The Good Wives Fore-cast,
OR, THE Kind and Loving Mothers Counsel to her Daughter after Marriage
My Daughter dear I pray give ear,
this Lesson I have learn'd,
I'll tell to you, you'l find it true,
a penny sav'd, is earn'd.
Tune of, Why are my Eyes, still flow—ing, &c.
This may be Printed,
R. P.
MY Daughter dear, now since you are become a Bride,
Take these my Precepts for to be your guide;
Therefore attend, and listen well; for they are these,
First you must strive your Kind Husband to please;
The next is this, which you must understand,
Still to provide all things at the best hand:
For I must tell you, this Lesson I learn'd:
A Penny well sav'd is as good as one earn'd.
Your Husband he by Labour dayly does provide,
Both meat and Drink, likewise all things beside;
Therefore besure you don't abroad with Gossips rome,
For 'tis your duty to Kéep your own home,
E'ry thing needful alwayes to repair,
This must still be your industrious care,
For by experience this Lesson
I learn'd:
A penny well sav'd, is as good as one earn'd.
Some Wifes will boast that they their Family's maint
And therefore over their Husbands may Reign,
Yet take no rule, dear Daughter, by such wives as these,
But still be careful your husband to please;
What tho' you cannot get so much as they,
If you will learn but to honour, obey
This is the furthest you need be concern'd
A Penny well sav'd is as good as one earn'd.
Daughter, for those that has been brought up to a trade,
When they are marry'd what use can be made
Of that imploy, when as they have a Family,
To guide and govern as it ought to be,
Then if that Calling and work, it be done,
All things beside that to Ruing must run:
Therefore I think it may well be disern
A penny well sav'd, is as good as one earn'd.
Maids by their trades themselves too such a pass do bring,
That they can neither brew, bake, wash, nor wring,
Nor any work that's tending to good housewifry;
This amongst many too of
[...]en I see;
Nay their young Children must pack forth to nurs,
All is not got that is put in the Purse;
Therefore of old I this Lesson I've learn'd,
A penny well sav'd, is as good as one earn'd.
Yet there are men that take no thought or care at all,
The comfort of their poor wives is but small,
For they must slave, or else be forst to starve,
But such ill husbands good wives don't deserve;
Altho' a woman indéed may contrive
To help her husband in order to thrive,
But he's no better I think then a Knave,
That takes a woman to make her a slave.
But you are blest with such a real honest man,
Who near expects you to do what you can;
For he is always like unto the painful Bee;
What he does earn, he brings safe home to thee;
When he returns from his Labour at night,
To you in whom he has plac'd his delight;
This my dear daughter you know to be true,
I wish all wives were as happy as you.
To all your words, dear Mother, I have giv'n good heed,
And do account it my Duty indéed,
To prize them far more then the rich refined gold;
Then said her Mother, dear Daughter behold,
Here is my blessing to you I will give,
And be a friend to you as long as I live;
And when I dye, all I have shall be thine,
If you observe this good Councel of mine.