ENGLANDS JOY For the Coming in of our Gracious Soveraign King CHARLS the Second
To the Tune of,
A Joyful Sight to see.
RIng Bells, and let Bonefires out-blaze the Sun,
Let Ecchoes contribute their voice,
For now a happy settlement's begun,
To shew how we do all rejoyce:
If we by this
Can have the bliss
To re-injoy a Vnity,
We'll do no more
As heretofore,
But will in mutual love increase,
If we can once again have peace.
How joyful shall we be.
The King shall his Prerogatives enjoy,
The State their Priviledge shall have,
He will not theirs, nor will they his annoy,
But both each others strive to save:
The people shall
Turn loyal all
And strive t' obey his Majesty,
And Truth and Peace
Shall both increase,
They'l be obedient to the Laws
And hate that subtle name of Cause.
Then joyful shall we be.
The Parliament will rise no more in arms,
To fight against their lawful King,
Nor be deluded by their factious charms
That all the Realm to treason bring:
They'l learn to vote
No more by rote
Nor pass their Bills ex tempore,
But study peace
And trades increase,
Since now we finde it is not good
To write the Kingdom peace in blood,
But joyful shall we be.
The second Part,
to the same Tune.
THe Coblers shall not edifie their Tubs,
Nor in Divinity-set stitches,
We'l not b' instructed by Merchanick scrubs,
Women shan't preach with men for breeches:
The prickear'd Tribe
That won't subscribe
Vnto our Churches Hierarchy,
England leave,
And to
England, or to
With all whom Church and State can't tame.
Then joyful shall we be.
We'l toil no more to maintain Patentees
That feed upon poor peoples trade,
Star Chamber shan't vex guiltless men for fees,
Nor Law to Vice for bribes be Bawd:
The Bishops each
Will learn to preach,
Rich Clergy will not silent be,
And Iudges all
When Laws alike to all degrees,
No sleeping Iudges gape for fees.
How joyful shall we be.
We'l fight ng more for Iealousies, and Fears,
Nor spend our blood, we know not why;
The Roundheads shall shake hands with Cavaliers,
And both for King and Countrey die:
The Sword shall not
Maintain a Plot
For fear of Plots which ne're shall be,
Nor will we still
Each other kill,
To fight for those that are as far
From Peace, as they will be from War.
But joyful shall we be.
The broken Cits no more shall lick their Chops,
Nor Wealth recruit with Countrey's store,
But lay down Arms, and keep within their Shops,
And cry
what lack you, as before:
They'l turn agen
Blew apron'd men,
And leave their titles of degree,
Nor will they pr
'Gainst Church and State,
But change their Feathers, Flags, and Dr
Items and for
total Sums.
How joyful shall we be.
We will not Garrisons of Lubbers feed,
To plunder, drink, and gather pay,
While they lye gazing, and are both agreed
To fetch our goods add us away;
And though they swear,
We will not care,
Nor to such Skowndrels servile be;
We will not stand
With Cap in hand,
Beseeching them to let alone
The goods which justly are our own
But j
[...]yful shall we be.
Fanatick Troopers must go home agen,
And humbly walk a foot to Plow,
Nor domineer thus over honest men,
But work to get their livings now:
Or if their minde
Be not inclin'd
To leave their former knavery,
A halter shall
Dispach them all,
And then the Gallows shall be made
The high'st preferment of their trade.
A joyful sight to see.
Let Roundheads shake their circumcized
We'l ride about as well as they,
Nor will we stand in fear of Cavaliers
That sleep all night, and drink all day
When we can finde
Both sides enclin'd
To change their War for Vnity;
O t'will be brave,
If we can have
The Freedom granted by our Charter,
And scape from plunder, pay, and quarte
How joyful shall we be.
London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.