THE House this Day Reading the Names of the Per­sons Entred in the Book of Protections, It is Order­ed by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parlia­ment Assembled, That all Written Protections given by any Lord of this House, shall be, and are here­by Vacated and made Void, and that for the future no Lord of this House shall give any Written Pro­tection to any Person whatsoever, and this Order to be fixed on the Doors of this Hou [...] and Westminster Hall.

Matth. Johnson, Cler' Parliamentor'

IT is this Day Ordered by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parlia­ment Assembled, That the Order made the last Session of Parliament, on the Twenty seventh of January, One thousand six hundred ninety six, for Vacating all Written Protections, shall be forthwith Printed and Published, and be put upon the Doors of this House, the Doors of Westmin­ster Hall, the Royal Exchange in London, the Sheriffs Office, and other Publick Places; to the End all Persons who think themselves therein Concerned may have Notice thereof.

Matth. Johnson, Cler' Parliamentor'

London,Pri [...]by Charles Hill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1698.

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