TVVO ORDINANCES OF THE Lords and Commons Assembled in PARLIAMENT, THE ONE, For Compositions for Wardships in the Court of Wards and Liveries, and for Signing of Bills, and passing of them under the Great Seal. THE OTHER, For taking away the Fifth part of Delinquents Estates, formerly granted by an Ordinance of Parliament, for maintaining of the Wives and Children of Delinquents.
ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this be forthwith printed and published.
London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Golden-Dragon neer the Inner-Temple, Novemb. 7. 1645.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for Compositions for VVardships in the Court of VVards and Liveries, and for Signing of Bills, and passing of them under the Great Seal.
WHereas divers Compositions have been heretofore made by sundry persons, with the Master and Councel of His Majesties Court of Wards and Liveries at Westminster, for the Wardships of the Bodies of divers of His Majesties Wards; upon some of which Compositions, considerable Sums of money have been already paid, and others are to be paid; But in regard the Grants of the said Wardships are to passe under the great [Page 4] Seal, by Bill Signed by His Majesty, which in these times of distraction cannot be obtained; By means whereof, the said persons who have already so compounded and paid their said moneys, are without the fruit of their said Compositions, And also aswell those which have compounded and have not yet paid, as others which are prepared to compound for severall Wardships, are for the reasons aforesaid, discouraged to make their severall Compositions and payments with the said Master and Councell: The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, do therefore hereby Ordain and Declare, That all and every such Bill or Bills as hereafter shall be Signed by the Master and Clerk of the said Court of Wards and Liveries for the time being, notwithstanding their not being Signed by His Majesty, shall be passed under the great Seal in form usuall. And the Commissioners of the [Page 5] said great Seal for the time being, are hereby required and Authorised to passe Letters Patents in form usuall from time to time under the said great Seal unto the severall Committees, or Grantees of the Mariages of the said respective Wards, according to the tenour and effect of the said Bills so Signed as aforesaid: And this Ordinance shall be their sufficient Warrant in that behalf; which Letters Patents so passed, shall be effectuall in Law, according to the tenour thereof, the not Signing thereof by His Majesty notwithstanding. And it is also Ordained by the Lords and Commons aforesaid, That the Master and Councell of the said Court, shall proceed in all things belonging to the Iurisdiction of that Court according to Law.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, For taking away the Fifth part of Delinquents Estates, formerly granted by an Ordinance of Parliament, for maintaining of the VVives and Children of Delinquents.
VVHereas by a late Ordinance of Sequestration it is amongst other things Declared and Ordained, That the Committees of the severall counties shall have power to assign maintenance out of the Lands of Delinquents, to their severall Wives and Children, so as the same [Page 7] exceed not the fifth part of the Lands or Goods so Sequestred: And whereas by occasion hereof, divers Wives and Children of Delinquents may resort hither, onely to obtain the said Fifth part, and may be ready to do ill offices to the Parliament; The Lords and Commons, to prevent the said mischief, and other of like nature, Do Ordain, That no Wife, Childe or Children of any Delinquent, who shall come from their own Habitation into the Parliament Quarters, with or without their Fathers or Husbands, from the Kings Quarters, shall have, hold and injoy any Fifth part by the said Ordinance: And therefore they do Ordain, That all such Allowances hereafter to be made to such Wife or Children, shall be utterly void. And if any such Wife, Childe or Children shall return from the Kings Quarters, without leave of both Houses: The Deputy-Lieutenants and Committees [Page 8] of Parliament in the severall counties, or any two of them, or any of them, are hereby authorised and required to take care, that they be commanded to return back into the Kings Quarters; And if they shall not return, upon command given to them by the Deputy-Lieutenants or Committee, or any two of them, they shall hereby have power to commit them, untill they shall give security for to return. And be it further Ordained, That no Children of any Delinquents shall have any Fifth part, but such as shall be educated and brought up in the Protestant Religion.