The Evil Spirit Cast-out. Being a True RELATION Of the Manner of Performing the Famous Operation or Cure, ON THE Maiden Gentlewoman, Whose Body was Possessed with an Evil Spirit.

WITH The Carriage and Behaviour of the EVIL SPIRIT, while the Cure was Performing: The several Ways and Means that were used to Drive or Cast-out the Devil out of the Body Possessed. The Contest between the DEVIL and the DOCTOR before he quitted the Party. ALSO, The strange Noise, Horrid Cry, and great Blast of Wind, which happened just at the Spirits Departure.

Licensed and Entred according to Order.


London, Printed by E. Golding. 1691.

A Prayer.

O Blessed Lord, the Father of Mercies, and the God of all Comforts, we Be­seech Thee, look down in pity and compassion upon this thy Afflicted Servant, Thou writest bitter things against her, and makes her pos­sess her former Iniquities, Thy Wrath lyeth hard upon her, and her Soul is full of Trouble, But, O Merciful God, who hast Written thy Holy Word for our Learning, that we through Patience, and Comfort of thy Holy Spirit, may have hope; Give her a right understanding of her Self, and of thy Threats and Promises, that she may neither cast away his Confidence in Thee, nor place it any where but in Thee; give her strength against all her Temptations, and heal all her Distempers; Break not the Bruised Read, nor Quench the Smoaking Flax; Sbut not up Thy tender Mercies in Displeasure, but make her to hear of Joy and Gladness, that the Bones which Thou hast broken may Rejoyce; Deliver her from fear of the Enemy, and lift up the light of Thy Countenance upon her, and give her Peace, through the Merits and Mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.


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