The English Seamans Resolution,
OR, The Loyall Subjects Undaunted Valour:

Plainly Demonstrating the Justness of his Cause,
Incouraging his Friends, to Daunt his Foes:
For King and Countrey, in the Seas he'l Perish,
To tame the Rebells, and make England Flourish.
To the Tune of, I prethee Love turn to me. OR, When this Old Cap was New.

I Am an undaunted Seaman,
and for King Charles I will fight
I'le venture my Life and my Fortune
to defend my Countries right:
What Enemies ever oppose us
my Valour with them I will try.
And in the Dukes sight, I'me resoved to fight
with a full resolution to Dye.
My joyes lies on the Maine Ocean,
and my Hammock supports my head,
The Bottom shall be my portion
wherein my Grave shall be made:
Before the Butter-Box shall my Brother abuse,
my Crimson Blood it shall flye,
Then tack about Fléet, let Trump and us méet,
for I came to the Seas to Dye.
Now Jocky begins to be civil,
and aloud for a King he doth cry:
The Dutch are as false as the Devil,
still working of Tretchery:
With the sound of our Drums, and smoak of our Guns,
we mean for to darken the Skie,
For the Duke & his Fléet, once more will you méet
with a full resolution to Dye.
Slip not your Necks out of your Collars,
but come on with a chearful heart:
We mean to have some of your Dollars
before that our Fléets do part:
Then drink up your Brandy-wine chéerely,
to Trump and his Company,
For the Duke & his Fléet, once more will you meet
with a full resolution to Dye.

BRave General Monck will defeat you,
and teach you good manners to know,
You know that before he did beat you
and made you to cringe full low:
He'l make you all know to your sorrow,
'twere better Peccavi to cry,
Then for to s [...]out out, the tother odd bout,
and in the Seas perish and Dye.
Stout Smith that Noble Commander,
of his Valour again you must taste:
He'le shew you the English banner
and send you away at a blast,
As Opdam was served before you
when into the Aire he did flie:
Then you will repent, that e're you were bent
upon the Main Ocean to Dye.
Brave Holmes and Mimms they have vowed,
for Charles our King they will stand,
The Rebells they shall be subdued
and quell'd in the turn of a hand:
For whil'st that our Ships can sail Boyes,
we scorn a Ships length for to flie:
Pay your money with spéed, for that we do néed,
or else come to the Seas to Dye,
The Seas were never so graced,
with so many brave Gallants before,
Your Men of War shall be chased
and beaten home to your own door:
We'l block you up in your own Harbours,
and your Cannon Bullets shall flye,
For the Duke & his Fléet, once more will you méet
with a full resolution to Dye.
What must we still wait on your leasure,
or is not your Money yet Coyn'd,
We mean to have some of your treasure
for no Children of us you shall find:
We scorn for to wait on such Puppies,
we have other Fish for to fry:
Then hang up your states, your Masters & mates,
that sent you to Seas for to Dye.
Then leave of your Ieering and Mocking,
and Murmure at home and Repine,
'Tis better then for to be Knocking
upon the Salt Ocean Brine:
Then cast up your Caps and be merry,
brave English Boyes let them flye,
And pray for King Charles and his Navy
and let the Proud Hollanders Dye.

With Allowance.

Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright.

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