THE HOUSE OF LORDS ANSWER To the Citie of LONDONS Remonstrance.

THe Lords are very sensible of the great fidelity and constant ser­vices of the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Common-Councell of the City of London to this present Parliament, which they shall never forget. They acknowledge their Zeal expressed upon all occasions, in the Cause of God and this Parliament; And how readily they have spilt their blood, and spent and laid out them­selves and their Estates in the maintenance thereof. They are well satisfied with your expressions and care to settle the true Reformed Protestant Religion, according to the Covenant; And with your desires to have all Heresies, Schismes, and Blasphemies suppressed; As also with your respects to preserve the Rights and Priviledges of Parliament, and the Liberties of the Kingdoms, and to preserve and defend His Majesties Person and Authority in the preservation of the true Religion and the Liberties of the Kingdoms, His Royall Posterity, and the Peace of the Kingdoms: As also for your desires for the continuance of that Ʋnion between us and our Brethren of Scotland, of whose Services and Sufferings, we shall not onely hold a gratefull Memory, but upon all occasions give a Retaliation; Ʋnto all which we hold our selves equally with you oblieged by our Solemne League and Covenant. As to the Person of the Lord Major, the Lords have an high esteeme of him according to his merits, and have commanded me to let you know, That nothing hath passed this House at any time in prejudice of him: And when the particulars wherein he finds himself agrieved shall be made knowne unto them, They shall be ready in a Parliamentary way to do him right. The Lords will take the other parti­culars of your Petition into serious and speedie consideration, And have commanded me to give you hearty thanks for the reall Testimonies of Duty and good Affections, which not onely by your words, but by your actions you have constantly manifested unto him.

Printed at Edinburgh by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. Anno 1646.

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