AN ORDINANCE OF BOTH HOVSES OF PARLIAMENT, For the suppressing of Publike Stage-Playes throughout the Kingdome, during these Calamitous Times.

WHereas the distressed Estate of Ireland, steeped in her own Blood, and the distracted Estate of England, threatned with a Cloud of Blood, by a Civill Warre; call for all possible meanes to appease and avert the Wrath of God appearing in these Iudgements: Amongst which, Fasting and Prayer having bin often tryed to be very effectuall, have bin lately, and are still enjoyned: And whereas publike Sports doe not well agree with publike Calamities, nor publike Stage-Playes with the Seasons of Humiliation, this being an Exercise of sad and pious Solemnity, and the other being Spectacles of Pleasure, too commonly expressing lacivious Mirth and levitie: It is therfore thought fit, and Ordeined by the Lords and Commons in this Parliament Assem­bled, that while these sad Causes and set times of Humiliation doe con­tinue, publike Stage-playes shall cease, and bee forborne. Instead of which, are recommended to the people of this Land, the profitable and seasonable Considerations of Repentance, Reconciliation, and peace with God, which probably may produce outward peace and prosperity, and bring againe Times of Joy and Gladnesse to these Nations.

ORdered by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, that this Ordinance concerning Stage-Playes be forthwith Printed and Published.

John Browne Cler. Parliament.

Septemb. 3. London printed for Iohn Wright. 1642,

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