AN EXACT ACCOUNT [...] the Success of His Majesties Army in Ireland for the last Week; Giving a Relation of the number Killed. Together with a List of the Officers Names taken Prisoners and brought [...]nto Dublin. With a Description of the Train of Artillery that is gone to Besidge Athlon.

WE have an Account from Cor [...], That on Friday last Major Culliford, with 100 of the Army and 250 of the Mili­tia, went into Eveleary on [...] Borders of the County of Kerry, and killed [...] Rapparees of Charles Mac-Curthy of Bellea's [...]giment and an Officer and burnt the Country: [...] Irish had notice of their coming, and had [...]ve away the prey of the Country, so that our [...]n got only thirty Cows, two hundred Sheep, [...]d about one hundred pounds worth of Lum­ [...]. All the Rapparees of this Country are so dis­ [...]rsed, that scarce 5 are to be found together be­ [...]een Blarny and Bantry, except in the Moun­ [...]s and Bogs which are inaccessible—Upon [...] Expedition of Major Culliford's towards [...]rry, Major Wade and the Bandon Militia, who [...]ent out with him, parting from him at Mac­ [...]p, took a considerable prey in Glanacrime, [...]d killed fourteen Raparees — And on Sunday [...] Collonel Beecher Lieutenant Collonel Moor [...] Captain Bernard, with the Militia under their [...]ommand, marched from Wintervary into the [...]mies Quarters killed between forty and fifty [...]pparees, brought off 1100 head of Black [...]ttle, 1200 Sheep, and 100 Garrans and return­ [...] to their respective Quarters without the least [...]s—We have advice from Cashil, That some [...]ys since, three of Li [...]utenant Collonel Cleer's Militia Troop, and four of his Servants, fell on a [...]rcel of Notorious Rapparees, killed two of [...]em, brought away their Heads, took several of [...]eir Arms, released two of Collonel Hale's Sol­ [...]ers, which these Rapparees had taken prisoners, [...]d recovered their Arms, and likewise re-took [...]me provisions of Bread, which these Rappa­ [...]es had a little before surprised— Ditto [...] dayes after, a party of Lieutenant Collonel [...]er's, Major Green's, and Captain Pennyfed­ [...]he's Militia Dragoons, to the number of fifty. [...]der the Command of Lieutenant Thomas Prince, made an Incursion into the Enemies [...]rters, where they met with a party of Rap­ [...]ees, killed thirty of them on the place, brought way about thirty Cows and 25 Horses, and had [...]ly one man slightly wounded,—By an Of­ [...]er Arriv'd from Kilkenny, we have the follow­ [...]g Relation, that on Saturday night last the [...]pparees came to Burres in the County of Ca­ [...]rlough, and stole thence 22 Horses belonging Captain Kemish's Militia Dragoons of that [...]unty, some of whose Dragoons followed them into this County joyned with a party of our Mi­litia posted at Graige, under Command of Lieu­tenant Read, pursued and overtook them on Sun­day Evening near a Wood-side about Blanch­fields Park within four Miles of this place, engaged them, though much above their number and 'tis probable had been worsted their Horses being wearied in the pursuit) when Quarter-Master Blunt with 12 of Captain Mukin's Mili­tia Dragoons of this City, coming from Cather­lough (whither he want to Convoy Major M [...] ­darty the Generals Son from Kilkenny) heard of their Engagment, and broke the Rapparees, who were very advantagiously posted Killed 12 and took 6 Prisoners, among whom were Derby D [...]ff Doyl their Captain a very stout Fellow and a great Rapparee, commonly calld Brigader Doyle Charles Maldick a French Lieutenant in the Lord Gillways Regiment, Doyle his Brother, Son in Law, and one other, were the next day tryed by a Court Martial, and all shot at Gowran and their Heads brought to K [...]ny [...] and [...] upon the Walls of the City. Pro [...]ctions were found in most of their Pockets and in Doyles a Commis­sion from Sarsfield to raise what Horses, and re­cruits he could to bring into Cannaught by the 2d of Jun in this Action we regained our Horses, took some more and had only one Man wound­ed, Captain Warens Militia Troop being Posted near the Cole pits lately met with a party of Rap­perees, whom they fell in with; but the Rappa­rees soon took to the Bog and made their escape, leaving eight or nine good Horses with Sadeles and Arms behind them; two of the Horses were formerly stolen from the Dutch Troopers.— Mountmelick, June, 16. Last Sunday night Ma­jor Weldon, of our Militia, detacht a party of 100 Horse, Dragoons and Foot from this Garrison, marched them into the Kings Counte [...], two miles beyond Castle Cuff, where they saw many Rap­perees, but could overtake only 14 of them, which they killed, and brought off twenty eight large English Milch Cows, with some Horses and Goats. — On Thursday night he went out again by appointment between him and Captain Phillips of Collonel Earles Regiment who is Garrisoned as Philip [...]oun, they met at Newtown, and Marcht to Tullamore, Redwood: Rahan, and Linily in this circuit they Kill'd 12 Rappe­rees and brought away with them 24 Cowes which (as the former) were distributted among the Party. — Kildare, June, 17 Captain Bag­get with his Militia Dragoons, met with some [Page] Rapperees within two Miles of this place, the manner thus; two of the Dregoons which were the Advance Guard, came up with the Rappe­rees about midnight, who first Challenged our Men who they were for, they making the same Demand, the Rapperies replied, for King James, so are we replyed the Dragoons, untill their Party came up, who then fell upon them, Killed six, but the rest by the opportunity of the Night scampered into the Bog and made their Escape; the Dragoons for some time pursuing, perceived a Person lying concealed in a Thicket of Bushes, whom they shot at and Killed, and coming to the place found a Woman which was covered with a great many of the Rapparees Cloaths, and [...] Enquiry was found to be a Notorious Spye, [...] one for whom search has been oftentimes m [...] These Rapparees were commanded by one F [...] ­girald as Captain, and Dun his Lieutenant, [...] have made great Spoil of the Peoples goods. A party of Collonel Wolsely's Horse who [...] detached on Wednesday last to scour the Co [...] near Balliboy of Rapparees, return'd the ne [...] to Billimore having Killed about 60 of the [...] brought with them a great many Prisoner [...] 'Tis expected that our Army will move [...] Athlone on Monday next.

A List of the Officers taken Prisoners.

  • COllonel Ʋlrick Bourke Governour.
  • Captain Lieutenant Edward Bourke.
  • Coronet Daniel Greffin.
  • Lieutenant Collonel Peter Barnwall.
  • Major John Dowdall.
  • Ensign Fard Branagan.
  • Captain Robert Wolverston.
  • Captain Garrat Dillon.
  • James Mabe Store keeper.
  • Captain Henry Crafton.
  • Captain Thomas Dillon.
  • Captain Robert Fitz Garllald.
  • Captain William Pepper.
  • Captain Luke Shales.
  • Captain Thomas Arrelbould.
  • Lieutenant John Leigh.
  • Ensign Thomas Tutte.
  • Ensign John Kettering
  • Lieutenant Luke Everard.
  • Lieutenant Simon Hart.
  • Quarter Master Thomas Joye.
  • Lieutenant Philip Fox.
  • Lieutenant Franeis Tipper.
  • Lieutenant Peter Dayley.
  • Captain John Brewerton.
  • Ensign Timothy Lenagham.
  • Acjutant David Kennady.
  • Captain John Bourke.
  • Quarter-Master John Gaglacy.
  • Ensign Henry Bryan.
  • Ensign Daniel Cularan
  • Lieutenant Mark Rennolds
  • Captain Thomas Sherlock.
  • Captain Valentine Russel.
  • Captain Owen Murffey.
  • Captain Thady Crawley.
  • Lieutenant George Fitz Gerlald.
  • Lieutenant Thomas Mac Cartey.
  • Ensign Thomas Smith.
  • Ensign Adam Archbold.
  • Captain Vallentine Browne.
  • Captain Christopher Taffe.
  • Ensign John Bourk.
  • Lieutenant Walter Daughton.
  • Convers Conwar Chyrurgeon,
  • Ensign James Barnwel.
  • Lieutenant Collonel Thomas Corbet.
  • Lieutenant James Linham.
  • Ensign Nicholas Synot.
  • Lieutenant Redmand Fitz-Garald.
  • John Peirce Priest.
  • Ensign Mathew Evstace.
  • Lieutenant Christopher Barnwell.
  • Ensign Charles Castilio.
Officers, 54,
Souldiers, 800.
Rapparees, 239,
Women 645.
Total, 1738.

And Children Innumerable,

All These, besides what was Slain, which [...] very Considerable.

A List of the Great Train with the Army near Athlone.
  • Nine, Twenty-four Pounders.
  • Eleven, Eighteen Pounders.
  • Ten, Twelve Pounders.
  • Eleven, Three Pounders.
  • Six Morter Peices.
  • Four Hundred Wheel Carrs loaded with great Balls, Spades, and Pick axes, &c.
  • Fifty-Eight Close Waggons with Amunition and Stores.
  • Twenty Close Tumbrels, with the same Stor [...]
  • Twenty Open Waggons, with Stores.
  • Fourteen Shot Waggons, to carry Hand Granad [...]
  • Two Gun Carriages.
  • Six Spare Gun-Carriages.
  • Two spare Limbers.
  • Besides our Tinn Boats, and several Wagg [...] Tumbrels, and other Carriages, that we hou [...] do expect to Arrive in our Camp from Dub [...]

Printed at London, and Re-printed at Edinburgh, in the Year. 1691.

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