The Evil Spirit Cast-out. Being a True RELATION Of the Manner of Performing the Famous Operation or Cure, ON THE Maiden Gentlewoman, Whose Body was Possessed with an Evil Spirit.
WITH The Carriage and Behaviour of the EVIL SPIRIT, while the Cure was Performing: The several Ways and Means that were used to Drive or Cast-out the Devil out of the Body Possessed. The Contest between the DEVIL and the DOCTOR before he quitted the Party. ALSO, The strange Noise, Horrid Cry, and great Blast of Wind, which happened just at the Spirits Departure.
Licensed and Entred according to Order.
London, Printed by E. Golding. 1691.
The Evil Spirit Cast-out: Being a True Relation of the manner of performing the Famous Operation or Cure on the Maiden Gentlewoman, &c.
ONE Mrs. — a Maiden Gentlewoman, having languished for some time under very sore and grievous Afflictions, which, by the strange Gestures and Actions of her Body, plainly declar'd her to have been either Bewitch'd or Possess'd with an Evil Spirit: Her Relations came to me, and inform'd me, That they had spent much upon several able Physicians, who pretended to Cure her, but could not, and desir'd me to undertake the Cure, which accordingly I did; upon Examination, I found that her Fits seiz'd her much about the same time every day, every of which lasted about the space of Twelve hours; in which time she shriek'd and cry'd out in a pitiful manner, [Page] [Page] [Page] [...] [Page 4] that, thro' the extremity of her Afflicton, she was brought to such a weak Condition, that she was not able to stir or move any part of her Limbs or Body, from her Waste to her Feet. The Maid was brought to my House, and, by demanding and asking several Questions of her, I found that she was Possessed by the Devil, for she could not once name the Name of God, Jesus Christ, &c. but she would immediately fall into Fits, and be strangely Tormented. I councelled her Father to go to some Pious Divine, to make an Essay in the matter, and to see what his Devotion could do, he answer'd me, That he had done it already, but to no purpose; for one Doctor — the Minister of the Parish, a Learned, Judicious, and Pious Man, had spent some time in attempting to do it, yet could not prevail, but was forced to desist, and advised their seeking Remedy of some body else, whom God might give Strength and Faith to perform so great a Work.
This did somewhat discourage me, yet, for the sake of my Reputation, I did undertake, and (by God's Blessing) effect the Cure. Some there are who are Possessed, [Page] whom the Devil at some times leaveth, but he never left this Maid, from the time he first entered into her. Her Fits generally seized her about Nine a Clock at Night, and held her till Eight the next day; in the interim of which, she was horribly Tormented, making divers Noises, as Howling, Crying, Shrieking, &c. twisting and turning her Body up and down, rowling about the Room, &c. From the hour of Eight in the Forenoon, until Twelve, she would give Resolution to all manner of Demands, but chiefly if her Mother propounded them. She would tell of Things Lost, who had them; how and where they should be found, with many other strange Questions, which always proved true: I could instance several, but for brevity sake, I pass them over. I come now to the manner and method of my Curing her.
The Chamber being made as close as with convenience it could be, I took Frankinsence, Rosemary, and Myrrh, and made a Perfume in the Chamber, which I continued to do till I had finished the Cure: I oftentimes gave the Maid the [Page] Distilled Waters of Rosemary, Angelica, and Marigolds. When I laid my hands upon the Maid, the Devil in her began to strive against me very much, yet I held my hold; and having got her at an advantage, I held her fast, and did very often repeat these words, In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, I Command thee to come forth; yet notwithstanding the Spirit was very obstinate. I gave the Maid of the aforesaid Waters very often, and then Prayed again, and as often repeated the aforesaid words, for I resolved not to desist till the Devil did leave her; and thus I continued for about Two hours. At length the Devil invisibly left her, making a hideous Noise, with a horrible Cry, and raised a suddain violent Blast of Wind, but did me no harm at all: Soon after the Devil did come forth of the Maid, she began to Speak; and, within a small time often, by the Blessing of God, upon such Remedies as I apply'd, she remains perfectly well.
I will relate one thing more, which was generally in the time of her Fits; Three Pins were brought to her, and yet [Page 7] but one at a time, and when she receiv'd them, she seem'd to Rejoyce, would Laugh and Smile, and put the Pins into her Mouth, which her Friends took from her, lest it should Choak her, yet she was very unwilling to part with them. They had a Box full of them, for she had Three brought to her every Night for a long Season, and that very Night which I cast the Devil out of her, something brought her Two before my Face. It was observ'd, That while I was performing this Business that Three Women were seen by my Servants, to walk about my House, and near the Window, where I did this Operation, which we judged were Three Witches, who the Father suspected, and since Prosecuted Them.
Vid. An Exact Account at large of this Relation, in Doctor Blagrave' s Book, Entituled, Astrological Cures, &c.
A Prayer.
O Blessed Lord, the Father of Mercies, and the God of all Comforts, we Beseech Thee, look down in pity and compassion upon this thy Afflicted Servant, Thou writest bitter things against her, and makes her possess her former Iniquities, Thy Wrath lyeth hard upon her, and her Soul is full of Trouble, But, O Merciful God, who hast Written thy Holy Word for our Learning, that we through Patience, and Comfort of thy Holy Spirit, may have hope; Give her a right understanding of her Self, and of thy Threats and Promises, that she may neither cast away his Confidence in Thee, nor place it any where but in Thee; give her strength against all her Temptations, and heal all her Distempers; Break not the Bruised Read, nor Quench the Smoaking Flax; Sbut not up Thy tender Mercies in Displeasure, but make her to hear of Joy and Gladness, that the Bones which Thou hast broken may Rejoyce; Deliver her from fear of the Enemy, and lift up the light of Thy Countenance upon her, and give her Peace, through the Merits and Mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.