[blazon of the Commonwealth]

A COMMISSION Improwering the Persons therin named, to hear and determine severall Matters and things concerning the Work of Dreyning the great Levell of the Fenns.

WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament, entituled, An Act for the Dreyning of the great Levell of the Fenns extend­ing it self into the Counties of Northampton, Norfolk, suffolk, Lincoln, Cambridge, Huntington, and the Isle of Ely, severall Persons therein particularly named, were appointed Commissioners, and ther­by Impowred by view or otherwise, as to them should seem meet, from time to time, when and as often as any part of the said Levell, a­mounting [Page 2] to the quantity of 30000 Acres or more should be dreyned as aforesaid, to judge the same to be dreyned, and forthwith to give unto William Earl of Bedford, Edward Russel, Ro­bert Henley, and Robert Castle, Esqs their Heirs and Assigns, upon such Trust as is exprest in the said Act, Seisin and Possession of his and their Proportions of ninety five thousand Acres formerly set forth unto them; And wher­as the said Commissioners have, in pursuance of the said Act, at several times adjudged the said Level dreined, and delivered Possession and Sei­sin of the 95000 Acres accordingly, And wher­as, by the said Act, the term of three years from and after the said Adjudication is limitted for the said Commissioners to give relief in several Cases exprest in the said Act, In which time it will not be possible, through the multitude of the Petitions that are dayly exhibited to them, to hear and determine the several Cases and Com­plaints of Persons who pretend damage by the Adventurers cutting through their Lands, or to be otherwise relieved within the said Act of Parliament, especially seeing the said Commis­sioners sit very seldome, And their meeting u­sually in the Middle Temple Hall, which is a great distance from the Levell, and thereby the Petitioners put to great Expence, and travel, in seeking their relief, Therefore we being willing to provide for the just ease of all persons concern­ed herein, and reposing Trust and Confidence in the prudence, honesty, and discretion of Sir John Hobbart, Sir Ralph Hare, John Gurdon Esq Sa­muel Moody Esq Tho. Hatcher Esq James Berry, Esq Talbot Pepys, Tho. Bendish, Rob. Brewster, Tho. Duc­ket, John Cleypool Esq Rob. Vintner, theelder, Tristram [Page 3] Diamond Esq Dr. Richard Stanes, Hen. Ferrour Gent. Mr. Joseph Eversden, Captain Moyses, Mr. Richard Timbs, Dr. Syncots, Mr. Robert Robson, Mr. [...] Barber of Denver, Mr. [...] Life of Downham, and Mr. Robert Carrier of Peterburgh, Have Appointed, Constituted and Authorized, and by these Pre­sents do Appoint, Constitute and Authorize them the said Sir John Hobbart, Sir Ralph Hare, John Gurdon Esq Samuel Moody Esq Tho. Hatcher, James Berry, Esqs Talboth Pepys, Tho. Bendish, Rob. Brewster, Tho Ducket, John Cleypool Esq Rob. Vint­ner, the elder, Tristram Diamond Esq Dr. Rich Stanes, Hen. Ferrour Gent. M. Joseph Eversden, Captain Moy­ses, Mr. Rich. Timbs, Dr. Syncots, Mr. Rob. Robson, Mr. [...] Barber of Denver, Mr. [...] Life of Down­ham, and Mr. Robert Carrier, [...]r any six or more of them, to be Commissioners to hear and exa­mine the Petitions, Complaints, Matters, and Things, for which the Commissioners named in the said Act can or may by vertue thereof, or any Clause or Article therein, give relief, not ha­ving been before ordered, settled and adjudged by the said Commissioners named in the said Act, And either to determine, order and adjudge all such Complaints, Matters, and Things, ac­cording to the true intent and meaning of the said Act, or otherwise to transmit the same or such of them as they shall think fit, with the state of the Case, to the said Commissioners named in the said Act, for their Final Determination. And the said Commissioners, or any six of them, have hereby Power for executing the Premisses to meet at the Bell at Ely upon the 20 day of July next, And are hereby impowered from time to time to adjourn their meeting to such other time and place as they shall think fit, and to send for [Page 4] and to examine Witnesses upon oath, which any six or more of them have Power to administer to any Person or Persons whatsoever. And such Orders, Directions, and Iudgements, as the said Commissioners, or any 6 of them, shall make, in, and conceruing the Premisses, shall be as effectual to all intents and purposes, as if the Commissioners named in the said Act, had Or­dered, Directed, and Adjudged the same. And all Persons are required to give obedience thereun­to: And all Mayors, Sheriffs, and other Of­ficers and Ministers, as well Civil as Military, are hereby required to be aiding and assisting in all and singular the Premisses. And this Autho­rity and Commission shall continue and be in force untill the 24. day of June, which shall be in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hun­dred fifty four, and no longer.

At the Council of State at White-Hall, Ordered, That this Declaration be forth­with Printed and Published.

John Thurloe Secr.

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