[royal blazon or coat of arms]


AMong Mechanicks, MASONS I extoll,
And with the best I doubt not to Enroll.
Before the Flood
Antiquity and Noble Precedents.
Antiquity they Claime,
The MASON then must have an antient Name.
VVhen Godly
Josephus de Antiq. Jud. Jude Epist.
Enoch by his Divine Art,
He did foretell how that the VVorld should smart
By Fire and Water, he two Pillars made,
The one with Brick, and one with Stone was laid:
He wrote thereon all Sciences and Arts,
Some knowledge to Diffuse in all Mens hearts.
If Water came, the Stone might it endure;
The Brick the Fire; so all continued sure.
Exod. 32.
Moral-Law, in writ none could it have,
Till GOD Himself in Stone he must it Grave.
For Hewing Stone, none can put you to shame,
Honourable and mysterious Badge.
The Corner-Stone, to JESƲS is a Name:
For this I think the MASON must be Blest,
From antient times he hath a Divine
A Metaphore taken from a part of the Coat of Arms.
A Character whereby they know each other,
And yet so Secret, none knows but a Brother.
All Temples, Turrets,
Noble and Stately Works.
Pallaces of Kings,
All Castles, Steeples, and such other things:
Strong Holds and Houses, which do long endure,
Do owe all what they have to MASONS CURE.
All Courts great Grandeur, and Magnifick State,
What Pomp they have, from MASONS they do get;
The strictest Laws they have for
Laws and Order.
The greatest Charity when BRETHREN fail.
Symbols Divine,
The Sum of all.
Pomp, Dwelling, Law and Love;
Few are the Men who do such Tradsmen prove.

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