Englands Tryumph, and Hollands Downfall;
OR, The Second Royal VICTORY, Obtained upon the Hollanders Fleet, in a Sea-Fight, by the King of Great Brittains Royal Navy, under the Conduct of his Highness Prince Rupert, and his Grace, George Duke of Albemarle; as it was Heroically Fought, and undoubtfully Disputed on the 1, 2d, 3d, & 4th of June, 1666.

To the tune of, A Fig for France and Holland too, &c.

STring up your hearts, & tune your throats,
With merry and triumphant Notes;
Send sorrow from your Souls away,
You never had more cause for Ioy:
The Créeple may cast away his Crutch,
And dance the Downfal of the Dutch
Great Brittain now may take it's ease,
King Charles is Soveraign of the Seas.
The First and Second day of June,
Put Holland's Trumpets out of Tune;
Prince Rupert and the Duke too boot,
Have given the Dutch-men all the Rout:
So bloudily they cut their Coats,
And bruis'd & bang'd, & burn'd their Boats,
They ne're will offer to displease,
King Charles their Soveraign of the Seas.
If Number would have won the Day,
We were less Numerous then they;
When Sixtéen Zealand Ships came in,
If odds would doo't, they néeds must win:
For they were Ninety Six compleate,
But who can save, whom Heaven will beat.
When God his Mercy will express,
Unto the Soveraign of the Seas.
The Duke with Loyalty inrag'd,
With (Fifty) Ninety Six ingag'd;
But Thirty of the Dutch (to méet
Prince Rupert) then did quit their Fléet,
Thinking to seize the Prince by slight,
Before their Forces could Vnite:
But no such shallow Plots as these,
Can Cheat the Soveraign of the Seas.
The Prince and Duke did nobly joyn,
Their Loyal Forces both combine;
And on the foaming Billows curl'd,
They bid Defiance to the world:
The Dutch ingage with all their Powers,
And scatter on us Shot like showers.
But 'tis not such poor Powers as these,
Can quell the Soveraign of the Seas.
Almost as swiftly as desir'd,
Fourtéen of theirs were Took and Fir'd;
But their Vice-Admiral did méet,
Our Duke i'th' Front of all his Fléet:
They were so near they might have clutcht,
Almost shook hands, their Yard-Arms touch'd.
But George's Broad-side did displease,
The Foe to th' Soveraign of the Seas.

The second part,

to the same tune.

THe First was then so fierce and hot,
His Hand was bruis'd, his Bréeches shot;
Yet though they came so hotly on,
As soon they vanish'd and were gon:
Forty or Fifty men of ours,
Were kill'd & knock'd down by their powers.
Yet some of these (though with much pain)
Appear'd upon the Dec [...]s again.
Prince Rupert like the God of War,
Thorough their Fléet shot like a Star;
Whose Influence like Lightning shone,
And pierc'd the marrow through the bone:
The Seas with bloud were much imbru'd,
The Dutch-men fled, our Men pursu'd.
'Till none were seen that could displease,
King Charles the Soveraign of the Seas.
So long as we had Powder, we
Pursu'd the Dutch-men through the Sea;
And their du Ruiter, he in whom,
They builded all their hopes to come:
Four of their greatest Ships were sunck,
They cry, The Devil's in the Monck.
Never such men appear'd like these,
To Guard the Soveraign of the Seas.
A gallant Ship of theirs was Fyr'd,
With Seventy six Guns double Tyr'd;
Our Henery, a Ship of Fame,
From thrée Fire-Ships escap'd the Flame:
And was so strong beset, that then
He lost at least One hundred men.
We must indure such hurts as these,
To guard the Soveraign of the Seas.
By Sea, so black and red a Fight,
No Time or Age e're brought to light;
The Fire and Water did contend,
Which should first bring them to their end:
More valiant Men kill'd in thrée dayes,
Then thrée and twenty years can raise.
We can't avoid such brunts as these,
To guard the Soveraign of the Seas.
On Whitsonday the Duke did send,
His Men for Cure, and Ships to mend
Vnto our English Coast, where care
Is taken for their swift Repair:
These Cards thus dealt, out of the Lump,
The Royal Katherine turn'd up Trump.
A Sacrifice which doth appease,
The Royal Soveraign of the Seas.
To summe up all, 'tis though they are,
Vnfit to raise another War;
'Tis much presum'd, 'cause they did fail,
When they had made out all their Sayl:
These are some of those warlike Tricks,
Becket Presag'd in Sixty Six.
[...] wayes such Events as these,
Secure the Soveraign of the Seas.

London, Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright.

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