Englands rejoycing at that happy day

That peace and truth it may bear sway,

Being th' Election of that thing,

In chusing us a Royal King,
To the Tune of, Gallant Souldiers do not muse.
LEt England now rejoice with spéed
since in heart the House decrée'd
In granting a Frée Parliament
to give true Subjects now content,
That we may rejoice and sing
that happy day we chus'd a King.
About the merry month of May,
we hope to sée that happy day
Wherein they will so well agrée
that we shall live in unity,
Whereby we may rejoice and sing,
that happy day we chus'd a King.
The Army it doth take a part
for to joyn with hand and heart
Whereby we may have a head
that may stand us in some stead
That we may rejoice and sing
that happy day we chus'd a King.
Apollo's wisdom God them send,
And Hercules's strength for to defend
That we all may live in peace,
and that these bloody wars may cease
Then we shall rejoice and sing
that happy day we chus'd a King.
This many years we've béen in wo
not knowing well our friend from foe
Which brought the land into great strife
to kill and slay we were so rife
But now we will rejoice and sing
that happy day we chus'd a King.
Although we have then suffered long
we hope now for to change that song
That peace and truth may bear the sway
God grant us then that happy day
That we may rejoice and sing
when Charles the second is our King.

The second part,

to the same Tune.
IN former age we were at rest
when as the Land was not so seast
But lived in love and unity,
until became this misery.
But now we will rejoice and sing
when Charls the second is our King.
The sad Excize hath béen so rife
it hath both begger'd man and wife,
But now we hope that it will down,
when that Charls obtains the Crown
Then we will rejoice and sing
that happy day we chus'd a King.
Trading it hath lain long dead,
and all was for want of a head,
Which we hope for to obtain,
to live in comfort once again.
Then we will rejoice and sing,
when Charls the second is our King.
That Proclamation it will down
that took away Charls Stuarts crown
And Charls the second once again
doth hope the same for to obtain
And then we will rejoice and sing
when Charls the second is our King.
False Prophets they did soon arise,
and thought thereby to get a prize,
And for to pull the Churches down
but they will be taimed soon,
And then we shall rejoice and sing
when Charls the second is our King.
Of New years day they did begin
thinking that they all might win,
York Minster they lockt on the same
thinking thereby to honour gain,
But aid there came then presently
which made them presently to fly.
If they will not be rul'd in time
they will be punish'd for their crime,
When that Charles will bear the sway,
their quaking then will soon decay,
And then we may rejoice and sing
when Charles the second is the King.
Then will the Gospel flourish rife,
and we shall be no more at strife,
VVhere by we may give God the praise
that such a Comforter did raise,
To cause thereby a happy peace,
that these bloody wars may cease.
Then may we all rejoice and sing
that happy day we chus'd a King.

London, Printed for F.G. on Snowhill▪

Entred according to Order.

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