THE LATE SPEECH and TESTIMONY OF William Gogor, One of the three desperate and incorrigible Traytors, Executed at the Grass-Mercat in Edinburgh, the eleventh day of March, 1681. for disowning His Sacred Majesties Authority; and owning and adhering to these Bloody and Murdering Prin­ciples, contained in that Execrable Declaration at Sanquhar Cargils Traiterous Covenant, and Sacrilegious Excommuni­cating of the KING, by that Arch-Traytor Cargil, and avowing of themselves to bè bound in Conscience, and by their Covenant to MƲRTHER the KING, and all that Serve under Him; being Armed (the time they were Apprehended) for that purpose.

MEN and Brethren, These are to shew you, that I am come here this day to lay down my Life for owning Christ and his Truths; and in so much as we are Calumniate and Reproach'd▪ by lying upon our Names, and dreadful upbraiding of us, with saying, That we are not led by the Scriptures, and say, we have taken other Rules to walk by; I take the Great God to be Witness against all and every one of them, that I take the VVord of God to be my Rule, and I ne­ver designed any thing but honesty, and faithfulness to Christ: and for own­ing of Christ and the Scriptures, this day I am murdered; for adhering to the Born-down-truths, I am Condemned to dy; and I also leave my Testimony, and bear VVitness against all the Apostate Ministers this day, that have taken fav­our at the Enemies hands: the only thing they take away my Life for is, be­cause I disowned all those Bloody Traitors, not to be Magistrates, which the VVord of God casts off, and we are bound in Conscience and Govenant to God, to dis­own all such as are Enemies to God, and which they are avowed and open Enemies to Christ; And they have made void my Word, saith the Lord. Say what ye will Divils, say VVretches, say Enemies, say what ye will, we are owning the Truth of Christ, and his written VVord; and condemn me in my Judg­ment who will, I leave my Blood on one and all that says we are not led by the Scriptures: I leave my Blood upon you again to be a VVitness a­gainst you, and a Condemnation in the great day of Judgment. I have no more to say, I think this may mitigate all your Rage; and so forth, I leave his Enemies to his Curse, to be punished into Everlasting VVrath, for now and ever, Amen.

Sic subscribitur, WIL. GOGER.

London, Reprinted for John Smith, in Great Queen-Street.

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