction of your Royal Person, and your most Illustri­ous Brother, in which our Lives, our Liberties and Properties must of necessity be involved:

Now apprehending our selves preserved under God, next and immediatly by Your Majesties prudent fore­sight and extraordinary Care, we do with greatest Transport of joy, and hearty Thankfulness, return your Majesty our most humble and express Acknowledge­ment for opposing, with such incomparable Resoluti­on, the Arbitrary and unnatural Proceedings against the udoubted right of your Succession in the Person of your Royal Brother, the greatest Example of Trust Duty, & Obedience to your Sacred Majesty, & when your Princely Wisdom shall think fit to call a Par­liament at any time, and in any place, both which are intirely and absolutely in your Mayesties power, we will mainly endeavour that from this County shall be elected such Members, as shall not be tainted with Arbitrary and Commonwealth Principles, and such as shall duly consider your Majesties just demands as their best Rules to concur with, as to supplies of Money, or other your great Affairs of State, so un­reasonably obstructed by some men in the late Sessions of Parliament, to the danger of your Dominions and In­terest abroad, and to the prejudice of your greatest Concerns at home.

And being infinitely oblieged by your Majesties condescending to sit out your late Declaration to our full satisfaction, we clearly Discern and Confess your reasons to have been of sufficient weight and ground for your late Royal Proceedings in the Proro­gations and Dissolations of the two last Parliaments; and humbly beg your Majesties Gracious Opinion and Acceptance of us and our unfeigned humble Address; assuring your Majesty, that we will to the last Mite of our Fortune, and Minute of Life, stand for the perservation of so good and Gracious a Prince, and your Royal Successors (in the duecourse of Descent) your Royal Prerogative and Rights of the Crown, the Portestant Religion as it is now estableshed by Law, and the known Laws of the Realm; and heartily pray for your Majesties Life and happovernment.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His Sacred Majesty, 1681.

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