Here is some comfort for Poor Cavaleeres: OR,

The Duke of Yorks Speech to the Parliament of England, concerning his Fa­thers old Souldiers; also, a brief Relation of the forty five sail of Ships that have crost the Ocean with a numerous company of English Gallants; Prince Robert doth represent the Kings Royal person in Portugal.

They'l fetch a Queen with store of Indian Treasure
Will make old Cavies laugh beyond all measure.
To a pleasant tune called Moncks March, or, Maids will say nay and take it.
OLd Cavaléers
prick up your ears
That have béen Loyal hearted,
unto the King
in every thing
And never from him started;
though many a year
it doth appear
By Rebels you were slighted,
but at the last
when sorrow's past
You now shall bée requited,
You that did fight,
for Charls his Right,
against the new inventions,
The Parliament
doth give consent
That you shall all have Pensions.
The Duke of York
that valiant spark
These words rehearsed rather,
why should not they
receive some pay
That ever lov'd my Father?
as well as those
that were his foes,
And sought the lands confusion:
a cursed thing
they brought their King
Vnto his dissolution:
You that did fight
for Charls his Right,
against the new inventions;
the Parliament
doth give consent
That you shall all have Pensions.

The second part

to the same Tune:
YOur wounds and scars
in Charles his Wars
They shall not be forgotten,
although he's dead,
and buried
And's Royall bones are rotten,
yet now his Heir
sits in the Chair
Of Iudgement Right and Reason,
his Fathers friends
hée'l make a mends
And punish knaves for Treason.
You that did fight, &c.
Such news I hear
you need not fear
Will make you blithe and jolly
't will make you laugh
and merrily quaff
To drink away melancholy,
contented bée
untill you sée
Our Royall King is Married;
you shall be pai'd
be not afraid
Though you long time have tarried,
You that did fight, &c.
A famous Fleet,
with men discreet,
To Portugal is Sailing,
to fetch our Quéen
which will be séen
With happiness prevailing:
her vertues are,
beyond compare
If truth may be believed,
then Cavies all
both great and small
Rejoyce and not be grieved.
You that did fight, &c
On Mid-summer-day
they Lanched away
To fetch that Royall pattern,
Prince Robert hée
the man must bée
That must salute Quéen Kathern:
in Armour bright
a braver sight
Ne're séen in any Nation,
a sword betwéen
him and the Queen
That is all Europe's fashion,
You that did fight, &c.
Both Lords and Knights
for their delights,
Did make such preparation,
to cross the Seas,
their mindes to please,
to see Quéen Katherine's Nation.
a braver show
for truth I know
In Europe can't bee raised,
for solid men
I say agen
Th'ar' worthy to be praised.
You that did fight, &c.
At their return
bone-fires will burn
And English Bells bee ringing.
true Loyal hearts,
throughout all parts
For joy will then be singing,
oth' marriage day,
wee'l dance and play,
In spite of Quakers yauling,
if Vivat Rex
their spirits vex,
wee'l thump them for their bauling,
You that did fight, &c.
Our King God bless,
with happiness,
And every one that loves him,
will firmly stand,
at his command,
As it doth right behove them,
the Clergy men,
with Tongue and Pen,
Confute will every wigeon,
in spite of Spain
they will maintain
True Protestant Religion,
You that did fight
for Charls his right
against these new inven [...]ions,
the Parliament
doth give consent
That you shall all have Pensions.
T. I

London, printed for F. Grove on Snow-hill. Entred according to order Finis.

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