GENERALL SAILING-ORDERS According to which Masters as have a Mind to saile are to ruled by.



By Isaac van Lochem, Bookseller in the Milstreete, by order of Their Lordships, the Lords of the Admirality upon the Maze.


I. Sailing out of a Road by day.

WHen the Capt: or Comander in­tends to saile from any Roade, he shall put up a blew Ancient at the Stern, and fire one gun.

II. To saile being at Sea.

If the Capt: intends to saile at Sea, he shall loozen his M [...]zzen, and put up a blew Ancient without shooting.

III. Lights put out by night.

In the Night the Capt: shall constantly keepe [...] Lights at Stern, and each Shipmaster one, which shall goe aboute by turns, according to the names hereunder mentioned, and that Shipper that is at night to carry the light, shall that afternoone set up his Coullers at Stern, to know whose turn it is, and none shall offer in the night to saile by that Light-Ship, upon forfeiture of six Gilders to the Poore, and the Capt: with the Lightship shall saile with the slowest sailing Ships, by which the Capt: shall continue constantly with, and the Light-Ship just before him.

IV. Saile by nigt

If the Captaine intends to saile by night, he shall set up 3 Lights upon the Poop, and fire one gun, the other Ships shall also set up one Light, and when the Captaine being under saile, take in his third Light; the other Ships then shall every one take in their Lights, except he whose turn it is to carry the Light.

V. Tack by day

When the Captaine intends to tack about by day, he shall put up a Jack at the Stern in place of an Ancient, to give one another a good opening without damnifying.

VI. Tack by nigt

When the Capt. thinks fit to tack about by Night, he shall set up 3. Lights, and fire 2 guns, and if any of the Shippers has a mind to tack soo­ner, he shall set up 2 Lights, and yet notwith­standing every Master shall be bound to set up one Light, ro prevent all dammages upon the forfeit of ten Gilders.

VII. anker by nigt

If the Capt. thinks to ancker by night, he shall hang up a Light in the Foreshrowds, fire one gun, and continue his 2 Lights at stern, and then eve­ry Master set up one light, and another to hang in the Fore▪shrowds, to prevent damage to one another, and make a good opening, and when the Capt. continues his 2 Lights at stern being come to an anker, every Ship shall alsoe conti­nue his light.

VIII. Cours chan­ged by night.

If the Cap t. changes his course by Night, he shall then by those his 2. Lights at stern hang one Light on the Mizzen shrowds, & fire one gun, the Masters then shall every one set up one Light, and he that Carries the Light shall set up 2 and when the Captains Light shall have hung 2 glasses on the shrowds, it shall then be taken downe, and so follow each other conveniently.

IX. In danger by night.

If by Night any of the Masters perceive harm at hand he shall Make as much noise as he can and make towards the Convoyer as well with shooting as with fail's fire or with any thing that will make a Noise.

X. by night to lay the Foresaile to the Mast.

If the Cap t thinks fit to lay the foresaile to the mast he shall by 3 Lights at stern with firing 3 guns at some distance from each shot and so drive toge­ther.

XI. At night by Mainesaile.

If the Cap: thinks fit to saile with the mainesaile the Masters then shall constantly cary one Light to keepe together the better. The appointed one Light-Ship 2 Lights, and the Capt: 3 Lights up­on forfeit of 25 Gilders to the poore.

XII. In distresse.

If any of the Ships become to be leckee, losing masts, sailes or yards, or any other inconvenience (which God defend) he shall if by day set up a Bonet or Canvis on the round top, and if by night set up as many Lights as he can, upon which the [Page] Capt: and if possible all the rest of the Ships shall steere to him to assist him to the utmost of their power upon the forfeiture of 6 Gilders.

XIII. Stragled by day.

If the Ships straggle from one another, and by day fal out of sight from each other, he that is to wether shall hale up his foresaile, and missen to discover his Ship, which the leeward Ship seing, shall hale or clue up his Saile and Missen, and the doggers and hoys their Foresails, and missen by which they shall know one another, and come together.

XIV. Stragled by night.

If the same happens by night, then 2 lights shall be set up at Stern and upon Deck to make false fire the one Ship haling the other shall answeare from whence the Ship, to which the other shall an­sweare

XV. Perceiving Land by Night.

He that espies any Land o [...] shalow Water by night, he shall set up 2 lights at stern with a Light in the maine Top, and saile to the Convoyer, who then shall give the needeful signe to tack ab­out, and if it happeas by day, he shall set up a Princes Flag (a Dutch Ancient) at stern, and saile by the Convoyer.

XVI. The Captaine desiring Ma­sters aboard.

If the Capt: hath a mind to have the Masters a board to propose any thing necessary for the vo­yage, he shall set up a white Flag at stern, and fire one gun, upon the forfeit of six Gilders.

XVII The Captain desirings to speake with the Masters.

If the Captaine has a mind to speake with the Masters, he shall set up a pendant behind upon the Mizzen peake, and if the Masters have a mind to speake with the Captaine, they shall hoise up their ancient to the ancient staffe double.

XVIII. To drive by night in fine weather.

If the Captaine thinks fit with fine weather by night to drive by, he then shall put up 2 lights be­hind on the poop, and hoise up a light to the Flag­staff, and fire 2 guns short upon one another.

XIX. After driv­ing to saile again:

If the Captaine after driving intends to saile a­gain, he shall then set up 2 Lights on the poop agen, and one Light on the Flag-staf, and fire 2 great Cannons.

XX. To tak in misty weather.

In the first place the Ships in our Fleete shall keepe close together when they perceive the mist or fog accoming, and being misty shall be very carefull not to make to much saile unlesse we are forced to a lee shore, and when we are to tack the Capt: shall fire 2 guns short upon the other, and tack about to most advantage from the lee shoore.

XXI. In Mist to anker.

If we are necessited through misty Weather to anker, the Capt: shall fire 3 guns at some distance from one another, and constantly be beating the drum.

XXII. To saile in a Mist.

And if it be thought fit to set saile again with the mainsaile, the signe then shall be by 3 guns fired quick upon each other, thereby to get from the lee shore by the best tack aboute, or steer such a course, where we are designed unto, and shall be obleiged every evening to saile below the most Leeward-Ship, upon forfeit of 25 Gilders to the Poore.


And if the Captaine thinks fit with misty wea­ther to drive, and to clue up the sailes, he shall then fire 4 guns in order after each other, and in driving and sailing often to beate the Drum, or sound the Trumpet, and sometimes fire a Musquet till the Marchants-Ships heare, and answeare with a Musquet, or also to beate the Drum, and make what noise they can to keepe together, to which the Masters are to rule themselves thereafter.

The Errors of the Printer are so few as may, be corrected by the sence.

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