A Groatsworth of Good Counsel for a Penny;
The Bad Husbands
Bad Husbands all, come hear what
I have pend,
I hope this song to you will be a friend,
And let no man now spend his means in waste,
It brings him into poverty and disgrace,
And now bad Husbands hear what
I say,
And save a groat against a rainy day.
To the Tune of Packingtons Pound; Or, Digby's farewel.
With [...]llowance.
COme hither good fellows and hear what I say,
A new song I will sing if you please for to stay
And if you will be warned by me,
To be careful in time and save your mony,
Foul Winters are long, and cold weather is hard
And a man without money no one will regard,
Let your wife and your children be your chief care,
For wring-spiggots care not how hard they do fare
There's some are so cunning they'l hold you in play
For to get your money, they'l cause you to stay:
With so many fine words, and may chance a fine bit
While your money doth last, she will cause you to sit
Vntil their strong liquor doth flye in your face,
You are apt all your money then to part with apace,
Then the Ale-wives market is got to a head,
while your wife & children may chance to want bred.
If you sell house or Lands or put goods unto sale,
If they see you have money you shall not want ale;
For as long as my money did hold out and run,
I was bravely respected by every man:
But now I do know and I plainly do see,
It was more for the love of my money then me;
As long as a man has a coat on his back
To fill in their liquor they will not be stack.
This by experience I find to be true,
Which makes both my back and my belly to rue,
For when I had Gold and silver good store,
There would be such buslings to set me ashore:
But I have spent and wasted my store,
I may knock twenty times e're they open the door,
And if
I say
I want money, will you trust me a quart
Then they say honest friend we'r not trusted Malt.
If a man can be wise and consider this Song,
It may chance to do him good for to guide him along
For spending and wasting consumes a mans state,
Then he falls into misery and repents when to late
But that's not the way as I told you to day,
It is the ale-wives delight to make them their prey
The best thing that I know is for a man to take care
Then his wife and his children the better will fare,
What is a man better to have store of means,
And waste it away like butter in the Sun,
Then he like a Cow that doth fill a great pale,
And after to cast it all down with her heel,
But be careful to labour in an honest way
Then God he will bless you by night and by day.
that man is bewicht that hath a good state of his own
And not be content till 'tis gone down the red lane.
If you drink the very shirt and Coat from your back,
If some get your money they care not who lack,
And they sit in their Chair in pomp and in state,
As long as you have a penny they'l hold you in prate:
But if that they see that your pockets are bare,
They say honest friend we will fill no more beer:
Pray pay your reckoning and go home to your wife,
If she chance to look you, she'l lead you a bad life.
I told you before in a Song I did sing,
That winter is long and much hungar doth bring,
And many a family comes unto want,
Where husbands are given to drink and to rant:
Therefore it is good to keep something in store,
And learn to pass by ale-houses door,
And think of cold winter, for be sure it will come,
If means then be wanting then all are undone.
Let old Age and Sickness be a mans chiefest care,
Besure it will come, we must all have a share,
Then bad husbands will think what they spent in vain pots
When they have gon home and made themselves sots;
Is it not then folly for a man to do so,
He knows not his friend then I say from his Foe:
He wasteth his wit and consumes his estate,
And repenteth his folly when it is too late.
Now in spending your money be not too free,
But trust to your se
[...]ves when you do no see me,
And be sure to save something against a rainy day,
Then your own pot at home the better will play:
And to your own Wi
[...]e and Children be kind,
And that will be the part o
[...] an h
[...]st mans mind;
And not spend your money in a drunken crew,
Lest they want it at home then the fault is in you.
Now in the Conclusion I have a word more to say,
Take every one one, and make no delay,
The price is but a penny and that is not dear,
The best penny worth of wit that you bought this 2 year:
And be sure to observe it when you have it at home,
It may chance do you good when I am dead and gone,
It may save you a groat when you would cast it away,
For to do you good in a cold winters day
Printed for P. Brooksby, at the Sign of the Golden-Ball, in Pye-Corner.