A Declaration of the Lords and Commons for the repayment of 40000 li. (out of the first moneys raised upon the weekly Assessement) which the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London have engaged themselves forthwith to advance for the supply of the Army under the command of his Excellency the Earl of Essex.
WHereas it was Ordained and declared upon the last day of February, 1642. by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that all persons who had or should lend any monies towards the speedy making up of the sum of threescore thousand pounds then desired, for the supply of the Army, should be repayed the same with consideration for the forbearance thereof, after the rate of eight pounds per Cent. out of the first monies to be raised out of the weekly Assessements by vertue of the late Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament. And whereas the said summe not being fully advanced, the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, upon the motion and desires of divers Members of both Houses of Parliament, did chearfully and unanimously consent to engage themselves for forty thousand pounds, to be advanced forthwith for the supply of the said Army raised by the Parliament, under the Command of his Excellency the Earl of Essex, which is, and is understood and taken to be a very acceptable service, especially at this time, and tends very much to the preservation of Religion, Lawes, and Liberties, and the safety of the Parliament City, and Kingdome; It is thereupon ordained and declared by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that as well the money already lent towards the said threescore thousand pounds, as also the said forty thousand pounds now to be advanced as aforesaid, shall be repaid with consideration for the forbearance thereof, after eight pounds per Cent. out of the first monies to be raised on the said weekly Assessements. And for their further security and encouragement, it is likewise ordained and declared, that the weekly Assessements to be collected in London and the Liberties, shall be paid to Sir John Wollaston Knight, John Warner, John Towse, and Thomas Andrewes, Aldermen, Treasurers in Guild-Hall London; who are hereby directed and appointed to repay the summes already lent and to be advanced as aforesaid, according to the intent of this and the said recited Ordinance. And that the said Treasurers shall not issue or pay forth any part of the said monies, to be raised on the said Assessements, for any other purpose, untill the said summes lent and to be lent, and advanced, be fully satisfied with interest, as aforesaid; excepting onely such monies as are appointed for the use of the City, which is to be issued out by them, according to the said Ordinance made for the weekly Assessements.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, concerning 23000 li. lately lent by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of London, to be repaid out of the Debts and Rents of Houses gathered by the Collectors.
WHereas upon a motion made by a Committee of Lords and Commons, in the name of both Houses of Parliament, for the sum of threescore thousand pounds to be advanced by the Citizens of London for supply of the necessities of the Army, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and divers of the Commons of the said City by vertue of an Ordinance of the 28. of February last did advance 23000 li. or thereabouts, which by another Ordinance of the 5. of April was to be repaid together with 40000 li. more, or thereabouts, lent and advanced by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen alone, with consideration for the forbearance thereof after the rate of 8. per centum per annum for the same, out of the first monies to be raised by the weekly Assessement in the City of London and Liberties thereof.
And whereas the said Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons, are contented that the first three and twenty thousand pounds that shall be repaid out of the weekly Assessements, shall be set apart to be forthwith sent to the Army to supply the present pressing necessities thereof, and to be repaid the same after the said 40000 li. with the forbearance thereof, as aforesaid, is fully satisfied: And whereas the Commons of London, in Common-Councel assembled, have undertaken to doe their utmost endeavour to advance and lend 17000 li. to be forthwith also sent unto the Army, to be repaid with the 23000 li. as aforesaid.
All which advance of moneys is understood and taken to be a very acceptable service, and tends very much to the preservation of Religion, Laws and Liberties, and the safety of the Parliament, City, and Kingdome. It is therefore ordained and declared by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that as well the said 23000 li. as also such other moneys as shall be advanced as aforesaid, shall be repaid with consideration for the forbearance thereof, after the rate as aforesaid, out of the first moneys to be raised upon the weekly Assessement, to be collected in London and Liberties, after the 40000 li. lent and advanced by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen is fully satisfied as aforesaid, and out of the first money collected or to be collected out of the weekly Assessements in the City of Westminister, the Borough of Southwark, the several Parishes in the weekly Bills, and in the rest of the County of Middlesex, as also in the Counties of Hertford, Essex and Suffolk, as also out of the first moneys that shall be raised out of the Assessements of such persons throughout the Kingdome (not above the twentieth part of their estate, or the fifth part of their Annual revenue) as have not contributed upon the Propositions of both Houses, or not proportionably to their Estates, according to an Ordinance of the [...] of May: And for their further security and encouragement, it is likewise ordained by the Lords and Commons aforesaid, that as well Sir Gilbert Gerrard Baronet, Treasurer of the Army, as also Sir John Wollaston Knight, John Warner, John Towse, and Thomas Andrewes, Aldermen of the City of London, appointed Treasurers for the receipt of the said moneys respectively, shall repay the said several sums as aforesaid, and shall not issue the said moneys to any other purpose whatsoever, untill the same shall be fully satisfied as aforesaid. And it is further ordained, that such sums of money as were advanced and not repaid, according to an Ordinance of the 29. of November last, shall be repaid out of such moneys as are or shall be raised by vertue of several Ordinances passed in and about the said November, for assessing of such persons within the City of London and Liberties thereof (not above the 20. part of their estates) as have not contributed upon the Propositions of hoth Houses, or not proportionably to their estates, as also out of such moneys as shall be raised by vertue of the aforesaid Ordinance of the [...] of May aforesaid.