THE GREAT MEMORIAL: OR, A List of the Names of those pretended JUDGES who Sate, and Sentenced our late Soveraign KING CHARLES the First, in the place which they called the High Court of Justice, January 27. 1648. And also of those Thirty five Witnesses Sworn against the said KING; The Sentence read against him; With the Catalogue of the Names of those that Subscribed and Sealed the Warrant for his Execution; and the Manner of his Cruel Murther.
- JOhn Bradshaw Lord President.
- Oliver Cromwel.
- Henry Ireton.
- Sir Hardresse Waller.
- Valentine Walton.
- Thomas Harrison.
- Edward Whaley.
- Thomas Pride.
- Isaac Ewer.
- Lord Grey of Grooby.
- William Lord Mounson.
- Sir John Danvers.
- Sir Thomas Maleverer.
- Sir John Bourcher.
- Isaac Pennington.
- Henry Martin.
- William Purifoye.
- John Barkstead.
- Matthew Tomlinson.
- John Blakeston.
- Gilbert Millington.
- Thomas Chaloner.
- Sir William Constable.
- Edmund Ludlow.
- John Hutchison.
- Sir Michael Livesey.
- Robert Tichburne.
- Owen Roe.
- Robert Lilburne.
- Adrian Scroop.
- Richard Dean.
- John Okey.
- John Harrison.
- John Hewson.
- William Goffe.
- Cornelius Holland.
- John Carew.
- John Jones.
- Thomas Lister.
- Peregrine Pelham.
- Thomas Wogan.
- Frances Allen.
- Daniel Blagrave.
- John Moor.
- William Say.
- Frances Lascels.
- James Chaloner.
- Gregory Clement.
- Sir Gregory Norton.
- John Venn.
- Thomas Andrews.
- Anthony Stapley.
- Thomas Horton.
- John Lisle.
- John Brown.
- John Dixwell.
- Miles Corbett.
- Simon Meyne.
- John Alured.
- Henry Smith.
- Humphrey Edwards.
- John Frye.
- Edmond Harvey.
- Thomas Scot.
- William Cawley.
- John Downes.
- Thomas Hammond.
- Vincent Potter.
- Augustine Garland.
- Charles Fleetwood.
- James Temple.
- Thomas Wayte.
- HEnry Hartford of Stratford upon Avon in Com. Warwick.
- Edward Roberts of Bishops Castle in Com. Salop, Ironmonger.
- William Braynes of Wrixall in Com. Salop, Gent.
- Robert Lacie of Nottingham, Painter.
- Robert Loads of Cottam in Com. Nottingham Tyler.
- Samuel Morgan of Wellington in Com. Salop, Feltmaker.
- James Williams of Rosse in Com. Hartford, Shoomaker.
- Richard Pots of Sharpreton in Com. Northumberland, Vintner.
- Giles Grice of Wellington in Com. Salop, Gent.
- William Arnop of [...]
- John Hudson of [...]
- John Winston of Dornorham in Com. Wilts.
- George Seeley of London Cordwainer.
- John Moor of Corke in Ireland Gent.
- Thomas Ives of Boyset in Com. Northampton. Husbandman.
- James Cresby of Dublin in Ireland Barber.
- Thomas Rawlins of Hanslop in Com. Buck. Gent.
- Richard Bloomfeild of London, Weaver.
- John Thomas of Langallan in Com. Denbigh.
- Willam Lawson of Nottingham, Maulster.
- John Pinegar of Damer in Com. Darby, Shoemaker.
- Humphrey Browne of Whitsundine in Com. Rutland, Yeoman.
- David Evans of Neathe in Com. Glamorgan, Gent.
- Robert Holmes of [...]
- Robert Williams of S. Hillary in Com. Glamorgan, Atturney.
- Samuel Woorden of Lineham in Com. Wilts, Gent.
- Thomas Read of Maidstone in Com. Kent. Gent.
- George Cornwall of Aston in Com. Hereford, Forgeman.
- William Jones of Uske in Com. Monmouth, Husbandman.
- Arthur Youg Citizen and Barber Chirurgion of London.
- Diogenes Edwards of Carston in Com. Salop, Butcher.
- John Bennet of Harwood in Com. Ebor. Glover.
- William Cutbert of Patrington in Holdernesse in Com. Ebor. Gent.
- Richard Price of London, Scrivener.
- Henry Gouch of Grays-Inn, Gent.
- Doctor Dorislaus.
- Mr. Aske.
- Mr. John Cook Solicitor.
- Serjeant Dendy, Serjeant at Arms.
Clerks to the Court.
- Mr. Broughton
- Mr. Phelpes
- Colonel Humphrey, Sword-bearer.
- Mr. Walford.
- Mr. Radley,
- Mr. Paine.
- Mr. Powell.
- Mr. Hull.
- Mr. King.
The Sentence against the said KING, January 27. 1648. which was read, by Mr. Broughton aforesaid, Clerk.
WHereas the Commons of England in Parliament, have appointed them an High Court of Justice for the Tryall of CHARLES STƲART King [...] England, before whom he had been Three times Convented, and at the first time a Charge of High Treason and other Crimes and Misdemeanours was read in the behalf of the Kingdom of England, &c. as in the Charge which was read throughout.
To which Charge, he the said Charles Stuart was required to give his Answer, but he refused so to do; and so exprest several passages at his Tryal in refusing to answer.
For all which Treasons and Crimes, this Court doth adjudge, That the said Charles Stuart, as a Tyrant, Traytor, Murtherer, and Publick enemy, shall be put to death, by severing his head from his Body.
The Sentence (sayes the President) now read and published is the Act, Sentence, Judgement and Resolution of the whole Court. To which the Members of the Court stood up and assented to what he said by holding up their hands.
The King offered to speak, but he was instantly commanded to be taken away, and the Court broke up.
The true manner of proceeding to take off the Kings Head, according to the Sentence given as aforesaid.
SIr Hardresse Waller, Colonel Harrison, Commissary General Ireton, Colonel Dean, and Colonel Okey, were appointed to consider of the Time and Place for the Execution of the King, according to his Sentence, given by the (pretended) High Court of Justice.
UPon Report made from the Committee for Considering of the Time and Place of the Executing of the Judgement against the King, that the said Committee have Resolved, That the open street before Whitehall is a fit place: And the said Committee conceive it fit, That the King be there e [...] cuted th [...] [...]orrow, the King having already notice thereof.
The Court approved thereof, and ordered a Warrant to drawn to that purpose, which Warrant was accordingly [...] and agreed to, and Ordered to be ingrossed, which was [...] and signed and sealed accord [...] [...] followeth.
At the High Court of Justice for the Trying and Judging of Charles Stuart King of England, Jan. 29. 1648.
WHereas Charles Stuart King of England, is and standeth Convicted Attained and Condemned of High Treason, and other Crimes, and Sentence on Suturday last was pronounced against him by this Court, to be put to Death, by the severing his head from his body, of which Sentence Execution yet remaineth to be done. These are therefore to will and require you, to see the said Sentence Executed in the open street before White-hall upon the morrow, being the 30. day of this instant Month of January, between the hours of Ten in the morning, and Five in the afternoon of the same day, with full effect: and for so doing, This shall be your sufficient Warrant: And these are to require all Officers and Souldiers and other the good people of this Nation of England to be assistant unto you in this Service.
Given under our Hands and Seals.
- John Bradshaw President.
- Thomas Gray.
- Oliver Cromwell.
- Edward Whaley.
- John Okey.
- John Danvers.
- Mich. Livesey.
- John Bourcher.
- Hen. Ireton.
- Tho. Maleverer.
- Jo. Blackeston.
- Jo. Hutchison.
- William Goffe.
- Tho. Pride.
- Henry Smith.
- Vincent Potter.
- Will. Constable.
- Rich. Ingoldsby.
- William Cawley.
- Joh. Barkstead.
- Isaac Ewer.
- Val. Walton.
- Peter Temple.
- Thomas Harrison.
- Joh. Hewson.
- Per. Pelham.
- Richard Dean.
- Rob. Tichburn.
- Hump. Edwards.
- Dan. Blagrave.
- Owen Roe.
- Will. Purifoye.
- Adrian Scroop.
- James Templer.
- Aug. Garland.
- Edmon Ludlow.
- Hen. Martin.
- Jo. Alured.
- Rob. Lilburn.
- Will. Say.
- Anthony Stapley.
- Gregory Norton.
- Tho. Caloner.
- Tho. Wogan.
- Simom Meyne.
- Tho. Horton.
- Jo. Jones.
- Jo. Moor.
- Hardresse Waller.
- Gilb. Millington.
- Ch. Fleetwood.
- Jo. Venn.
- Greg. Clement.
- Jo. Downs.
- Tho. Waite.
- Tho. Scot.
- John Carew.
- Miles Corbet.
- In all 58.
Ordered, That the [...]ffold on which the King is to be executed, be covered with black.
The Warrant for executing the King being accordingly delivered to those parties to whom the same was directed, Execution was done upon him according to the Tenor thereof about Two a clock in the afternoon, of the said 30. of January, 1648.
The fatall day. of. the said Execution, being Tuesday, January the 30. 1648.
HIs Majesty continued in Prayer all the morning, and receives the Sacrament. Just at Ten a Clock before noon, he was conveyed on foot from St. Jame's Palace to Whitehall, guarded by a Regiment of Foot Souldiers, part before, part behinde, with Colours flying, and Drums beating, his private guard of Partizans about him, and Dr. Juxon Bishop of London, next to him on one side, and Colonel Tomlinson on the other; being come to Whitehall, he continued in his Cabinet-Chamber at his Devosions, refusing to dine, only about 12 a clock he eat a bit of Bread, and drank a glasse of Claret Wine; from thence he was conveyed into the Banqueting house, and the great window inlarged, out of which he ascends the Scaffold, the rails being hung round, and the floor covered with black; His Executioners disguised with Vizards, yet was his Majesty not affrighted: He shewed more care of the people living, then of himself dying: for looking round about upon the people, whom the thick Guards of Souldiers kept a great distance off, and seeing he could not be heard by them, omitting (probably) what he purposed to have spoken to them, therefore turning to the Officers and Actors by him, he delivered himself in a short (but excellent) Speech, which being ended, he meekly went to Prayers, and after some heavenly discourse between him and the Bishop, having prepared himself, he lifted up his eyes to heaven, mildly praying to himself, he stooped down to the block as to a prayer-desk, and most humbly bowed his generous Neck to God, to be cut off by the Vizarded Executioner, which was sodainly done at one blow. Thus fell King CHARLES, and thus all Britain with him.