A SUPPLEMENT TO THE Asses Complaint against Balaam;
Or the Cry of the COUNTRY AGAINST Ignorant and Scandalous Ministers.

A Vaunt ye smooth-Tongu'd flatterers of the age;
Praesto ye meal-mouth'd Prophets; clear the Stage;
Enter the Asse again, who (though he Kneel
Unto the Higher Pow'rs) lifts up his Heel
Against all those who make Gods house a Den
It hath been a Den of Lay Theeves too long already.
Clergy Theeves; Have at them once agen.
—But hark; I hear a Country Parish crye,
"Were ever Christians in such slavery?
"Must we be taught by an Illit'rate Bear?
"Hee Preach? Hee'l only teach our Boyes to swear.
—Is then your Priest a Swearer? Hah —must he
That taunts a Bishop taste a Pillory?
And 'tis but Just, and right; Yet who controules
Him who Blasphemes the Bishop of our Souls?
What? Is an oath lesse poenal then a word?
Or is the Servant greater then his Lord?
No; He that swears commits the fouler Sin,
And more deserves to lose his eares then —
—'Tis true Seditious Spirits, that Deny
Obedience to the Sacred Hierarchy,
Merit Severe Correction, let them hae't;
They'r the Disturbers both of Church and State;
Yet Praelat's Zeal would be much better shown
In striking Gods offenders then their own,
—Nay, Gods are theirs; for he that wears lawn sleeves
Like Christ is murder'd 'twixt a brace of Theeves,
Both shew their enmity, but Divers wayes,
The Presbyter Denyes, but This betrayes;
Now tell me (gentle Reader) which were Greater,
The sin of Judas, or the crime of Peter?
—Then let the Bishops cast them out, for thus
They do but Justice to themselves and us;
Like the wise Mariners, who, to appease
The fury of the raging VVinds, and Seas,
Threw Jonas over-board; such was hi [...] [...]
There was no Cannon Law to keep him in.
Nor is it reason all should be maintain'd
I'th Church, who took Degrees, and were Ordain'd;
For He that after proves a Drunken Beast,
Degrades himselfe from Man, much more from Priest
And such they were who caus'd our Bloody War,
When Levy's tribe were kick'd by Issacar;
For though Men speak with a not so my Sons,
Yet God reprov'd them with the voice of Guns.
Phanaticks, those Philistins, wan the field,
Whilst our poor Israel were forc'd to yield;
For Eli's boyes had lost the Ark of God,
Each Phinehas begat an Ichabod.
Then Oh ye Bishops heal these sad disasters,
We do not call for Rectors but for Pastors.
A Priest should lead his Parish as a guide,
Not leap upon their galled backs and ride,
For 'tis our Mother Churche's grand disgrace,
That these black patches stick upon her face.

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