UPon Complaint this day made by the Commons in Parliament, It is ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That all these Persons, Viz.

  • JOhn Bradshaw, Serjeant at Law, President of the Pretended High Court of Iustice.
  • Esquires.
    • John Lisle,
    • William Say,
    • Oliver Cromwel,
    • Henry Ireton,
  • Sir Hardress Walter.
  • Esqs.
    • Valentine Walton,
    • Thomas Harrison,
    • Edward Whalley,
    • Thomas Pride,
    • Isaac Ewers,
  • Lord Gray of Groby.
  • Sir John Danvers, Knight.
  • Sir Thomas Maleverer, Baronet.
  • Sir John Bourcher, Knight.
  • William Heveningham, Esquire.
  • Alderman Pennington, Alder­man of London.
  • Esqs.
    • William Purefoy,
    • Henry Martin,
  • Esqs;
    • John Barkstead,
    • John Blackiston,
    • Gilbert Millington,
  • Sir William Constable Baronet,
  • Esqs;
    • Edmond Ludlow,
    • John Hutchinson,
  • Sir Mich. Livesey, Baronet.
  • Esqs;
    • Robert Tichboune,
    • Owen Roe
    • Robert Lil [...]
    • Adrian Scroope,
    • Richard Deane,
    • John Okey,
    • John Hewson,
    • William Goff,
    • Cornelius Holland,
    • John Carey,
    • John Jones,
    • Miles Corbet,
    • Francis Allinn,
    • Peregrine Pelham,
    • John Moore,
    • John Aldred,
    • Henry Smith,
  • Esqs.
    • Humphrey Edwards,
    • Gregory Clement,
    • Thomas VVoogan,
  • Sir Gregory Norton, Knight.
  • Esqs:
    • Edmond Harvy,
    • John Venn,
    • Thomas Scot,
  • Thomas Andrews, Alderman of London.
  • Esqs.
    • William Cawly,
    • Anthony Stapley,
    • John Downes,
    • Thomas Horton,
    • Thomas Hammond,
    • Nicholas Love,
    • Vincent Potter,
    • Augustine Garland,
    • John Dixwel,
    • George Fleetwood,
    • Symon Meyne,
    • James Temple,
    • Peter Temple,
    • Daniel Blagrave,
    • Thomas Waite,

Who sate in Iudgement upon the late Kings Majesty when Sentence of Death was Pro­ [...]nced against Him, and the Estates both Real and Personal of all and every the said Persons, [...]ether in their own hands, or in the hands of any in Trust for their, or any of their Vses) who are [...] be forthwith Seized and Secured; And the respective Sheriffs and other Officers whom this [...] concern, are to take effectual Order accordingly.

ORdered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That this Order and List be forth­with Printed and Published.

JO. BROWN, Cleric. Parliamentorum.

EDINBƲRGH, Re-printed[?] by Christopher Higgins [...]se, over against the Trone-Church, 1660.

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