A Miraculous VICTORY Obtained by the Right Honorable, FERDINANDO Lord FAIRFAX, against the Army under the Command of the Earl of NEWCASTLE at WAKEFIELD IN YORK-SHIRE: Of the Enemy there was taken prisoners, Genenerall Goring, Sir Thomas Bland, 2 Colonells, Sergeant Major Car, 13 Captains, 1500 Souldiers, 27 Colours of Foot, 3 Cornets of Horse, 4 Lieutenants, 15 Ensignes, and 1 Cornet, 4 peeces of Ordnance, all their Ammunition, and a great number of Armes, with the losse of 7 common Souldiers.
Sent in two Letters to the Honorable, W: LENTHALL, Es q Speaker in the House of COMMONS.
Also a LETTER of great consequence, which was found in Generall Gorings chamber, which was sent to him by his Father the Lord Goring.
ORdered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That publique Thanksgiving be the 28. of this instant May, giveng in all the Churches and Chappells of London, Westminster, Borough of Southwark, Suburbs and places adjacent for the great and good successe [...] hath pleased GOD to give the Forces under the Command of the Lord Fairfax, at the taking in of Wakefield; And that the Letters relating that good successe, be read in the said Churches and Chappels.
MAY 29. Printed for Edw. Husbands. 1643.
WHereas it hath too often been seen that in a great appearance of outward means, we are over confident, and in the smallnesse or diminution of the same, wee are too low and distrustfull; so walking by sight, and not by faith, the divine Goodnesse and Wisdom, to weane us from this corruption, and to teach us the contrary Lesson, to walk by faith and not by sight, hath often wrought and given great Victories, b [...] little means and unexpected wayes.
A notable Patern and Proof whereof is now seen in the Victory given at Wakefield, wherein God gave a happy successe upon great disadvantage and inequal by a far lesser number, even lesse by half, overcoming a greater in a fortified Town, and the persons taken, far exceeding in number those that [...] them, and all this not with the losse of ten persons. As this calls for the eye of Faith, spiritually to discern the great Power and Goodnesse of God, which gives the advantage of Victory on the side of the disadvantage in outward force; so it calls upon us to maintain and continue a course of Faith for the time to come, and by continually looking up unto God, and dependance on him, to expect from his Goodnesse and Bounty the like blessing in other times, of inequallity and disadvantage. And as this ought to confirm our Expectations for the future, so both now and hereafter, when Gods strength doth so visibly appear in our weaknesse, we ought to give the whole Glory and Praise to his strength, and none to our own weaknesse.
Thankfulnesse for blessings past, being an Invitation of blessings to come, and God not failing to supply that, which he knows will certainly, turn to his own Glory. Neither ought our Thanksgiving onely to bound it self in words, or in short thoughts and intentions, but it should especially be expressed in a hearty and reall conversion and conformity of soul and life to him, whose will ought to be the rule of our life, and whose service is the end of our being.
Let it also be further observed, That both this and other Victories have bin given on that Day, which hath been so much opposed by dissolute and Popish persons, even to a confutatiō of it by set discourses, & practical prophanations.
And having given all the Glory to God, it is next just and commendable to take notice of those whom God hath vouchsafed to use in his service, as to encourage them in Gods work, and that Cause, which God doth maintain by his own mighty and out-stretched arm, thus made good in this extraordinary both Deliverance and Victory.
For my Honorable Friend William Lenthall, Esquire, Speaker in the House of COMMONS.
VPon the sixth of this Moneth I writ to you by a speciall Messenger, which I hope is come to your hands; Presently after the dispatch of that Letter, the news was brought me, that the E: of Newcastle had possessed himself both of Rotheram and Sheffeild, the Forces in Rotheram held out two dayes siege and yielded up the Town upon a Treaty, wherein it was agreed, that the town should not be plundered, and that all the Gentlemen, Commanders and Souldiers (six only excepted, that were specially named) leaving their Arms, should have free liberty to go whither they pleased; But when the Enemy entred, contrary to their Articles, they have not onely plundered the town, but have also made all the Commanders and Souldiers prisoners, and do endeavour to constrain them to take up Arms on their party. The Commanders at Sheffeild hearing of the losse of Rotheram, and seeing some of the enemies Forces advanced in view of the town, they all presently desserted the place, as not tenible with so few, against so potent an Army, and fled away with their Arms, some to Chesterfield, and some to Manchester. The losse of these two places hath much elated the enemy, and cast down the spirits of the people in these parts, who daily see the enemy increase in power, and to gain ground, and no succours come to them from any part: The E: of Newcastles Army do now range over all the Southwest part, of this country, pillaging and cruelly using the well-affected party; and the last week there is a Garrison of Horse and Foot laid at Knavesborough, where they begin to fortifie the town, and pillage and utterly ruine all the religious people in those-parts, and round about them. On Friday seven-night last 3 Troops and some other Forces, of which many were French came from that Garrison & pillaged Otley, and there barbarously used some honest women of that town, and in their retreat to Knavesborough upon the open For rest they took a man and a woman, the man they wounded and beat cruelly, and before his face ravished the woman. These particulars I repeat, that you may the more cleerly discern the miseries which this country groans under; and here about Leeds, Bradford, and Hallifax, being a mountainous barren country; the people now begin to be sensible of want, their last yeer provisions being spent, and the enemies Garrisons stopping all provisions both of Corn and Flesh, and other necessaries that were wont to come from the more fruitfull countries to them, their Trade utterly taken away, their poor grow innumerable, and great scarcity of means to relieve them. And this Army which now lyes amongst them to defend them from the enemy, cannot defend them from want, which causeth much murmure and lamentation [Page 4] amongst the people. And for ths Army it selfe, it is so far in arreare, and no way appearing how they shall either be supplied with money nor succours, as they grow very mutinous.
Yet upon Saturday last in the night, I caused to bee drawne out of the Carrisons in Leods, Bradford, Hallifax and Howley, some Horse, Foot, and Dragooners, in all about 1500 men, and sent them against Wakefield, commanded by my sonne, and assisted by Major Generall Gifford, Sir Henry Fowles, and sir William Fairfax, with divers other Commanders, they appeared before Wakefield about four a clock on Sunday in the morning, where they found the enemies (who had intelligence of their design) ready to receive them; There was in the Town Generall Goring, Serjeant Major Generall Mackworth, the Lord Goring, with many other principall Commanders and eminent persons, with about 7. Troops of Horse, and six Regiments, containing 3000 Foot, the Town well Fortified with works, and four peeces of Ordance; Yet our men both Commanders and common Souldiers went on with undanted courages, and notwithstitaling the thick vollyes of small and great shot from the enemies, charged up to their Works, which they entred, seized upon their Ordnance, and turned them upon themselves, and pursued the enemy so close; as they beat quite one of the Town the most part of the Horse, and a great number of the Foot, and made all the rest prisoners, and with them took four piece of Ordnance, and all the Ammunition then in the Town, and a great number of Arms, and amongst the prisoners Generall Goring himself, with divers other Commanders, and other common Souldiers, in all about 1500 men, and 27 Colours of Foot, three Cornets of Horse, of which I send a more particular Life inclosed; The more exact, and particular Relation of this service, as it is restified to me under the hands of the principall Commanders employed in that design: I send you inclosed for your better information, and truly for my part I do rather account it a miracle, than a victory, and the glory and praise to be ascribed to God that wrought it, in which I hope I derrogate nothing from the merits of the Commanders and Souldiers, who every man in his place and duty, shewed as much courage and resolution as could be expected from men, When the Town was thus taken, they found their number and strength too weak to keep it and their prisoner; so they left the place; and marcht away with their booty. In taking the Town we lost no man of note, and not above seven men in all, of which one was the Clerk of the store, and an Ensigne of the Foot, and one a Quartermaster of Horse, the rest Common-Souldiers; But many of our Men were short and wounded. This overthrow hath much enraged the enemies, who threaten a present revenge, and are drawing all their Forces this [Page 5] way to effect it. I perceive there are Succors sent to Lincolnshire and other adjacent Countries, which if they were here, might he employed to as much advantage for the publike safety, as in any place. I desire our condition may be seriously thought on by the house, and the ayds often promised, may presently March away to us, and that Colonell Cromwell, with his horse and foot may also be ordered to march to me; that being joyned together, I may be able to draw this Army into the field, and gain fresh quarter for the Souldiers, and furnish our selves with Powder, Arms, and Ammunition, which is now grown very scarse, and cannot be supplyed, untill the passage to Hull be forced open, which now is possessed by the enemy. If such succours come not timely to us, we cannot long subsist, but must be forced to accept of dishonourable conditions, which besides the losse and ruine of this Countrey, will be a great disadvantage to the generall safety, and withall, some course must be thought on, to furnish large proportion of money to defray the Souldiers Arrears; which I beseech you endeavour for them and me, that am
I Send inclosed, a Letter from the Lord Goring, to his son Generall Goring, found in his Chamber at Wakefield, which will let the House see the Enemies great desire to have this Army ruined, that they might with their whole Force march Southwards.
SAturday night the 20 of May, The Lord Generall gave order for a party of a 1000 Foot, three Companies of Dragooners, and eight Troops of Horse, to March from the Garrisons of Leeds, Bradford, Hallifax, and Howley, Sir Thomas Fairfax commanded in chief; The Foot were commanded by Serjeant Major Generall Gifford, and Sir William Fairfax. The Horse were devided into two Bodies, four Troops Commanded by Sir Thomas Fairfax and the other four Troops, by Sir Henry Foulis; Howley was the Randevouz, where they all met on Saturday last, about twelve a clock at night; about two next morning, they marcht away, and coming to Stanley, where two of the enemies Troops lay with some Dragooners; that Quarter was beaten up, and about one and twenty Prisoners taken. About four a clock in the morning we came [Page 6] before Wakefield, where after some of their Horse were beaten into the Town, the Foot with unspeakable courage, beat the enemies from the Hedges, which they had lyned with Mu [...]kettiers into the Town, and assaulated it in two places, Wrengate and Norgate; and after an hour and a half fight, we recovered one of their Peeces, and turned it upon them; and entred the Town at both places, at one and the same time: When the Baracadoes were opened, Sir Thomas Fairfax with the Horse, fell into the Town, and cleered the Street where Colonell Goring was taken, by Lievtenant Alured, Brother to Captain Alured, a Member of the House; yet in the Market place there stood three Troops of Horse, and Colonell Lamptons Regiment, to whom Major Generall Gifford sent a Trumpet with offer of Quarter, if they would lay down their Arms, they answered, they scorned the Motion; then he fired a Peece of their own Ordinance upon them, and the Horse fell in upon them, beat them out of Town, and took all these Officers exprest in this inclosed List, Twenty seven Colours of Foot, three Coronets of Horse, and about 1500 Common Souldiers. The enemy had in the Town 3000 Foot, and seven Troops of Horse, besides Colonell Lamptons Regiment, which came into the Town, after we had entred the Town: The enemy left behinde them four Peeces of Ordnance, with Ammunition, which we brought away.
- Thomas Fairfax.
- Henry Foulis.
- John Gifford.
- William Fairfax.
- John Holman.
- Robert Foulis.
- Titus Leighton.
- Francis Talbott.
Prisoners Commanders taken at Wakefield, May 21. 1643.
GEnerall Goring, Sir Thomas Bland, Lievtenant Colonell to Sir George Wentworth, Lievt. Colonell Saint George, Lievt. Colonell Macmoyler, Serjeant Major Carr; Captains, Carr, Knight, Wildbore, Rueston, Pemberton, Croft, Ledgard, Lashley, Keayley, Nuttall, Cap. Lievtenant Benson. Serjeant Major Carnaby, and Captain Carnaby, and Captain Nuttall, left wounded in Wakefield upon their Ingagements to be true prisoners. Lievtenants, Munckton, Thomas, Wheatley, Kent, Nicholson. Ensignes, Squire, Vavasor, Maskew, Lampton, Ducket, Stockhald, Baldwinson, Davis, Carr, Gibson, Smathweight, Ballinson, Watson, Smelt, Hallyburton. Coronet Wivill.
AFter this Letter was concluded our men took Wakefield, of which I send a particular Relation inclosed, and a Lift of the Prisoners and other Booty taken; If we had now any force of Horse to joyn with us, we should in all probability utterly rout the Enemies in this Countrey, or shut them up in holds, which if it do not speedily come, we shall be in danger to perish, if the Enemy draw his whole Force upon us.
I had forgotten in the Letter to the Speaker to mention the new Commissions granted by the King, wherein His Majestie, according to the known Laws of the Land (as all things are said to be done) gives liberty to the parties to whom the Commissions directed, to Plunder, and take mens Estates, so as they account for the moitie of the profit to His Majestie; this is confessed by the Captains now Prisoners here.
It is now about three weeks since we had any Letter from you, or any advertisement from the South.
I Saw what you wrote to H. Jermine, and finde that the businesse will be put on that way; But I am of opinion that Your Generall will never consent to it, the latter way of dividing his Force, unlesse it be in the Countrey where he will abide his self, this will be tried to morrow at his return hither, where the Queen expects him. In the interim, If it were possible to give the Enemy any such knock, or considerable disturbance, to the Countrey round [Page 8] about them, which hath not yet felt the misery of their neighbours. I would not doubt but the Treatie might be resumed again, by which means and by no other, your Armie may be set at Libertie to change your stations, and do something that may be of consequence indeed. I pray you think seriously hereof, and once in your life follow the advice of your best friend and dearly loving Father
After I had sealed my Letter I was advised to advertise you. That the Lord Fairfax never beleeved you would look into the parts where now you are, but intended to draw back to the place from whence you came, which made him so lofty in his Conditions wherefore if you can (as my Authors propose) get between Bradford and Leeds, you will so annoy, divert, and separate them in all their disignes, as you may be sure to carry Hellifax and Bradford on this hand, or Leeds on the other. Take this to heart, and let Generall King, with my humble service, know this much, not as new to him and the rest of you, but as that which all the wisest and most knowing men in the Countrey advise and hope; This will so hare them, and satisfie this Countrey, and will give you such other advantages, as will render happy and glorious too; whereas on the contrary, all will fall flat both in power and reputation past expression. And her Majestie, either unprovided of such a Convoy from thence, as is fit for her and the Kings present occasions, or else leave this Countrey naked to the Tyranny of the mercilesse Enemy, contrary to contract, and all due Justice. This is the opinion of others, far better able to advise, then he that so heartily prayes for you, and is