- The Kings most Excellent Majesty,
- Lord Archbishop of Canterbury
- Lord Chancellor
- Duke of Albemarle
- Marquess of Dorchester
- Lord Chamberlain
- Earl of Bridgewater
- Earl of Berkshire
- Earl of Carlisle
- Earl of Craven
- Earl of Lauderdaill
- Lord Viscount Fitzharding
- Lord Berkeley
- Lord Ashley
- Mr. Comptroller
- Mr. Vice-Chamberlain
- Mr. Secretary Morice.
WHereas the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, and Lord Keéper of the Privy Seal, the Two and twentieth day of December last, did in pursuance of the Statute made in the Eight and twentieth year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, for Pricing of Wines, Order, That Canary [Page 2] Wines, Allegant, and Muscadels, be sold in gross at Twenty four pounds the Pipe or Butt, and at Nine pence the Pint by retail; Sacks, and Malaga Wines in gross, at Twenty two pounds the Butt, and Eight pence the Pint by retail; and that French Wines should be sold in gross for Twenty threé pounds the Tun, and Eight pence the Quart by retail; And Rhenish Wines in gross at Six pounds the Ame, and Twelve pence the Quart by retail; And according to these proportions for greater or lesser quantities, either in gross or by retail: And that none presume to sell at higher Prices during the year ensuing, to be accounted from the First day of February then next following, allowing an addition of Price for places remote, so as the same exceéd not the proportion of One peny the Quart, and Four pounds the Tun, for the distance of Thirty miles Land-carriage, from the next convenient Port; which Rates and Prices were by His Majesties Proclamation of the 19th of January last published, according to the Statute in that case provided. And whereas His Majesty was graciously pleased, in consideration of the great losses the Vintners in the City of London sustained by the late dreadful Fire, to permit and indulge the selling their Wines by retail as reasonably as they could afford them; which Indulgence His Majesty intends shall be continued until the Four and twentieth day of June next, and no longer.
It was this day Ordered, And His Majesty doth hereby Declare His Royal Will [Page 3] and Pleasure to be, That from the said Four and twentieth day of June next, during the then remainder of this present year. to be accounted as aforesaid, all the said several sorts of Wines shall be sold in gross, and by retail, according to the Rates and Prices in the said Proclamation expressed, viz. Canary Wines, Allegant, and Muscadels in gross at Twenty four pounds the Pipe or Butt, and Nine pence the Pint by retail; Sacks and Malagaes in gross at Twenty two pounds the Butt, and Eight pence the Pint by retail; French Wines in gross at Twenty threé pounds the Tun, and Eight pence the Quart by retail; and Rhenish Wine in gross at Six pounds the Ame, and Twelve pence the Quart by retail; and according to these proportions for greater or lesser quantities, either in gross or by retail, and not at greater Rates, saving for Land-carriage, according to provision made in the said Proclamation in that behalf. And His Majesty doth hereby straitly Charge and Command all Merchants, Vintners, Wine-Coopers, and others whom it may concern, That none of them presume after the time aforesaid, to sell any of the said Wines in gross or by retail, at higher Rates, then by this Order, and the said former Proclamation are appointed, under the Penalties and Forfeitures which by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm can be inflicted upon such Offenders, and the danger of being prosecuted by Informations and otherwise, according to the severity of Law and Iustice; The Order of the Nine [Page 4] and twentieth of January last, or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
And it was further Ordered, That this Order be sent to the Master and Wardens of the Company of Vintners, and likewise to the Master and Wardens of the Company of Coopers of London, who are required to intimate the same unto all persons of their respective Societies and Trades; and they, and all others, are required to take notice hereof, and yield due obedience hereunto accordingly, as they will answer the contrary at their perils.