Good newes from Ireland or a Briefe Relation of the Great Battaile fought neere Rosse the 10, of March 1642, with a List of the Commanders slaine and taken prisoners.

M. Wriglisworth.

I have receaved your Letter dated the fourteenth of March, I understand thereby of your paines and care you have tooke therein for which I am obliged unto you for. I hope John Bettson is in London by this. I thought good to give you notice of the great victory and deliverance which God hath given our Army here the first of March, they marched out of towne about 4000 horse and foot, the Chiefe commanders was the Livetenant Generall, the Lord Lile, Sr. Frances Willowby, Sir Thomas Lucas, Sir Richard Greenefield, Collonell Hunks, Collonell Cromwell Colonell Munke, Collonell Gibson, with six pieces of ordnance: First they assaid Timlin Castle they refusing quarter the castle was taken, and three hundred put to the Sword, from thence they marcht to besiege Rosse, after the besieging for foure dayes Generall Preston came upon them with seaven thousand foot and eight hundred horse, all his army were the choyce men of the Kingdome thinking verily to vanquish our army, a new hot battaile they had, insomuch that they came to the sword; the Chiefe of them shewed themselves mighty valerous insomuch that they went so farre on, that they were not able to get off against, the common sort the Generall forget­ting to sheckle them, they all ran away and left their assisers to the mercy of our men, weich shewed them but little, at the last it pleased God to give our army the day: it is credebly reported that there was killed of the chiefe commanders and assisers about three hundred besides, the commons, some say a thousand. I have sent you a list of some of the chiefe Commanders which were taken prisoners and slaine, the most that any man sayes were kild of our men were not a­bove twenty and never a man of note but Marshall Burrowes, but we had severall hurt, as Sir Thomas Lucas cut in the head with a pole-axe, and Major Morris, and Major Hammon shott they came home the seaven and twentieth of March, 1643. The Lord Marbuesse behaved him­selfe very valiantly and so di all the rest. I pray remember my service to your partner, and give him thankes for his intelligence, I pray shew him this, with my love to your selfe I rest and am.

Your loving friend, Jer. Raddams.

A List of prisoners taken and slaine at the bettaile neere Rosse the tenth day of March, 1643.


Lievtenant Generall Cvllen, Serant Major Butler Cap. Gelale fitzgerald Cap. John Butler Cap. fitz­geral of Blake-hall, Cap. Masterson, Cap. Dally Cap. Synod Ancient Synod Master Newgent Master Edward Butler. Dallowg Marckemorow.


Coll. Preston, son to John Preston. Coll. Archibold. Lieutenant Coll. Browne. of Mulran­kin. Cap. Brean. Cap. Tobit. Butler. Cap. Scurlocke. Cap. Henry Bagnall Cap. Butler. son to the Lord Donboyne. Captaine Archibold. Captaine Ewstace. Cap. Long Turlowgh O Dempsijr Quarter Master generall second son to the Lord Dempsiy Sir Morgan Cavanah. M. Tho. Butler son to S. R. Butler. M. Ed. Butler of Tully M. Walter Butler B. Butler, Edmond Ric. Buteler son to the Lady margaret. besides 300 more of the best Commanders and Gentlemen slaine.

London, Printed for L Chapman, 1643.

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