An Excellent Ballad of Patient Grissel.
To the Tune of, The Brides Good-Morrow.

A Noble Marquess
As he did ride a hunting
hard hy a forrest side,
A fair and comely Maiden
As she did sit a spinning
his gentle eye espied,
Most fair and lovely
And of a co [...]el [...] grace was she,
although in simple attire,
She sung full sweetle
VVith pleasant voyce melodiously,
which set the Lords heart on fire:
The more he lovd the more he might,
Beauty bred his hearts delight
And to this Damsel
then he [...]ent [...]ith spéed,
God spéed quoth he thou famous flo [...]er,
Fair Mit [...] is of this homely Bower,
VVere Love and Vertue,
d [...]s i [...] sweet content,
VVith [...]omel [...] gesture
And model [...] mild behaviour,
she bod him welcome then,
She entertained him,
[...]aith [...]u [...] friendly manner,
and all [...]is Gentlemen:
The Noble Marquess,
In [...] heart felt such a flame,
[...]ch set his sences at strife,
Quoth he fair Maiden,
Shew me soon what is thy name,
I mean to make thée my VVife,
Grissel is my name quoth she,
Far unfit for your degrée,
A silly Maiden,
and of Parents poor:
Nay Grisel thou art rich he said,
A vertuous, fair, and comely Maid,
Grant me thy Love,
and I will ask no more:
At length she consented,
And being both contented,
they Married were with spéed:
Her Country Russet
VVas changed to silk and velvet,
as to her state agréed;
And when that she
VVas trimly tired in the same,
her beauty shined most bright,
Far staining every
Other fair and Princely Dame,
that did appear in her ss [...]ht.
Many envying her therefore,
because she was of Parents poor,
And twixt her Lord and she
great [...] rife did raise:
[...]ome said this, and same said that,
And some did call her b [...]ggers br [...]t
And to her Lord
they would her oft d [...]spise.
O noble Marquess
Quoth they why dost thou wrong us
thus basely for to wed:
VVho might have gotten,
An Honourable Lady,
into your Princely bed,
VVho will not now,
Your noble issue soon deride,
which shall hereafter be born,
That are of blood so base,
Born by the mothers side,
the which will bring them in scorn.
Put her therefore quite away,
And take to you a Lady gay,
VVherein your Lineage
may renowned be
Thus every da [...] they séemed to prate,
That maliced Grissels good estate.
VVho all this while
took it most patiently.
VVhen [...]hat the Marquess
Did sée that the were bent thus,
against his frithful wife,
VVhom he most dear [...],
Tenderly and intirely,
he loved as his life,
Minding in secret
for to prove her patient heart.
Thereby her foes to disgrace,
Thinking to shew her
a hard discourteous part.
That men might pitty her case,
Great with child this Lady was,
And at last it came to pass,
Two goodly children,
at one birth she had,
A Son and a Daughter God had sent:
VVhich did their Mother well content,
And which [...]id make
their Fathers heart full glad.
Great Royal [...]ea [...]ing
Was at these childrens Christening,
and Princely tryumph made.
Six weeks together
All Nobles that came thither,
were entertaind and staid,
And when that all this pleasant
Sporting quite was done,
the Marquess a Messenger sent,
For his young Daughter
And his pretty smiling Son,
declaring his full intent.
How ha [...] the babes must murdered be
For so the Marquess did decrée.
Come let me have
the Children then he said,
With that fair Grissel wept full sore,
She wrung her hands & said no more,
My Gra [...]ious Lord
and have his will obeyd.

The second part

to the same Tune.
SHe took the Babies,
Even from the nursing Ladies,
Betwéen her tender arms,
She often wishes,
With many sorrowful kisses,
that she mih [...]t case their harms.
Farwel, farwel,
A thousand times my Children dear,
never shall I sée you again,
Tis long of me
Your sad and woful Mother here,
for whose sake both most be slain,
Had I béen born of Royal race,
You might have livd in happy case,
But you must dye,
for my unworthiness,
Come Messenger of Death quoth she,
Take my dearest babes to thee,
And to their Father
my complaints express,
He took the children,
And to his Noble master,
he bore them then with spéed,
Who in secret sent them,
Vnto a Noble Lady,
to be brought up in déed.
Then to fair Grissel
VVith a heavy heart he goes.
where she sa [...]e mildly all alone,
A pleasant gesture,
And a lovely look she shows,
as if no grief she had known.
Quoth he my children now are slain,
VVhat thinks [...]air Grissel of the same,
S [...]éet Grissel now,
declare thy mind to me,
Sith you my Lord are pleasd with it,
Poor Grissel thinks the action fit,
Both I and mine
at your command will be.
My Nobles murmer,
Fair Grissel at thy honour
and I no ioy can have,
Till thou be banisht
Both from my court and presence
as they uniusily crave,
Thou must be script
Out of thy stately garments all,
and as thou camst to me.
In homely gray,
Instead of biss and purest pall,
now all thy clothing must be
My Lady thou must be no more,
Nor I thy Lord which grieves mesore
The poorest life
must now content thy mind,
A groat to thée I must not give,
Thée to maintain whilst I do live,
Against my Grissel
such great foes I find.
VVhen gentle Grissel
Did hear these woful tydings,
the tears stood in her eys,
Nothing she answered,
No words of discontentment,
did from her lips arise,
Her Velvet Gown
Most patiently she stripped off,
her kirtle of silk with the same,
Her Russet Gown
was brought again with many ascoff,
to bear them her self she did frame;
VVhen she was drest in this array,
And ready was to part away,
God send long life
unto my Lord quoth she.
Let no offence be found in this,
To give me Lord a parting kiss
VVith watry Eys
farewel my Dear said she.
From Princely Pallacs,
Vnto her fathers Cotta [...]e,
poor Grissel now is gone,
Full [...]xtéen winters,
She lived there contented
no wrong she thought upon,
And at that time through
All the Land the spéeches went
the Marquess should married be.
Vnto a Noble Lady great
And of high Desceut
and to the same all Parties did a [...]rée,
The Marquess sent for Grissel fair
The brides bed-chamber to prepare,
That nothing therein
might be found awry.
The bride was with her brother come,
VVhich was great ioy to all and some,
But Grissel took all this
most patiently,
And in the morning
VVhen as they should be wedded,
her patience there was tryed,
Grissel was charmed,
Her sel [...] in friendly manner
for to attend the bride,
Most willing
She gave consent to do the same
the bride in bravery was brest,
And presently
The Noble Marquess thither came
with all his Lords at his request.
O Grissel I will ask of thee,
If to this match thou wilt agrée,
Methinks thy looks,
are waxed wondrous coy,
VVith that they all began to smile,
And Grissel she replyd the white
God send Lord Marquess
many years of ioy.
The Marquess was moved,
To see his best beloved
thus patient in distress.
He stept unto her
And by the hand he took her
these words he did express.
Thou art the bride
And all the brides I mean to have,
these two thine own children be.
The youthful Lady,
On her knées did blessing crave,
her brother as well as she,
And you that envyed her estate,
Whom I have made my chosen Mate,
Now blush for shame,
and honour vertu [...]us life,
The Chronicles of lasting Fame,
Shall ever more extoll the name,
Of patient Grissel
my most constant wife:

London Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gibertson.

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