Anno Regni CAROLI II. REGIS Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, DUODECIMO.

At the Parliament begun at Westminster, the Five and twentieth day of April, Anno Dom. 1660.

In the Twelfth year of the Reign of Our most Gra­cious Soveraign Lord CHARLES, By the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c.


EDINBƲRGH, Re-printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts Close, over against the Trone Church, Anno Dom. 1660.

AN ACT For a perpetual Anniversary THANKSGIVING, On the nine and twentieth day of MAY.

FORASMUCH as Almighty GOD, the King of Kings, and sole Disposer of all Earthly Crowns and Kingdoms, hath by his All-swaying Provi­dence and Power miraculously demonstrated in the view of all the World his transcendent Mercy, Love and Graciousness, towards his most excellent Ma­jesty, CHARLES the Second, by his Especial Grace, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, Defen­der of the true Faith, and all his Majesties loyal Subjects of this his Kingdom of England, and the Dominions thereunto annexed, by his Majesties late most wonderfull, glorious, peaceable and joyfull restaura­tion to the actual possession and exercise of his undoubted hereditary Sove­raign and Regal Authority over them (after sundry years forced exter­mination into Forreign parts, by the most traiterous Conspiracies, and armed Power of usurping Tyrants, and execrable persidious Traitors, and that without the least opposition, or effusion of blood, through the unanimous, cordial, loyal Votes of the Lords and Commons in this pre­sent Parliament assembled, and passionate desires of all other his Maje­sties Subjects; which unexpressible blessing (by Gods own most won­derfull dispensation) was compleated on the twenty ninth day of May last past, being the most memorable birth-day, not only of his Majesty, both [Page 2] as a man and Prince, but likewise as an actual King, and of this and other his Majesties Kingdoms, all in a great measure new born and raised from the dead on this most joyfull day, wherein many thousands of the Nobi­lity, Gentry, Citizens, and other his Lieges of this Realm, conducted his Majesty unto his Royal Cities of London and Westminster, with all possible expressions of their publick joy and Loyal Affections, in far greater triumph then any of his most victorious Predecessors Kings of England, returned thither from their forreign Conquests, and both his Majesties Houses of Parliament, with all dutifull and joyfull demonstrations of their Allegiance publickly received, and cordially congratulated his Majesties most happy arrival, and Investiture in his Royal Throne, at his Palace of Whitehall; Vpon all which considerations this being the day which the Lord himself hath made and crowned with so many publique blessings and signal deliverances, both of his Majesty and his people from all their late most deplorable Confusions, Divisions, Warres, Devastations, and Oppressions, to the end that it may be kept in perpetual Remembrance in all Ages to cōme; and that his Sacred Majesty will with all his Subjects of this Realm, and the Dominions thereof, and their Posterities after them, might annually celebrate the perpetual memory thereof, by sacrifi­cing their unfeined hearty publick thanks thereon to Almighty God, with one heart and voice, in a most devout and Christian manner, for all these publick benefits received and conferred on them, upon this most joyfull day. Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majestie, the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, and by the Autho­ritie of the same, That all and singular Ministers of Gods Word and Sa­craments, in every Church, Chappel, and other usual place of divine Ser­vice and publick Prayer, which now are, or hereafter shall be within this Realm of England, and the Respective Dominions thereof, and their Successors, shall in all succeeding Ages Annually celebrate the twenty ninth day of May, by rendring their heartie publick Praises and Thanksgivings unto Almighty God, for all the forementioned Extraor­dinary Mercies, Blessings, and Deliverances received, and mighty Acts done thereon, and Declare the same to all the People there Assem­bled, and the Generations yet to come, that so they may for ever praise the Lord for the same, whose Name alone is Excellent, and his Glorie above the Earth and Heavens. And be it further Enacted, That all and every person and persons, inhabiting within this Kindome, and the Do­minions thereunto belonging, shall upon the said Day Annually resort with diligence and devotion to some usuall Church, Chappell, or Place where such publick thanksgivings and praises to Gods most Divine Majestie shall be rendred, and there orderly and devoutly abide during the said publick Thanksgivings, Prayers, Preaching, Singing of Psalmes, and other Service of God there to be used and ministred. And to the end, that all Persons may be put in minde of their duty there­on, and be the better prepared to discharge the same with that Pietie and Devotion as becomes them; Be it further Enacted, That every Mini­ster shall give notice to his Parishioners publickly in the Church at Morning prayer the Lords Day next before every such Twenty ninth day of May, for the Due observation of the said Day, And shall then like­wise publickly and distinctly read this present Act to the People.

Edinburgh, Re-printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts Close, over against the Trone Church, Anno Dom.

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